Tolley, Julie, ELWa - Education and Learning Wales
Tribal Education, corp creators.
Evaluation of the Lifelong Learning Wales Record (llwr) as a management information tool for learning providers.
ELWa - Education and Learning Wales, corp creator.
Auditing the supply of learning: final report.
Collis, Bryan, ELWa - Education and Learning Wales, corp creator.
Barriers to growth in the use of learning technology in the voluntary sector: research report: executive summary.
ELWa - Education and Learning Wales, corp creator.
Disability issues for post-16 learning provision.
ELWa - Education and Learning Wales, corp creator.
Employer investment in workforce skills: final report.
ELWa - Education and Learning Wales
CRG Research, corp creators.
Evaluation of the Information Management Strategy (IMS): final report.
ELWa - Education and Learning Wales, corp creator.
Learning and labour market intelligence for Wales: national report.
ELWa - Education and Learning Wales, corp creator.
Learning insight: asylum seekers & refugees.
ELWa - Education and Learning Wales, corp creator.
Learning insight: males aged 16-24.
ELWa - Education and Learning Wales, corp creator.
North west Wales construction: learning network project : final report.
ELWa - Education and Learning Wales, corp creator.
Annual learning and skills assessment 2005 - 2006.
ELWa - Education and Learning Wales, corp creator.
Evaluation of Skill Build: refine or refocus?
ELWa - Education and Learning Wales, corp creator.
Individual Learning Accounts Wales: second main evaluation report.
Arad Consulting Ltd.
ELWa - Education and Learning Wales
Wales. Welsh Assembly Government
European Institute of Education and Social Policy, corp creators.
Learning worker project evaluation: final report.
BMG Research (Firm)
ELWa - Education and Learning Wales, corp creators.
A learning insight into demography.
ELWa - Education and Learning Wales, corp creator.
A learning insight into economic inactivity.