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Items where Year is 2009

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Number of items: 269.


Abbots, Rosie, Bolton, John, Fox, James, Hawkes, Lucinda, Brown, Keil, Jones, Claire, Joyce, Laura, McGimpsey, Hannah, Sharman, Rob, Stepney, Martin, Thacker, Sophia, Tunnicliffe, Pete and Watts, Sarah, ESCalate (Education Subject Centre of the Higher Education Academy), corp creator. (2009) Making waves in education.

Adams, Paul and Bevan, Sarah, Children’s Workforce Development Council (CWDC), corp creator. (2009) How do kinship (family and friends) foster carers experience their role and working relationships within the children’s workforce? (Sharing our experience, Practitioner-led research 2008-2009; PLR0809/054).

Angle, Helen, BMRB Social Research
Department for Children, Schools and Families (DCSF), corp creators. (2009) Teachers' workload diary survey 2009. [ Research report ]

Atkinson, Shirley, Furnell, Steven and Phippen, Andy, British Educational Communications and Technology Agency (BECTA)
University of Plymouth, corp creators. (2009) Investigating attitudes towards online safety and security, and evaluating a peer-led Internet safety programme for 14– to 16-year-olds: final report.

Aynsley-Green, Albert, 11 Million
Office of the Children’s Commissioner, corp creators. (2009) One-year business plan : April 2009-March 2010.


Balarajan, Meera, Cripps, Hayley and Blake, Margaret, Department for Children, Schools and Families (DCSF), corp creator. (2009) Services for disabled children : pilot testing of the screening and main questionnaire. [ Research report ]

Balarajan, Meera, McGee, Alice and Blake, Margaret, Department for Children, Schools and Families (DCSF)
National Centre for Social Research, corp creators. (2009) Services for disabled children : questionnaire testing. [ Research report ]

Balmer, Kim, Jones, Ian, Phillips, Barry and Stokes, Eleanor, British Educational Communications and Technology Agency (BECTA), corp creator. (2009) Harnessing Technology: new modes of technology-enhanced learning: a case study series.

Barnes, Jacqueline, Department for Children, Schools and Families (DCSF), corp creator. (2009) Nurse-family partnership programme second year pilot sites implementation in England the infancy period. [ Research report ]

Barnes, Sally, Timmis, Sue, Eagle, Sarah, Rasmussen, Ingvill, Howard-Jones, Paul and Abbott, Ian, Graduate School of Education, University of Bristol
British Educational Communications and Technology Agency (BECTA), corp creators. (2009) Deep learning with technology for 14-19 year old learners: final report.

Bassett, Dale, Cawston, Thomas, Thraves, Laurie and Truss, Elizabeth, Reform, corp creator. (2009) A new level.

Bassett, Dale, Haldenby, Andrew and Tryl, Luke, Reform, corp creator. (2009) Core business.

Bates, Peter, Great Britain. UK Commission for Employment and Skills, corp creator. (2009) High performance working : developing a survey tool. [ Evidence report ; 5 ]

Belt, Vicki and Giles, Lesley, Great Britain. UK Commission for Employment and Skills, corp creator. (2009) High performance working: a synthesis of key literature. [ Evidence report ; 4 ]

Benford, Steve, British Educational Communications and Technology Agency (BECTA), corp creator. (2009) Location-based technologies for learning.

Benington, Kris, Children’s Workforce Development Council (CWDC), corp creator. (2009) Connexions ‘Active Involvement’ agenda and integrated working.

Berridge, David, Department for Children, Schools and Families (DCSF), corp creator. (2009) Looked after and learning : evaluation of the virtual school head pilot. [ Research report ]

Betts, Jennifer, Northern Ireland Assembly, corp creator. (2009) The Education Bill (NIA 3/08). [ Research and Library Service Bill Research Paper ]

Betts, Jennifer, Northern Ireland Assembly, corp creator. (2009) Special Education Needs (Information Act) 2008. [ Research and Information Service Briefing Note ]

Bevan, Huw and Jude, Julia (2009) What happens when systemic practice is transferred from clinical settings to family homes? A qualitative review (Sharing our experience, Practitioner-led research 2008-2009; PLR0809/108).

Biggar, Janet and Mulholland, Shona, Scottish Government (Scotland), corp creator. (2009) Research on the consultation safeguarding our rural schools and improving school consultation procedures.

