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Items where Year is 2019

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Number of items: 362.


Abrahams, Katie and Cirin, Rob, Department for Education (DFE), corp creator. (2019) Delayed school admissions for summer born pupils. [ Research report ]

Abreu, Laura and Bellis, Alexander, UK Parliament
House of Commons Library, corp creators. (2019) House of Commons Library: Briefing Paper: Number 07714, 1 April 2019: The Family Test. [ Briefing paper (House of Commons Library) ]

Adams, Lorna, Hewitt, Jessica Huntley, Morris, Sam, Whittaker, Sam and Robertson, Kyle, Department for Education (DFE)
IFF Research, corp creators. (2019) Master's loan evaluation. [ Research report ]

Agnew, Lord, Department for Education (DFE), corp creator. (2019) Speech: Lord Agnew: Schools North East : Opportunity North East programme: 10 October 2019.

Agnew, Theodore (Lord), Department for Education (DFE), corp creator. (2019) Speech: Lord Agnew at the Festival of Education, Wellington College, 20 June 2019.

Akhal, Avinash, Education Policy Institute, corp creator. (2019) The early years workforce : a comparison with retail workers.

Akhal, Avinash, Education Policy Institute (EPI), corp creator. (2019) The impact of recent government policies on early years provision.

Aldridge, Fiona, Tyers, Claire, Smeaton, Deborah and Klenk, Hazel, Further Education Trust for Leadership (FETL)
Adult Learning Within Reach
Learning and Work Institute, corp creators. (2019) Learning at life transitions : supporting learners returning to work or preparing to retire.

Aldridge, Stephen, Ministry of Housing, Communities & Local Government, corp creator. (2019) National evaluation of the Troubled Families Programme 2015-2020: Findings.

Allen, Becky and McInerney, Laura, The Sutton Trust, corp creator. (2019) The recruitment gap : attracting teachers to schools serving disadvantaged communities. July 2019.

Andrews, Jon, Education Policy Institute, corp creator. (2019) School revenue balances in England.

Andrews, Jon, Education Policy Institute (EPI), corp creator. (2019) Understanding school revenue expenditure : Part 1 : Why do we need another study on school funding?

Andrews, Jon, Education Policy Institute, corp creator. (2019) Understanding school revenue expenditure. Part 2: How does overall funding and expenditure relate to school characteristics?

Andrews, Jon, Hunt, Emily, Mills, Bobbie and Bunting, Felix, Education Policy Institute (EPI)
Nuffield Foundation, corp creators. (2019) General Election 2019 : an analysis of manifesto plans for education.

Arrigon, Debbie, Public Health England (PHE)
Youth Sport Trust (YST)
Association of Colleges Sport, corp creators. (2019) What works in schools and colleges to increase physical activity? A resource for head teachers, college principals, staff working in education settings, school nurses, directors of public health, county sports partnerships and wider partners.

Averill, Phoebe, Bristow, Tom, Jessop, Curtis, Mezzanzanica, Marta, Scandone, Berenice and Vaganay, Arnaud, Department for Education (DFE)
NatCen Social Research, corp creators. (2019) Post 18 choice of part-time study. May 2019. [ Research report ]


Baird, Jo-Anne, Caro, Daniel, Elliott, Victoria, El Masri, Yasmine, Ingram, Jenni, Isaacs, Tina, Pinot de Moira, Anne, Randhawa, Ashmita, Stobart, Gordon, Meadows, Michelle, Morin, Caroline and Taylor, Rachel, Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation (OFQUAL), corp creator. (2019) Examination reform : impact of linear and modular examinations at GCSE. April 2019.

Baldauf, Beate and Luchinskaya, Daria, Department for Education (DFE)
Institute for Employment Research
University of Warwick, corp creators. (2019) Graduate choices in post-education jobs and careers : a literature review, May 2019.

Bandura, Romina and Grainger, Paul, Think20 (T20)
Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS)
University College London (UCL), corp creators. (2019) Future of Work and Education for the Digital Age: Rethinking Pathways to Employment: Technical and Vocational Training for The Digital Age. [ T20 Japan 2019 ]

Barbour, Laura, The Sutton Trust, corp creator. (2019) Developing 21st Century Essential Life Skills: Supporting self-regulation in 3-4 year olds.

Barclay, Stephen, Johnson, Boris, Gove, Michael, Javid, Sajid, Patel, Priti, Smith, Julian and Cox, Geoffrey, UK Parliament
House of Commons, corp creators. (2019) European Union (Withdrawal Agreement) Bill.

Barrance, Rhian, Children's Commissioner for Wales, corp creator. (2019) Beth Nawr, 2019 : the survey results and analysis of the experiences and worries of children and young people in Wales and their priorities for the Children's Commissioner.

Bate, Alex and Bellis, Alexander, House of Commons Library
House of Commons
UK Parliament, corp creators. (2019) House of Commons Library briefing paper : Number 07585, 8 August 2019 : The Troubled Families Programme (England). [ Briefing paper (House of Commons Library) ]

Bates, Neil, Further Education Trust for Leadership (FETL), corp creator. (2019) A World-class Workforce for World-class Skills: The case for a national institute for technical teaching and regional knowledge centres. [ Monograph ]

Belfield, Chris, Britton, Jack, Buscha, Franz, Dearden, Lorraine, Dickson, Matt, van der Erve, Laura, Sibieta, Luke, Vignoles, Anna, Walker, Ian and Zhu, Yu, Department for Education (DFE)
Institute for Fiscal Studies, corp creators. (2019) The impact of undergraduate degrees on early-career earnings: Research report: November 2018. [ Research report ]

Belfield, Chris, Britton, Jack, van der Erve, Laura and Shephard, Neil, Institute for Fiscal Studies
Economic & Social Research Council (ESRC)
Nuffield Foundation
Universities UK, corp creators. (2019) Where is the money going? Estimating the government cost of different university degrees : IFS Briefing Note BN244. [ IFS Briefing Note ]

Belfield, Chris and Erve, Laura van der, Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS)
University College London (UCL), corp creators. (2019) The impact of higher education on the living standards of female graduates : IFS working paper W18/25. [ IFS working paper ]

Bharkhada, Bhavina and Long, Robert, UK Parliament
House of Commons Library, corp creators. (2019) House of Commons Library: Briefing Paper Number 07819: 27 June 2019: Constituency casework: schools in Scotland. [ Briefing paper (House of Commons Library) ]

Black, Beth, He, Qingping and Morin, Caroline, Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation (OFQUAL), corp creator. (2019) Vocational and Technical Qualifications: assessment functioning of examinations in performance table qualifications: An overview of 20 Level 3 assessments. [ Research and Analysis ]

Boland, Moyra, Scottish Government (Scotland), corp creator. (2019) Independent Panel on Career Pathways for Teachers. Final report, May 2019.

Bolton, Paul, UK Parliament
House of Commons Library, corp creators. (2019) Education spending in the UK. [ Briefing paper (House of Commons Library) ]

Bolton, Paul, UK Parliament
House of Commons Library, corp creators. (2019) Higher education funding in England. [ Briefing paper (House of Commons Library) ]

Bolton, Paul, UK Parliament
House of Commons Library, corp creators. (2019) Higher education student numbers. [ Briefing paper (House of Commons Library) ]

Bolton, Paul, House of Commons Library
House of Commons
UK Parliament, corp creators. (2019) House of Commons Library : Briefing paper : Number 7393, 1 July 2019 : Higher education funding in England. [ Briefing paper (House of Commons Library) ]

Bolton, Paul, UK Parliament
House of Commons Library, corp creators. (2019) House of Commons Library Briefing Paper: Number 1078, 11 September 2019: Education spending in the UK. [ Briefing paper (House of Commons Library) ]

Bolton, Paul, House of Commons Library
House of Commons
UK Parliament, corp creators. (2019) House of Commons Library briefing paper : Number 0616, 31 July 2019 : Oxford 'elitism'. [ Briefing paper (House of Commons Library) ]

Bolton, Paul, House of Commons Library
House of Commons
UK Parliament, corp creators. (2019) House of Commons Library briefing paper : Number 7393, 4 January 2019 : Higher education funding in England. [ Briefing paper (House of Commons Library) ]

Bolton, Paul, UK Parliament
House of Commons Library, corp creators. (2019) House of Commons Library: Briefing Paper Number 5440: 12 June 2019: Higher Education Finance Statistics. [ Briefing paper (House of Commons Library) ]

Bolton, Paul, UK Parliament
House of Commons Library, corp creators. (2019) House of Commons Library: Briefing Paper: Number 1079, 6 February 2019: Student Loan Statistics. [ House of Commons Library Briefing Paper ]

Bolton, Paul, UK Parliament
House of Commons Library, corp creators. (2019) House of Commons Library: Briefing Paper: Number 7857, 7 February 2019: Higher education student numbers. [ House of Commons Library Briefing Paper ]

Bolton, Paul, UK Parliament
House of Commons Library, corp creators. (2019) House of Commons Library: Briefing paper: Number 0616, 9 January 2019: Oxbridge 'elitism'. [ House of Commons Library Briefing Paper ]

Bolton, Paul, UK Parliament
House of Commons Library, corp creators. (2019) Student loan statistics. [ Briefing paper (House of Commons Library) ]

Bolton, Paul, UK Parliament
House of Commons Library, corp creators. (2019) The value of student maintenance support. [ Briefing paper (House of Commons Library) ]

Bolton, Paul and Hubble, Sue, UK Parliament
House of Commons Library, corp creators. (2019) House of Commons Library: Briefing Paper: Number 8389, 5 April 2019: Returns to a degree. [ Briefing paper (House of Commons Library) ]

Bonetti, Sara, Education Policy Institute
Nuffield Foundation, corp creators. (2019) The early years workforce in England: a comparative analysis using the Labour Force Survey.

