Perera, Natalie and Andrews, Jon, Education Policy Institute (EPI)
Commission on Race and Ethnic Disparities, corp creators.
School funding and the disadvantage gap at local level: prepared for the Commission on Race and Ethnic Disparities.
Sellen, Peter, Huda, Naseef, Gibson, Sarah and Oliver, Lizzie, Education Policy Institute
CooperGibson Research, corp creators.
Evaluation of Universal Infant Free School Meals. January 2018.
Department for Education (DFE)
Renaissance Learning
Education Policy Institute, corp creators.
Understanding progress in the 2020/21 academic year : complete findings from the autumn term : June 2021.
Department for Education (DFE)
Renaissance Learning
Education Policy Institute (EPI), corp creators.
Understanding Progress in the 2020/21 Academic Year : Findings from the summer term and summary of all previous findings : October 2021.
Department for Education (DFE)
Renaissance Learning
Education Policy Institute, corp creators.
Understanding progress in the 2020/21 academic year : complete findings from the autumn term : June 2021.
Education Policy Institute, corp creator.
The 11-plus and access to grammar schools.
Frith, Emily, Education Policy Institute, corp creator.
Access and waiting times in children and young people’s mental health services.
Crenna-Jennings, Whitney and Hutchinson, Jo, Education Policy Institute, corp creator.
Access to child and adolescent mental health services in 2019.
Crenna-Jennings, Whitney and Hutchinson, Jo, Education Policy Institute, corp creator.
Access to children and young people’s mental health services: 2018.
Andrews, Jon and Perera, Natalie, Education Policy Institute, corp creator.
Access to high performing schools in England.
Andrews, Jon, Education Policy Institute, corp creator.
Access to special schools in England.
Education Policy Institute, corp creator.
Analysis : A level results day 2020.
Education Policy Institute, corp creator.
Analysis paper: preliminary research findings on education recovery: Education Policy Institute, April 2021.
Mills, Bobbie and Andrews, Jon, Education Policy Institute, corp creator.
Assessing Covid-19 cost pressures on England’s schools : December 2020.
Sibieta, Luke, Education Policy Institute, corp creator.
COVID-related teacher and pupil absences in England over 2020 autumn term.
Frith, Emily, Education Policy Institute, corp creator.
Children and Young People’s Mental Health: time to deliver.
Andrews, Jon, Robinson, David and Hutchinson, Jo, Education Policy Institute, corp creator.
Closing the Gap? : trends in educational attainment and disadvantage. August 2017.
Sibieta, Luke, Education Policy Institute, corp creator.
Comparing GCSE performance in England and Wales: equivalent or not?
Hutchinson, Jo, Dunford, John and Treadaway, Mike, Education Policy Institute, corp creator.
Divergent Pathways: the disadvantage gap, accountability and the pupil premium.
Education Policy Institute, corp creator.
Education Policy Institute Submission: Health Select Committee Inquiry on children and young people’s mental health: the role of education.
Hutchinson, Jo, Robinson, David, Carr, Daniel, Hunt, Emily, Crenna-Jennings, Whitney and Akhal, Avinash, Education Policy Institute, corp creator.
Education in England: Annual Report 2018.
Sibieta, Luke and Cottell, Josh, Education Policy Institute, corp creator.
Education reopening and catch-up support across the UK.
Johnes, Rebecca, Education Policy Institute, corp creator.
Entries to arts subjects at Key Stage 4.
Hunt, Emily, Education Policy Institute, corp creator.
Fair access to schools? The impact of the appeals and waiting list system. April 2019.
Andrews, Jon and Johnes, Rebecca, Education Policy Institute, corp creator.
Faith Schools, pupil performance, and social selection.
Andrews, Jon and Johnes, Rebecca, Education Policy Institute, corp creator.
Faith schools, pupil performance and social selection.
Andrews, Jon and Johnes, Rebecca, Education Policy Institute, corp creator.
Free schools in England.
Andrews, Jon, Hutchinson, Jo and Johnes, Rebecca, Education Policy Institute, corp creator.
