NIACE, corp creator.
Harnessing technology survey 2009-10 - adult and community learning: analytical report.
British Educational Communications and Technology Agency (BECTA)
NIACE, corp creators.
Harnessing technology: annual sector survey of adult and community learning 2008-09: final report.
British Educational Communications and Technology Agency (BECTA)
NIACE, corp creators.
Harnessing technology: annual sector survey of offender learning and skills 2008-09 - final report.
Learning and Skills Council
National Extension College, corp creators.
Including carers: towards a framework for meeting the needs of carers in further education and adult learning.
Jacobsen, Yola and Little, Peter, Learning and Skills Council
NIACE, corp creators.
Learning for work: employability and adults with learning difficulties and/or disabilities: a report following nine regional conferences (held January – April 2008).