Bourquin, Pascale, Cribb, Jonathan, Waters, Tom and Xu, Xiaowei, The Institute for Fiscal Studies, corp creator. (2019) Living standards, poverty and inequality in the UK : 2019.

Bradbury, Jason, Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills (OFSTED) (2007-), corp creator. (2019) Statement of administrative sources.

Bradbury, Jason, Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills (OFSTED) (2007-), corp creator. (2019) Statement on confidentiality and data access.

Britton, Jack, Farquharson, Christine and Sibieta, Luke, Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS), corp creator. (2019) 2019 annual report on education spending in England.

Brokenshire, James, Ministry of Housing, Communities & Local Government, corp creator. (2019) Speech: Rt Hon James Brokenshire MP: Troubled Families: 19 March 2019.

Brown, Miranda, Department for Education (DFE)
YouthSight, corp creators. (2019) Attitudes of higher education applicants, students and graduates towards the student finance system. May 2019. [ Research report ]

Burgess, Simon and Thompson, Dave, The Sutton Trust, corp creator. (2019) Making the Grade: The impact of GCSE reforms on the attainment gap between disadvantaged pupils and their peers.

Burgess, Simon and Thomson, Dave, The Sutton Trust, corp creator. (2019) Making the Grade : the impact of GCSE reforms on the attainment gap between disadvantaged pupils and their peers.

Burrell, Stephen, Ruxton, Sandy and Westmarland, Nicole, UK Parliament, corp creator. (2019) Changing Gender Norms: Engaging with Men and Boys.

Bursnall, M, Naddeo, A and Speckesser, S, Institute for Employment Studies (IES), corp creator. (2019) Young people’s education choices and progression to higher education: A comparison of A-Level and Non-A-Level students in Key Stage 5, their subject choices and transitions to university. [ IES report ]

Butler, Louise, Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills (OFSTED), corp creator. (2019) State-funded schools inspections and outcomes as at 31 March 2019. [ Official statistics ]


Cadwallader, Stuart, Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation (OFQUAL), corp creator. (2019) The impact of qualification reform on the practical skills of A level science students: Paper 5: Final report on the pre- and post-reform evaluation of science practical skills.

Cassidy, Rachel, Cattan, Sarah, Crawford, Claire and Dytham, Siobhan, Institute for Fiscal Studies
Economic & Social Research Council (ESRC), corp creators. (2019) How can we increase girls’ uptake of maths and physics A-level?

Cattan, Sarah, Conti, Gabriella, Farquharson, Christine and Ginja, Rita, Institute for Fiscal Studies
Economic & Social Research Council
Nuffield Foundation, corp creators. (2019) The health effects of Sure Start.

Chadwick, Paul, Clark, Jade and Gahagan, Alison, Public Health England (PHE), corp creator. (2019) National Child Measurement Programme: conversation framework. [ Guidance ]

Cirin, Rob and Bourne, Mike, Department for Education (DFE), corp creator. (2019) Survey of School Business Professionals, 2019. [ Research report ]

Clarke, Stephen, Resolution Foundation
Nuffield Foundation, corp creators. (2019) Growing pains : the impact of leaving education during a recession on earnings and employment. May 2019. [ Resolution Foundation briefing ]

Clarke, Tom, Children's Commissioner for England, corp creator. (2019) Estimating the prevalence of the ‘toxic trio’ of family issues for each local area in England: Predictions based on spatial microsimulation methods: Vulnerability technical report 2: July 2019.

Clarke, Tom, Children's Commissioner for England, corp creator. (2019) The characteristics of gang-associated children and young people: Technical report: February 2019.

Clarke, Tom, Chowdry, Haroon and Gilhooly, Rebecca, Children's Commissioner for England, corp creator. (2019) Trends in childhood vulnerability: Vulnerability technical report 1, July 2019.

Clifton, Amy, National Assembly for Wales (Wales), corp creator. (2019) Autism (Wales): Bill Summary, January 2019.

Collier, Sally, Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation (OFQUAL), corp creator. (2019) Speech: Sally Collier: Understanding the regulation of End-Point Assessments: The Apprenticeships Conference April 2019. [ Speech ]

Collingwood, Paul and Unsworth, Louise, Public Health England (PHE), corp creator. (2019) State of the North East 2018: Public Mental Health and Wellbeing.

Collins, Damian, UK Parliament
House of Commons Digital, Culture, Media and Sport Committee, corp creators. (2019) Changing lives : the social impact of participation in culture and sport : eleventh report of Session 2017–19 ; report, together with formal minutes relating to the report. [ HC, Session 2017-19 ]

Connolly, Suzanne, Bennett, Vicki, Morrison, Cath and Stewart, Laura, Scottish Government (Scotland)
NHS Health Scotland
Association of UK Dieticians, corp creators. (2019) Standards for the delivery of tier 2 and tier 3 weight management services for children and young people in Scotland.

Corlett, Adam, Resolution Foundation, corp creator. (2019) Wrong direction : can Scotland hit its child poverty targets? [ Resolution Foundation briefing ]

Crawford, Claire, Edwards, Amy, Farquharson, Christine, Greaves, Ellen, Trevelyan, Grace, Wallace, Emma and White, Clarissa, Education Endowment Foundation (EEF), corp creator. (2019) Magic Breakfast: Evaluation report and executive summary.

Crewe, Ben, Hulley, Susie and Wright, Serena, HM Prison and Probation Service
Institute of Criminology
University of Cambridge, corp creators. (2019) Experiencing long term imprisonment from young adulthood : identity, adaptation and penal legitimacy. [ Ministry of Justice analytical series ]

Cromarty, Hannah, UK Parliament
House of Commons Library, corp creators. (2019) House of Commons Library: Briefing Paper Number 08083: 9 May 2019: Gypsies and Travellers. [ Briefing paper (House of Commons Library) ]

Cromarty, Hannah, UK Parliament
House of Commons Library, corp creators. (2019) House of Commons Library: Briefing Paper Number 08543: 28 June 2019: Children's social care services in England. [ Briefing paper (House of Commons Library) ]

Cuff, Benjamin M. P., Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation (OFQUAL)
Strategy Risk and Research directorate, corp creators. (2019) A review of approaches to assessing writing at the end of primary education : drawing upon historical and international practices. [ Research and analysis (Ofqual) ]

Curcin, Milja and Black, Beth, Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation (OFQUAL), corp creator. (2019) Awarder and stakeholder surveys on GCSE MFL performance standards. [ Research and Analysis ]

Curcin, Milja, Howard, Emma, Sully, Kate and Black, Beth, Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation (OFQUAL), corp creator. (2019) Improving awarding : 2018/2019 pilots. [ Research and analysis (Ofqual) ]


Dallimore, David, National Assembly for Wales (Wales), corp creator. (2019) Early Childhood Education and Care: Quality matters: Research Briefing, July 2019.

Darragh, Caroline, Analytical Services Group, Department of Justice
Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency
Northern Ireland Courts and Tribunals Service, corp creators. (2019) Children Order Bulletin: July to September 2019. [ Research and Statistical Bulletin ]

Davies, Chantal, Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC)
Forum for Research into Equality and Diversity
University of Chester, corp creators. (2019) Exploring positive action as a tool to address under-representation in apprenticeships. [ Research report (EHRC) ]

Davies, Gareth, National Audit Office
Department for Education (DFE), corp creators. (2019) Report by the Comptroller and Auditor General: Department for Education : Investigation into university technical colleges. 30 October 2019. [ HC, Session 2019-20 ]

Davies, Gareth, National Audit Office
Department for Education (DFE), corp creators. (2019) Support for pupils with special educational needs and disabilities in England : report by the Comptroller and Auditor General. [ HC, Session 2017-2019 ]

Davies, Sally, Mytton, Oliver and Pawson, Emma, Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC), corp creator. (2019) Time to solve childhood obesity : an independent report by the Chief Medical Officer, 2019 Professor Dame Sally Davies.

De Agostini, Paola and Hudson, Nicola, Scottish Parliament Information Centre (SPICe)
Scottish Parliament (Scotland), corp creators. (2019) Child poverty in Scotland : forecasting the impact of policy options. [ SPICe Briefing ]

Dickinson, Peter, Department for Education (DFE)
Institute for Employment Research,University of Warwick, corp creators. (2019) Choices that students make between different post-18 routes and whether these choices are effective and reliably informed : review of relevant literature and evidence. Final Report, May 2019.

Dixley, Alison, Boughey, Rachel and Herrington, Alison, Department for Work and Pensions (DWP), corp creator. (2019) Informal Carers and Employment: Summary Report of a Systematic Review.

Doel, Martin and Silver, Ruth, Further Education Trust for Leadership (FETL), corp creator. (2019) Rethinking Place and Purpose: Provocations on the Future of FE.

Dominguez-Reig, Gerard and Robinson, David, Education Policy Institute
Pearson, corp creators. (2019) 16-19 education funding : trends and implications. May 2019.

Donnelly, K J, Comptroller and Auditor General
Northern Ireland Audit Office (NIAO), corp creators. (2019) Report by the Comptroller and Auditor General : Child Maintenance Service 2018-19.

Dorris, Claire, Lyons, Frances and Nugent, Richard, Department of Education (DENI) (Northern Ireland), corp creator. (2019) Informing the development of an emotional health and wellbeing framework for children and young people in Northern Ireland. May 2019.

Dorsett, Richard, Gray, Helen, Speckesser, Stefan and Stokes, Lucy, Department for Education (DFE)
National Institute of Economic and Social Research
Institute for Employment Studies (IES)
University of Westminster, corp creators. (2019) Estimating the impact of Traineeships: Final Report, June 2019.

Downe, James and Taylor-Collins, Emma, Welsh Government
Wales Centre for Public Policy, corp creators. (2019) At the tipping point? Welsh local government and austerity. June 2019.


