Digital Education Resource Archive (DERA)

Browse by Corporate Authors (Beta)

Number of items: 63.

HM Government
Department for Work and Pensions (DWP)
HM Treasury
Department for Education (DFE), corp creators. (2024) Get Britain Working : Presented to Parliament by the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions, Chancellor of the Exchequer and Secretary of State for Education by Command of His Majesty : November 2024. [ Command papers ]

HM Government, corp creator. (2023) Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) and Alternative Provision (AP) Improvement Plan : Right Support, Right Place, Right Time : March 2023. [ Policy paper ]

HM Government
Department for Education (DFE)
Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC), corp creators. (2022) Family Hubs and Start for Life Programme : Trailblazer guide : August 2022. [ Guidance ]

HM Government
Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC)
Department for Education (DFE), corp creators. (2022) Family Hubs and Start for Life programme guide : August 2022. [ Guidance ]

HM Government, corp creator. (2022) Family Hubs and Start for Life programme: methodology for allocating funding to local authorities. [ Transparency data ]

HM Government, corp creator. (2022) Inclusive Britain : the government’s response to the Commission on Race and Ethnic Disparities : Presented to Parliament by the Minister of State for Equalities by Command of Her Majesty : March 2022. [ Policy paper ]

HM Government
Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities, corp creators. (2022) Levelling Up the United Kingdom : Presented to Parliament by the Secretary of State for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities by Command of Her Majesty : 2 February 2022. [ Command papers (2019- ) ]

HM Government, corp creator. (2022) Opportunity for all : strong schools with great teachers for your child : Presented to Parliament by the Secretary of State for Education by Command of Her Majesty : March 2022. [ Policy paper ]

HM Government, corp creator. (2022) SEND Review : Right support, right place, right time : Government consultation on the SEND and alternative provision system in England : March 2022. [ Open consultation ]

HM Government, corp creator. (2022) The power of music to change lives : a national plan for music education : June 2022. [ Policy paper ]

HM Government, corp creator. (2021) The Best Start for Life: A Vision for the 1,001 Critical Days: The Early Years Healthy Development Review Report.

HM Government, corp creator. (2021) Build Back Better: Our Plan for Health and Social Care. [ Command papers (2019- ) ]

HM Government, corp creator. (2021) From harm to hope : a 10-year drugs plan to cut crime and save lives : December 2021. [ Policy paper ]

HM Government
Department for Work and Pensions (DWP)
Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC), corp creators. (2021) Health is everyone’s business: Government response to the consultation on proposals to reduce ill-health related job loss. [ Command papers (2019- ) ]

HM Government, corp creator. (2021) National Disability Strategy. [ Command papers (2019- ) ]

HM Government, corp creator. (2021) Plan for Jobs: Progress Update.

HM Government, corp creator. (2021) Social Distancing Review: Report.

HM Government, corp creator. (2021) T Level Industry Placements: Employer Guide. [ Guidance ]

HM Government, corp creator. (2021) Tackling violence against women and girls strategy: July 2021.

HM Government, corp creator. (2021) The national strategy for autistic children, young people and adults : 2021 to 2026 : 21 July 2021.

HM Government, corp creator. (2020) Claim for your employees’ wages through the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme (CJRS): A step by step guide for employers. [ Guidance ]

HM Government
Secretary of State for Health and Social Care, corp creators. (2020) The Government Response to the Joint Committee on Human Rights reports on the Detention of Young People with Learning Disabilities and/or Autism and the implications of the Government's COVID-19 response : Presented to Parliament by the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care by Command of Her Majesty, October 2020.

HM Government, corp creator. (2019) Gender Equality Monitor: Tracking Progress on Gender Equality.

Mordaunt, Penny, HM Government, corp creator. (2019) Gender equality at every stage: a roadmap for change.

HM Government
Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS), corp creators. (2019) Good Work Plan: Proposals to support families: Government Consultation. [ Consultation ]

HM Government, corp creator. (2019) Government Response to the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse’s investigation report, Sexual Abuse of Children in Custodial Institutions, 2009 to 2017.

HM Government
Department for Education (DFE)
Department for International Trade (DIT), corp creators. (2019) International Education Strategy : global potential, global growth : March 2019.

HM Government
Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC)
Department of Media, Culture and Sport (DCMS), corp creators. (2019) Introducing further advertising restrictions on TV and online for products high in fat, sugar and salt (HFSS) : Government consultation.

