The Government's Response to the Children's Safeguards ReviewAnnex D

1.   SGCE was established in 1994. Its primary functions are to monitor the implementation of the child evidence provisions, oversee their evaluation and take forward and resolve any issues arising. The Group is chaired by the Home Office and reports to Home Office Ministers. It includes representatives from interested Government Departments and Agencies (CPS, HMIC, LCD, JSB, DH, ACPO, ADSS) and since last year arrangements have been made for non-Government organisations (NGOs) who work with child witnesses to participate in regular meetings with the Steering Group.
2.   Issues with which the SGCE has previously been involved include the good practice video, "A Case for Balance" for the judiciary and the legal profession which was produced last year by the NSPCC and part funded by the Home Office and other Government Departments.
3.   Since the Children's Safeguards Review reported in 1997, there have been a number of developments in this area and the SGCE is driving forward the following issues:
  1. Fast tracking of child abuse cases: an initiative to fast track cases involving children was promulgated by the Criminal Justice Consultative Committee (CJCC) to their Area Committees. Most areas have such a scheme in place or alternative arrangements have been made to ensure that these cases are dealt with as speedily as is consistent with the interests of justice. In January, the CJCC endorsed proposals from the Lord Chancellors Department, following the piloting of a form designed to monitor fast track schemes. The aim is to start collecting data early next year. This will be evaluated regularly by Area Committees, and twice a year by the CJCC.
  2. Preparing the child for court: the SGCE is co-ordinating work to improve the arrangements for preparing child witnesses for court in consultation with groups and individuals who have an interest.
  3. Revision of the Child Witness Pack: the Pack was revised and relaunched as the Young Witness Pack on 19 June 1998. Under the Victim's Charter the police have responsibility for supplying the Pack to child witnesses and their parents/carers. Monitoring exercises covering all 27 Charter Standards are undertaken by the Home Office twice a year, with a summary of findings appearing in the Home Office Annual Report in April of each year.
  4. The supporter in the TV link room: the SGCE is taking this issue forward in consultation with appropriate agencies.
  5. Provision of transcripts of video evidence: the CPS has taken responsibility for this and established a new unit to carry out the work on 1 December 1997. Regular reports are submitted to SGCE about the performance of the CPS Video Transcription Unit. In addition to routine aspects such as the throughput of tapes, other issues are also highlighted including the technical quality of the videos received.
  6. Quality of playback of video evidence: following approval by the Court Service Management Board, "boxes" have been installed in selected courts which are capable of improving the quality of playback. An evaluation exercise by the Court Service will be completed by March 1999.
  7. Pre-trial therapy: following detailed consideration of the issues relating to the provision of pre-trial therapy by a multi-disciplinary group led by the CPS, good practice guidance has been drafted on which there will be wide consultation. The CPS is to consult on the guidance by the end of the year. The issue of monitoring the effectiveness of the guidance will also be considered by SGCE.

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Prepared December 1998