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Items where Year is 2002

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Number of items: 117.


Agnew, Daryl, Office for Standards in Education (OFSTED), corp creator. (2002) Inspection of Bradford Local Education Authority.

Ashworth, Karl, Hardman, Jay, Hartfree, Yvette, Maguire, Sue, Middleton, Sue, Smith, Debbi, Dearden, Lorraine, Emmerson, Carl, Frayne, Christine and Meghir, Costas, Department for Education and Skills (DFES), corp creator. (2002) Education Maintenance Allowance : the first two years : a quantitative evaluation. [ Research report ]

Atkinson, David, Learning and Skills Development Agency, corp creator. (2002) College turnaround: guidance on colleges in recovery.

Aymer, Cathy and Okitikpi, Toyin, Department for Education and Skills (DFES), corp creator. (2002) Young black men and the Connexions Service. [ Research report ]


Banks, Alison, National College for School Leadership (NCSL), corp creator. (2002) Two heads better than one? building a cross-phase school of the future.

Banks, Alison, Finn, Catherine, Bora, Smita, Lee, Karen and Watson, Carol, National College for Leadership of Schools and Children's services, corp creator. (2002) Two heads better than one?: building a cross-phase school of the future.

Barber, Linda and Regan, Jo, Association of Graduate Recruiters (AGR)
Institute of Student Employers (ISE)
Institute for Employment Studies (IES), corp creators. (2002) January 2002 : graduate salaries & vacancies : annual review.

Barber, Linda, Regan, Jo and Papworth, Rachel, Association of Graduate Recruiters (AGR)
Institute of Student Employers (ISE)
Institute for Employment Studies (IES), corp creators. (2002) July 2002 : graduate salaries and vacancies : half-yearly review.

Bertram, Tony, Department for Education and Skills, corp creator. (2002) Early Excellence Centre pilot programme : second evaluation report 2000-2001. [ Research report (Great Britain. Department for Education and Skills) ; No. 361 ]

Blake, Brian, Audit Commission for Local Authorities and the National Health Service in England and Wales
Office for Standards in Education (OFSTED), corp creators. (2002) Community cohesion in Luton.

Blasco, Zsuzsa, Higher Education Funding Council for England
Open University. Centre for Higher Education Research and Information, corp creators. (2002) Access to what : analysis of factors determining graduate employability : a report to the Hefce by the Centre for Higher Education Research and Information (CHERI).

Blatchford, Peter, Martin, Clare, Moriarty, Viv, Bassett, Paul and Goldstein, Harvey, Department for Education and Skills, corp creator. (2002) Pupil adult ratio differences and educational progress over Reception and Key Stage 1. [ Research report (Great Britain. Department for Education and Skills) ; No. 335 ]

Blewitt, John, Learning and Skills Development Agency (LSDA), corp creator. (2002) Good practice in sustainable development education : executive summary. [ Research report ]

Brass, James, Department for Education and Skills, corp creator. (2002) LEA management information for adult learning. [ Research report (Great Britain. Department for Education and Skills) ; No. 324 ]

Brooks, Greg, Department for Education and Skills (DFES), corp creator. (2002) What works for children with literacy difficulties? : the effectiveness of intervention schemes. [ Research report ]

Burch, Eddie and Greenwood, Maggie, Learning and Skills Development Agency (LSDA), corp creator. (2002) Other provision : definition, categorisation and funding.


Callender, Claire and Kemp, Martin, Greater London Authority (GLA)
South Bank University
Mayor of London, corp creators. (2002) Students studying in London : an analysis of data from the student income and expenditure survey 1998/99 : April 2002.

