Digital Education Resource Archive (DERA)

Browse by Corporate Authors (Beta)

Number of items: 106.

Hill, Robert, Dunford, John, Parish, Natalie, Rea, Simon and Sandals, Leigh, National College for Leadership of Schools and Children's services (NCSL), corp creator. (2012) The growth of academy chains : implications for leaders and leadership.

National College for Leadership of Schools and Children's services (NCSL), corp creator. (2011) Academies: research into the leadership of sponsored and converting academies.

National College for Leadership of Schools and Children's services (NCSL), corp creator. (2011) Achievement for all: leadership matters.

National College for Leadership of Schools and Children's services (NCSL), corp creator. (2011) Best case scenario: A case study of effective multi-agency working at Malvin's Close Primary School, Blyth.

National College for Leadership of Schools and Children's services (NCSL), corp creator. (2011) Building and implementing an effective local workforce strategy.

National College for Leadership of Schools and Children's services (NCSL), corp creator. (2011) Building and implementing an effective local workforce strategy Module 10: establishing an effective workforce strategy cycle.

National College for Leadership of Schools and Children's services (NCSL), corp creator. (2011) Building and implementing an effective local workforce strategy Module 11: monitoring and measuring the workforce strategy activity.

National College for Leadership of Schools and Children's services (NCSL), corp creator. (2011) Building and implementing an effective local workforce strategy Module 1: linking workforce strategy to local objectives for children's services.

National College for Leadership of Schools and Children's services (NCSL), corp creator. (2011) Building and implementing an effective local workforce strategy Module 4: project managing the workforce strategy development process.

National College for Leadership of Schools and Children's services (NCSL), corp creator. (2011) Building and implementing an effective local workforce strategy Module 5: defining a shared vision of where we want to be.

National College for Leadership of Schools and Children's services (NCSL), corp creator. (2011) Building and implementing an effective local workforce strategy Module 6: crafting workforce strategy actions.

National College for Leadership of Schools and Children's services (NCSL), corp creator. (2011) Building and implementing an effective local workforce strategy Module 7: designing the workforce strategy document.

National College for Leadership of Schools and Children's services (NCSL), corp creator. (2011) Building and implementing an effective local workforce strategy Module 8: launching, promoting and communicating the strategy.

National College for Leadership of Schools and Children's services (NCSL), corp creator. (2011) Building and implementing an effective local workforce strategy Module 9: implementing the workforce strategy actions.

Coleman, Coleman, National College for Leadership of Schools and Children's services (NCSL), corp creator. (2011) Collaborative leadership in extended schools leading in a multi-agency environment.

Earley, Peter, Nelson, Rebecca, Higham, Rob, Bubb, Sara, Porritt, Vivienne and Coates, Max, National College for Leadership of Schools and Children's services (NCSL), corp creator. (2011) Experiences of new headteachers in cities.

Campbell, Clare, National College for Leadership of Schools and Children's services (NCSL), corp creator. (2011) How to involve hard-to-reach parents : encouraging meaningful parental involvement with schools. [ Research Associate Full Report ]

Chapman, Christopher, Ainscow, Mel, Miles, Susie and West, Mel, National College for Leadership of Schools and Children's services (NCSL), corp creator. (2011) Leadership that promotes the achievement of students with special educational needs and disabilities : full report.

Chapman, Christopher, Ainscow, Mel, Miles, Susie and West, Mel, National College for Leadership of Schools and Children's services (NCSL), corp creator. (2011) Leadership that promotes the achievement of students with special educational needs and disabilities : support pack.

Hargreaves, David H, National College for Leadership of Schools and Children's services (NCSL), corp creator. (2011) Leading a self-improving school system.

National College for Leadership of Schools and Children's services (NCSL), corp creator. (2011) Leading and developing parental engagement : a tool to help you audit and improve your practice.

National College for Leadership of Schools and Children's services (NCSL)
National Governors’ Association, corp creators. (2011) Leading governors : the role of the chair of governors in schools and academies.

National College for Leadership of Schools and Children's services (NCSL), corp creator. (2011) Managing pupil mobility to maximise learning : full report.

National College for Leadership of Schools and Children's services (NCSL)
Training and Development Agency for Schools (TDA), corp creators. (2011) National teaching schools : findings from phase one of the consultation, January – March 2011.

National College for Leadership of Schools and Children's services (NCSL)
Training and Development Agency for Schools (TDA), corp creators. (2011) National teaching schools : prospectus.

