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  • Organisations (127)
    • Children’s Workforce Development Council (CWDC) (127)
Group by: Item Type | Corporate Authors
Number of items at this level: 127.

Document from Web

Carter, Jenny (2010) Exploring the experiences of living in a large group therapeutic community – the views of current and ex-residents.

D'Arcy, Kate (2009) How can integrated working be improved to aid secondary transfer rates for Traveller children? (Sharing our experience, Practitioner-led research 2008-2009; PLR0809/023).

Denham, Marc and Ankers, John (2010) How can young people on the frontiers of care contribute to evaluating the outcomes of a sustained activity programme?

Wallace, Lauren and Gibson, Aline (2010) How do professionals, parents/carers and children view the role of the learning mentor in a multi-agency setting?

Griffiths, Janis (2010) How do school counselling and therapy services undertake participation activities in a way that meets the ethical requirements of therapeutic practice?

Harris, Victoria (2009) How do young people experience the transition from being a looked after child to living independently and how can it be improved in the eyes of the young people using the service? (Sharing our experience, Practitioner-led research 2008-2009; PLR0809/117).

Holford, Phil (2009) How integrated working affected the development of the Caring 4 Kids project (Sharing our experience, Practitioner-led research 2008-2009; PLR0809/025).

Mullineaux, Linda (2010) In what way does a specialist parenting programme impact on adoptive parents’ perception of their capacity to parent?

James, Natasha (2009) ‘One big wheel’: young people’s participation in service, design, development and delivery (Sharing our experience, Practitioner-led research 2008-2009; PLR0809/080).

Sanders, Jennifer (2010) Parents’ experiences of a new baby group.

Eggins, Mari (2010) ‘Somebody should have asked me…’ Young people in care and information-sharing practice.

Durell, Michael (2010) Supported child contact centres are increasingly seen as the solution to parental contact disputes. Is this appropriate and do they meet the needs of the children involved?

Durell, Michael (2010) Supported child contact centres are increasingly seen as the solution to parental contact disputes. Is this appropriate and do they meet the needs of the children involved?

Walsh, Judy and Campbell, Harriet (2010) To what extent does current policy and practice pay adequate attention to the needs of the sons and daughters of foster carers, particularly in the context of planned or unplanned placement endings?

Stringer, Phil, Traill, Maria and Culhane, Lee (2010) Using participatory action research to support pupil participation in improving a sense of community in a secondary school.

Pavey, Fiona and Farress, Heidi (2009) What are the important components of successful leadership teams within children centres? (Sharing our experience, Practitioner-led research 2008-2009; PLR0809/044).

Feltham-King, Caroline (2010) What are the perceived benefits of an adoption support package using video interaction guidance with prospective adopters? An exploratory study.

Blazey, Emma and Persson, Emma (2010) What can professionals do to support mothers whose previous children have been removed: an exploratory study.

Bevan, Huw and Jude, Julia (2009) What happens when systemic practice is transferred from clinical settings to family homes? A qualitative review (Sharing our experience, Practitioner-led research 2008-2009; PLR0809/108).

Jennings, Julie (2009) What integrated working practices support or hinder effective referral pathways from health to education services for blind and partially sighted babies and young children? (Sharing our experience, Practitioner-led research 2008-2009; PLR0809/026).

Stott, Julie (2009) What should excellent integrated service delivery feel like and look like from a young person’s point of view? – ‘Don’t treat me like I’m a bother’ (Sharing our experience, Practitioner-led research 2008-2009; PLR0809/096).

Botley, Michelle, Jinks, Becca and Metson, Carol (2010) Young people’s views and experiences of the youth justice system.

Henshall, Annelies (2009) A comparison study looking at the impact of staff personality on recruitment and retention of staff working with children with complex disabilities and challenging behaviour, in a social care setting and an education setting.

Powl, Jane (2010) An exploration of the range of approaches a children’s centre can adopt to maximise collaboration with professional stakeholders in responding to postnatal depression.

Bailey, Heather (2010) The relationships and supports that matter to children looked after (CLA) in long term voluntary accommodation (Children Act 1989, s 20).