Cline, Tony, Department for Education and Skills, corp creator. (2002) Minority ethnic pupils in mainly white schools. [ Research report (Great Britain. Department for Education and Skills) ; No. 365 ]

Coldron, John, Department for Education and Skills, corp creator. (2002) Admission appeal panels : research study into the operation of appeal panels, use of the code of practice and training for panel members. [ Research report (Great Britain. Department for Education and Skills) ; No. 344 ]

Coles, Bob, Hutton, Sandra, Bradshaw, Jonathan, Craig, Gary, Godfrey, Christine and Johnson, Julia, Department for Education and Skills (DFES), corp creator. (2002) Literature review of the costs of being "not in education, employment or training" at age 16-18. [ Research report (Great Britain. Department for Education and Skills) ]

Comber, Chris, Watling, Rob, Lawson, Tony, Cavendish, Sue, McEune, Rhona and Paterson, Fred, British Educational Communications and Technology Agency (BECTA), corp creator. (2002) ImpaCT2: learning at home and school: case studies.

Cousin, Sue, Learning and Skills Development Agency (LSDA), corp creator. (2002) Improving colleges through action research.

Cox, Mark and Spires, Rod, Department for Education and Skills (DFES), corp creator. (2002) The wider role and benefits of Investors in People. [ Research report ]

Craig, David and Sawbridge, Steve, Learning and Skills Council (LSC), corp creator. (2002) The impact of FE / HE mergers : interim findings.


Daly, Caroline, Office for Standards in Education (OFSTED)
Office for Standards in Education (OFSTED), corp creators. (2002) Literature search on improving boys' writing.

Davies, Pat, Osborne, Michael and Williams, Jenny, Department for Education and Skills, corp creator. (2002) For me or not for me? - that is the question : a study of mature students' decision making and higher education. [ Research report (Great Britain. Department for Education and Skills) ; no. 297 ]

Davies, Peter, Learning and Skills Development Agency (LSDA), corp creator. (2002) Rising to the challenge : widening participation and raising achievement in sixth form colleges. [ Research report ]

Dumper, Hildegard, Greater London Authority (GLA)
Mayor of London
Refugee Women's Association, corp creators. (2002) Missed opportunities : a skills audit of refugee women in London from the teaching, nursing and medical professions.

Dyson, Alan, Millward, Alan, Crowther, Deanne, Elliott, John and Hall, Ian, Department for Education and Employment (DFEE), corp creator. (2002) Decision-making and provision within the framework of the SEN code of practice. [ Research report (Great Britain. Department for Education and Employment) ]

Dyson, Alan, Millward, Alan and Todd, Liz, Department for Education and Skills (DFES), corp creator. (2002) A study of 'extended' schools demonstration projects. [ Research report ]


Elias, Peter, Hogarth, Terence and Pierre, Gaëlle, Department of Work and Pensions (DWP)
Warwick Institute for Employment Research, corp creators. (2002) The wider benefits of education and training : a comparative longitudinal study. [ Research Report ]

Evans, Moyra, National College for Leadership of Schools and Children's services (NCSL), corp creator. (2002) Open windows : becoming an e-learning school : what does an e-learning school look like? How does a school become an e-learning school? How is e-learning different from traditional teaching and learning? [ Summary practitioner enquiry report ; Autumn 2002 ]

Ewens, David and Watters, Kate, Great Britain. Learning and Skills Development Agency, corp creator. (2002) Using quality schemes in adult and community learning: a guide for managers.


Fitzgerald, Rory, Finch, Steven, Blake, Margaret, Bell, Alice and Perry, Jane, Department for Education and Skills (DFES), corp creator. (2002) Fifth survey of parents of three and four year old children and their use of early years services (Summer 2000 to Spring 2001). [ Research report (Great Britain. Department for Education and Skills) ]


Gibbons, Mike, National College for School Leadership (NCSL), corp creator. (2002) Fit for the future.

Golden, Sarah, Department for Education and Skills, corp creator. (2002) Re-engaging the hardest-to-help young people : the role of the Neighbourhood Support Fund. [ Research report (Great Britain. Department for Education and Skills) ; no. 366 ]

Greene, Katy, Lee, Barbara, Springall, Ellen and Bemrose, Rachael, Department for Education and Skills (DFES), corp creator. (2002) Administrative support staff in schools : ways forward. [ Research report (Great Britain. Department for Education and Skills) ]

Grief, Sue and Taylor, Chris, Learning and Skills Development Agency (LSDA), corp creator. (2002) Final report: evaluation of the Basic Skills and ESOL in Local Communities Project.


