Digital Education Resource Archive (DERA)

Browse by Corporate Authors (Beta)

Number of items: 38.

Welsh Government
Knowledge and Analytical Services
Social Research and Information Division
CM International
The Innovation Partnership, corp creators. (2016) End of programme evaluation of the SMARTCymru RD&I Financial Support for Business Programme. [ Social research (Welsh Government) ]

Welsh Government
Knowledge and Analytical Services
Ipsos MORI
Wavehill Consulting
WISERD, corp creators. (2016) Evaluation of Jobs Growth Wales : final report. [ Social research (Welsh Government) ]

Barlow, Chris and Hill, Matthew, Welsh Government
Knowledge and Analytical Services, corp creators. (2016) Evaluation of the Wales TUC Learning and Education Services 2010-2013. [ Social research (Welsh Government) ]

Welsh Government
Knowledge and Analytical Services
Social Research and Information Division
BMG Research, corp creators. (2016) Final evaluation of the ReAct programme 2008-2014. [ Social research (Welsh Government) ]

Welsh Government
Knowledge and Analytical Services
Health Statistics and Analysis Unit, corp creators. (2016) Flying Start, summary statistics 2015-16. [ First release = Datganiad cyntaf ]

Welsh Government
Knowledge and Analytical Services, corp creators. (2016) Local authority budgeted expenditure on schools, 2016-17. [ Statistical bulletin = Bwletin ystadegol ]

Welsh Government
Knowledge and Analytical Services, corp creators. (2016) Pupils educated other than at school, 2015/16. [ First release = Datganiad cyntaf ]

Welsh Government
Knowledge and Analytical Services
Social Research and Information Division
Centre for Economic and Social Inclusion
Wavehill Social and Economic Research, corp creators. (2016) Skills Conditionality Pilot evaluation. [ Social research (Welsh Government) ]

Welsh Government
Knowledge and Analytical Services
ICF International, corp creators. (2016) Youth Engagement and Progression Framework : formative evaluation follow-up study. [ Social research (Welsh Government) ]

Welsh Government
Knowledge and Analytical Services, corp creators. (2015) Absenteeism from secondary schools, 2014/15. [ First release = Datganiad cyntaf ]

Welsh Government
Knowledge and Analytical Services, corp creators. (2015) Examination results in Wales, 2014/15 (Provisional). [ First release = Datganiad cyntaf ]

Cordis Bright
Welsh Government
Knowledge and Analytical Services, corp creators. (2015) Gwent Missing Children Hub : formative evaluation : summary of findings and recommendations. [ Social research ]

Welsh Government
Knowledge and Analytical Services, corp creators. (2015) Learner outcome measures for further education, work based learning and adult community learning: 2013/14. [ First release = Datganiad cyntaf ]

Welsh Government
Knowledge and Analytical Services, corp creators. (2015) Levels of highest qualification held by working age adults, 2014. [ First release = Datganiad cyntaf ]

Welsh Government
Knowledge and Analytical Services, corp creators. (2015) National Reading and Numeracy Test results, 2015. [ First release = Datganiad cyntaf ]

Welsh Government
Knowledge and Analytical Services, corp creators. (2015) Post-16 Learner Voice Wales survey results, 2015. [ First release = Datganiad cyntaf ]

Welsh Government
Knowledge and Analytical Services
Local Government Finance Statistics, corp creators. (2014) Budgeted expenditure on Special Educational Needs (SEN) provision, 2014-15. [ Datganiad cyntaf = First release ]

Welsh Government
Knowledge and Analytical Services
Arad Research, corp creators. (2014) The Credit and Qualifications Framework for Wales : a qualitative review of its impact. [ Ymchwil gymdeithasol = Social research ]

Lewis, Shakira and Starkey, Joanne, Welsh Government
Knowledge and Analytical Services
, corp creators. (2014) Ethnic minority pupils : evidence review and practice in Wales. [ Ymchwil gymdeithasol = Social research ]