Silver, Karin (2010) Children assessing quality: how and when can children participate in the evaluation of services in an out of school club, and to what extent do they want to?

Rayns, Gwynne (2010) What are children and young people’s views and opinions of perpetrator programmes for the violent father/male carer?

Kimber, Vivienne (2010) What are the key themes in young children’s imaginative play? How can we use these themes to develop shared spaces to support young children’s imaginative play?

Malone, Jacqueline (2010) An evaluation of the effectiveness of using 'words to pictures' software and working with young interviewers to consult directly with children and young people, specifically with very young children and disabled children and young people, to find out what they think of the services they receive.

Bramble, Sophia (2010) An exploration into the mentor and young person as mentee relationship.

Children's Workforce Development Council, corp creator. (2007) Advice on developing and implementing an integrated local Children's Services Workforce Strategy.

Children's Workforce Development Council, corp creator. (2008) Building a sustainable system of entry training for educational psychologists: consultation final report.

Children's Workforce Development Council, corp creator. (2006) CWDC induction standards: for use in children's social care from September 2006 : to be tested with other parts of the children's workforce from autumn 2006.

Children's Workforce Development Council, corp creator. (2006) CWDC induction standards: guidance for those responsible for new social care workers' induction : e.g. workplace managers and supervisors, employers, users of services.

Children's Workforce Development Council, corp creator. (2007) The Certificate in Early Years Foundation Stage Practice.

Children's Workforce Development Council, corp creator. (2008) Children's Workforce Development Council corporate plan 2008-2011.

Children's Workforce Development Council, corp creator. (2009) Common Assessment Framework for children and young people: practitioners' guide : integrated working to improve outcomes for children and young people.

Children's Workforce Development Council, corp creator. (2009) Common assessment framework for children and young people: managers' guide: integrated working to improve outcomes for children and young people.

Children's Workforce Development Council, corp creator. Continuing professional development strategy for the social care workforce.

Children's Workforce Development Council, corp creator. (2009) EPD : outcome statements and guidance : early professional development.

Children's Workforce Development Council, corp creator. (2009) EPD: handbook for employers and social workers : early professional development.

Tunstill, Jane., Children's Workforce Development Council, corp creator. Family support review: cross sector scoping study of family support workers in the children's workforce.

Children's Workforce Development Council, corp creator. (2008) Guidance to the standards for the award of Early Years Professional status.

Children's Workforce Development Council, corp creator. (2009) Handbook for candidates September 2009: a guide to the Gateway Review and assessment process.

Children's Workforce Development Council, corp creator. (2007) Moving towards integrated working: progress report 2007.

Children's Workforce Development Council, corp creator. (2009) NQSW : guide for supervisors : newly qualified social worker pilot programme 2009-2010.

Children's Workforce Development Council, corp creator. (2009) NQSW : meeting the outcome statements : record of achievement : newly qualified social worker pilot programme 2009-2010.

Children's Workforce Development Council, corp creator. Newly qualified social workers: a report on consultations with newly qualified social workers, employers and those in higher education.

Children's Workforce Development Council, corp creator. (2007) Ordinary people doing extraordinary things : the training, support and development standards for foster care : a guide for managers, supervising social workers and trainers.

Children's Workforce Development Council, corp creator. (2009) Progress towards integrated working.

Children's Workforce Development Council, corp creator. (2009) Progress towards integrated working 2007/2008 evaluation.

Children's Workforce Development Council, corp creator. Raising the profile of the common core: a project with children and young people : end of project report.

Children's Workforce Development Council, corp creator. (2007) Sector skills agreement: stage 1 : a skills needs assessment for the children's workforce.

Children's Workforce Development Council, corp creator. Sector skills agreement: stage 2 : understanding supply in the children's workforce.

Children's Workforce Development Council, corp creator. Sector skills agreement: stage 3 : gap analysis report.

Children's Workforce Development Council, corp creator. Sector skills agreement: the big deal.

Children's Workforce Development Council, corp creator. (2010) Setting up multi-agency services: toolkit for managers.

