Digital Education Resource Archive (DERA)

Browse by Corporate Authors (Beta)

Number of items: 28.

Scottish Executive, corp creator. (2017) Review of Provision of Educational Psychology Services in Scotland.

Rutherford, Lisa, Sharp, Clare and Bromley, Catherine, Scottish Executive, corp creator. (2012) Scottish health survey 2011. Vol. 2, Children. [ National Statistics publication for Scotland ]

Scottish Executive, corp creator. (2007) Moving forward : a strategy for improving young people's chances through youth work : a national youth work strategy.

Granville, Sue and Mulholland, Shona, Scottish Executive, corp creator. (2007) National fostering and kinship care strategy : analysis of consultation responses.

Scottish Executive, corp creator. (2007) Scottish Survey of Achievement : information : 2006 Scottish Survey of Achievement (SSA) social subjects (enquiry skills) and core skills.

Speake, Liz., Scottish Executive, corp creator. (2007) Vocational education and training in Scotland and France : a comparative study = La formation professionnelle en France et en Ecosse : etude comparative.

Scottish Executive, corp creator. (2006) National review of the early years and childcare workforce : Scottish Executive response : investing in children's futures.

Scottish Executive, corp creator. (2006) Review of Scotland's colleges : unlocking opportunity : the difference Scotland's colleges make to learners, the economy and wider society.

Scottish Executive, corp creator. (2006) Scottish Schools (Parental Involvement) Act 2006 : guidance.

Scottish Executive, corp creator. (2006) Scottish Survey Of Achievement : information : 2005 Scottish Survey Of Achievement (SSA) : English language and core skills.

Scottish Executive, corp creator. (2006) The registration of independent schools in Scotland : guidance notes.

Gallacher, Jim, Toman, Nuala, Caldwell, Joanne, Raffe, David and Edwards, Richard, Scottish Executive, corp creator. (2005) Evaluation of the impact of the Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework (SCQF).

Scottish Executive, corp creator. (2004) Guidance for integrated children's services plans 2005-2008.

Osborne, Michael and Bell, David, Scottish Executive
Social Research, corp creators. (2004) Research on approaches to public funding and development of tertiary education within selected OECD nations.

Calman, Kenneth C.(Kenneth Charles) and Paulson-Ellis, Michael, Scottish Executive
Health Department (Scotland), corp creators. (2004) Review of basic medical education in Scotland : report and conclusions.

Scottish Executive, corp creator. (2004) School boards guide to the legislation : School Boards (Scotland) Act 1988, School Boards (Scotland) Regulations 1989, School Boards (Financial Information) (Scotland) Regulations 1990, Education (Scotland) Act 1996, Standards in Scotland's Schools etc. Act 2000, School Education (Amendment) (Scotland) Act 2002.

Scottish Executive, corp creator. (2003) School estate management plans : building our future : Scotland's school estate.

Scottish Executive, corp creator. (2003) A framework for higher education in Scotland : higher education review, phase 2.

Scottish Executive, corp creator. (2002) Destinations of leavers from Scottish schools : 2001/02.

Department for Education and Skills (DFES)
National Assembly for Wales (Wales)
Scottish Executive
Department of Education (DENI) (Northern Ireland)
Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA)
Department for Employment and Learning (DELNI) (Northern Ireland), corp creators. (2002) Education and training statistics for the United Kingdom : 2002 edition.

Scottish Executive, corp creator. (2002) Professional review and development 2002. [ Continuing professional development series ]

Scottish Executive, corp creator. (2002) Vulnerable children : young runaways and children abused through prostitution.

Scottish Executive
Education Department (Scotland), corp creators. (2001) Protecting children : the next steps to securing their safety : a policy position paper on the establishment of an index of adults unsuitable to work with children.

Scottish Executive
National Qualifications Steering Group, corp creators. (2001) Review of initial implementation of new national qualifications : a report.

Scottish Executive, corp creator. (2000) Destinations of leavers from Scottish schools : 1997-1998 to 1999-2000.

Scottish Executive, corp creator. (2000) Improving our schools : consultation on the Schools Scotland Code.

Scottish Executive
Central Research Unit
University of Dundee
Charity Law Research Unit, corp creators. (2000) Public trusts and educational endowments.

Department for Education and Employment (DFEE)
National Assembly for Wales (Wales)
Scottish Executive
Department of Education (DENI) (Northern Ireland)
Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA), corp creators. (1999) Education and training statistics for the United Kingdom : 1999 edition.

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