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Items where Year is 2017

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Abreu, Laura, UK Parliament, corp creator. (2017) House of Commons Library : Briefing paper : Number 07714, 1 February 2017 : The Family Test. [ House of Commons Library Briefing Paper ]

Adams, Lorna, Tindle, Angus, Basran, Sabrina, Dobie, Sarah, Thomson, Dominic, Robinson, Deborah and Shepherd, Claire, Department for Education (DFE)
IFF Research
University of Derby, corp creators. (2017) Experiences of Education, Health and Care plans: A survey of parents and young people. [ Research Report ]

Agbato, Damilola, NHS Health Scotland, corp creator. (2017) Unintentional injuries and home safety guidance.

Akinlade, Olatunde, Department for Work and Pensions (DWP), corp creator. (2017) Child Support Agency quarterly summary of statistics for Great Britain : data to June 2017. [ Summary of statistics for Great Britain (Department for Work and Pensions) ]

Allan, Tim, Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation (OFQUAL)
York Consulting, corp creators. (2017) Applied General user research. October 2017.

Allinson, Katherine, Universities UK (UUK), corp creator. (2017) Widening participation in UK outward student mobility : a picture of participation.

Allinson, Katherine, Universities UK (UUK), corp creator. (2017) Widening participation in outward student mobility : a toolkit to support inclusive approaches.

Amin-Smith, Neil, Greaves, Ellen and Sibieta, Luke, Institute for Fiscal Studies, corp creator. (2017) The Changing Educational Attainment of Graduate Recruits to Major Public Sector Occupations.

Andrews, Jon, Education Policy Institute, corp creator. (2017) The introduction of Progress 8.

Andrews, Jon, Faux, Amy, Huda, Naseef, Johnes, Rebecca, Perera, Natalie, Pither, Sam, Sellen, Peter and Stephens, Eleanor, Education Policy Institute (EPI), corp creator. (2017) General election 2017 : an analysis of manifesto plans for education.

Andrews, Jon, Jerrim, John and Perera, Natalie, Education Policy Institute
Institute of Education, corp creators. (2017) English education: world class?

Andrews, Jon and Johnes, Rebecca, Education Policy Institute, corp creator. (2017) Free schools in England.

Andrews, Jon and Perera, Natalie, Education Policy Institute, corp creator. (2017) Access to high performing schools in England.

Andrews, Jon, Perera, Natalie, Eyles, Andy, Sahlgren, Gabriel Heller, Machin, Stephen, Sandi, Matteo and Silva, Olmo, Education Policy Institute, corp creator. (2017) The impact of academies on educational outcomes. July 2017.

Andrews, Jon, Robinson, David and Hutchinson, Jo, Education Policy Institute, corp creator. (2017) Closing the Gap? : trends in educational attainment and disadvantage. August 2017.

Apland, Kara, Lawrence, Hannah, Mesie, Jeff and Yarrow, Elizabeth, Office of the Children’s Commissioner
Coram, corp creators. (2017) Children’s Voices : a review of evidence on the subjective wellbeing of children with mental health needs in England. October 2017.

Apland, Kara, Lawrence, Hannah, Mesie, Jeff and Yarrow, Elizabeth, Children's Commissioner for England
Coram, corp creators. (2017) Children’s voices : a review of evidence on the subjective wellbeing of children excluded from school and in alternative provision in England. November 2017.

Apland, Kara, Lawrence, Hannah, Mesie, Jeff and Yarrow, Elizabeth, Children's Commissioner for England
Coram, corp creators. (2017) Children’s voices : a review of evidence on the subjective wellbeing of children in detention in England. November 2017.

Apland, Kara and Yarrow, Elizabeth, Children's Commissioner for England
Coram International, corp creators. (2017) Children’s voices : a review of evidence on the subjective wellbeing of children subject to immigration control in England. August 2017.

Apostolova, Vyara, Uberoi, Elise and Johnston, Neil, UK Parliament
House of Commons, corp creators. (2017) Political disengagement in the UK : who is disengaged? [ Briefing paper (House of Commons Library) ]

Armitage, Simon, UK Parliament, corp creator. (2017) House of Commons Library: Briefing paper: Number 7998, 16 June 2017: Key issues in fostering: capacity, working conditions, and fostering agencies. [ House of Commons Library Briefing Paper ]

Atkins, Madeleine, Higher Education Funding Council for England, corp creator. (2017) Circular 02/2017 : Local Growth Academy: Invitation to participate. [ Circular ]


Bacon, Liz and MacKinnon, Lachlan, Government Office for Science
Foresight Future of Skills and Lifelong Learning project, corp creators. (2017) Lifelong digital skills development, current picture and future challenges. June 2016 (minor updates July 2017).

Baginsky, Mary, Moriarty, Jo, Manthorpe, Jill, Beecham, Jennifer and Hickman, Ben, Department for Education (DFE)
Social Care Workforce Research Unit
King's College London, corp creators. (2017) Evaluation of signs of safety in 10 pilots, July 2017. [ Research Report ]

Baginsky, Mary, Moriarty, Jo, Manthorpe, Jill, Ougrin, Dennis and Middleton, Kerry, Department for Education (DFE)
King's College London, corp creators. (2017) The New Orleans Intervention Model : early implementation in a London borough. Evaluation report, July 2017. [ Research Report ]

Barber, Michael, HM Treasury, corp creator. (2017) Delivering better outcomes for citizens: practical steps for unlocking public value.

Barber, Sarah, Bate, Alex, Butcher, Louise, Cromerty, Hannah, Harker, Rachael, Jackson, Lydia, Johnston, Neil, Long, Robert, Manassieva, Theodora, Powell, Andrew, Pyper, Douglas, Roberts, Nerys and Rutherford, Tom, UK Parliament
House of Commons, corp creators. (2017) House of Commons Library: Briefing paper: Number 8110, 17th October 2017: 2017 UK Youth Parliament. [ House of Commons Library Briefing Paper ]

Barber, Sarah and Sutherland, Nikki, UK Parliament
House of Commons, corp creators. (2017) House of Commons Library: Debate pack: Number CDP 2017/0006, 9 January 2017: Funding from the soft drinks industry levy for sport in schools. [ House of Commons Library Debate Pack ]

Barnes, Sally-Anne, Brown, Alan and Warhurst, Chris, Government Office for Science
Foresight, corp creators. (2017) Education as the underpinning system : understanding the propensity for learning across the lifetime. [ Future of Skills & Lifelong Learning evidence review ]

Bate, Alex, UK Parliament
House of Commons Library, corp creators. (2017) Early intervention. [ Briefing paper (House of Commons Library) ]

Bate, Alex, UK Parliament
House of Commons Library, corp creators. (2017) The Troubled Families programme (England). [ Briefing paper ]

Bate, Alex and Bellis, Alexander, House of Commons Library
UK Parliament, corp creators. (2017) The Troubled Families programme (England). [ Briefing paper (House of Commons Library) ]

Bate, Alex and Foster, David, UK Parliament
House of Commons Library, corp creators. (2017) Sure Start (England). [ Briefing paper (House of Commons Library) ]

Belfield, Chris, Britton, Jack, Dearden, Lorraine and van der Erve, Laura, Institute for Fiscal Studies, corp creator. (2017) Higher Education funding in England: past, present and options for the future: IFS Briefing Note BN211. [ IFS Briefing Note ]

Belfield, Chris and Sibieta, Luke, Institute for Fiscal Studies
Nuffield Foundation
Economic & Social Research Council (ESRC), corp creators. (2017) The short- and long-run impact of the national funding formula for schools in England: IFS Briefing Note BN195. [ IFS Briefing Note ]

Beninger, Kelsey and Clay, Daniel, Department for Education (DFE)
Kantar Public, corp creators. (2017) Implementation evaluation of Doncaster Children’s Services Trust. Final report, July 2017. [ Research Report ]

Beninger, Kelsey, Newton, Sarah, Digby, Ali, Clay, Daniel and Collins, Ben, Department for Education (DFE)
Kantar Public, corp creators. (2017) Newcastle City Council’s Family Insights Programme, July 2017. [ Research Report ]

Bennett, Tom, Department for Education (DFE), corp creator. (2017) Creating a Culture: How school leaders can optimise behaviour.

Benson, Kevin, Skills Funding Agency, corp creator. (2017) Apprenticeship standard: maintenance & operations engineering technician (MOET).

Best, Richard Stuart (chair), UK Parliament, corp creator. (2017) Growing up with the internet: 2nd Report of Session 2016–17. [ House of Lords Paper ]

Betts, Jennifer and Thompson, Janice, Northern Ireland Assembly, corp creator. (2017) Mental Health in Northern Ireland: Overview, Strategies, Policies, Care Pathways, CAMHS and Barriers to Accessing Services. [ Research and Information Service Briefing Paper ]

Bird, Jade, Welsh Government, corp creator. (2017) Educational destinations of key stage 4 and post-16 learners, 2014/15. [ Statistical article = Erthygl ystadegol ]

Black, Beth, He, Qingping and Holmes, Stephen, Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation (OFQUAL), corp creator. (2017) Vocational and Technical Qualifications: Assessment Functioning of external assessments.

Black, Carolyn, Eunson, Jane, Murray, Lorraine, Zubairi, Sanah Saeed and Bowen, Louise, Scottish Government (Scotland)
Ipsos MORI, corp creators. (2017) Behaviour in Scottish Schools Research 2016. [ Social Research ]

Blower, Sarah, Dixon, Jo, Ellison, Sarah and Ward, Jade, Department for Education (DFE), corp creator. (2017) Step change: an evaluation. [ Research Report ]

Boliver, Vikki, Crawford, Claire, Powell, Mandy and Craige, Will, The Sutton Trust, corp creator. (2017) Admissions in context : the use of contextual information by leading universities.

Bolton, Paul, UK Parliament
House of Commons Library, corp creators. (2017) HE in England from 2012 : funding and finance. [ Briefing paper ]

Bolton, Paul, UK Parliament
House of Commons Library, corp creators. (2017) Higher education student numbers: Briefing paper: Number 7857, 23 January 2017. [ House of Commons Library Briefing Paper ]

Bolton, Paul, UK Parliament
House of Commons, corp creators. (2017) House of Commons Library: Briefing paper: Number 1398, 10 March 2017: Grammar School Statistics. [ House of Commons Library Briefing Paper ]

Bolton, Paul, UK Parliament
House of Commons, corp creators. (2017) House of Commons Library: Briefing paper: Number 5440, 20 March 2017: Higher Education Finance Statistics. [ House of Commons Library Briefing Paper ]

Bolton, Paul, UK Parliament, corp creator. (2017) House of Commons Library: Briefing paper: Number 7393, 14 June 2017: Higher education funding in England. [ House of Commons Library Briefing Paper ]

Bolton, Paul, UK Parliament
House of Commons Library, corp creators. (2017) Tuition fee statistics. [ Briefing paper ]

Bolton, Paul and Roberts, Nerys, House of Commons Library
UK Parliament, corp creators. (2017) Implementation of the national funding formula for schools in England. [ Briefing paper (House of Commons Library) ]

Bolton, Paul and Roberts, Nerys, House of Commons Library
UK Parliament, corp creators. (2017) School funding reform in England from 2018-19 : implementation of the national funding formula. [ Briefing paper (House of Commons Library) ]

Boolaky, Usha, Abarno, Tammy, Burch, Katy, Green, Colin and Wise, Sue, Department for Education (DFE)
Institute of Public Care
Oxford Brookes University, corp creators. (2017) Culturally attuned family support in the Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead. Evaluation report. [ Research Report ]

Bostock, Lisa, Forrester, Donald, Patrizo, Louis, Godfrey, Tessa, Zounouzi, Maryam, Antonopoulou, Vivi, Bird, Hayden and Tinarwo, Moreblessing, Department for Education (DFE)
University of Bedfordshire
Tilda Goldberg Centre for Social Work
University of Cardiff
Children’s Social Research (CASCADE), corp creators. (2017) Scaling and deepening the Reclaiming Social Work model. [ Research report (DFE) ]

Bourne, Mike, Department for Education (DFE), corp creator. (2017) Independent State School Partnerships (ISSP): impact of and lessons learnt. [ Research report (Department for Education) ]

Boxford, Stephen, Harvey, Joel, Irani, Matt, Spencer, Hannah and Bright, Cordis, Department for Education (DFE), corp creator. (2017) Evaluation of the Belhaven Service. [ Research Report ]

Boxford, Stephen, King, Yvette, Irani, Matt, Spencer, Hannah, Bridger-Wilkinson, Eleanor, Barker, Sarah and Hill-Dixon, Amanda, Department for Education (DFE)
Cordis-Bright, corp creators. (2017) Evaluation of the Family Learning Intervention Programme (FLIP). March 2017. [ Children’s Social Care Innovation Programme Evaluation Report ]

Boys, Jonathan and Hooley, Tristram, The Careers & Enterprise Company, corp creator. (2017) State of the Nation 2017 : careers and enterprise provision in England’s schools. [ Research paper (Careers & Enterprise Company) ]

Brand, Paul, Li, Solina and White, Martin, Public Health England
Department of Health (DH)
University of Manchester
National Drug Evidence Centre, corp creators. (2017) Young People’s Statistics from the National Drug Treatment Monitoring System (NDTMS): 1 April 2016 to 31 March 2017. [ National Statistics ]

Brentnall, Jonathan, Welsh Government, corp creator. (2017) Promoting engagement and academic achievement for black and mixed-ethnicity pupils in Wales.

