Digital Education Resource Archive (DERA)

Browse by Organisations

  • Organisations (64)
    • Youth Justice Board for England and Wales (YJB) (64)
Group by: Item Type | Corporate Authors
Number of items at this level: 97.

Anti-Social Behaviour and Crime Prevention Unit (Great Britain)

Anti-Social Behaviour and Crime Prevention Unit (Great Britain)
Youth Justice Board for England and Wales (YJB)
Ministry of Justice, corp creators. (2009) A guide to reviewing anti-social behaviour orders given to young people and individual support orders.

Association of Chief Police Officers

Great Britain. Department for Education and Skills
Great Britain. Home Office
Association of Chief Police Officers
Youth Justice Board (YJB), corp creators. (2006) Safer School Partnerships: mainstreaming.


Youth Justice Board for England and Wales (YJB)
Barnardo’s, corp creators. (2012) Developing the secure estate for children and young people in England and Wales : young people’s consultation report.


Youth Justice Board for England and Wales (YJB)
Connexions, corp creators. (2001) Connexions and youth justice services.

Youth Justice Board for England and Wales (YJB)
Connexions, corp creators. (2001) Working together: Connexions and youth justice services.

De Montfort University. Community and Criminal Justice Division

Curry, Devinder, De Montfort University. Community and Criminal Justice Division
Youth Justice Board (YJB), corp creators. Restorative justice in the juvenile secure estate.

Department for Education and Skills (DFES)

Department for Education and Skills (DFES)
Learning and Skills Council (LSC)
Youth Justice Board for England and Wales (YJB)
HM Prison Service, corp creators. (2004) The offender's learning journey : learning and skills provision for juvenile offenders in England.

Division of Psychiatry, University of Manchester

Youth Justice Board (YJB)
Social Policy Research Unit, University of York
Division of Psychiatry, University of Manchester
Personal Social Services Research Unit (PSSRU), London School of Economics, corp creators. (2010) A report on the Intensive Fostering pilot programme.

Great Britain. Department for Constitutional Affairs

Great Britain. Home Office
Great Britain. Department for Constitutional Affairs
Youth Justice Board (YJB), corp creators. (2004) Parenting contracts and orders guidance.

Great Britain. Department for Education and Skills

Great Britain. Department for Education and Skills
Great Britain. Home Office
Association of Chief Police Officers
Youth Justice Board (YJB), corp creators. (2006) Safer School Partnerships: mainstreaming.

Great Britain. Department of Health.

Great Britain. Department of Health., corp creator. When to share information: best practice guidance for everyone working in the youth justice system.

Great Britain. Home Office

Great Britain. Department for Education and Skills
Great Britain. Home Office
Association of Chief Police Officers
Youth Justice Board (YJB), corp creators. (2006) Safer School Partnerships: mainstreaming.

Great Britain. Home Office
Great Britain. Department for Constitutional Affairs
Youth Justice Board (YJB), corp creators. (2004) Parenting contracts and orders guidance.

HM Inspectorate of Prisons

Summerfield, Amy, HM Inspectorate of Prisons
Youth Justice Board for England and Wales (YJB), corp creators. (2011) Children and young people in custody 2010–11 : an analysis of the experiences of 15–18-year-olds in prison.

HM Inspectorate of Prisons for England and Wales

HM Inspectorate of Prisons for England and Wales
Youth Justice Board (YJB), corp creators. (2012) Children and young people in custody 2011 - 12: an analysis of the experiences of 15-18-year-olds in prison.

HM Inspectorate of Prisons for England and Wales
Youth Justice Board (YJB), corp creators. (2009) Children and young people in custody : an analysis of the experiences of 15-18-year-olds in prison.

HM Prison Service

Department for Education and Skills (DFES)
Learning and Skills Council (LSC)
Youth Justice Board for England and Wales (YJB)
HM Prison Service, corp creators. (2004) The offender's learning journey : learning and skills provision for juvenile offenders in England.

House of Commons

Youth Justice Board for England and Wales (YJB)
UK Parliament
House of Commons, corp creators. (2016) The Youth Justice Board for England and Wales annual report and accounts 2015/16. [ HC ]

Ipsos MORI

Ipsos MORI, corp creator. (2011) Behaviour management across the secure estate for children and young people.

Learning and Skills Council (LSC)

Department for Education and Skills (DFES)
Learning and Skills Council (LSC)
Youth Justice Board for England and Wales (YJB)
HM Prison Service, corp creators. (2004) The offender's learning journey : learning and skills provision for juvenile offenders in England.