Biggart, Laura and O'Brien, Margaret, Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS), corp creator. (2009) Fathers' working hours : parental analysis from the third work-life balance employee survey and maternity and paternity rights and benefit survey of parents. [ Employment relations occasional paper ]

Birney, Anna and Reed, Jane, National College for Leadership of Schools and Children's services (NCSL), corp creator. (2009) Sustainability and renewal: findings from the Leading Sustainable Schools research project.

Black, Carolyn, Chan, Vanessa, MacLardie, Jane and Murray, Lorraine, Scottish Government (Scotland), corp creator. (2009) Research on the consultation on the next generation of national qualifications in Scotland.

Blake, Margaret, Department for Work and Pensions (DWP), corp creator. (2009) Cognitive testing : British Social Attitudes child poverty questions. [ Research report ; no. 574 ]

Blatchford, Peter, Bassett, Paul, Brown, Penelope, Koutsoubou, Maria, Martin, Clare, Russell, Anthony, Webster, Rob and Rubie-Davies, Christine M., Department for Children, Schools and Families (DCSF), corp creator. (2009) Deployment and impact of support staff in schools : the impact of support staff in schools : results from strand 2, wave 2. [ Research report ]

Blatchford, Peter, Bassett, Paul, Brown, Penelope, Martin, Clare, Russell, Anthony and Webster, Rob, Department for Children, Schools and Families (DCSF), corp creator. (2009) Deployment and impact of support staff in schools : characteristics, working conditions and job satisfaction of support staff in schools (strand 1, waves 1-3 in 2004, 2006 and 2008). [ Research report ]

Bob, Stradling, Morag, MacNeil and Helen, Berry, Scottish Government (Scotland), corp creator. (2009) Changing professional practice and culture to get it right for every child: an evaluation of the development and early implementation phases of 'Getting it right for every child' in Highland: 2006-2009.

Boddy, Janet, Department for Children, Schools and Families (DCSF)
University of London. Institute of Education. Thomas Coram Research Unit, corp creators. (2009) International perspectives on parenting support : non-English language sources. [ Research report ]

Bolton, Paul, UK Parliament
House of Commons Library, corp creators. (2009) Student and graduate debt statistics : May 2009. [ Standard note ]

Bolton, Paul, UK Parliament
House of Commons Library, corp creators. (2009) Variations in GCSE performance 2007/08 : March 2009. [ Standard note ]

Booman, Susan and Ramsden, Brian, Universities UK
Higher Education Consulting, corp creators. (2009) Research report : taught postgraduate students : market trends and opportunities. [ Research report (Universities UK) ]

Bosworth, Derek and Kik, Genna, UK Commission for Employment and Skills (UKCES), corp creator. (2009) Ambition 2020: technical report.

Bowden, Penny, Great Britain. Government Equalities Office
BMRB Omnibus, corp creators. (2009) Flexible working : perceptions of working parents : survey wave 2.

Boyle, Andrew, Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation (OFQUAL), corp creator. (2009) An international focus group to investigate the regulation of examinations and qualifications.

Boyle, Andrew, Opposs, Dennis and Kinsella, Annette, Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation (OFQUAL), corp creator. (2009) No news is good news? Talking to the public about the reliability of assessment.

Bradshaw, Paul, Sharp, Clare, Webster, Catriona and Jamieson, Lynn, Scottish Government (Scotland), corp creator. (2009) Growing up in Scotland: parenting and the neighbourhood context report.

Bradshaw, Paul and Wasoff, Fran, Scottish Government (Scotland), corp creator. (2009) Growing up in Scotland: multiple childcare provision and its effect on child outcomes.

Brandon, Marian, Department for Children, Schools and Families (DCSF), corp creator. (2009) Understanding serious case reviews and their impact : a biennial analysis of serious case reviews 2005-07. [ Research report ]

Brown, Nigel and Ramsden, Brian, Universities UK
Nigel Brown Associates, corp creators. (2009) Variable tuition fees in England : assessing their impact on students and higher education institutions : a fourth report. [ Research report (Universities UK) ]

Buchanan, Colin, Department for Children, Schools and Families (DCSF), corp creator. (2009) An investigation of maintained schools with a non-faith foundation. [ Research Report ]

Bullock, Kevin (2009) The importance of emotional intelligence to effective school leadership: summary report. [ Research associate summary report ]

Burgess, Marianne, Learning and Skills Council (Great Britain)
York Consulting (Firm), corp creators. (2009) Evaluation of the new criteria for provision associated with the Education Maintenance Allowance.

Burgoyne, Bridget, National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (NSPCC), corp creator. (2009) How can we make multi-agency work in the arena of child trafficking more effective?