Brooks, Fiona, Chester, Kayleigh, Klemera, Ellen and Magnusson, Josefine, Public Health England
Department of Health (DH)
HBSC England Team, corp creators. (2017) Cyberbullying: An analysis of data from the Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC) survey for England, 2014.

Brooks, Fiona, Chester, Kayleigh, Klemera, Ellen and Magnusson, Josefine, Public Health England
HBSC England Team
Department of Health (DH), corp creators. (2017) Intentional self-harm in adolescence: An analysis of data from the Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC) survey for England, 2014.

Brooks, Greg and Lahmar, Jamal, Government Office for Science
University of Sheffield, corp creators. (2017) Life course and cohort factors in adult basic skills levels.

Brooks, Sonia, Johnson, Paul, Clarke, Shirley and Morton, Laura, HM Prison & Probation Service
Youth Custody Service, corp creators. (2017) Youth Custody Service Safeguarding Review.

Brown, Jennifer, Apostolova, Vyara, Barton, Cassie, Bolton, Paul, Dempsey, Noel, Harari, Dan, Hawkins, Oliver, McGuinness, Feargal and Powell, Andrew, UK Parliament
House of Commons, corp creators. (2017) House of Commons Library: Briefing paper: Number 7946, 11 April 2017: Millennials. [ House of Commons Library Briefing Paper ]

Brown, Keith, Scottish Government (Scotland), corp creator. (2017) Speech: Keith Brown: Enterprise and Skills Review: 30 March 2017. [ Speeches and briefings ]

Burch, Katy, Green, Colin, Merrell, Steve, Taylor, Viv and Wise, Sue, Department for Education (DFE)
Institute of Public Care, Oxford Brookes University, corp creators. (2017) Social Care Innovations in Hampshire and the Isle of Wight : Evaluation Report. March 2017. [ Research report ]

Butler, Louise, Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills (OFSTED), corp creator. (2017) Initial teacher education inspection outcomes as at 30 June 2017. [ Official statistics ]

Butler, Louise, Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills (OFSTED), corp creator. (2017) Maintained schools and academies inspections and outcomes as at 31 March 2017.

Butler, Stephen, Anokhina, Alisa, Kaminska, Karolina, Watmuff, Charlotte and Fonagy, Peter, Department for Education (DFE)
University College London (UCL)
Anna Freud National Centre for Children and Families, corp creators. (2017) Multisystemic Therapy - Family Integrated Transitions (MST-FIT) : a feasibility study. [ Research report (DFE) ]

Buzzeo, Jonathan and Cifci, Melissa, The Careers & Enterprise Company, corp creator. (2017) Work experience, job shadowing and workplace visits : what works? [ What works report ]


Calderón, Ana, Edbrooke-Childs, Julian, Chapman, Louise, Edridge, Chloe, Maas, Marjolein, Wolpert, Miranda, Rodger, John and Cutmore, Matthew, Department for Education (DFE)
Anna Freud National Centre for Children and Families
York Consulting, corp creators. (2017) Extended HOPE Service. Evaluation report, July 2017. [ Research Report ]

Calderón, Ana, Edbrooke-Childs, Julian, Chapman, Louise, Rees, Jessica, Maas, Marjolein, Wolpert, Miranda, Rodger, John and Cutmore, Matthew, Department for Education (DFE)
Anna Freud National Centre for Children and Families
York Consulting, corp creators. (2017) Specialist Health and Resilient Environment (SHARE) Service. Evaluation report, July 2017. [ Research Report ]

Calderón, Ana, Edbrooke-Childs, Julian, Rees, Jessica, Edridge, Chloe, Mass, Marjolein, Wolpert, Miranda, Finch, Jodie, Cassidy, Joseph, Rodger, John, Allan, Tim and Cutmore, Matthew, Department for Education (DFE)
Anna Freud National Centre for Children and Families
York Consulting, corp creators. (2017) Compass Service. Evaluation report, July 2017. [ Research Report ]

Callanan, Meg, Anderson, Margaret, Haywood, Sarah, Hudson, Ruth and Speight, Svetlana, Department for Education
NatCen Social Research, corp creators. (2017) Study of Early Education and Development : Good Practice in Early Education : January 2017. [ Research Report ]

Cameron, Lindsey and Swift, Hannah, Equality and Human Rights Commission, corp creator. (2017) One Globe Kids in action : evaluating an online platform for changing social attitudes in young children (EHRC). [ Research report (EHRC) ]

Carmichael, Neil, UK Parliament
House of Commons Education Committee, corp creators. (2017) Exiting the EU: challenges and opportunities for higher education: Ninth Report of Session 2016–17. [ House of Commons Paper ]

Carmichael, Neil, House of Commons Education Committee
UK Parliament, corp creators. (2017) Recruitment and retention of teachers : Fifth Report of Session 2016–17. [ House of Commons Paper ]

Carmichael, Neil (chair), UK Parliament, corp creator. (2017) Evidence check: Grammar schools: Fourth Report of Session 2016–17. [ House of Commons Paper ]

Cerqua, Augusto and Urwin, Peter, Department for Education (DFE)
University of Westminster, corp creators. (2017) Identifying variation in learner outcomes by further education provider : July 2017. [ Research report ]

Cirin, Rob, Department for Education (DFE), corp creator. (2017) Academy trust survey 2017. July 2017. [ Research Report ]

Clarke, Barbie and Younas, Fatima, Social Mobility Commission
Family, Kids and Youth, corp creators. (2017) Helping Parents to Parent : 20 February 2017.

Clay, Dan, Collins, Ben, Chisholm, Thomas and Boulden, Kate, Department for Education (DFE)
Kantar Public, corp creators. (2017) Durham County Council Families First evaluation, July 2017. [ Research Report ]

Clay, Dan, Connors, Caitlin, Day, Naomi, Gkiza, Marina, Aldridge, Jo, Cheesbrough, Sarah, Harding, Carrie, Webster and Luke Tayl, Hannah and Taylor, Luke, Department for Education
Young Carers Research Group, Loughborough University
Kantar Public
TNS BMRB, corp creators. (2017) The lives of young carers in England.

Coates, Jo and Prosser, Nina, Welsh Government
Internal Research Programme, corp creators. (2017) Public knowledge and perspectives on superfast broadband services in Wales. [ Social research (Welsh Government) ]

Collins, Jill and Barnes, Anthony, Careers & Enterprise Company, corp creator. (2017) Careers in the Curriculum. What works?

Connell-Smith, Anna and Hubble, Sue, UK Parliament
House of Commons Library, corp creators. (2017) Mental health services for post 16 students in England. [ Briefing paper ]

Connolly, David, Gidney, Pamela, Haughney, Lynda, Plant, Jon, McNeill, Lynsey, Wilson-Smith, Elaine and Motherwell, Suzanne, Scottish Government (Scotland)
Wellside Research
APS Group Scotland, corp creators. (2017) Tackling the school run. [ Social Research series ]

Cordingley, Philippa and Crisp, Paul, Further Education Trust for Leadership (FETL), corp creator. (2017) Possibility thinking : creative conversations on the future of FE and skills.

Coughlan, John, Torbay Council
Torbay Children’s Improvement Board
Department for Education (DFE), corp creators. (2017) Report into Children’s Services in Torbay following inspection.

Coulton, Vicki, Ells, Louisa, Blackshaw, Jamie, Boylan, Elaine and Tedstone, Alison, Public Health England
National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE)
Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health
Association of Directors of Public Health
Royal College of Physicians, corp creators. (2017) A Guide to Delivering and Commissioning Tier 2 Weight Management Services for Children and their Families.

Cromarty, Hannah, UK Parliament, corp creator. (2017) House of Commons Library: Briefing paper: Number 08083, 8 September 2017: Gypsies and Travellers. [ House of Commons Library Briefing Paper ]

Cuff, Benjamin M. P., Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation (OFQUAL)
Strategy, Risk and Research, corp creators. (2017) Perceptions of subject difficulty and subject choices : are the two linked, and if so, how?

Cullen, Mairi Ann, Lindsay, Geoff, Totsika, Vasiliki, Bakopolou, Ioanna, Gray, Gemma, Cullen, Stephen, Thomas, Ruth, Caton, Sally, Miller, Andy, Conlon, Gavan, Caliandro, Cecilia, Peycheva, Viktoriya and Herr, Daniel, Department for Education (DFE)
Ministry of Justice
London Economics
Centre for Educational Development, Appraisal and Research (CEDAR), University of Warwick, corp creators. (2017) Review of arrangements for disagreement resolution (SEND). [ Research Report ]

Cullinane, Carl and Montacute, Rebecca, The Sutton Trust, corp creator. (2017) Fairer fees : reforming student finance to increase fairness and widen access.

Cullinane, Carl and Montacute, Rebecca, Sutton Trust, corp creator. (2017) Life lessons: Improving essential life skills for young people.


Damodaran, Leela and Burrows, Helen, Government Office for Science
Foresight, corp creators. (2017) Digital skills across the lifetime: existing provisions and future challenges.

