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Items where Year is 2014

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Number of items: 443.


Ackland, Jonathan, Welsh Government, corp creator. (2014) Academic achievement by pupil characteristics, 2013. [ Statistical bulletin ]

Adcock, Alex, UK Parliament
House of Commons Library, corp creators. (2014) School sport : key developments since the Olympics. [ Standard note ]

Agnew, Steven, Northern Ireland Assembly, corp creator. (2014) Children’s Services Co-operation Bill: as introduced.

Aina, Clementina Olufunke, Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills (OFSTED), corp creator. (2014) Advice note for a pre-registration inspection of an academy/free school/studio school/university technical college (UTC): Holyport College.

Aina, Clementina Olufunke, Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills (OFSTED), corp creator. (2014) Advice note for a pre-registration inspection of an academy/free school/studio school/university technical college (UTC): King's College London Mathematics School.

Aina, Clementina Olufunke, Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills (OFSTED), corp creator. (2014) Advice note for a pre-registration inspection of an academy/free school/studio school/university technical college (UTC): The Heights Primary School.

Al-Nuaimi, Adam, Welsh Government, corp creator. (2014) Reserves held by schools in Wales at 31 March 2014. [ First release = Datganiad cyntaf ]

Alakeson, Vidhya and Cory, Giselle, Resolution Foundation, corp creator. (2014) Careers and carers: childcare and maternal labour supply.

Allen, Rebecca, Department for Education (DFE)
Centre for Understanding Behaviour Change, corp creators. (2014) School performance and parental choice of school : secondary data analysis. Reseasrch report, January 2014.

Allen, Rebecca, Belfield, Chris, Greaves, Ellen, Sharp, Caroline and Walker, Matt, Institute for Fiscal Studies
Nuffield Foundation
Economic & Social Research Council (ESRC)
National Foundation for Educational Research, corp creators. (2014) The Costs and Benefits of Different Initial Teacher Training Routes: IFS Report R100. [ IFS Report ]

Allen, Rebecca, Burgess, Simon and McKenna, Leigh, Department for Education, corp creator. (2014) School performance and parental choice of school: secondary data analysis.

Amraz , Ali HMI, Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills (OFSTED) (2007-), corp creator. (2014) Advice note for a pre-registration inspection of a free school : Aspire Academy Hull.

Archbold, Jenny, Department for Education (DFE), corp creator. (2014) GCSE and equivalent results in England, 2012 to 2013 (revised). [ Statistical first release ]

Archbold, Jenny, Department for Education (DFE), corp creator. (2014) GCSE and equivalent results in England, 2012/13: revised. [ Statistical first release ]

Artess, Jane, McCulloch, Andrew and Mok, Pearl, Department for Business Innovation and Skills (BIS)
Higher Education Careers Service Unit (HECSU), corp creators. (2014) Learning from Futuretrack: studying and living at home.

Aspland, Emma, Welsh Government, corp creator. (2014) National Survey for Wales, 2013-14. Education. [ Statistical bulletin = Bwletin ystadegol ]

Atkins, Madeleine and Ebdon, Les, Department for Business Innovation and Skills (BIS)
Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE)
Office for Fair Access (OFFA), corp creators. (2014) National strategy for access and student success in higher education.

Atkinson, Maggie, Office of the Children’s Commissioner, corp creator. (2014) "It might be best if you looked elsewhere": An investigation into the school admission process.

Autio, Erkko, Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS), corp creator. (2014) Innovation from big science : enhancing big science impact agenda.


Baginsky, Mary and Manthorpe, Jill, Department for Education (DFE)
King's College London, corp creators. (2014) The views of step up to social work trainees : cohort 1 and cohort 2 : research report.

Bailey, Adrian , House of Commons Business, Innovation and Skills Committee, corp creator. (2014) Adult literacy and numeracy : fifth report of session 2014-15 report, together with formal minutes relating to the report. [ House of Commons papers ]

Bailey, Adrian , House of Commons - Business, Innovation and Skills Committee, corp creator. (2014) Student loans : Government response to the Committee's third report of session 2014-15 third special report of session 2014-15. [ House of Commons Committee Report ]

Baker, Clare, Department for Education (DFE), corp creator. (2014) Longitudinal study of young people in England : cohort 2, wave 1 : November 2014. [ Research report ]

Baldauf, Beate, Gambin, Lynn and Hogarth, Terence, Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS)
Institute for Employment Research (IER), corp creators. (2014) Employer investment in apprenticeships in the health sector. [ BIS research paper ]

Bartholomew, David, Department for Education (DFE), corp creator. (2014) Provisional GCSE and equivalent results in England, 2013 to 2014. [ Statistical first release ]

Bentley, Sally, Eadie, Andrew and Dangerfield, Caroline , Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education (QAA), corp creator. (2014) Higher Education Review of Riverside College, May 2014.

Berelowitz, Sue, Ritchie, Graham and Edwards, Gareth, Office of the Children’s Commissioner, corp creator. (2014) “If it’s not better, it’s not the end” : Inquiry into Child Sexual Exploitation in Gangs and Groups : one year on.

Best, Michael, Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills (OFSTED) (2007-), corp creator. (2014) Advice note for a pre-registration inspection of a free school : CUL Academy.

Best, Michael, Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills (OFSTED) (2007-), corp creator. (2014) Advice note for a pre-registration inspection of a free school : Dixons McMillan Academy.

Best, Michael, Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills (OFSTED) (2007-), corp creator. (2014) Advice note for a pre-registration inspection of a free school : Eden Girls' School, Coventry.

Best, Michael, Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills (OFSTED) (2007-), corp creator. (2014) Advice note for a pre-registration inspection of a free school : The Aspire Academy, Worcester.

Best, Michael, Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills (OFSTED), corp creator. (2014) Advice note for a pre-registration of a free school : Falcons Primary School.

Bevington, Nicky, Department for Education (DFE), corp creator. (2014) Handling complaints about schools: Departmental report, 1 August 2012 - 31 July 2013. [ Research report ]

Bird, Jade, Welsh Government, corp creator. (2014) Assembly learning grants awarded to Welsh domiciled students in further education, 2013/14. [ First release = datganiad cyntaf ]

Bird, Jade, Welsh Government, corp creator. (2014) Education Maintenance Allowances awarded in Wales: update at end of January 2014. [ First release ]

Bird, Jade, Welsh Government, corp creator. (2014) Financial contingency funds in Wales, 2012/13. [ First release ]

Bird, Jade, Welsh Government, corp creator. (2014) Student support applications for Higher Education, Wales : update at end of March 2014. [ First release = Datganiad cyntaf ]

Bird, Jade, Welsh Government, corp creator. (2014) Student support applications for higher education, Wales – update at end of December 2013. [ First release = Datganiad cyntaf ]

Bird, Jade, Welsh Government, corp creator. (2014) Student support applications for higher education, Wales: update at end of February 2014.

Bird, Jade, Welsh Government, corp creator. (2014) Student support applications for higher education, Wales: update at end of January 2014. [ First release ]

Bird, Jade , Welsh Government, corp creator. (2014) Education Maintenance Allowances Awarded in Wales, 2013/14. [ Statistics for Wales ]

Birdwell, Jonathan and Bani, Mona, DEMOS, corp creator. (2014) Introducing generation citizen.

Boles, Nick , Great Britain (Legislation), corp creator. (2014) The Children and Families Act 2014 (Transitional and Saving Provisions) (No. 2) Order 2014. [ Statutory instruments 2014 ]

Bolton, Paul, UK Parliament
House of Commons Library, corp creators. (2014) Converter academies: statistics. [ Standard note ]

Bolton, Paul, UK Parliament
House of Commons Library, corp creators. (2014) Education spending in the UK. [ Standard note ]

Bolton, Paul, UK Parliament
House of Commons Library, corp creators. (2014) Examination results : [social indicators page]. [ Standard note ]

Bolton, Paul, UK Parliament
House of Commons Library, corp creators. (2014) Free school statistics. [ Standard note ]

Bolton, Paul, UK Parliament
House of Commons Library, corp creators. (2014) HE in England from 2012 : funding and finance. [ Standard note ]

Bolton, Paul, UK Parliament
House of Commons Library, corp creators. (2014) HE in England from 2012 : student numbers. [ Standard note ]

Bolton, Paul, UK Parliament
House of Commons Library, corp creators. (2014) Higher education finance statistics. [ Standard note ]

Bolton, Paul, UK Parliament
House of Commons Library, corp creators. (2014) Oxbridge 'elitism'. [ Standard note ]

Bolton, Paul, UK Parliament
House of Commons Library, corp creators. (2014) Schools and class sizes : [social indicators page]. [ Standard note ]

Bolton, Paul, UK Parliament
House of Commons Library, corp creators. (2014) Tuition fee statistics. [ Standard note ]

Bolton, Paul, UK Parliament
House of Commons, corp creators. (2014) Value of student maintenance support. [ Standard note ]

Bosworth, Derek L., UK Commission for Employment and Skills, corp creator. (2014) UK Skill Levels and International Competitiveness, 2013. [ Evidence Report ]

Bowes, Lindsey, Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE)
CFE Research
Edge Hill University, corp creators. (2014) Evaluation of the National Scholarship Programme, year 3 : report to HEFCE by CFE Research and Edge Hill University, November 2014.

Bradshaw, Paul, Lewis, Gemma and Hughes, Tracey, Scottish Government Children and Families Analysis
ScotCen Social Research, corp creators. (2014) Growing up in Scotland : characteristics of pre-school provision and their association with child outcomes.

Bradshaw, Paul, Schofield, Lauren and Maynard, Linda, Scottish Government (Scotland), corp creator. (2014) The experiences of mothers aged under 20 : analysis of data from the growing up in Scotland study. [ Scottish government social research ]

Bray, Helen, Department for Education (DFE), corp creator. (2014) Admission appeals for maintained and academy primary and secondary schools in England: 2013 to 2014. [ Statistical first release ]

Bray, Helen , Department for Education (DFE), corp creator. (2014) Secondary and primary school applications and offers : March to April 2014. [ Statistical First Release ]

Brind, Richard, McGinigal, Stephen, Lewis, James , Ghezelayagh, Shadi , Ransom, Heather , Robson, Jennifer , Street, Cathy and Renton, Zoe , Department for Education (DFE)
TNS BMRB, corp creators. (2014) Childcare and early years providers survey 2013.