Campbell-Hall, Vicky, Coulter, Alice and Joyce, Lucy, Department for Children, Schools and Families (DCSF), corp creator. (2009) Parental experience of services for disabled children : qualitative research (phase 2) : exploring the findings from the national survey. [ Research report ]

Cara, Olga and Coulon, Augustin de, National Research and Development Centre for Adult Literacy and Numeracy (NRDC)
Institute of Education, University of London, corp creators. (2009) Skills for life teachers’ qualifications and their learners’ progress in adult numeracy : results from the teacher and learner studies. Research report.

Catling, Peter and Jenkins, David, Children’s Workforce Development Council (CWDC), corp creator. (2009) Multi-agency training and the artist (Sharing our experience, Practitioner-led research 2008-2009; PLR0809/032).

Cebulla, Andreas and Tomaszewski, Wojtek, Department for Children, Schools and Families (DCSF), corp creator. (2009) Risky behaviour and social activities. [ Research Report ]

Cemlyn, Sarah, Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC), corp creator. (2009) Inequalities experienced by Gypsy and Traveller communities: a review. [ Research report ; 12 ]

Challen, Amy, Department for Children, Schools and Families (DCSF), corp creator. (2009) UK Resilience Programme evaluation : interim report. [ Research report ]

Chapman, Christopher, Collins, Alison, Sammons, Pam, Armstrong, Paul and Muijs, Daniel, National College for Leadership of Schools and Children's services (NCLS), corp creator. (2009) The impact of federations on student outcomes.

Chapman, Christopher, Muijs, Daniel, Sammons, Pam, Armstrong, Paul and Collins, Alison, National College for Leadership of Schools and Children's Services (NCSL), corp creator. (2009) The impact of federations on student outcomes.

Chapman, Lynnette and Wood, Jim, Children’s Workforce Development Council (CWDC), corp creator. (2009) Children as partners: Children’s perspectives on parental involvement.

Chowdry, Haroon, Crawford, Claire and Goodman, Alissa, Department for Children, Schools and Families (DCSF), corp creator. (2009) Drivers and barriers to educational success : evidence from the longitudinal study of young people in England. [ Research report ]

Chris, Davies and Good, Jenny, British Educational Communications and Technology Agency (BECTA), corp creator. (2009) Harnessing technology: the learner and their context: choosing to use technology: how learners construct their learning lives in their own contexts: key findings from the first year of research.

Clark, Wilma, Jewitt, Carey, Laurillard, Diana and Buckingham, David, London Knowledge Lab, Institute of Education
British Educational Communications and Technology Agency (BECTA), corp creators. (2009) Home Access project literature review.

Clarke, Charlotte, Department for Children, Schools and Families (DCSF)
SQW Consulting, corp creators. (2009) Extended flexible entitlement for three-and four year olds : pathfinder evaluation. [ Research report ]

Coaker, Vernon, Department for Children, Schools and Families (DCSF), corp creator. (2009) The school support staff negotiating body (prescribed organisations) regulations 2009.

Colman, Jeremy, Wales Audit Office, corp creator. (2009) Collaboration between higher education institutions = Cydweithio rhwng sefydliadau addysg uwch.

Colman, Jeremy, Wales Audit Office, corp creator. (2009) Work based learning follow-up report = Adroddiad dilynol ar ddysgu seiliedig ar waith.

Conlon, Gavan, Department for Children, Schools and Families (DCSF), corp creator. (2009) Extended schools : establishing a baseline methodology to estimate the impact of the extended schools programme on attainment. [ Research report ]

Connolly, Andrea and Shewring, Michelle, Children’s Workforce Development Council (CWDC), corp creator. (2009) ‘I’m excluded – who’s gonna care?’ Multi-agency teams supporting the care of excluded children in educational settings – policy into practice, what works and what doesn’t? (Sharing our experience, Practitioner-led research 2008-2009; PLR0809/062).

Cooper, Sarah, Training and Development Agency for Schools (TDA)
Learning and Skills Network, corp creators. (2009) Research into the deployment, roles and training of support staff in 14-19 applied learning programmes.

Cowen, Georgina and Burgess, Marianne, Department for Children, Schools and Families (DCSF)
York Consulting, corp creators. (2009) Key Stage 4 Engagement Programme : evaluation. [ Research report ]

Cowen, Georgina, Merrill, Kerry and Cotton, Elizabeth, Department for Children, Schools and Families (DCSF)
York Consulting (Firm), corp creators. (2009) Re-Ach Project : evaluation support. [ Research report ]

Cromarty, Karen and Richards, Kaye, Children’s Workforce Development Council (CWDC), corp creator. (2009) How do secondary school counsellors work with other professionals?