National College for Leadership of Schools and Children's services (NCSL)
Browne Jacobson, corp creators. (2011) Partnership working through a school company.

Garner, Philip, National College for Leadership of Schools and Children's services (NCSL), corp creator. (2011) Promoting the conditions for positive behaviour, to help every child succeed : review of the landscape.

National College for Leadership of Schools and Children's services (NCSL)
Centre for Excellence and Outcomes in Children and Young People's Services (C4EO), corp creators. (2011) Resourceful leadership: how directors of children’s services improve outcomes for disabled children; summary report.

National College for Leadership of Schools and Children's services (NCSL)
Centre for Excellence and Outcomes in Children and Young People's Services (C4EO), corp creators. (2011) Resourceful leadership: how directors of children’s services improve outcomes in schools and early years; summary report.

National College for Leadership of Schools and Children's services (NCSL)
Centre for Excellence and Outcomes in Children and Young People's Services (C4EO), corp creators. (2011) Resourceful leadership: how directors of children’s services improve outcomes in early intervention and prevention: summary report.

National College for Leadership of Schools and Children's services (NCSL)
Centre for Excellence and Outcomes in Children and Young People's Services (C4EO), corp creators. (2011) Resourceful leadership: how directors of children’s services improve outcomes in safeguarding; summary report.

National College for Leadership of Schools and Children's services (NCSL), corp creator. (2011) Securing the best for less: making resources go further.

Koerner, Carol and Newman, Tina, National College for Leadership of Schools and Children's services (NCSL), corp creator. (2011) Small, school-based sabbaticals in continuing professional development provision.

National College for Leadership of Schools and Children's services (NCSL), corp creator. (2011) System leadership : does school-to-school support close the gap?

John M, Ridley, National College for Leadership of Schools and Children's services (NCSL), corp creator. (2011) Teachers’ continuing professional development within two clusters of small rural primary schools. [ Research Associate Full Report ]

National College for Leadership of Schools and Children's services (NCSL), corp creator. (2011) The changing role and influence of senior support staff in schools: companion case study report.

National Foundation for Educational Research (NFER)
National College for Leadership of Schools and Children's services (NCSL), corp creators. (2011) The changing role and influence of senior support staff in schools: report.

Hill, Robert, National College for Leadership of Schools and Children's services (NCSL), corp creator. (2011) The importance of teaching and the role of system leadership : a commentary on the illuminas research for the National College.

National College for Leadership of Schools and Children's services (NCSL), corp creator. (2011) The journey of sustainable schools : developing and embedding sustainability.

Chapman, Christopher, Muijs, Daniel and MacAllister, James, National College for Leadership of Schools and Children's services (NCSL), corp creator. (2011) A study of the impact of school federation on student outcomes.

National College for Leadership of Schools and Children's services (NCSL), corp creator. (2010) 10 strong claims about successful school leadership.

National College for Leadership of Schools and Children's services (NCSL), corp creator. (2010) Chain reactions: a thinkpiece on the development of chains of schools in the English school system.

Spencer, Angela, National College for Leadership of Schools and Children's services (NCSL), corp creator. (2010) Child poverty: we can make a difference: summary report of the children’s centre leaders’ event December 2009.

Woods, Gillian, National College for Leadership of Schools and Children's services (NCSL), corp creator. (2010) Congruence or conflict using the Every Child Matters agenda to support leadership succession planning: research associate full report.

Hargreaves, David H, National College for Leadership of Schools and Children's services (NCSL), corp creator. (2010) Creating a self-improving school system.

National College for Leadership of Schools and Children's services (NCSL), corp creator. (2010) Efficiencies: helping schools balance the budget: case studies and recommendations for school leaders.

Mongon, Denis, Allen, Tracey, Farmer, Lesley and Atherton, Claire, National College for Leadership of Schools and Children's services (NCSL), corp creator. (2010) Emerging patterns of leadership: co-location, continuity and community.

National College for Leadership of Schools and Children's services (NCSL), corp creator. (2010) Equality, self-belief and choice: impartial careers education: implementing Principle 5.

National College for Leadership of Schools and Children's services (NCSL), corp creator. (2010) Executive heads: full report.

National College for Leadership of Schools and Children's services (NCSL), corp creator. (2010) First corporate plan : launch year 2001/02.

Matthews, Peter, National College for Leadership of Schools and Children's services (NCSL), corp creator. (2010) From good to outstanding: evaluation of the outstanding teacher programme.

National College for Leadership of Schools and Children's services (NCSL), corp creator. (2010) Hands up if you're really listening! identifying and removing the barriers to effective student consultation.