Brooks, Ellenor, Department for Work and Pensions (DWP), corp creator. (2014) Youth unemployment innovation fund pilot: starts and outcomes: quarterly publication.

Brooks, Fiona, Department of Health (DH)
Public Health England, corp creators. (2014) The link between pupil health and wellbeing and attainment : a briefing for head teachers, governors and staff in education settings : November 2014.

Brooks, Laura, Baird, Helen and Shenstone, Andy, Capita Consulting
Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE), corp creators. (2014) Independent review of the Higher Education Academy: a report to HEFCE by Capita Consulting.

Brown, Jennifer , Department for Education (DFE), corp creator. (2014) Outcomes for children looked after by local authorities in England as at 31 March 2014. [ Statistical First Release ]

Brown, Thomas, UK Parliament
House of Lords, corp creators. (2014) The case for arts education in schools. [ House of Lords library notes ]

Buick, Noelle, Education and Training Inspectorate of Northern Ireland (ETINI), corp creator. (2014) Chief Inspector’s report 2012-2014 : Education and Training Inspectorate. [ Chief Inspector’s report (Education and Training Inspectorate) ]

Burke, Donncha, Clay, Simon, Sims, Thomas, Smith, Anneka and Smith , Caroline, Department for Work and Pensions (DWP), corp creator. (2014) Family Resources Survey, United Kingdom, 2012/13. [ National statistics ]

Butler, Louise, Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills (OFSTED), corp creator. (2014) Initial teacher education inspections and outcomes : 1 September 2013 to 31 August 2014. [ Official statistics release ]

Butler, Louise, Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills, corp creator. (2014) Maintained schools and academies inspections and outcomes : 1 September 2013 to 31 August 2014. [ Official statistics release ]

Butler, Louise, Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills (OFSTED), corp creator. (2014) Maintained schools and academies inspections and outcomes, England, 1 October 2014 to 31 December 2014, provisional. [ Official statistics release ]


Callanan, Meg, Department for Education (DFE)
NatCen Social Research, corp creators. (2014) Study of early education and development : views and experiences of childminders. [ Research report (Department for Education) ]

Cameron, Alastair, Welsh Government, corp creator. (2014) Initial teacher training in Wales, 2012/13. [ Statistical bulletin ]

Campbell, Aileen, Linkston, Alex, Maxwell, Bill and Sweeney, Jim, Education Scotland
Scottish Government (Scotland)
YouthLink Scotland, corp creators. (2014) Our ambitions for improving the life chances of young people in Scotland: National Youth Work Strategy 2014-2019.

Campbell, Jane, Northern Ireland Assembly, corp creator. (2014) Child Poverty Strategies. [ Research and Information Service Briefing Paper ]

Campbell, Jane, Northern Ireland Assembly, corp creator. (2014) The Childcare Payments Bill 2014-15 : Legislative Consent Motion. [ Research and Information Service Briefing Note ]

Campbell, Stuart, Cooper, Jacquie and Simmons, Jon, Home Office, corp creator. (2014) Employment and occupational skill levels among UK and foreign nationals. [ Occasional paper (Home Office) ]

Carter, Andrew, Department for Education (DFE), corp creator. (2014) Carter review of Initial Teacher Training (England): call for evidence.

Carter, Joel, Office of the Children’s Commissioner, corp creator. (2014) The impact of legal aid changes on children since April 2013 : participation work with children and young people : September 2014.

Catherall, Claire and Rhodes, Chris, House of Commons Library. Economic Policy and Statistics Section, corp creator. (2014) Construction Industry Training Board Levy. [ Standard note ]

Catlow, Nick and Fisher, Alison, Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation (OFQUAL), corp creator. (2014) Access arrangements for GCSE and A level: 2013/14 academic year. [ Statistical release ]

Catlow, Nick and Fisher, Alison, Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation (OFQUAL), corp creator. (2014) Entries and late entries for GCSE and A Level: 2013/14 academic year. [ Statistical release ]

Catlow, Nick and Fisher, Alison, Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation (OFQUAL), corp creator. (2014) Special consideration in GCSE and A level: summer 2014 exam series. [ Statistical release ]

Cattan, Sarah, Crawford, Claire and Dearden, Lorraine, Institute for Fiscal Studies, corp creator. (2014) The economic effects of pre-school education and quality: IFS Report R99. [ IFS Report ]

Cladingbowl, Mike, Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills (OFSTED), corp creator. (2014) Why do Ofsted inspectors observe individual lessons and how do they evaluate teaching in schools?

Clark, Greg, Great Britain (Legislation), corp creator. (2014) The Education (Student Support) (Amendment) Regulations 2014. [ Statutory instruments 2014 ]

Clarke, Gillian and Lunt, Ingrid, Higher Education Funding Council for England, corp creator. (2014) International comparisons in postgraduate education : quality, access and employment outcomes.

Clarke, Peter, Department for Education (DFE), corp creator. (2014) Report into allegations concerning Birmingham schools arising from the ‘Trojan Horse’ letter. [ HC ]

Clay, Daniel and Thomas, Andrew, Department for Education (DFE)
TNS BMRB, corp creators. (2014) Review of military ethos alternative provision projects. [ Research report ]

Clifford, Scott, Welsh Government, corp creator. (2014) Educational destinations of Key Stage 4 and post-16 learners, 2011/12. [ Statistical article ]

Clifford, Scott, Welsh Government, corp creator. (2014) Learner outcome measures for further education, Work-Based Learning (WBL) and Adult Community Learning (ACL): 2012/13. [ First release = Datganiad cyntaf ]

Clifford, Scott , Welsh Government, corp creator. (2014) Progressions from Pathways to Apprenticeships Programmes, 2012/13. [ Statistical article ]

Clifton, Jenny, Office of the Children’s Commissioner, corp creator. (2014) Children and young people giving feedback on services for children in need: ideas from a participation programme.

Coffey, Matthew, Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills (OFSTED), corp creator. (2014) How do Ofsted inspectors evaluate teaching in the further education and skills sector?

Cohen, Paul , National College for Teaching and Leadership (NCTL), corp creator. (2014) School Direct bulletin : September 2014. [ School Direct bulletin ]

Coleman, Nick, McGinigal, Stephen, Thomas, Andrew, Fu, Emily and Hingley, Sarah, Department for Work and Pensions (DWP)
TNS-BMRB, corp creators. (2014) Evaluation of the Youth Contract wage incentive: wave two research. [ Research report (DWP) ]

Conlon, Lynda, Northern Ireland Assembly, corp creator. (2014) Transition planning for young people with learning disabilities in Great Britain. [ Research and Information Service research paper ]

Conlon, Lynda and Murphy, Eóin, Northern Ireland Assembly, corp creator. (2014) Scottish universities – proof of residence: update. [ Research and Information Service briefing note ]

Connolly, Christopher, UK Government, corp creator. (2014) Myths and facts for schools.

Cotzias, Eleanor, Department for Education (DFE), corp creator. (2014) Permanent and fixed period exclusions in England : 2012 to 2013. [ Statistical first release ]

Cotzias, Eleanor, Department for Education (DFE), corp creator. (2014) Pupil absence in England: 2012 to 2013. [ Statistical first release (DFE) ]

Cotzias, Eleanor, Department for Education (DFE), corp creator. (2014) Pupil absence in schools in England: autumn term 2013. [ Statistical first release ]

Crawford, Claire, Crawford, Rowena and Jin, Wenchao, Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS)
University of Warwick, corp creators. (2014) Estimating the public cost of student loans. [ IFS report ]

Crawford, Claire and Jin, Wenchao, Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS)
University of Warwick, corp creators. (2014) Payback time? : student debt and loan repayments : what will the 2012 reforms mean for graduates? [ IFS report ]

Crawford, Claire, Macmillan, Lindsey and Vignoles, Anna, Social Mobility and Child Poverty Commission
Centre for Analysis of Youth Transition, corp creators. (2014) Progress made by high-attaining children from disadvantaged backgrounds: research report. [ Research report (Social Mobility and Child Poverty Commission) ]

Cribb, Jonathan, Jesson, David, Sibieta, Luke, Skipp, Amy and Vignoles, Anna, The Sutton Trust, corp creator. (2014) Poor Grammar: Entry into Grammar Schools for disadvantaged pupils in England.

Cullen, Mairi Ann, Strand, Steve, Cullen, Stephen and Lindsay, Geoff, Department for Education (DFE)
University of Warwick, corp creators. (2014) CANparent trial evaluation: second interim report. [ Research report (Department for Education) ]

Curcin, Milja, Boyle, Andrew, May, Tom and Rahman, Zeeshan, Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation (OFQUAL)
City and Guilds of London Institute, corp creators. (2014) A validation framework for work-based observational assessment in vocational qualifications.


Dearden, Lorraine, Hodge, Louis, Jin, Wenchao, Levine, Alexander and Williams, Laura, Institute for Fiscal Studies
Nuffield Foundation
Economic & Social Research Council, corp creators. (2014) Financial support for HE students since 2012. [ IFS briefing note ]

Diamond, Abigail, Roberts, Jennifer, Vorley, Tim, Birkin, Guy, Evans, James, Sheen, Jonathan and Nathwani, Tej, Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE)
CFE Research, corp creators. (2014) UK Review of the provision of information about higher education : advisory study and literature review : report to the UK higher education funding bodies by CFE Research.

Dodd, L., Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation (OFQUAL), corp creator. (2014) Quality of marking in general qualifications: survey of teachers 2013.

Duce, Ian, Meehan, Diane, Ryrie, Stephen and Freeman, James, Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education (QAA), corp creator. (2014) Swansea University : Institutional Review by the Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education, May 2014.

Duggan, Brett, Dosmukhambetova, Dina and Edwards, Viv, Welsh Government
Arad Research
University of Reading
National Centre for Language and Literacy, corp creators. (2014) A review of research evidence on the effectiveness of different approaches to promoting early speech and language development. [ Ymchwil gymdeithasol = Social research ]

Duggan, Brett, Thomas, Hefin and Lewis, Sioned, Welsh Government, corp creator. (2014) Evaluation of the Welsh-medium Education Strategy : a study of the work of the Bilingual Champions in Further Education. [ Social research ]

de Vries, Robert, Sutton Trust, corp creator. (2014) Earning by Degrees: Differences in the career outcomes of UK graduates.


