Digital Education Resource Archive (DERA)

Browse by Corporate Authors (Beta)

Number of items: 6.

Great Britain. Social Exclusion Unit, corp creator. (2005) Inclusion through innovation : tackling social exclusion through new technologies : a Social Exclusion Unit final report. [ Improving services improving lives ]

Great Britain. Social Exclusion Unit, corp creator. (2002) Young runaways.

Great Britain. Social Exclusion Unit, corp creator. (2001) Consultation on young runaways: background paper by the Social Exclusion Unit.

Great Britain. Social Exclusion Unit, corp creator. (2001) Preventing social exclusion.

Great Britain. Social Exclusion Unit, corp creator. Breaking the cycle: taking stock of progress and priorities for the future : a report by the Social Exclusion Unit. [ Breaking the cycle ]

Great Britain. Social Exclusion Unit, corp creator. Transitions: young adults with complex needs : a Social Exclusion Unit final report. [ Improving services improving lives ]

This list was generated on Mon Mar 31 21:24:09 2025 UTC.