Fisher, Rowan, Snelling, Charlotte, Ramos, Eduardo, Elliott-Bowman, Joy and Saraswat, Arti, Universities UK
Universities UK International
Association of Colleges
Independent Higher Education, corp creators.
Principles and guidance for collaborative teaching partnerships during the pandemic.
Universities UK International
UK Council for International Student Affairs (UKCISA)
British Universities' International Liaison Association (BUILA), corp creators.
Self-isolation for students arriving in the UK : guidance and checklist for higher education institutions.
Universities UK
CFE Research, corp creators.
The future growth of degree apprenticeships.
Fielden, John, Universities UK
CHEMS Consulting, corp creators.
The growth of private and for-profit higher education providers in the UK.
Universities UK
Centre for Higher Education Research and Information
London South Bank University, corp creators.
Survey of higher education students’ attitudes to debt and term-time working and their impact on attainment: a report to Universities UK and HEFCE by the Centre for Higher Education Research and Information (CHERI) and London South Bank University.
Pullinger, John, Universities UK
Commission on International Student Destinations, corp creators.
One size fits all? An analysis of the international student’s journey through the UK higher education system.
Belfield, Chris, Britton, Jack, van der Erve, Laura and Shephard, Neil, Institute for Fiscal Studies
Economic & Social Research Council (ESRC)
Nuffield Foundation
Universities UK, corp creators.
Where is the money going? Estimating the government cost of
different university degrees : IFS Briefing Note BN244.
Belfield, Chris, Britton, Jack and Hodge, Louis, Institute for Fiscal Studies
Economic & Social Research Council (ESRC)
Universities UK, corp creators.
Options for reducing the interest rate on student loans and introducing maintenance grants: IFS Briefing note BN221.
Ilieva, Janet and Judson, Emily, Universities UK International (UUKi)
Education Insight, corp creators.
State of the relationship: UK higher education engagement with the Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf.
Ilieva, Janet, Westphal, Joana and Harris, Stephanie, Universities UK International
Education Insight, corp creators.
International student recruitment : why aren't we second? Part 1.
Universities UK
Evidence Ltd, corp creators.
The use of bibliometrics to measure research quality in UK higher education institutions.
Universities UK
Evidence Ltd., corp creators.
Research report : monitoring research concentration and diversity : changes between 1994 and 2007.
Universities UK
FE / HE SORP Board, corp creators.
Statement of recommended practice : Accounting for further and higher education.
Universities UK
Valuation Office Agency
Gerald Eve, corp creators.
Revaluation 2005: memorandum of agreement.
UK Standing Committee for Quality Assessment
Guild HE
Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education (QAA)
Universities UK, corp creators.
Degree Classification: Transparency, reliability and fairness - a statement of intent.
McMillan, Trevor, Universities UK
Guild HE, corp creators.
Concordat for the advancement of knowledge exchange in higher education.
Universities UK (UUK)
GuildHE, corp creators.
Understanding degree algorithms.
Universities UK
Million Plus
Russell Group
University Alliance
UK Council for International Student Affairs, corp creators.
The Student Visa System : principles to reform.
Universities UK
Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education (QAA)
UK Standing Committee for Quality Assessment, corp creators.
Degree classification : transparent, consistent and fair academic standards : consultation.
Universities UK
Research England Joint Working Group, corp creators.
Concordat for the advancement of Knowledge Exchange in Higher Education in England: A Universities UK / GuildHE consultation with the HE sector: Informed by the Universities UK / Research England joint working group.
Universities UK
Higher Education Careers Service Unit (HECSU)
Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE), corp creators.
Changes in student choices and graduate employment.
Booman, Susan and Ramsden, Brian, Universities UK
Higher Education Consulting, corp creators.
Research report : taught postgraduate students : market trends and opportunities.
Universities UK
Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE), corp creators.
Adapting business models in a changing environment.
Universities UK
Higher Education Careers Service Unit (HECSU)
Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE), corp creators.