Easby, Jenny, Department for Education (DFE), corp creator. (2014) GCSE and equivalent attainment by pupil characteristics in England: 2012/13. [ Statistical first release ]

Edwards, Haydn E., Estyn (Her Majesty's Inspectorate for Education and Training in Wales), corp creator. (2014) Annual Report of Estyn’s Audit and Risk Assurance Committee 2013-2014.

Evans, Jessie, Skills Funding Agency (SFA)
Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS), corp creators. (2014) Further education and skills : learner participation, outcomes and level of highest qualification held, 30th January 2014. [ Statistical first release ]

Evans, Jessie, Skills Funding Agency (SFA)
Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS), corp creators. (2014) Further education and skills : learner participation, outcomes and level of highest qualification held, March 2014. [ Statistical first release ]

Evans, Jessie, Department for Business Innovation and Skills (BIS)
Skills Funding Agency (SFA), corp creators. (2014) Further education and skills: learner participation, outcomes and level of highest qualification held. [ Statistical first release ]

Evans, Jessie, Skills Funding Agency (SFA)
Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS), corp creators. (2014) Traineeship data [provisional 2013/14].

Evans, Lucy, Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS), corp creator. (2014) Community Learning Trust (CLT) pilot evaluation, February 2014. [ BIS research paper ]


Fensham-Smith, Amber , Welsh Government, corp creator. (2014) Gypsy and Traveller education : engaging families : a research report. [ Social research ]

Fisher, Alison, Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation (OFQUAL), corp creator. (2014) Annual qualifications market report: England, Wales and Northern Ireland 2012/13 academic year.

Fisher, Alison, Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation (OFQUAL), corp creator. (2014) Higher level qualifications quarterly: January – March 2014. [ Statistical release ]

Fisher, Alison, Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation (OFQUAL), corp creator. (2014) November GCSE and Level 1/ Level 2 Certificates (also known as IGCSE) entries for England : provisional figures, October 2014. [ Statistical release ]

Fisher, Alison, Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation (OFQUAL), corp creator. (2014) Summer AS and A level entries for England : provisional figures April 2014. [ Statistical release ]

Fisher, Alison, Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation (OFQUAL), corp creator. (2014) Vocational and other qualifications quarterly: England, Wales and Northern Ireland, April – June 2014. [ Statistical release ]

Fisher, Alison, Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation (OFQUAL), corp creator. (2014) Vocational and other qualifications quarterly: January – March 2014.

Fitzjohn, Lorna, Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills (OFSTED), corp creator. (2014) Securing a better future for all at 16 and beyond : annual lecture for further education and skills 2014.

Forsyth , Kathryn, Service Children's Education
UK Parliament, corp creators. (2014) Service Children's Education : annual report and accounts : 2012-2013. [ House of Commons papers ]

Foster, David, UK Parliament
House of Commons Library, corp creators. (2014) Financial and enterprise education in schools. [ Standard note ]


Gambin, Lynn, Beaven, Rachel, Hogarth, Terence, May-Gillings, Mike and Long, Katy, Warwick Institute for Employment Research
Cambridge Econometrics, corp creators. (2014) Methodological issues in estimating the value added of further education, higher education and skills: a review of relevant literature. [ BIS research paper ]

Gheera, Manjit, UK Parliament
House of Commons Library, corp creators. (2014) Government support for childcare and childcare reform under the Coalition Government. [ Standard note ]

Gheera, Manjit, UK Parliament
House of Commons Library, corp creators. (2014) Government support for childcare under the Labour Government 1997-2010. [ Standard note ]

Gibb, Selina, Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills (OFSTED) , corp creator. (2014) Childcare providers and places, England, 31 March 2014 – 31 August 2014: final.

Gibb, Selina, Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills (OFSTED), corp creator. (2014) Children's centre inspections and outcomes : 1 April 2010 to 30 June 2014. [ Official statistics release ]

Gibb, Selina, Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills (OFSTED), corp creator. (2014) Early years and childcare inspections and outcomes : 1 September 2008 to 31 August 2014. [ Official statistics release ]

Gibb, Selina and Pike, Rob, Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills (OFSTED), corp creator. (2014) Early years and childcare inspections and outcomes : 1 September 2008 to 30 June 2014. [ Official Statistics Release ]

Gillie, Christine, UK Parliament
House of Commons Library, corp creators. (2014) Children and Families Bill : Lords’ Amendments to Part 3 (Children and Young People in England with Special Educational Needs or Disabilities). [ Standard note ]

Greaves, Ellen, Macmillan, Lindsey and Sibieta, Luke, Social Mobility and Child Poverty Commission
Institute for Fiscal Studies
Institute of Education, University of London, corp creators. (2014) Lessons from London schools for attainment gaps and social mobility: research report. [ Research report (Social Mobility and Child Poverty Commission) ]

Greer, Michael, Department for Education (DFE), corp creator. (2014) Participation in education, training and employment by 16-18 year olds in England: end 2013. [ Statistical first release ]


Hamer, John, Smith, Jenny and Grant, Anna, Department for Education (DFE)
AlphaPlus Consultancy Ltd, corp creators. (2014) Linked pair of GCSEs in mathematics (MLP) evaluation. [ Research report ]

Hancock, Matthew, Great Britain (Legislation), corp creator. (2014) The Education (Grants etc) (Dance and Drama) (England) (Revocation) Regulations 2014. [ Statutory instruments 2014 ]

Hancock, Matthew, Department for Business Innovation and Skills (BIS), corp creator. (2014) Getting the job done: the government’s reform plan for vocational qualifications.

Hancock, Matthew , Great Britain (Legislation)
Department for Business, Innovation and Skills, corp creators. (2014) The further education loans (amendment) regulations 2014. [ Statutory instruments 2014 ]

Harding, Carrie, Clay, Daniel, Mortimer, Ed, Ghezelayagh, Shadi and Bloch, Anna, Department for Business Innovation and Skills (BIS)
TNS BMRB, corp creators. (2014) Community learning learner survey: wave 2. [ BIS research paper ]

Harding, Carrie and Ghezelayagh, Shadi, Department for Business Innovation and Skills (BIS)
TNS BMRB, corp creators. (2014) Community Learning Learner Survey : additional analysis of participants following family learning courses. [ BIS research paper ]

Harris, Martin, Standards and Testing Agency, corp creator. (2014) 2014 key stage 2 national curriculum tests review outcomes. [ Statistical First Release ]

Harris, Martin, Standards and Testing Agency, corp creator. (2014) 2014 key stage 2 national curriculum tests review outcomes. [ Statistical first release ]

Harris, Stephen, Department for Education (DFE), corp creator. (2014) Destinations of key stage 4 and key stage 5 students, 2011/12. [ Statistical first release ]

Hatton, Adam, Department for Education (DFE), corp creator. (2014) Schools, pupils and their characteristics: January 2014. [ Statistical first release ]

Hayward, Hugh, Hunt, Emily, Lord, Anthony, Vernoit, James, North, Catherine and Donnelly, Eimear, Department for Education (DFE), corp creator. (2014) The economic value of key intermediate qualifications: estimating the returns and lifetime productivity gains to GCSEs, A levels and apprenticeships. [ Research report ]

Heaven, Martin, Welsh Government, corp creator. (2014) Data linking demonstration project : flying start. [ Government social research = Ymchwil gymdeithasol y Llywodraeth ]

Higton, John, Keilloh, Graham and Emmett, Rachael, Department for Business Innovation and Skills (BIS)
Ipsos MORI, corp creators. (2014) Tracking the impact of 24+ Advanced Learning Loans. [ BIS research paper ]

Hill, Kathryn, Department for Education (DFE), corp creator. (2014) Special educational needs and disability pathfinder programme evaluation : thematic report : key working and workforce development (pt 1). Research report, January 2014.

Hill, Kathryn, Craston, Meera, Daff, Kerry and Macmillan, Tarran, Department for Education (DFE)
SQW, corp creators. (2014) The SEN and disability pathfinder programme evaluation: readiness for reform and effectiveness of pathfinder champions. [ Research report ]

Hill, Kathryn, Craston, Meera, Daff, Kerry and Thom, Graham, Department for Education, corp creator. (2014) Special Educational Needs and Disability Pathfinder Programme evaluation: Thematic report: key working and workforce development (pt 1).

Hodge, Margaret, House of Commons. Committee of Public Accounts, corp creator. (2014) Student loan repayments: forty-fourth report of session 2013-14 report, together with formal minutes, oral and written evidence. [ House of Commons Committee Report ]

Hodge, Margaret , House of Commons. Committee of Public Accounts, corp creator. (2014) Education Funding Agency and Department for Education 2012-13 financial statements : sixty-first report of session 2013-14 report, together with formal minutes, oral and written evidence. [ House of Commons Committee Report ]

Hodge, Margaret , House of Commons Committee of Public Accounts, corp creator. (2014) Establishing free schools : fifty-sixth report of session 2013-14 report, together with formal minutes, oral and written evidence. [ House of Commons papers 2013-14 ]

Hodgson, Patricia, School Teachers' Review Body, corp creator. (2014) School Teachers' Review Body : twenty-fourth report - 2014. [ Command Paper ]

Hodgson, Patricia , School Teachers' Review Body
Department for Education (DFE), corp creators. (2014) School teachers' review body : twenty-third report - 2014. [ Command Paper ]

Holtom, Duncan and Lloyd-Jones, Sarah, Welsh Government, corp creator. (2014) Research on the IDP expanded testing phase : main report. [ Government social research = Ymchwil gymdeithasol y Llywodraeth ]

Holtom, Duncan, Lloyd-Jones, Sarah and Watkins, Jack, Welsh Government, corp creator. (2014) Evaluation of a pilot of young people’s rights to appeal and claim to the Special Educational Needs Tribunal for Wales: final report. [ Social research ]

Hubble, Sue, UK Parliament
House of Commons Library, corp creators. (2014) Changes to the Disabled Students’ Allowance (DSA). [ Standard note ]