Evennett, Heather, UK Parliament
House of Lords, corp creators. (2019) House of Lords: Library Briefing: Free Schools: Contribution to Improving Educational Standards: Debate on 10 January 2019. [ House of Lords Library Briefing ]

Exley, Stephen and Silver, Ruth, Further Education Trust for Leadership, corp creator. (2019) Burden of Proof: Is evidence really the key to good policy design?


Fairbairn, Catherine, House of Commons Library
House of Commons
UK Parliament, corp creators. (2019) House of Commons Library: Briefing paper number 08746 : 5 December 2019 : The gender recognition process. [ Briefing paper (House of Commons Library) ]

Farhan, Imogen and Heselwood, Luke, Reform, corp creator. (2019) Access for all? The participation of disadvantaged students at elite universities. [ Policy ]

Fawcett, Jack and Gunson, Russell, Further Education Trust for Leadership (FETL)
IPPR Scotland, corp creators. (2019) A 21st century skills system for Wales : challenges and opportunities.

Fawcett, Jack and Gunson, Russell, Further Education Trust for Leadership (FETL)
IPPR Scotland, corp creators. (2019) Shaping the future : a 21st century skills system for Wales : challenges and opportunities.

Field, Frank, UK Parliament
House of Commons Work and Pensions Committee, corp creators. (2019) Welfare safety net : twenty-eighth report of Session 2017-19 : report, together with formal minutes relating to the report : ordered by the House of Commons to be printed 17 July 2019. [ HC, Session 2017-19 ]

Fletcher, Mike and Grainger, Paul, Think 20
CIPPEC, corp creators. (2019) Future of Work and Education for the Digital Age : evaluating options for funding and financing post-compulsory education.

Foley, Niamh, UK Parliament
House of Commons Library, corp creators. (2019) House of Commons Library Briefing Paper: Number 5871, 10 September 2019: Youth Unemployment Statistics. [ Briefing paper (House of Commons Library) ]

Foster, David, UK Parliament
House of Commons Library, corp creators. (2019) 16-19 education funding in England since 2010. [ Briefing paper (House of Commons Library) ]

Foster, David, UK Parliament
House of Commons Library, corp creators. (2019) Adult further education funding in England since 2010. [ Briefing paper (House of Commons Library) ]

Foster, David, House of Commons Library, corp creator. (2019) House of Commons Library Briefing Paper: Number 8732, 4 November 2019: Level 4 and 5 education.

Foster, David, House of Commons Library
House of Commons
UK Parliament, corp creators. (2019) House of Commons Library briefing paper : number 5108, 12 April 2019 : Home education in England. [ Briefing paper (House of Commons Library) ]

Foster, David, House of Commons Library
House of Commons
UK Parliament, corp creators. (2019) House of Commons Library briefing paper : number 7708, 20 March 2019 : Adult further education funding in England since 2010. [ Briefing paper (House of Commons Library) ]

Foster, David, House of Commons Library
House of Commons
UK Parliament, corp creators. (2019) House of Commons Library briefing paper : number 7951, 23 April 2019 : T levels : reforms to technical education. [ Briefing paper (House of Commons Library) ]

Foster, David, UK Parliament
House of Commons Library, corp creators. (2019) House of Commons Library: Briefing Paper Number 8596: 19 June 2019: Devolution of the Adult Education Budget. [ Briefing paper (House of Commons Library) ]

Foster, David, UK Parliament
House of Commons Library, corp creators. (2019) House of Commons Library: Briefing Paper: Number 7222, 12 February 2019: Teacher recruitment and retention in England. [ House of Commons Library Briefing Paper ]

Foster, David, UK Parliament
House of Commons Library, corp creators. (2019) Initial teacher training in England. [ Briefing paper (House of Commons Library) ]

Foster, David, UK Parliament
House of Commons Library, corp creators. (2019) Teacher recruitment and retention in England. [ Briefing paper (House of Commons Library) ]

Foster, David and Danechi, Shadi, UK Parliament
House of Commons Library, corp creators. (2019) Home education in England. [ Briefing paper (House of Commons Library) ]

Foster, David and Powell, Andrew, UK Parliament
House of Commons Library, corp creators. (2019) House of Commons Library Briefing Paper: Number 7951, 21 August 2019: T Levels: Reforms to Technical Education. [ House of Commons Library Briefing Paper ]

Foster, David and Powell, Andrew, UK Parliament
House of Commons Library, corp creators. (2019) T Levels : reforms to technical education. [ Briefing paper (House of Commons Library) ]

Foster, David and Roberts, Nerys, UK Parliament
House of Commons Library, corp creators. (2019) Physical education and sport in schools. [ Briefing paper (House of Commons Library) ]

Foster, David and Roberts, Nerys, UK Parliament
House of Commons Library, corp creators. (2019) Physical education, physical activity and sport in schools. [ Briefing paper (House of Commons Library) ]

Foster, David and Roberts, Nerys, UK Parliament
House of Commons Library, corp creators. (2019) Physical education, physical activity and sport in schools. [ Briefing paper (House of Commons Library) ]

Fox, Liam, Department for International Trade, corp creator. (2019) Speech: Liam Fox: Secretary of State speech at International Education Strategy event: 1 May 2019.

Francis-Devine, Brigid, House of Commons Library
House of Commons
UK Parliament, corp creators. (2019) House of Commons Library : Briefing paper number 5871 : 17 December 2019 : Youth unemployment statistics. [ Briefing paper (House of Commons Library) ]

Francis-Devine, Brigid, House of Commons Library
House of Commons
UK Parliament, corp creators. (2019) House of Commons Library briefing paper : Number 5871, 13 August 2019 : Youth Unemployment Statistics. [ Briefing paper (House of Commons Library) ]

Francis-Devine, Brigid, UK Parliament
House of Commons Library, corp creators. (2019) Youth unemployment statistics. [ Briefing paper (House of Commons Library) ]

Francis-Devine, Brigid, Booth, Lorna and McGuinness, Feargal, UK Parliament
House of Commons Library, corp creators. (2019) House of Commons Library Briefing Paper: Number Number 7096, 5 September 2019: Poverty in the UK: statistics. [ Briefing paper (House of Commons Library) ]

Francis-Devine, Brigid, Booth, Lorna and McGuinness, Feargal, UK Parliament
House of Commons Library, corp creators. (2019) House of Commons Library: Briefing Paper Number 7096: 2 July 2019: Poverty in the UK: statistics. [ Briefing paper (House of Commons Library) ]

Friedman, Sam, Savage, Mike, McArthur, Daniel and Hecht, Katharina, The Sutton Trust, corp creator. (2019) Elites in the UK: Pulling Away? Social Mobility, Geographic Mobility and Elite Occupations.

Fullick, Sarah, Maguire, Kelly, Gibson, Michael, Murray, Lorraine and Leary, Katrina, HM Revenue and Customs
Ipsos MORI
Social Research Institute, corp creators. (2019) Families’ and childcare providers’ perceptions of the impact of Tax-Free Childcare : qualitative research report for HM Revenue & Customs.


Gaskell, Simon and Lingwood, Rebecca, Universities UK, corp creator. (2019) Widening Opportunity in Higher Education: The Third Phase: Beyond Graduation.

Gheera, Manjit, Kennedy, Steven and Cromarty, Hannah, UK Parliament
House of Commons Library, corp creators. (2019) House of Commons Library Briefing Paper: Number 2967, 11 September 2019: Financial support for family and friends carers (kinship carers). [ Briefing paper (House of Commons Library) ]

Gieve, Matthew, Hahne, Anna Sophie and King, Sadie, Tavistock Institute of Human Relations
Department for Education (DFE), corp creators. (2019) The evaluation of the adoption support fund: long-term follow-up: July 2019. [ Research report ]

Gillespie, Kimberley, McColgan, Kerry and MacNeill, Michael, Department for the Economy (Northern Ireland)
Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency, corp creators. (2019) Qualifications gained at UK Higher Education Institutions: Northern Ireland analysis 2017/18.

González Vázquez, Ignacio, European Commission
Joint Research Centre (JRC), corp creators. (2019) The changing nature of skills and work in the digital age. [ Science for policy report ]

Graham, Berni, White, Clarissa, Edwards, Amy, Potter, Sylvia, Street, Cathy and Hinds, Damian, Department for Education (DFE), corp creator. (2019) Timpson review of school exclusion: consultation outcome: May 2019. [ Command paper ]

Graham, I. and Liddicoat, J., Analytical Services Group, Department of Justice
Northern Ireland Statistics & Research Agency, corp creators. (2019) Youth Engagement Statistics for Northern Ireland, 2018/19.

Grainger, Paul and Little, Paul, Further Education Trust for Leadership (FETL), corp creator. (2019) Colleges as anchors in their spaces : a study in college leadership of place.

Grainger, Paul and Silver, Ruth, Further Education Trust for Leadership (FETL), corp creator. (2019) Crossing Boundaries 2: The FE Sector and Permeable Spaces: A review of recent FETL-funded projects and think pieces.

Greatbatch, David and Tate, Sue, Department for Education (DFE), corp creator. (2019) International comparisons of post-compulsory education systems. Final report, May 2019.

Green, Laura, HM Inspectorate of Prisons
Youth Justice Board (YJB), corp creators. (2019) Children in Custody 2017–18: An analysis of 12–18-year-olds’ perceptions of their experiences in secure training centres and young offender institutions.

Gustafsson, Maja, Intergenerational Centre
Resolution Foundation
Nuffield Foundation, corp creators. (2019) Mapping Millenials' Living Standards.