Davies, Rhys, Huxley, Katy and Taylor, Chris, Welsh Government
Administrative Data Research Centre Wales (ADRC Wales)
Wales Institute of Economic and Social Research, Data and Methods (WISERD), corp creators. (2017) Learners leaving sixth form before Year 13 : characteristics and further education enrolment. [ Social research (Welsh Government) ]

Dawson, Joanna and Pepin, Sarah, UK Parliament
House of Commons, corp creators. (2017) House of Commons Library: Debate pack: Number CDP-2017-0036, 31 January 2017: Implementation of the Prevent Strategy. [ House of Commons Library Debate Pack ]

Day, Laurie, Blades, Rachel, Spence, Caitlin and Ronicle, James, Department for Education (DFE)
Ecorys UK, corp creators. (2017) Mental Health Services and Schools Link Pilots: Evaluation report. [ Research Report ]

Day, Laurie, Scott, Louise and Smith, Kate, Department for Education (DFE)
Ecorys UK, corp creators. (2017) Evaluation of the Sefton Community Adolescent Service (CAS). [ Research Report ]

Dhawan, Vikas, Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation (OFQUAL), corp creator. (2017) Access Arrangements for GCSE and A Level: 2015 to 2016 academic year. [ Statistical release ]

Dhawan, Vikas, Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation (OFQUAL), corp creator. (2017) Appeals for GCSE and GCE: summer 2016 exam series. [ Statistical release ]

Dixon, Jo, Lee, Jenny and Ward, Jade, Department for Education (DFE)
Department of Social Policy and Social Work, University of York, corp creators. (2017) The Right Home Project. March 2017. [ Children’s Social Care Innovation Programme Evaluation Report ]

Dixon, Jo and Ward, Jade, Department for Education (DFE)
Department of Social Policy and Social Work, University of York, corp creators. (2017) Making a house a home : The House Project evaluation. March 2017. [ Research Report ]

Dobbie, Fiona, Purves, Richard, McKell, Jennifer, Bauld, Linda, Dougall, Nadine, White, James, Campbell, Rona, Amos, Amanda and Moore, Laurence, Scottish Government (Scotland), corp creator. (2017) A process evaluation of the implementation of ASSIST in Scotland. Final report. March 2017. [ Social research series ]

Dobbie, Fiona, Purves, Richard, McKell, Jennifer, Bauld, Linda, Dougall, Nadine, White, James, Campbell, Rona, Amos, Amanda and Moore, Laurence, Scottish Government (Scotland), corp creator. (2017) A process evaluation of the implementation of ASSIST in Scotland. Research findings, 138/2017. [ Social research ]

Dodd, Vanessa, Careers & Enterprise Company, corp creator. (2017) Teacher CPD delivered by employers. What works?

Dominguez-Reig, Gerard and Sellen, Peter, Education Policy Institute
Pearson, corp creators. (2017) Apprenticeships for Northern Growth: Challenges, trends and current reforms.

Duggan, Brett, Grover, Tanwen and Glover, Alison, Welsh Government
Arad Research, corp creators. (2017) Formative evaluation of the Pioneer School model. [ Social Research ]


Eisenstadt, Naomi, Scottish Government (Scotland), corp creator. (2017) Independent Advisor on Poverty and Inequality. The Life Chances of Young People in Scotland. A Report to the First Minister.

Ellison, Jane, HM Treasury, corp creator. (2017) Spring budget 2017. [ House of Commons Paper ]

Erskine, Catie, Day, Laurie and Scott, Louise, Department for Education (DFE)
Ecorys UK, corp creators. (2017) Evaluation of the Gloucestershire Innovation Project. [ Research Report ]

Evas, Jeremy, Morris, Jonathan and Whitmarsh, Lorraine, Welsh Government, corp creator. (2017) Welsh Language Transmission and Use in Families. [ Social Research ]


Felstead, Alan and Unwin, Lorna, Government Office for Science
Foresight, corp creators. (2017) Learning outside the formal system : what learning happens in the workplace, and how is it recognised? [ Future of Skills & Lifelong Learning evidence review ]

Field, Frank, UK Parliament
House of Commons Work and Pensions Committee, corp creators. (2017) Child Maintenance Service: Fourteenth Report of Session 2016–17. [ House of Commons Paper ]

Field, John and Tuckett, Alan, Government Office for Science
Foresight, corp creators. (2017) Informal learning in the family and community. [ Future of Skills & Lifelong Learning evidence review ]

Fitzpatrick, Alice, Coleman, Emma, Shanahan, Martin, Coleman, Nick and Cordes, Anna, Department for Education (DFE)
Kantar Public, corp creators. (2017) Traineeships: Year Two Process Evaluation. [ Research Report ]

Flynn, Kathryn, Department of Health (DH)
Dementia and Disabilities Unit, corp creators. (2017) Proposed amendments to the Human Medicines Regulations 2012: to allow schools to hold spare adrenaline auto-injectors (AAIs) without a named individual prescription, for use as emergency back-up to treat anaphylaxis in children registered by the school as being in receipt of a medical prescription for an AAI. Response to the consultation, July 2017.

Fonagy, Peter, Butler, Stephen, Baly, Andrew, Seto, Michael, Anokhina, Alisa, Kaminska, Karolina and Ellison, Rachel, Department for Education (DFE)
University College London (UCL)
Anna Freud National Centre for Children and Families, corp creators. (2017) Evaluation of Multisystemic Therapy for adolescent problematic sexual behavior. [ Research report (DFE) ]

Forrester, Donald, Lynch, Amy, Bostock, Lisa, Newlands, Fiona, Preston, Bart and Cary, Alex, Department for Education (DFE)
CASCADE: Children’s Social Research and Development Centre, University of Cardiff
*CASCADE: Children’s Social Research and DevelTilda Goldberg Centre for Social Work and Social Care, University of Bedfordshire, corp creators. (2017) Family Safeguarding Hertfordshire. [ Children’s Social Care Innovation Programme Evaluation Report ]

Foster, David, UK Parliament
House of Commons Library, corp creators. (2017) 16-19 education funding in England since 2010. [ Briefing paper (House of Commons Library) ]

Foster, David, UK Parliament, corp creator. (2017) House of Commons Library : Briefing Paper: Number 5108, 18 January 2017: Home education in England. [ House of Commons Library Briefing Paper ]

Foster, David, UK Parliament
House of Commons, corp creators. (2017) House of Commons Library: Briefing paper: Number 6836, 1 March 2017: School Sport in England. [ House of Commons Library Briefing Paper ]

Foster, David, UK Parliament, corp creator. (2017) House of Commons Library: Briefing paper: Number 7357, 28 March 2017: Further Education: Post-16 Area Reviews. [ House of Commons Library Briefing Paper ]

Foster, David, UK Parliament, corp creator. (2017) House of Commons Library: Briefing paper: Number 7708, 21 April 2017: Adult further education funding in England since 2010. [ House of Commons Library Briefing Paper ]

Foster, David, UK Parliament
House of Commons Library, corp creators. (2017) Safeguarding in English schools. [ Briefing paper (House of Commons Library) ]

Foster, David, UK Parliament
House of Commons Library, corp creators. (2017) School sport in England. [ Briefing paper (House of Commons Library) ]

Foster, David, UK Parliament
House of Commons Library, corp creators. (2017) Teacher recruitment and retention in England. [ Briefing paper ]

Foster, David and Bolton, Paul, UK Parliament
House of Commons Library, corp creators. (2017) Adult ESOL in England. [ Briefing paper (House of Commons Library) ]

Foster, David and Bolton, Paul, UK Parliament, corp creator. (2017) House of Commons Library : Briefing paper : Number 7905, 22 January 2017: Adult ESOL in England. [ House of Commons Library Briefing Paper ]

Foster, David and Long, Robert, UK Parliament, corp creator. (2017) House of Commons Library: Briefing paper: Number 7308, 29 August 2017: Regional Schools Commissioners. [ House of Commons Library Briefing Paper ]

Foster, David and Long, Robert, House of Commons Library
UK Parliament, corp creators. (2017) The Pupil Premium. [ Briefing paper (House of Commons Library) ]

Foster, David and Mackley, Andrew, House of Commons Library
UK Parliament, corp creators. (2017) English language teaching for refugees. [ House of Commons Library debate pack ]

Foster, David and Powell, Andrew, UK Parliament, corp creator. (2017) House of Commons Library: Briefing paper: Number 7951, 21 June 2017: Reforms to Technical Education. [ House of Commons Library Briefing Paper ]

Friedman, Sam, Laurison, Daniel and Macmillan, Lindsey, Social Mobility Commission, corp creator. (2017) Social Mobility, the Class Pay Gap and Intergenerational Worklessness: New Insights from The Labour Force Survey.

Frith, Emily, Education Policy Institute, corp creator. (2017) Access and waiting times in children and young people’s mental health services.

Frith, Emily, Education Policy Institute, corp creator. (2017) Inpatient provision for children and young people with mental health problems. July 2017.

Frith, Emily, Education Policy Institute
XenZone, corp creators. (2017) Online mental health support for young people. November 2017.

Frith, Emily, Education Policy Institute, corp creator. (2017) Social media and children's mental health: a review of the evidence.

Frith, Emily, Education Policy Institute, corp creator. (2017) The performance of the NHS in England in transforming children’s mental health services.

Fu, Emily and Clay, Daniel, Department for Education (DFE), corp creator. (2017) Evaluation of the University of Kent’s consortium project to explore how technology can support young people in care. [ Evaluation Report ]

Fuller, Alison, Unwin, Lorna, Cavaglia, Chiara, McNally, Sandra and Ventura, Guglielmo, The Sutton Trust
UCL Institute of Education (IOE)
London School of Economics (LSE)
Centre for Vocational Education Research (CVER), corp creators. (2017) Better apprenticeships : access, quality and labour market outcomes in the English apprenticeship system.


Gibb, Nick, Department for Education (DFE), corp creator. (2017) Nick Gibb : school business professionals play a vital role : 16 November 2017. [ Speech (Department for Education) ]

Gibb, Nick, Department for Education (DFE), corp creator. (2017) Speech: Nick Gibb: England’s education reforms: 11 April 2017.

Gibb, Nick, Department for Education (DFE), corp creator. (2017) Speech: Nick Gibb: Importance of core knowledge sees return of textbooks. 30 November 2017.

Gibb, Nick, Department for Education (DFE), corp creator. (2017) Speech: Nick Gibb: Nick Gibb: The importance of knowledge-based education: 19 October 2017.

Gibb, Nick, Department for Education (DFE), corp creator. (2017) Speech: Nick Gibb: The importance of an evidence-informed profession.17 February 2017.

Gibb, Nick, Department for Education (DFE), corp creator. (2017) Speech: Nick Gibb: The importance of high-quality arts education: 10 February 2017.

Gibb, Nick, Department for Education (DFE), corp creator. (2017) Speech: Nick Gibb: The importance of vibrant and open debate in education: 9 September 2017.

Gibb, Nick, Department for Education (DFE), corp creator. (2017) Speech: Nick Gibb: The power of greater freedom and autonomy for schools: 2 November 2017.

Gibb, Nick, Department for Education (DFE), corp creator. (2017) Speech: Nick Gibb: empowering teachers to deliver greater equity. 30 March 2017.

Gibb, Nick, Department for Education (DFE), corp creator. (2017) Speech: Nick Gibb: reading is the key to unlocking human potential: 5 December 2017.

Gibb, Nick, Department for Education (DFE), corp creator. (2017) Speech: Nick Gibb: the evidence in favour of teacher-led instruction : 24 January 2017.

Gill, Jacqueline and Border, Pete, UK Parliament
Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology
POST, corp creators. (2017) Mental Health Service Models for Young People. [ POSTnote (Houses of Parliament) ]

Ginnis, Steven, Mollidor, Claudia and Zwolinski, Flora, Department for Education (DFE)
Ipsos MORI, corp creators. (2017) Academies Insight Project : understanding system capacity. [ Research Report ]

Goodwill, Robert, Department for Education (DFE), corp creator. (2017) Speech to Nursery World Business Summit: Robert Goodwill: 9 November 2017.

Grainger, Paul, Further Education Trust for Leadership (FETL), corp creator. (2017) Crossing boundaries : a review of FETL grant-funded projects and think pieces.

Greatbatch, David and Tate, Sue, Department for Education (DFE), corp creator. (2017) Funding and expenditure in post-16 education: An international review.

Green, Anne, Hogarth, Terence, Thom, Graham and MacLeod, Katie, Department for Education (DFE)
University of Warwick Institute for Employment Research
SQW Ltd., corp creators. (2017) Local skills case study. March 2017. [ Research Report ]

Greening, Justine, Department for Education (DFE), corp creator. (2017) Education at the heart of our plan for Britain. [ Education of disadvantaged children (DFE) ]

Greening, Justine, Department for Education (DFE), corp creator. (2017) Oral statement to Parliament : Justine Greening statement on national funding formula, 14 September 2017.

