Digital Education Resource Archive (DERA)

Browse by Corporate Authors (Beta)

Number of items: 42.

Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills (OFSTED), corp creators. (2007) Making sense of religion: a report on religious education in schools and the impact of locally agreed syllabuses.

Office for Standards in Education (OFSTED), corp creators. (2006) Improving behaviour: lessons learned from Hmi monitoring of secondary schools where behaviour had been judged unsatisfactory.

Office for Standards in Education (OFSTED), corp creators. (1999) Pupils with specific learning difficulties in mainstream schools : a survey of the provision in mainstream primary and secondary schools for pupils with a Statement of Special Educational Needs relating to specific learning difficulties : a report from the Office of Her Majesty's Chief Inspector of Schools.

Office for Standards in Education (OFSTED), corp creators. (1999) Raising the attainment of minority ethnic pupils : school and Lea responses.

Office for Standards in Education (OFSTED), corp creators. (1996) The education of travelling children. [ HMR/12/96/NS ]

Ofsted., corp creator. Are you ready for your inspection? a guide to inspections of childcare and nursery education conducted by Ofsted.

Ofsted., corp creator. Making ContactPoint work: children's views on the government guidance : a report by the Children's Rights Director for England.

Ofsted., corp creator. Narrowing the gap: the improvement of children's services.

Ofsted., corp creator. Poetry in schools: a survey of practice.

Ofsted., corp creator. Current provision and outcomes for 16-18-year-old learners with learning difficulties and.

Ofsted., corp creator. Developing social, emotional and behavioural skills in secondary schools: a five-term longitudinal evaluation of the Secondary National Strategy pilot.

Ofsted., corp creator. Evaluating internationalism in schools.

Ofsted., corp creator. Every language matters: an evaluation of the extent and impact of initial training to teach a wider range of world languages.

Ofsted., corp creator. Framework for the regulation of childminding and day care: including the inspection of funded early education in the non-maintained sector.

Ofsted., corp creator. Guidance for s162A inspectors on inspections of independent schools which provide day care and or funded nursery education or have this provision on their site.

Ofsted., corp creator. Guide to registration on the voluntary part of the childcare register.

Ofsted., corp creator. Handbook for inspecting work-related and adult community learning.

Ofsted., corp creator. History in the balance: history in English schools 2003-07.

Ofsted., corp creator. Identifying good practice: a survey of business, administration and law in colleges.

Ofsted., corp creator. Identifying good practice: a survey of college provision in agriculture, horticulture and animal care.

Ofsted., corp creator. Identifying good practice: a survey of college provision in construction, planning and the built environment.

Ofsted., corp creator. Identifying good practice: a survey of college provision in engineering and manufacturing technologies.

Ofsted., corp creator. Inspections of early years provision from September 2008: a consultation document.

Ofsted., corp creator. Key stage 4 curriculum: increased flexibility and work-related learning.

Ofsted., corp creator. List of additional inspectors of schools, further education colleges and independent schools.

Ofsted., corp creator. Making sense of religion: a report on religious education in schools and the impact of locally agreed syllabuses.

Ofsted., corp creator. Ofsted's corporate governance framework.

Ofsted., corp creator. Parental complaints: report on the consultation responses.

Ofsted., corp creator. Parents, carers and schools.

Ofsted., corp creator. Primary languages in initial teacher training: 'If I can teach geometry in Spanish, I can do anything?'.

Ofsted., corp creator. Proportionate inspection of further education colleges: summary of responses to the consultation and next steps.

Ofsted., corp creator. Protocols between Ofsted and other organisations.

Ofsted., corp creator. Reaching the key stage 2 standard in swimming: standards and provision including the impact on swimming of the physical education and school club links strategy.

Ofsted., corp creator. Reforming and developing the school workforce.

Ofsted., corp creator. Requirements for the voluntary part of the childcare register.

Ofsted., corp creator. Review of the impact of inspection.

Ofsted., corp creator. Revised deferral policy for section 162a inspections.

Ofsted., corp creator. Time for change? personal social and health education.

Ofsted., corp creator. The foundation stage: a survey of 144 settings.

Ofsted., corp creator. The framework for inspecting independent schools.

Ofsted., corp creator. The quality of nursery education provision as at 30 March 2007.

Ofsted., corp creator. The young apprenticeships programme 2004-07: an evaluation.

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