Welsh Government
Knowledge and Analytical Services
Local Government Finance Statistics, corp creators. (2014) Local authority budgeted expenditure on schools, 2014-15. [ Statistical bulletin = Bwletin ystadegol (Welsh Government) ]

Welsh Government
Knowledge and Analytical Services, corp creators. (2014) Managing children's behaviour, attitudes and practices : Baseline Survey 2013. [ Social research ]

Welsh Government
Knowledge and Analytical Services
Arad Consulting, corp creators. (2014) Minority Ethnic Language and Achievement Project evaluation. [ Social research ]

Welsh Government
Knowledge and Analytical Services, corp creators. (2014) Research into Employment Outcomes for Young People with Autistic Spectrum Disorders. [ Ymchwil gymdeithasol = Social research ]

Welsh Government
Knowledge and Analytical Services
Universities and Colleges Admissions Service (UCAS), corp creators. (2014) Universities and Colleges Admissions Service (UCAS) statistics, 2013 entry. [ Statistical bulletin (Welsh Government) ]

Welsh Government
Knowledge and Analytical Services, corp creators. (2013) Academic achievement by pupil characteristics, 2012. [ Statistical bulletin = Bwletin ystadegol ]

Welsh Government
Knowledge and Analytical Services, corp creators. (2013) Education Maintenance Allowances awarded in Wales: update at end of December 2012. [ Statistical first release = Datganiad cyntaf ]

Welsh Government
Knowledge and Analytical Services, corp creators. (2013) Examination results in Wales, 2012/13. [ Statistical first release = Datganiad cyntaf ]

Welsh Government
Knowledge and Analytical Services, corp creators. (2013) Further education, work-based learning and community learning in Wales, 2012/13 : Provisional figures. [ Statistical first release = Datganiad cyntaf ]

Welsh Government
Knowledge and Analytical Services, corp creators. (2013) Learner outcome measures for further education and work-based learning, 2011/12. [ First release = Datganiad cyntaf ]

Welsh Government
Knowledge and Analytical Services, corp creators. (2013) Pupils leaving full-time education with no qualifications, 2012/13. [ Statistical first release = Datganiad cyntaf ]

Welsh Government
Knowledge and Analytical Services, corp creators. (2013) Student support applications for higher education, Wales : Update at end of November 2013. [ Statistical first release = Datganiad cyntaf ]

Welsh Government
Knowledge and Analytical Services, corp creators. (2013) Universities and Colleges Admissions Service (UCAS) Statistics 2012 Entry. [ Statistical bulletin = Bwletin ystadegol ]

Welsh Government
Knowledge and Analytical Services, corp creators. (2013) Young people not in education, employment or training (NEET), year to 30 September 2012. [ Statistical bulletin = Bwletin ystadegol ]

Welsh Government
Knowledge and Analytical Services, corp creators. (2013) Youth Service in Wales, 2012-13. [ Statistical first release = Datganiad cyntaf ]

Welsh Assembly Government (Wales)
Knowledge and Analytical Services, corp creators. (2012) Absenteeism from secondary schools, 2011/12. [ First release = Datganiad cyntaf ]

Varney, Behan, Welsh Assembly Government (Wales)
Knowledge and Analytical Services, corp creators. (2012) Assembly Learning Grants awarded to Welsh domiciled Students in further education, 2011/12. [ Statistical first release ]

Welsh Assembly Government (Wales)
Knowledge and Analytical Services, corp creators. (2012) Education Maintenance Allowances awarded in Wales, 2011/12. [ First release = Datganiad cyntaf ]

Welsh Assembly Government (Wales)
Knowledge and Analytical Services, corp creators. (2012) Further education, work-based learning and community learning statistics, 2010/11. [ First release = Datganiad cyntaf ]

This list was generated on Mon Mar 31 00:37:10 2025 UTC.