Digital Education Resource Archive (DERA)

Browse by Corporate Authors (Beta)

Number of items: 144.

Education and Training Inspectorate of Northern Ireland (ETINI), corp creator. (2019) Inspection and Self-Evaluation Framework : effective practice and self-evaluation questions for higher education (Initial Teacher Education): September 2019.

Education and Training Inspectorate of Northern Ireland (ETINI), corp creator. (2019) Post-primary inspection guidance. September 2019.

Education and Training Inspectorate of Northern Ireland (ETINI), corp creator. (2019) Pre-school inspection guidance. September 2019.

Education and Training Inspectorate of Northern Ireland (ETINI), corp creator. (2019) Report of a survey of special educational needs in mainstream schools. February 2019.

Education and Training Inspectorate of Northern Ireland (ETINI), corp creator. (2019) Self-evaluation and inspection of initial teacher education provision : 2019-2020.

Education and Training Inspectorate of Northern Ireland (ETINI), corp creator. (2019) What happens after an inspection : pre-school, nursery schools, primary, post-primary and special education. January 2019.

Education and Training Inspectorate of Northern Ireland (ETINI), corp creator. (2019) Youth inspection : youth provision in Newry, Mourne and Down : report of an area inspection in May 2019.

Education and Training Inspectorate of Northern Ireland (ETINI), corp creator. (2018) Independent schools: inspection guidance.

Education and Training Inspectorate of Northern Ireland (ETINI), corp creator. (2018) Primary Inspection Guidance: March 2018.

Education and Training Inspectorate of Northern Ireland (ETINI), corp creator. (2018) Primary inspection guidance. September 2018.

Education and Training Inspectorate of Northern Ireland (ETINI), corp creator. (2018) What Happens After an Inspection? Pre-school, Nursery Schools, Primary, Post-primary and Special Education.

Education and Training Inspectorate of Northern Ireland (ETINI), corp creator. (2017) Frequently Asked Questions in Relation to Inspection with Action Short of Strike.

Education and Training Inspectorate of Northern Ireland (ETINI), corp creator. (2017) Home Office (Tier 4) Educational Oversight inspections: Inspection Fees.

Education and Training Inspectorate of Northern Ireland (ETINI), corp creator. (2017) Home Office (Tier 4) Educational Oversight inspections: Inspection guidelines.

Education and Training Inspectorate of Northern Ireland (ETINI), corp creator. (2017) Inspection and Self-Evaluation Framework: Effective Practice and Self-Evaluation Questions for Education Other Than At School.

Education and Training Inspectorate of Northern Ireland (ETINI), corp creator. (2017) Inspection and Self-Evaluation Framework: Effective Practice and Self-Evaluation Questions for Further Education, Work-based Learning and European Social Fund.

Education and Training Inspectorate of Northern Ireland (ETINI), corp creator. (2017) Inspection and Self-Evaluation Framework: Effective Practice and Self-Evaluation Questions for Home Office Educational Oversight and Annual Monitoring Review Inspections.

Education and Training Inspectorate of Northern Ireland (ETINI), corp creator. (2017) Inspection and Self-Evaluation Framework: Effective Practice and Self-Evaluation Questions for Post-primary.

Education and Training Inspectorate of Northern Ireland (ETINI), corp creator. (2017) Inspection and Self-Evaluation Framework: Effective Practice and Self-Evaluation Questions for Pre-School.

Education and Training Inspectorate of Northern Ireland (ETINI), corp creator. (2017) Inspection and Self-Evaluation Framework: Effective Practice and Self-Evaluation Questions for Primary.

Education and Training Inspectorate of Northern Ireland (ETINI), corp creator. (2017) Inspection and Self-Evaluation Framework: Effective Practice and Self-Evaluation Questions for Special Education.

Education and Training Inspectorate of Northern Ireland (ETINI), corp creator. (2017) Inspection and Self-Evaluation Framework: Effective Practice and Self-Evaluation Questions for Youth.