Ingate, Chris, National College for Leadership of Schools and Children's services (NCSL), corp creator. (2010) If I go there will be trouble...: perspectives on sustainable headship.

Lofthouse, Rachel, Leat, David, Towler, Carl, Hallet, Elaine and Cummings, Colleen, National College for Leadership of Schools and Children's services (NCSL)
Newcastle University
CfBT Education Trust, corp creators. (2010) Improving coaching: evolution not revolution, research report.

National College for Leadership of Schools and Children's services (NCSL), corp creator. (2010) International approaches to children's services leadership and leadership development: literature and good practice review.

National College for Leadership of Schools and Children's services (NCSL), corp creator. (2010) International symposium paper: leadership for the 21st century 15-16 June 2009.

National College for Leadership of Schools and Children's services (NCSL), corp creator. (2010) Leadership for parental engagement.

West-Burnham, John, National College for Leadership of Schools and Children's services (NCSL), corp creator. (2010) Leadership for personalising learning.

National College for Leadership of Schools and Children's services (NCSL), corp creator. (2010) Leadership succession: a framework for action for dioceses and other providers of schools with a religious character.

Brundrett, Mark and Duncan, Diane, National College for Leadership of Schools and Children's services (NCSL), corp creator. (2010) Leading curriculum innovation in primary schools.

Kent, Peter and Kay, Annabel, National College for Leadership of Schools and Children's services (NCSL), corp creator. (2010) Leading the change implementing the new secondary curriculum, a joint initiative.

National College for Leadership of Schools and Children's services (NCSL), corp creator. (2010) Making a difference.

National College for Leadership of Schools and Children's services (NCSL), corp creator. (2010) A National College guide to federations.

National College for Leadership of Schools and Children's services (NCSL), corp creator. (2010) A National College guide to partnerships and collaborations.

National College for Leadership of Schools and Children's services (NCSL), corp creator. (2010) National leadership qualities framework for directors of children's services.

National College for Leadership of Schools and Children's services (NCSL), corp creator. (2010) National succession planning framework for children's services section two: resources.

Barnes, Iain, Flintham, Alan and Matthews, Alison, National College for Leadership of Schools and Children's services (NCSL), corp creator. (2010) New secondary curriculum: vision into practice - leadership case studies.

O’Brien, Tracey, National College for Leadership of Schools and Children's services (NCSL), corp creator. (2010) On the road: the action learning set (ALS) journey towards becoming a research-engaged school.

Ashley, Judith, National College for Leadership of Schools and Children's services (NCSL), corp creator. (2010) Promoting a creative curriculum and achieving high standards: primary leadership considerations.

Southworth, Geoff, National College for Leadership of Schools and Children's services (NCSL), corp creator. (2010) School business management: a quiet revolution, part 2.

Southworth, Geoff, National College for Leadership of Schools and Children's services (NCSL), corp creator. (2010) School business management: a quiet revolution: part 1.

Hill, Robert and Matthews, Peter, National College for Leadership of Schools and Children's services (NCSL), corp creator. (2010) Schools leading schools II: the growing impact of National Leaders of Education.

National College for Leadership of Schools and Children's services (NCSL), corp creator. (2010) Students of Today - Leaders of Tomorrow Programme: building capacity for leadership with young people.

National College for Leadership of Schools and Children's services (NCSL), corp creator. (2010) Successful leadership in times of challenge: report on the ISSPP/National College/University of Nottingham International seminar 20 and 21 May 2010 Learning and Conference Centre, Nottingham.

National College for Leadership of Schools and Children's services (NCSL), corp creator. (2010) What are we learning about... identifying talent: succession planning evidence into practice guide.

National College for Leadership of Schools and Children's services (NCSL), corp creator. (2010) What are we learning about... retaining headteachers? Evidence into practice guide.

National College for Leadership of Schools and Children's services (NCSL), corp creator. (2010) Working together: how local authorities and dioceses are jointly supporting effective succession planning and leadership development in schools.

National College for Leadership of Schools and Children's services (NCSL), corp creator. (2010) The changing shape of children's services: a survey conducted by the National College and the Association of Directors of Children's Services (ADCS).

National College for Leadership of Schools and Children's services (NCSL), corp creator. (2010) The national succession planning framework for children's services.

Lloyd, Keith, National College for Leadership of Schools and Children's services (NCSL), corp creator. (2010) The school improvement planning framework: its impact on leadership and Every Child Matters in six case study schools.