Grammar schools and social mobility.
Andrews, Jon and Hutchinson, Jo, Education Policy Institute, corp creator.
Grammar schools and social mobility: further analysis of policy options.
Perera, Natalie, Education Policy Institute, corp creator.
High needs funding : an overview of the key issues.
Education Policy Institute, corp creator.
Identifying pupils with special educational needs and disabilities.
Frith, Emily, Education Policy Institute, corp creator.
Inpatient provision for children and young people with mental health problems. July 2017.
Education Policy Institute, corp creator.
Preventing the disadvantage gap from increasing during and after the Covid-19 pandemic : proposals from the Education Policy Institute, May 2020.
Frith, Emily, Education Policy Institute, corp creator.
Progress and challenges in the transformation of young people’s mental health care: 17 August 2016.
Education Policy Institute, corp creator.
Response to 'Schools that work for everyone' consultation document.
Education Policy Institute, corp creator.
Response to ‘Analysing Family Circumstances and Education’ Government Consultation. July 2017.
Education Policy Institute, corp creator.
Response to ‘Primary Assessments in England’ Government Consultation. June 2017.
Hutchinson, Jo, Education Policy Institute, corp creator.
School Inspection in England: Is there room to improve?: 22 November 2016.
Andrews, Jon and Lawrence, Tom, Education Policy Institute, corp creator.
School funding pressures in England.
Andrews, Jon, Education Policy Institute, corp creator.
School performance in multi-academy trusts and local authorities: 2015.
Andrews, Jon, Education Policy Institute, corp creator.
School revenue balances in England.
Frith, Emily, Education Policy Institute, corp creator.
Social media and children's mental health: a review of the evidence.
Bonetti, Sara and Brown, Kristen, Education Policy Institute, corp creator.
Structural elements of quality early years provision : a review of the evidence. August 2018.
Education Policy Institute, corp creator.
Summary Paper: Education Policy Institute Proposals for Exams and Grading in 2021: January 2021.
Sibieta, Luke, Education Policy Institute, corp creator.
Teacher shortages in England: analysis and pay options.
Sellen, Peter, Education Policy Institute, corp creator.
Teacher workload and professional development in England’s secondary schools: insights from TALIS: 10 October 2016.
Stickland, Nikki, Education Policy Institute, corp creator.
Transforming rehabilitation? Prison education: Analysis and options: March 2016.
Dominguez-Reig, Gerard and Robinson, David, Education Policy Institute, corp creator.
UTCs: are they delivering for young people and the economy?
Andrews, Jon, Education Policy Institute, corp creator.
Understanding school revenue expenditure. Part 2: How does overall funding and expenditure relate to school characteristics?
Andrews, Jon, Education Policy Institute, corp creator.
Understanding school revenue expenditure. Part 5, Expenditure on teaching assistants. February 2020.
Education Policy Institute, corp creator.
Understanding school revenue expenditure: Part 3: Trends in teacher numbers.
Crenna-Jennings, Whitney, Education Policy Institute, corp creator.
Vulnerable children and social care in England: a review of the evidence.
Education Policy Institute, corp creator.
Where next on school funding and the National Funding Formula?
Johnes, Rebecca and Hutchinson, Jo, Education Policy Institute, corp creator.
Widening the gap? The impact of the 30-hour entitlement on early years education and childcare: 26 May 2016.
Crenna-Jennings, Whitney, Education Policy Institute, corp creator.
Young people’s mental and emotional health: Trajectories and drivers in childhood and adolescence.
Education Policy Institute, corp creator.
The challenge of navigating teacher recruitment, pay and curriculum choices. July 2017.
Education Policy Institute, corp creator.
A comparison of school institutions and policies across the UK.
Akhal, Avinash, Education Policy Institute, corp creator.
The early years workforce : a comparison with retail workers.
Bonetti, Sara, Education Policy Institute, corp creator.
The early years workforce: a fragmented picture.