Hubble, Sue, UK Parliament
House of Commons Library, corp creators. (2014) Constituency casework toolkit : student support. [ Standard note ]

Hubble, Sue, UK Parliament
House of Commons Library, corp creators. (2014) Cuts in funding for 18 and 19 year olds. [ Standard note ]

Hubble, Sue, UK Parliament
House of Commons Library, corp creators. (2014) Expansion of private higher education provision in England. [ Standard note ]

Hubble, Sue, UK Parliament
House of Commons Library, corp creators. (2014) Issues around the funding of 16-19 education. [ Standard note ]

Hubble, Sue, UK Parliament
House of Commons Library, corp creators. (2014) Sale of student loans. [ Standard note ]

Hubble, Sue, UK Parliament
House of Commons Library, corp creators. (2014) Transport provision for post-16 learners. [ Standard note ]

Hubble, Susan, UK Parliament
House of Commons Library, corp creators. (2014) Home student criteria for HE student support in England. [ Standard note ]

Hughes, Stephen, Welsh Government, corp creator. (2014) Absenteeism from primary schools, 2013/14. [ First release ]

Hughes, Stephen, Knowledge and Analitical Services Welsh Government, corp creator. (2014) Absenteeism from secondary schools, 2013/14. [ First Release ]

Hughes, Stephen, Welsh Government, corp creator. (2014) Achievement and entitlement to free school meals in Wales, 2013. [ Statistical bulletin ]

Hughes, Stephen, Welsh Government, corp creator. (2014) End of foundation phase outcomes and National Curriculum teacher assessment of core subjects at Key Stages 2 and 3. Revised. [ First release = Datganiad cyntaf ]

Hughes, Stephen, Welsh Government, corp creator. (2014) End of foundation phase outcomes and national curriculum teacher assessment of core subjects at Key stages 2 and 3. [ First release = Datganiad cyntaf ]

Hughes, Stephen, Statistics for Wales
National Statistics, corp creators. (2014) Exclusions from schools in Wales, 2012/13 - Revised.

Hughes, Stephen, Welsh Government, corp creator. (2014) Key Stage 2 and 3 assessment performance in Wales : comparison with England and its regions, 2013. [ Statistical bulletin = Bwletin ystadegol ]

Hughes, Stephen, Welsh Government, corp creator. (2014) National Curriculum teacher assessments of non-core subjects : Wales 2014. Revised. [ First release = Datganiad cyntaf ]

Hughes, Stephen, Welsh Government, corp creator. (2014) National Reading and Numeracy Test results, 2014. [ First release = Datganiad cyntaf ]

Hughes, Stephen, Welsh Government, corp creator. (2014) National curriculum teacher assessments of non-core subjects : Wales 2014. [ First release = Datganiad cyntaf ]

Hughes, Stephen, Welsh Government, corp creator. (2014) Pupils educated other than at school, 2013/14. [ First release = Datganiad cyntaf ]

Hughes, Stephen, Welsh Government, corp creator. (2014) School census results, 2014. [ First release ]

Hughes, Stephen , Welsh Government, corp creator. (2014) Examination results in Wales, 2013/14. [ First Release ]

Hurrell, Sue, Children's Commissioner for Wales, corp creator. (2014) Full lives : equal access? Spotlight report on wheelchair accessibility in secondary schools in Wales.

Huskinson, Tom, Department for Education (DFE), corp creator. (2014) Childcare and early years survey of parents 2012 to 2013, January 2014.

Hussain, Saleem, Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills (OFSTED) (2007-), corp creator. (2014) Advice note for a pre-registration inspection of a free school : The Elland Academy.

Hutchings, Merryn, Francis, Becky and De Vries, Robert, The Sutton Trust, corp creator. (2014) Chain Effects 2014 : the impact of academy chains on low income students.


Ilochi, Chuka, Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS), corp creator. (2014) Participation rates in higher education : academic years 2006 and 2007 to 2012 and 2013 (Provisional). [ Statistical first release ]

Irwin, Helen, Department of Education (DENI) (Northern Ireland)
Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency, corp creators. (2014) Attendance at grant-aided primary, post-primary and special schools 2012/13 : summary statistics. [ Statistical press release ]

Ismail, Mohammad, Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills (OFSTED) (2007-), corp creator. (2014) Advice note for a pre-registration inspection of an academy/free school/studio school/university technical college (UTC): Essa Primary School.


Jackson, Selena, Department for Education (DFE), corp creator. (2014) Education and training statistics for the United Kingdom : 2014. [ Statistical Release ]

Jackson, Susan, Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills (OFSTED) (2007-), corp creator. (2014) Advice note for pre-registration inspections of all types of academies and free schools/studio schools/university technical colleges (UTC) : Evendons Primary School.

Jackson, Susan, Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills (OFSTED) (2007-), corp creator. (2014) Advice note for pre-registration inspections of all types of academies and free schools/studio schools/university technical colleges (UTC) : Exeter Maths School.

Jarrett, Tim and Long, Robert, UK Parliament
House of Commons Library, corp creators. (2014) School funding : Pupil Premium. [ Standard note ]

Jerrim, John, The Sutton Trust, corp creator. (2014) Family Background and access to ‘high status’ universities.

Jones, Robin, Welsh Government, corp creator. (2014) Local authority child protection registers in Wales, 2014. [ Statistical bulletin ]

Joslin, Hugh and Smith, Sharon, Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS)
Centre for Work-based Learning
University of Greenwich, corp creators. (2014) Progression of apprentices to higher education – cohort update. [ BIS research paper ]


Keen, Richard, UK Parliament
House of Commons Library, corp creators. (2014) Social indicators. [ Research paper ]

Kelly, Ursula, McNicoll, Iain and White, James, Universities UK , corp creator. (2014) The economic impact of higher education institutions in England: summary report.

Kelly, Ursula, McNicoll, Iain and White, James, Universities UK , corp creator. (2014) The economic impact of the London higher education sector.

Kelly, Ursula, McNicoll, Iain and White, James, Universities UK , corp creator. (2014) The economic impact of the North East higher education sector.

Kelly, Ursula, McNicoll, Iain and White, James, Universities UK , corp creator. (2014) The economic impact of the North West higher education sector.

Kelly, Ursula, McNicoll, Iain and White, James, Universities UK , corp creator. (2014) The economic impact of the South East higher education sector.

Kelly, Ursula, McNicoll, Iain and White, James, Universities UK , corp creator. (2014) The economic impact of the South West higher education sector.

Kelly, Ursula, McNicoll, Iain and White, James, Universities UK , corp creator. (2014) The economic impact of the West Midlands higher education sector.

Kelly, Ursula, McNicoll, Iain and White, James, Universities UK , corp creator. (2014) The economic impact of the Yorkshire and Humberside higher education sector.

Kelly, Ursula, McNicoll, Iain and White, James, Universities UK , corp creator. (2014) The impact of universities on the UK economy.

Kettlewell, Kelly, Department for Education (DFE)
National Foundation for Educational Research, corp creators. (2014) NFER Teacher Voice Omnibus : questions for the Department for Education : March to May 2014 and May to June 2014. Research brief, October 2014.

King, Adam, Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills (OFSTED), corp creator. (2014) Children's homes inspections and outcomes, England, 1 October to 31 December 2013: provisional. [ Official statistics release ]

King, Adam, Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills (OFSTED), corp creator. (2014) Children's social care (excluding children's homes) inspections and outcomes : 1 April 2013 – 30 September 2013. Provisional. [ Official statistics release ]

King, Adam, Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills (OFSTED), corp creator. (2014) Children’s homes inspections and outcomes : 1 July 2013 - 30 September 2013. Provisional. [ Official statistics release ]

King, Adam, Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills (OFSTED, corp creator. (2014) Children’s social care providers and places : 30 September 2013 to 31 March 2014. Final. [ Official statistics release ]

King, Adam, Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills (OFSTED) (2007-), corp creator. (2014) Local authority children's services inspections : 1 November 2013 - July 2014. [ Official Statistics Release ]

King, Adam , Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills (OFSTED) (2007-), corp creator. (2014) Adoption 2013-14, period covered : 1 April 2013 - 31 March 2014. [ Official Statistics Release ]

King, Adam , Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills (OFSTED), corp creator. (2014) Serious Incident Notifications (SIN) from local authority children’s services : 1 April 2013 – 31 March 2014. [ Official Statistics Release ]

King, Ceri , Great Britain (Legislation)
Privy Council Office, corp creators. (2014) Inspectors of Education, Children's Services and Skills (No.4) Order 2014. [ Statutory instruments 2014 ]


La Valle, Ivana, Office of the Children’s Commissioner
University of East London, corp creators. (2014) Review of policies and interventions for low-income families with young children : October 2014.

La Valle, Ivana, Office of the Children’s Commissioner
University of East London, corp creators. (2014) Review of policies and interventions for low-income families with young children. Summary report : October 2014.

Lauener, Peter, Education Funding Agency, corp creator. (2014) Education Funding Agency's annual report and financial statements for the period 1 April 2012 to 31 March 2013. [ House of Commons papers ]

Laws, David, UK Parliament
Great Britain (Legislation), corp creators. (2014) The Education (School Teachers' Prescribed Qualifications, etc) (Amendment) Order 2014. [ Statutory Instrument ]

Laws, David, Department for Education (DFE), corp creator. (2014) The Teachers' Pension Scheme Regulations 2014. [ Statutory instruments 2014 ]

Lewis, Shakira and Starkey, Joanne, Welsh Government
Knowledge and Analytical Services
, corp creators. (2014) Ethnic minority pupils : evidence review and practice in Wales. [ Ymchwil gymdeithasol = Social research ]

Lilly, Julie, Peacock, Alison, Shoveller, Sue and Struthers, d'Reen, National College for Teaching and Leadership (NCTL), corp creator. (2014) Beyond levels: alternative assessment approaches developed by teaching schools: research report.

Lilly, Julie, Peacock, Alison, Shoveller, Sue and Struthers, d'Reen, National College for Teaching and Leadership (NCTL), corp creator. (2014) Beyond levels: summary of evidence of outcomes and impact: research report.