Halfon, Robert, UK Parliament
House of Commons Education Committee, corp creators. (2019) A ten-year plan for school and college funding : Tenth Report of Session 2017–19 : report, together with formal minutes relating to the report : ordered by the House of Commons to be printed 16 July 2019. [ HC, Session 2017-19 ]

Hammond, Philip, HM Treasury, corp creator. (2019) Speech: Philip Hammond: Spring Statement 2019.

Hamnett, Matt, Further Education Trust for Leadership (FETL), corp creator. (2019) Beating the odds, and the system : purpose-led transformation in further education.

Harkness, Susan, Borkowska, Magda and Pelikh, Alina, Government Equalities Office, corp creator. (2019) Employment pathways and occupational change after childbirth.

Hatton, Adam, Hampson, Rebekah and Drake, Rob, Department for Education (DFE), corp creator. (2019) An analysis of the performance of sponsored academies: Analytical research report. [ Research report ]

Hatton, Chris, Public Health England (PHE), corp creator. (2019) People with learning disabilities in England : education and children’s social care. 2018 update.

Hatton, Chris, Public Health England (PHE), corp creator. (2019) People with learning disabilities in England: Employment.

He, Qingping and Black, Beth, Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation (OFQUAL), corp creator. (2019) Statistical evidence pertaining to the claim of grading severity in GCSE French, German and Spanish and the impact of statistical alignment of standards on outcomes. [ Research and Analysis ]

Henehan, Kathleen, Resolution Foundation, corp creator. (2019) Trading up or trading off? Understanding recent changes to England’s apprenticeships system.

Heselwood, Luke, Farhan, Imogen and Shilson-Thomas, Aidan, Reform, corp creator. (2019) Preventing youth homelessness: An assessment of local approaches.

Higton, John, Archer, Rachael, Patel, Rupal, Mulla, Irshad, Francis, Nariah, Corley, Andrew and Choudhoury, Arifa, Department for Education (DFE)
CFE Research, corp creators. (2019) Further education sector reform case studies: area reviews. [ Research report ]

Higton, John, Archer, Rachael, Richards, Sally and Choudhoury, Arifa, Department for Education (DFE)
CFE Research, corp creators. (2019) Online adult learning: Rapid evidence assessment: February 2019.

Hillier, Meg, UK Parliament
House of Commons Committee of Public Accounts, corp creators. (2019) The apprenticeships programme : progress review : ninety-eighth report of Session 2017–19 : report, together with formal minutes relating to the report. [ HC, Session 2017-19 ]

Hinchliffe, Stephen, Scholes, Alex and Bradshaw, Paul, Scottish Government (Scotland)
Scottish Centre for Social Research, corp creators. (2019) Scottish Study of Early Learning and Childcare : Phase 1 report. [ Social research (Scottish Government) ]

Hinds, Damian, Department for Education (DFE), corp creator. (2019) Realising the potential of technology in education: A strategy for education providers and the technology industry.

Hinds, Damian, Department for Education (DFE), corp creator. (2019) Speech : Damian Hinds: Education Secretary sets out five foundations to build character: 7 January 2019.

Hinds, Damian, Department for Education (DFE), corp creator. (2019) Speech: Damian Hinds: 2019 NAHT conference: 3 May 2019.

Hinds, Damian, Department for Education (DFE), corp creator. (2019) Speech: Damian Hinds: Education Secretary challenges misconceptions of disadvantage : Education Secretary Damian Hinds speech at Reform on what disadvantage looks like today and why, based on the latest analysis and evidence. 17 June 2019.

Hinds, Damian, Department for Education (DFE)
Department for International Trade, corp creators. (2019) Speech: Damian Hinds: Education Secretary sets out plan for international education: 30 April 2019.

Hinds, Damian, Department for Education (DFE), corp creator. (2019) Speech: Damian Hinds: Education Secretary speaks to leaders of diversity network: 9 March 2019.

Hinds, Damian, Department for Education (DFE), corp creator. (2019) Speech: Education Secretary Damian Hinds addresses the NSPCC conference about online safety: 27 June 2019. [ Speech ]

Hinds, Damian, Department for Education (DFE), corp creator. (2019) Teacher Recruitment and Retention Strategy.

Hinds, Damien, Department for Education (DFE), corp creator. (2019) Speech: Damian Hinds: speech at the Association of School and College Leaders' annual conference 2019: 15 March 2019.

Hockaday, Colin and Murray, Lorraine, Scottish Government (Scotland)
Ipsos MORI Scotland, corp creators. (2019) Out of school care : survey of parents in Scotland. [ Social research series ]

Hodges, Helen and Bristow, Dan, Welsh Government
Wales Centre for Public Policy, corp creators. (2019) Analysis of the factors contributing to the high rates of care in Wales. [ Briefing Paper (Revised) ]

Howard, Emma and Khan, Aneesa, Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation (OFQUAL)
Strategy Risk and Research directorate, corp creators. (2019) GCSE reform in schools : the impact of GCSE reforms on students’ preparedness for A level maths and English literature. [ Research and analysis (Ofqual) ]

Hubble, Sue and Bolton, Paul, UK Parliament
House of Commons Library, corp creators. (2019) Degree Apprenticeships. [ Briefing paper (House of Commons Library) ]

Hubble, Sue and Bolton, Paul, UK Parliament
House of Commons Library, corp creators. (2019) House of Commons Library Briefing Paper: Number 8538, 14 August 2019: The Review of University Admissions. [ Briefing paper (House of Commons Library) ]

Hubble, Sue and Bolton, Paul, UK Parliament
House of Commons Library, corp creators. (2019) House of Commons Library Briefing Paper: Number 8593, 21 August 2019: Support for students with mental health issues in higher education in England. [ Briefing paper (House of Commons Library) ]

Hubble, Sue and Bolton, Paul, UK Parliament
House of Commons Library, corp creators. (2019) House of Commons Library Briefing Paper: Number 8655, 12 September 2019: Funding for healthcare students in England. [ Briefing paper (House of Commons Library) ]

Hubble, Sue and Bolton, Paul, House of Commons Library
House of Commons
UK Parliament, corp creators. (2019) House of Commons Library briefing paper : Number CBP 7976, 12 March 2019 : International and EU students in higher education in the UK FAQs. [ Briefing paper (House of Commons Library) ]

Hubble, Sue and Bolton, Paul, House of Commons Library
House of Commons
UK Parliament, corp creators. (2019) House of Commons Library briefing paper : number 8526, 11 April 2019 : Update on vice-chancellors pay in higher education institutions in England. [ Briefing paper (House of Commons Library) ]

Hubble, Sue and Bolton, Paul, House of Commons Library
House of Commons
UK Parliament, corp creators. (2019) House of Commons Library briefing paper : number 8538, 10 April 2019 : The review of university admissions. [ Briefing paper (House of Commons Library) ]

Hubble, Sue and Bolton, Paul, House of Commons Library
House of Commons
UK Parliament, corp creators. (2019) House of Commons Library briefing paper : number CBP 7976, 26 September 2019 : International and EU students in higher education in the UK FAQs. [ Briefing paper (House of Commons Library) ]

Hubble, Sue and Bolton, Paul, UK Parliament
House of Commons Library, corp creators. (2019) House of Commons Library: Briefing Paper Number 8561: 17 May 2019: Post-16 Special Educational Needs and Disabilities in England: FAQs. [ Briefing paper (House of Commons Library) ]

Hubble, Sue and Bolton, Paul, UK Parliament
House of Commons Library, corp creators. (2019) House of Commons Library: Briefing Paper: Number 8386, 17 April 2019: Cost of university courses in England. [ Briefing paper (House of Commons Library) ]

Hubble, Sue and Bolton, Paul, UK Parliament
House of Commons Library, corp creators. (2019) House of Commons Library: Briefing Paper: Number 8577: 30 May 2019: The Post-18 Education Review (the Augar Review) recommendations. [ Briefing paper (House of Commons Library) ]

Hubble, Sue and Bolton, Paul, UK Parliament
House of Commons Library
House of Commons, corp creators. (2019) House of Commons Library: Briefing paper: Number CBP 7966, 18 January 2019: Part-time undergraduate students in England. [ House of Commons Library Briefing Paper ]

Hubble, Sue and Bolton, Paul, UK Parliament
House of Commons Library, corp creators. (2019) Support for disabled students in higher education in England. [ Briefing paper (House of Commons Library) ]

Hubble, Sue, Bolton, Paul and Foster, David, House of Commons Library
House of Commons
UK Parliament, corp creators. (2019) House of Commons Library briefing paper : The forthcoming review of post-18 education and funding. [ Briefing paper (House of Commons Library) ]

Hubble, Sue, Foster, David and Bolton, Paul, House of Commons Library
House of Commons
UK Parliament, corp creators. (2019) House of Commons Library briefing paper : number 7049, 24 April 2019 : Postgraduate loans in England. [ Briefing paper (House of Commons Library) ]

Hubble, Sue, Foster, David and Bolton, Paul, UK Parliament
House of Commons Library, corp creators. (2019) House of Commons Library: Briefing Paper: Number 7049, 29 January 2019: Postgraduate loans in England. [ House of Commons Library Briefing Paper ]

Huchet-Bodet, Aimee, Albakri, Muslihah and Smith, Neil, Department for Education (DFE)
NatCen Social Research, corp creators. (2019) Attitudes to education : the British Social Attitudes survey 2017. Research brief, January 2019. [ Research report ]

Hunt, Emily, Education Policy Institute, corp creator. (2019) Fair access to schools? The impact of the appeals and waiting list system. April 2019.

Hunt, Wil and Atfield, Gaby, Department for Education (DFE)
Institute for Employment Research, corp creators. (2019) The wider (non-market) benefits of post 18 education for individuals and society. May 2019. [ Research report ]

Husain, Fatima, Chidley, Sandy, Piggott, Hannah, Averill, Phoebe, Basi, Tanya, Gilbert, Adam, Comanaru, Ruxandra, Fenton, Catherine and Corteen, Emma, Education Endowment Foundation (EEF)
NatCen Social Research, corp creators. (2019) Early Years Foundation Stage Profile (EYFSP) reforms. Pilot report, October 2019.