Education and Training Inspectorate of Northern Ireland (ETINI), corp creator. (2017) Joint Lesson Observations: Schools, Further Education and Work-Based Learning inspections, district and specialist visits.

Education and Training Inspectorate of Northern Ireland (ETINI), corp creator. (2017) Monitoring Inspection: Guidance For Schools.

Education and Training Inspectorate of Northern Ireland (ETINI), corp creator. (2017) Post-Primary: Inspection Guidance.

Education and Training Inspectorate of Northern Ireland (ETINI), corp creator. (2017) Primary: inspection guidance.

Education and Training Inspectorate of Northern Ireland (ETINI), corp creator. (2017) The Role of the Representative in the Inspection process: Guidance for Schools, Youth, Further Education and Work-based Learning.

Education and Training Inspectorate of Northern Ireland (ETINI), corp creator. (2017) Sustaining Improvement Inspection: Guidance For Schools.

Education and Training Inspectorate of Northern Ireland (ETINI), corp creator. (2017) What Happens After an Inspection? Education Other Than At School.

Education and Training Inspectorate of Northern Ireland (ETINI), corp creator. (2017) What Happens After an Inspection? Pre-school, Nursery Schools, Primary, Post-primary and Special Education.

Education and Training Inspectorate of Northern Ireland (ETINI), corp creator. (2017) Annual Monitoring Review Inspection Report: Foyle International.

Education and Training Inspectorate of Northern Ireland (ETINI), corp creator. (2017) Effective Practice and Self-Evaluation Questions for Education Other Than At School.

Education and Training Inspectorate of Northern Ireland (ETINI), corp creator. (2017) Effective Practice and Self-Evaluation Questions for Home Office Educational Oversight and Annual Monitoring Review Inspections.

Education and Training Inspectorate of Northern Ireland (ETINI), corp creator. (2017) Effective Practice and Self-Evaluation Questions for Pre-School.

Education and Training Inspectorate of Northern Ireland (ETINI), corp creator. (2017) Effective Practice and Self-Evaluation Questions for Primary.

Education and Training Inspectorate of Northern Ireland (ETINI), corp creator. (2017) European Social Fund provision in South West College : Step Up To Sustainable Employment (SUSE+) : report of an Inspection in November 2017.

Education and Training Inspectorate of Northern Ireland (ETINI), corp creator. (2017) European Social Fund provision in YouthAction Northern Ireland : GET SET for Work : report of an inspection in March 2017.

Education and Training Inspectorate of Northern Ireland (ETINI), corp creator. (2017) An Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Examination Entry Practice and Policy in Post-Primary Schools.

Education and Training Inspectorate of Northern Ireland (ETINI), corp creator. (2017) Inspection of European Social Fund Projects: Information.

Education and Training Inspectorate of Northern Ireland (ETINI), corp creator. (2017) Joint Lesson Observations: Schools, Further Education and Work-Based Learning Inspections, District and Specialist Visits.

Education and Training Inspectorate of Northern Ireland (ETINI), corp creator. (2017) Post-primary Inspection Guidance.

Education and Training Inspectorate of Northern Ireland (ETINI), corp creator. (2017) Primary Inspection Guidance: September 2017.

Education and Training Inspectorate of Northern Ireland (ETINI), corp creator. (2017) Special school Inspection Guidance.

Education and Training Inspectorate of Northern Ireland (ETINI), corp creator. (2017) Training for Success and ApprenticeshipsNI Provision in Rutledge Recruitment and Training.

Education and Training Inspectorate of Northern Ireland (ETINI), corp creator. (2017) West Belfast Area Project, Belfast. Youth Inspection.

Education and Training Inspectorate of Northern Ireland (ETINI), corp creator. (2017) What happens after an inspection? : further education, work-based learning and European Social Fund Programmes.

