Dorsett, Richard, Gray, Helen, Speckesser, Stefan and Stokes, Lucy, Department for Education (DFE)
National Institute of Economic and Social Research
Institute for Employment Studies (IES)
University of Westminster, corp creators.
Estimating the impact of Traineeships: Final Report, June 2019.
Anders, Jake, Dorsett, Richard and Stokes, Lucy, Department for Education (DFE)
National Institute of Economic and Social Research, corp creators.
The relative effectiveness of blended versus face-to-face adult English and maths learning.
Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS)
National Institute of Economic and Social Research, corp creators.
The relationship between graduates and economic growth across countries.
Hutchinson, Jo, Rolfe, Heather, Moore, Nicki, Bysshe, Simon and Bentley, Kieran, Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC)
National Institute of Economic and Social Research
University of Derby, corp creators.
All things being equal? Equality and diversity in careers education,information, advice and guidance.