Changes in student choices and graduate employment.
Universities UK
Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE), corp creators.
Degree apprenticeships: realising opportunities.
Universities UK
Higher Education Statistics Agency, corp creators.
Patterns and trends in UK higher education 2014.
Universities UK
Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA), corp creators.
Patterns and trends in UK higher education 2012.
Universities UK
Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA), corp creators.
Patterns and trends in UK higher education 2013.
O'Prey, Paul, Universities UK
Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA), corp creators.
Patterns and trends in UK higher education : 2011.
Universities UK
Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA)
Universities and College Admissions Service for the UK (UCAS), corp creators.
Higher education in facts and figures : Summer 2010.
Universities UK International
Higher Education Statistics Agency Limited (HESA), corp creators.
Gone international : rising aspirations : report on the 2016-17 graduating cohort.
Fisher, Rowan, Snelling, Charlotte, Ramos, Eduardo, Elliott-Bowman, Joy and Saraswat, Arti, Universities UK
Universities UK International
Association of Colleges
Independent Higher Education, corp creators.
Principles and guidance for collaborative teaching partnerships during the pandemic.
Belfield, Chris, Britton, Jack, van der Erve, Laura and Shephard, Neil, Institute for Fiscal Studies
Economic & Social Research Council (ESRC)
Nuffield Foundation
Universities UK, corp creators.
Where is the money going? Estimating the government cost of
different university degrees : IFS Briefing Note BN244.
Belfield, Chris, Britton, Jack and Hodge, Louis, Institute for Fiscal Studies
Economic & Social Research Council (ESRC)
Universities UK, corp creators.
Options for reducing the interest rate on student loans and introducing maintenance grants: IFS Briefing note BN221.
Universities UK
Centre for Higher Education Research and Information
London South Bank University, corp creators.
Survey of higher education students’ attitudes to debt and term-time working and their impact on attainment: a report to Universities UK and HEFCE by the Centre for Higher Education Research and Information (CHERI) and London South Bank University.
Universities UK
Million Plus
Russell Group
University Alliance
UK Council for International Student Affairs, corp creators.
The Student Visa System : principles to reform.
Ransom, James, Universities UK
National Centre for Entrepreneurship in Education (NCEE), corp creators.
Universities and the UK’s economic recovery : an analysis of future impact.
Universities UK
National Education Opportunities Network, corp creators.
The financial concerns of students.
Universities UK (UUK)
National Education Opportunities Network (NEON), corp creators.
Improving the provision of information on student finance : report of the NEON-UUK student finance information advisory group.
Universities UK (UUK)
National Union of Students (NUS), corp creators.
Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic student attainment at UK universities : #closingthegap.
Brown, Nigel and Ramsden, Brian, Universities UK
Nigel Brown Associates, corp creators.
Variable tuition fees in England : assessing their impact on
students and higher education institutions : a fourth report.
Belfield, Chris, Britton, Jack, van der Erve, Laura and Shephard, Neil, Institute for Fiscal Studies
Economic & Social Research Council (ESRC)
Nuffield Foundation
Universities UK, corp creators.
Where is the money going? Estimating the government cost of
different university degrees : IFS Briefing Note BN244.
Universities UK
Open Access and Monographs Group, corp creators.
Open access and monographs evidence review. October 2019.
Universities UK
Open Data Institute, corp creators.
Open data in higher education : an introductory guide.
Universities UK (UUK)
Oxford Economics, corp creators.
The economic impact of international students.
UK Standing Committee for Quality Assessment
Guild HE
Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education (QAA)
Universities UK, corp creators.
Degree Classification: Transparency, reliability and fairness - a statement of intent.
Universities UK
Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education (QAA)
UK Standing Committee for Quality Assessment, corp creators.
Degree classification : transparent, consistent and fair academic standards : consultation.
Universities UK
Research England Joint Working Group, corp creators.