Hana, David, Adult Learning Inspectorate (ALI)
Office for Standards in Education (OFSTED), corp creators. (2002) Inspection report: Stamford College.

Harris, Fiona and Church, Corinne, Department for Education and Skills (DFES)
Business Strategies, corp creators. (2002) An assessment of skill needs in the gas, water and electricity industries. [ Skills dialogues ]

Harrison, Colin, Great Britain. Department for Education and Skills, corp creator. (2002) Key stage 3 English : roots and research. [ Information. Curriculum examination and sssessment ]

Harrison, Colin, Comber, Chris, Fisher, Tony, Haw, Kaye, Lewin, Cathy, Lunzer, Eric, McFarlane, Angela, Mavers, Diane, Scrimshaw, Peter, Somekh, Bridget and Watling, Rob, British Educational Communications and Technology Agency (BECTA), corp creator. (2002) ImpaCT2: the impact of information and communication technologies on pupil learning and attainment.

Hawksley, Rosemary and Owen, Jane, Learning and Skills Development Agency (LSDA), corp creator. (2002) Going the distance : are there common factors in high performing distance learning?

Hayward, Bruce, Alty, Carys, Pearson, Stephen and Martin, Chris, British Educational Communications and Technology Agency (BECTA), corp creator. (2002) Young people and ICT 2002: findings from a survey conducted in Autumn 2002.

Hayward, Bruce, Alty, Carys, Pearson, Stephen and Martin, Chris, British Educational Communications and Technology Agency (BECTA), corp creator. (2002) Young people and ICT 2002: findings from a survey conducted in Autumn 2002.

Heaver, Claire, Department for Education and Skills, corp creator. (2002) Evaluation of Education Maintenance Allowance pilots : Leeds and London first year evidence. [ Research report (Great Britain. Department for Education and Skills) ; No. 353 ]

Hillage, Jim, Barry, John and Pike, Geoff, Department for Education and Skills, corp creator. (2002) Education business link clusters evaluation. [ Research report (Great Britain. Department for Education and Skills) ; No. 379 ]

Hodgson, Laura, Learning and Skills Council, corp creator. (2002) Encouraging lads to learn: a literature review of existing models for engaging young men in learning.

Hughes, Maria, Learning and Skills Development Agency (LSDA), corp creator. (2002) Making the grade : a report on standards in work-based learning for young people.

Hughes, Maria, Great Britain. Learning and Skills Development Agency, corp creator. (2002) Working towards skills: perspectives on workforce development in SMEs. [ Research report ]

Hughes, Maria and Turner, Paul, Great Britain. Learning and Skills Development Agency, corp creator. (2002) Mapping research into the delivery of work-based learning. [ Research report ]


Irving, Pat and Slater, Ashfa, Department for Education and Skills (DFES), corp creator. (2002) Evaluation of adult information advice and guidance partnerships. [ Research report (Great Britain. Department for Education and Skills) ]


Johnson, Anthony, Department of Work and Pensions (DWP), corp creator. (2002) Job retention and advancement in employment : review of research evidence.


Kerr, David, Lines, Anne, Blenkinsop, Sarah and Schagen, Ian, International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement
Citizenship Education Study
Department for Education and Skills (DFES), corp creators. (2002) England's results from the IEA International Citizenship Education Study : what citizenship and education mean to 14 year olds. [ Research report (Great Britain. Department for Education and Skills) ]

Kirk, Gordon, Learning and Skills Development Agency, corp creator. (2002) Support for the costs of learning. [ LSDA reports ]

Kirk, Jenny, Great Britain. Learning and Skills Development Agency, corp creator. (2002) Evaluation of 3- and 6-hour courses. Stage 2. [ Research report ]

Kitching, John and Blackburn, Robert, Department for Education and Skills (DFES), corp creator. (2002) The nature of training and motivation to train in small firms. [ Research report ]

Kynch, Chris, ESCalate (Education Subject Centre of the Higher Education Academy), corp creator. (2002) Enhancing the effectiveness of student feedback and support in a distance learning context.


