Digital Education Resource Archive (DERA)

Browse by Corporate Authors (Beta)

Number of items: 31.

Great Britain. Department for Education and Skills., corp creator. (2005) Harnessing technology : transforming learning and children's services.

Great Britain. Department for Constitutional Affairs.
Great Britain. Department for Education and Skills.
Great Britain. Department of Trade and Industry., corp creators. (2005) Parental separation : children's needs and parents' responsibilities : next steps : report of the responses to consultation and agenda for action. [ Cm ; 6452 ]

Great Britain. Department for Education and Skills., corp creator. (2004) Consultation on The (Education) (Miscellaneous) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2004.

Great Britain. Department for Education and Skills., corp creator. (2004) Consultation on targets for English and mathematics at key stage 2 in 2004.

Great Britain. Department for Education and Skills., corp creator. (2004) Consultation on the application of the Best Value Code of Practice on Workforce Matters in Local Authority Service Contracts to maintained schools.

Great Britain. Department for Education and Skills., corp creator. (2004) Safeguarding children: child protection : guidance about child protection arrangements for the education service : consultation on draft revision of child protection guidance to schools, LEAs, governing bodies, Fe institutions and their corporations in England.

Great Britain. Department for Education and Skills., corp creator. (2004) Schools' race equality policies: from issues to outcomes.

Great Britain. Department for Education and Skills., corp creator. (2003) Re-enactment of the Health Standards Provisions of the Education (Teachers' Qualifications and Health Standards) (England) Regulations 1999.

Great Britain. Department for Education and Skills., corp creator. (2003) Teachers' Pensions (Amendment) regulations 2004.

Great Britain. Department for Education and Skills.
Great Britain. Department for Education and Skills. Standards and Effectiveness Unit, corp creators. (2002) Early literacy support programme : top-up session materials for teaching assistants. [ Guidance. Curriculum and standards. ]

Great Britain. Department for Education and Skills., corp creator. (2002) Raising standards: training and development for leaders and managers.

Great Britain. Department for Education and Skills., corp creator. (2002) The adult common basic data set.

Great Britain. Department for Education and Skills., corp creator. (2001) Teachers' professional development standards framework consultation.

Great Britain. Department for Education and Skills., corp creator. Cutting burdens: good practice in cutting bureaucracy /2: the introduction of information and communication technology (ict) and electronic data handling : the transfer of tasks from teachers to support staff : companion volume to Bureaucracy cutting toolkit : Good practice in cutting bureaucracy.

Great Britain. Department for Education and Skills., corp creator. Further education: raising skills, improving life chances: race equality impact assessment : statistical supplement.

Great Britain. Department for Education and Skills., corp creator. Good practice in cutting bureaucracy: companion volume to Bureaucracy cutting toolkit Good practice in cutting bureaucracy.

Great Britain. Department for Education and Skills., corp creator. Making safeguarding everyone's business: the government's response to the second chief inspectors report on the arrangements to safeguard children.

Great Britain. Department for Education and Skills., corp creator. Pedagogy and personalisation. [ Guidance. Curriculum and standards ]

Great Britain. Department for Education and Skills., corp creator. School support staff training and development: our plans for 2004-05.

Great Britain. Department for Education and Skills., corp creator. Transforming youth work resourcing excellent youth services.

Great Britain. Department for Education and Skills.
Great Britain. Department of Health., corp creators. Consultation on the Draft Commission for Social Care Inspection. (Children's Rights Director) Regulations 2004.

Great Britain. Department for Education and Skills., corp creator. ContactPoint*: consultation on draft information sharing index (England) regulations and partial regulatory impact assessment.

Godfrey, Christine, Great Britain. Department for Education and Skills., corp creator. Estimating the cost of being *not in education, employment or training* at age 16-18. [ Research report (Great Britain. Department for Education and Skills) ; 346 ]

Tikly, Leon, Great Britain. Department for Education and Skills., corp creator. Ethnic Minority Achievement Grant : analysis of Lea action plans. [ Research report (Great Britain. Department for Education and Skills) ; 371 ]

Watson, Andrew, Stewart, Neil and Ferguson, John, Great Britain. Department for Education and Skills., corp creator. Evaluation of new approaches to work-related learning at key stage four. Technical annex. [ Research report (Great Britain. Department for Education and Skills) ; No. 326 ]

Great Britain. Department for Education and Skills., corp creator. London's key issues.

Great Britain. Department for Education and Skills.
Institute for Employment Research, University of Warwick, corp creators. Net costs of modern apprenticeship training to employers.

Gore, Tony and Smith, Nicola, Great Britain. Department for Education and Skills., corp creator. Patterns of educational attainment in the British coalfields. [ Research report (Great Britain. Department for Education and Skills) ; 314 ]

Great Britain. Department for Education and Skills.
London Councils, corp creators. Procurement of home to school transport services for children with special educational needs in London.

Great Britain. Department for Education and Skills., corp creator. Reflections on the 2003 Key Stage 2 tests.

Great Britain. Department for Education and Skills.
Great Britain. Department for Education and Skills. Standards and Effectiveness Unit, corp creators. Year 6 planning exemplification 3. [ Guidance. Curriculum and standards. ]

This list was generated on Sun Mar 30 21:08:17 2025 UTC.