Huskinson, Tom, Bhaumik, Claire, Mahoney, Gareth and Pickering, Kevin, Department for Education (DFE)
Early Years Analysis and Research
Ipsos MORI, corp creators. (2019) Childcare and early years survey of parents 2019 : Technical report, December 2019.

Hutchinson, Jo, Bonetti, Sara, Crenna-Jennings, Whitney and Akhal, Avinash, Education Policy Institute
Fair Education Alliance, corp creators. (2019) Education in England : Annual report 2019.

Hutchinson, Jo and Crenna-Jennings, Whitney, Education Policy Institute
National Education Union, corp creators. (2019) Unexplained pupil exits from schools : a growing problem? Working paper. April 2019.


James, Gareth, Ayoubkhani, Daniel, Ralph, Jeff and Roarson, Gentiana D., Office for National Statistics (ONS)
Methodology Advisory Service, corp creators. (2019) Evaluation of the Statistical Elements of the Teaching Excellence and Student Outcomes Framework: A report by the Methodology Advisory Service of the Office for National Statistics.

Jarrett, Tim, UK Parliament
House of Commons Library, corp creators. (2019) House of Commons Library Briefing Paper: Number 7770, 23 September 2019: Child maintenance: how it is calculated under the 2012 CMS scheme (GB). [ Briefing paper (House of Commons Library) ]

Jarrett, Tim, UK Parliament
House of Commons Library, corp creators. (2019) House of Commons Library: Briefing Paper: Number 8076, 3 April 2019: Children: surrogacy, single people and parental orders (UK). [ Briefing paper (House of Commons Library) ]

Jarrett, Tim, UK Parliament
House of Commons Library, corp creators. (2019) House of Commons Library: Briefing Paper: Number 8303, 29 April 2019: Progress and outcomes of selected social care and child support policy changes and consultations. [ Briefing paper (House of Commons Library) ]

Jerrim, John and Sims, Sam, Department for Education (DFE)
UCL, Institute of Education, corp creators. (2019) The Teaching and Learning International Survey (TALIS) 2018: June 2019. [ Research brief ]

Jindal-Snape, Divya, Cantali, Dianne, MacGillivray, Stephen and Hannah, Elizabeth, Scottish Government (Scotland)
University of Dundee, corp creators. (2019) Primary-secondary transitions : a systematic literature review. [ Social research ]

Johnson, Claire, Coburn, Sarah, Sanders-Early, Alfie, Felton, Jonnie, Winterbotham, Mark, McLaughlin, Hugh, Pollock, Sarah, Scholar, Helen and McCaughan, Susan, Department for Education (DFE)
IFF Research
Manchester Metropolitan University
University of Salford, corp creators. (2019) Longitudinal study of local authority child and family social workers (Wave 1) : Research report : August 2019. [ Research report (DFE) ]

Johnson, Claire, Rossiter, Helen, Cartmell, Becky, Domingos, Manuel and Svanaes, Siv, Department for Education (DFE)
IFF Research, corp creators. (2019) Evaluation of disabled students’ allowances. [ Research report (Department for Education) ]

Jones, Laura, Government Equalities Office
Global Institute for Women’s Leadership, Kings College London, corp creators. (2019) Women’s Progression in the Workplace.

Joyce, Robert and Xu, Xiaowei, Institute for Fiscal Studies
Nuffield Foundation, corp creators. (2019) Inequalities in the twenty-first century : introducing the IFS Deaton Review. May 2019.


Kelly, Richard and Uberoi, Elise, House of Commons Library
House of Commons
UK Parliament, corp creators. (2019) House of Commons Library : Briefing Paper : Number 8603, 24 June 2019 : Evolution and changing composition of departmental select committees. [ Briefing paper (House of Commons Library) ]

Keohane, Nigel and Silver, Ruth, Further Education Trust for Leadership (FETL), corp creator. (2019) Leading Skills: Paper 2: Policies for strong leadership in Further Education colleges.

Kerr, James and Njouoguep Laptche, Manuella, Department for Work and Pensions (DWP), corp creator. (2019) Child Maintenance Service Statistics: Data for August 2013 to December 2018. [ Official experimental ]

Kik, Genna, Winterbotham, Mark and Cranney, Marc, Scottish Government (Scotland)
IFF Research, corp creators. (2019) Scottish Employer Perspectives Survey 2019: Technical report: November 2019. [ Social Research series ]

Kik, Genna, Winterbotham, Mark, Tweddle, Mark, Cranney, Marc and Morrice, Naomi, Scottish Government (Scotland)
IFF Research, corp creators. (2019) Scottish Employer Perspectives Survey (EPS) 2019: Research Report. [ Social Research series ]

Knudsen, Line, Currie, Eilidh, Bradshaw, Paul, Law, James and Wood, Rachael, Scottish Government (Scotland), corp creator. (2019) Growing Up in Scotland : changes in language ability over the primary school years.

Kohli, Ravi K. S., Connolly, Helen, Stott, Hannah, Roe, Stephen, Prince, Stuart, Long, James and Gordon-Ramsay, Samuel, Home Office, corp creator. (2019) An evaluation of Independent Child Trafficking Guardians : early adopter sites. Final report, July 2019. [ Research report ]


Lambert, Steve, Further Education Trust for Leadership (FETL), corp creator. (2019) Fellow 2017 : leverage leadership : a new paradigm for further education.

Lambert, Steve, Further Education Trust for Leadership (FETL), corp creator. (2019) Fellow 2017 : leverage leadership : lessons from further education.

Lee, Ming Wei, Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation (OFQUAL), corp creator. (2019) Summary of contextual information about NRT 2017-2019. [ Research and analysis ]

Lewis, Sioned, Thomas, Hefin, Grover, Tanwen, Glyn, Eluned, Prys, Cynog, Hodges, Rhian and Roberts, Einir, Welsh Government
Arad Research
Bangor University, corp creators. (2019) Process Evaluation of Cymraeg for Kids. [ Social Research ]

Lincoln, Helen, Department for Education (DFE)
Essex County Council
Commissioner for Children's Services in Blackpool, corp creators. (2019) Report into Children’s Services in Blackpool following inspection : report for the Secretary of State for Education by Helen Lincoln and Essex County Council, Commissioner for Children’s Services in Blackpool. July 2019.

Lindley, Lucy, Clemens, Sam, Knibbs, Sarah, Stevens, Jane and Bagge, Leia, Department for Education (DFE)
Ipsos MORI, corp creators. (2019) Omnibus survey of pupils and their parents or carers: wave 5: Research report: March 2019. [ Research report ]

Long, Robert, House of Commons Library
House of Commons
UK Parliament, corp creators. (2019) House of Commons Library : briefing paper : number 07972, 28 June 2019 : Independent schools (England). [ Briefing paper (House of Commons Library) ]

Long, Robert, House of Commons Library
House of Commons
UK Parliament, corp creators. (2019) House of Commons Library briefing paper : Number 06103, 11 July 2019 : Relationships and Sex Education in Schools (England). [ Briefing paper (House of Commons Library) ]

Long, Robert, House of Commons Library
House of Commons
UK Parliament, corp creators. (2019) House of Commons Library briefing paper : Number 08414, 1 August 2019 : School uniform costs in England.

Long, Robert, UK Parliament
House of Commons Library, corp creators. (2019) House of Commons Library: Briefing Paper: Number 07148, 5 April 2019: The School Day and Year (England). [ Briefing paper (House of Commons Library) ]

Long, Robert, UK Parliament
House of Commons Library, corp creators. (2019) Personal, social, health and economic education in schools (England). [ Briefing paper (House of Commons Library) ]

Long, Robert, UK Parliament
House of Commons Library, corp creators. (2019) Relationships and sex education in schools (England). [ Briefing paper (House of Commons Library) ]

Long, Robert, UK Parliament
House of Commons Library, corp creators. (2019) The School Day and Year (England). [ Briefing paper (House of Commons Library) ]

Long, Robert, UK Parliament
House of Commons Library, corp creators. (2019) School uniform costs in England. [ Briefing paper (House of Commons Library) ]

Long, Robert and Danechi, Shadi, UK Parliament, corp creator. (2019) House of Commons Library Briefing Paper: Number 06045, 4 September 2019: English Baccalaureate. [ Briefing paper (House of Commons Library) ]

Long, Robert and Danechi, Shadi, UK Parliament
House of Commons Library, corp creators. (2019) House of Commons Library Briefing Paper: Number 07375, 18 September 2019: School buildings and capital funding (England). [ Briefing paper (House of Commons Library) ]

Long, Robert and Danechi, Shadi, UK Parliament
House of Commons Library, corp creators. (2019) House of Commons Library Briefing Paper: Number 07388, 18 September 2019: Language teaching in schools (England). [ House of Commons Library Briefing Paper ]

Long, Robert and Danechi, Shadi, House of Commons Library, corp creator. (2019) House of Commons Library Briefing Paper: Number 08444, 28 October 2019: Off-rolling in English schools. [ Briefing paper (House of Commons Library) ]

Long, Robert and Danechi, Shadi, House of Commons Library
House of Commons
UK Parliament, corp creators. (2019) House of Commons Library briefing paper : number 08444, 11 April 2019 : Off-rolling in English schools. [ Briefing paper (House of Commons Library) ]

Long, Robert and Danechi, Shadi, UK Parliament
House of Commons Library, corp creators. (2019) House of Commons Library: Briefing Paper: Number 08444, 20 February 2019: Off-rolling in English schools. [ House of Commons Library Briefing Paper ]