Concordat for the advancement of Knowledge Exchange in Higher Education in England: A Universities UK / GuildHE consultation with the HE sector: Informed by the Universities UK / Research England joint working group.
Universities UK
Million Plus
Russell Group
University Alliance
UK Council for International Student Affairs, corp creators.
The Student Visa System : principles to reform.
Universities UK
Social Mobility Advisory Group , corp creators.
Working in partnership: enabling social mobility in higher education – the final report of the Social Mobility Advisory Group.
Universities UK
UK Commission for Employment and Skills (UKCES), corp creators.
Forging futures : building higher level skills through
university and employer collaboration : September 2014.
Universities UK
Million Plus
Russell Group
University Alliance
UK Council for International Student Affairs, corp creators.
The Student Visa System : principles to reform.
Universities UK International
UK Council for International Student Affairs (UKCISA)
British Universities' International Liaison Association (BUILA), corp creators.
Self-isolation for students arriving in the UK : guidance and checklist for higher education institutions.
UK Standing Committee for Quality Assessment
Guild HE
Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education (QAA)
Universities UK, corp creators.
Degree Classification: Transparency, reliability and fairness - a statement of intent.
UK Standing Committee for Quality Assessment
Universities UK, corp creators.
Principles for effective degree algorithm design.
Universities UK
Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education (QAA)
UK Standing Committee for Quality Assessment, corp creators.
Degree classification : transparent, consistent and fair academic standards : consultation.
UK Standing Committee for Quality Assessment (UKSCQA), corp creator.
Degree classification : transparency, availability and fairness : statement of intent.
Belfield, Chris, Britton, Jack, van der Erve, Laura and Shephard, Neil, Institute for Fiscal Studies
Economic & Social Research Council (ESRC)
Nuffield Foundation
Universities UK, corp creators.
Where is the money going? Estimating the government cost of
different university degrees : IFS Briefing Note BN244.
Belfield, Chris, Britton, Jack and Hodge, Louis, Institute for Fiscal Studies
Economic & Social Research Council (ESRC)
Universities UK, corp creators.
Options for reducing the interest rate on student loans and introducing maintenance grants: IFS Briefing note BN221.
UK Standing Committee for Quality Assessment
Guild HE
Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education (QAA)
Universities UK, corp creators.
Degree Classification: Transparency, reliability and fairness - a statement of intent.
UK Standing Committee for Quality Assessment
Universities UK, corp creators.
Principles for effective degree algorithm design.
Phillipson, Chris and Ogg, Jim, Universities UK, corp creator.
Active ageing and universities : engaging older learners.
Universities UK, corp creator.
Beginning the conversation : responding to domestic violence and abuse in higher education communities during Covid-19 pandemic.
Universities UK, corp creator.
Compensation and refund policies: developing good practice.
Universities UK, corp creator.
Driving economic growth.
Universities UK, corp creator.
Education, consumer rights and maintaining trust: what students want from their university.
Universities UK, corp creator.
Estimates of lost higher education export revenue : effect of immigration rule changes.
Universities UK, corp creator.
The Future of the TEF: Report to the Independent Reviewer.
Universities UK, corp creator.
Futures for higher education : analysing trends.
Wake, Daniel and Allinson, Katherine, Universities UK, corp creator.
Gone International: Expanding Opportunities: Report on the 2015-16 graduating cohort.
Universities UK, corp creator.
Graduate retention: meeting local skills needs.
Universities UK, corp creator.
Growth and choice in university admissions.
Universities UK, corp creator.
Higher education in facts and figures 2017.
Universities UK, corp creator.
Higher education in facts and figures 2019.
Universities UK, corp creator.
Higher education in facts and figures : Summer 2012.
Universities UK, corp creator.
Higher education in facts and figures: 2014.
Universities UK, corp creator.
Higher education research in facts and figures.
Universities UK, corp creator.
How universities are helping fight Covid-19.
Universities UK, corp creator.
Implementation of the Higher Education and Research Act 2017.
