Digital Education Resource Archive (DERA)

Browse by Corporate Authors (Beta)

Number of items: 97.

Dex, Shirley, Scotland. Scottish Executive, corp creator. (2008) Millennium Cohort Study exploration of some distinctive results for Scotland.

Scotland. Scottish Executive, corp creator. (2007) Abolition of the graduate endowment fee: consultation document.

Candappa, Mano and Ahmad, Miriam, Scotland. Scottish Executive
University of London. Institute of Education, corp creators. (2007) Education and schooling for asylum-seeking and refugee students in Scotland: an exploratory study. [ Insight ; 38 ]

Scotland. Scottish Executive, corp creator. (2007) Evaluation of individual learning accounts Scotland (ila Scotland): learning providers and intermediary agencies studies.

Scotland. Scottish Executive, corp creator. (2007) Gender equality: a toolkit for education staff.

Scotland. Scottish Executive, corp creator. (2007) Helping you meet the costs of learning : a guide to funding for older learners 2007-2008.

Scotland. Scottish Executive, corp creator. (2007) Helping you meet the costs of learning : adult learners in Scotland, 2007-2008.

Scotland. Scottish Executive, corp creator. (2007) Helping you meet the costs of learning : funding for disabled students 2007-2008.

Scotland. Scottish Executive, corp creator. (2007) Helping you meet the costs of learning : part-time study 2007-2008.

Scotland. Scottish Executive, corp creator. (2007) High level summary of statistics: school education.

Scotland. Scottish Executive, corp creator. (2007) International lifelong learning: Scotland's contribution.

Scotland. Scottish Executive, corp creator. (2007) Review of Scotland's colleges: developing capability : how our colleges can respond to future challenges.

Scotland. Scottish Executive, corp creator. (2007) A curriculum for excellence: building the curriculum 3-18 (2) : active learning in the early years.

Scotland. Scottish Executive, corp creator. (2006) Achieving the standard for headship : providing choice and alternatives : a consultation document.

Scotland. Scottish Executive, corp creator. (2006) Building on our success: improving modern apprenticeships consultation paper.

Scotland. Scottish Executive, corp creator. (2006) Choosing a school : a guide for parents.

Scotland. Scottish Executive, corp creator. (2006) Improving the health and nutrition of Scotland's children : consultation on the Schools (Nutrition and Health Promotion) (Scotland) Bill.

Scotland. Scottish Executive, corp creator. (2006) Life through learning through life : strategy update 2006.

Scotland. Scottish Executive, corp creator. (2005) Ambitious, excellent schools : standard for headship.

Scotland. Scottish Executive, corp creator. (2005) Choosing a school : a guide for parents.

Scotland. Scottish Executive, corp creator. (2005) Drugs and alcohol parents guide 2004: pre- and post-campaign evaluation : Scottish opinion.

Scotland. Scottish Executive, corp creator. (2005) Education guide for asylum seekers and refugees in Scotland.

Scotland. Scottish Executive, corp creator. (2005) Learning to improve : quality approaches for lifelong learning.

Scotland. Scottish Executive, corp creator. (2005) Lifelong partners : Scotland's schools and colleges building the foundations of a lifelong learning society : a strategy for partnership.

Scotland. Scottish Executive, corp creator. (2005) Review of initial teacher education. Stage 2.

Scotland. Scottish Executive, corp creator. (2004) Ambitious, excellent schools: our agenda for action.

Scotland. Scottish Executive, corp creator. (2003) Determined to succeed: Enterprise in Education, Scottish Executive response.

Scotland. Scottish Executive, corp creator. (2003) Life through learning through life: the lifelong learning strategy for Scotland.

Scotland. Scottish Executive, corp creator. (2003) A framework for higher education in Scotland : higher education review, phase 2. Summary.

Scotland. Scottish Executive, corp creator. (2002) Choosing a school : a guide for parents.

Scotland. Scottish Executive, corp creator. (2002) 'It's everyone's job to make sure I'm alright': report of the Child Protection Audit and Review.

Scotland. Scottish Executive, corp creator. Growing up in Scotland: a study following the lives of Scotland's children.

Scotland. Scottish Executive, corp creator. Included, engaged and involved: part 1 : attendance in Scottish schools.

