Van de Noort, Robert, Financial Sustainability Strategy Group (FSSG)
University of Reading, corp creators.
Understanding the impact of income cross-flows on financial sustainability in the UK higher education sector: February 2019.
Thomas, Hefin, Lane, Jennifer, Evans, Jennifer and Edwards, Viv, Welsh Government
Arad Research
University of Reading
National Centre for Language and Literacy, corp creators.
A review of practice in the implementation of the early language development support element within Flying Start.
Duggan, Brett, Dosmukhambetova, Dina and Edwards, Viv, Welsh Government
Arad Research
University of Reading
National Centre for Language and Literacy, corp creators.
A review of research evidence on the effectiveness of different approaches to promoting early speech and language development.
Goodwyn, Andrew, Protopsaltis, Aristidis and Fuller, Carol L., British Educational Communications and Technology Agency (BECTA)
University of Reading, corp creators.
Harnessing Technology Strategy: celebrating outstanding teachers.
Fidler, Brian, National College for School Leadership (Great Britain)
University of Reading
CfBT Education Trust, corp creators.
Second headship: challenge and revitalisation.