La Valle, Ivana, Grewal, Ini and Mowlam, Alice, Department for Education and Skills, corp creator. (2002) Combining education and family life. [ Research report (Great Britain. Department for Education and Skills) ; No. 377 ]

Lambert, John, Schofield, Neill and Walsh, Kenneth., Department for Education and Skills (DFES), corp creator. (2002) Process industries skills dialogue. [ Skills dialogues : listening to employers ]

Lindsay, Geoff and Maguire, Malcolm, Department for Education and Skills, corp creator. (2002) Modelling the implications of graduation for 16 year olds in three geographical areas. [ Research report (Great Britain. Department for Education and Skills) ; No. 340 ]

Lindsay, Geoff, Muijs, Daniel, Hartas, Dimitra and Phillips, Emma, Centre for Educational Development, Appraisal and Research (CEDAR), corp creator. (2002) The National Academy for Gifted and Talented Youth : evaluation of the first Talent Search and summer school.


Mager, Caroline, Learning and Skills Development Agency, corp creator. (2002) Taking stock: a review of development in FE colleges. [ LSDA reports ]

Maguire, Susan, Maguire, Malcolm and Heaver, Claire, Department for Education and Skills, corp creator. (2002) Implementation of the Education Maintenance Allowance pilots : the second year. [ Research report (Great Britain. Department for Education and Skills) ; No. 333 ]

Martinez, Paul and Maynard, John, Learning and Skills Development Agency (LSDA), corp creator. (2002) Improving colleges : why courses and programmes improve or decline over time.

Martinez, Paul and Maynard, John, Learning and Skills Development Agency (LSDA), corp creator. (2002) Improving colleges: why courses and programmes improve or decline over time. [ Research report ]

McCoshan, Andrew and Williams, Jenny, Department for Education and Skills, corp creator. (2002) Student apprenticeship evaluation. [ Research report (Great Britain. Department for Education and Skills) ; no. 345 ]

McIntosh, Steven, Department for Education and Skills, corp creator. (2002) Further analysis of the returns to academic and vocational qualifications. [ Research report (Great Britain. Department for Education and Skills) ; no. 370 ]

McLaughlan, Gail and Salt, John, Home Office. Research Development and Statistics Directorate
University College London. Migration Research Unit, corp creators. (2002) Migration policies towards highly skilled foreign workers : report to the Home Office, March 2002.

Morris, Estelle, Department for Education and Skills (DFES), corp creator. (2002) Professionalism and trust - the future of teachers and teaching.

Moyles, Janet, Adams, Siân and Musgrove, Alison, Department for Education and Skills, corp creator. (2002) SPEEL : Study of Pedagogical Effectiveness in Early Learning. [ Research report (Great Britain. Department for Education and Skills) ; 363 ]

Munton, Tony, Mooney, Ann, Moss, Peter, Petrie, Pat, Clark, Alison, Woolner, Janette, Barker, Linda, Mallardo, Maria Rosa and Barreau, Sofka, Department for Education and Skills (DFES), corp creator. (2002) Research on ratios, group size and staff qualifications and training in early years and childcare settings : part A, review of international research on the relationship between ratios, staff qualifications and training, group size and the quality of provision in early years and childcare settings : part B, adult:child ratios for early years settings in the private/independent sector : a report of empirical research. [ Research report ]


Nashashibi, Pauline, Great Britain. Learning and Skills Development Agency, corp creator. (2002) Learning in progress : recognising achievement in adult learning.

Newson, Peter, Learning and Skills Council (LSC), corp creator. (2002) Model letter of engagement for 2001-02 financial statements audit.


Parry, Gareth and Thompson, Anne, Learning and Skills Development Agency (LSDA), corp creator. (2002) Closer by degrees : the past, present and future of higher education in further education colleges.

Pullen, Philip, Adult Learning Inspectorate (ALI)
Office for Standards in Education (OFSTED), corp creators. (2002) Inspection report Wyggeston and Queen Elizabeth I College.