London Health Commission

London Health Commission, corp creator. Health in London: review of the London Health Strategy high level indicators.

Matrix Evidence

Hopkins, Matt, Webb, Sarah and Mackie,, Alan, Youth Justice Board (YJB)
Matrix Evidence, corp creators. (2010) A review of YOTs and children’s services’ interaction with young offenders and young people at risk of offending.

Ministry of Justice

Anti-Social Behaviour and Crime Prevention Unit (Great Britain)
Youth Justice Board for England and Wales (YJB)
Ministry of Justice, corp creators. (2009) A guide to reviewing anti-social behaviour orders given to young people and individual support orders.

Ministry of Justice
Youth Justice Board for England and Wales (YJB), corp creators. (2012) Developing the secure estate for children and young people in England and Wales : plans until 2015.

Ministry of Justice
Youth Justice Board for England and Wales (YJB), corp creators. (2011) Strategy for the secure estate for children and young people in England and Wales : plans for 2011/12 – 2014/15 : consultation document.

Ministry of Justice
Youth Justice Board for England and Wales (YJB), corp creators. (2017) Youth Justice Statistics 2015/16: England and Wales. [ Statistics Bulletin ]

Youth Justice Board (YJB)
Ministry of Justice, corp creators. (2020) Youth Justice Statistics 2018/19: England and Wales. [ National Statistics ]

National Organisation for the Treatment of Abusers

Hackett, Simon, Masson, Helen and Phillips, Sarah, National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children
National Organisation for the Treatment of Abusers
Youth Justice Board (YJB), corp creators. Services for young people who sexually abuse: a report on mapping and exploring services for young people who have sexually abused others.

National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children

Hackett, Simon, Masson, Helen and Phillips, Sarah, National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children
National Organisation for the Treatment of Abusers
Youth Justice Board (YJB), corp creators. Services for young people who sexually abuse: a report on mapping and exploring services for young people who have sexually abused others.

Personal Social Services Research Unit (PSSRU), London School of Economics

Youth Justice Board (YJB)
Social Policy Research Unit, University of York
Division of Psychiatry, University of Manchester
Personal Social Services Research Unit (PSSRU), London School of Economics, corp creators. (2010) A report on the Intensive Fostering pilot programme.

Social Policy Research Unit, University of York

Youth Justice Board (YJB)
Social Policy Research Unit, University of York
Division of Psychiatry, University of Manchester
Personal Social Services Research Unit (PSSRU), London School of Economics, corp creators. (2010) A report on the Intensive Fostering pilot programme.

UK Parliament

Youth Justice Board for England and Wales (YJB)
UK Parliament
House of Commons, corp creators. (2016) The Youth Justice Board for England and Wales annual report and accounts 2015/16. [ HC ]

University of Salford

Hazel, Neal, University of Salford
Youth Justice Board (YJB), corp creators. Cross-national comparison of youth justice.

User Voice

User Voice
Youth Justice Board for England and Wales (YJB), corp creators. (2011) Young people's views on safeguarding in the secure estate.


Youth Justice Board for England and Wales (YJB)
Barnardo’s, corp creators. (2012) Developing the secure estate for children and young people in England and Wales : young people’s consultation report.

Wales. Department for Education, Lifelong Learning and Skills

Wales. Department for Education, Lifelong Learning and Skills
Youth Justice Board (YJB), corp creators. (2004) All Wales youth offending strategy.

Young People’s Learning Agency (YPLA)

Young People’s Learning Agency (YPLA), corp creator. (2008) The learning journey for young people placed by the Youth Justice Board in Young Offender Institutions (for juveniles).

Youth Justice Board (YJB)

Curry, Devinder, De Montfort University. Community and Criminal Justice Division
Youth Justice Board (YJB), corp creators. Restorative justice in the juvenile secure estate.

Great Britain. Department for Education and Skills
Great Britain. Home Office
Association of Chief Police Officers
Youth Justice Board (YJB), corp creators. (2006) Safer School Partnerships: mainstreaming.

Great Britain. Home Office
Great Britain. Department for Constitutional Affairs
Youth Justice Board (YJB), corp creators. (2004) Parenting contracts and orders guidance.

HM Inspectorate of Prisons for England and Wales
Youth Justice Board (YJB), corp creators. (2012) Children and young people in custody 2011 - 12: an analysis of the experiences of 15-18-year-olds in prison.

HM Inspectorate of Prisons for England and Wales
Youth Justice Board (YJB), corp creators. (2009) Children and young people in custody : an analysis of the experiences of 15-18-year-olds in prison.

