Digital Education Resource Archive (DERA)

Browse by Corporate Authors (Beta)

Number of items: 22.

HM Inspectorate of Education (Scotland) (HMIE), corp creator. (2010) Learning together: lessons about school improvement: an HMIE report on how schools get better.

HM Inspectorate of Education (Scotland) (HMIE)
Scottish Funding Council, corp creators. (2009) Analysis of HMIE reviews of quality and standards in Scotland’s colleges: academic years 2004/05 to 2007/08.

HM Inspectorate of Education (Scotland) (HMIE), corp creator. (2009) Developing successful learners in nurturing schools: the impact of nurture groups in primary schools.

HM Inspectorate of Education (Scotland) (HMIE), corp creator. (2009) Developing successful learners in the technologies in primary schools.

HM Inspectorate of Education (Scotland) (HMIE), corp creator. (2009) Gaelic language plan.

HM Inspectorate of Education (Scotland) (HMIE), corp creator. (2009) Home economics: a portrait of current practice in Scottish secondary schools.

HM Inspectorate of Education (Scotland) (HMIE), corp creator. (2009) How good is our culture and sport?: a quality improvement framework for culture and sport provision.

HM Inspectorate of Education (Scotland) (HMIE), corp creator. (2009) Improving: services for children: how good is our corporate parenting? How good can we be?

HM Inspectorate of Education (Scotland) (HMIE)
Scottish Funding Council, corp creators. (2009) International comparisons of college staffing: a comparison of strategic and operational aspects of college staffing in Scotland and the Netherlands: a report by HM Inspectors for the Scottish Further and Higher Education Funding Council.

HM Inspectorate of Education (Scotland) (HMIE), corp creator. (2009) Learning together: improving teaching, improving learning: the roles of continuing professional development, collegiality and chartered teachers in implementing Curriculum for Excellence.

HM Inspectorate of Education (Scotland) (HMIE), corp creator. (2009) Positive start, positive outcomes: a report by HM Inspectorate of Education.

HM Inspectorate of Education (Scotland) (HMIE), corp creator. (2009) Review of the contribution of the Scottish Science Centres Network to formal and informal science education: report of follow-through visits by HM Inspectorate of Education - June 2009.

HM Inspectorate of Education (Scotland) (HMIE), corp creator. (2009) A subject-based aspect report on provision in Scotland’s colleges by HM Inspectors on behalf of the Scottish Funding Council: computing.

HM Inspectorate of Education (Scotland) (HMIE), corp creator. (2008) External quality arrangements for Scotland's colleges.

HM Inspectorate of Education (Scotland) (HMIE), corp creator. (2008) Improving enterprise in education.

HM Inspectorate of Education (Scotland) (HMIE), corp creator. (2008) Improving: services to protect children: how good are we at assessing risks and needs to help children and families? How good can we be?

HM Inspectorate of Education (Scotland) (HMIE), corp creator. (2008) Learning, skills and employability: a review of good practice in Scottish prisons.

HM Inspectorate of Education (Scotland) (HMIE), corp creator. (2008) Mentoring in teacher education.

HM Inspectorate of Education (Scotland) (HMIE), corp creator. (2008) Science: a portrait of current practice in Scottish schools.

HM Inspectorate of Education (Scotland) (HMIE), corp creator. Good listeners – 1: hearing the voices of children in primary and special schools.

HM Inspectorate of Education (Scotland) (HMIE), corp creator. Good listeners – 2: hearing the voices of children and young people in children’s services.

HM Inspectorate of Education (Scotland) (HMIE), corp creator. Good listeners – the context: hearing the voices of children and young people.

This list was generated on Mon Mar 31 00:21:14 2025 UTC.