Crossland, Ruth, Children’s Workforce Development Council (CWDC)
Worcester Council, corp creators. (2009) What helps or hinders practitioners, children and young people, and their families in implementing the Common Assessment Framework and Lead Professional working?

Croxford, Linda, Scottish Government (Scotland), corp creator. (2009) Change over time in the context, outcomes and inequalities of secondary schooling in Scotland, 1985-2005.

Cusworth, Linda, Great Britain. Social Exclusion Task Force
University of York
Social Policy Research Unit
Cabinet Office, corp creators. (2009) Understanding the risks of social exclusion across the life course: youth and young adulthood : a research report.


D'Arcy, Kate (2009) How can integrated working be improved to aid secondary transfer rates for Traveller children? (Sharing our experience, Practitioner-led research 2008-2009; PLR0809/023).

Davies, Chris and Good, Jenny, British Educational Communications and Technology Agency (BECTA)
University of Oxford, corp creators. (2009) Harnessing Technology: the learner and their context: increasingly autonomous: learners using technology in the context of their family lives and beyond: analysis of a series of case studies conducted with learners in their homes.

Davies, Chris, Good, Jenny and Cranmer, Sue, British Educational Communications and Technology Agency (BECTA), corp creator. (2009) Harnessing technology: The learner and their context Increasingly autonomous: learners using technology in the context of their family lives and beyond - 14 individual case studies.

Davies, Chris, Good, Jenny, Honey, Paul and Spencer, Dimitrina, British Educational Communications and Technology Agency (BECTA)
University of Oxford
Nottingham University
Sero Consulting, corp creators. (2009) Harnessing Technology: analysis of emerging trends affecting the use of technology in education – October 2009.

Davies, Steve and Pittard, Vanessa, British Educational Communications and Technology Agency (BECTA), corp creator. (2009) Harnessing technology review 2009. The role of technology in education and skills.

Day, Christopher, Hopkins, David, Harris, Alma and Ahtaridou, Elpida, Department for Children, Schools and Families (DCSF), corp creator. (2009) The impact of school leadership on pupil outcomes. Final report. [ Research report ]

Day, Laurie, Williams, Jenny and Fox, Jackie, Department for Children, Schools and Families (DCSF), corp creator. (2009) Supporting parents with their children's 'at home' learning and development : research report. [ Research report ]

De Cicco, Eta and Luger, Ewa, British Educational Communications and Technology Agency (BECTA)
National Institute for Adult Continuing Education (NIACE), corp creators. (2009) BECTA research project: reflective practice in continuing professional development (CPD) - final report.

Deakin, Ruth, McMahon, Margery and Morrison-Love, David, ESCalate (Education Subject Centre of the Higher Education Academy), corp creator. (2009) Mediated support for learning enhancement : ELLI, Effective Lifelong Learning Inventory.

Dickerson, Andy, Scottish Government (Scotland), corp creator. (2009) Futureskills: the skills content of jobs in Scotland and the rest of the UK: full report.

Dickinson, Peter and Farrell, Julie, Learning and Skills Council (LSC)
GHK Consulting, corp creators. (2009) Effectively publishing and disseminating Framework for Excellence (FfE): analysis of user needs : final report.

Dolman, Rachel, Welsh Assembly Government (Wales), corp creator. (2009) Statistical article : financial provision for children within the Welsh Assembly Government budget.


Egan, David, Department for Children, Education, Lifelong Learning and Skills (DCELLS) (Wales), corp creator. (2009) Task and finish group on 8-14 education provision in Wales: first stage report.

Emery, Faye and Metcalfe, Janet, Universities UK
Vitae, corp creators. (2009) Research report: Promoting the UK doctorate : opportunities and challenges. [ Research report (Universities UK) ]

Evangelou, Maria, Department for Children, Schools and Families (DCSF), corp creator. (2009) Early years learning and development : literature review. [ Research report ]

Evans, Michael and Fisher, Linda, Department for Children, Schools and Families (DCSF)
University of Cambridge. Faculty of Education, corp creators. (2009) Language learning at Key Stage 3 : the impact of the Key Stage 3 modern foreign languages framework and changes to the curriculum on provision and practice. [ Research report ]

Eynon, Rebecca, British Educational Communications and Technology Agency (BECTA), corp creator. (2009) Mapping young people's uses of technology in their own contexts: a nationally representative survey.