Cabinet Office
HM Government
Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster, corp creators. (2019) No-Deal Readiness Report: October 2019. [ Command paper ]

Wright, Jeremy and Javid, Sajid, HM Government
Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport
Home Department, corp creators. (2019) Online harms white paper. April 2019. [ Command paper ]

HM Government, corp creator. (2019) Reducing the Need for Restraint and Restrictive Intervention : children and young people with learning disabilities, autistic spectrum conditions and mental health difficulties in health and social care services and special education settings : published 27 June 2019. [ Guidance ]

Public Health England (PHE)
HM Government, corp creators. (2019) Seasonal flu guidance for 2019 to 2020 for healthcare staff and residential staff in the children and young people’s secure estate: Preventing and responding to seasonal flu cases or outbreaks. [ Guidance ]

HM Government, corp creator. (2019) UK Government response to the Independent Review of the Modern Slavery Act 2015.

Stewart, Rory, HM Government
Department for International Development (DFID), corp creators. (2019) Voluntary National Review of progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, June 2019.

HM Government, corp creator. (2019) The case for change: How economic gender inequalities develop across the life course.

HM Government
Cabinet Office, corp creators. (2018) Child Death Review: Statutory and Operational Guidance (England).

HM Government, corp creator. (2018) Childhood obesity: a plan for action: Chapter 2.

HM Government, corp creator. (2018) Good Work Plan.

HM Government
Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS), corp creators. (2018) Good work: a response to the Taylor Review of modern working practices.

HM Government, corp creator. (2018) Government response to the Interim Report by the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse. [ Command paper ]

HM Government
National Literacy Trust, corp creators. (2018) Improving the home learning environment: A behaviour change approach.

HM Government, corp creator. (2018) Information sharing: Advice for practitioners providing safeguarding services to children, young people, parents and carers.

HM Government, corp creator. (2018) Secure Schools: How to Apply Guide: Draft for comment.

HM Government, corp creator. (2018) Working Together to Safeguard Children: A guide to inter-agency working to safeguard and promote the welfare of children.

HM Government, corp creator. (2018) Working Together to Safeguard Children: Statutory framework: legislation relevant to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children.

HM Government, corp creator. (2018) Working Together: transitional guidance: Statutory guidance for Local Safeguarding Children Boards, local authorities, safeguarding partners, child death review partners, and the Child Safeguarding Practice Review Panel.

HM Government, corp creator. (2017) Building our industrial strategy: Green paper. January 2017. [ Green Paper ]

HM Government, corp creator. (2017) Changes to statutory guidance : Working Together to Safeguard Children : and new regulations : Government consultation.

HM Government, corp creator. (2017) Collaboration on science and innovation: a future partnership paper.

HM Government, corp creator. (2017) Government response to the final report of the Lords Select Committee on Financial Exclusion. [ Command paper ]

HM Government, corp creator. (2017) Industrial Strategy: building a Britain fit for the future.

May, Theresa, Fox, Liam and Clark, Greg, HM Government
Department for International Trade (DIT), corp creators. (2017) UK Industrial Strategy: a leading destination to invest and grow.

UK Parliament
HM Government, corp creators. (2016) Childhood obesity : a plan for action : August 2016.

HM Government
Home Office, corp creators. (2016) Statutory definition of child sexual exploitation: Government consultation.

HM Government, corp creator. (2015) English apprenticeships: our 2020 vision.

Bibby, David, HM Government, corp creator. (2015) Impact of skills and training interventions on the unemployed: phase II report.

HM Government, corp creator. (2015) Implementing the further education and skills reform programme: BIS/DfE brief on progress for FE governors and leaders.

HM Government
Public Health England
Youth Sport Trust
Association of Colleges Sport
Department of Health (DH), corp creators. (2015) What works in schools and colleges to increase physical activity? : a briefing for head teachers, college principals, staff working in education settings, directors of public health and wider partners.

HM Government
Department for Education (DFE), corp creators. (2014) Care leaver strategy : one year on progress update, October 2014.

UK Parliament
HM Government, corp creators. (2014) Multi-agency practice guidelines : female genital mutilation.

HM Government
Department of Health, corp creators. (2014) Think autism : fulfilling and rewarding lives, the strategy for adults with autism in England : an update : April 2014.

HM Government
Department for Education (DFE), corp creators. (2013) Positive for youth : progress since December 2011.

HM Government, corp creator. (2011) Positive for youth : a new approach to cross-government policy for young people aged 13 to 19.

This list was generated on Sun Feb 23 13:22:24 2025 UTC.