Lloyd, Cheryl, Fry, Alexandra and Wollny, Ivonne, Department for Education (DFE)
NatCen Social Research, corp creators. (2014) PE and sport premium: an investigation in primary schools. [ Research brief ]

Lloyd, Rachel, Welsh Government, corp creator. (2014) Educational attainment of young people by age 19, 2010/11. [ First release = Datganiad cyntaf ]

Lloyd, Rachel, Welsh Government, corp creator. (2014) Key education statistics Wales 2014. [ Statistics for Wales = Ystadegau ar gyfer cymru ]

Lloyd, Rachel, Welsh Government
Statistics for Wales, corp creators. (2014) Levels of highest qualification held by working age adults, 2013. [ First release ]

Lloyd, Rachel, Welsh Government, corp creator. (2014) Participation of young people in education and the labour market (year end 2012 and 2013 (provisional)). [ First release ]

Lloyd, Rachel, Welsh Government, corp creator. (2014) Young people not in education, employment or training (NEET) (Year to 31 December 2013). [ Statistical bulletin = Bwletin Ystadegol ]

Lloyd, Rachel, Welsh Government, corp creator. (2014) Young people not in education, employment or training (NEET) (year to 31 March 2014). [ Statistical bulletin ]

Lloyd, Rachel, Welsh Government, corp creator. (2014) Young people not in education, employment or training (NEET): year to 30 September 2013. [ Statistical bulletin ]

Lockett, Martin, Stewart, Marian and Uddin, Nizam, Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education (QAA), corp creator. (2014) Higher Education Review of Brooklands College, June 2014.

Long, Robert, UK Parliament
House of Commons Library, corp creators. (2014) English Baccalaureate. [ Standard note ]

Long, Robert, UK Parliament
House of Commons Library, corp creators. (2014) GCSE, AS and A Level reform. [ Standard note ]

Long, Robert, UK Parliament
House of Commons Library, corp creators. (2014) The reformed system for children and young people with Special Educational Needs in England. [ Standard note ]

Long, Robert and Bolton, Paul, UK Parliament
House of Commons Library, corp creators. (2014) Support for disadvantaged children in education in England. [ Standard note ]

Lovell, Phil, Welsh Government, corp creator. (2014) Further education, work-based learning and community learning in Wales, 2012/13. [ First release ]

Lovell, Phil , Welsh Government, corp creator. (2014) Further education : work-based learning and community learning in Wales : 2013/14 (provisional figures). [ First Release ]

Lucas, Caroline, Keeley, Barbara, Vaz, Valerie, Qureshi, Yasmin, Farron, Tim and Jackson, Glenda, UK Parliament
House of Commons, corp creators. (2014) Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education (Statutory Requirement) Bill. [ House of Commons Bills ]


Maddison, Christina, Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills (OFSTED), corp creator. (2014) Advice note for a material change inspection of an independent school seeking to open or change existing boarding or residential provision - welfare only : Exeter Mathematics School.

Maguire, Mike, Holloway, Katy and Bennett, Trevor, Welsh Government, corp creator. (2014) Evaluation of ESF peer mentoring Wales. [ Government social research = Ymchwil gymdeithasol ]

Maitland, Fatiha , Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills (OFSTED) (2007-), corp creator. (2014) Advice note for a pre-registration inspection of a free school : Aspire Academy Essex.

Manning, Joanna, Clifton, Jenny and McDonald, Carolyn, Office of the Children’s Commissioner
Children's Society, corp creators. (2014) "I think you need someone to show you what help there is" : parental alcohol misuse : uncovering and responding to children's needs at a local level : October 2014.

Marangozov, Rachel, Skills Funding Agency (SFA)
Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS), corp creators. (2014) Supporting learners with learning difficulties and or disabilities to access European Social Fund Priority 2 and 5 provision. Evidence report, August 2013.

Maratos, Paula, Department for Business Innovation and Skills (BIS), corp creator. (2014) 24+ Advanced learning loans : application information.

Maratos, Paula, Department for Business Innovation and Skills (BIS)
Skills Funding Agency (SFA), corp creators. (2014) Further education & skills : learner participation, outcomes and level of highest qualification held. [ Statistical First Release ]

Maratos, Paula, Skills Funding Agency (SFA)
Department for Business Innovation and Skills (BIS), corp creators. (2014) Further education and skills : learner participation, outcomes and level of Highest Qualification, June 2014. [ Statistical First Release ]

Maratos, Paula, Department for Business Innovation and Skills (BIS)
Skills Funding Agency (SFA), corp creators. (2014) Further education and skills: learner participation, outcomes and level of highest qualification held. [ Statistical first release ]

Maratos, Paula, Skills Funding Agency (SFA), corp creator. (2014) Further education and skills: learner participation, outcomes and level of highest qualification held. [ Statistical first release ]

Maratos, Paula, Skills Funding Agency (SFA)
Department for Business Innovation and Skills (BIS), corp creators. (2014) Further education and skills: learner participation, outcomes and level of highest qualification held. [ Statistical first release ]

Marrin, Katy, Hudson, Heulwen, Miller, Nick , Smith, Mair and Bibbings, Jennie, Welsh Government, corp creator. (2014) Independent review of the Supporting People Programme transition year : final report. [ Social research ]

Marshall, Sally and Jackson, Selena, Department for Education (DFE), corp creator. (2014) Early years foundation stage profile attainment by pupil characteristics, England 2014. [ Statistical first release ]

Matheson, Michael, Scottish Government , corp creator. (2014) The carer’s assessment (Scotland) directions 2014.

Matthews, Adrian, Office of the Children’s Commissioner, corp creator. (2014) "What’s going to happen tomorrow?": unaccompanied children refused asylum.

Matthews, Allan and Graham, Lucy, Department for Employment and Learning (DELNI) (Northern Ireland), corp creator. (2014) Further education activity in Northern Ireland: 2009/10 to 2013/14.

Matthews, Paul, Statistics & Research Team, Department of Education (DENI), corp creator. (2014) Enrolments at grant-aided schools 2014/15: Basic statistics. [ Statistical Bulletin ]

Matthews, Paul , Department of Education (DENI) (Northern Ireland), corp creator. (2014) Enrolments at schools and in funded pre-school education in Northern Ireland 2013/14 (revised). [ Statistical Press Release ]

Matthias, Ceri, National College for Teaching and Leadership (NCTL)
BMG Research, corp creators. (2014) National leaders of governance study. [ Research report ]

Matthias, Ceri, National College for Teaching and Leadership (NCTL)
BMG Research, corp creators. (2014) Qualitative research with shortage subject teaching candidates : the journey to teacher training, October 2014. [ Research report ]

Matthias, Ceri and Wiseman, June, Department for Education (DFE)
BMG Research, corp creators. (2014) Complaints about schools: customer satisfaction survey 2013. [ Research report ]

Mayes, Terry, Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education (QAA)
QAA Scotland, corp creators. (2014) Developing and supporting the curriculum: summary report.

McCaig, Colin, Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS), corp creator. (2014) Research into the need for and capacity to deliver STEM related apprenticeship provision in England. [ BIS research paper ]

McCarthy, Declan, Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills (OFSTED), corp creator. (2014) Advice note for a pre-registration inspection of a free school: Jupiter Community Free School.

McCarthy, Declan, Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills (OFSTED), corp creator. (2014) Advice note for a pre-registration inspection of an academy/free school/studio school/university technical college (UTC): Ixworth Free School.

McCulloch, Andrew, Department for Business Innovation and Skills (BIS)
Higher Education Careers Service Unit (HECSU), corp creators. (2014) Learning from Futuretrack: dropout from higher education.

Mellors-Bourne, Robin, Hooley, Tristram and Marriott, John, Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE)
Careers Research and Advisory Centre
International Centre for Guidance Studies
University of Derby, corp creators. (2014) Understanding how people choose to pursue taught postgraduate study: report to HEFCE by CRAC and iCeGS.

Mellors-Bourne, Robin, Metcalfe, Janet , Pearce, Ellen and Hooley, Tristram, Careers Research & Advisory Centre : Vitae
International Centre for Guidance Studies
Higher Education Funding Council for England , corp creators. (2014) Understanding the recruitment and selection of postgraduate researchers by English higher education institutions.

Mercer, Sally , Department for Education (DFE), corp creator. (2014) Initial teacher training performance profiles : academic year 2012 to 2013. [ Management Information ]

Metcalf, Paul, Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills (OFSTED) (2007-), corp creator. (2014) Advice note for a pre-registration inspection of an academy/free school/studio school/university technical college (UTC) : Eden Girls' School, Waltham Forest.

Metcalf, Paul, Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills (OFSTED), corp creator. (2014) Advice note for a pre-registration inspection of an academy/free school/studio school/university technical college (UTC): Island Free School.

Metcalf, Paul, Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills (OFSTED), corp creator. (2014) Advice note for a pre-registration of an academy/free school/studio school/university technical college (UTC): Goresbrook School.

Micklewright, J., Jerrim, J., Vignoles, A., Jenkins, A., Allen, R., Ilie, S., Bellarbre, E., Barrera, F. and Hein, C., University of London. Institute of Education. Department of Quantitative Social Science
Department for Education (DFE), corp creators. (2014) Teachers in England’s secondary schools: evidence from TALIS 2013. [ Research report (Great Britain. Department for Education) ]

Middlemas, Jayne, Department for Education (DFE), corp creator. (2014) National curriculum assessments at key stage 2 in England, 2014 (Provisional). [ Statistical first release ]

Middlemas, Jayne and Marshall, Sally, Department for Education (DFE), corp creator. (2014) Phonics screening check and national curriculum assessments at key stage 1 in England, 2014. [ Statistical First Release ]

Milburn, Alan, Social Mobility and Child Poverty Commission, corp creator. (2014) Elitist Britain?

Miller, Alex , Department for Education (DFE), corp creator. (2014) Planned expenditure on schools, education, children and young people’s services by local authorities : financial year 2014 to 2015. [ Statistical Release ]

Mirza-Davies, James, UK Parliament
House of Commons Library, corp creators. (2014) Constituency casework : training : July 2014. [ Standard note ]

Mirza-Davies, James and Rhodes, Chris, House of Commons Library. Economic Policy and Statistics Section, corp creator. (2014) Apprenticeships and small businesses. [ Standard note ]

Mitchell, Martin, National Centre for Social Research (NatCen)
Government Equalities Office, corp creators. (2014) What works in tackling homophobic, biphobic and transphobic (HBT) bullying among school-age children and young people? Evidence review and typology of initiatives.