Long, Robert, Danechi, Shadi and Loft, Philip, UK Parliament, corp creator. (2019) House of Commons Library: Briefing Paper Number 06972: 20 December 2019: Faith Schools in England: FAQs. [ Briefing paper (House of Commons Library) ]

Long, Robert, Danechi, Shadi and Loft, Philip, UK Parliament, corp creator. (2019) House of Commons Library: Briefing Paper Number 07250: 23 December 2019: University Technical Colleges. [ Briefing paper (House of Commons Library) ]

Long, Robert and Hubble, Sue, House of Commons Library
House of Commons
UK Parliament, corp creators. (2019) House of Commons Library briefing paper : number 07236, 23 April 2019 : Careers guidance in schools, colleges and universities. [ Briefing paper (House of Commons Library) ]

Long, Robert and Roberts, Nerys, UK Parliament
House of Commons Library, corp creators. (2019) House of Commons Library: Briefing Paper: Number 07020, 8 February 2019: Special Educational Needs: support in England. [ House of Commons Library Briefing Paper ]

Long, Robert and Roberts, Nerys, UK Parliament
House of Commons Library, corp creators. (2019) Special Educational Needs : support in England. [ Briefing paper (House of Commons Library) ]

Long, Robert, Roberts, Nerys and Danechi, Shadi, UK Parliament
House of Commons Library, corp creators. (2019) Special educational needs : support in England. [ Briefing paper (House of Commons Library) ]

Longfield, Anne, Children's Commissioner for England, corp creator. (2019) Evidence Submitted to the Housing, Communities and Local Government Select Committee Inquiry into funding and provision of children’s services.

Longfield, Anne, Children's Commissioner for England, corp creator. (2019) Keeping kids safe: Improving safeguarding responses to gang violence and criminal exploitation: February 2019.

Looney, Steve, Drummond, Adam and Grayson, Chloe, Department for Education (DFE)
Opinium Research, corp creators. (2019) Attitudes towards the student finance system. May 2019. [ Research report ]

Lowden, Kevin, Hall, Stuart, Bravo, Angela, Orr, Craig and Chapman, Chris, Scottish Government (Scotland)
University of Glasgow
Robert Owen Centre for Educational Change, corp creators. (2019) Knowledge Utilisation Mapping Study : Scottish education system. Final report, August 2019. [ Social research series ]

Lyonette, Clare, Atfield, Gaby, Baldauf, Beate and Owen, David, Department for Education (DFE)
The Institute for Employment Research (IRE)
University of Warwick, corp creators. (2019) Research on the educational psychologist workforce : research report, March 2019. [ Research report (Department for Education) ]

Lyonette, Clare and Baldauf, Beate, Government Equalities Office
Institute for Employment Research, University of Warwick, corp creators. (2019) Family friendly working policies and practices: Motivations, influences and impacts for employers.


Mannay, Dawn and Lyttleton-Smith, Jen, Welsh Government
Arad Research
ICF Consulting Services Limited
Cardiff University
School of Social Sciences
Children's Social Care Research and Development Centre (CASCADE), corp creators. (2019) Evaluation of the implementation of the Pupil Development Grant for Looked After Children : final report. [ Social research (Welsh Government) ]

Marshall, Lydia, Chidley, Sandy, Lubian, Klaudia, Aleksejunai, Migle and Marcheselli, Franziska, Department for Education (DFE)
Government Social Research
NatCen Social Research, corp creators. (2019) Survey of Childcare and Early Years Providers 2019: Technical report: November 2019. [ Technical report ]

Martinez, Claudia and Pritchard, Joshua, Reform, corp creator. (2019) Proceed with caution What makes personal budgets work?

Matthews, Allan, Nesbitt, Allan and French, Brian, Department for the Economy (Northern Ireland)
Statistics and Research Branch (Tertiary Education), corp creators. (2019) Further Education activity in Northern Ireland : 2014/15 to 2018/19.

May, Theresa, UK Parliament, corp creator. (2019) Speech: Prime Minister Theresa May: Augar Review launch: 30 May 2019.

McAdams, Rachel, NHS Health Scotland, corp creator. (2019) A sample outcomes planning tool for local action to tackle child poverty.

McColgan, Kerry, Gillespie, Kimberley and MacNeill, Michael, Department for the Economy (Northern Ireland)
Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency, corp creators. (2019) Enrolments at UK Higher Education Institutions: Northern Ireland analysis 2017/18. [ National Statistics ]

McGuinness, Feargal and Harari, Daniel, UK Parliament
House of Commons Library, corp creators. (2019) House of Commons Library: Briefing Paper Number 7484: 20 May 2019: Income inequality in the UK. [ Briefing paper (House of Commons Library) ]

McIntosh, Steven, Department for Education (DFE), corp creator. (2019) Post-16 aspirations and outcomes : comparison of the LSYPE cohorts. May 2019. [ Research report ]

McKenna, Dominic, HM Revenue & Customs, corp creator. (2019) Tax-Free Childcare Statistics. June 2019.

McLennan, David, Noble, Stefan, Noble, Michael, Plunkett, Emma, Wright, Gemma and Gutacker, Nils, Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government (MHCLG), corp creator. (2019) The English Indices of Deprivation 2019 : technical report. [ Guidance ]

McMillan, Fergus and Morton, James, Scottish Government (Scotland)
LGBT Youth Scotland
Scottish Trans Alliance, corp creators. (2019) Supporting Transgender Young People: Guidance for Schools in Scotland.

Mellors-Bourne, Robin and Williams, Keith, Office for Students (OfS)
Careers Research & Advisory Centre (CRAC), corp creators. (2019) Evaluation of a scheme to develop pilot engineering and computing conversion Masters courses. March 2019.

Milton, Anne, Department for Education (DFE), corp creator. (2019) Speech: Anne Milton: Apprenticeships and Skills Minister addresses Association of Colleges spring conference: 23 May 2019. [ Speech ]

Moran, Sara, National Assembly for Wales (Wales), corp creator. (2019) Financial support for undergraduate students in Higher Education 2019/20: Constituents Guide, June 2019.

Moran, Sara, National Assembly for Wales (Wales), corp creator. (2019) Funding for adult and postgraduate learners 2019/20: Constituents Guide, June 2019.

Mordaunt, Penny, HM Government, corp creator. (2019) Gender equality at every stage: a roadmap for change.

Mordaunt, Penny, Minister for Women and Equalities
Government Equalities Office, corp creators. (2019) LGBT Action Plan : annual progress report 2018 to 2019. [ Command paper ]

Morse, Amyas, National Audit Office (NAO)
Department for Education (DFE), corp creators. (2019) Pressures on children’s social care. [ HC (Session 2017-19) ]

Morse, Amyas, National Audit Office (NAO)
House of Commons
UK Parliament, corp creators. (2019) Report by the Comptroller and Auditor General : Department for Education : the apprenticeships programme. [ HC (Session 2017-19) ]

Mulgan, Geoff, Breckon, Jonathan, Tarrega, Mariola, Bakhshi, Hasan, Davies, John, Khan, Halima and Finnis, Annie, Nesta, corp creator. (2019) Public value : how can it be measured, managed and grown?


Nafilyan, Vahé, Office for National Statistics, corp creator. (2019) Gender differences in commute time and pay. [ National Statistics ]

Ney, Mary, Department for Education (DFE), corp creator. (2019) Independent review of college financial oversight. October 2019. [ Independent report ]

Noble, Stefan, McLennan, David, Noble, Michael, Plunkett, Emma, Gutacker, Nils, Silk, Mary and Wright, Gemma, Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government (MHCLG)
Oxford Consultants for Social Inclusion (OCSI), corp creators. (2019) The English Indices of Deprivation 2019 : research report. [ Research report ]


O'Leary, Matt, Smith, Rob, Cui, Vanessa and Dakka, Fadia, Further Education Trust for Leadership (FETL), corp creator. (2019) The role of leadership in prioritising and improving the quality of teaching and learning in further education : project report for FETL.


Papoutsaki, Dafni, Byford, Morwenna, Wilson, Tony and Newton, Becci, Institute for Employment Studies (IES), corp creator. (2019) Young People’s Future Health Inquiry : the quality of work on offer to young people and how it supports the building blocks for a healthy life. [ Report (IES) ]

Parkin, Elizabeth, Long, Rob and Gheera, Manjit, House of Commons Library
House of Commons
UK Parliament, corp creators. (2019) House of Commons Library briefing paper : Number 07196, 11 July 2019 : Children and young people’s mental health : policy, services, funding and education. [ Briefing paper (House of Commons Library) ]

Parks, Sarah, Rodriguez-Rincon, Daniela, Parkinson, Sarah and Manville, Catriona, RAND Europe, corp creator. (2019) The changing research landscape and reflections on national research assessment in the future.

Pascal, Chris, Bertram, Tony and Peckham, Kathryn, Wales Centre for Public Policy (WCPP), corp creator. (2019) Integrated early years systems : a review of international evidence.

Pearce, Dame Shirley (2019) Independent review of the Teaching Excellence and Student Outcomes Framework (TEF) : report to the Secretary of State for Education : August 2019.

Peden, Jo, Stürup-Toft, Sunita, Bath, Rachel, Jesurasa, Amrita and O’Moore, Éamonn, Public Health England (PHE), corp creator. (2019) Collaborative approaches to preventing offending and re-offending in children (CAPRICORN) : a resource for local health & justice system leaders to support collaborative working for children and young people with complex needs. [ Guidance ]

Pember, Susan, Further Education Trust for Leadership (FETL), corp creator. (2019) Adult Community Education : supporting place and people : characteristics of success. [ Monograph ]

Perera, Natalie, Education Policy Institute, corp creator. (2019) High needs funding : an overview of the key issues.

