Digital Education Resource Archive (DERA)

Browse by Corporate Authors (Beta)

Number of items: 18.

11 Million
Office of the Children's Commissioner
UK Parliament
Joint Committee on Human Rights' Inquiry on Children's Rights, corp creators. (2009) 11 Million's submission to the Joint Committee on Human Rights' Inquiry on Children's Rights.

11 Million
Office of the Children's Commissioner
Sherbert Research, corp creators. (2009) Children and young people's views on safeguarding : research findings from 11 Million supported by Sherbert Research.

Aynsley-Green, Albert, 11 Million
Office of the Children’s Commissioner, corp creators. (2009) One-year business plan : April 2009-March 2010.

Office of the Children’s Commissioner
11 Million, corp creators. (2009) Standing together : principles to reduce children and young people's involvement in gun and knife crime.

11 Million
Office of the Children’s Commissioner, corp creators. (2009) Submission to the All Party Parliamentary Local Government Group : inquiry into justice in communities, 30th April 2009.

Office of the Children’s Commissioner
11 Million, corp creators. (2009) The right to appeal? : children and young people's views on extending the right to appeal permanent school exclusions and special educational needs decisions.

11 Million, corp creator. (2008) 11 Million Takeover Day: 7 November 2008.

11 Million, corp creator. (2008) 11 Million's submission to the Joint Committee on Human Rights on the Equality Bill: proposals to exclude under-18s from the prohibition on age discrimination and from the age strand of the New Single Public Equality Duty.

11 Million
Office of the Children's Commissioner, corp creators. (2008) The Camhs Review: next steps to improving the emotional well-being and mental health of children and young people : response by 11 million.

11 Million
Office of the Children's Commissioner, corp creators. (2008) Claiming asylum at a screening unit as an unaccompanied child.

11 Million
Office of the Children's Commissioner, corp creators. (2008) Draft revised Mental Health Act 1983 code of practice: comments on issues relevant to children and young people.

11 Million
Office of the Children's Commissioner, corp creators. (2007) Independent review of restraint in juvenile secure settings.

11 Million, corp creator. (2007) One-year plan : April 2007-March 2008.

11 Million
Office of the Children's Commissioner, corp creators. (2007) Planning better outcomes and support for unaccompanied asylum seeking children: a response.

11 Million
Office of the Children's Commissioner, corp creators. (2007) Raising expectations: staying in education and training post-16 : a response.

Aynsley-Green, A., 11 Million
Office of the Children's Commissioner, corp creators. (2007) Section 58 of Children Act 2004 review: a response.

11 Million
Office of the Children's Commissioner, corp creators. Bullying in schools: a review of the current complaints system and recommendations for change.

11 Million
Office of the Children's Commissioner, corp creators. Prison mother and baby units: do they meet the best interests of the child?

This list was generated on Sun Mar 30 23:11:21 2025 UTC.