Greening, Justine, Department for Education (DFE), corp creator. (2017) Speech : Justine Greening: speech at DfE Skills Summit. 30 November 2017.

Greening, Justine, Department for Education (DFE), corp creator. (2017) Speech: Justine Greening: Business and Education Summit: 6 July 2017.

Greening, Justine, Department for Education (DFE), corp creator. (2017) Speech: Justine Greening: We should not accept Britain as it has been: 12 July 2017.

Greening, Justine, Department for Education (DFE), corp creator. (2017) Speech: Justine Greening: education at the core of social mobility. 18 January 2017.

Greening, Justine, Department for Education (DFE), corp creator. (2017) Speech: Justine Greening: our ambition is to leave no community behind: 14 December 2017.

Greening, Justine, Department for Education (DFE), corp creator. (2017) Speech: Justine Greening: unlocking the potential of a new generation. 30 March 2017.

Griggs, Julia and Bussard, Loraine, Department for Education (DFE)
NatCen Social Research, corp creators. (2017) Study of Early Education and Development (SEED): Meeting the needs of children with special educational needs and disabilities in the early years : January 2017. [ Research Report ]


Halfon, Robert, Department for Education (DFE), corp creator. (2017) Speech: Robert Halfon: the importance of digital skills: 26 January 2017.

Hanson, Jill, Codina, Geraldene and Neary, Siobhan, The Careers & Enterprise Company, corp creator. (2017) Transition programmes for young adults with SEND : what works? [ What works report ]

Hanson, Jill, Hooley, Tristram and Cox, Annette, The Careers & Enterprise Company, corp creator. (2017) Business games and enterprise competitions : what works? [ What works report ]

Hardy, Dan, Morris, Marian, Bradshaw, Mark, Carr, Christopher and Brown, Sarah, Welsh Government
SQW, corp creators. (2017) Evaluation of Schools Challenge Cymru. [ Social research (Welsh Government) ]

Harold, Gordon, Hampden-Thompson, Gillian, Rodic, Maja and Sellers, Ruth, Department for Education (DFE), corp creator. (2017) An evaluation of the AdOpt parenting programme. [ Research Report ]

Harvie-Clark, Sarah, Scottish Parliament (Scotland), corp creator. (2017) Limitation (Childhood Abuse) (Scotland) Bill. [ SPICe briefing ]

Heal, Jessica, Nolan, David and Sanders, Michael, Department for Education (DfE)
Behavioural Insights Team, corp creators. (2017) Project Crewe. [ Research report (DFE) ]

Henehan, Kathleen, Resolution Foundation, corp creator. (2017) Up to the job? Using the Apprenticeship Levy to tackle the UK’s post-16 education divide.

Hichens, Evelyn, Murray, Daniel, Gray, Paul, Smithson, Hannah and McHugh, Richard, Welsh Government
Carney Green
MMU, corp creators. (2017) A process evaluation of the Essential Skills for those Serving sentences in the Community (ESSC) pilot. [ Social research (Welsh Government) ]

Higgins, Steve, Henderson, Peter, Martell, Thomas, Sharples, Jonathan and Waugh, David, Education Endowment Foundation, corp creator. (2017) Improving literacy in key stage 1. [ Guidance report ]

Higgins, Steve, Martell, Thomas, Waugh, David, Henderson, Peter and Sharples, Jonathan, Education Endowment Foundation, corp creator. (2017) Improving literacy in key stage 2. [ Guidance report ]

Higton, John, Archer, Rachael, Dalby, Diane, Robinson, Sarah, Birkin, Guy, Stutz, Alex, Smith, Rob and Duckworth, Vicky, Department for Education (DFE), corp creator. (2017) Effective practice in the delivery and teaching of English and Mathematics to 16-18 year olds. [ Research Report ]

Higton, John, Leonardi, Sarah, Choudhoury, Arifa, Richards, Neil, Owen, David and Sofroniou, Nicholas, Department for Education (DFE)
CFE Research
Institute for Employment Research, University of Warwick, corp creators. (2017) Teacher workload survey 2016.

Holmes, Lisa, Thomas, Caroline, Hyde - Dryden, Georgia and Williams, Alison, Department for Education (DFE), corp creator. (2017) Firstline: evaluation report.

Hough, David and Danby, Grahame, UK Parliament, corp creator. (2017) House of Commons Library: Debate pack: Number CDP 2016/0252, Debate Day: 19 December 2016: Exiting the EU and science and research. [ House of Commons Library Debate Pack ]

Howard, Emma and Black, Beth, Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation (OFQUAL), corp creator. (2017) Evaluation of Reviews of Marking and Moderation 2016.

Hubble, Sue, UK Parliament, corp creator. (2017) House of Commons Library: Briefing Paper: Number 07484, 15 February 2017: The Teaching Excellence Framework (TEF). [ House of Commons Library Briefing Paper ]

Hubble, Sue and Bolton, Paul, UK Parliament
House of Commons Library, corp creators. (2017) Higher education tuition fees in England. [ Briefing paper ]

Hubble, Sue and Bolton, Paul, UK Parliament
House of Commons, corp creators. (2017) House of Commons Library: Briefing paper: CBP 8097, 2 October 217: Prime Minister's announcement on changes to student funding. [ House of Commons Library Briefing Paper ]

Hubble, Sue and Bolton, Paul, UK Parliament, corp creator. (2017) House of Commons Library: Briefing paper: Number CBP 7966, 13 June 2017: Part-time undergraduate students in England. [ House of Commons Library Briefing Paper ]

Hubble, Sue and Bolton, Paul, UK Parliament, corp creator. (2017) House of Commons Library: Briefing paper: Number CBP 7976, 14 June 2017: International and EU students in higher education in the UK FAQs. [ House of Commons Library Briefing Paper ]

Hubble, Sue and Bolton, Paul, UK Parliament
House of Commons, corp creators. (2017) House of Commons library: Briefing paper: Number 07258, 8 February 2017: Abolition of maintenance grants in England from 2016/17. [ House of Commons Library Briefing Paper ]

Hubble, Sue and Bolton, Paul, UK Parliament
House of Commons Library, corp creators. (2017) International and EU students in higher education in the UK FAQs. [ Briefing paper ]

Hubble, Sue and Bolton, Paul, UK Parliament
House of Commons Library, corp creators. (2017) Student loan interest rates FAQs. [ Briefing paper ]

Hubble, Sue, Bolton, Paul, Mackley, Andrew and Perks, Diana, UK Parliament
House of Commons Library, corp creators. (2017) E-petition 182953 relating to university tuition fees. [ Debate pack (House of Commons Library) ]

Hubble, Sue and Foster, David, UK Parliament
House of Commons, corp creators. (2017) Higher Education and Research Bill 2016-17. Lords amendments. [ Briefing paper (House of Commons Library) ]

Hubble, Sue and Foster, David, UK Parliament, corp creator. (2017) House of Commons Library: Briefing paper: Number 6281, 3 April 2017: Support for postgraduate students in England. [ House of Commons Library Briefing Paper ]

Hubble, Sue and Foster, David, House of Commons Library, corp creator. (2017) Technical and Further Education Bill 2016-17 : Lords amendments. [ Briefing paper (House of Commons Library) ]

Hubble, Sue and Foster, David, UK Parliament
House of Commons, corp creators. (2017) Technical and Further Education Bill. Lords amendments and Ping Pong. [ Briefing paper (House of Commons Library) ]

Hubble, Sue, Foster, David and Bolton, Paul, House of Commons Library, corp creator. (2017) Postgraduate loans in England. [ Briefing paper (House of Commons Library) ]

Hubble, Susan, Foster, David and Bolton, Paul, UK Parliament
House of Commons, corp creators. (2017) House of Commons Library: Briefing paper: Number 7436, 2 February 2017: Reform of support for healthcare students in England. [ House of Commons Library Briefing Paper ]

Hubble, Susan, Mackley, Andrew and Bolton, Paul, UK Parliament, corp creator. (2017) House of Commons: Debate pack: Number CDP-2017-0156, 06 September 2017: 16 to 19 Education Funding. [ House of Commons Library Debate Pack ]

Hughes, Deirdre, Department for Education (DFE)
CFE Research, corp creators. (2017) User insight research into post-16 choices : a report by CFE Research with Deirdre Hughes. December 2017. [ Research report ]

Hughes, Deirdre and Wade, Greg, Department for Transport (DfT)
Strategic Transport Apprenticeship Taskforce, corp creators. (2017) Higher education and businesses : together building the talent pipeline for high level skills in the transport industry.

Hughes, Steve, Welsh Government, corp creator. (2017) Academic Achievement by Pupil Characteristics, 2016. [ Statistical First Release ]

Humphrys, Mark, Welsh Government, corp creator. (2017) Education Maintenance Allowances Awarded in Wales, 2016/17. [ Statistical First Release ]

Huskinson, Tom, Lohoar-Self, Olivia and Pickering, Kevin, Department for Education (DFE)
Ipsos MORI, corp creators. (2017) Childcare and Early Years Survey of Parents in England, 2017. [ Statistical First Release ]

Huskinson, Tom and Pickering, Kevin, Department for Education (DFE)
Ipsos MORI
Social Research Institute, corp creators. (2017) Childcare and Early Years Survey of Parents : Sampling frame investigation : January 2017. [ Research Report ]

Hutchings, Merryn and Francis, Becky, Sutton Trust, corp creator. (2017) Chain effects 2017: The impact of academy chains on low-income students.

Huxley, Clare, Green, Martha, Swift, Sam and Pollard, Emma, Department for Education (DFE)
Institute for Employment Studies, corp creators. (2017) Accelerated degrees in Higher Education : Case study report.


Ilieva, Janet and Judson, Emily, Universities UK International (UUKi)
Education Insight, corp creators. (2017) State of the relationship: UK higher education engagement with the Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf.

Irwin, Jenny, Rooke, Matt, Spires, Rod, Hobson, Jonathan, Farragher, Mark, Stoddart, Aldabra and Phagoora, Jasmeet, RSM PACEC
Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE), corp creators. (2017) The state of the English university knowledge exchange landscape.


Jarrett, Tim, UK Parliament
House of Commons Library, corp creators. (2017) Children : introduction of 30 hours of free childcare in September 2017 (England). [ Briefing paper ]

Jarrett, Tim, UK Parliament, corp creator. (2017) House of Commons Library : Briefing Paper : Number 7777, 25 January 2017 : Child maintenance: fees (UK excluding NI). [ House of Commons Library Briefing Paper ]

Jarrett, Tim, UK Parliament, corp creator. (2017) House of Commons Library: Briefing paper: Number 03100, 26 April 2017: Children: residence and contact court orders and related matters for parents, grandparents and others. [ House of Commons Library Briefing Paper ]

Jarrett, Tim, UK Parliament
House of Commons, corp creators. (2017) House of Commons Library: Briefing paper: Number 2827, 9 August 2017: Children: parental responsibility - what is it and how is it gained and lost (England and Wales). [ House of Commons Library Briefing Paper ]

Jarrett, Tim, UK Parliament, corp creator. (2017) House of Commons Library: Briefing paper: Number 7581, 12 July 2017: Children: Introduction of 30 hours of free childcare in September 2017 (England). [ House of Commons Library Briefing Paper ]

Jarrett, Tim, UK Parliament, corp creator. (2017) House of Commons Library: Briefing paper: Number 8050, 13 September 2017: New early years funding formula from 2017-18, including maintained nursery schools (England). [ House of Commons Library Briefing Paper ]

Jarrett, Tim and Mackley, Andrew, UK Parliament, corp creator. (2017) House of Commons Library: Debate pack: Number CDP-2017-0113, 13 April 2017: Child Maintenance Service. [ House of Commons Library Debate Pack ]

Jarrett, Tim and Perks, Diana, UK Parliament
House of Commons, corp creators. (2017) House of Commons Library: Debate pack: Number CDP-2017-0033, 30 January 2017: Funding for maintained nursery schools. [ House of Commons Library Debate Pack ]

Jepson, Ruth, Malden, Stephen, Doi, Lawrence and Wason, Deborah, Scottish Government (Scotland)
Evaluation Team, NHS Health Scotland
Scottish Collaboration for Public Health Research & Policy, University of Edinburgh
University of Edinburgh
NHS Health Scotland, corp creators. (2017) A Realist Evaluation of the Refocused School Nurse Programme within Early Adopter Sites in Scotland. [ Social Research ]

Jerrim, John, Sutton Trust
Institute of Education, corp creators. (2017) Extra time: Private tuition and out-of-school study, new international evidence.