Children's Workforce Development Council, corp creator. (2009) Short break carers standards and workbook.

Children's Workforce Development Council, corp creator. Short break carers supplementary guidance for managers, supervisors and trainers.

Children's Workforce Development Council, corp creator. Workforce skills and training survey 2007.

Children's Workforce Development Council, corp creator. (2008) The state of the children's social care workforce 2008 summary report: a profile of the children's social care workforce in England.

Children's Workforce Development Council, corp creator. The state of the children's social care workforce: a statistical overview of the workforce providing children's and families social care in England.

Oliver, Christine, Children's Workforce Development Council (CWDC), corp creator. (2010) Children's views and experiences of their contact with social workers : a focused review of the evidence. [ Research (Children's Workforce Development Council) ]

Hadfield, Mark, Jopling, Michael, Royle, Karl and Waller, Tim, Children's Workforce Development Council (CWDC), corp creator. (2011) First national survey of practitioners with early years’ professional status.

D'Arcy, Kate, Children's Workforce Development Council (CWDC), corp creator. (2010) How can early years services improve access and transition into early years settings and primary schools for Gypsy, Roma and Traveller children?

Children's Workforce Development Council (CWDC), corp creator. (2011) Index of training and materials which aim to support the children's workforce to reduce the impact of childhood poverty and disadvantage.

Children's Workforce Development Council (CWDC), corp creator. (2011) Inspiring practice: a guide to developing an integrated approach to supervision in children's trusts.

Children's Workforce Development Council (CWDC), corp creator. (2009) Integrated children’s services: conformity, diversity and managing the market: sharing our experience, practitioner-led research 2008-2009.

Children's Workforce Development Council (CWDC), corp creator. (2010) Local workforce strategy partners programme 2007 - 2010: engaging the third and private sectors in local workforce strategies, progress and learning in 2007-08.

Carpenter, John, McLaughlin, Hugh, Patsios, Demi and Blewett, James, Children's Workforce Development Council (CWDC), corp creator. (2010) Newly qualified social worker programme evaluation of the first year: September 2008 to September 2009.

Children's Workforce Development Council (CWDC), corp creator. (2010) On the right track : guidance to the standards for the award of Early Years Professional Status. [ Early years (Children's Workforce Development Council) ]

Children's Workforce Development Council (CWDC), corp creator. (2008) Progress towards integrated working full report 2007/2008 evaluation full report.

Children's Workforce Development Council (CWDC), corp creator. (2011) Setting up multi-agency services: toolkit for practitioners.

Children's Workforce Development Council (CWDC), corp creator. (2010) Together towards integration report: children’s trusts self assessment of integrated working 2009 national report.

Children's Workforce Development Council (CWDC), corp creator. (2010) Together towards integration: children’s trusts self assessment of integrated working 2009, appendix.

Children's Workforce Development Council (CWDC), corp creator. (2009) What do young people perceive the benefit of the Entry to Employment programme to be in their present place of learning and/or employment at least six months after completion?

Children's Workforce Development Council (CWDC), corp creator. (2011) Working together for young people: a framework for foundation degree development and higher education study.

Children's Workforce Development Council (CWDC), corp creator. (2010) A review of training and materials which aim to support the children's workforce to reduce the impact of childhood poverty and disadvantage.

Children's Workforce Development Council (CWDC)
Lancaster University, corp creators. (2010) Interim evaluation report for CWDC pilot peer support programme (Research SW/04/0710).

Children's Workforce Development Council
Great Britain. Department for Children, Schools and Families, corp creators. Making choices in working with children, young people and families: launch event report.

Fountain, Rob, Childrens Workforce Development Council (CWDC), corp creator. (2010) What factors make for successful family-based short breaks for children with complex healthcare needs?

Children’s Workforce Development Council (CWDC), corp creator. (2009) Back to school, back to bullying? Taking the policy ‘out of the cupboard’.

Sanis, Neil, Children’s Workforce Development Council (CWDC), corp creator. (2010) Championing the extended schools social workers role – prevention and practice.

