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Improving Enterprise in Education
A report by HM Inspectorate of Education


1 HMIE 2006

2 Quality and Equity of Schooling in Scotland: Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) 2007

3 HMIE 2004

4 Scottish Government 2007

5 HMIE (then HM Inspectors of Schools) 2000

6 Determined to Succeed: A Review of Enterprise in Education; Scottish Executive 2002

7 This report uses Determined to Succeed to mean the programme implemented by the then Scottish Executive

8 Reported in Preparing for Work HMIE 2007

9 Scottish Executive 2005

10 Scottish Executive 2007

11 Scottish Executive 2007

12 HMIE 2006/07

13 Learning and Teaching Scotland 2005

14 Plotting partnership: education-business links in Scotland; University of Stirling 1994

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