Jerrim, John, Perera, Natalie and Sellen, Peter, Education Policy Institute
UCL Institute of Education, corp creators. (2017) English education : world class in primary? December 2017.

Johnes, Rebecca, Education Policy Institute, corp creator. (2017) Entries to arts subjects at Key Stage 4.

Johnson, Claire, Joyce, Lucy, Tu, Trinh, Keilloh, Graham and Halliday, Ralph, Ipsos MORI
Department for Work and Pensions
Department for Education, corp creators. (2017) Sector-based work academies and work experience trials for older claimants : Combined quantitative and qualitative findings. February 2017. [ Research Report ]

Johnson, Jo, Department for Education (DFE), corp creator. (2017) Jo Johnson calls for free speech to be protected on campus : 19 October 2017.

Johnson, Jo, Department for Education (DFE), corp creator. (2017) Speech : Free speech in the liberal university : a speech by Jo Johnson at the Limmud Conference, Birmingham, 26 December 2017.

Johnson, Jo, Department for Education (DFE), corp creator. (2017) Speech : Jo Johnson: UUK annual conference, 7 September 2017. Embracing accountability and promoting value for money in higher education.

Johnson, Jo, Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS), corp creator. (2017) Speech: Jo Johnson : How universities can drive prosperity through deeper engagement. 12 October 2017.

Johnson, Jo, Department for Education (DFE), corp creator. (2017) Speech: Jo Johnson: Higher Education and Research Bill. 24 February 2017.

Johnson, Jo, Department for Education (DFE), corp creator. (2017) Speech: Jo Johnson: delivering value for money for students and taxpayers: 20 July 2017.

Jones, Nia, Welsh Government, corp creator. (2017) Welsh Index of Multiple Deprivation : a guide to analysing indicator data. [ Statistical article ]

Jones, Sandra, Department for Education and Skills (Wales), corp creator. (2017) Ministerial Supply Model Taskforce : Report to the Cabinet Secretary for Education. February 2017.


Keep, Matthew, Harari, Daniel and Seely, Antony, UK Parliament
House of Commons, corp creators. (2017) House of Commons Library: Briefing paper: Number CBP 7919, 10 March 2017: Spring Budget 2017: A summary. [ House of Commons Library Briefing Paper ]

King, Adam, Office for Standards in Education (OFSTED) (1992-2007), corp creator. (2017) Fostering in England 1 April 2015 to 31 March 2016. [ National Statistics ]

Kirby, Philip, Sutton Trust, corp creator. (2017) Degrees of debt: Funding and finance for undergraduates in Anglophone countries.

Kirby, Philip and Cullinane, Carl, Sutton Trust, corp creator. (2017) Science shortfall. [ Research brief ]

Knibbs, Sarah, Mollidor, Claudia, Crick, Catherine, Moore, Nicholas, Bierman, Raynette and Berridge, David, Department for Education (DFE), corp creator. (2017) TBAP Residence evaluation. Interim research report. March 2017. [ Research Report ]

Knibbs, Sarah, Mollidor, Claudia and Lindley, Lucy, National College for Teaching and Leadership (NCTL)
Ipsos MORI
Department for Education (DFE), corp creators. (2017) High Potential Middle Leaders (Primary) programme. [ Research report ]

Knibbs, Sarah, Mollidor, Claudia, Lindley, Lucy, Allen, Rebecca and Sims, Sam, National College for Teaching and Leadership (NCTL)
Ipsos MORI
Education Datalab, corp creators. (2017) High Potential Middle Leaders (Secondary) programme: an evaluation. [ Research Report ]

Knudsen, Line, Currie, Eilidh and Bradshaw, Paul, Scottish Government (Scotland)
ScotCen Social Research, corp creators. (2017) Changes in early learning and childcare use and outcomes at age 5 : comparing two Growing Up in Scotland cohorts.

Krasodomski-Jones, Alex, White, Camille, Eccleston, Dominic and Marsh, Oliver, Demos
Centre for the Analysis of Social Media, corp creators. (2017) Online child sexual abuse imagery. [ Techonolgy briefing series (Demos) ]


Lane, Gavan Conlon, Viktoriya Peycheva, Iris Mantovan, Marguerita, Conlon, Gavan, Peycheva, Viktoriya, Mantovani, Iris and Chan, Shantayne, Department for Education (DFE)
London Economics, corp creators. (2017) An economic evaluation of the National Careers Service. March 2017. [ Research Report ]

Lawrence, Hannah and Bellew, Rebecca, Department for Education (DFE)
Coram, corp creators. (2017) Innovation in social care assessments for disabled children. [ Research report ]

Lee, Michael, Bui, Ha, Barker, Anthony and Hogarth, Terence, Department for Education (DFE)
Cambridge Econometrics
Fondazione Giacomo Brodolini, corp creators. (2017) Long-term apprenticeship model appraisal : final report, October 2017. [ Research Report ]

Lenehan, Christine and Geraghty, Mark, Department for Education (DFE), corp creator. (2017) Good intentions, good enough? : a review of the experiences and outcomes of children and young people in residential special schools and colleges. November 2017.

Leonardi, Sarah, Lamb, Hayley, Howe, Peter and Choudhoury, Arifa, Wellcome Trust Primary Science Campaign
CFE Research
University of Manchester, corp creators. (2017) State of the nation report’ of UK primary science education.

Lepanjuuri, Katriina and Cornick, Peter, Department for Education (DFE)
NatCen Social Research, corp creators. (2017) Children’s Services Omnibus : Wave 2 research report. [ Research report (Department for Education) ]

Lines, Thomas, Welsh Government (Wales), corp creator. (2017) Initial teacher education in Wales, 2015/16. [ Statistical bulletin ]

Little, Michael, Warner, Georgina and Baker, Vicky, Department for Education (DFE)
Dartington Social Research Unit, corp creators. (2017) Safe families for children. Evaluation report, July 2017. [ Research Report ]

Little, Paul, Further Education Trust for Leadership (FETL), corp creator. (2017) Leaders' Voices: Wicked challenges and the emergence of the super college.

Lloyd, Rachel, Welsh Government, corp creator. (2017) Educational attainment of young people by age 19, 2013/14. [ Statistical First Release ]

Long, Rob, Mackley, Andrew and Bellis, Alexander, House of Commons Library
UK Parliament, corp creators. (2017) Anti-bullying week. [ Debate pack (House of Commons Library) ]

Long, Rob and Perks, Diana, UK Parliament
House of Commons, corp creators. (2017) House of Commons Library: Debate pack: Number CDP-2017-0059, 27 February 2017: LGBT history month. [ House of Commons Library Debate Pack ]

Long, Robert, House of Commons Library, corp creator. (2017) Constituency casework : schools in England. [ Briefing paper (House of Commons Library) ]

Long, Robert, House of Commons Library
UK Parliament, corp creators. (2017) Constituency casework : schools in England. [ Briefing paper (House of Commons Library) ]

Long, Robert, UK Parliament, corp creator. (2017) House of Commons Library: Briefing Paper: Number 07904, 21 February 2017: Constituency casework: schools in Wales. [ House of Commons Library Briefing Paper ]

Long, Robert, UK Parliament
House of Commons, corp creators. (2017) House of Commons Library: Briefing paper: Number 04195, 21 November 2017: School meals and nutritional standards (England). [ House of Commons Library Briefing Paper ]

Long, Robert, UK Parliament, corp creator. (2017) House of Commons Library: Briefing paper: Number 07020, 18 April 2017: Special Educational Needs: support in England. [ House of Commons Library Briefing Paper ]

Long, Robert, UK Parliament, corp creator. (2017) House of Commons Library: Briefing paper: Number 07169, 20 April 2017: The School System in England. [ House of Commons Library Briefing Paper ]

Long, Robert, UK Parliament
House of Commons, corp creators. (2017) House of Commons Library: Briefing paper: Number 07303, 2 March 2017: Personal, social, health and economic education in schools (England). [ House of Commons Library Briefing Paper ]

Long, Robert, UK Parliament
House of Commons, corp creators. (2017) House of Commons Library: Briefing paper: Number 6103, 2 March 2017: Sex and Relationships Education in Schools (England). [ House of Commons Library Briefing Paper ]

Long, Robert, UK Parliament
House of Commons, corp creators. (2017) House of Commons Library: Briefing paper: Number 6962, 31 March 2017: GCSE, AS and A level reform (England). [ House of Commons Library Briefing Paper ]

Long, Robert, UK Parliament, corp creator. (2017) House of Commons Library: Briefing paper: Number 7345, 27 July 2017: Counter-extremism policy in English schools. [ House of Commons Library Briefing Paper ]

Long, Robert, UK Parliament
House of Commons, corp creators. (2017) House of Commons Library: Briefing paper: Number CBP 07345, 20 January 2017: Counter-extremism policy in English schools. [ House of Commons Library Briefing Paper ]

Long, Robert, UK Parliament
House of Commons Library, corp creators. (2017) Personal, social, health and economic education in schools (England). [ Briefing paper (House of Commons Library) ]

Long, Robert, UK Parliament
House of Commons Library, corp creators. (2017) School meals and nutritional standards (England). [ Briefing paper ]

Long, Robert, UK Parliament
House of Commons Library, corp creators. (2017) Sex and relationships education in schools (England). [ Briefing paper (House of Commons Library) ]

Long, Robert, UK Parliament
House of Commons Library, corp creators. (2017) Special educational needs : support in England. [ Briefing paper (House of Commons Library) ]

Long, Robert and Bolton, Paul, UK Parliament
House of Commons, corp creators. (2017) House of Commons Lbrary: Briefing paper: Number 7375, 28 February 2017: School buildings and capital funding (England).