Fahmy, Eldin, Great Britain. Social Exclusion Task Force
University of Bristol
Cabinet Office, corp creators. (2009) Understanding the risks of social exclusion across the life course: working age adults without dependent children : a research report.

Filer, Janice, Children’s Workforce Development Council (CWDC), corp creator. (2009) Integrated approach to parenting support.

Fisher, Annie and Rush, Linda, ESCalate (Education Subject Centre of the Higher Education Academy), corp creator. (2009) Expanding the capacity to learn of student teachers in Initial Teacher Education.

Foster, Andrew, Department for Innovation Universities and Skills (DIUS), corp creator. (2009) A review of the capital programme in further education.

Foster, Tom, York Consulting (Firm)
Department for Business Innovation and Skills (BIS), corp creators. (2009) Alternative routes into and pathways through higher education. [ BIS research paper ; no.4 ]

France, Alan, Department for Children, Schools and Families (DCSF), corp creator. (2009) Effectiveness of the new local safeguarding children boards in England : interim report. [ Research report ]

Fraser, Jen and Ziff, Alexandra, Department for Children, Schools and Families (DCSF)
Ipsos MORI, corp creators. (2009) Children and young people's participation in organised sport : omnibus survey. [ Research report ]

Fraser, Jen and Ziff, Alexandra, Department for Children, Schools and Families (DCSF)
Ipsos MORI (Firm), corp creators. (2009) Children and young people's participation in organised sport : omnibus survey. [ Research report ]

Full, Susan, Wales. Welsh Assembly Government, corp creator. (2009) Young people not in education, employment or training (neet) : year to 31 March 2009. [ Statistical article = Erthygl ystadegol ]

Fumagalli, Laura, Department for Business Innovation and Skills (BIS), corp creator. (2009) Disability, health and access to training. [ Employment relations occasional paper ]


Gillie, Christine, UK Parliament
House of Commons Library, corp creators. (2009) School Report Cards. [ Standard note ]

Gillie, Christine, Gheera, Manjit, Strickland, Pat and Bolton, Paul, House of Commons Library. Social Policy Section
House of Commons Library. Home Affairs Section
House of Commons Library. Social and General Statistics Section, corp creators. (2009) Children, Schools and Families Bill: Bill no. 8 of 2009-10. [ Research paper ]

Gillie, Christine and Hubble, Sue, UK Parliament
House of Commons Library, corp creators. (2009) Apprenticeships, Skills, Children and Learning Bill : provisions for children, education and learners (Bill 55 of 2008-09). [ Research paper ]

Gillie, Christine, Morgan, Bryn and Hubble, Sue, UK Parliament
House of Commons Library, corp creators. (2009) Apprenticeships, Skills, Children and Learning Bill : Committee Stage report. [ Research paper ]

Goodwyn, Andrew, Protopsaltis, Aristidis and Fuller, Carol L., British Educational Communications and Technology Agency (BECTA)
University of Reading, corp creators. (2009) Harnessing Technology Strategy: celebrating outstanding teachers.

Gorse, Christopher, Dickinson, Ian, Shepherd, Tony, Whitehead, Paul and Walker, Claire, British Educational Communications and Technology Agency (BECTA)
Leeds Metropolitan University, corp creators. (2009) Virtual maths in an industrial context: learning with new and emerging technologies - Becta final report.

Green, Andy, Janmaat, Jan Germen and Han, Christine, University of London. Institute of Education. Centre for Learning and Life Chances in Knowledge Economies and Societies, corp creator. (2009) Regimes of social cohesion. [ LLAKES research paper ; 1 ]

Green, Francis, UK Commission for Employment and Skills (UKCES), corp creator. (2009) Praxis: job quality in Britain.


Hakeney, Sarah, Neale, Ian, Casey, Paul and Neat, Sarah, London Development Agency (LDA), corp creator. (2009) Staying in, moving up: employment retention and progression in London.

Hall, Nicola, Day, Laurie and Scott, Louise, Department for Children, Schools and Families (DCSF)
ECOTEC Research and Consulting, corp creators. (2009) Parent Know How : telephone helplines and innovation fund strands evaluation. [ Research report ]

Hammond, Michael, Pope, Melanie, Reynolds, Lynn and Ingram, Jenni, British Educational Communications and Technology Agency (BECTA)
University of Warwick, corp creators. (2009) Engagement and ICT: a study supported by a small grant from Becta.

