Digital Education Resource Archive (DERA)

Browse by Corporate Authors (Beta)

Number of items: 149.

Morgan, Roger, Great Britain. Office for Standards in Education
Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills (OFSTED), corp creators. (2008) Children's experience of private fostering.

Great Britain. Office for Standards in Education, corp creator. (2004) Framework for the inspection of local education authorities.

Gillborn, David and Mirza, Heidi Safia, Great Britain. Office for Standards in Education, corp creator. (2000) Educational inequality : mapping race, class and gender : a synthesis of research evidence.

Great Britain. Office for Standards in Education, corp creator. Are you ready for your inspection?: a guide to inspections of childcare and nursery education conducted by Ofsted.

Morgan, Roger, Great Britain. Office for Standards in Education
Office of the Children's Rights Director, corp creators. Children on care standards: children's views on national minimum standards for children's social care : a report.

Morgan, Roger, Great Britain. Office for Standards in Education
Office of the Children's Rights Director, corp creators. Children's views on advocacy: a report.

Great Britain. Office for Standards in Education, corp creator. Day care: is it for you?

Great Britain. Office for Standards in Education, corp creator. ICT in schools 2004: the impact of government initiatives : Ict school portraits : Cramlington Community High School.

Great Britain. Office for Standards in Education, corp creator. ICT in schools 2004: the impact of government initiatives : Ict school portraits : Eggbuckland Community College.

Great Britain. Office for Standards in Education, corp creator. ICT in schools 2004: the impact of government initiatives : Ict school portraits : Lent Rise County Combined School.

Great Britain. Office for Standards in Education, corp creator. ICT in schools 2004: the impact of government initiatives five years on.

Great Britain. Office for Standards in Education, corp creator. ICT in schools : the impact of government initiatives five years on.

Great Britain. Office for Standards in Education, corp creator. Managing challenging behaviour.

Learning and Skills Council (Great Britain)
Great Britain. Office for Standards in Education
Great Britain. Department for Education and Skills
Jobcentre Plus, corp creators. Quality improvement and self-assessment.

Great Britain. Office for Standards in Education, corp creator. A focus on improvement: proposals for maintained school inspections from September 2009.

Great Britain. Office for Standards in Education, corp creator. 2004 Panda report for anonymous primary school.

Bell, David., Great Britain. Office for Standards in Education, corp creator. A 21st-century curriculum for 14-19 year olds : speech to the Texas Lyceum Association : 25th Anniversary Conference : 7 October 2005.

Great Britain. Office for Standards in Education, corp creator. Advanced skills teachers: appointment, deployment and impact : inspected Autumn 1999 and Summer 2000.

Great Britain. Office for Standards in Education, corp creator. Annual performance assessment: councils' views on the Apa of children's services in 2005.

Adult Learning Inspectorate (ALI)
Great Britain. Office for Standards in Education, corp creators. Centres of vocational excellence in practice: a survey report on 40 CoVEs in five skills sectors.

NOP Social and Political
NOP World
National Opinion Polls
Great Britain. Office for Standards in Education, corp creators. Childcare provider satisfaction survey report: April 2005.

Bell, David., Great Britain. Office for Standards in Education, corp creator. Citizenship through participation and responsible action: speech for the Barclays New Futures conference, 15 November 2005.

Great Britain. Office for Standards in Education, corp creator. Classics Gcse results of 15 year old pupils: 1999.

Great Britain. Office for Standards in Education, corp creator. Complaints about children's services inspections : making a complaint about joint area reviews and annual performance assessments.

Great Britain. Office for Standards in Education, corp creator. Complaints about college inspections.

Great Britain. Office for Standards in Education, corp creator. Complaints about independent school inspections.

Great Britain. Office for Standards in Education, corp creator. Contents and operation of the education profile for the 2004 comprehensive performance assessment.

Great Britain. Office for Standards in Education, corp creator. Continuing professional development for teachers in schools: inspected September 2000 to April 2001.

Great Britain. Office for Standards in Education, corp creator. Creating opportunity for young people : the DfES's grant scheme for national voluntary youth organisations 2002-2005.

Great Britain. Office for Standards in Education, corp creator. Creative partnerships: initiative and impact : the impact of sustained partnerships between schools and creative practitioners as a result of Creative Partnerships initiatives.

Great Britain. Office for Standards in Education, corp creator. Curriculum 2000: the first year of implementation : September 2000 to July 2001.

Great Britain. Office for Standards in Education, corp creator. Data on schools causing concern: spring term 2005.

Great Britain. Office for Standards in Education, corp creator. Day care and childminding : guidance to the National Standards revisions to certain criteria : October 2005.