Moore, Graham, Moore, Laurence, Ahmed, Nilufar, Littlecott, Hannah and Holliday, Jo, Welsh Government. Knowledge and Analytical Services, corp creator. (2014) Exposure to secondhand smoke in cars and e-cigarette use among 10-11 year old children in Wales: CHETS Wales 2 key findings report. [ Government social research = Ymchwil gymdeithasol y llywodraeth ]

Morgan, Roger, Office of the Children’s Rights Director
Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills (OFSTED), corp creators. (2014) Adoption breakdowns: the views of children returned to care following adoption breakdown.

Morgan, Roger, Office of the Children’s Rights Director
Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills (OFSTED), corp creators. (2014) Telling health staff who is in care: children’s views.

Morgan, Roger, Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills (OFSTED), corp creator. (2014) The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child: how children say the UK is doing.

Morgan, Roger, Office of the Children’s Rights Director
Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills (OFSTED), corp creators. (2014) The children's happiness scale: scale and data for children in care, receiving social care support, and living away from home in boarding or other residential schools or colleges.

Morse, Amyas, National Audit Office
Comptroller and Auditor General
Department for Education, corp creators. (2014) 16- to 18-year-old participation in education and training.

Morse, Amyas, National Audit Office
Department for Education (DFE), corp creators. (2014) Children in care : report by the Comptroller and Auditor General. [ HC, (Session 2014-2015) ]

Morse, Amyas, National Audit Office, corp creator. (2014) Investigation into the Education Funding Agency’s oversight of related party transactions at Durand Academy : report by the Comptroller and Auditor General. [ HC, (2014-2015) ]

Morse, Amyas C.E., National Audit Office, corp creator. (2014) Department for Education: Comptroller and Auditor General's report on the Department for Education financial statements 2012-13.

Moullin, Sophie, Waldfogel, Jane and Washbrook, Elizabeth, The Sutton Trust, corp creator. (2014) Baby Bonds: Parenting, attachment and a secure base for children.

Mucklow, Peter, Education Funding Agency (EFA), corp creator. (2014) Sixth Form College Commissioner Assessment Report : summary and recommendations - Prior Pursglove College.

Murphy, Eoin, Northern Ireland Assembly, corp creator. (2014) Budget 2015/16 : Implications for Undergraduate Student Support. [ Research and Information Service briefing paper ]

Murphy, Eóin, Northern Ireland Assembly, corp creator. (2014) International methods of gathering learning disability prevalence statistics. [ Research and Information Service briefing paper ]

Murphy, Eóin, Northern Ireland Assembly, corp creator. (2014) Models of support for people with learning disabilities post-secondary school. [ Research and Information Service research paper ]

Murphy, Eóin (2014) Post-secondary school provision for people with special education needs in Northern Ireland. [ Research and Information Service briefing paper ]

Murphy, Eóin, Northern Ireland Assembly, corp creator. (2014) Statistics on people with learning disabilities in Northern Ireland. [ Research and Information Service briefing paper ]

Murphy, Eóin, Northern Ireland Assembly, corp creator. (2014) Student Hardship Fund. [ Research and Information Service Briefing Note ]

Murphy, Eóin and McTaggart, Martin, Northern Ireland Assembly, corp creator. (2014) Post-secondary support for people with learning disabilities in Great Britain. [ Research and Information Service briefing paper ]


Narey, Martin, Department for Education (DFE), corp creator. (2014) Making the education of social workers consistently effective: report of Sir Martin Narey’s independent review of the education of children’s social workers.

Neale, Ian and Satara, Tasha, YouGov
Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation (OFQUAL), corp creators. (2014) Setting grade standards consultation : analysis of consultation responses.

Nelson, Moira and Edgell, Joanna, Department for Education (DFE), corp creator. (2014) A level and other level 3 results in England, academic year 2012 to 2013: revised. [ Statistical first release ]

Nelson, Moira and Edgell, Joanna, Department for Education (DFE), corp creator. (2014) A level and other level 3 results, England, academic year 2012 to 2013 (revised). [ Statistical first release ]

Neson, Julie and O'Beirne , Clare (2014) Using evidence in the classroom : what works and why?

Nicholson, Linda, Scottish Government (Scotland), corp creator. (2014) Consultation on Gaelic medium education bill : analysis of written responses. [ Social research series ]

Nolan, Sheila, Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills (OFSTED), corp creator. (2014) Advice note for a pre-registration inspection of an academy/free school/studio school/university technical college (UTC) : The Family School London.


O'Beirne, Clare and Pyle, Katie, Department for Education (DFE)
National Foundation for Educational Research (NFER), corp creators. (2014) Teachers’ Standards, appraisal regulations and pay reform : research report.

Osborne, George, HM Treasury, corp creator. (2014) Autumn Statement 2014. [ Cm ]


Padley, J. and Gallagher, S., Welsh Government, corp creator. (2014) Final Report of the Oxbridge Ambassador for Wales.

Paget, Ally and Stevenson, Neil, DEMOS, corp creator. (2014) On speaking terms.

Parkes, Alison, Sweeting, Helen and Wight, Daniel, Scottish Government (Scotland), corp creator. (2014) Growing up in Scotland : family and school influences on children’s social and emotional well-being.

Parkman, Jo, Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills (OFSTED), corp creator. (2014) Further education and skills inspections and outcomes : 1 April to 30 June 2014. Provisional. [ Official statistics release ]

Parkman, Jo, Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills (OFSTED), corp creator. (2014) Further education and skills inspections and outcomes : 1 September 2013 to 31 August 2014. Provisional. [ Official statistics release ]

Parkman, Jo, Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills, corp creator. (2014) Independent school inspections and outcomes, including compliance with regulations : 1 September 2013 to 31 August 2014. [ Official statistics release ]

Patel, Rakhee, Welsh Government, corp creator. (2014) Formative evaluation of the Youth Engagement and Progression Framework: interim findings. [ Social research ]

Patton, David, Department for Employment and Learning (DELNI) (Northern Ireland), corp creator. (2014) Destinations of leavers from UK higher education institutions: Northern Ireland analysis - 2012/13. [ Statistical bulletin ]

Patton, David, Department for Employment and Learning (DELNI) (Northern Ireland), corp creator. (2014) Destinations of leavers from higher education: longitudinal survey 2008/09 qualifiers, Northern Ireland analysis. [ Statistical bulletin ]

Patton, David, Department for Employment and Learning (DELNI) (Northern Ireland), corp creator. (2014) Enrolments at UK higher education institutions : Northern Ireland analysis 2012-2013. [ Statistical bulletin ]

Pellicano, Elizabeth, UCL Institute of Education
Centre for Research in Autism and Education (CRAE)
Office of the Children’s Commissioner, corp creators. (2014) My life at school : understanding the experiences of children and young people with special educational needs in residential special schools.

Perry, Caroline, Northern Ireland Assembly, corp creator. (2014) Attainment targets and the influence of socio-economic background on outcomes.

Perry, Caroline, Northern Ireland Assembly, corp creator. (2014) Financing education.

Perry, Caroline, Northern Ireland Assembly, corp creator. (2014) Looked after children – educational policy and practice.

Pike, Rob and Butler, Louise, Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills (OFSTED), corp creator. (2014) Early years and childcare inspections and outcomes: 1 September 2008 to 31 October 2013: provisional.

Pike, Rob and Gibb, Selina, Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills (OFSTED), corp creator. (2014) Children's centres inspections and outcomes: England, 1 April 2010 to 31 March 2014.

Pike, Rob and Parkman, Jo, Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills (OFSTED), corp creator. (2014) Further education and skills inspections and outcomes, England, 1 January to 31 March 2014: provisional.

Pike, Robert and Butler, Louise, Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills (OFSTED), corp creator. (2014) Maintained schools and academies inspections and outcomes : 1 April to 30 June 2014. [ Official statistics release ]

Pollard, Emma, Matthews, William, Hunt, Will, Hillage, Jim, Drever, Emma, Chanfreu, Jenny, Coutinho, Steven and Poole, Eloise, Welsh Government
National Centre for Social Research (NatCen)
Institute for Employment Studies, corp creators. (2014) Student income and expenditure survey 2011/12: Welsh-domiciled students.

Porter, Sue and Bear, Katharine, National College for Teaching and Leadership (NCTL), corp creator. (2014) The role scholarships play in graduate recruitment for Initial Teacher Training: research report. [ Research report ]

Powell, Helen, Office of the Children’s Commissioner
Perpetuity Research and Consultancy International Ltd., corp creators. (2014) The impact of legal aid changes on children since April 2013 : desk-based research : September 2014.

Prince, Stuart, Department for Work and Pensions (DWP), corp creator. (2014) Income support lone parents by jobcentre plus district and age of youngest child: Ad-hoc statistical release.

Pullinger, John, Universities UK
Commission on International Student Destinations, corp creators. (2014) One size fits all? An analysis of the international student’s journey through the UK higher education system.


Qing, Gu, National College for Teaching and Leadership (NCTL)
University of Nottingham
Department for Education (DFE), corp creators. (2014) Teaching schools evaluation : emerging issues from the early development of case study teaching school alliances. [ Research report (Department for Education) ]


Reed, Howard and Elson, Diane, Office of the Children’s Commissioner
Landman Economics, corp creators. (2014) An adequate standard of living : a child-rights-based quantitative analysis of tax and social security policy changes in the Autumn Statement 2013 and the Budget 2014 : November 2014.

Rhys, Mirain, Waldron, Samuel and Taylor, Chris, Welsh Government, corp creator. (2014) Evaluating the Foundation Phase : key findings on the environment (indoor/outdoor). [ Research summary (Social research) ]

Rhys, Mirain, Waldron, Samuel and Taylor, Chris, Welsh Government, corp creator. (2014) Evaluating the Foundation Phase : key findings on training, support and guidance. [ Research summary (Social research) ]

Riaz, Aisha, Department for Work and Pensions (DWP), corp creator. (2014) Youth Unemployment Innovation Fund Pilot : starts and outcomes. July 2014.