Long, Robert and Bolton, Paul, UK Parliament, corp creator. (2017) House of Commons Library: Briefing paper: Number 06045, 4 September 2017: English Baccalaureate. [ House of Commons Library Briefing Paper ]

Long, Robert and Bolton, Paul, UK Parliament
House of Commons, corp creators. (2017) House of Commons Library: Briefing paper: Number 06045, 6 January 2017: English Baccalaureate. [ House of Commons Library Briefing Paper ]

Long, Robert and Bolton, Paul, UK Parliament
House of Commons, corp creators. (2017) House of Commons Library: Briefing paper: Number 07250, 8 March 2017: University Technical Colleges. [ House of Commons Library Briefing Paper ]

Long, Robert and Bolton, Paul, UK Parliament
House of Commons, corp creators. (2017) House of Commons Library: Briefing paper: Number 6972, 13 March 2017: Faith Schools in England: FAQs. [ House of Commons Library Briefing Paper ]

Long, Robert and Bolton, Paul, UK Parliament, corp creator. (2017) House of Commons: Briefing paper: Number 07590, 19 April 2017: Holidays during school term-time (England). [ House of Commons Library Briefing Paper ]

Long, Robert, Bolton, Paul and Mackley, Andrew, UK Parliament
House of Commons, corp creators. (2017) House of Commons Library: Debate Pack: Number CDP-2017-0100, 27 March 2017: Schools funding in London. [ House of Commons Library Debate Pack ]

Long, Robert, Bolton, Paul and Mackley, Andrew, UK Parliament, corp creator. (2017) House of Commons Library: Debate pack: Number CPD-2017-0121, 21 April 2017, School Funding in the North East of England. [ House of Commons Library Debate Pack ]

Long, Robert, Foster, David and Roberts, Nerys, UK Parliament, corp creator. (2017) House of Commons Library: Briefing paper: Number 7070, 21 June 2017: Grammar schools in England. [ House of Commons Library Briefing Paper ]

Long, Robert, Foster, David and Roberts, Nerys, UK Parliament
House of Commons, corp creators. (2017) House of Commons Library: Briefing paper: Number 7070, 9 March 2017: Recent policy developments: Grammar schools in England. [ House of Commons Library Briefing Paper ]

Long, Robert and Hubble, Sue, UK Parliament
House of Commons, corp creators. (2017) House of Commons Library: Briefing paper: Number 07236, 24 February 2017: Careers guidance in schools, colleges and universities. [ House of Commons Library Briefing Paper ]

Long, Robert and Hubble, Sue, UK Parliament, corp creator. (2017) House of Commons Library: Briefing paper: Number 07236, 9 June 2017: Careers guidance in schools, colleges and universities. [ House of Commons Library Briefing Paper ]

Long, Robert and Hubble, Sue, UK Parliament
House of Commons Library, corp creators. (2017) Sexual harassment in education. [ Briefing paper (House of Commons Library) ]

Lord, Pippa, Sims, David, White, Richard and Roy, Palak, National Foundation for Educational Research (NFER)
Education Endowment Foundation, corp creators. (2017) Evidence for the Frontline: Evaluation report and executive summary. March 2017.

Luckock, Barry, Hickle, Kristine, Hampden-Thomson, Gillian and Dickens, Richard, Department for Education (DFE)
University of Sussex, corp creators. (2017) The Islington ‘Doing what counts : measuring what matters’. Evaluation report, July 2017. [ Research Report ]

Luckock, Barry, Sims, Louise, Whiting, Russell, Meleyal, Lel and Hampden-Thomson, Gillian, Department for Education (DFE)
University of Sussex, corp creators. (2017) Cornerstone Adoption Support Programme. Evaluation report, July 2017. [ Research Report ]

Luckock, Barry, Whiting, Russell, Meleyal, Lel, Sims, Louise and Hampden-Thompson, Gillian, Department for Education (DFE)
University of Sussex, corp creators. (2017) Coram’s Permanence Improvement Project. March 2017. [ Research report ]

Lushey, Clare, Hyde-Dryden, Georgia, Holmes, Lisa and Blackmore, Jenny, Department for Education (DFE)
Loughborough University, corp creators. (2017) Evaluation of the No Wrong Door Innovation Programme. [ Children’s Social Care Innovation Programme Evaluation Report ]


MacKay, Tommy, Boyle, James, Connolly, Michael, Knapp, Martin, Iemmi, Valentina and Rehill, Amritpal, Scottish Government (Scotland)
University of Strathclyde
London School of Economics, corp creators. (2017) The Microsegmentation of the Autism Spectrum: economic and research implications for Scotland.

Macpherson, Suzi, Scottish Parliament (Scotland)
Scottish Parliament Information Centre (SPICe), corp creators. (2017) Brexit: Higher Education in Scotland. [ SPICe Briefing ]

Macpherson, Suzi and Shaw, Jon, Scottish Parliament (Scotland), corp creator. (2017) Child Poverty (Scotland) Bill. [ SPICe briefing ]

Marshall, Lydia, Leach, Thomas and Cornick, Peter, Department for Education (DFE)
Natcen Social Research, corp creators. (2017) Children’s Services Omnibus: Wave 1 Research Report. August 2017. [ Research Report ]

Marshall, Lydia, Rooneyhik, Keeva, Dunatchik, Allison and Smith, Neil, Department for Education (DFE)
NatCen Social Research
National Children’s Bureau Research and Policy Team, corp creators. (2017) Developing character skills in schools. [ Research Report ]

Marshall, Lydia, Wishart, Robert, Dunatchik, Allison and Smith, Neil, Department for Education (DFE)
NatCen Social Research
National Children’s Bureau Research and Policy Team, corp creators. (2017) Supporting Mental Health in Schools and Colleges. [ Research Report ]

Mason, Paul, Ferguson, Harry, Morris, Kate, Monton, Tony and Sen, Robin, Department for Education (DFE), corp creator. (2017) Leeds Family Valued. Evaluation report, July 2017. [ Research Report ]

Matthews, Paul, Department of Education (DENI) (Northern Ireland)
Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency, corp creators. (2017) Annual enrolments at schools and in funded pre-school education in Northern Ireland, 2016/17 : revised 7 March 2017. [ Statistical Bulletin ]

May, Theresa, Department for Education (DFE)
Prime Minister's Office, corp creators. (2017) Britain, the great meritocracy : Prime Minister's speech, 9 September 2016.

May, Theresa, Fox, Liam and Clark, Greg, HM Government
Department for International Trade (DIT), corp creators. (2017) UK Industrial Strategy: a leading destination to invest and grow.

McAdams, Rachel, Wason, Debby, Anand, Neil, Craig, Neil and Inglis, Joanne, NHS Health Scotland, corp creator. (2017) Evaluability assessment of the expansion of early learning and childcare.

McAteer, J., Pringle, J., Mills, K. L., Jepson, R., Anand, N. P., Hogg, E. and Blakemore, S. J., NHS Health Scotland
Scottish Collaboration for Public Health Research and Policy, corp creators. (2017) A systematic review of adolescent physiological development and its relationship with health-related behaviour.

McCracken, Katie, FitzSimons, Ana, Priest, Sarah, Bracewell, Kelly and Stanley, Nicky, Department for Education (DFE)
Opcit Research
University of Central Lancashire, corp creators. (2017) Evaluation of Growing Futures : Research Report. March 2017. [ Children’s Social Care Innovation Programme Evaluation Report ]

McCracken, Katie, FitzSimons, Ana, Priest, Sarah and Torchia, Kasturi, Department for Education (DFE), corp creator. (2017) The Mayor’s office for policing and crime female genital mutilation early intervention model.

McCracken, Katie, Priest, Sarah, FitzSimons, Ana and Stanley, Nicky, Department for Education (DFE), corp creator. (2017) National FGM Centre : an evaluation. [ Research Report ]

McCracken,, Katie, Priest, Sarah, FitzSimons, Ana, Bracewell, Kelly, Torchia, Kasturi, Parry, Will and Stanley, Nicky, Department for Education (DFE)
Opcit Research
University of Central Lancaster, corp creators. (2017) Evaluation of Pause, July 2017. [ Research Report ]

McCrone, Tami, Kettlewell, Kelly, Mehta, Palak, Sims, David, Rutt, Simon, De Lazzari, Giulia, Cotgrave, Ellie and Collins, Clare, Department for Education (DFE)
National Foundation for Educational Research (NFER)
National Governors' Association, corp creators. (2017) Defining and collecting metrics on the quality of school governance: a feasibility study.

McCrorie, Paul and Ellaway, Anne, Scottish Government (Scotland), corp creator. (2017) Objectively Measured Physical Activity Levels of Scottish Children: Analysis from A Sub-Sample of 10-11 Year Olds in the Growing Up in Scotland Study.

McDonald, Mark, Scottish Government (Scotland), corp creator. (2017) Speech: Mark McDonald: Expanding free early learning and childcare: 23 March 2017. [ Speeches and briefings ]

McGinigal, Stephen, Panayiotou, Sally and Fahliogullari, Sinan, Department for Education (DFE), corp creator. (2017) Early Years Pupil Premium : Providers Survey : January 2017. [ Research Report ]

McGuinness, Feargal, UK Parliament, corp creator. (2017) House of Commons Library: Briefing paper: Number 0796, 2 May 2017: Poverty in the UK: statistics. [ House of Commons Library Briefing Paper ]

McGuinness, Feargal (2017) House of Commons Library: Briefing paper: Number SN05871, 16 August 2017: Youth unemployment statistics. [ House of Commons Library Briefing Paper ]

McGuinness, Feargal, UK Parliament
House of Commons Library, corp creators. (2017) Youth unemployment statistics. [ Briefing paper (House of Commons Library) ]

McGuinness, Feargal and Brown, Jennifer, UK Parliament, corp creator. (2017) House of Commons Library: Research Paper: Number 7119, 12 July 2017: Understanding statistics on employment, unemployment and earnings. [ House of Commons Library Briefing Paper ]

McKibbin, Des, UK Parliament
House of Lords Library, corp creators. (2017) Importance of education in building a flourishing and skilled society : debate on 8 December 2017. [ Library briefing (House of Lords) ]

McVarish, Matthew, Scottish Government (Scotland), corp creator. (2017) The Quality of Silence: Observations of the oppressive societal factors currently obstructing child victims and adult survivors of childhood sexual abuse from reporting their abuser, within the European Union.

Miller, Vaughne, Gorb, Sasha and Gadd, Eleanor, UK Parliament
House of Commons Library, corp creators. (2017) Legislating for Brexit : EU directives. [ Briefing paper ]

Milton, Anne, Department for Education (DFE), corp creator. (2017) Anne Milton : Speech to Association of Colleges Conference : 14 November 2017. [ Speech (Department for Education) ]

Milton, Anne, Department for Education (DFE), corp creator. (2017) Speech: Anne Milton: Good careers advice helps you to a rewarding career: 7 November 2017.

Morse, Amyas, National Audit Office
UK Parliament
Department for Communities and Local Government, corp creators. (2017) Homelessness. Report by the Comptroller and Auditor General, 13 September 2017. [ House of Commons Paper ]

Morse, Amyas, National Audit Office, corp creator. (2017) Investigation into the management of the Libor Fund : report by the Comptroller and Auditor General. [ HC, Session 2017-2019 ]

Morse, Amyas, National Audit Office
Department for Education (DFE), corp creators. (2017) Retaining and developing the teaching workforce : report by the Comptroller and Auditor General, 12 September 2017. [ HC, Session 2017-2019 ]

Morse, Amyas C E, Comptroller and Auditor General
House of Commons
Department for Education, corp creators. (2017) Academy Schools Sector in England Consolidated Accounts 2015-16: Report of the Comptroller and Auditor General to the House of Commons.

Munro, Emily R., Hollingworth, Katie, Meetoo, Veena and Simon, Antonia, Department for Education (DFE), corp creator. (2017) Ealing brighter futures intensive engagement model: working with adolescents in and on the edge of care.

Munro, Emily R., Meetoo, Veena, Quy, Katie and Simon, Antonia, Department for Education (DFE)
Thomas Coram Research Unit
UCL Institute of Education
Tilda Goldberg Centre for Social Work and Social Care, University of Bedfordshire, corp creators. (2017) Daybreak Family Group Conferencing : children on the edge of care : July 2017. [ Research Report ]


Newton, Becci, Everett, Clare and Cotton, Jamie, Department for Education (DFE)
Institute for Employment Studies (IES), corp creators. (2017) Investigation into post-16 occupational standards in international technical education systems. [ Research Report ]

Nicholson, Wendy, Public Health England, corp creator. (2017) Sepsis in Children: Information for health visitors and school nurses.


Panayiotou, Sally, Chisholm, Thomas, Duggan, James, Rowley, Harriet and Dennis, Joanna, Department for Education (DFE), corp creator. (2017) Stockport family evaluation. [ Research Report ]

Parish, Natalie, Prime, Verity and Day, Simon, Department for Education (DFE)
Education Funding Agency (EFA)
Isos Partnership, corp creators. (2017) Understanding costs of A level provision via the decision making process behind class sizes. March 2017. [ Research Report ]

Parkes, Alison, Riddell, Julie, Wight, Daniel and Buston, Katie, Scottish Government (Scotland)
MRC/CSO Social and Public Health Sciences Unit, University of Glasgow, corp creators. (2017) Growing up in Scotland: father-child relationships and child socio-emotional wellbeing.

