Digital Education Resource Archive (DERA)

Browse by Corporate Authors (Beta)

Number of items: 48.

Scottish Government, corp creator. (2023) British Sign Language (BSL) National Plan 2023-2029 : A Scottish Government Consultation.

Scottish Government, corp creator. (2023) Inspection of early learning and childcare and school age childcare services in Scotland : Consultation Paper.

Cabinet Office
Scottish Government, corp creators. (2022) Data sharing to support early learning and childcare in Scotland : Consultation on draft Digital Government (Disclosure of Information) Regulations 2022. [ Open consultation ]

Scottish Government, corp creator. (2020) Discussion paper: Access to postgraduate study: representation and destinations.

Scottish Government, corp creator. (2020) The Expert Group on Preventing Sexual Offending Involving Children and Young People: Commissioned by the Scottish Government: Prevention of and Responses to Harmful Sexual Behaviour by Children and Young People.

Scottish Government, corp creator. (2020) Factors Affecting Children's Mental Health and Wellbeing: Findings from the Realigning Children's Services Wellbeing Surveys (2015-2017).

Scottish Government, corp creator. (2019) Fair Start Scotland: Annual Report, Year 1.

Higher Education Statistics Agency
Department for the Economy (Northern Ireland)
Scottish Government
Welsh Government
Department for Education, corp creators. (2017) Higher education student enrolments and qualifications obtained at higher education providers in the United Kingdom 2015/16 : 12 January 2017. [ Statistical First Release ]

Matheson, Michael, Scottish Government , corp creator. (2014) The carer’s assessment (Scotland) directions 2014.

Scottish Government
National Statistics, corp creators. (2013) Education outcomes for Scotland’s looked after children, 2011/12.

Scottish Government, corp creator. (2013) Summary statistics for attainment, leaver destinations and healthy living, no. 3 : 2013 edition. [ Statistical bulletin. Education series ]

Scottish Government , corp creator. (2012) Educational outcomes for Scotland’s looked after children 2010/11. [ Statistical Bulletin: Health and Care Series ]

Black, Carolyn, Eunson, Jane, Murray, Lorraine and Cunningham-Burley, Sarah, Scottish Government
Scottish Government Social Research, corp creators. (2012) Evaluation of You First. [ Social research series (Scottish Government) ]

Scottish Government, corp creator. (2012) Literacy Action Plan: interim progress report, September 2012.

Education Scotland
Scottish Government, corp creators. (2012) [Summary of quality indicator results from Education Scotland inspections].

Scottish Funding Council
Scottish Government, corp creators. (2011) Consultation Paper: college regionalisation: proposals for implementing putting learners at the centre.

Scottish Government, corp creator. (2011) Consultation on the Draft Student Fees (Specification)(Scotland) Order 2011.

Watt, Glenys, Clark, Ian, Simpson, Lorraine and Stuart, Alasdair, Scottish Government
Blake Stevenson Ltd, corp creators. (2011) Evaluation of the Activity Agreements pilots: final report.

Robinson, Susan, Scottish Government, corp creator. (2011) Overall report for the public consultation on school handbooks and better information for parents: results from the online consultation and engagement events and focus groups.

Roe, Willy, Scottish Government, corp creator. (2011) Review of post-16 education and vocational training in Scotland.

Department for Work and Pensions (DWP)
Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS)
Scottish Government
Welsh Government, corp creators. (2011) Young Person’s Guarantee official statistics.

Scottish Government, corp creator. (2010) Building curriculum for excellence through positive relationships and behaviour.

Scottish Government, corp creator. (2010) Curriculum for excellence building the curriculum 5: a framework for assessment: reporting.

Scottish Government, corp creator. (2010) The European higher education area.

Scottish Government, corp creator. (2010) Scottish survey of adult literacies 2009: report of findings.

Scottish Government, corp creator. (2010) Supporting children‘s learning code of practice (revised).

Bannister, Jon, Pickering, Jon, Batchelor, Susan, Burman, Michele, Kintrea, Keith and McVie, Susan, Scottish Government, corp creator. (2010) Troublesome youth groups, gangs and knife carrying in Scotland.