Chapman, Lynnette and Wood, Jim, Children’s Workforce Development Council (CWDC), corp creator. (2009) Children as partners: Children’s perspectives on parental involvement.

Children’s Workforce Development Council (CWDC), corp creator. (2011) Children’s workforce matters business plan 2011/2012.

Benington, Kris, Children’s Workforce Development Council (CWDC), corp creator. (2009) Connexions ‘Active Involvement’ agenda and integrated working.

Filer, Janice, Children’s Workforce Development Council (CWDC), corp creator. (2010) Developmental movement play: moving into motion to transform lives and well-being: using ourselves to communicate through movement.

Children’s Workforce Development Council (CWDC), corp creator. (2010) Do young people experiencing the transition from children’s services to adult services understand the process and what their choices are?

Children’s Workforce Development Council (CWDC), corp creator. (2011) EPD : outcome statements and guidance : Early Professional Development 2011-13 edition.

Children’s Workforce Development Council (CWDC), corp creator. (2011) EPD handbook for employers and social workers : Early Professional Development 2011-13 edition.

Children’s Workforce Development Council (CWDC), corp creator. (2012) Early Years workforce : a way forward.

Children’s Workforce Development Council (CWDC), corp creator. (2010) Encouraging paternal involvement in children’s services.

Children’s Workforce Development Council (CWDC), corp creator. (2009) Exploring the ways in which people provide and use services in the early years children centres:.

Children’s Workforce Development Council (CWDC), corp creator. (2009) Functional map of the children and young people’s workforce in England : the foundation of a coherent workforce.

Children’s Workforce Development Council (CWDC), corp creator. (2009) Handbook for providers: a guide to the gateway review and the assessment process (Early Years Professional Status).

Adams, Paul and Bevan, Sarah, Children’s Workforce Development Council (CWDC), corp creator. (2009) How do kinship (family and friends) foster carers experience their role and working relationships within the children’s workforce? (Sharing our experience, Practitioner-led research 2008-2009; PLR0809/054).

Children’s Workforce Development Council (CWDC), corp creator. (2009) How do multi-agency working and systems support children and families in accessing children’s centre provision? (Sharing our experience, Practitioner-led research 2008-2009; PLR0809/040).

Cromarty, Karen and Richards, Kaye, Children’s Workforce Development Council (CWDC), corp creator. (2009) How do secondary school counsellors work with other professionals?

McDonnell, Fran and Zutshi, Harry, Children’s Workforce Development Council (CWDC), corp creator. (2010) Inspiring practice: a guide to developing an integrated approach to supervision in children’s trusts.

Filer, Janice, Children’s Workforce Development Council (CWDC), corp creator. (2009) Integrated approach to parenting support.

Connolly, Andrea and Shewring, Michelle, Children’s Workforce Development Council (CWDC), corp creator. (2009) ‘I’m excluded – who’s gonna care?’ Multi-agency teams supporting the care of excluded children in educational settings – policy into practice, what works and what doesn’t? (Sharing our experience, Practitioner-led research 2008-2009; PLR0809/062).

Children’s Workforce Development Council (CWDC), corp creator. (2007) Learning mentor practice guide.

Catling, Peter and Jenkins, David, Children’s Workforce Development Council (CWDC), corp creator. (2009) Multi-agency training and the artist (Sharing our experience, Practitioner-led research 2008-2009; PLR0809/032).

Carpenter, John, Patsios, Demi, Wood, Marsha, Shardlow, Steven, Blewett, James, Platt, Dendy, Scholar, Helen, Haines, Carole, Tunstill, Jane and Wong, Carmen, Children’s Workforce Development Council (CWDC), corp creator. (2011) Newly Qualified Social Worker programme : evaluation report on the second year.

Children’s Workforce Development Council (CWDC), corp creator. (2009) Social work improvement fund 2010/2011: report on 151 visits to local authorities.

Children’s Workforce Development Council (CWDC), corp creator. (2010) Together towards integration: children’s trusts self assessment of integrated working 2009 national report.

Children’s Workforce Development Council (CWDC), corp creator. (2009) Towards effective home communication for better school attendance: a study with the Somali community (Sharing our experience, Practitioner-led research 2008-2009; PLR0809/087).

