Dearden, Lorraine, Machin, Stephen, Reed, Howard and Wilkinson, David, Institute for Fiscal Studies, corp creator.
Labour turnover and work-related training.
Kennedy , Helena , Further Education Funding Council (FEFC), corp creator.
Learning works : widening participation in further education.
Mortimore, Peter, Department for Education and Employment (DFEE)
University of London, Institute of Education, corp creators.
The road to success : four case studies of schools which no longer require special measures.
Ohri, Ashok, Development Education Association (DEA)
Think Global (THG), corp creators.
The World in our Neighbourhood : black and ethnic minority communities and development education.
West, Anne, Pennell, Hazel and Noden, Philip, Research and Information on State Education (RISE)
London School of Economics and Political Science. Centre for Educational Research, corp creators.
Admissions to secondary school : towards a national policy? : a discussion paper : May 1997.
Wolfendale, Sheila and Cook, Gill, Department for Education and Employment (DFEE), corp creator.
Evaluation of special educational needs parent partnership schemes [RB34].