Great Britain. Office for Standards in Education, corp creator. Day care: guidance to the national standards : revisions to certain criteria.

Great Britain. Department for Education and Skills
Great Britain. Department for Education and Employment
Great Britain. Office for Standards in Education, corp creators. Department for Education and Skills resource accounts.

Great Britain. Office for Standards in Education, corp creator. Developing a coherent 14-19 phase of education and training.

Great Britain. Office for Standards in Education, corp creator. Drugs education in schools: an update : September 2000.

Great Britain. Office for Standards in Education, corp creator. Early doors: experiences for children in day care during the first hour of the day.

Great Britain. Office for Standards in Education, corp creator. Education action zones: commentary on the first six zone inspections : February 2001.

Bell, David, Great Britain. Office for Standards in Education, corp creator. Education for democratic citizenship : speech : Roscoe lecture series, Liverpool, 2 November 2005.

Great Britain. Office for Standards in Education, corp creator. Embedding Ict in schools: a dual evaluation exercise.

Great Britain. Office for Standards in Education, corp creator. English 2000-05 : a review of inspection evidence.

Great Britain. Office for Standards in Education, corp creator. Evaluating educational inclusion : guidance for inspectors and schools.

KPMG Management Consulting.
Great Britain. Office for Standards in Education, corp creators. Evaluation of the manageability of the joint area review and corporate assessment process: final report.

Great Britain. Office for Standards in Education, corp creator. Every child matters : framework for the inspection of children's services.

Great Britain. Office for Standards in Education, corp creator. Every child matters : inspecting services for children and young people : discussion questions.

Great Britain. Office for Standards in Education
Adult Learning Inspectorate (ALI), corp creators. Every child matters : inspection of children's services : key judgements and evidence.

Great Britain. Office for Standards in Education
Adult Learning Inspectorate (ALI), corp creators. Every child matters : joint area reviews of children's services : proposals for consultation.

Great Britain. Office for Standards in Education, corp creator. Every child matters: arrangements for the annual performance assessment of council children's services.

Great Britain. Office for Standards in Education, corp creator. Every child matters: consultation questionnaire on new arrangements for children's services inspection.

Great Britain. Office for Standards in Education, corp creator. Every child matters: inspecting services for children and young people: discussion with stakeholders: summary of responses.

Great Britain. Office for Standards in Education, corp creator. Every child matters: inspection of children's services : key judgements and illustrative evidence.

Great Britain. Office for Standards in Education, corp creator. Every child matters: summary of the arrangements.

Great Britain. Office for Standards in Education, corp creator. Every child matters: the framework for inspection of children's services: draft for consultation.

Great Britain. Office for Standards in Education, corp creator. Every child matters: timetable of joint area reviews, listed alphabetically by authority.

Great Britain. Office for Standards in Education, corp creator. Excellence in Cities : managing associated initiatives to raise standards.

Great Britain. Office for Standards in Education, corp creator. Food technology in secondary schools.

Great Britain. Office for Standards in Education, corp creator. Forward from special measures.

Great Britain. Office for Standards in Education, corp creator. Framework for inspecting schools 2005 [consultation].

Great Britain. Office for Standards in Education, corp creator. Framework for the inspection of initial teacher training for the award of qualified teacher status 2005-2011.

Great Britain. Office for Standards in Education, corp creator. Framework for the regulation of childminding and day care: 2005.

Bell, David., Great Britain. Office for Standards in Education, corp creator. Further education : the first Ofsted inspection cycle and the way ahead : speech : Association of Colleges' Annual Conference, 17 November 2005.

Great Britain. Office for Standards in Education, corp creator. Further education matters : The first four years of Ofsted/ALI college inspections.

Great Britain. Office for Standards in Education, corp creator. General code of conduct and registration of interests for senior staff.

Great Britain. Office for Standards in Education, corp creator. Geography in schools: changing practice.

Great Britain. Office for Standards in Education, corp creator. Good school libraries: making a difference to learning.

Great Britain. Office for Standards in Education, corp creator. The Graduate Teacher Programme : inspected Autumn 2000-Spring 2001.

Great Britain. Office for Standards in Education, corp creator. Grants to national voluntary youth organizations 1996-1999.

Great Britain. Office for Standards in Education, corp creator. Handbook for 14-19 area inspections.

Great Britain. Office for Standards in Education, corp creator. Handbook for inspecting colleges (draft).

Great Britain. Office for Standards in Education, corp creator. Handbook: conducting the annual performance assessment.

Great Britain. Office for Standards in Education, corp creator. Healthy eating in schools.