Parkin, Elizabeth, Long, Rob and Bate, Alex, UK Parliament
House of Commons Library, corp creators. (2017) Children and young people’s mental health : policy, services, funding and education. [ Briefing paper (House of Commons Library) ]

Parkin, Lizzie, Long, Rob and Bellis, Alexander, House of Commons Library
UK Parliament, corp creators. (2017) E-petition 176555 relating to mental health education in schools. [ House of Commons Library debate pack ]

Patel, Rakhee, Jabin, Nico, Bussard, Loraine, Cartagena, Javiera, Haywood, Sarah and Lumpkin, Michael, Education Endowment Foundation
NatCen Social Research
Department for Education (DFE), corp creators. (2017) Switch-on Effectiveness Trial: Evaluation report and executive summary. May 2017.

Patrignani, Pietro, Hedges, Sophie and Conlon, Gavan, Department for Education (DFE)
London Economics, corp creators. (2017) The incidence of apprenticeships in England by industry sector, 2010/11 to 2014/15: Research Factsheet. March 2017. [ Research Factsheet ]

Patrignani, Pietro, Hedges, Sophie and Conlon, Gavan, Department for Education (DFE), corp creator. (2017) The incidence of apprenticeships in England. March 2017 (revised in September 2017). [ Research report ]

Perera, Natalie, Andrews, Jon and Sellen, Peter, Education Policy Institute, corp creator. (2017) The implications of the National Funding Formula for schools.

Perry, Caroline, Love, Barbara and McKay, Keara, Northern Ireland Assembly, corp creator. (2017) Children and Young People’s Strategic Indicators. [ Research and Information Service Briefing Paper ]

Perry, Caroline, Love, Barbara and McKay, Keara, Northern Ireland Assembly, corp creator. (2017) Composite classes. [ Research and Information Service Briefing Paper ]

Points, Laurie and Potton, Ed, UK Parliament
House of Commons Library, corp creators. (2017) Artificial intelligence and automation in the UK. [ Briefing paper (House of Commons Library) ]

Pollard, Emma, Hadjivassiliou, Kari, Swift, Sam and Green, Martha, Department for Education (DFE)
Institute for Employment Studies, corp creators. (2017) Accelerated degrees in Higher Education : Literature review.

Pollard, Emma, Hadjivassiliou, Kari, Swift, Sam and Green, Martha, Department for Education (DFE)
Institute for Employment Studies, corp creators. (2017) Credit Transfer in Higher Education : A review of the literature. [ Social Science in Government ]

Pollard, Emma, Swift, Sam, Fohrbeck, Anna, Crumbie, Alex, Silcock, Daniela and Curry, Chris, Teachers Working Longer Review Steering Group
Institute for Employment Studies
Pensions Policy Institute, corp creators. (2017) Teachers working longer review: interim report.

Pollard, Emma, Williams, Matthew, Huxley, Clare, Green, Martha, Martin, Alex and Gray, Helen, Institute for Employment Studies (IES), corp creator. (2017) Capturing school-to-work transitions with longitudinal data sources. [ IES report ]

Powell, Andrew, UK Parliament, corp creator. (2017) House of Commons Library: Briefing paper: Number 06705, 24 August 2017: NEET: Young People Not in Education, Employment or Training. [ House of Lords Library Briefing ]

Powell, Andrew, UK Parliament, corp creator. (2017) House of Commons Library: Briefing paper: Number CBP 03052, 29 June 2017: Apprenticeships Policy in England: 2017. [ House of Commons Library Briefing Paper ]

Powell, Andrew, McGuinness, Feargal, Roberts, Nerys, Brown, Jennifer, Pyper, Doug and Ward, Matthew, UK Parliament
House of Commons Library, corp creators. (2017) Youth employment. [ Debate pack (House of Commons Library) ]

Powell, Andy, UK Parliament
House of Commons Library, corp creators. (2017) Apprenticeship statistics: England. [ Briefing Paper (House of Commons Library) ]

Pye, Julia, Lindley, Lucy, Taylor, Chris, Evans, Daniel and Huxley, Katy, Welsh Government, corp creator. (2017) Evaluation of the Pupil Deprivation Grant. Final report, December 2017. [ Social research ]


Rehill, Jordan, Kashefpakdel, Elnaz T. and Mann, Anthony, The Careers & Enterprise Company, corp creator. (2017) Careers events : what works? [ What works report ]

Rehill, Jordan, Kashefpakdel, Elnaz T. and Mann, Anthony, The Careers & Enterprise Company, corp creator. (2017) Transition skills (mock interview and CV workshops) : what works? [ What works report ]

Rice, Patricia, School Teachers' Review Body
UK Parliament, corp creators. (2017) School Teachers’ Review Body: twenty-seventh report, 2017 : presented to Parliament by the Prime Minister and the Secretary of State for Education by Command of Her Majesty, July 2017. [ Cm ]

Roberts, Ellie, Crowther, Tanya, Brown, Ashley and Kerr, Jane, Department for Education (DFE), corp creator. (2017) Family drug and alcohol court national unit: independent evaluation. [ Research Report ]

Roberts, Ellie, Griggs, Julia and Robb, Sue, Department for Education (DFE)
NatCen Social Research
4Children, corp creators. (2017) Study of Early Education and Development : Experiences of the Early Years Pupil Premium : January 2017. [ Research Report ]

Roberts, Ellie and Speight, Svetlana, National Centre for Social Research (NatCen)
Save the Children, corp creators. (2017) Childcare use and attitudes : literature review and feasibility study.

Roberts, Nerys, UK Parliament
House of Commons, corp creators. (2017) House of Commons Library: Briefing paper: Number 07059, 30 March 2017: FAQs: Academies and free schools. [ House of Commons Library Briefing Paper ]

Roberts, Nerys, UK Parliament, corp creator. (2017) House of Commons Library: Briefing paper: Number 07980, 19 June 2017: 'SATs' and primary school assessment in England. [ House of Commons Library Briefing Paper ]

Roberts, Nerys, UK Parliament
House of Commons Library, corp creators. (2017) School places in England : applications, allocations and appeals. [ Briefing paper ]

Roberts, Nerys, Bellis, Alexander and Bolton, Paul, UK Parliament
House of Commons, corp creators. (2017) House of Commons Library: Debate pack: Number CDP-0167, 6 October 2017: Education funding in South Liverpool. [ House of Commons Library Debate Pack ]

Roberts, Nerys and Bolton, Paul, UK Parliament
House of Commons, corp creators. (2017) House of Commons Library: Briefing paper: Number 06072, 20 March 2017: School funding in England. Current system and proposals for 'fairer school funding'. [ House of Commons Library Briefing Paper ]

Roberts, Nerys and Bolton, Paul, UK Parliament
House of Commons, corp creators. (2017) House of Commons Library: Briefing paper: Number 07914, 29 March 2017: Medical school places in England from September 2018. [ House of Commons Library Briefing Paper ]

Roberts, Nerys and Foster, David, UK Parliament, corp creator. (2017) House of Commons Library: Briefing paper: Number 6710, 13 June 2017: Initial teacher training in England. [ House of Commons Library Briefing Paper ]

Roberts, Nerys and Hubble, Susan, UK Parliament
House of Commons, corp creators. (2017) House of Commons Library: Briefing paper: Number 06154, 5 April 2017: 16-19 Bursaries for further education in England. [ House of Commons Library Briefing Paper ]

Roberts, Nerys, Powell, Thomas and Abreu, Laura, UK Parliament
House of Commons, corp creators. (2017) House of Commons Library: Debate pack: Number CDP-2016/0257, 5 January 2017: Supporting children’s wellbeing and mental health in a school environment. [ House of Commons Library Debate Pack ]

Rodger, John, Starks, Louise, Woolger, Amy, Cutmore, Matthew and Wilkinson, Lesley, Department for Education (DFE)
York Consulting LLP, corp creators. (2017) Evaluation of Enfield Family and Adolescent Support Service (FASH). [ Research report (DFE) ]

Rodger, John, Woolger, Amy, Cutmore, Matthew and Wilkinson, Lesley, Department for Education (DFE)
York Consulting LLP, corp creators. (2017) Creating Strong Communities in North East Lincolnshire. Evaluation report, July 2017. [ Research Report ]

Rodgers, Heidi and Waugh, Iain, Department of Health (Northern Ireland) (DHNI)
Information and Analysis Directorate (IAD)
Community Information Branch (CIB), corp creators. (2017) Children adopted from care in Northern Ireland 2016/17. [ Statistical bulletin (Community Information Branch) ]

Rosie, Rosie, Bertram, Christine, Buzzeo, Jonathan, Fletcher, Luke, Tassinari, Arianna, Cox, Annette and Vlaev, Ivo, Department for Education (DFE)
Institute for Employment Studies
Warwick Business School, corp creators. (2017) Using behavioural insights to examine benefit claimants’ approaches to training opportunities. [ Research Report ]

Round, Anna and Gunson, Russell, Institute for Public Policy Research Scotland (IPPR Scotland), corp creator. (2017) Independent review of financial support for students in Scotland : international comparator study.


Sally Panayiotou, Sally, McGinigal, Stephen, Kent, June, Smit, Carryn, Witsø, Charlotte and Edwards-Hughes, Emily, Department for Education (DFE)
Kantar Public (formerly TNS BMRB), corp creators. (2017) Survey of Childcare and Early Years Providers: England, 2016.

Santo, Mary, House of Lords
UK Parliament, corp creators. (2017) House of Lords Library Note: Number LLN-2017-0013, 13 March 2017: Work of the Ad Hoc Committees in 2014–15: House of Lords Affordable Childcare Committee. [ House of Lords Library Note ]

Santo, Mary, UK Parliament
House of Lords Library, corp creators. (2017) Vulnerable Children: Work of the Children’s Commissioner: Debate on 14 December 2017. [ Library briefing (House of Lords) ]

Saunders, Charlotte, Department for Education (DFE)
NatCen Social Research, corp creators. (2017) Attitudes to education and children’s services: the British Social Attitudes survey 2016. [ Research Report ]

Schuller, Tom, Government Office for Science
Foresight, corp creators. (2017) What are the wider benefits of learning across the life course?

Scobie, Graeme, Pringle, Jan, Arnot, Julie, McAteer, John, Doi, Lawrence, Reid, Garth and Scott, Eileen, NHS Health Scotland
Public Health Evidence Network
Scottish Collaboration for Public Health Research and Policy, corp creators. (2017) Provision of early learning and childcare and parents’ outcomes: an evidence brief.

Scobie, Graeme and Scott, Eileen, NHS Health Scotland, corp creator. (2017) Rapid evidence review: Childcare quality and children’s outcomes.

Scobie, Graeme and Woodman, Kate, NHS Health Scotland, corp creator. (2017) Interventions to reduce alcohol consumption during pregnancy.

Scobie, Graeme and Woodman, Kate, NHS Health Scotland, corp creator. (2017) Interventions to reduce illicit drug use during pregnancy (and in the postpartum period).