Richardson, Matthew, Welsh Government, corp creator. (2014) Staff at further education institutions in Wales, 2012/13. [ First release ]

Riley, Keith, Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills (OFSTED), corp creator. (2014) Advice note for a material change inspection of an independent school seeking to open or change existing boarding or residential provision, welfare only: Holyport College.

Roberts, David, Welsh Government, corp creator. (2014) Evaluation of the Pupil Deprivation Grant - year 1 report. [ Social research ]

Roberts, David, Welsh Government, corp creator. (2014) Research into the implementation of the National Reading and Numeracy Tests. [ Government social research = Ymchwl Gymdeithasol y Llywodraeth ]

Roberts, Dexter, Department for Education (DFE), corp creator. (2014) NEET quarterly brief: July to September 2014. [ Statistical first release ]

Roberts, Dexter, Department for Education (DFE), corp creator. (2014) NEET statistics : quarterly brief, October to December 2013. [ Statistical first release ]

Roberts, Nerys, UK Parliament
House of Commons Library, corp creators. (2014) National Curriculum review. [ Standard note ]

Robinson, Carol, Bragg, Sara and Colwell, Jen, Office of the Children’s Commissioner
University of Brighton, Education Research Centre, corp creators. (2014) Child Rights Impact Assessment of the 2013 Autumn Statement and 2014 Budget : identifying and understanding the impact on children and young people.

Rodgers, Heidi and Waugh, Iain, Department of Health (DH), corp creator. (2014) Children Adopted from Care in Northern Ireland 2013/14.

Roe, Philip and Costello, Mary, Welsh Government, corp creator. (2014) Evaluation of Shared Apprenticeship Pilots. [ Government social research = Ymchwil gymdeithasol y illywodraeth ]

Ross, Neil, Department for Education (DFE), corp creator. (2014) School workforce in England: November 2013. [ Statistical first release ]


Sammons, Pam, Department for Education (DFE)
Effective Pre School, Primary & Secondary Education (EPPSE)
Institute of Education, University of London
Birkbeck, University of London
University of Oxford, corp creators. (2014) Influences on students’ GCSE attainment and progress at age 16 : Effective Pre-School, Primary & Secondary Education Project (EPPSE): September 2014. [ Research report ]

Sammons, Pam, Department for Education (DFE)
Effective Pre School, Primary & Secondary Education (EPPSE)
Institute of Education, University of London
Birkbeck, University of London
University of Oxford, corp creators. (2014) Influences on students’ social-behavioural development at age 16 : Effective Pre-School, Primary & Secondary Education Project (EPPSE): September 2014. [ Research report ]

Scott, David, Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills (OFSTED), corp creator. (2014) Advice note for a pre-registration inspection of an academy/free school/studio school/university technical college (UTC): Fulham Boys School.

Scott, David, Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills (OFSTED), corp creator. (2014) Advice note for a pre-registration inspection of an academy/free school/studio school/university technical college (UTC): Harris Westminster Sixth Form.

Scott, Eileen and Woodman, Kate, NHS Health Scotland, corp creator. (2014) Interventions to support parents of older children and adolescents.

Selwyn, Julie, Wijedasa, Dinithi and Meakings, Sarah, Department for Education (DFE)
University of Bristol
Hadley Centre for Adoption and Foster Care Studies, corp creators. (2014) Beyond the Adoption Order: challenges, interventions and adoption disruption. [ Research report ]

Shipley, Ian, Welsh Government, corp creator. (2014) Students in higher education institutions – Wales, 2012/13. [ Statistical bulletin = Bwletin ystadegol ]

Shipley, Ian , Knowledge and Analytical Services Welsh Government, corp creator. (2014) Welsh in Higher Education Institutions, 2012/13. [ Statistical Bulletin ]

Shury, Jan, Vivian, David, Spreadbury, Katie, James, Andrew Skone, Tweddle, Mark, Jones, Rebecca and Constable, Susannah, UK Commission for Employment and Skills (UKCES)
IFF Research, corp creators. (2014) Employer Perspectives Survey 2014: UK results. [ Evidence report ]

Simes, John, Department for Education (DFE), corp creator. (2014) Children with special educational needs 2014: an analysis. [ Statistical release ]

Spivack, Rhian, Department for Education (DFE), corp creator. (2014) Special educational needs and disability pathfinder programme evaluation : thematic report : the education, health and care (EHC) planning pathway for families that are new to the SEN system. Research report, January 2014.

Stewart, James, Northern Ireland Assembly, corp creator. (2014) European funding streams: education. [ Research and Information Service briefing note ]

Stewart, James, Northern Ireland Assembly, corp creator. (2014) Inspections: Notification and Information.

Stewart, James, Northern Ireland Assembly, corp creator. (2014) Inspectorate Governance and Budget: England, Scotland and Finland.

Stewart, James, Northern Ireland Assembly, corp creator. (2014) Parent councils. [ Research and Information Service briefing note ]

Stewart, James, Northern Ireland Assembly, corp creator. (2014) Primary Science : Teaching Time and Enquiry-Based Learning. [ Research and Information Service Briefing Note ]

Stewart, James, Northern Ireland Assembly, corp creator. (2014) The Provision of Services for Children with Autism.

Stewart, James, Northern Ireland Assembly, corp creator. (2014) Science in the revised curriculum. [ Research and Information Service briefing paper ]

Stewart, James, Northern Ireland Assembly, corp creator. (2014) The Scottish Qualification Authority : quality assurance and governance. [ Research and Information Service briefing note ]

Stewart, James, Northern Ireland Assembly, corp creator. (2014) Services for children with visual impairment. [ Research and Information Service briefing paper ]

Stewart, James, Northern Ireland Assembly, corp creator. (2014) Teacher Training : Primary Science Content. [ Research and Information Service Briefing Note ]

Stewart, James, Northern Ireland Assembly, corp creator. (2014) Visual Impairment and Educational Attainment. [ Research and Information Service Briefing Paper ]

Stringer, Neil, Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation (OFQUAL)
Centre for Education Research and Policy, corp creators. (2014) The achieved weightings of assessment objectives as a source of validity evidence.

Stuart, Graham, UK Parliament
House of Commons Education Committee, corp creators. (2014) Appointment of the Children's Commissioner for England : third report of session 2014-15 report, together with formal minutes and written evidence. [ House of Commons Papers ]

Stuart, Graham, UK Parliament
House of Commons, corp creators. (2014) Foundation years: Sure Start children's centres fifth report of session 2013-14: Vol. 2 Oral and written evidence. [ House of Commons Papers ]

Stuart, Graham, UK Parliament House of Commons Education Committee, corp creator. (2014) Into independence, not out of care: 16 plus care options second report of session 2014-15 report, together with formal minutes relating to the report. [ House of Commons Papers ]

Stuart, Graham, Great Britain Parliament. House of Commons. Education Committee, corp creator. (2014) School partnerships and cooperation: Government response to the Committee's fourth report of session 2013-14 fourth special report of session 2013-14. [ House of Commons papers 2013-14 ]

Stuart , Graham , Great Britain Parliament House of Commons Education Committee, corp creator. (2014) Great teachers follow-up: oral and written evidence. [ House of Commons papers 2013-14 ]

Stuart , Graham , UK Parliament. House of Commons Education Committee, corp creator. (2014) Residential children's homes : sixth report of session 2013-14 report, together with formal minutes relating to the report.

Stuart , Graham , Great Britain Parliament House of Commons Education Committee, corp creator. (2014) Secretary of State : school accountability, qualifications and curriculum oral evidence 15 May 2013 Rt Hon Michael Gove MP, Secretary of State for Education. [ House of Commons Minutes of Evidence ]

Stuart , Graham , House of Commons Education Committee, corp creator. (2014) Underachievement in education by white working class children : Government response to the Committee's first report of session 2014-15 second special report of session 2014-15. [ House of Commons papers ]

Störmer, Eckhard, Patscha, Cornelius, Prendergast, Jessica, Daheim, Cornelia, Rhisiart, Martin, Glover, Peter and Beck, Helen, UK Commission for Employment and Skills (UKCES)
Z_punkt The Foresight Company
University of South Wales, corp creators. (2014) The future of work: jobs and skills in 2030. [ Evidence report ]

Swain, Kim, Welsh Government, corp creator. (2014) Sustainable development indicators, 2014. [ First release = Datganiad cyntaf ]

Swift, Peter, Great Britain (Legislation), corp creator. (2014) The Designation of Schools Having a Religious Character (Independent Schools) (England) (No. 2) Order 2014. [ Statutory instruments 2014 ]

Swift, Peter, Great Britain (Legislation), corp creator. (2014) The Designation of Schools Having a Religious Character (Independent Schools) (England) (No. 2) Order 2014. [ Statutory instruments 2014 ]

Swift, Peter, Great Britain (Legislation), corp creator. (2014) The Designation of Schools Having a Religious Character (Independent Schools) (England) Order 2014. [ Statutory instruments 2014 ]

Sylva, Kathy, Department for Education (DFE)
Effective Pre School, Primary & Secondary Education (EPPSE)
Institute of Education, University of London
Birkbeck, University of London
University of Oxford, corp creators. (2014) Students’ educational and developmental outcomes at age 16 Effective Pre-school, Primary and Secondary Education (EPPSE 3-16) Project : September 2014. [ Research report ]


Taylor, Charlie, National College for Teaching and Leadership (NCTL), corp creator. (2014) School Direct bulletin : February 2014. [ School Direct bulletin ]

Taylor, Charlie , National College for Teaching and Leadership (NCTL), corp creator. (2014) School Direct bulletin : April 2014. [ School Direct bulletin ]

Taylor, Charlie , National College for Teaching and Leadership (NCTL), corp creator. (2014) School Direct bulletin : January 2014. [ School Direct bulletin ]

Taylor, Charlie , National College for Teaching and Leadership (NCTL), corp creator. (2014) School Direct bulletin : July 2014. [ School Direct bulletin ]

Taylor, Charlie , National College for Teaching and Leadership (NCTL), corp creator. (2014) School Direct bulletin : March 2014. [ School Direct bulletin ]

Taylor, Charlie , National College for Teaching and Leadership (NCTL), corp creator. (2014) School Direct bulletin : May 2014. [ School Direct bulletin ]

Taylor, Chris, Maynard, Trisha, Davies, Rhys, Waldron, Sam, Rhys, Mirain, Power, Sally, Moore, Laurence, Blackaby, David and Plewis, Ian, Ipsos MORI
Welsh Government Social Research, corp creators. (2014) Evaluating the foundation phase: Update and technical report 2012/13.