Hutchinson, Jo and Reader, Mary, Education Policy Institute, corp creator.
The educational outcomes of refugee and asylum-seeking children in England : An experimental methodology for analysing attainment, absence and exclusions.
Andrews, Jon, Perera, Natalie, Eyles, Andy, Sahlgren, Gabriel Heller, Machin, Stephen, Sandi, Matteo and Silva, Olmo, Education Policy Institute, corp creator.
The impact of academies on educational outcomes. July 2017.
Robinson, David and Salvestrini, Viola, Education Policy Institute, corp creator.
The impact of interventions for widening access to higher education : a review of the evidence.
Perera, Natalie, Andrews, Jon and Sellen, Peter, Education Policy Institute, corp creator.
The implications of the National Funding Formula for schools.
Robinson, David and Dominguez-Reig, Gerard, Education Policy Institute, corp creator.
An international comparison of technical education funding systems: What can England learn from successful countries?
Andrews, Jon, Education Policy Institute, corp creator.
The introduction of Progress 8.
Frith, Emily, Education Policy Institute, corp creator.
The performance of the NHS in England in transforming children’s mental health services.
Sellen, Peter, Huda, Naseef, Gibson, Sarah and Oliver, Lizzie, Education Policy Institute
CooperGibson Research, corp creators.
Evaluation of Universal Infant Free School Meals. January 2018.
Hutchinson, Jo, Bonetti, Sara, Crenna-Jennings, Whitney and Akhal, Avinash, Education Policy Institute
Fair Education Alliance, corp creators.
Education in England : Annual report 2019.
Hutchinson, Jo, Reader, Mary and Akhal, Avinash, Education Policy Institute
Fair Education Alliance (FEA)
Unbound, corp creators.
Education in England: Annual Report 2020.
Andrews, Jon, Jerrim, John and Perera, Natalie, Education Policy Institute
Institute of Education, corp creators.
English education: world class?
Mills, Bobbie, Education Policy Institute
Kumon, corp creators.
The relationship between the Kumon maths programme and Key Stage 2 maths outcomes in England : August 2020.
Hutchinson, Jo and Crenna-Jennings, Whitney, Education Policy Institute
National Education Union, corp creators.
Unexplained pupil exits from schools : a growing problem? Working paper. April 2019.
Bonetti, Sara and Blanden, Jo, Education Policy Institute
Nuffield Foundation, corp creators.
Early years workforce qualifications and children’s outcomes : an analysis using administrative data : December 2020.
Sibieta, Luke, Education Policy Institute
Nuffield Foundation, corp creators.
School attendance rates across the UK since full reopening : November 2020.
Bonetti, Sara, Education Policy Institute
Nuffield Foundation, corp creators.
The early years workforce in England: a comparative analysis using the Labour Force Survey.
Dominguez-Reig, Gerard and Robinson, David, Education Policy Institute
Pearson, corp creators.
16-19 education funding : trends and implications. May 2019.
Dominguez-Reig, Gerard and Sellen, Peter, Education Policy Institute
Pearson, corp creators.
Apprenticeships for Northern Growth: Challenges, trends and current reforms.
Robinson, David, Education Policy Institute
The Health Foundation, corp creators.
Further education pathways: Securing a successful and healthy life after education.
Jerrim, John, Perera, Natalie and Sellen, Peter, Education Policy Institute
UCL Institute of Education, corp creators.
English education : world class in primary? December 2017.
Frith, Emily, Education Policy Institute
XenZone, corp creators.
Online mental health support for young people. November 2017.
Department for Education (DFE)
Renaissance Learning
Education Policy Institute (EPI), corp creators.
Understanding Progress in the 2020/21 Academic Year : Findings from the summer term and summary of all previous findings : October 2021.
Joseph, Allen, Crenna-Jennings, Whitney and Marchant, Isaac, Education Policy Institute (EPI), corp creator.
Children and young people's mental health services : Targets, progress and barriers to improvement.
Crenna-Jennings, Whitney, Joseph, Allen and Hutchinson, Jo, Education Policy Institute (EPI), corp creator.