Scotland. Scottish Executive, corp creator. Lifelong partners : Scotland's schools and colleges building the foundations of a lifelong learning society : a guide for schools, colleges and local authorities.

Scotland. Scottish Executive, corp creator. Parental involvement - headteacher and depute headteacher appointment procedures : Scottish Executive response to consultation analysis.

Scotland. Scottish Executive, corp creator. Review of strategies to address gender inequalities in Scottish schools.

Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education Scotland
Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education
Scottish Social Services Council
Scotland. Scottish Executive, corp creators. Scottish subject benchmark statement: the standard for childhood practice 2007.

Scotland. Scottish Executive, corp creator. Scottish survey of achievement: 2006 social subjects (enquiry skills) and core skills : supporting evidence.

Scotland. Scottish Executive, corp creator. Supporting children's learning: code of practice.

Scotland. Scottish Executive, corp creator. The review of Scotland's colleges: inspiring achievement : the report of the staffing, learners and learning environments group.

Anderson, Simon, Biggart, Andy, Deacon, Kirsty, Furlong, Andy, Given, Lisa and Hinds, Kerstin, Scotland. Scottish Executive, corp creator. 17 in 2003 : findings from the Scottish School Leavers Survey.

Scotland. Scottish Executive, corp creator. Adult Esol strategy for Scotland: consultation paper.

Scotland. Scottish Executive, corp creator. Baseline research of implementation of recommendations of expert panel on school meals: hungry for success.

Scotland. Scottish Executive
University of Durham. CEM Centre
University of Aberdeen, corp creators. Children starting school in Scotland.

Munn, Pamela, Johnstone, Margaret and Sharp, Stephen, Scotland. Scottish Executive, corp creator. Discipline in scottish schools: a comparative survey over time of teachers' and headteachers' perceptions.

Scotland. Scottish Executive, corp creator. Draft Children's Services (Scotland) Bill: getting it right for every child.

Scotland. Scottish Executive, corp creator. Effective learning for adults with learning difficulties.

Scotland. Scottish Executive
Scottish Centre for Social Research, corp creators. Evaluation of Free Fruit in Schools initiative.

Scotland. Scottish Executive, corp creator. Evaluation of measurement options for those aged 16-19 not in employment, education or training (NEET).

Scotland. Scottish Executive, corp creator. Evaluation of the Scottish Exchange of Educational Data (ScotXed) partnership.

Scotland. Scottish Executive, corp creator. Evaluation of the Scottish university for industry.

Scotland. Scottish Executive, corp creator. Exploring capacity issues in Scotland's colleges.

Scotland. Scottish Executive, corp creator. Extended schools childcare pilot: final report.

Scotland. Scottish Executive, corp creator. Formative evaluation of the Applied Educational Research Scheme (AERS).

Scotland. Scottish Executive, corp creator. Group work: transition into secondary.

Scotland. Scottish Executive, corp creator. Guidance on appropriate qualifications for teachers of children and young persons who are hearing impaired, visually impaired, or both hearing and visually impaired.

Scotland. Scottish Executive, corp creator. Guidance on the child's or young person's plan: getting it right for every child.

Scotland. Scottish Executive, corp creator. Guidance to education authorities and schools on the equality act 2006.

Scotland. Scottish Executive, corp creator. Health and safety on educational excursions. [ A good practice guide (Scottish Executive) ]

Shaw, Tom, Scotland. Scottish Executive, corp creator. Historical abuse systemic review: residential schools and children's homes in Scotland 1950 to 1995.

Brown, Greg, Scotland. Scottish Executive, corp creator. Issues and options for the formation of a national parent body in Scotland.

Scotland. Scottish Executive, corp creator. Letters of assurance 2: children affected by drug-misusing parents and drug misuse.

Scotland. Scottish Executive, corp creator. Lifelong learning - building on success: a discussion of specific issues related to lifelong learning in Scotland.

Scotland. Scottish Executive, corp creator. Literature review of educational provision for pupils with additional support needs.

Scotland. Scottish Executive, corp creator. Literature review of the social, economic and environmental impact of architecture and design.

Scotland. Scottish Executive, corp creator. Mainstreaming pupils with special educational needs: an evaluation.

Scotland. Scottish Executive, corp creator. Modern apprenticeships: improving completion rates.