Scott, Edward, UK Parliament
House of Lords, corp creators. (2017) House of Lords Library note: LLN-2017-0014, 13 March 2017: Work of the Ad Hoc Committees in 2014–15: House of Lords Digital Skills Committee. [ House of Lords Library Note ]

Scott, Edward, UK Parliament, corp creator. (2017) Technical and Further Education Bill : House of Lords library note. [ House of Lords Library Note ]

Scott, Sara, Botcherby, Sue and Ludvigsen, Anna, Department for Education (DFE)
University of Bedfordshire International Centre
NatCen Social Research, corp creators. (2017) Wigan and Rochdale Child Sexual Exploitation Innovation Project : evaluation report. March 2017. [ Research report ]

Scott, Sara, Lloyd, Sarah, Wright, Carole and Ludvigsen, Anna, Department for Education (DFE)
University of Bedfordshire International Centre
NatCen Social Research, corp creators. (2017) South Yorkshire Empower and Protect Child Sexual Exploitation Innovation Project : evaluation report. March 2017. [ Research Report ]

Sebba, Judy, Luke, Nikki, McNeish, Di and Rees, Alun, Department for Education (DFE)
Rees Centre for Research in Fostering and Education, corp creators. (2017) Children’s Social Care Innovation Programme : final evaluation report. [ Research report (DFE) ]

Seely, Antony, UK Parliament, corp creator. (2017) House of Commons Library : Briefing paper : Number 07711, 17 January 2017 : Small Charitable Donations and Childcare Payments Act 2017. [ House of Commons Library Briefing Paper ]

Sharp, Caroline, Walker, Matt, Lynch, Sarah, Puntan, Liz, Bernardinelli, Daniele, Worth, Jack, Greaves, Ellen, Burgess, Simon and Murphy, Richard, Department for Education (DFE)
National Foundation for Educational Research (NFER)
Institute for Fiscal Studies
University of Bristol
University of Texas at Austin, corp creators. (2017) Evaluation of Teachers’ pay reform.

Sharp, Caroline, Walker, Matt, Lynch, Sarah, Puntan, Liz, Bernardinelli, Daniele, Worth, Jack, Greaves, Ellen, Burgess, Simon and Murphy, Richard, Department for Education (DFE)
National Foundation for Educational Research (NFER)
Institute for Fiscal Studies
University of Bristol
University of Texas at Austin, corp creators. (2017) Evaluation of teachers' pay reform : final report, October 2017. [ Research report (Department for Education) ]

Shaw, Bart, Baars, Sam, Menzies, Loic, Parameshwaran, Meena and Allen, Rebecca, Social Mobility Commission
Education Datalab, corp creators. (2017) Low income pupils’ progress at secondary school.

Silver, Ruth, Further Education Trust for Leadership (FETL), corp creator. (2017) Thinking for a change.

Sims, Sam, Department for Education (DFE)
Education Datalab, corp creators. (2017) TALIS 2013: Working Conditions, Teacher Job Satisfaction and Retention.

Skipp, Amy and Hopwood, Vicky, Department for Education (DFE)
ASK Research, corp creators. (2017) Alternative providers of higher education: Views of the validation and franchise process and innovation in the sector. [ Research Report ]

Skipp, Amy and Hopwood, Vicky, ASK Research
Department for Education (DFE), corp creators. (2017) Case studies of behaviour management practices in schools rated Outstanding. March 2017. [ Research report (Department for Education) ]

Skipp, Amy and Hopwood, Vicky, Department for Education (DFE)
ASK Research, corp creators. (2017) Childminders’ views on funded early education : January 2017. [ Research Report ]

Smith, Robert, McCrone, Tami, Sharp, Caroline, Menys, Rebecca, Rabiasz, Adam and Sims, David, Department for Education (DFE)
The National Foundation for Educational Research, corp creators. (2017) Teacher Voice Omnibus Survey. [ Research Report ]

Smith, Robert, Tattersall, Jack, Rabiasz, Adam and Sims, David, Department for Education
National Foundation for Educational Research, corp creators. (2017) NFER Teacher Voice Omnibus : January 2017. [ Research Report ]

Somerville, Shirley-Anne, Scottish Government (Scotland), corp creator. (2017) Speech: Shirley-Anne Somerville: Widening access to higher education: 30 May 2017. [ Speeches and briefings ]

Spielman, Amanda, Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills (OFSTED) (2007-), corp creator. (2017) HMCI's commentary : recent primary and secondary curriculum research. [ HMCI's commentaries ]

Starks, Louise and Woolger, Amy, Welsh Government, corp creator. (2017) A review of the Disabled Students’ Allowances = Adolygiad o’r Lwfansau i Fyfyrwyr Anabl. [ Social research (Welsh Government) ]

Stevenson, Jacqueline, Demack, Sean, Stiell, Bernie, Abdi, Muna, Clarkson, Lisa, Ghaffar, Farhana and Hassan, Shaima, Social Mobility Commission, corp creator. (2017) The social mobility challenges faced by young Muslims. September 2017.

Stevenson, Jacqueline, McCaig, Colin and Madriaga, Manuel, Sheffield Hallam University
Sheffield Institute of Education
London Metropolitan University
Institute for Policy Studies in Education, corp creators. (2017) Evaluation of the National Networks for Collaborative Outreach (NNCOs).

Straw, Suzanne, Poet, Helen, Worth, Jack, Coldwell, Mike, Byrne, Eleanor and Stiell, Bernadette, Department for Education (DFE)
National College for Teaching and Leadership (NCTL)
National Foundation for Educational Research
Sheffield Hallam University, corp creators. (2017) Maths and physics teacher supply package : March 2017. [ Research Report ]

Styles, Ben, Dawson, Anneka, Worth, Jack, Sizmur, Juliet, Walker, Matthew and Bradshaw, Sally, Education Endowment Foundation (EEF)
National Foundation for Educational Research (NFER), corp creators. (2017) Teacher Observation : evaluation report and executive summary, November 2017.

Sundorph, Emilie, Vasilev, Danail and Coiffait, Louis, Reform, corp creator. (2017) Joining the elite: how top universities can enhance social mobility.

Sutcliffe, K., Burchett, H., Rees, R., Melendez-Torres, G. J., Stansfield, C. and Thomas, J., Evidence for Policy and Practice Information and Co-ordinating Centre (EPPI-Centre), UCL Institute of Education
London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine
University of Warwick, corp creators. (2017) What are the critical features of successful Tier 2 lifestyle weight management programmes for children aged 0-11 years? A systematic review to identify the programme characteristics, and combinations of characteristics, that are associated with successful outcomes.

Swinney, John, Scottish Government (Scotland), corp creator. (2017) Speech: John Swinney: Children and Young People Act: information sharing provisions: 7 March 2017. [ Ministerial statement ]

Swinney, John, Scottish Parliament (Scotland), corp creator. (2017) Speech: John Swinney: Excellence and equity in Scottish education - from the early years into adulthood. 23 March 2017.

Swinney, John, Scottish Government (Scotland), corp creator. (2017) Speech: John Swinney: National bargaining in the further education sector: 16 May 2017. [ Speeches and briefings ]

Swinney, John, Scottish Government (Scotland), corp creator. (2017) Speech: John Swinney: The death of Bailey Gwynne independent review: 31 January 2017. [ Ministerial statement ]


Teeman, David and Quilter, Isabel, Department for Education (DFE)
Social Care Institute for Excellence, corp creators. (2017) Cambridgeshire’s Multi-systemic Therapy service’s move to a mutual model of delivery : evaluation report. [ Research report (DFE) ]

Thomas, Hannah and Collicott, Hayley, Welsh Government, corp creator. (2017) Families First : an evaluability assessment. [ Social research (Welsh Government) ]

Thompson, Lisa, Blackshaw, Jamie, Coulton, Vicki, Albury, Charlotte and Tedstone, Alison, Public Health England
Nuffield Department of Primary Care Health Sciences, corp creators. (2017) Let’s Talk About Weight: A step-by-step guide to conversations about weight management with children and families for health and care professionals.

Thomson, Louisa, Hoong Sin, Chih, McFarlane, Rebecca and Mendez Sayer, Ellie, Department for Education (DFE), corp creator. (2017) The learning into practice project: external evaluation report.

Thurley, Djuna, UK Parliament
House of Commons Library, corp creators. (2017) Teachers pensions, 2015 onwards. [ Briefing paper ]

Troncoso, Patricio, Department for Education (DFE)
University of Manchester, corp creators. (2017) Analysing repeated referrals to children’s services in England : July 2017.


Vigurs, Katy, Everitt, Julia and Staunton, Tom, Careers & Enterprise Company, corp creator. (2017) The evidence base for careers websites. What works?


Wakeling, Paul, Hancock, Sally and Ewart, Alex, University of York
Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE), corp creators. (2017) Evaluation of the Postgraduate Support Scheme 2015/16.

Watt, Glenys, Ibe, Onyema, Edginton, Ella and Whitehead, Ross, Scotland’s Commissioner for Children and Young People (SCCYP), corp creator. (2017) "Coping is difficult, but I feel proud": perspectives on mental health and wellbeing of young carers.

Waugh, Iain, Department of Health (Northern Ireland)
Northern Ireland Statistics & Research Agency, corp creators. (2017) The prevalence of autism (including Asperger’s Syndrome) in school age children in Northern Ireland 2017.

Weir, Peter, Department of Education (DENI) (Northern Ireland), corp creator. (2017) Speech: Peter Weir: Tackling Educational Underachievement: 21 February 2017.

White, Jane, NHS Health Scotland, corp creator. (2017) Evidence summary : reducing the attainment gap : the role of health and wellbeing interventions in schools.

White, Jane, NHS Health Scotland, corp creator. (2017) Rapid Evidence Review : reducing the attainment gap : the role of health and wellbeing interventions in schools.

White, Samuel, UK Parliament, corp creator. (2017) House of Lords: Library Briefing: Digital Skills in the United Kingdom. [ House of Lords Library Briefing ]

Whitfield, Nick, Department for Education (DFE), corp creator. (2017) Commissioner’s Report to the Minister following discussions and work in Reading Borough Council to identify a sustainable way of improving services for children following their last inspection. September 2017.

Wilkinson, Nancy, UK Parliament
House of Commons, corp creators. (2017) House of Commons Library: Briefing paper: Number 08072, 4 August 2017: School Governance. [ House of Commons Library Briefing Paper ]

Williams, Jennie, Scott, Sara and Ludvigsen, Anna, Department for Education (DFE)
University of Bedfordshire International Centre
NatCen Social Research, corp creators. (2017) Safe Steps CSE Innovation Project : evaluation report. March 2017. [ Research report ]

Williams, Joy, The Careers & Enterprise Company, corp creator. (2017) Involving young people in volunteering : what works? [ What works report ]

Williams, Joy, Hadjivassiliou, Kari, Marvell, Rosa, Green, Martha and Newton, Becci, Department for Education (DFE), corp creator. (2017) Effective curriculum practice at below Level 2 for 16/17 year olds. [ Research Report ]

Williams, Kirsty, Welsh Government, corp creator. (2017) Speech: Kirsty Willams: Reforming Education - the role of primary: 20 June 2017. [ Dysg newsletters ]

Williams, Matthew, Pollard, Emma, Langley, Jamal, Houghton, Ann-Marie and Zozimo, Joanna, Institute for Employment Studies (IES)
Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE)
Researching Equity, Access and Participation (REAP), corp creators. (2017) Models of support for students with disabilities : report to HEFCE.

Wilson, Wendy (2017) House fo Commons Library: Briefing paper : Number 07854, 23 January 2017 : Homelessness Reduction Bill 2016-17: Report on Committee Stage. [ House of Commons Library Briefing Paper ]

Wiseman, June and Parry, Emma, Department for Education (DFE)
BMG Research, corp creators. (2017) Continuing vocational training survey : CVTS 5.

Wood, Alan (chair), Bailey, Sue and Butler, Rob, Youth Custody Improvement Board, corp creator. (2017) Findings and Recommendations of the Youth Custody Improvement Board. 24 February 2017.

Wyness, Gill, The Sutton Trust, corp creator. (2017) Rules of the game : disadvantaged students and the university admissions process. December 2017.

This list was generated on Thu Mar 27 22:55:29 2025 UTC.