Hackett, Simon, Masson, Helen and Phillips, Sarah, National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children
National Organisation for the Treatment of Abusers
Youth Justice Board (YJB), corp creators. Services for young people who sexually abuse: a report on mapping and exploring services for young people who have sexually abused others.

Hazel, Neal, University of Salford
Youth Justice Board (YJB), corp creators. Cross-national comparison of youth justice.

Wales. Department for Education, Lifelong Learning and Skills
Youth Justice Board (YJB), corp creators. (2004) All Wales youth offending strategy.

Foster, Judith, Youth Justice Board (YJB), corp creator. (2006) Asking further questions of the Learning Alliance entry to employment pilot.

Youth Justice Board (YJB), corp creator. (2010) Audit of accommodation provision for young people who offend.

Youth Justice Board (YJB), corp creator. (2006) Barriers to engagement in education, training and employment.

Feilzer, Martina, Appleton, Catherine, Roberts, Colin and Hoyle, Carolyn, Youth Justice Board (YJB), corp creator. (2004) Cognitive behaviour projects: the national evaluation of the Youth Justice Board's cognitive behaviour projects.

Youth Justice Board (YJB), corp creator. (2010) Exploring the needs of young Black and Minority Ethnic offenders and the provision of targeted interventions.

Youth Justice Board (YJB), corp creator. Health, education and substance misuse services: the provision of health, education and substance misuse workers in youth offending teams and the healt.

Cooper, Karen, Sutherland, Alex and Roberts, Colin, Youth Justice Board (YJB), corp creator. (2007) Keeping young people engaged: improving education, training and employment opportunities for serious and persistent young offenders.

Youth Justice Board (YJB), corp creator. Memorandum of understanding between the youth justice board for England and Wales and clubs for young people.

Youth Justice Board (YJB), corp creator. Multi-Agency Public Protection Arrangements: guidance for youth offending teams.

Youth Justice Board (YJB), corp creator. The National Specification for Learning and Skills: for young people on a Detention and Training Order in prison service accommodation.

St. James-Roberts, Ian, Greenlaw, Ginny, Simon, Antonia and Hurry, Jane, Youth Justice Board (YJB), corp creator. (2005) National evaluation of Youth Justice Board mentoring schemes 2001 to 2004.

Youth Justice Board (YJB), corp creator. (2010) National standards for youth justice services.

Youth Justice Board (YJB), corp creator. Safer School Partnerships: national evaluation of the Safer School Partnerships programme.

Bowles, Roger, Garcia Reyes, Maria and Pradiptyo, Rimawan, Youth Justice Board (YJB), corp creator. Safer Schools [sic] Partnerships.

Youth Justice Board (YJB), corp creator. (2007) Update on the strategy for the Secure Estate for Children and Young People.

Youth Justice Board (YJB), corp creator. (2008) Youth Crime Action Plan consultation: specific question response and comment regarding implementation of the Youth Crime Action Plan.

Youth Justice Board (YJB), corp creator. An audit of education provision within the Juvenile Secure Estate: report to the Youth Justice Board.

Youth Justice Board (YJB), corp creator. The developing relationship between youth offending teams and children's trusts.

Youth Justice Board (YJB), corp creator. A literature review into children abused and neglected prior custody.

Hopkins, Matt, Webb, Sarah and Mackie,, Alan, Youth Justice Board (YJB)
Matrix Evidence, corp creators. (2010) A review of YOTs and children’s services’ interaction with young offenders and young people at risk of offending.

Youth Justice Board (YJB)
Ministry of Justice, corp creators. (2020) Youth Justice Statistics 2018/19: England and Wales. [ National Statistics ]

Youth Justice Board (YJB)
Social Policy Research Unit, University of York
Division of Psychiatry, University of Manchester
Personal Social Services Research Unit (PSSRU), London School of Economics, corp creators. (2010) A report on the Intensive Fostering pilot programme.

Youth Justice Board for England and Wales (YJB)

Anti-Social Behaviour and Crime Prevention Unit (Great Britain)
Youth Justice Board for England and Wales (YJB)
Ministry of Justice, corp creators. (2009) A guide to reviewing anti-social behaviour orders given to young people and individual support orders.

Department for Education and Skills (DFES)
Learning and Skills Council (LSC)
Youth Justice Board for England and Wales (YJB)
HM Prison Service, corp creators. (2004) The offender's learning journey : learning and skills provision for juvenile offenders in England.

Summerfield, Amy, HM Inspectorate of Prisons
Youth Justice Board for England and Wales (YJB), corp creators. (2011) Children and young people in custody 2010–11 : an analysis of the experiences of 15–18-year-olds in prison.