National College for Leadership of Schools and Children's services (NCSL), corp creator. (2009) Building effective integrated leadership.

National College for Leadership of Schools and Children's services (NCSL), corp creator. (2009) Corporate plan 2009/10.

National College for Leadership of Schools and Children's services (NCSL), corp creator. (2009) Distributed leadership in action: full report.

Porritt, Jonathon, Hopkins, David, Birney, Anna and Reed, Jane, National College for Leadership of Schools and Children's services (NCSL), corp creator. (2009) Every child's future: leading the way.

National College for Leadership of Schools and Children's services (NCSL)
Centre for Excellence and Outcomes in Children and Young People’s Services (C4EO), corp creators. (2009) Resourceful leadership: how directors of children’s services improve outcomes for children experiencing child poverty; summary report.

Birney, Anna and Reed, Jane, National College for Leadership of Schools and Children's services (NCSL), corp creator. (2009) Sustainability and renewal: findings from the Leading Sustainable Schools research project.

National College for Leadership of Schools and Children's services (NCSL), corp creator. (2009) Thinking about promotion... what about a leadership position in a faith school?

National College for Leadership of Schools and Children's services (NCSL), corp creator. (2008) Annual report and accounts : 2007/08.

National College for Leadership of Schools and Children's services (NCSL), corp creator. (2008) Realising leadership children's centre leaders in action: the impact of the national professional qualification in integrated centre leadership (NPQICL) on children's centre leaders and their centre.

National College for Leadership of Schools and Children's services (NCSL), corp creator. (2007) Annual accounts 2006/07.

National College for Leadership of Schools and Children's services (NCSL), corp creator. (2007) Expanding leadership horizons: leaders learning from practice, NCSL’s leadership network regional initiatives 2006-07.

National College for Leadership of Schools and Children's services (NCSL), corp creator. (2006) Annual report and accounts 2004/05.

National College for Leadership of Schools and Children's services (NCSL), corp creator. (2006) Annual report and accounts 2005/06.

National College for Leadership of Schools and Children's services (NCSL), corp creator. (2006) Student leadership investing in tomorrow's leaders for schools and communities.

National College for Leadership of Schools and Children's services (NCSL), corp creator. (2004) Annual report and accounts : performance review : 2003/04.

McFarlane, Angela, Bradburn, Anton and McMahon, Agnes, National College for Leadership of Schools and Children's services (NCSL), corp creator. (2003) E-learning for leadership : emerging indicators of effective practice. [ Full report (National College for School Leadership) ]

McFarlane, Angela, National College for Leadership of Schools and Children's services (NCSL), corp creator. (2003) E-learning for leadership : emerging indicators of effective practice. [ Case studies (National College for School Leadership) ]

Ainscow, Mel, Fox, Sam and Coupe-O'Kane, Judith., National College for Leadership of Schools and Children's services (NCSL), corp creator. (2003) Leadership and management in special schools : full report : a review of literature carried out for NCSL.

Bush, Tony and Glover, Derek, National College for Leadership of Schools and Children's services (NCSL), corp creator. (2003) School leadership : concepts and evidence. [ Summary report (National College for School Leadership ]

Keys, Wendy, National College for Leadership of Schools and Children's services (NCSL), corp creator. (2003) Successful leadership of schools in urban and challenging contexts. Summary report. [ Summary report (National College for School Leadership) ]

National College for Leadership of Schools and Children's services (NCSL), corp creator. (2003) Too busy to learn? : an introduction to collaborative leadership learning. [ The leading edge series ]

National College for Leadership of Schools and Children's services (NCSL), corp creator. (2003) The future role of middle leaders in secondary schools : a survey of middle leaders in secondary schools in England.

Woods, Ronnie, National College for Leadership of Schools and Children's services (NCSL), corp creator. (2002) Enchanted headteachers : sustainability in primary school headship : full report. [ Practitioner enquiry report ]

Evans, Moyra, National College for Leadership of Schools and Children's services (NCSL), corp creator. (2002) Open windows : becoming an e-learning school : what does an e-learning school look like? How does a school become an e-learning school? How is e-learning different from traditional teaching and learning? [ Summary practitioner enquiry report ; Autumn 2002 ]

National College for Leadership of Schools and Children's services (NCSL), corp creator. (2002) The first 100 days : an enquiry into the first 100 days of headship in a failing school : full report. [ Practitioner enquiry report ]

National College for Leadership of Schools and Children's services (NCSL), corp creator. System leadership among headteachers : key findings from a 2009-10 research programme.

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