Education and Training Inspectorate of Northern Ireland (ETINI), corp creator. (2017) What happens after an inspection? : youth sector.

Education and Training Inspectorate of Northern Ireland (ETINI), corp creator. (2017) An evaluation of the Youth Training pilot programmes at level 2 and the ApprenticeshipsNI pilot programmes at level 3 provided by the six colleges of further education in Northern Ireland.

Education and Training Inspectorate of Northern Ireland (ETINI), corp creator. (2016) An Interim Report on the Shared Education Signature Project.

Education and Training Inspectorate of Northern Ireland (ETINI), corp creator. (2016) An Evaluation of the Promoting Improvement in English and Mathematics (PIEM) Project.

Education and Training Inspectorate of Northern Ireland (ETINI), corp creator. (2016) Governance - guidance for governors.

Education and Training Inspectorate of Northern Ireland (ETINI), corp creator. (2016) Primary inspection : guidance for co-ordinators, teachers and support staff 2015-16.

Education and Training Inspectorate of Northern Ireland (ETINI), corp creator. (2016) Primary inspection : guidance for the board of governors 2015-16.

Education and Training Inspectorate of Northern Ireland (ETINI), corp creator. (2016) Primary inspection: guidance for principles: 2016-17.

Education and Training Inspectorate of Northern Ireland (ETINI), corp creator. (2016) Primary inspection: guidance for the Board of Governors: 2016/17.

Education and Training Inspectorate of Northern Ireland (ETINI), corp creator. (2016) Relationships and Sexuality Education in Primary and Special Schools: Report of an evaluation by the Education and Training Inspectorate.

Education and Training Inspectorate of Northern Ireland (ETINI), corp creator. (2016) The inspection of pre-school education : guidance on the inspection process : September 2016.

Education and Training Inspectorate of Northern Ireland (ETINI), corp creator. (2016) The inspection process : information for employers : inspections of colleges of further education.

Education and Training Inspectorate of Northern Ireland (ETINI), corp creator. (2016) The inspection process : information for learners : inspections of colleges of further education.

Education and Training Inspectorate of Northern Ireland (ETINI), corp creator. (2016) The inspection process : information for lecturers/tutors : inspections of colleges of further education.

Education and Training Inspectorate of Northern Ireland (ETINI), corp creator. (2016) The inspection process : information for managers and the governing body : inspections of colleges of further education.

Education and Training Inspectorate of Northern Ireland (ETINI), corp creator. (2016) The inspection process : information for staff : inspections of pre-school education centres.

Education and Training Inspectorate of Northern Ireland (ETINI), corp creator. (2016) The inspection process for primary schools (including primary schools with nursery units, learning support units and Irish medium units) : information for parents, carers and guardians.

Education and Training Inspectorate of Northern Ireland (ETINI), corp creator. (2016) The inspection process: information for governors: inspections of schools.

Education and Training Inspectorate of Northern Ireland (ETINI), corp creator. (2015) A Charter for Inspection, September 2015 : ETI, promoting improvement in the interest of all learners.

Education and Training Inspectorate of Northern Ireland (ETINI), corp creator. (2015) Evaluation of continuing professional development (CPD) in further education.

Education and Training Inspectorate of Northern Ireland (ETINI), corp creator. (2015) IQ:RS: improving quality: raising standards: further education and work-based learning: 2015/16.

Education and Training Inspectorate of Northern Ireland (ETINI), corp creator. (2015) Inspection guidance for post-primary principals (2015-16) : post-primary inspection model.

Education and Training Inspectorate of Northern Ireland (ETINI), corp creator. (2015) Joint lesson observations: schools, further education and work-based learning inspections, district and specialist visits.

Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency
Economic and Labour Market Statistics
Education and Training Inspectorate of Northern Ireland (ETINI), corp creators. (2015) Northern Ireland research & development 2014: headline results. [ National statistics ]

Education and Training Inspectorate of Northern Ireland (ETINI), corp creator. (2015) Performance descriptors for programmes of training/learning within work-based learning and further education : revised September 2015.

