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Items where Year is 2003

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Number of items: 72.


Ainscow, Mel, Fox, Sam and Coupe-O'Kane, Judith., National College for Leadership of Schools and Children's services (NCSL), corp creator. (2003) Leadership and management in special schools : full report : a review of literature carried out for NCSL.

Ananiadou, Katerina, Jenkins, Andrew and Wolf, Alison, National Research and Development Centre for Adult Literacy and Numeracy (NRDC)
Institute of Education, University of London, corp creators. (2003) The benefits to employers of raising workforce basic skills levels : a review of the literature : October 2003. [ Research review ]

Anderson, Tracy and Pires, Candice, Department for Work and Pensions (DWP), corp creator. (2003) Lone parents and Work Based Learning for Adults : draft report.

Armstrong, Derrick and Heathcote, Vickie, National Research and Development Centre for Adult Literacy and Numeracy (NRDC)
Institute of Education, University of London
School of Education, University of Sheffield, corp creators. (2003) Literature review of ESOL for learners with learning difficulties and/or disabilities : October 2003. [ Research review ]


Barton, David and Pitt, Kathy, National Research and Development Centre for Adult Literacy and Numeracy (NRDC)
Institute of Education, University of London
Literacy Research Centre, Lancaster University, corp creators. (2003) Adult ESOL pedagogy : a review of research, an annotated bibliography and recommendations for future research. [ Research review ]

Bastiani, John, Department for Education and Skills (DFES), corp creator. (2003) Materials for schools : involving parents, raising achievement.

Bates, Peter, Department for Education (DFE), corp creator. (2003) Evaluation of learner support funds: statistical data 2003.

Bradley, P. N. (Phillip N.) and Barratt, P. R., Department for Education and Skills (DFES), corp creator. (2003) Study of the relative costs associated with delivering the Connexions Service in rural and urban areas. [ Research report (Department for Education and Skills) ]

Brooks, Greg, National Research and Development Centre for Adult Literacy and Numeracy (NRDC)
Institute of Education, University of London
School of Education, University of Sheffield, corp creators. (2003) Literacy and numeracy for adults with disabilities and learning difficulties : a review and exploration. [ Research review ]

Brown, Nigel and Clark, Tony, Higher Education Funding Council for England
Nigel Brown Associates, corp creators. (2003) Impact on student demand of tuition fees and changes in He student support : a literature review for Hefce.

Bush, Tony and Glover, Derek, National College for Leadership of Schools and Children's services (NCSL), corp creator. (2003) School leadership : concepts and evidence. [ Summary report (National College for School Leadership ]

Bush, Tony and Glover, Derek, National College for School Leadership (NCSL), corp creator. (2003) School leadership: concepts and evidence. [ Full report (National College for School Leadership) ; Spring 2003 ]

Byrne, Bruce, Department for Education and Skills (DFES), corp creator. (2003) First release : learning and training at work 2002.


Cameron, Lynne, Office for Standards in Education (OFSTED), corp creator. (2003) Writing in English as an additional language at key stage 4 and post-16.

Carr, Trevor, Learning and Skills Council (LSC), corp creator. (2003) Workforce development strategy : financial services.

Carr, Trevor, Learning and Skills Council (LSC), corp creator. (2003) Workforce development strategy : health and social care.

Carr, Trevor, Learning and Skills Council (LSC), corp creator. (2003) Workforce development strategy : hospitality.

Carr, Trevor, Learning and Skills Council (LSC), corp creator. (2003) Workforce development strategy : manufacturing.

Carr, Trevor, Learning and Skills Council (LSC), corp creator. (2003) Workforce development strategy : public admin.

Carr, Trevor, Learning and Skills Council (LSC), corp creator. (2003) Workforce development strategy : retail.

Carr, Trevor, Learning and Skills Council (LSC), corp creator. (2003) Workforce development strategy : transport and logistics.

Clark, Alison, McQuail, Susan and Moss, Peter, Great Britain. Department for Education and Skills, corp creator. (2003) Exploring the field of listening to and consulting with young children. [ Research report (Great Britain. Department for Education and Skills) ; no. 445 ]

Clay, Sara, Learning and Skills Development Agency (LSDA)
West of England Learning and Skills (WoE LSRN), corp creators. (2003) Learner guidance and support : models used and staff views of effects on retention. [ Research report ]

Coben, Diana, National Research and Development Centre for Adult Literacy and Numeracy (NRDC)
Institute of Education, University of London, corp creators. (2003) Adult numeracy : review of research and related literature : November 2003. [ Research review ]

Cox, Margaret, Webb, Mary, Abbott, Chris, Blakeley, Barry, Beauchamp, Tony and Rhodes, Valerie, British Educational Communications and Technology Agency (BECTA), corp creator. (2003) A review of the research literature relating to ICT and attainment.

Cutting, Simon, Adult Learning Inspectorate (ALI)
Office for Standards in Education (OFSTED), corp creators. (2003) Inspection report Bicton College.


