Digital Education Resource Archive (DERA)

Browse by Corporate Authors (Beta)

Number of items: 34.

Try, Lalitha, Resolution Foundation, corp creator. (2024) Hard lessons : Childcare support for parents in education.

McCurdy, Charlie and Murphy, Louise, Resolution Foundation, corp creator. (2024) We've only just begun : Action to improve young people’s mental health, education and employment.

Willetts, David, Resolution Foundation, corp creator. (2023) How higher education can boost people-powered growth : steering economic change. [ Economy 2030 inquiry ]

Cominetti, Nye, Costa, Rui, Eyles, Andrew, Henehan, Kathleen and McNally, Sandra, Resolution Foundation, corp creator. (2022) Train in vain? : skills, tasks, and training in the UK labour market. [ Economy 2030 inquiry ]

Gustafsson, Maja, Resolution Foundation, corp creator. (2021) Boom(erang) Time? An analysis of younger adults living with their parents. [ Resolution Foundation briefing ]

Cominetti, Nye, Resolution Foundation
Nuffield Foundation
Intergenerational Centre, corp creators. (2021) A U-shaped crisis: The impact of the Covid-19 crisis on older workers. [ Briefing (Resolution Foundation) ]

Henehan, Kathleen, Resolution Foundation
Intergenerational Centre
Nuffield Foundation, corp creators. (2020) Class of 2020: Education leavers in the current crisis.

Resolution Foundation, corp creator. (2020) Doing what it takes: Protecting firms and families from the economic impact of coronavirus: March 2020. [ Briefing ]

Judge, Lindsay and Rahman, Fahmida, Resolution Foundation, corp creator. (2020) Lockdown living : Housing quality across the generations.

Gardiner, Laura, Resolution Foundation, corp creator. (2020) Never ever : Exploring the increase in people who’ve never had a paid job. [ Resolution Foundation briefing ]

McCurdy, Charlie, Gardiner, Laura, Gustafsson, Maja and Handscomb, Karl, Resolution Foundation, corp creator. (2020) Painting the towns blue : demography, economy and living standards in the political geographies emerging from the 2019 General Election. February 2020.

Bangham, George, Resolution Foundation, corp creator. (2020) Time with the kids : how parents’ time use has changed during the pandemic : 13 July 2020. [ Spotlight ]

Judge, Lindsay and Hannah, Slaughter, Resolution Foundation, corp creator. (2020) Working hard(ship): An exploration of poverty, work and tenure.

Bell, Torsten, Cominetti, Nye and Slaughter, Hannah, Resolution Foundation, corp creator. (2020) A new settlement for the low paid : beyond the minimum wage to dignity and respect. June 2020. [ Resolution Foundation briefing ]

Brewer, Mike, Gardiner, Laura and Handscomb, Karl, Resolution Foundation, corp creator. (2020) The truth will out : understanding labour market statistics during the coronavirus crisis : July 2020. [ Briefing ]

Clarke, Stephen, Resolution Foundation
Nuffield Foundation, corp creators. (2019) Growing pains : the impact of leaving education during a recession on earnings and employment. May 2019. [ Resolution Foundation briefing ]

Gustafsson, Maja, Intergenerational Centre
Resolution Foundation
Nuffield Foundation, corp creators. (2019) Mapping Millenials' Living Standards.

Henehan, Kathleen, Resolution Foundation, corp creator. (2019) Trading up or trading off? Understanding recent changes to England’s apprenticeships system.

Corlett, Adam, Resolution Foundation, corp creator. (2019) Wrong direction : can Scotland hit its child poverty targets? [ Resolution Foundation briefing ]

Rahman, Fahmida, Nuffield Foundation
Resolution Foundation, corp creators. (2019) The generation of poverty: Poverty over the life course for different generations.

Whittaker, Matthew, Resolution Foundation, corp creator. (2019) The shape of things to come: Charting the changing size and shape of the UK state.

Henehan, Kathleen, Resolution Foundation, corp creator. (2017) Up to the job? Using the Apprenticeship Levy to tackle the UK’s post-16 education divide.

D'Arcy, Connor and Finch, David, Social Mobility and Child Poverty Commission
Resolution Foundation, corp creators. (2016) Finding your routes: non-graduate pathways in the UK’s labour market.

Finch, David, Resolution Foundation, corp creator. (2016) Hanging on: the stresses and strains of Britain’s ‘just managing’ families.

Gardiner, Laura, Resolution Foundation, corp creator. (2015) Care to pay? Meeting the challenge of paying the National living wage in social care.

Finch, David, Resolution Foundation, corp creator. (2015) A poverty of information: assessing the government’s new child poverty focus and future trends.

Alakeson, Vidhya and Cory, Giselle, Resolution Foundation, corp creator. (2014) Careers and carers: childcare and maternal labour supply.

Alakeson, Vidhya and Hurrell, Alex, Resolution Foundation, corp creator. (2012) Counting the costs of childcare.

Roberts, Steven, Resolution Foundation, corp creator. (2012) No snakes, but no ladders: young people, employment, and the low skills trap at the bottom of the contemporary service economy.

Alakeson, Vidhya and Hurrell, Alex, Resolution Foundation, corp creator. (2012) The costs of childcare after housing costs.

Alakeson, Vidhya, Resolution Foundation, corp creator. (2012) The price of motherhood: women and part-time work.

Alakeson, Vidhya, Resolution Foundation, corp creator. (2011) Childcare: failing to meet the needs of working parents.

Waldfogel, Jane and Washbrook, Elizabeth, Resolution Foundation, corp creator. (2011) On your marks: measuring the school readiness of children in low-to-middle income families.

Henehan, Kathleen, Resolution Foundation, corp creator. Uneven steps: Changes in youth unemployment and study since the onset of Covid-19. [ Resolution Foundation briefing ]

This list was generated on Sun Feb 23 14:02:01 2025 UTC.