Education and Training Inspectorate of Northern Ireland (ETINI)
Department for Employment and Learning (DELNI) (Northern Ireland), corp creators. (2015) Together towards improvement : a process for self-evaluation: youth sector.

Education and Training Inspectorate of Northern Ireland (ETINI), corp creator. (2015) What happens after an inspection? : education other than at school.

Education and Training Inspectorate of Northern Ireland (ETINI), corp creator. (2015) What happens after an inspection? : nursery schools, primary, post-primary and special education.

Education and Training Inspectorate of Northern Ireland (ETINI), corp creator. (2015) What happens after an inspection? Further education and work-based learning programmes.

Education and Training Inspectorate of Northern Ireland (ETINI), corp creator. (2015) What happens after an inspection? Youth sector.

Education and Training Inspectorate of Northern Ireland (ETINI), corp creator. (2015) The inspection of pre-school education : guidance on the inspection process.

Education and Training Inspectorate of Northern Ireland (ETINI), corp creator. (2015) The inspection process : information for employers : inspections of supplier organisations.

Education and Training Inspectorate of Northern Ireland (ETINI), corp creator. (2015) The inspection process : information for managers and the management committees : inspections of supplier organisations.

Education and Training Inspectorate of Northern Ireland (ETINI), corp creator. (2015) The inspection process : information for parents : inspection of post-primary schools.

Education and Training Inspectorate of Northern Ireland (ETINI), corp creator. (2015) The inspection process : information for parents : inspections of youth centres/organisations.

Education and Training Inspectorate of Northern Ireland (ETINI), corp creator. (2015) The inspection process : information for parents, carers and guardians : inspections of pre-school education centres.

Education and Training Inspectorate of Northern Ireland (ETINI), corp creator. (2015) The inspection process : information for teachers and support staff : inspection of post-primary schools.

Education and Training Inspectorate of Northern Ireland (ETINI), corp creator. (2015) The inspection process : information for the management group or proprietor : inspections of pre-school education centres.

Education and Training Inspectorate of Northern Ireland (ETINI), corp creator. (2015) The inspection process : information for trainees : inspections of supplier organisations.

Education and Training Inspectorate of Northern Ireland (ETINI), corp creator. (2015) The inspection process : information for tutors/trainers : inspections of supplier organisations.

Education and Training Inspectorate of Northern Ireland (ETINI), corp creator. (2015) The inspection process : information for youth workers : inspections of youth centres/organisations.

Education and Training Inspectorate of Northern Ireland (ETINI), corp creator. (2015) The inspection process: information for parents/carers: inspections of education other than at school (EOTAS).

Education and Training Inspectorate of Northern Ireland (ETINI), corp creator. (2015) The role of the representative in the inspection process : guidance for schools, youth, further education and work based learning, September 2015.

Buick, Noelle, Education and Training Inspectorate of Northern Ireland (ETINI), corp creator. (2014) Chief Inspector’s report 2012-2014 : Education and Training Inspectorate. [ Chief Inspector’s report (Education and Training Inspectorate) ]

Education and Training Inspectorate of Northern Ireland (ETINI), corp creator. (2014) A survey report on supporting pupils with medication needs.

Education and Training Inspectorate of Northern Ireland (ETINI), corp creator. (2013) Preparing school principals to be effective leaders : a review of existing leadership programmes including the professional qualification in headship PQH (NI).

Education and Training Inspectorate of Northern Ireland (ETINI), corp creator. (2013) Primary inspection : information for Principals.

Education and Training Inspectorate of Northern Ireland (ETINI), corp creator. (2013) Primary inspection : information for teaching and support staff.

Education and Training Inspectorate of Northern Ireland (ETINI), corp creator. (2013) Report of a follow-up inspection : an evaluation of the quality of special educational needs provision in special units attached to mainstream schools.