Davis, Michael John, Adult Learning Inspectorate (ALI)
Office for Standards in Education (OFSTED), corp creators. (2003) Inspection report Broxtowe College.

Devins, David, Department for Education and Skills, corp creator. (2003) Connecting communities to the Internet : evaluation of the Wired Up Communities Programme. [ Research report (Great Britain. Department for Education and Skills) ; no. 389 ]

Dewson, S, Tyers, C, Pollard, Emma and Bates, Peter, Institute for Employment Studies, corp creator. (2003) Evaluation of Learner Support Funds: final report 2003.


Edwards, Diane E., National College for School Leadership (NCSL), corp creator. (2003) It's all in the mix: leadership teams in secondary schools : what do they do, and how do they judge their success?


FitzGerald, Marian, Stockdale, Jan and Hale, Chris, Youth Justice Board for England and Wales (YJB), corp creator. (2003) Young people and street crime : research into young people's involvement in street crime.

Fletcher-Campbell, Felicity, Archer, Tamsin and Tomlinson, Kathryn, Great Britain. Department for Education and Skills, corp creator. (2003) The role of the school in supporting the education of children in public care. [ Research report (Great Britain. Department for Education and Skills) ; no. 498 ]

Fuller, Alison, Ashton, David, Felstead, Alan, Unwin, Lorna, Walters, Sally and Quinn, Martin, Department of Trade and Industry (DTI)
University of Leicester. Centre for Labour Market Studies, corp creators. (2003) The impact of informal learning for work on business productivity.


Goodman, Alissa and Kaplan, Greg, Institute for Fiscal Studies
Economic & Social Research Council, corp creators. (2003) Study now, pay later or HE for free? An assessment of alternative proposals for higher education finance. [ Commentary ]


Hannon, Peter, Pahl, Kate, Bird, Viv, Taylor, Carol and Birch, Carrie, National Research and Development Centre for Adult Literacy and Numeracy (NRDC), corp creator. (2003) Community-focused provision in adult literacy, numeracy and language: an exploratory study. [ Research report ]

Hargreaves, David H., DEMOS, corp creator. (2003) Education epidemic: transforming secondary schools through innovation networks.

Harkin, Joe, Clow, Ros and Hillier, Yvonne, Learning and Skills Development Agency (LSDA)
London and South East Learning and Skills Research Network, corp creators. (2003) Recollected in tranquility : FE teachers’ perceptions of their initial teacher training. [ Research report ]

Hartas, Dimitra, Cullen, Mairi Ann and Lindsay, Geoff, Centre for Educational Development, Appraisal and Research (CEDAR), corp creator. (2003) The National Academy for Gifted and Talented Youth : evaluation of the summer school 2003.

Hartle, Frank and Thomas, Katherine, National College for School Leadership, corp creator. (2003) Growing tomorrow's school leaders : the challenge : full report.

Hillage, Jim and Mitchell, Hannah, Great Britain. Department for Education and Skills (DFES)
Learning and Skills Council (Great Britain)
HM Treasury, corp creators. (2003) Employer training pilots : first year evaluation report.

Hustler, David, Department for Education and Skills (DFES), corp creator. (2003) Teachers' perceptions of continuing professional development. [ Research report ]


Johnson, Fiona, Engineer, Renuka and Boyle, Elise, The Sutton Trust
MORI, corp creators. (2003) MORI Teachers' Omnibus 2003 (Wave 1).

Jones, David, Learning and Skills Council (LSC), corp creator. (2003) Partnership in action: providing flexible work-related curricula for 14 -16 year olds.


Keys, Wendy, National College for Leadership of Schools and Children's services (NCSL), corp creator. (2003) Successful leadership of schools in urban and challenging contexts. Summary report. [ Summary report (National College for School Leadership) ]

Kington, Alison, Harris, Susan, Smith, Paula and Hall, Melanie, British Educational Communications and Technology Agency (BECTA), corp creator. (2003) Computers for Teachers: A evaluations of Phase 1: survey of recipients.

Kirby, Perpetua, Lanyon, Claire, Cronin, Kathleen and Sinclair, Ruth, Department for Education and Skills (DFES), corp creator. (2003) Building a culture of participation: involving children and young people in policy,service planning, delivery and evaluation: handbook.

Kirkland, Ian, National College for School Leadership (NCSL), corp creator. (2003) Walk the walk, talk the talk.


Laming, Herbert, Great Britain. Department of Health
Great Britain. Home Office., corp creators. (2003) The Victoria Climbié Inquiry. [ Cm. ; 5730 ]

Luck, Chris, National College for School Leadership (NCSL), corp creator. (2003) It's good to talk: an enquiry into the value of mentoring as an aspect of professional development for new headteachers.


