![]() Guide 01/20Guide for Members of Governing Bodies of Universities and Colleges in England, Wales and Northern IrelandCommittee of University ChairmenView most recent CUC guide (March 2009) Contents and introduction (read on-line) Download (2001 version)Report Annex A - Funding of Higher Education Annex B - The Funding Councils Annex C - Representative Bodies in the Higher Education System Annex D - Quality of Learning and Teaching Annex E - Health and Safety Annex F - Abbreviations and Acronyms in Higher Education Annex G - Higher Education Institutions funded by the HEFCE Annex H - Higher Education Institutions funded by HEFCW Annex I - Universities funded by DHFETE Annex J - Corporate Governance: Annex K - Guidance on Whistleblowing Annex L - Bibliography Index ContentsIntroduction IntroductionInstitutions of higher education are characterised by a distinctive ethos. Despite diverse backgrounds and traditions, they are united in the common purpose of the provision of teaching, and the pursuit of knowledge and research, including research which contributes to economic growth. They are also committed to the principle of academic freedom, that is the freedom to question received wisdom and put forward new and possibly controversial ideas. Additionally, they are autonomous organisations, responsible for the management and direction of their own affairs. Members of governing bodies need to recognise, and be committed to, the distinctive principles and ethos of higher education in order to contribute effectively to the work of the institution with which they are associated. This Guide is intended to assist members of governing bodies of universities and colleges of higher education in England, Wales and Northern Ireland in the performance of their duties. The Guide is divided into two Parts. Part I is directly concerned with the role of the governing body. It outlines the legal status of institutions and their structures of governance, and considers the responsibilities of members of governing bodies towards their own institutions, to Government and Parliament, and to the wider community. Part II of the Guide consists mainly of a series of appendices which provide background information about the higher education system. This information is included in order to help members of the governing body understand their role in a wider context. The internal organisation, procedures and regulations of individual institutions vary enormously and the Guide presents only a broad overview. Members of governing bodies should refer to the secretary or registrar or clerk to their governing body for more detailed information and guidance about the internal arrangements in their particular institution, or about issues raised in the present Guide. The Guide has been prepared by the Committee of University Chairmen (CUC) in association with the Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE), the Higher Education Funding Council for Wales (HEFCW) and the Department of Higher and Further Education, Training and Employment for Northern Ireland (DHFETE), and in co-operation with Universities UK (formerly CVCP), the Association of Heads of University Administration (AHUA) and the Standing Conference of Principals (SCOP). This is the third edition of the Guide and it has been updated to take account of various changes in higher education and the CUCs review of corporate governance published in December 2000. Ron Haylock |