Children missing from education : Estimates, trends and characteristics.
Hunt, Emily, Education Policy Institute (EPI), corp creator.
Closing the Forgotten Gap : Implementing a 16-19 Student Premium.
Hunt, Emily, Education Policy Institute (EPI), corp creator.
Closing the Forgotten Gap : Implementing a 16-19 Student Premium.
Hunt, Emily, Tuckett, Sam, Robinson, David, Hutchinson, Jo and Coleman, Claire, Education Policy Institute (EPI), corp creator.
Covid-19 and Disadvantage Gaps in 2020.
Tuckett, Sam, Hunt, Emily, Robinson, David and Cruikshanks, Robbie, Education Policy Institute (EPI), corp creator.
Covid-19 and Disadvantage Gaps in England 2021.
Robinson, David and Coleman, Claire, Education Policy Institute (EPI), corp creator.
Digital Skills Divided: Technical provision for 16 to 19 year olds.
Andrews, Jon, Education Policy Institute (EPI), corp creator.
Does the claim of ‘1.9 million more children in good or outstanding schools’ stack up?
Joseph, Allen and Crenna-Jennings, Whitney, Education Policy Institute (EPI), corp creator.
Early adult outcomes for suspended and excluded pupils.
Education Policy Institute (EPI), corp creator.
Education Policy Institute position on testing and examinations in 2021.
Andrews, Jon, Hunt, Emily and Khandekar, Shruti, Education Policy Institute (EPI), corp creator.
Education priorities in the next general election.
Crenna-Jennings, Whitney, Perera, Natalie and Sibieta, Luke, Education Policy Institute (EPI), corp creator.
Education recovery and resilience in England: Phase One report.
Hodge, Louis and Cruikshanks, Robbie, Education Policy Institute (EPI), corp creator.
The Features of Effective School Groups: Measuring pupil inclusion and attainment at school-group level.
Hunt, Emily and Joseph, Allen, Education Policy Institute (EPI), corp creator.
Funding futures : Targeting early investment so all children can reach their potential : Report 1 : Local Disadvantage Gaps in England.
Andrews, Jon, Khandekar, Shruti and Cruikshanks, Robbie, Education Policy Institute (EPI), corp creator.
General Election 2024 : an analysis of manifesto plans for education.
Andrews, Jon, Faux, Amy, Huda, Naseef, Johnes, Rebecca, Perera, Natalie, Pither, Sam, Sellen, Peter and Stephens, Eleanor, Education Policy Institute (EPI), corp creator.
General election 2017 : an analysis of manifesto plans for education.
Cooper, Kerris and Jiménez, Eva, Education Policy Institute (EPI), corp creator.
How can we reduce food poverty for under-fives?
Education Policy Institute (EPI), corp creator.
Identifying SEND: Final Report on Special Educational Needs & Disabilities and contact with CAMHS.
Hutchinson, Jo, Kelly, Joni, Sibieta, Luke and Zuccollo, James, Education Policy Institute (EPI), corp creator.
Incentives to recruit and retain teachers in Wales.
Cardim-Dias, Joana and Sibieta, Luke, Education Policy Institute (EPI), corp creator.
Inequalities in GCSE results across England and Wales.
Dias, Joana Cardim and Zuccollo, James, Education Policy Institute (EPI), corp creator.
Networks of headteachers and schools.
Crenna-Jennings, Whitney, Fowler, Jenna, Joseph, Allen and Hutchinson, Jo, Education Policy Institute (EPI), corp creator.
Non-specialist mental health support for young people in England.
Joseph, Allen and Crenna-Jennings, Whitney, Education Policy Institute (EPI), corp creator.
Outcomes for young people who experience multiple suspensions.
Robinson, David and Carr, Daniel, Education Policy Institute (EPI), corp creator.
Post-18 education and funding : options for the government review.
Hodge, Louis, Stevenson, Lorna, Griffiths, Jenny, Ramaiah, Baz and Carleton, Conor, Education Policy Institute (EPI), corp creator.