Scottish Government, corp creator. (2010) Youth violence in Scotland.

Scottish Government, corp creator. (2010) The equality act 2010: consultation on secondary legislation that will enable the additional support needs tribunals for Scotland (asnts) to hear disability claims cases in school education.

Scottish Government, corp creator. (2009) Curriculum for Excellence: building the curriculum 4: skills for learning, skills for life and skills for work.

Stafford, Anne and Smith, Connie, Scottish Government
The University of Edinburgh
Centre for UK-wide Learning in Child Protection (CLiCP), corp creators. (2009) Practical guidance on consulting, conducting research and working in participative ways with children and young people experiencing domestic abuse.

Scottish Government, corp creator. (2008) Analysis report : consultation on the Additional Support for Learning Amendment Bill.

Edward, Sheila, Weedon, Elisabet and Riddell, Sheila, Scottish Government
Education Analytical Services Division
Scottish Government Social Research, corp creators. (2008) Attitudes to vocational learning : a literature review.

Scottish Government, corp creator. (2008) Biometric technologies in schools : draft guidance for education authorities.

Scottish Government, corp creator. (2008) Building connections, getting involved : measuring social capital outcomes of community learning and development : full report.

Scottish Government, corp creator. (2008) Community Learning and Development (CLD) activity survey 2007 : results of the CLD activity survey undertaken during the reporting week 5-11 November 2007.

Scottish Government, corp creator. (2008) Consultation document : 16+ learning choices : first step activity and financial support.

Smith, Connie, Grimes, Marian, Morrison, Fiona, Houghton, Claire and Stafford, Anne, Scottish Government
Education Analytical Services Division
Scottish Government Social Research, corp creators. (2008) Consultation with children and young people with experience of domestic abuse on Scottish Government National Domestic Abuse Delivery Group draft proposals : main report.

Scottish Government, corp creator. (2008) Delivering outcomes in community learning and development : current issues for outcome-focussed practice in adult learning : full report.

Scottish Government, corp creator. (2008) Delivering outcomes in community learning and development : current issues for outcome-focussed practice in community capacity building : full report.

Scottish Government, corp creator. (2008) Delivering outcomes in community learning and development : current issues for outcome-focussed practice in youth work : full report.

Finn, Maureen, Scottish Government Social Research
Scottish Government
Education Analytical Services Division, corp creators. (2008) Evaluation of Reading Rich : NCH Scotland's Reading Rich programme delivered by the Scottish Book Trust.

Spielhofer, Thomas and Walker, Matthew, Scottish Government, corp creator. (2008) Evaluation of Skills for Work pilot courses : final report.

MacLardie, Jane, Martin, Chris, Murray, Lorraine and Sewel, Kate, Scottish Government
Educational Analytical Services, corp creators. (2008) Evaluation of the free school meals trial for P1 to P3 pupils.

Jindal-Snape, Divya, Smith, Elaine, Barrow, Wilma, Hannah, Elizabeth, Kerr, Claire, Zhou, Yuefang and Baird, Laura, Scottish Government
Education Analytical Services Division
Scottish Government Social Research, corp creators. (2008) Evaluation of the professional development programme for educational psychologists in Scotland.

Bradshaw, Paul, Martin, Claudia J. and Cunningham-Burley, Sarah, Scottish Government
Education Analytical Services Division
Scottish Government Social Research, corp creators. (2008) Exploring the experiences and outcomes of advantaged and disadvantaged families. [ Growing up in Scotland study ]

Jamieson, Lynn, Bradshaw, Paul and Ormston, Rachel, Scottish Government
Education Analytical Services Division
Scottish Government Social Research, corp creators. (2008) Growing up in rural Scotland. [ Growing up in Scotland study ]

Lowden, Kevin and Powney, Janet, Scottish Government, corp creator. (2000) Providing drug education to meet young people’s needs (Interchange 61).

This list was generated on Sun Feb 23 14:01:56 2025 UTC.