Pumphrey, Jessica and Slater, Jo, Department for Education and Skills, corp creator. (2002) An assessment of generic skills needs. [ Skills dialogues : listening to employers ; 13 ]

Pye, Miranda, Department for Education and Skills, corp creator. (2002) An assessment of skills needs in the clothing, textiles, footwear and leather and furniture, furnishings and interiors industries. [ Skills dialogues : listening to employers ; 12 ]


Quick, Susannah, Department for Education and Skills (DFES), corp creator. (2002) Implementing the foundation stage in reception classes. [ Research report ]


Ratcliff, John, Learning and Skills Council (LSC), corp creator. (2002) Guidance on school sixth form funding.

Ravenhall, Mark, Merrifield, Juliet and Gardener, Sue, Great Britain. Learning and Skills Development Agency, corp creator. (2002) Fit for purpose : self-assessment for small providers.

Ravenhall, Mark, Ogilvie, Margaret and Ewens, David, Great Britain. Learning and Skills Development Agency, corp creator. (2002) Involving tutors and support staff in the adult and community learning quality agenda.

Ross, Alistair, Archer, Louise, Hutchings, Merryn, Gilchrist, Robert, Thomson, David, John, Charine and Akantziliotou, Kalliope, Department for Education and Skills (DFES), corp creator. (2002) Potential mature students recruitment to HE. [ Research report ]

Russell, Neil and Stafford, Neil, Department for Education and Skills, corp creator. (2002) Trends in ICT access and use. [ Research report (Great Britain. Department for Education and Skills) ; No. 358 ]


Sadler, Jackie, Learning and Skills Development Agency (LSDA), corp creator. (2002) First impressions count : how effective recruitment and admissions can encourage students to stay at college. [ LSDA reports ]

Sadler, Jackie, Learning and Skills Development Agency (LSDA), corp creator. (2002) Making the best match : improving the quality of pre-course information, advice and guidance. [ LSDA reports ]

Sammons, Sam, Smees, Rebecca, Taggart, Brenda, Sylva, Kathy, Melhuish, Edward, Siraj-Blatchford, Iram and Elliot, Karen, Effective Pre School, Primary & Secondary Education (EPPSE)
University of London Institute of Education
Department for Education and Skills (DFES), corp creators. (2002) Special Education Needs across the pre-school period. [ EYTSEN technical paper ]

Sharp, Caroline, Blackmore, Jenny, Kendall, Lesley, Schagen, Ian, Mason, Keith and O'Connor, Katharine, Department for Education and Skills (DFES), corp creator. (2002) Playing for Success : an evaluation of the third year. [ Research report ]

Shaw, Neil, Armistead, Christine, Rodger, John and Hopwood, Vicky, Department for Education and Skills (DFES), corp creator. (2002) Evaluation of the Union Learning Fund year 4. [ Research report (Great Britain. Department for Education and Skills) ]

Shirley, Tony and Weiss, Claire, Learning and Skills Development Agency, corp creator. (2002) Encouraging higher recruitment to technician engineering training: project final report. [ Research report ]

Siraj-Blatchford, Iram, Muttock, Stella, Sylva, Kathy, Gilden, Rose and Bell, Danny, Department for Education and Skills (DFES), corp creator. (2002) Researching effective pedagogy in the early years. [ Research report ]

Smith, Justin Davis, Ellis, Angela and Howlett, Steven, Institute for Volunteering Research
Department for Education and Skills (DFES), corp creators. (2002) UK-wide evaluation of the Millennium Volunteers Programme. [ Research report (Great Britain. Department for Education and Skills) ]

Smith, Paul, Learning and Skills Council (LSC), corp creator. (2002) Widening participation into higher education : an interim report by Paul Smith for the Learning and Skills Council on the 2001 Further Education College-led projects.

Somekh, Bridget, Lewin, Cathy, Mavers, Diane, Fisher, Tony, Harrison, Colin, Haw, Kaye, Lunzer, Eric, McFarlane, Angela and Scrimshaw, Peter, British Educational Communications and Technology Agency (BECTA), corp creator. (2002) ImpaCT2: pupils' and teachers' perceptions of ICT in the home, school and community.