Progression at age 16 of young people from underrepresented backgrounds towards careers in STEM.
Cruikshanks, Robbie, Education Policy Institute (EPI), corp creator.
Pupil Wellbeing in Essex.
Campbell, Tammy and Kelly, Joni, Education Policy Institute (EPI), corp creator.
Reading the data : what can quantitative analyses tell us about the national impacts of the phonics screening check?
Andrews, Jon, Education Policy Institute (EPI), corp creator.
Reforming accountability.
Cruikshanks, Robbie, Education Policy Institute (EPI), corp creator.
School funding model : Effect of falling school rolls.
Andrews, Jon, Education Policy Institute (EPI), corp creator.
School performance in academy chains and local authorities : 2017.
Hunt, Emily, Education Policy Institute (EPI), corp creator.
Secondary school choice in England.
Gedikoglu, Mina, Education Policy Institute (EPI), corp creator.
Social and emotional learning : an evidence review and synthesis of key issues.
Andrews, Jon and Cruikshanks, Robbie, Education Policy Institute (EPI), corp creator.
Tackling the persistent disadvantage gap : A new approach to deprivation funding.
Andrews, Jon, Education Policy Institute (EPI), corp creator.
Understanding school revenue expenditure : Part 1 : Why do we need another study on school funding?
Zuccollo, James, Education Policy Institute (EPI), corp creator.
Winners and losers from the teachers’ pay grant.
Hutchinson, Jo, Education Policy Institute (EPI), corp creator.
The educational outcomes of deaf children in England : Attainment at Key Stages 1, 2 and 4.
Gavriloiu, Oana, Education Policy Institute (EPI), corp creator.
An evidence review into the length of the school day.
Akhal, Avinash, Education Policy Institute (EPI), corp creator.
The impact of recent government policies on early years provision.
Zuccollo, James, Dias, Joana Cardim, Jiménez, Eva and Braakmann, Nils, Education Policy Institute (EPI), corp creator.
The influence of headteachers on their schools.
Hodge, Louis and Gavriloiu, Oana, Education Policy Institute (EPI), corp creator.
A longer school day : the attainment benefits of an extra hour a week.
Maris, Robbie, Khandekar, Shruti and Robinson, David, Education Policy Institute (EPI), corp creator.
A quantitative analysis of T level access and progression.
Tuckett, Sam, Education Policy Institute (EPI), corp creator.
A spotlight on Design and Technology study in England.
Sibieta, Luke, Education Policy Institute (EPI), corp creator.
The teacher labour market : a perilous path ahead?
Sibieta, Luke, Education Policy Institute (EPI), corp creator.
The teacher labour market in England : shortages, subject expertise and incentives.
Perera, Natalie and Andrews, Jon, Education Policy Institute (EPI)
Commission on Race and Ethnic Disparities, corp creators.
School funding and the disadvantage gap at local level: prepared for the Commission on Race and Ethnic Disparities.
Fullard, Joshua and Zuccollo, James, Education Policy Institute (EPI)
Gatsby Foundation, corp creators.
Local pay and teacher retention in England.
Andrews, Jon, Hunt, Emily, Mills, Bobbie and Bunting, Felix, Education Policy Institute (EPI)
Nuffield Foundation, corp creators.
General Election 2019 : an analysis of manifesto plans for education.
Anderson, Roy, Sellen, Peter, Domínguez-Reig, Gerard, Huda, Naseef, An, Rachel and Bennett, Ieuan, Education Policy Institute (EPI)
Pearson, corp creators.
Educating for our Economic Future : second report from an independent advisory group on skills.
Hutchinson, Jo, Education Policy Institute (EPI)
The Bell Foundation, corp creators.
Educational outcomes of children with English as an additional language.
Jerrim, John, Greany, Toby and Perera, Natalie, Education Policy Institute (EPI)
UCL Institute of Education (IOE)
University College London (UCL), corp creators.
Educational disadvantage : how does England compare?