Platts, Alison, Griesbach, Dawn and Mackay, Fiona, Scottish Government (Scotland), corp creator. (2019) One Scotland: Hate Has No Home Here: Consultation on amending Scottish hate crime legislation: Analysis of responses, June 2019.

Pollard, E., Huxley, C., Martin, A., Green, M., Griggs, J., Ilic, N., Cooper, E. and Piggott, H., Department for Education (DFE)
Institute for Employment Studies
NatCen Social Research, corp creators. (2019) Alternative student finance : current and future students’ perspectives: Research report, May 2019. [ Research report ]

Pollard, Emma, Huxley, Clare, Martin, Alex, Takala, Helena and Byford, Morwenna, Department for Education (DFE)
Institute for Employment Studies, corp creators. (2019) Impact of the student finance system on participation, experience and outcomes of disadvantaged young people: Literature review, May 2019.

Popov, Danail and Cattoretti, Giacomo, Department for Education (DFE)
Frontier Economics, corp creators. (2019) The impact of college mergers in Further Education. [ Research report ]

Powel, Dyfan, Welsh Government
Wavehill, corp creators. (2019) School Changes and Adaptations for Curriculum and Assessment Delivery. [ Social Research ]

Powell, Andrew, UK Parliament
House of Commons Library, corp creators. (2019) House of Commons Library: Briefing Paper: Number 5871, 16 April 2019: Youth Unemployment Statistics. [ Briefing paper (House of Commons Library) ]

Powell, Andrew, House of Commons Library
House of Commons
UK Parliament, corp creators. (2019) House of Commons Library: briefing paper : Number 06113, 11 February 2019: Apprenticeship Statistics: England. [ Briefing paper (House of Commons Library) ]

Powell, Thomas, House of Commons Library
House of Commons
UK Parliament, corp creators. (2019) House of Commons Library briefing paper : Number 7647, 11 July 2019 : Early Intervention. [ Briefing paper (House of Commons Library) ]

Prosser, Hannah, Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA), corp creator. (2019) HESA Consultation 2019.


Quigley, Alex and Coleman, Robbie, Education Endowment Foundation (EEF), corp creator. (2019) Improving literacy in secondary schools : guidance report.


Rahman, Fahmida, Nuffield Foundation
Resolution Foundation, corp creators. (2019) The generation of poverty: Poverty over the life course for different generations.

Ramos, Eduardo and Wake, Dan, Universities UK International, corp creator. (2019) The scale of UK higher education transnational education 2017-18.

Rhodes, Igraine and Long, Michelle, Education Endowment Foundation (EEF), corp creator. (2019) Improving behaviour in schools : guidance report.

Rice, Patrica, School Teachers' Review Body, corp creator. (2019) School Teachers’ Review Body: Twenty-Ninth Report, 2019. [ Command paper ]

Roberts, Nerys, House of Commons Library, corp creator. (2019) House of Commons Library Briefing Paper: CBP 08419, 5 November 2019: School funding in England: FAQs. [ Briefing paper (House of Commons Library) ]

Roberts, Nerys, House of Commons Library
House of Commons
UK Parliament, corp creators. (2019) House of Commons Library briefing paper : Number 07091, 5 August 2019 : School inspections in England : Ofsted. [ Briefing paper (House of Commons Library) ]

Roberts, Nerys, UK Parliament
House of Commons Library, corp creators. (2019) School funding in England : FAQs. [ Briefing paper (House of Commons Library) ]

Roberts, Nerys, UK Parliament
House of Commons Library, corp creators. (2019) The school curriculum in England. [ Briefing paper (House of Commons Library) ]

Roberts, Nerys and Danechi, Shadi, UK Parliament
House of Commons Library, corp creators. (2019) House of Commons Library: Briefing Paper Number 07059: 18 June 2019: FAQs: Academies and free schools. [ Briefing paper (House of Commons Library) ]

Roberts, Nerys, Powell, Tom, Kennedy, Steven, Powell, Tom, Bolton, Paul, Jarrett, Tim, Powell, Andrew, Thurley, Djuna, McInnes, Rod, Ferguson, Daniel and Booth, Lorna, UK Parliament
House of Commons Library, corp creators. (2019) House of Commons Library: Briefing Paper Number 7756: 12 June 2019: Carers. [ Briefing paper (House of Commons Library) ]

Robinson, David, Education Policy Institute
The Health Foundation, corp creators. (2019) Further education pathways: Securing a successful and healthy life after education. [ Research Area: Higher Education, Further Education and Skills ]

Robinson, David and Carr, Daniel, Education Policy Institute (EPI), corp creator. (2019) Post-18 education and funding : options for the government review.

Robson, Claire, Leyera, Roz Ullman, Stefano Testoni, Miranda Wolpert, Suzet Tanya, Ullman, Roz, Testoni, Stefano, Wolper, Miranda and Deighton, Jessica, Public Health England (PHE)
Anna Freud Evidence Based Practice Unit
Health and Wellbeing Alliance, corp creators. (2019) Universal approaches to improving children and young people’s mental health and wellbeing: Report of the findings of a Special Interest Group. [ Guidance ]


Schuller, Tom, Further Education Trust for Leadership (FETL), corp creator. (2019) Leadership, Learning and Demographics: The Changing Shape of the Lifecourse and its Implications for Education. [ FETL Occasional Papers ]

Scott, Peter, Commissioner for Fair Access
Scottish Government (Scotland), corp creators. (2019) Building on Progress Towards Fair Access : annual report 2019.

Sibieta, Luke, Education Policy Institute, corp creator. (2019) Comparing GCSE performance in England and Wales: equivalent or not?

Silver, Ruth, Further Education Trust for Leadership (FETL), corp creator. (2019) Shame, learning and repair : fostering compassion in organisational life : a FETL provocation. [ Provocations ]

Silver, Ruth, Further Education Trust for Leadership (FETL), corp creator. (2019) An independent voice for the sector : the Further Education 'Elders' : a FETL provocation. [ Provocations (FETL) ]

Sizmur, Juliet, Ager, Robert, Bradshaw, Jenny, Classick, Rachel, Galvis, Maria, Packer, Joanna, Thomas, David and Wheater, Rebecca, Department for Education (DFE)
National Foundation for Educational Research (NFER), corp creators. (2019) Achievement of 15-year-olds in England : PISA 2018 results : Research report, December 2019. [ Research report (DFE) ]

Skidmore, Chris, Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS), corp creator. (2019) Speech : Chris Skidmore : Becoming an Innovation Nation : driving up private investment into research and development : 10 July 2019. [ Speech ]

Skidmore, Chris, Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy (BEIS), corp creator. (2019) Speech : Chris Skidmore : Making science work, together : how can we build the best possible future for science, research and innovation in the UK? : 25 January 2019.

Skidmore, Chris, Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy (BEIS), corp creator. (2019) Speech : Chris Skidmore : Science Minister hails the importance of humanities to society : 6 June 2019.

Skidmore, Chris, Department for Education (DFE), corp creator. (2019) Speech : Chris Skidmore : Universities Minister sets out progress on access and participation : 15 July 2019. [ Speech ]

Skidmore, Chris, Department for Education (DFE), corp creator. (2019) Speech : Chris Skidmore: Universities Minister reinforces the civic role of institutions: 13 February 2019.

Skidmore, Chris, Department for Education (DFE), corp creator. (2019) Speech : Minister Skidmore : My vision for global higher education : 27 March 2019.

Skidmore, Chris, Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS), corp creator. (2019) Speech : Tech UK conference 2019 : Universities and Science Minister Chris Skidmore speaks at the Tech UK Conference 2019 : 8 October 2019. [ Speech ]

Skidmore, Chris, Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS), corp creator. (2019) Speech : The future of international research collaboration : Science Minister Chris Skidmore speaks about international collaboration after Brexit : 9 October 2019. [ Speech ]

Skidmore, Chris, Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS)
UK Research and Innovation, corp creators. (2019) Speech: Chris Skidmore : Reaching 2.4%: supporting emerging technologies : Science Minister Chris Skidmore sets out how the government is backing emerging technologies, including quantum tech, in its modern industrial strategy. 13 June 2019.

Skidmore, Chris, Department for Education (DFE), corp creator. (2019) Speech: Chris Skidmore: 'Going global' in higher education: 13 May 2019.

Skidmore, Chris, Department for Education (DFE), corp creator. (2019) Speech: Chris Skidmore: A STEP further for students: 25 March 2019.

Skidmore, Chris, Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS), corp creator. (2019) Speech: Chris Skidmore: EUREKA Global Innovation Summit 2019: 14 May 2019.

Skidmore, Chris, Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS), corp creator. (2019) Speech: Chris Skidmore: Science Minister speaks of the potential young people have in addressing the opportunities of the future: 11 March 2019.

Skidmore, Chris, Department for Education (DFE), corp creator. (2019) Speech: Chris Skidmore: Universities Minister calls for greater improvement on access: 28 February 2019.

Smail, Amy, Universities UK, corp creator. (2019) Changing the culture: Tackling gender-based violence, harassment and hate crime: two years on.

Smith, Jenny and Hamer, John, Department for Education (DFE), corp creator. (2019) A system mapping approach to understanding child and adolescent wellbeing : Research report : July 2019. [ Research report (DFE) ]

Somerville, Shirley-Anne, Scottish Government (Scotland), corp creator. (2019) Scottish Government Response to Consultation on the draft regulations of the Young Carer Grant: June 2019.

Spielman, Amanda, Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills (OFSTED) (2007-), corp creator. (2019) Speech : Amanda Spielman at the 2019 Annual Apprenticeships Conference : 27 March 2019.

Spielman, Amanda, Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills (OFSTED) (2007-), corp creator. (2019) Speech: Amanda Spielman Chief Inspector of Education: Ofsted's new education inspection framework and some current challenges for schools: NAHT Conference May 2019. [ Speech ]

Spielman, Amanda, Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills (OFSTED), corp creator. (2019) Speech: Amanda Spielman at National Governance Association : the response to the consultation on the education inspection framework and what the new framework means for governors. 8 June 2019.