Universities UK, corp creator.
Increasing stability and certainty for universities as the UK prepares to leave the EU. September 2017.
Universities UK, corp creator.
International facts and figures 2018.
Universities UK, corp creator.
International facts and figures 2021.
Universities UK, corp creator.
International research collaboration.
Universities UK, corp creator.
Knowledge exchange concordat: summary of consultation responses.
Kelly, Ursula, McLellan, Donald and McNicoll, Iain, Universities UK, corp creator.
Making an economic impact : higher education and the
English regions.
Universities UK, corp creator.
Minding our future: starting a conversation about the support of student mental health.
Universities UK, corp creator.
Opportunity and growth: A manifesto from Universities UK.
Universities UK, corp creator.
Our universities: generating growth and opportunity.
Universities UK, corp creator.
Parliamentary briefing: Backbench business debate on Erasmus+.
Universities UK, corp creator.
Patterns and trends in UK higher education 2015.
Universities UK, corp creator.
Patterns and trends in UK higher education 2017.
Universities UK, corp creator.
Patterns and trends in UK higher education 2018.
Universities UK, corp creator.
Post-study work proposal.
Universities UK, corp creator.
Principles and considerations : emerging from lockdown. June 2020.
Universities UK, corp creator.
Publishing research results : the challenges of open access.
Universities UK, corp creator.
Recovery, skills, knowledge and opportunity: A vision for universities.
Universities UK, corp creator.
Report of the review group on UK higher education sector agencies.
Universities UK, corp creator.
Skills, Jobs and Opportunity: A manifesto from the UK's universities.
Universities UK, corp creator.
Social Mobility Advisory Group : progress report number 1.
Universities UK, corp creator.
Solving future skills challenges.
Universities UK, corp creator.
Spending review 2007 : securing the future.
Universities UK, corp creator.
Statement of recommended practice: Accounting for further
and higher education: 2019 edition.
Universities UK, corp creator.
Submission to the Independent Review of Higher Education
Funding and Student Finance : call for proposals.
Universities UK, corp creator.
Supply and demand for higher-level skills.
Universities UK, corp creator.
Supporting graduates in a Covid-19 economy.
Universities UK, corp creator.
Tackling online harassment and promoting online welfare.
Universities UK, corp creator.
Tackling racial harassment in higher education : Progress since 2020.
Universities UK, corp creator.
Testing times: UK health research in a global marketplace.
Universities UK, corp creator.
The UK immigration system must keep attracting exchange students.
Universities UK, corp creator.
UK strategy for outward student mobility 2017-2020.
Universities UK, corp creator.
UUK response to the Office for Students’ consultation on the integrity and stability of the higher education sector in England: May 2020.
Universities UK, corp creator.
Universities UK : Manifesto for higher education.
Universities UK, corp creator.
Universities UK Briefing : review of post-18 education and funding, May 2019.
Universities UK, corp creator.
Universities UK response to the Office for Students
consultation on registration fees and other fees.
Universities UK, corp creator.
Universities UK response to the UK funding councils consultation on the second Research Excellence Framework.
Universities UK, corp creator.
Universities and development: global cooperation.
Ryan, Conor, Universities UK, corp creator.
Universities and education in the post-recession economy : report of a seminar organised by Universities UK, 15-16 April 2010.
Gaskell, Simon and Lingwood, Rebecca, Universities UK, corp creator.
Widening Opportunity in Higher Education: The Third Phase: Beyond Graduation.
Universities UK, corp creator.
A concordat to support research integrity : a progress report.
Kelly, Ursula, McNicoll, Iain and White, James, Universities UK, corp creator.
The economic impact of Queen's University Belfast on the Northern Ireland economy.
Kelly, Ursula, McNicoll, Iain and White, James, Universities UK, corp creator.
The economic impact of Ulster University on the Northern Ireland economy.
Universities UK, corp creator.
The economic role of UK universities.
Universities UK, corp creator.