Great Britain. Office for Standards in Education, corp creator. Healthy schools, healthy children?: the contribution of education to pupils' health and well-being.

Matthews, Peter and Sammons, Pam, Great Britain. Office for Standards in Education
University of London. Institute of Education, corp creators. Improvement through inspection: an evaluation of the impact of Ofsted's work.

Great Britain. Office for Standards in Education, corp creator. Increased flexibility programme at Key Stage 4.

Myhill, Debra and Fisher, Ros, Great Britain. Office for Standards in Education, corp creator. Informing practice in English : a review of recent research in literacy and the teaching of English.

Great Britain. Office for Standards in Education, corp creator. Initial teacher training for teachers of citizenship 2004/05.

Great Britain. Office for Standards in Education, corp creator. Inspecting extended schools : briefing paper.

Great Britain. Office for Standards in Education, corp creator. Inspecting independent schools: the framework for inspecting independent schools in England under Section 162a of the Education Act 2002 : in use from September 2005.

Great Britain. Office for Standards in Education, corp creator. Inspecting outcomes for children: guidance for inspectors : childminding, day care and nursery education inspections.

Great Britain. Office for Standards in Education
Further Education Funding Council (Great Britain)
Great Britain. Training Standards Council, corp creators. Inspecting post-16 education and training : informal consultation on the Common inspection framework for use by the Office for Standards in Education and the Adult Learning Inspectorate.

Great Britain. Office for Standards in Education, corp creator. Inspecting schools : the framework for inspecting schools in England from September 2003. Draft for consultation, March 2002.

Teacher Training Agency
Great Britain. Office for Standards in Education, corp creators. Inspection arrangements for initial teacher training: 2002/03 Onwards.

Great Britain. Office for Standards in Education, corp creator. Inspection of day care: further guidance for section 5 inspectors.

Great Britain. Office for Standards in Education, corp creator. Inspection of the Key Stage 2 training element of Key Stage.

Great Britain. Office for Standards in Education, corp creator. Joint area review enhanced youth inspection: head of youth service guidance paper.

Great Britain. Office for Standards in Education, corp creator. Joint area review: youth service coverage: head of youth service briefing paper.

Great Britain. Office for Standards in Education, corp creator. Joint area reviews: youth service: self-assessment guidance: August 2005.

Great Britain. Office for Standards in Education, corp creator. The Key Stage 4 curriculum : increased flexibility, work-related learning and Young Apprenticeship programmes.

Great Britain. Office for Standards in Education, corp creator. Leadership and management training for headteachers: report by HMI.

Great Britain. Office for Standards in Education, corp creator. Learning to be enterprising: an evaluation of enterprise learning at key stage 4.

Great Britain. Office for Standards in Education, corp creator. List of additional inspectors of schools, further education colleges and independent schools.

Great Britain. Office for Standards in Education, corp creator. List of additional inspectors of schools, further education colleges and independent schools.

Great Britain. Office for Standards in Education, corp creator. Making a difference: how Ofsted inspections improved inadequate care for children.

Great Britain. Office for Standards in Education, corp creator. Managing pupil mobility.

Great Britain. Office for Standards in Education, corp creator. The Ofsted framework for the regulation of day care and childminding. Version 1.

Great Britain. Office for Standards in Education, corp creator. Ofsted research into the relevance of education for the workplace: summary report.

Great Britain. Office for Standards in Education, corp creator. Ofsted subject conference reports 2003/04.

Great Britain. Office for Standards in Education, corp creator. Ofsted subject conference reports 2004/05.

Great Britain. Office for Standards in Education, corp creator. Parents' satisfaction with schools.

Great Britain. Office for Standards in Education
Adult Learning Inspectorate (ALI)
Estyn, corp creators. Pengwern College inspection report.

Great Britain. Office for Standards in Education, corp creator. Performance Assessment And National Contextual Data (panda) for special schools : 2003 data version : May 2004.

Great Britain. Office for Standards in Education, corp creator. Pre-inspection briefing : primary school.

Great Britain. Office for Standards in Education, corp creator. Pre-inspection briefing : secondary school.

Great Britain. Office for Standards in Education, corp creator. Pre-inspection briefing: special school.

Great Britain. Office for Standards in Education, corp creator. Proportionate inspection: a consultation document.

Great Britain. Office for Standards in Education, corp creator. Provision for gifted and talented pupils in physical education 2003-04.

Great Britain. Office for Standards in Education, corp creator. Pupil referral units : briefing paper.


Great Britain. Office for Standards in Education, corp creator. Quality of childcare as at 31 March 2005.

Great Britain. Office for Standards in Education, corp creator. Quality of nursery education provision as at 31 March 2005.