Malcolm, Heather, Wilson, Valerie, Davidson, Julia and Kirk, Susan, Department for Education and Skills (DFES), corp creator. (2003) Absence from schools : a study of its causes and effects in seven LEAs. [ Research report (Great Britain. Department for Education and Skills) ]

McFarlane, Angela, National College for Leadership of Schools and Children's services (NCSL), corp creator. (2003) E-learning for leadership : emerging indicators of effective practice. [ Case studies (National College for School Leadership) ]

McFarlane, Angela, Bradburn, Anton and McMahon, Agnes, National College for Leadership of Schools and Children's services (NCSL), corp creator. (2003) E-learning for leadership : emerging indicators of effective practice. [ Full report (National College for School Leadership) ]

Mellows-Facer, Adam, UK Parliament
House of Commons Library, corp creators. (2003) Social indicators. [ Research paper ]


Nashashibi, Pauline and Watters, Kate, Great Britain. Learning and Skills Development Agency, corp creator. (2003) Curriculum leadership in adult learning.

Norrington, Judith, Bird, Siobhan, Crompton, Chris, Griffiths, Matthew, McCoy, Stuart, Tennyson, Carol and Woods, Janet, Learning and Skills Council (LSC)
Association of Colleges, corp creators. (2003) Basic Skills Quality Initiative: training and development programme 2000-2003, end of project report.


O'Connor, Una, Hartop, Brendan and McConkey, Roy, Northern Ireland. Department of Education
Northern Ireland. Statistics and Research Agency, corp creators. (2003) Parental attitudes to the statutory assessment and statementing procedures on special educational needs. [ Research report series (Northern Ireland. Department of Education) ; no. 37 2005 ]


Perry, David, itish Educational Communications and Technology Agency (BECTA), corp creator. (2003) Handheld computers in schools.

Powell, Bob, Black, Amanda and Tamsin, Giles, British Educational Communications and Technology Agency (BECTA), corp creator. (2003) Using technology to support the 14-19 agenda.


Ravenhall, Mark and Kenway, Mike, Great Britain. Learning and Skills Development Agency, corp creator. (2003) Making a difference : leading and managing for quality improvement in adult and community learning.

Rennie, Sandra, Learning and Skills Development Agency (LSDA)
Yorkshire and Humberside Learning and Skills Research Network, corp creators. (2003) Stories from the front line : the impact of inspection on practitioners. [ Research report ]

Rodger, John, Cowen, Georgina and Brass, James, Department for Education and Skills (DFES), corp creator. (2003) National evaluation of Learning Partnerships : final report. [ Research report (Department for Education and Skills) ]

Rolfe, Heather, Department for Education and Skills (DFES), corp creator. (2003) Recruitment and retention of childcare, early years and play workers : research study. [ Research report (Department for Education and Skills) ]


Sammons , Pam, Taggart, Brenda, Smees, Rebecca, Sylva, Kathy, Melhuish, Edward, Siraj-Blatchford, Iram and Elliot, Karen, Effective Pre School, Primary & Secondary Education (EPPSE)
University of London Institute of Education
Department for Education and Skills (DFES), corp creators. (2003) The Early Years Transition & Special Educational Needs (EYTSEN) Project. [ Research report (Great Britain. Department for Education) ]

Savill-Smith, Carol and Kent, Phillip, Great Britain. Learning and Skills Development Agency, corp creator. (2003) The use of palmtop computers for learning: a review of the literature. [ Research report ]

Smithers, Alan and Robinson, Pamela, Department for Education and Skills (DFES), corp creator. (2003) Factors affecting teachers' decisions to leave the profession. [ Research report ]

Somekh, Bridget, Mavers, Diane and Lewin, Cathy, Department for Education and Skills (DFES)
National Grid for Learning Programme
British Educational Communications and Technology Agency., corp creators. (2003) Using ICT to enhance home-school links : an evaluation of current practice in England : a report to the DfES. [ NGfL research and evaluation series ]

Spencer, Liz, Ritchie, Jane, Lewis, Jane and Dillon, Lucy, Government Chief Social Researcher’s Office, corp creator. (2003) Quality in qualitative evaluation : a framework for assessing research evidence.

Spielhofer, Thomas, Mann, Parmider and Sims, David, Learning and Skills Development Agency (LSDA), corp creator. (2003) Entry to Employment (E2E) participant study : final report.

Stevens, Jane, Simm, Claire and Shaw, Helen, Department for Education and Skills (DFES)
MORI Social Research Institute, corp creators. (2003) Evaluation of the School Achievement Award Scheme (SAAS).


Taylor, Sue, Learning and Skills Development Agency (LSDA)
Learning and Skills Council (LSC), corp creators. (2003) Widening adult participation : ways to extend good practice : a research report for the Learning and Skills Council.


West, Anne and Hind, Audrey, Research and Information on State Education (RISE)
London School of Economics and Political Science. Department of Social Policy. Centre for Educational Research, corp creators. (2003) Secondary school admissions in England : exploring the extent of overt and covert selection : final report : March 2003.

West, Anne, Hind, Audrey and Pennell, Hazel, Research and Information on State Education (RISE)
London School of Economics and Political Science. Department of Social Policy. Centre for Educational Research, corp creators. (2003) Secondary schools in London : admissions criteria and cream skimming : September 2003.

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