Education and Training Inspectorate of Northern Ireland (ETINI), corp creator. (2013) Survey of best practice in English and mathematics in post-primary schools.

Education and Training Inspectorate of Northern Ireland (ETINI), corp creator. (2013) An evaluation of full service extended schools and full service community network, June 2013.

Education and Training Inspectorate of Northern Ireland (ETINI), corp creator. (2013) An evaluation of the work of special schools within the Area Learning Communities, April 2013.

Education and Training Inspectorate of Northern Ireland (ETINI), corp creator. (2012) The Education and Training Inspectorate Chief Inspector’s Report 2010 - 2012.

Department of Education and Skills Inspectorate – Republic of Ireland
Education and Training Inspectorate of Northern Ireland (ETINI), corp creators. (2012) Joint evaluation report : dissolving boundaries programme 2010/2011.

Education and Training Inspectorate of Northern Ireland (ETINI), corp creator. (2012) ‘Learning across the Continuum’ : special and mainstream schools working together : ‘Sharing Practice: Supporting Inclusion’.

Education and Training Inspectorate of Northern Ireland (ETINI), corp creator. (2012) ‘Learning across the continuum’ : a guide to collaborative practice : ‘sharing practice: supporting inclusion’.

Education and Training Inspectorate of Northern Ireland (ETINI), corp creator. (2012) Report of an evaluation of provision for pupils with a visual impairment in mainstream schools in Northern Ireland.

Education and Training Inspectorate of Northern Ireland (ETINI), corp creator. (2012) A baseline survey of road safety education in primary and post-primary schools across Northern Ireland.

Education and Training Inspectorate of Northern Ireland (ETINI), corp creator. (2012) A survey of the provision for pupils with dyslexia.

Education and Training Inspectorate of Northern Ireland (ETINI), corp creator. (2011) Better English.

Education and Training Inspectorate of Northern Ireland (ETINI), corp creator. (2011) Evaluation of the induction programme for beginning teachers.

Education and Training Inspectorate of Northern Ireland (ETINI), corp creator. (2011) Inspection leading to improvement : business year 2010-2011.

Education and Training Inspectorate of Northern Ireland (ETINI), corp creator. (2011) Report of an evaluation of relationships and sexuality education in post-primary schools.

Education and Training Inspectorate of Northern Ireland (ETINI), corp creator. (2011) Report of an evaluation of the blended learning pilot in the further education colleges.

Education and Training Inspectorate of Northern Ireland (ETINI), corp creator. (2011) Report of an evaluation of the provision for essential skills in the workplace.

Education and Training Inspectorate of Northern Ireland (ETINI), corp creator. (2011) An evaluation of the Innovation Fund: employer support programme.

Education and Training Inspectorate of Northern Ireland (ETINI), corp creator. (2011) An evaluation of the development of children’s language and communication in pre-school settings funded by the Department of Education.

Education and Training Inspectorate of Northern Ireland (ETINI), corp creator. (2011) The language of learning: how student teachers learn, through initial teacher education, to develop and promote literacy and numeracy for all learners.

Education and Training Inspectorate of Northern Ireland (ETINI), corp creator. (2011) A summary evaluation report of The Big Deal Programme.

Education and Training Inspectorate of Northern Ireland (ETINI), corp creator. (2010) Better numeracy in primary schools: evaluations and prompts for self-evaluation.

Education and Training Inspectorate of Northern Ireland (ETINI), corp creator. (2010) Evaluation of the SureStart Programme for 2 year olds.

Education and Training Inspectorate of Northern Ireland (ETINI), corp creator. (2010) Evaluation of the progress made in the implementation of the food-based nutritional standards (School Food: Top Marks) and general approaches to promoting healthy eating in schools in Northern Ireland.

Education and Training Inspectorate of Northern Ireland (ETINI), corp creator. (2010) Inspectorate report of a follow-up evaluation of the use and impact of learning environments in schools and in the wider education service.