The funding environment for universities 2014. International students in UK higher education : the UK and its competition.
Universities UK, corp creator.
The funding environment for universities 2014. Research and postgraduate research training.
Universities UK, corp creator.
The future of degree apprenticeships.
Universities UK, corp creator.
The impact of initial teacher training reforms on English higher education institutions.
Universities UK, corp creator.
The impact of the 14–19 curriculum reforms on higher education.
Universities UK, corp creator.
An improved post-study work system.
Boe, Leo, Universities UK, corp creator.
The scale of UK higher education transnational education 2015-16: trend analysis of HESA data.
Universities UK, corp creator.
The undergraduate funding system in England.
Universities UK
CFE Research, corp creators.
The future growth of degree apprenticeships.
Fielden, John, Universities UK
CHEMS Consulting, corp creators.
The growth of private and for-profit higher education providers in the UK.
Pullinger, John, Universities UK
Commission on International Student Destinations, corp creators.
One size fits all? An analysis of the international student’s journey through the UK higher education system.
Universities UK
Evidence Ltd, corp creators.
The use of bibliometrics to measure research quality in UK higher education institutions.
Universities UK
Evidence Ltd., corp creators.
Research report : monitoring research concentration and diversity : changes between 1994 and 2007.
Universities UK
FE / HE SORP Board, corp creators.
Statement of recommended practice : Accounting for further and higher education.
McMillan, Trevor, Universities UK
Guild HE, corp creators.
Concordat for the advancement of knowledge exchange in higher education.
Universities UK
Million Plus
Russell Group
University Alliance
UK Council for International Student Affairs, corp creators.
The Student Visa System : principles to reform.
Universities UK
Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education (QAA)
UK Standing Committee for Quality Assessment, corp creators.
Degree classification : transparent, consistent and fair academic standards : consultation.
Universities UK
Research England Joint Working Group, corp creators.
Concordat for the advancement of Knowledge Exchange in Higher Education in England: A Universities UK / GuildHE consultation with the HE sector: Informed by the Universities UK / Research England joint working group.
Universities UK
Higher Education Careers Service Unit (HECSU)
Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE), corp creators.
Changes in student choices and graduate employment.
Booman, Susan and Ramsden, Brian, Universities UK
Higher Education Consulting, corp creators.
Research report : taught postgraduate students : market trends and opportunities.
Universities UK
Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE), corp creators.
Degree apprenticeships: realising opportunities.
Universities UK
Higher Education Statistics Agency, corp creators.
Patterns and trends in UK higher education 2014.
O'Prey, Paul, Universities UK
Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA), corp creators.
Patterns and trends in UK higher education : 2011.
Universities UK
Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA)
Universities and College Admissions Service for the UK (UCAS), corp creators.
Higher education in facts and figures : Summer 2010.
Ransom, James, Universities UK
National Centre for Entrepreneurship in Education (NCEE), corp creators.
Universities and the UK’s economic recovery : an analysis of future impact.
Universities UK
National Education Opportunities Network, corp creators.
The financial concerns of students.
Brown, Nigel and Ramsden, Brian, Universities UK
Nigel Brown Associates, corp creators.
Variable tuition fees in England : assessing their impact on
students and higher education institutions : a fourth report.
Universities UK
Open Access and Monographs Group, corp creators.
Open access and monographs evidence review. October 2019.
Universities UK
Open Data Institute, corp creators.
Open data in higher education : an introductory guide.
Universities UK
UK Commission for Employment and Skills (UKCES), corp creators.
Forging futures : building higher level skills through
university and employer collaboration : September 2014.
Ilieva, Janet B., Universities UK
Universities UK International, corp creators.
Five little-known facts about international student mobility to the UK. Analytical summary for UUKI.
Universities UK
Universities UK International, corp creators.
International facts and figures 2019.
Fisher, Rowan, Snelling, Charlotte, Ramos, Eduardo, Elliott-Bowman, Joy and Saraswat, Arti, Universities UK
Universities UK International
Association of Colleges
Independent Higher Education, corp creators.