Harris, Victoria (2009) How do young people experience the transition from being a looked after child to living independently and how can it be improved in the eyes of the young people using the service? (Sharing our experience, Practitioner-led research 2008-2009; PLR0809/117).

He, Qingping, Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation (OFQUAL), corp creator. (2009) Estimating the reliability of composite scores.

Henshall, Annelies (2009) A comparison study looking at the impact of staff personality on recruitment and retention of staff working with children with complex disabilities and challenging behaviour, in a social care setting and an education setting.

Hillage, Jim and Johnson, Claire, Department for Children, Schools and Families (DCSF)
Institute for Employment Studies, corp creators. (2009) Learning Agreement Pilots evaluation : synthesis report. [ Research report ]

Hinchliffe, Geoffrey, ESCalate (Education Subject Centre of the Higher Education Academy), corp creator. (2009) Employer concepts of graduate employability.

Hine, Paul, Children’s Workforce Development Council (CWDC), corp creator. (2009) ‘Who’s on My Side?’ In what ways can creativity be used to discover what young people with behavioural, social and emotional difficulties think of the multi-agency services they receive? (Sharing our experience, Practitioner-led research 2008-2009; PLR0809/056).

Hobson, Andrew J., Department for Children, Schools and Families (DCSF), corp creator. (2009) Becoming a teacher : teachers' experiences of initial teacher training, induction and early professional development : final report. [ Research report ]

Hodgen, Jeremy, Coben, Diana and Rhodes, Valerie, National Research and Development Centre for Adult Literacy and Numeracy (NRDC)
Institute of Education, University of London, corp creators. (2009) Feedback, talk and engaging with learners : formative assessment in adult numeracy. Research report.

Hogarth, Terence, Owen, David, Gambin, Lynn, Hasluck, Chris, Lyonette, Clare and Casey, Bernard, Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC)
Warwick Institute for Employment Research, University of Warwick, corp creators. (2009) The equality impacts of the current recession.

Holford, Phil (2009) How integrated working affected the development of the Caring 4 Kids project (Sharing our experience, Practitioner-led research 2008-2009; PLR0809/025).

Hollingworth, Sumi, Allen, Kim, Abol Kuyok, Kuyok and Williams, Katya, British Educational Communications and Technology Agency (BECTA)
Institute for Policy Studies in Education (IPSE)
London Metropolitan University, corp creators. (2009) The influence of new media technologies used in learning on young people’s career aspirations: final report to Becta, April 2009.

Hollingworth, Sumi, Allen, Kim and Page, Anne, Institute for Policy Studies in Education (IPSE), London Metropolitan University
Family and Parenting Institute (FPI)
British Educational Communications and Technology Agency (BECTA), corp creators. (2009) An exploration of parents' engagement with their children's learning involving technology.

Holmes, Lisa, Department for Children, Schools and Families (DCSF)
Loughborough University. Centre for Child and Family Research, corp creators. (2009) How social workers spend their time : an analysis of the key issues that impact on practice pre and post implementation of the Integrated Children's System. [ Research report ]

Homer, Matthew S., Department for Children, Schools and Families (DCSF), corp creator. (2009) Teachers' experiences of their third year in post : technical report on Phase V of the Becoming a Teacher survey. [ Research report ]

Howieson, Cathy, Semple, Sheila and Jackson, Angela, Scottish Government (Scotland)
Centre for Educational Sociology, University of Edinburgh
Enterprising Careers, University of Strathclyde, corp creators. (2009) National evaluation of the recognising achievement collaborative enquiry projects.

Hutchings, Merryn, Department for Children, Schools and Families (DCSF), corp creator. (2009) Aspects of school workforce remodelling : strategies used and impact on workload and standards. [ Research report ]


Jackson, Alison, ESCalate (Education Subject Centre of the Higher Education Academy), corp creator. (2009) Perceptions of Masters level PGCE : a pilot investigation : final report.

Jacobs, Mary and Hobbin, Rachel, Totem Consultancy
London Safeguarding Children Board, corp creators. (2009) Competence matters: a multi-agency safeguarding children training framework for London.

Jacobsen, Yola and Little, Peter, Learning and Skills Council
NIACE, corp creators. (2009) Learning for work: employability and adults with learning difficulties and/or disabilities: a report following nine regional conferences (held January – April 2008).

James, Natasha (2009) ‘One big wheel’: young people’s participation in service, design, development and delivery (Sharing our experience, Practitioner-led research 2008-2009; PLR0809/080).

Jenkins, