Digital Education Resource Archive (DERA)

Browse by Corporate Authors (Beta)

Number of items: 123.

Estyn, corp creator. (2024) Improving attendance in secondary schools. [ Thematic report ]

Estyn, corp creator. (2023) All-Age : 2022-2023. [ Sector Summary ]

Estyn, corp creator. (2023) Non-maintained nurseries : 2022-2023. [ Sector Summary ]

Estyn, corp creator. (2023) Primary : 2022-2023. [ Sector Summary ]

Estyn, corp creator. (2023) Secondary : 2022-2023. [ Sector Summary ]

Estyn, corp creator. (2018) A levels in sixth forms and further education colleges : November 2018.

Estyn, corp creator. (2016) Local authority Welsh in Education Strategic Plans.

Estyn, corp creator. (2009) Best practice in mathematics for pupils aged 3-7.

Estyn, corp creator. (2009) Estyn 2010: public consultation on proposals for the next cycle of Estyn inspections 2010-2016.

Estyn, corp creator. (2009) Estyn policy and procedures for safeguarding.

Estyn, corp creator. (2009) Evaluation of the extent and impact of remodelling on learning and the school workforce.

Estyn, corp creator. (2009) Evaluation of the quality and value of the education and training funded through Wales Union Learning Fund (WULF).

Estyn, corp creator. (2009) Food and fitness in schools: an update.

Estyn, corp creator. (2009) Good practice in parental involvement in primary schools.

Estyn, corp creator. (2009) How effective is provision for learners aged 16 to 19 years with English language acquisition needs?

Estyn, corp creator. (2009) How good is the training of youth support workers in Wales.

Estyn, corp creator. (2009) Improving modern foreign languages in secondary schools in Wales : advice and guidance on good practice for schools and local authorities = Gwella ieithoedd tramor modern yn ysgolion uwchradd Cymru : cyngor ac arweiniad ar arfer dda i ysgolion ac awdurdodau lleol.

Estyn, corp creator. (2009) Inspecting participation: mapping the Common Inspection Framework against the National Children and Young People's Participation Standards for Wales.

Estyn, corp creator. (2009) Listening to the community: how good are providers at finding out the needs of adults in the local communities?

Estyn, corp creator. (2009) Local authorities and schools causing concern: an evaluation of the impact of local authority intervention and support for schools causing concern.

Estyn, corp creator. (2009) Local authority support for the education of children of migrant workers.

Estyn, corp creator. (2009) Management information in local authority youth services.

Estyn, corp creator. (2009) Physical education for pupils with learning difficulties: identifying good practice.

CRG Research, corp creators. (2009) Public consultation on Estyn's proposed changes to the inspection of education and training in Wales from September 2010.

Estyn, corp creator. (2009) Sharing good practice in developing pupils' literacy skills.

Estyn, corp creator. (2009) Using data to plan strategically for children and young people.

Estyn, corp creator. (2009) The effectiveness of performance management and review (pmar) in further education institutions.

Estyn, corp creator. (2009) An evaluation of post-18 offender learning in Wales.

Estyn, corp creator. (2009) The impact of Raise 2008-2009: evaluation of the impact of Raise funding on raising the levels of performance of disadvantaged pupils : a report on the third year of the programme.

Estyn, corp creator. (2009) The impact of the schools race equality policy.

Estyn, corp creator. (2009) The impact of unlocking the potential funding on promoting the use of special schools as community focused resource bases.

Estyn, corp creator. (2008) Closing the gap between boys' and girls' attainment in schools.

Estyn, corp creator. (2008) Food and fitness in schools: a report on how well schools in Wales support children and young people to be healthy and active.

Estyn, corp creator. (2008) Impact of the Better Schools Fund on curriculum development.

Estyn, corp creator. (2008) Joining in.

Estyn, corp creator. (2008) Meeting the learning needs of children and young people who offend.

Estyn, corp creator. (2008) An evaluation of the delivery of key skills qualifications at key stage 4 in schools that are not piloting the Welsh Baccalaureate.

Estyn, corp creator. (2008) The impact of transition plans: an evaluation of the use of transition plans by primary-secondary school partnerships to improve the quality of learning and standards.

Estyn, corp creator. (2007) Education about substance misuse: evaluation of the implementation and impact in schools of the guidance 'Substance misuse: children and young people' in Welsh Assembly Government circular 1.