Principles and guidance for collaborative teaching partnerships during the pandemic.
Universities UK
Valuation Office Agency
Gerald Eve, corp creators.
Revaluation 2005: memorandum of agreement.
Emery, Faye and Metcalfe, Janet, Universities UK
Vitae, corp creators.
Research report: Promoting the UK doctorate : opportunities and challenges.
Universities UK , corp creator.
A-Level results and update on applications cycle 2016 : executive summary.
Burgess, Robert, Universities UK , corp creator.
Bringing it all together : introducing the HEAR : the final report of the Burgess Implementation Steering Group.
Universities UK , corp creator.
Changing landscapes: future scenarios for variable tuition fees.
Universities UK , corp creator.
Cyber security and universities: managing the risk.
Universities UK , corp creator.
Devolution and higher education: impact and future trends.
Universities UK , corp creator.
'Efficiency and effectiveness in higher education' progress report.
Universities UK , corp creator.
Efficiency and effectiveness in higher education: a report by the Universities UK Efficiency and Modernisation Task Group.
Universities UK , corp creator.
HE in facts and figures - the creative sector.
Universities UK , corp creator.
Higher education in England : provision, skills and graduates.
Universities UK , corp creator.
Higher education in facts and figures.
Universities UK , corp creator.
Higher education in facts and figures.
Universities UK , corp creator.
Higher education in facts and figures.
Universities UK , corp creator.
Higher education in facts and figures - Health education and research.
Universities UK , corp creator.
Higher education in facts and figures - Summer 2008.
Universities UK , corp creator.
Higher education in facts and figures - Summer 2009.
Universities UK , corp creator.
Higher education in facts and figures - Summer 2013.
Universities UK , corp creator.
Higher education in facts and figures 2016.
Universities UK , corp creator.
Higher education in facts and figures: Summer 2011.
Universities UK , corp creator.
Higher education in facts and figures: research and innovation.
Universities UK , corp creator.
Higher education in facts and figures: research and innovation.
Universities UK , corp creator.
Innovation and growth factsheet series: City deals.
Universities UK , corp creator.
Making the most of data: Data skills training in English universities.
Universities UK , corp creator.
Massive open online courses: higher education's digital moment?
Universities UK , corp creator.
Oversight of security-sensitive research material in UK universities : guidance : October 2012.
Universities UK , corp creator.
Part-time students in higher education : supporting higher-level skills and lifelong learning.
Universities UK , corp creator.
Patterns of higher education institutions in the UK: ninth report.
Universities UK , corp creator.
Policy briefing: Admissions: the higher education sector’s plans for change.
Universities UK , corp creator.
Private universities and public funding: models and business plans.
Universities UK , corp creator.
Progress report 3: Universities UK taskforce on violence against women, harassment and hate crime affecting university students.
Universities UK , corp creator.
Rating revaluation 2017 : an introduction.
Universities UK , corp creator.
Researcher mobility in the European Research Area: barriers and incentives.
Universities UK , corp creator.
Review of external examining arrangements in universities and colleges in the UK: final report and recommendations.
Universities UK , corp creator.
Seminar report: Future business models for universities in the UK: issues and challenges.
Universities UK , corp creator.
Student Funding Panel: an analysis of the design, impact and options for reform of the student fees and loans system in England.
Universities UK , corp creator.
Student experience: measuring expectations and outcomes.
Universities UK , corp creator.
Talent wars: the international market for academic staff.
Universities UK , corp creator.
UUK taskforce on violence against women, harassment and hate crime affecting university students : progress report number 2.
Universities UK , corp creator.
Universities UK response to: the student immigration system, a consultation.
Universities UK , corp creator.
Universities UK submission to the 2015 Comprehensive Spending Review.
Universities UK , corp creator.
Universities UK's response to 'The future of higher education'.
Universities UK , corp creator.