Hutchinson, Jo, Bonetti, Sara, Crenna-Jennings, Whitney and Akhal, Avinash, Education Policy Institute
Fair Education Alliance, corp creators.
Education in England : Annual report 2019.
Hutchinson, Jo, Reader, Mary and Akhal, Avinash, Education Policy Institute
Fair Education Alliance (FEA)
Unbound, corp creators.
Education in England: Annual Report 2020.
Fullard, Joshua and Zuccollo, James, Education Policy Institute (EPI)
Gatsby Foundation, corp creators.
Local pay and teacher retention in England.
Andrews, Jon, Jerrim, John and Perera, Natalie, Education Policy Institute
Institute of Education, corp creators.
English education: world class?
Mills, Bobbie, Education Policy Institute
Kumon, corp creators.
The relationship between the Kumon maths programme and Key Stage 2 maths outcomes in England : August 2020.
Hutchinson, Jo and Crenna-Jennings, Whitney, Education Policy Institute
National Education Union, corp creators.
Unexplained pupil exits from schools : a growing problem? Working paper. April 2019.
Andrews, Jon, Hunt, Emily, Mills, Bobbie and Bunting, Felix, Education Policy Institute (EPI)
Nuffield Foundation, corp creators.
General Election 2019 : an analysis of manifesto plans for education.
Bonetti, Sara and Blanden, Jo, Education Policy Institute
Nuffield Foundation, corp creators.
Early years workforce qualifications and children’s outcomes : an analysis using administrative data : December 2020.
Sibieta, Luke, Education Policy Institute
Nuffield Foundation, corp creators.
School attendance rates across the UK since full reopening : November 2020.
Bonetti, Sara, Education Policy Institute
Nuffield Foundation, corp creators.
The early years workforce in England: a comparative analysis using the Labour Force Survey.
Anderson, Roy, Sellen, Peter, Domínguez-Reig, Gerard, Huda, Naseef, An, Rachel and Bennett, Ieuan, Education Policy Institute (EPI)
Pearson, corp creators.
Educating for our Economic Future : second report from an independent advisory group on skills.
Dominguez-Reig, Gerard and Robinson, David, Education Policy Institute
Pearson, corp creators.
16-19 education funding : trends and implications. May 2019.
Dominguez-Reig, Gerard and Sellen, Peter, Education Policy Institute
Pearson, corp creators.
Apprenticeships for Northern Growth: Challenges, trends and current reforms.
Department for Education (DFE)
Renaissance Learning
Education Policy Institute, corp creators.
Understanding progress in the 2020/21 academic year : complete findings from the autumn term : June 2021.
Department for Education (DFE)
Renaissance Learning
Education Policy Institute (EPI), corp creators.
Understanding Progress in the 2020/21 Academic Year : Findings from the summer term and summary of all previous findings : October 2021.
Hutchinson, Jo, Education Policy Institute (EPI)
The Bell Foundation, corp creators.
Educational outcomes of children with English as an additional language.
Robinson, David, Education Policy Institute
The Health Foundation, corp creators.
Further education pathways: Securing a successful and healthy life after education.
Jerrim, John, Perera, Natalie and Sellen, Peter, Education Policy Institute
UCL Institute of Education, corp creators.
English education : world class in primary? December 2017.
Jerrim, John, Greany, Toby and Perera, Natalie, Education Policy Institute (EPI)
UCL Institute of Education (IOE)
University College London (UCL), corp creators.
Educational disadvantage : how does England compare?
Hutchinson, Jo, Reader, Mary and Akhal, Avinash, Education Policy Institute
Fair Education Alliance (FEA)
Unbound, corp creators.
Education in England: Annual Report 2020.
Jerrim, John, Greany, Toby and Perera, Natalie, Education Policy Institute (EPI)
UCL Institute of Education (IOE)
University College London (UCL), corp creators.
Educational disadvantage : how does England compare?
Frith, Emily, Education Policy Institute
XenZone, corp creators.
Online mental health support for young people. November 2017.