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I>C>T Into the Classroom of Tomorrow
Section 7 Appendices
Appendix 1
Questions for approved training providers
In the last two years, individual providers have received a substantial amount
of HMIE feedback specific to their own training. The issues covered below are
general ones which remain of importance in maintaining the general thrust of
quality improvement in the programme.
- Does the provider have an appropriate level of contact with its partner
authorities to allow both sides regularly to review progress in schools, discuss
issues and find solutions?
- To what extent is the provider ensuring and maintaining a balance in its
training between the achievement of new skills, their use in classroom or
librarian practice, and offering a broader pedagogical insight into the application
of ICT? In secondary schools, is there sufficient focus on supporting subject
- To what extent is the provider using an Intranet or other technology to
support the programme and disseminate key messages about good practice?
- To what extent are participants supported in their training through a variety
of means at provider, education authority and school levels? Is there an appropriate
use of the technology to help achieve this?
- To what extent is the provider continuing to explore ways of encouraging
effective participant involvement in on-line discussions/e-conferencing?
- What involvement does the provider have in the signing-off and action plan
stages? Which other parties are involved?
- In its quality assurance, to what extent is the provider concentrating its
efforts on evaluating the implementation of its programme and customer satisfaction,
and to what extent is it turning its focus towards the quality of achievement
of the Expected Outcomes and the impact on professional practice?
Appendix 2
Questions for education authorities
- To what extent is the NOF training a clear part of the authority's service
- Is there a separate plan for the implementation and review of the NOF initiative?
- Is there a steering group which oversees the overall development of the
NGfL roll-out and the NOF training?
- Are there any key policies or guidelines on the NOF training to support
consistent expectations of schools in this area?
- To what extent is there an expectation that the NOF training appears in
school plans?
- Are appropriate computers and Internet connection consistently available
in the authority's schools to support the training?
- Does the authority's current partnership with its provider(s) include the
opportunity for regular meetings to review progress in schools, discuss issues
and find solutions?
- Are school managers expected to manage, support and monitor the initiative
within their normal procedures?
- Does the NOF training feature on the agendas of authority meetings with
school personnel?
- To what extent is the authority involved in identifying and disseminating
good practice across its schools in the management of the training and the
purposeful use of ICT?
- To what extent does the authority use the technology to disseminate good
practice, for example, using an authority Intranet or e-mail?
- How does the provider's action planning process dovetail with the authority's
plans for continuing professional development?
- Is there a process whereby the end-of-training action plans are collated
and analysed to inform the authority's plans for further ICT staff development?
- Is it authority policy for the impact of the training to be reviewed at
individual level as part of the professional review and development cycle?
- Is the education authority aware of the provider's complaints procedures,
should it require to address a training issue?
Appendix 3
Questions for school managers
- To what extent is the NOF training a clear part of the school's development
- Is the NOF training the clear responsibility of a senior manager?
- In the secondary sector, to what extent are principal teachers involved
in the management and support of the training?
- Are there teachers within the school who mentor and support their colleagues
in the training?
- Are senior managers able to negotiate appropriate time for staff to train?
- To what extent is the training reviewed as part of the professional review
and development cycle?
- Is there an ongoing review of the success of the training at stage/departmental
- To what extent does the school support the embedding of ICT skills by disseminating,
and encouraging discussion of, good practice across the school?
- To what extent are senior managers able to communicate directly with the
provider, discuss issues and find solutions?
- To what extent have managers been asked to comment on the quality of the
- Are school managers aware of the provider's complaints procedures, should
they require to address a training issue?
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