Universities: engaging with local communities 2007.
Ramsden, Brian and Brown, Nigel, Universities UK , corp creator.
Variable tuition fees in England : assessing their impact on students and higher education institutions : a first report.
Universities UK , corp creator.
Variable tuition fees in England: assessing their impact on
students and higher education institutions: A third report.
Universities UK , corp creator.
Why invest in universities?
Kelly, Ursula, McNicoll, Iain and White, James, Universities UK , corp creator.
The economic impact of higher education institutions in England: summary report.
Universities UK , corp creator.
The economic impact of the East Midlands higher education sector.
Universities UK , corp creator.
The economic impact of the East of England higher education sector.
Kelly, Ursula, McNicoll, Iain and White, James, Universities UK , corp creator.
The economic impact of the London higher education sector.
Kelly, Ursula, McNicoll, Iain and White, James, Universities UK , corp creator.
The economic impact of the North East higher education sector.
Kelly, Ursula, McNicoll, Iain and White, James, Universities UK , corp creator.
The economic impact of the North West higher education sector.
Kelly, Ursula, McNicoll, Iain and White, James, Universities UK , corp creator.
The economic impact of the South East higher education sector.
Kelly, Ursula, McNicoll, Iain and White, James, Universities UK , corp creator.
The economic impact of the South West higher education sector.
Kelly, Ursula, McNicoll, Iain and White, James, Universities UK , corp creator.
The economic impact of the West Midlands higher education sector.
Kelly, Ursula, McNicoll, Iain and White, James, Universities UK , corp creator.
The economic impact of the Yorkshire and Humberside higher education sector.
Universities UK , corp creator.
The funding environment for universities 2014. Postgraduate taught education : the funding challenge.
Universities UK , corp creator.
The funding environment for universities 2014. Trends in undergraduate recruitment.
Universities UK , corp creator.
The funding environment for universities: an assessment.
Universities UK , corp creator.
The future of research assessment : the principles of reform.
Universities UK , corp creator.
The future size and shape of the HE sector in the UK: threats and opportunities.
Kelly, Ursula, McNicoll, Iain and White, James, Universities UK , corp creator.
The impact of universities on the UK economy.
Universities UK , corp creator.
A picture of health and education.
Universities UK , corp creator.
The power of part-time: Review of part-time and mature higher education.
Callender, Claire, Jamieson, Anne and Mason, Geoff, Universities UK , corp creator.
The supply of part-time higher education in the UK.
Universities UK
Centre for Higher Education Research and Information
London South Bank University, corp creators.
Survey of higher education students’ attitudes to debt and term-time working and their impact on attainment: a report to Universities UK and HEFCE by the Centre for Higher Education Research and Information (CHERI) and London South Bank University.
Universities UK
Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE), corp creators.
Adapting business models in a changing environment.
Universities UK
Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA), corp creators.
Patterns and trends in UK higher education 2012.
Universities UK
Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA), corp creators.
Patterns and trends in UK higher education 2013.
Universities UK
Social Mobility Advisory Group , corp creators.
Working in partnership: enabling social mobility in higher education – the final report of the Social Mobility Advisory Group.
Ball, Charlie, Universities UK (UUK), corp creator.
Busting graduate job myths.
Universities UK (UUK), corp creator.
Changing the culture : tackling staff-to-student sexual misconduct : Strategic guide for universities.
Universities UK (UUK), corp creator.
Continuing the conversation : responding to domestic violence and technology mediated abuse in higher education communities during the Covid-19 pandemic.
Universities UK (UUK), corp creator.
Delivering a fresh approach to access and participation.
Universities UK (UUK), corp creator.
Diversification and strengthening international recruitment
Universities UK (UUK), corp creator.
Fair Admissions Review : June 2019 - November 2020.
Universities UK (UUK), corp creator.
General election 2017 : how can a new government support universities to deliver growth and improve outcomes?
Universities UK (UUK), corp creator.