Rice, Catherine, McGregor, Neil, Thomson, Hilary and Udagawa, Chihiro, Scotland. Scottish Executive
Scottish Executive Social Research, corp creators. National *English for Speakers of Other Languages* (esol) strategy: mapping exercise and scoping study.

Scotland. Scottish Executive, corp creator. National review of the Early Years and Childcare Workforce: analysis of consultation and workshop responses.

Clark, Tony, Great Britain. Department for Education and Skills
Northern Ireland. Department for Employment and Learning.
Scotland. Scottish Executive
Wales. Welsh Assembly Government
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, corp creators. OECD thematic review of tertiary education. Country report : United Kingdom. [ Research report (Great Britain. Department for Education and Skills) ; no. 767 ]

Scotland. Scottish Executive, corp creator. Parents' access to and demand for childcare survey 2006: final report.

Scotland. Scottish Executive, corp creator. Partnership matters.

Thorpe, Graham, Scotland. Scottish Executive
SCRE Centre, University of Glasgow, corp creators. Programme for International Student Assessment (pisa) 2003 : initial report on Scotland's performance in mathematics, science and reading.

Scotland. Scottish Executive, corp creator. Project 1 review of guidance on dealing with racist incidents: final report.

Scotland. Scottish Executive, corp creator. Promoting equal opportunities in education: project two : guidance on dealing with homophobic incidents: phase 1 report and recommendations.

Nicholson, Linda, Scotland. Scottish Executive, corp creator. Protecting children from sexual harm: analysis of consultation responses.

Anderson, Simon, Bromley, Catherine and Given, Lisa, Scotland. Scottish Executive
Scottish Centre for Social Research, corp creators. Public attitudes towards young people and youth crime in Scotland : findings from the 2004 Scottish social attitudes survey.

Scotland. Scottish Executive, corp creator. Public knowledge of and attitudes to social work in Scotland.

Scotland. Scottish Executive, corp creator. Quality of life and well-being: measuring the benefits of culture and sport : literature review and thinkpiece.

Scotland. Scottish Executive, corp creator. Review of Scotland's colleges: accountability and governance.

Scotland. Scottish Executive, corp creator. Review of Scotland's colleges: delivering a smarter Scotland : the difference Scotland's colleges make to learners, the economy and wider society.

Scotland. Scottish Executive, corp creator. Review of Scotland's colleges: equalities issues report.

Scotland. Scottish Executive, corp creator. Review of Scotland's colleges: supporting successful, accountable governance.

Scotland. Scottish Executive, corp creator. Review of Scotland's colleges: transforming lives, transforming Scotland: an overview by the review's 'core group'.

Scotland. Scottish Executive, corp creator. Review of research on vulnerable young people and their transitions to independent living.

Scotland. Scottish Executive, corp creator. SIES- comparisons between Scotland and England: summary.

Scotland. Scottish Executive, corp creator. Scotland's science centres: impacts and future interventions.

Scotland. Scottish Executive, corp creator. Scottish Schools (Parental Involvement) Act 2006: guidance on parental involvement in the appointment processes for headteacher and deputy headteacher posts.

Scotland. Scottish Executive, corp creator. Scottish household survey analytical topic report 2006: childcare module.

Scotland. Scottish Executive, corp creator. Seventh survey of mathematics 2004: Assessment of Achievement Programme.

Scotland. Scottish Executive
Scottish Centre for Social Research
University of Edinburgh. Centre for Research on Families and Relationships, corp creators. Sure Start mapping exercise 2004.

Scotland. Scottish Executive, corp creator. Survey of sugar intake among children in Scotland.

Scotland. Scottish Executive, corp creator. Working for families evaluation: phase 1 (2004-2006).

Scotland. Scottish Executive, corp creator. Young people's awareness and experience of Educational Maintenance Allowances (EMAs) and their impact on choices and pathways.

Scotland. Scottish Executive, corp creator. The nature and implications of the part-time employment of secondary school pupils.

Scotland. Scottish Executive, corp creator. A process review of the child protection reform programme.

Scotland. Scottish Executive, corp creator. A review of the Scottish Executive document 'Guidance on the circumstances in which parents may choose to educate their children at home': consultation Paper.

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