Great Britain. Office for Standards in Education, corp creator. Quarterly childcare statistics as at 30 September 2005.

Great Britain. Office for Standards in Education, corp creator. Quarterly childcare statistics as at 31 December 2005.

Great Britain. Office for Standards in Education, corp creator. Race equality in education : good practice in schools and local education authorities.

Great Britain. Office for Standards in Education, corp creator. Race equality in further education : a report by Hmi : progress and good practice in colleges in the further education sector in response to the Race Relations (Amendment) Act 2000.

Great Britain. Office for Standards in Education, corp creator. Registered childcare providers and places in England: 30 September 2004.

Great Britain. Office for Standards in Education, corp creator. Remodelling the school workforce: a report from Ofsted.

Great Britain. Office for Standards in Education, corp creator. Remodelling the school workforce: phase 1.

Great Britain. Office for Standards in Education, corp creator. Removing barriers: a 'can-do' attitude : a report on developing good practice for children with special needs in early years childcare and education in the private and voluntary sectors.

Great Britain. Office for Standards in Education, corp creator. Responding to the Rose Review: schools' approaches to the systematic teaching of phonics. [ Briefing note (Ofsted) ]

Great Britain. Office for Standards in Education, corp creator. Revised deferral policy for section 5 inspections.

Great Britain. Office for Standards in Education
Teach First, corp creators. Rising to the challenge: a review of the Teach First initial teacher training programme.

Great Britain. Office for Standards in Education, corp creator. SACREs and self-evaluation : a guide.

Great Britain. Office for Standards in Education, corp creator. School inspection guide to the law. pt. 1. The statutory basis for inspection: guidance on the law relating to the inspection of schools.

Great Britain. Office for Standards in Education, corp creator. School inspection guide to the law. pt. 2. Aspects of governance and operation of schools: sources of legislation and guidance.

Great Britain. Office for Standards in Education, corp creator. School sport partnerships: a survey of good practice.

Great Britain. Office for Standards in Education, corp creator. The Secondary National Strategy: an evaluation of the fifth year.

Great Britain. Office for Standards in Education, corp creator. Self-evaluation form for primary schools (with and without nursery provision) middle schools (deemed primary).

Great Britain. Office for Standards in Education, corp creator. Self-evaluation form for secondary schools (with and without sixth forms) middle schools (deemed secondary).

Great Britain. Office for Standards in Education, corp creator. Self-evaluation form for special schools.

Great Britain. Office for Standards in Education, corp creator. Specialist schools : a briefing paper for section 5 inspections.

Great Britain. Office for Standards in Education, corp creator. Strategic Planning in LEAs: a technical report evaluating developments in LEAs' strategic planning and identifying good practice.

Great Britain. Office for Standards in Education, corp creator. Success in science.

Great Britain. Office for Standards in Education, corp creator. Towards consensus?: citizenship in secondary schools.

Great Britain. Office for Standards in Education, corp creator. Why colleges fail.

Great Britain. Office for Standards in Education, corp creator. Why colleges succeed.

Great Britain. Office for Standards in Education, corp creator. Work-related learning : the story so far.

Great Britain. Office for Standards in Education, corp creator. Youth framework criteria reference sheet.

Great Britain. Office for Standards in Education, corp creator. Youth work service observation evidence form.

Great Britain. Office for Standards in Education, corp creator. The changing landscape of languages: an evaluation of language learning 2004/2007.

Great Britain. Office for Standards in Education, corp creator. An employment-based route into teaching 2004/05: An overview of the second year of the inspection of the designated recommended bodies for the Graduate Teacher Programme.

Great Britain. Office for Standards in Education, corp creator. The enhanced youth inspection: information for local areas.

Great Britain. Office for Standards in Education, corp creator. An evaluation of the work of Standing Advisory Councils for religious education.

Great Britain. Office for Standards in Education, corp creator. The future of early years inspection: results of the consultation.

Great Britain. Office for Standards in Education, corp creator. The initial training of further education teachers: findings from 2005/06 inspections of courses leading to national awarding body qualifications.

Great Britain. Department for Education and Skills
Great Britain. Office for Standards in Education, corp creators. A new relationship with schools : next steps.

Great Britain. Department for Education and Skills
Great Britain. Office for Standards in Education, corp creators. A new relationship with schools: improving performance through school self-evaluation.

Great Britain. Office for Standards in Education, corp creator. The performance management of inspectors involved in institutional and survey inspections.

Great Britain. Office for Standards in Education, corp creator. The teaching of writing in primary schools : could do better : a discussion paper by Hmi.

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