Graduate employment and outcomes across regions and industries : Analysis by Universities UK : November 2024.
Universities UK (UUK), corp creator.
Graduate employment outcomes : Analysis by Universities UK
: May 2024.
Universities UK (UUK), corp creator.
Graduate employment, productivity and economic growth : Analysis by Universities UK : March 2025.
Universities UK (UUK), corp creator.
Letter to the Prime Minister on student returns: 6 April 2021.
Universities UK (UUK), corp creator.
The Office for Students : regulatory framework.
Universities UK (UUK), corp creator.
Opportunity, growth and partnership : A blueprint for change from the UK's universities.
Universities UK (UUK), corp creator.
Parliamentary briefing : Universities UK submission to the MAC Consultation.
Universities UK (UUK), corp creator.
Raising attainment through university-school partnerships.
Allinson, Katherine, Universities UK (UUK), corp creator.
Widening participation in UK outward student mobility : a picture of participation.
Allinson, Katherine, Universities UK (UUK), corp creator.
Widening participation in outward student mobility : a toolkit to support inclusive approaches.
Universities UK (UUK), corp creator.
A guide to presenting institutional financial information to students.
Universities UK (UUK), corp creator.
The scale of UK higher education transnational education 2020–21 : Trend analysis and regional highlights.
Universities UK (UUK)
GuildHE, corp creators.
Understanding degree algorithms.
Universities UK (UUK)
National Education Opportunities Network (NEON), corp creators.
Improving the provision of information on student finance : report of the NEON-UUK student finance information advisory group.
Universities UK (UUK)
National Union of Students (NUS), corp creators.
Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic student attainment at UK universities : #closingthegap.
Universities UK (UUK)
Oxford Economics, corp creators.
The economic impact of international students.
Universities UK International, corp creator.
International graduate outcomes 2019 : what do international graduates do? : medium term destinations and career outcomes of EU and Non-EU graduates from UK Universities.
Universities UK International, corp creator.
The UK’s competitive advantage: 2017 update.
Ramos, Eduardo and Wake, Dan, Universities UK International, corp creator.
The scale of UK higher education transnational education 2017-18.
Ilieva, Janet, Westphal, Joana and Harris, Stephanie, Universities UK International
Education Insight, corp creators.
International student recruitment : why aren't we second? Part 1.
Universities UK International
Higher Education Statistics Agency Limited (HESA), corp creators.
Gone international : rising aspirations : report on the 2016-17 graduating cohort.
Universities UK International
UK Council for International Student Affairs (UKCISA)
British Universities' International Liaison Association (BUILA), corp creators.
Self-isolation for students arriving in the UK : guidance and checklist for higher education institutions.
Ilieva, Janet B., Universities UK
Universities UK International, corp creators.
Five little-known facts about international student mobility to the UK. Analytical summary for UUKI.
Universities UK
Universities UK International, corp creators.
International facts and figures 2019.
Fisher, Rowan, Snelling, Charlotte, Ramos, Eduardo, Elliott-Bowman, Joy and Saraswat, Arti, Universities UK
Universities UK International
Association of Colleges
Independent Higher Education, corp creators.
Principles and guidance for collaborative teaching partnerships during the pandemic.
Ilieva, Janet and Judson, Emily, Universities UK International (UUKi)
Education Insight, corp creators.
State of the relationship: UK higher education engagement with the Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf.
Universities UK
Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA)
Universities and College Admissions Service for the UK (UCAS), corp creators.
Higher education in facts and figures : Summer 2010.
Universities UK
Million Plus
Russell Group
University Alliance
UK Council for International Student Affairs, corp creators.
The Student Visa System : principles to reform.
Universities UK
Valuation Office Agency
Gerald Eve, corp creators.
Revaluation 2005: memorandum of agreement.
Emery, Faye and Metcalfe, Janet, Universities UK
Vitae, corp creators.
Research report: Promoting the UK doctorate : opportunities and challenges.