Silver, Karin, Children’s Workforce Development Council (CWDC), corp creator. (2009) ‘What is our out of school club?’ A child-centred approach to understanding the role of an OOSC and integrated working: Sharing our experience (Practitioner-led research 2008-2009 PLR0809/016).

Woolf, Alison, Children’s Workforce Development Council (CWDC), corp creator. (2010) What is the impact of better play training on trainees’ ability to; provide and facilitate better play experiences, understand and respond to the behaviour of the child and be aware of their own responses and reactions?

Hine, Paul, Children’s Workforce Development Council (CWDC), corp creator. (2009) ‘Who’s on My Side?’ In what ways can creativity be used to discover what young people with behavioural, social and emotional difficulties think of the multi-agency services they receive? (Sharing our experience, Practitioner-led research 2008-2009; PLR0809/056).

Children’s Workforce Development Council (CWDC), corp creator. (2010) Why won’t they go…? Looking at absenteeism in a local high school setting.

Atkinson, Ian, Barham, Jo and Giller, Henri, Children’s Workforce Development Council (CWDC), corp creator. (2011) Young People’s Workforce Reform Programme : evaluation report.

Children’s Workforce Development Council (CWDC), corp creator. (2011) The children and young people’s workforce : children’s workforce matters : business plan 2011/2012.

Children’s Workforce Development Council (CWDC), corp creator. (2009) An evaluation of the Flexible Response Team: does the service provide an integrated approach to family support work?

Jude, Julia and Regan, Sue, Children’s Workforce Development Council (CWDC), corp creator. (2010) An exploration of reflective practice in a social care team: a qualitative review.

Hargrave, Cally and Andrews, Danielle, Children’s Workforce Development Council (CWDC), corp creator. (2010) An exploration of the role of group work in supporting young people affected by parental substance misuse.

Children’s Workforce Development Council (CWDC), corp creator. (2010) The impact, value and outcomes of creative workshops (Express Yourself) for adopted children and young people aged 7-13 years.

Mellor, David and McDonnell, Fran, Children’s Workforce Development Council (CWDC), corp creator. (2010) A picture worth millions: state of the young people’s workforce.

Baginsky, Mary, Teague, Claire, Emsley, Lucy, Price, Christopher, Sames, Kelly and Truong, Yen, Children’s Workforce Development Council (CWDC), corp creator. (2011) A summative report on the qualitative evaluation on the eleven remodelling social work pilots 2008-11.

King, Caroline F, Children’s Workforce Development Council (CWDC)
Hampshire Educational Psychology Service, corp creators. (2009) Adopted children and the transition from primary to secondary school: an examination of pupil, parent and teacher views.

Crossland, Ruth, Children’s Workforce Development Council (CWDC)
Worcester Council, corp creators. (2009) What helps or hinders practitioners, children and young people, and their families in implementing the Common Assessment Framework and Lead Professional working?

Great Britain. Department for Education and Skills
Children’s Workforce Development Council, corp creators. (2007) The lead professional : managers' guide : integrated working to improve outcomes for children and young people.

Great Britain. Department for Education and Skills
Children’s Workforce Development Council (CWDC), corp creators. (2006) The lead professional : practitioners' guide : integrated working to improve outcomes for children and young people.

Hampshire Educational Psychology Service, corp creator. (2009) How integrated working facilitated the transition of children from primary to secondary school (Sharing our experience, Practitioner-led research 2008-2009; PLR0809/014).

Oliver, Christine, Mooney, Ann and Statham, June, Institute of Education
Children’s Workforce Development Council (CWDC), corp creators. (2010) Integrated working: a review of the evidence.

Burgoyne, Bridget, National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (NSPCC), corp creator. (2009) How can we make multi-agency work in the arena of child trafficking more effective?

Pollination Campaigns, corp creator. (2009) How practitioners can improve the way they work together in planning, supporting and facilitating the introductions process between adoptive parent(s) and their children (Sharing our experience, Practitioner-led research 2008-2009; PLR0809/109).

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