Spilsbury, David, Department for Education and Skills, corp creator. (2002) Learning and training at work 2001. [ Research report (Great Britain. Department for Education and Skills) ; No. 334 ]

Spilsbury, Mark, Department for Education and Skills (DFES), corp creator. (2002) An assessment of skill needs in the media and creative industries. [ Skills dialogues ]


Tait, Tony, Frankland, Gillian, Moore, Sharon and Smith, David, Learning and Skills Development Agency (LSDA), corp creator. (2002) Curriculum 2000 : innovations, opportunity and change.

Taylor, Marilyn, Department for Education and Skills, corp creator. (2002) Exploring the field of residents' consultancy. [ Research report (Great Britain. Department for Education and Skills) ; no. 382 ]

Taylor, Sue and Cameron, Helen, Great Britain. Learning and Skills Development Agency, corp creator. (2002) Attracting new learners : international evidence and practice.

Thom, Graham, Department for Education and Skills (DFES), corp creator. (2002) Evaluation of pilot summer activities programme for 16 year olds. [ Research report ]

Thom, Graham, Department for Education and Skills, corp creator. (2002) Individual Learning Accounts : a consultation exercise on a new ILA style scheme : final report to the Department for Education and Skills. [ Research report (Great Britain. Department for Education and Skills) ; No. 339 ]

Thomas, Felicity and Abebaw, Meron, Learning and Skills Council (LSC)
Africa Educational Trust, corp creators. (2002) Refugees and asylum seekers in the Learning and Skills Council London North Area.

Tomlinson, Mike, Department for Education and Skills (DFES), corp creator. (2002) Inquiry into A Level standards. Final report, December 2002.


Ward, Jane and Edwards, Judith, Learning and Skills Development Agency (LSDA), corp creator. (2002) Learning journeys : learners’ voices : learners’ views on progress and achievement in literacy and numeracy. [ Research report ]

Warwick, Ian, Rivers, Kim, Aggleton, Peter, Ruxton, Lisa, Turney, Laura and Tyrer, Paul, Department for Education and Skills (DFES), corp creator. (2002) The Sex and Relationship Education (SRE) teaching pilot : an investigation of key stakeholder perceptions. [ Research report ]

Watson, Andrew, Stuart, Neil and Ferguson, John, Department for Education and Skills, corp creator. (2002) Evaluation of new approaches to work-related learning at Key Stage Four. [ Research report (Great Britain. Department for Education and Skills) ; no. 325 ]

White, P J, Think Global (THG), corp creator. (2002) Global Youth Work.

Williams, Bridget, Williams, Joel and Ullman, Anna, Department for Education and Skills, corp creator. (2002) Parental involvement in education. [ Research report (Great Britain. Department for Education and Skills) ; No. 332 ]

Williams, Mathew and Maginn, Andrew, Department for Education and Skills (DFES), corp creator. (2002) An assessment of skill needs in post-16 education and training. [ Skills dialogues ]

Winterton, Jonathan and Winterton, Ruth, Department for Education and Skills (DFES), corp creator. (2002) Widening participation in learning through adult residential provision : an evaluation. [ Research report (Department for Education and Skills) ]

Wishart, J, Dungworth, N and Smith, D, British Educational Communications and Technology Agency (BECTA), corp creator. (2002) Audit of internet safety practices in English schools : synoptic report.

Wishart, J M, Dungworth, N and Smith, D, British Educational Communications and Technology Agency (BECTA), corp creator. (2002) Audit of internet safety practices in English schools : synoptic report.

Wishart, J M, Dungworth, N and Smith, D, British Educational Communications and Technology Agency (BECTA), corp creator. (2002) Audit of internet safety practices in English schools: final report.

Wishart, J M, Dungworth, N and Smith, D (2002) Results from internet safety organisations.

Wishart, Jm, Dungworth, N and Smith, D (2002) Results from internet proficiency pilot schools.

Woods, Ronnie, National College for Leadership of Schools and Children's services (NCSL), corp creator. (2002) Enchanted headteachers : sustainability in primary school headship : full report. [ Practitioner enquiry report ]


Yeomans, Sue and Jeffcoate, Jeanette, Learning and Skills Council (LSC), corp creator. (2002) Local Education Authority adult learning plans 2002/03 : handling notes.

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