The Government's Response to the Children's Safeguards ReviewAnnex F

ACOP - Association of Chief Officers of Probation
ACPCs - Area Child Protection Committees
ACPO - Association of Chief Police Officers
ADSS - Association of Directors of Social Services
CCETSW - Central Council for Education and Training in Social Work?
CJCC - Criminal Justice Consultative Committee
CPS - Criminal Prosecution Service
CSPs - Children's Services Plans
DETR - Department of Environment, Transport and the Regions
DfEE - Department for Education and Employment
DH - Department of Health
DipSW - Diploma in Social Work
DTO - Detention and Training Order
EBD - Educational and Behavioural Difficulties
GSCC - General Social Care Council
GCSE - General Certificate of Secondary Education
GTC - General Training Council
HMCIP - Her Majesty's Chief Inspector of Prisons
HMIC - Her Majesty's Inspectorate of Constabulary
HSC - Health Service Circular
ISNIS - Immigration Service National Intelligence Section
JSB -Judicial Studies Board
LCD - Lord Chancellor's Department
LEA - Local Education Authority
LGA - Local Government Association
NGOs - Non-Government Organisations
NPG - National Priorities Guidance
NTO - National Training Organisation
NVQ - National Vocational Qualification
OFSTED -Office of Standards in Education (England)
OHMCI - Office of Her Majesty's Chief Inspector of schools (Wales)
PAMs - Professions Allied to Medicine
PQ - Post Qualifying Award
PSS - Personal Social Services
SGCE - Steering Group on Child Evidence
SSD - Social Services Department
SSI - Social Services Inspectorate
SSIW - Social Services Inspectorate Wales
TSP - Training Support Programme
VOCS - Voluntary Organisations Consultancy Service
WLGA - Welsh Local Government Association
YOIs - Young Offenders Institution

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Prepared December 1998