Digital Education Resource Archive (DERA)

Browse by Corporate Authors (Beta)

Number of items: 20.

British Educational Communications and Technology Agency, corp creator. (2011) Annual report and financial statements.

British Educational Communications and Technology Agency, corp creator. (2009) Becta : our work, its impact.

British Educational Communications and Technology Agency
Harnessing Technology (Strategy), corp creators. (2009) Harnessing Technology funding 2010-2011 : guidance for local authorities.

British Educational Communications and Technology Agency, corp creator. (2009) Harnessing technology, embracing learner voice.

British Educational Communications and Technology Agency, corp creator. (2009) Harnessing technology, safeguarding further education and skills learners in a digital world.

British Educational Communications and Technology Agency, corp creator. (2009) In conversation with Becta: making an impact. [ In conversation with Becta ]

British Educational Communications and Technology Agency, corp creator. (2009) Maximising value, measuring impact: next generation learning for further education and skills.

British Educational Communications and Technology Agency
157 Group, corp creators. (2009) Pushing the boundaries of technology : towards a future vision for the innovative use of technology in Fe colleges : a report of a joint seminar held by Becta and the 157 Group on 5 October 2009.

British Educational Communications and Technology Agency
Next Generation Learning (Programme), corp creators. (2009) This is Next Generation Learning : recognising ICT excellence in schools.

Underwood, Jean D. M., British Educational Communications and Technology Agency, corp creator. (2009) The impact of digital technology : a review of the evidence of the impact of digital technologies on formal education.

British Educational Communications and Technology Agency, corp creator. (2003) What the research says about strategic leadership and management of ICT in schools.

British Educational Communications and Technology Agency
Toshiba, corp creators. (2002) Digital divide: a collection of papers from the Toshiba/Becta digital divide seminar, 19th February 2002.

Department for Education and Skills (DFES)
British Educational Communications and Technology Agency, corp creators. (2001) ImpaCT2 : emerging findings from the evaluation of the impact of information and communications technologies on pupil attainment. [ NGfL research and evaluation series ]

Somekh, Bridget, Department for Education and Skills (DFES)
British Educational Communications and Technology Agency, corp creators. (2001) NGfL pathfinders : preliminary report on the roll-out of the NGfL programme in ten pathfinder LEAs. [ NGfL research and evaluation series ]

British Educational Communications and Technology Agency, corp creator. Annual report 2003-04.

Prior, Gillian and Hall, Louise, Great Britain. Department for Education and Skills
British Educational Communications and Technology Agency, corp creators. ICT in schools survey 2004 : findings from a survey conducted in Spring 2004 : a report to the DfES. [ ICT in schools research and evaluation series ; no. 22 ]

British Educational Communications and Technology Agency, corp creator. What the research says about interactive whiteboards.

British Educational Communications and Technology Agency, corp creator. What the research says about portable ICT devices in teaching and learning.

British Educational Communications and Technology Agency, corp creator. What the research says about using ICT in science.

British Educational Communications and Technology Agency, corp creator. ICT, amenability and the BBC digital curriculum service in England : Becta's report to the Dcms.

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