Estyn, corp creator. (2007) Estyn's arrangements for assuring the quality of contracted out work in relation to school inspections: policy and procedures Rev.

Estyn, corp creator. (2007) Evaluating outcomes for children and young people with additional learning needs.

Estyn, corp creator. (2007) Supplementary guidance for inspecting learning pathways 14-19 in secondary schools and special schools.

Estyn, corp creator. (2007) Transforming schools : a discussion paper = Trawsnewid ysgolion : papur trafod.

Estyn, corp creator. (2007) Understanding inspections in schools : a guide for teachers and governors = Deall arolygiadau mewn ysgolion : canllaw ar gyfer athrawon a llywodraethwyr.

Estyn, corp creator. (2007) The common inspection framework for custodial establishments in Wales.

Estyn, corp creator. (2007) An evaluation of performance of schools before and after moving into new buildings or significantly refurbished premises.

Estyn, corp creator. (2007) An evaluation of the Gcse Welsh second language short course.

Estyn, corp creator. (2007) An evaluation of the effectiveness of Wjec national Inset programmes.

Estyn, corp creator. (2007) The impact of the continuing professional development programme on teachers, schools and on raising pupils' achievement.

Estyn, corp creator. (2006) Improving attendance.

Estyn, corp creator. (2006) PE and school sport action plan: an in depth look at progress made in the implementation of the Pess action plan.

Estyn, corp creator. (2006) Post-16 basic skills provision: basic skills initial assessment, support and monitoring systems.

Estyn, corp creator. (2006) Small primary schools in Wales.

Estyn, corp creator. (2006) An evaluation of the quality and standards of initial training for part-time youth workers in Wales.

Estyn, corp creator. (2006) The quality of education and training provision for young people in the youth justice system.

Estyn, corp creator. (2005) The education of gypsy traveller learners: a survey of provision made by schools and local authorities to meet the needs of gypsy traveller learners.

Estyn, corp creator. (2004) Barriers to completion of full training frameworks by learners in work based training.

Estyn, corp creator. (2004) Behaviour management training.

Estyn, corp creator. (2004) Welsh language, our language: its future (iaith pawb) : advice to support the implementation of aspects of the Ell Committee policy review.

Employment Services Wales, corp creators. (2001) The New Deal in Wales : the management of quality and the continuous improvement agenda.

Employment Services Wales, corp creators. (2001) The New Deal in Wales : the match between vacancies and training opportunities.

Estyn, corp creator. Improving the learning and teaching of early reading skills.

Estyn, corp creator. Changes in teaching and learning promoted by the Aiming for Excellence programme 2004-05.

Estyn, corp creator. Current qualifications and the 14-19 Learning Pathways initiative.

Estyn, corp creator. Education in children's homes.

Estyn, corp creator. Equal opportunities and diversity in schools in Wales.

Estyn, corp creator. Evaluation of the implementation by schools and local education authorities of guidance on exclusions.

Estyn, corp creator. The Foundation Phase pilots.

Estyn, corp creator. Girls' participation in physical activity in schools.

Estyn, corp creator. Guidance for the inspection of youth support services.

Estyn, corp creator. Guidance on the inspection of education and training in Hm custodial establishments in Wales.

Estyn, corp creator. Guidance on the inspection of independent schools.

Estyn, corp creator. Guidance on the inspection of initial teacher training.

Estyn, corp creator. Guidance on the inspection of primary and nursery schools.

Estyn, corp creator. Guidance on the inspection of secondary schools.

Estyn, corp creator. Guidance on the inspection of special schools and pupil referral units.

Estyn, corp creator. Having your say- young people, participation and school councils.

Estyn, corp creator. How linkages can be improved between continuing professional development: school development plans, performance management and raising standards.

Estyn, corp creator. LEA provision of specialist advice to schools on aspects of health and safety in physical education and school sport.

Estyn, corp creator. LEA strategies to challenge and support schools with weaknesses especially where pupils are underachieving or where high standards could be achieved for larger numbers of pupils.

Estyn, corp creator. Leadership and strategic management in the further education, work-based learning and adult community-based learning sectors.

Estyn, corp creator. Local authority education services in Wales: a framework for inspection under Section 38 of the Education Act 1997 and Section 51 of The Children Act 2004.

Estyn, corp creator. Local education authority practice in monitoring the location of pupils being educated outside the school setting and those missing from education.

Estyn, corp creator. Low performing secondary schools 2004-2005.