Education and Training Inspectorate of Northern Ireland (ETINI), corp creator. (2010) Issues from inspection: transition in mathematics: primary to post-primary.

Education and Training Inspectorate of Northern Ireland (ETINI), corp creator. (2010) Report of an evaluation of pupil behaviour in schools and in alternative educational provision.

Education and Training Inspectorate of Northern Ireland (ETINI), corp creator. (2010) Report of an evaluation of the dissemination of best practice in cultural diversity in the colleges of further and higher education in Northern Ireland.

Education and Training Inspectorate of Northern Ireland (ETINI), corp creator. (2010) Report of an evaluation of the quality of personal training plans for trainees on the Training for Success (TfS) Programme.

Education and Training Inspectorate of Northern Ireland (ETINI), corp creator. (2010) Report of an evaluation on effective practice in education for sustainable development in a sample of primary, post-primary and special schools in Northern Ireland.

Education and Training Inspectorate of Northern Ireland (ETINI), corp creator. (2010) Together Towards Improvement: a process for self-evaluation: special.

Education and Training Inspectorate of Northern Ireland (ETINI), corp creator. (2010) Together towards improvement: a process for self-evaluation: post-primary.

Education and Training Inspectorate of Northern Ireland (ETINI), corp creator. (2010) Together towards improvement: a process for self-evaluation: pre-school.

Education and Training Inspectorate of Northern Ireland (ETINI), corp creator. (2010) Together towards improvement: a process for self-evaluation: primary.

Education and Training Inspectorate of Northern Ireland (ETINI), corp creator. (2010) An evaluation of extended schools.

Education and Training Inspectorate of Northern Ireland (ETINI), corp creator. (2010) An evaluation of the progress of the Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG) programme.

Education and Training Inspectorate of Northern Ireland (ETINI), corp creator. (2010) An evaluation of the quality of educational provision in nursery units in primary schools 2007-2009.

Education and Training Inspectorate of Northern Ireland (ETINI), corp creator. (2010) An evalutation of the quality of special educational needs provision in special schools attached to mainstream schools.

Education and Training Inspectorate of Northern Ireland (ETINI), corp creator. (2010) A follow-up evaluation of the implementation of the revised curriculum in primary, special and post-primary schools 2009.

Education and Training Inspectorate of Northern Ireland (ETINI), corp creator. (2010) A follow-up evaluation report on the implementation of the revised curriculum in primary, special and post-primary schools.

Education and Training Inspectorate of Northern Ireland (ETINI), corp creator. (2010) A report of an evaluation on the quality of learning guidance in post-primary schools.

Education and Training Inspectorate of Northern Ireland (ETINI), corp creator. (2009) An evaluation of the primary Modern Languages programme.

Education and Training Inspectorate of Northern Ireland (ETINI), corp creator. (2009) A second evaluation report on the Specialist Schools’ programme 2008-2009.

Education and Training Inspectorate of Northern Ireland (ETINI), corp creator. (2007) The Chief inspector's report 2004-2006.

Education and Training Inspectorate of Northern Ireland (ETINI), corp creator. (2007) Quality indicators for the youth sector.

Education and Training Inspectorate of Northern Ireland (ETINI), corp creator. (2005) The Chief inspector's report 2002-2004.

Education and Training Inspectorate of Northern Ireland (ETINI), corp creator. (2003) Together towards improvement : pre-school education.

Education and Training Inspectorate of Northern Ireland (ETINI), corp creator. Annual business report : 2007-2008 business year.

Education and Training Inspectorate of Northern Ireland (ETINI), corp creator. Annual business report : 2008-2009 business year.

Education and Training Inspectorate of Northern Ireland (ETINI), corp creator. Annual business report : 2009-2010 business year.

This list was generated on Fri Sep 27 06:16:23 2024 UTC.