Ministry of Justice
Youth Justice Board for England and Wales (YJB), corp creators. (2012) Developing the secure estate for children and young people in England and Wales : plans until 2015.

Ministry of Justice
Youth Justice Board for England and Wales (YJB), corp creators. (2011) Strategy for the secure estate for children and young people in England and Wales : plans for 2011/12 – 2014/15 : consultation document.

Ministry of Justice
Youth Justice Board for England and Wales (YJB), corp creators. (2017) Youth Justice Statistics 2015/16: England and Wales. [ Statistics Bulletin ]

User Voice
Youth Justice Board for England and Wales (YJB), corp creators. (2011) Young people's views on safeguarding in the secure estate.

Youth Justice Board for England and Wales (YJB), corp creator. (2009) All Wales youth offending strategy : delivery plan 2009-11 = Strategaeth troseddwyr ifanc Cymru gyfan : cynllun cyflenwi 2009-11.

Youth Justice Board for England and Wales (YJB), corp creator. (2002) Corporate plan 2002-03 to 2004-05 and business plan 2002-03.

Walker, Janet, Thompson, Christine, Wilson, Graeme, Laing, Karen, Coombes, Mike and Raybould, Simon, Youth Justice Board for England and Wales (YJB), corp creator. (2011) Family group conferencing in youth inclusion and support panels: empowering families and preventing crime and antisocial behaviour?

Youth Justice Board for England and Wales (YJB), corp creator. (2015) Practice advice : speech, language and communication needs (SLCN) in the youth justice system 22 October 2015. [ Guidance ]

Wilcox, Aidan, Smithson, Hannah, Christmann, Kris, Monchuk, Leanne and Wong, Kevin, Youth Justice Board for England and Wales (YJB), corp creator. (2010) Racially motivated offending and targeted interventions.

Youth Justice Board for England and Wales (YJB), corp creator. (2011) Review of the complaints system in the Secure Estate for Children and Young People: summary and action plan.

Youth Justice Board for England and Wales (YJB), corp creator. (2011) Review of the complaints system in the Secure Estate for Children and Young People.

Youth Justice Board for England and Wales (YJB), corp creator. (2010) YJB business plan 2010/2011.

Youth Justice Board for England and Wales (YJB), corp creator. (2010) YJB business plan 2010/2011.

FitzGerald, Marian, Stockdale, Jan and Hale, Chris, Youth Justice Board for England and Wales (YJB), corp creator. (2003) Young people and street crime : research into young people's involvement in street crime.

Youth Justice Board for England and Wales (YJB), corp creator. (2012) Young people and the August 2011 disturbances.

Youth Justice Board for England and Wales (YJB), corp creator. (2003) Youth Justice Board for England and Wales account 2001-2002.

Youth Justice Board for England and Wales (YJB), corp creator. (2005) Youth Justice Board for England and Wales account 2003-2004.

Youth Justice Board for England and Wales (YJB), corp creator. Youth Justice Board for England and Wales statement of accounts for the period 1 April 1999 to 31 March 2000.

Youth Justice Board for England and Wales (YJB), corp creator. (2008) Youth Justice annual workload data 2006/07.

Youth Justice Board for England and Wales (YJB), corp creator. (2009) Youth Justice annual workload data 2007/08.

Youth Justice Board for England and Wales (YJB), corp creator. (2010) Youth Justice annual workload data 2008/09 : England and Wales.

Youth Justice Board for England and Wales (YJB), corp creator. (2011) Youth Justice statistics 2009/10 : England and Wales.

Anderson, Fiona, Worsley, Rachel, Nunney, Fay, Maybanks, Nick and Dawes, William, Youth Justice Board for England and Wales (YJB), corp creator. (2010) Youth survey 2009: research study conducted for the Youth Justice Board for England and Wales.

Youth Justice Board for England and Wales (YJB)
Connexions, corp creators. (2001) Connexions and youth justice services.

Youth Justice Board for England and Wales (YJB)
Connexions, corp creators. (2001) Working together: Connexions and youth justice services.

Youth Justice Board for England and Wales (YJB)
UK Parliament
House of Commons, corp creators. (2016) The Youth Justice Board for England and Wales annual report and accounts 2015/16. [ HC ]

Youth Justice Board for England and Wales (YJB)
Barnardo’s, corp creators. (2012) Developing the secure estate for children and young people in England and Wales : young people’s consultation report.

This list was generated on Mon Mar 31 23:31:44 2025 UTC.