Taylor, Chris, Waldron, Samuel and Rhys, Mirain, Welsh Government, corp creator. (2014) Evaluating the Foundation Phase : key findings on management and leadership. [ Research summary (Social research) ]

Taylor, Chris, Waldron, Samuel and Rhys, Mirain, Welsh Government, corp creator. (2014) Evaluating the Foundation Phase : key findings on staffing. Research summary. [ Welsh Government social research ]

Teacher, Sandra, Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills (OFSTED), corp creator. (2014) Advice note for a pre-registration inspection of an academy/free school: INSPIRE Special Free School.

Thom, Graham, Welsh Government, corp creator. (2014) Evaluation of the Integrated Family Support Service : year 3 report, February 2014. [ Government social research = Ymchwil gymdeithasol y Llywodraeth ]

Thomas, Anne, Jones, Helen and Thomas, Alys, National Assembly for Wales (Wales), corp creator. (2014) The Financial Education and Inclusion (Wales) Bill: National Assembly for Wales bill summary. [ National Assembly for Wales bill summary ]

Thomas, Anne, Jones, Helen and Thomas, Alys, National Assembly for Wales (Wales), corp creator. (2014) National Assembly for Wales Bill Summary: The Higher Education (Wales) Bill: August 2014.

Thomas, Hefin and Duggan, Brett, Welsh Government. Welsh in Education Unit
Welsh Government. Knowledge and Analytical Services
Arad Research, corp creators. (2014) Evaluation of the Welsh-medium Education Strategy: review of the use and quality of resources. [ Government social research = Ymchwil gymdeithasol y llywodraeth ]

Thomas, Hefin, Lane, Jennifer, Evans, Jennifer and Edwards, Viv, Welsh Government
Arad Research
University of Reading
National Centre for Language and Literacy, corp creators. (2014) A review of practice in the implementation of the early language development support element within Flying Start.

Thomas, Ian, Department for Work and Pensions (DWP), corp creator. (2014) Day One Support For Young People trailblazer : a preliminary analysis.

Thornton, Alex, Pickering, Emily, Peters, Mark, Leathwood, Carole, Hollingworth, Sumi and Mansaray, Ayodele, Department for Education (DFE), corp creator. (2014) School and college-level strategies to raise aspirations of high-achieving disadvantaged pupils to pursue higher education investigation.

Thornton, Alex, Romanou, Eleni, Hingley, Sarah, Thomas, Andrew, Jordan, Lizzie and Bloch, Anna, Department for Work and Pensions (DWP)
TNS-BMRB, corp creators. (2014) Evaluation of the Day One Support for Young People Trailblazer. [ Research report ]

Tilbrook, Richard, Great Britain (Legislation)
Privy Council Office, corp creators. (2014) The Inspectors of Education, Children's Services and Skills (No. 2) Order 2014. [ Statutory instruments 2014 ]

Tilbrook, Richard, Great Britain (Legislation)
Privy Council Office, corp creators. (2014) The Inspectors of Education, Children's Services and Skills (No. 3) Order 2014. [ Statutory instruments 2014 ]

Tilbrook, Richard, Great Britain (Legislation)
Privy Council Office, corp creators. (2014) The Inspectors of Education, Children's Services and Skills Order 2014. [ Statutory instruments 2014 ]

Timpson, Edward , Great Britain (Legislation), corp creator. (2014) The Child Arrangements Order (consequential amendments to subordinate legislation) Order 2014. [ Statutory instruments 2014 ]

Timpson, Edward , Great Britain (Legislation), corp creator. (2014) The Special Educational Needs (Code of Practice) (Appointed Day) Order 2014. [ Statutory instruments 2014 ]

Todd, Jonathan, DEMOS, corp creator. (2014) Up to the job.

Topping, Keith, Education Scotland, corp creator. (2014) Literacy appraisal and action in the early years : a research literature summary.

Towler, Keith, Children's Commissioner for Wales, corp creator. (2014) 'I want to sit next to sandwiches': special mission: school dinners findings.

Towler, Keith, Children's Commissioner for Wales, corp creator. (2014) Learning the lessons: Operation Pallial.

Truong, Yen and Ellam, Hilary, National College for Teaching and Leadership (NCTL)
Department for Education (DFE), corp creators. (2014) Educational psychology workforce survey 2013. [ Research report ]


Ulrichsen, Tomas Coates, Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE), corp creator. (2014) Knowledge exchange performance and the impact of HEIF in the English higher education sector.

Ulrichsen, Tomas Coates, Hughes, Alan and Moore, Barry, Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE), corp creator. (2014) Measuring university-business links in the United States: a report for HEFCE.


Vickerstaff, Jessica , Department for Education (DFE), corp creator. (2014) Children looked after in England (including adoption and care leavers) year ending 31 March 2014. [ Statistical First Release ]


Waldron, Samuel, Rhys, Mirain and Taylor, Chris, Welsh Government, corp creator. (2014) Evaluating the Foundation Phase : key findings on reported impacts. [ Research summary (Social research) ]

Waldron, Samuel, Rhys, Mirain and Taylor, Chris, Welsh Government, corp creator. (2014) Evaluating the Foundation Phase : Key Findings on child involvement and wellbeing. [ Social research. Research summary ]

Waldron, Samuel, Rhys, Mirain and Taylor, Chris, Welsh Government, corp creator. (2014) Evaluating the Foundation Phase : key findings on transitions and assessment. [ Research summary (Social research) ]

Waldron, Samuel, Rhys, Mirain and Taylor, Chris, Welsh Government
Cardiff University, corp creators. (2014) Evaluating the foundation phase : key findings on pedagogy and understanding.

Waldron, Samuel, Rhys, Mirain and Taylor, Chris, Welsh Government
Cardiff University, corp creators. (2014) Evaluating the foundation phase : key findings on reported impacts.

Watt, Glenys, Bloomer, Keir, Christie, Ian, Finlayson, Colin and Jaquet, Simon, Scottish Government (Scotland)
Blake Stevenson Ltd, corp creators. (2014) Evaluation of routes to headship: appendices. [ Social research ]

Whitaker, Adam, Department for Education (DFE), corp creator. (2014) Provision for children under five years of age in England: January 2014. [ Statistical first release ]

Whitaker, Adam, Department for Education (DFE), corp creator. (2014) Provision for children under five years of age in England: January 2014. [ Statistical first release ]

Whitaker, Adam, Department for Education (DFE), corp creator. (2014) Special educational needs in England: January 2014. [ Statistical first release ]

Willetts, David, Department for Business Innovation and Skills (BIS), corp creator. (2014) Developing our capability in cyber security: Academic Centres of Excellence in Cyber Security Research.

Williams, Chris, Welsh Government, corp creator. (2014) Post-16 Learner Voice Wales survey results, 2014. [ First release = Datganiad cyntaf ]

Williamson, Paul , Education Funding Agency (EFA), corp creator. (2014) Financial Notice to Improve (“Notice”) : issued to John Leggott Sixth Form College on 07 November 2014.

Wilshaw, Michael, Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills (OFSTED) (2007-), corp creator. (2014) Advice note from Her Majesty’s Chief Inspector, Sir Michael Wilshaw, to the Secretary of State for Education, Rt Hon. Nicky Morgan MP, on school inspections in the London Borough of Tower Hamlets.

Wilshaw, Michael, Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills (OFSTED)
Department for Education (DFE), corp creators. (2014) Advice note provided on academies and maintained schools in Birmingham to the Secretary of State for Education, Rt Hon Michael Gove MP - 9 June 2014.

Wilson, Josephine, National College for Teaching and Leadership (NCTL)
Carmel Education Trust, corp creators. (2014) Closing the gap with the new primary national curriculum.

Winterbotham, M., UK Commission for Employment and Skills (UKCES), corp creator. (2014) UK Commission’s Employer Skills Survey 2013 : UK results, January 2014. [ Evidence report ]

Winterbotham, Mark, Spreadbury, Katie, Fairburn-Beech, Jolyon and Tweddle, Mark, Welsh Government
IFF Research, corp creators. (2014) Employer skills survey 2013 : Wales report. [ Ymchwil gymdeithasol = Social research ]

Wiseman, June, Roe, Philip and Costello, Mary, Welsh Government, corp creator. (2014) Evaluation of Work Based Learning in Wales, 2007-2011. [ Government social research = Ymchwil gymdeithasol y illywodraeth ]

Wolstenholme, Claire, Department for Education (DFE), corp creator. (2014) Independent review panel for first-tier tribunal exclusion appeals systems, February 2014.

Wood, Claudia and Scott, Ralph, DEMOS, corp creator. (2014) A tale of two classrooms.

Wormald, Chris, Department for Education (DFE), corp creator. (2014) Department for Education mid-year report to Parliament, April to September 2013.

Wormald, Chris , Department for Education (DFE)
UK Parliament, corp creators. (2014) Department for Education consolidated annual report and accounts 2012-13: for the year ended 31 March 2013. [ House of Commons papers ]


Yates, Hannah, Ward, Andrew and Duffett, David, Department for Education (DFE), corp creator. (2014) Childminder agency trials : key learning points for organisations setting up a childminder agency. [ Research report ]

Young, David, Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills (OFSTED), corp creator. (2014) Advice note for a pre-registration inspection of a free school: Ingleby Manor Free School and Sixth Form.

Young, David , Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills (OFSTED) (2007-), corp creator. (2014) Advice note for a pre-registration inspection of a free school : Ascot Road Community Free School.

Young, David Ivor, Department for Business Innovation and Skills (BIS), corp creator. (2014) Enterprise for all : the relevance of enterprise in education.

This list was generated on Thu Mar 27 07:01:47 2025 UTC.