Estyn, corp creator. Mathcymru Project.

Wales. Welsh Assembly Government
Qualifications, Curriculum and Assessment Authority for Wales, corp creators. Moving on - improving learning: effective transition from key stage 2 to key stage 3.

Estyn, corp creator. PE and school sport initiative : progress in the implementation in development centre schools in Wales 2004 - 2005.

Great Britain. Office for Standards in Education
Adult Learning Inspectorate (ALI)
Estyn, corp creators. Pengwern College inspection report.

Estyn, corp creator. Post-16 basic skills provision: survey report on staffing arrangements including training and qualifications : good practice in basic skills provision in work-based learning providers.

Estyn, corp creator. Post-16 provision in schools : factors that influence the capacity of school sixth forms to meet the needs and aspirations of learners.

Estyn, corp creator. Quality and standards in education and training in Wales: a report on the quality of work-based learning and Jobcentre Plus programmes in Icon Vocational Training.

Estyn, corp creator. Quality and standards in post-16 education and learning in Wales: area inspection report : the quality of education and learning for residents of Blaenau Gwent aged 16-19.

Estyn, corp creator. Quality and standards of UfI/Cymru Learndirect programmes Interim Report.

Estyn, corp creator. Quality of teacher assessment and materials used to support assessment (since scrapping of key stage 1 testing).

Estyn, corp creator. Raising standards and tackling workload in schools in Wales.

Estyn, corp creator. Review of the contribution of the Aiming for Excellence programme to the raising of standards in Key Stage 3.

Estyn, corp creator. Review of the revised National Professional Qualification for Headship.

Estyn, corp creator. School meals: advice on the role of inspection in monitoring school meal standards.

Estyn, corp creator. Sex and relationships education : the implementation of the guidance in circular 11/02 in schools in Wales 2004 - 2005.

Estyn, corp creator. Sex and relationships guidance.

Estyn, corp creator. Success for all : support in further education colleges and work based learning companies for 16-19 year olds with additional learning needs.

Estyn, corp creator. Survey report: ethnic minority achievement grant (emag) effective use of resources.

Estyn, corp creator. Thematic survey of Pupil Referral Units and similar provision.

Estyn, corp creator. Training for the social care sector in work-based learning and further education.

Estyn, corp creator. Understanding inspections in providers of work-based learning and the Department for Work and Pensions funded training programmes : guidance notes for training staff and management committees.

Estyn, corp creator. Values education: an evaluation of provision of education for the promotion of social responsibility and respect for others.

Estyn, corp creator. Y Cwricwlwm Cymreig: progress made by schools in implementation of Accac guidance issued in 2003.

Estyn, corp creator. Young people's partnerships and the voluntary sector.

Estyn, corp creator. An evaluation of the contribution of the Basic Skills Quality Mark award to the standards and quality of literacy and numeracy in primary and secondary schools in Wales.

Estyn, corp creator. An evaluation of the impact of the Better Schools Fund provision for Ict in schools.

Estyn, corp creator. An evaluation of the use made by local authorities and schools of resources made available by the Music Development Fund in Wales.

Estyn, corp creator. An explanation of risk assessed inspection types: (full/standard/short).

Estyn, corp creator. The impact of Raise funding: an interim report.

Estyn, corp creator. The impact of the induction and early professional development programme on teachers' job satisfaction and retention.

Estyn, corp creator. The impact of workforce remodelling on pupils' learning and raising standards.

Estyn, corp creator. The implementation of the induction year for newly qualified teachers in Wales.

Estyn, corp creator. The management of safety in physical education and outdoor activities.

Estyn, corp creator. The quality of the education and training provided for Welsh young people in the youth justice system.

Estyn, corp creator. A report on Welsh immersion and intensive language teaching pilot projects in schools.

Estyn, corp creator. A survey of Welsh as a second language in key stages 2 and 3 and transition = Arolwg o'r Gymraeg fel ail iaith yng nghyfnodau allweddol 2 a 3 a'r cyfnod pontio.

Estyn, corp creator. A survey of procedures for vetting school staff and other adults.

Estyn, corp creator. A survey of the quality of provision of trade union education courses in Wales that are funded by the National Council-ELWa and the Welsh Assembly Government.

Estyn, corp creator. The use of performance data in local authorities and schools.

This list was generated on Sun Mar 30 21:02:55 2025 UTC.