Spielman, Amanda, Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills (OFSTED), corp creator. (2019) Speech: Amanda Spielman speaking at the Victoria and Albert Museum, at the innovate conference about design and technology in schools and colleges, 10 July 2019.

Spielman, Amanda, Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills (OFSTED) (2007-), corp creator. (2019) Speech: Amanda Spielman: Ofsted's Chief Inspector discusses her visits to 3 schools in the North Yorkshire Coast Opportunity Area and the new inspection framework consultation: May 2019. [ Speech ]

Stanford, Max, Lennon, Martin and Feinstein, Leon, Children's Commissioner for England, corp creator. (2019) Estimating Children’s Services spending on vulnerable children : vulnerability technical spend report. July 2019.

Stanistreet, Paul, Further Education Trust for Leadership (FETL), corp creator. (2019) Marvellous Regiment: 100 Years of Women in Further Education and Skills.

Stewart, Rory, HM Government
Department for International Development (DFID), corp creators. (2019) Voluntary National Review of progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, June 2019.

Stringer, Eleanor, Lewin, Cathy and Coleman, Robbie, Education Endowment Foundation (EEF), corp creator. (2019) Using digital technology to improve learning: Guidance report. [ Guidance report ]

Sweeney, David, Research England, corp creator. (2019) Funding for 2018-19 : funding for higher education institutions for 2018-19. [ Circular letter ]

Swinney, John, Scottish Government (Scotland), corp creator. (2019) Included, Engaged and Involved: Part 1: A Positive Approach to the Promotion and Management of Attendance in Scottish Schools.

Swinney, John, Scottish Government (Scotland), corp creator. (2019) Speech: Deputy First Minister and Education Secretary John Swinney: Ministerial Statement: Performance in Scottish education.


Tambling, Pauline, Think 20
CIPPEC, corp creators. (2019) Future of Work and Education for the Digital Age : Can education and skills development be more aligned locally reflecting local work patterns and business growth?

Tanya Lereya, Suzet, Ullman, Roz, Testoni, Stefano, Wolpert, Miranda and Deighton, Jessica, Public Health England (PHE), corp creator. (2019) Universal approaches to improving children and young people’s mental health and wellbeing: Lay summary report of the synthesis of systematic reviews and grey literature review. [ Guidance ]

Tazzyman, Sarah, Bowes, Lindsey, Choudhury, Arifa, Moreton, Rachel, Stutz, Alex, Nathwani, Tej and Clarke, Matt, Office for Students (OfS)
CFE research
HESA, corp creators. (2019) Understanding effective part-time provision for undergraduates from under-represented and disadvantaged backgrounds.

Tedstone, Alison, Nicholas, Jo, MacKinlay, Brittney, Knowles, Bethany, Burton, Jeremy, Owtram, Gabrielle, Brown, Tamara J and Ells, Louisa J, Public Health England (PHE)
School of Health & Social Care, Teesside University, corp creators. (2019) Foods and drinks aimed at infants and young children: evidence and opportunities for action: June 2019.

Thornton, Chris, Scottish Government (Scotland)
Craigforth, corp creators. (2019) Attainment Scotland Fund evaluation. School case studies. [ Social research ]

Thornton, Chris, Scottish Government (Scotland)
Craigforth, corp creators. (2019) Evaluation of the Attainment Scotland Fund. Headteacher survey 2018. [ Social research ]

Trevena, Paulina, Scottish Government (Scotland), corp creator. (2019) Post study work visa options : an international comparative review. [ Social research (Scottish Government) ]

Twiselton, Sam, Blake, John, Francis, Becky, Gill, Richard, Hamer, Marie, Hollis, Emma, Moore, Reuben and Rogers, James Noble, Department for Education (DFE)
Education Endowment Foundation, corp creators. (2019) ITT Core Content Framework.

Tyler, Gloria, UK Parliament
House of Commons Library, corp creators. (2019) House of Commons Library: Briefing Paper Number 8585: 25 June 2019: Food Banks in the UK. [ Briefing paper (House of Commons Library) ]


Van de Noort, Robert, Financial Sustainability Strategy Group (FSSG)
University of Reading, corp creators. (2019) Understanding the impact of income cross-flows on financial sustainability in the UK higher education sector: February 2019.

Van den Brande, Jens, Hillary, Jude and Cullinane, Carl, National Foundation for Educational Research (NFER)
The Sutton Trust, corp creators. (2019) Selective Comprehensives: Great Britain: Access to top performing schools for disadvantaged pupils in Scotland, Wales and England.

Van den Brande, Jens, Hillary, Jude and Cullinane, Carl, National Foundation for Educational Research (NFER)
The Sutton Trust, corp creators. (2019) Selective Comprehensives: Scotland: Access to top performing schools for disadvantaged pupils in Scotland.

Van den Brande, Jens, Hillary, Jude and Cullinane, Carl, National Foundation for Educational Research (NFER)
The Sutton Trust, corp creators. (2019) Selective Comprehensives: Wales: Access to top performing schools for disadvantaged pupils in Wales.

Vivian, David, James, Andrew Skone, Salamons, Daniel, Hazel, Zainab, Felton, Jonnie and Whittaker, Sam, Department for Education (DFE)
IFF Research, corp creators. (2019) Evaluation of Provider-level TEF 2016-17 (Year 2) : measuring the initial impact of the TEF on the higher education landscape. [ Research report (Department for Education) ]

Vosnaki, Konstantina, Bradshaw, Paul and Scholes, Alex, Scottish Government (Scotland)
ScotCen Social Research, corp creators. (2019) Life at age 12 : initial findings from the Growing Up in Scotland study.


Walker, Matt, Worth, Jack and Van den Brande, Jens, Department for Education (DFE)
National Foundation for Educational Research (NFER), corp creators. (2019) Teacher Workload Survey 2019. [ Research report (DFE) ]

Warner, Paul and Gladding, Cath, Further Education Trust for Leadership (FETL)
AELP Research
Association of Employment and Learning Providers (AELP), corp creators. (2019) Employers in the Driving Seat? : new thinking for FE Leadership.

Welsh, Ian, Scottish Government (Scotland), corp creator. (2019) Getting It Right For Every Child (GIRFEC) : Practice Development Panel : final report.

White, Jane, NHS Health Scotland, corp creator. (2019) Addressing school violence and bullying : evidence briefing.

White, Jane, NHS Health Scotland, corp creator. (2019) Addressing school violence and bullying : evidence review.

Whitehead, Ross, Pringle, Jan, Scott, Eileen, Milne, Dona and McAteer, John, NHS Health Scotland
Public Health Evidence Network
Scottish Collaboration for Public Health Research and Policy, corp creators. (2019) The relationship between a trusted adult and adolescent health and education outcomes.

Whittaker, Matthew, Resolution Foundation, corp creator. (2019) The shape of things to come: Charting the changing size and shape of the UK state.

Wilkinson, Nancy and Long, Robert, UK Parliament
House of Commons Library, corp creators. (2019) School governance. [ Briefing paper (House of Commons Library) ]

Williams, Kirsty, Welsh Government, corp creator. (2019) 21st Century Schools and Education Programme. [ Written statement (Welsh Government) ]

Williams, Matthew, Pollard, Emma, Takala, Helena and Houghton, Anne-Marie, Institute for Employment Studies (IES)
Researching Equity, Access and Participation (REAP)
Office for Students (OfS), corp creators. (2019) Review of support for disabled students in higher education in England : report to the Office for Students by the Institute for Employment Studies and Researching Equity, Access and Participation. [ IES report ]

Williamson, Gavin, Department for Education (DFE), corp creator. (2019) Speech: Gavin Williamson: Education Secretary announces new support for adoptive families: 18 October 2019.

Windsor, Elizabeth, Cabinet Office
Prime Minister's Office, corp creators. (2019) Queen's Speech 2019 : Her Majesty’s most gracious speech to both Houses of Parliament : 14 October 2019. [ Speech ]

Windsor, Elizabeth, Prime Minister’s Office, corp creator. (2019) The Queen's Speech and associated background briefing, on the occasion of the opening of Parliament on Monday 14th October 2019.

Woodhouse, John, House of Commons Library
House of Commons
UK Parliament, corp creators. (2019) House of Commons Library : Briefing paper number 8498 : 19 December 2019 : Loot boxes in video games. [ Briefing paper (House of Commons Library) ]

Woodhouse, John, House of Commons Library
House of Commons
UK Parliament, corp creators. (2019) House of Commons Library : Briefing paper number 8743 : 19 December 2019 : Social media : how much regulation is needed? [ Briefing paper (House of Commons Library) ]

Wright, Jeremy and Javid, Sajid, HM Government
Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport
Home Department, corp creators. (2019) Online harms white paper. April 2019. [ Command paper ]


Zahawi, Nadhim, Department for Education (DFE), corp creator. (2019) Speech: Nadhim Zahawi: Children and Families Minister address at ADCS conference: 5 July 2019.

Zahawi, Nadhim, Department for Education (DFE), corp creator. (2019) Speech: Nadhim Zahawi: Children and Families Minister announces new early years funding: 28 February 2019.

Zaidi, Ali, Beadle, Shane and Hannah, Arthur, Department for Education (DFE)
ICF Consulting, corp creators. (2019) Review of the Level 4-5 qualification and provider market: Research report: February 2019. [ Research report ]

Zaidi, Ali, Beadle, Shane and Hannah, Arthur, Department for Education (DFE)
ICF Consulting Services Ltd, corp creators. (2019) Review of the online learning and artificial intelligence education market : a report for the Department of Education : July 2018.

This list was generated on Thu Mar 27 23:42:50 2025 UTC.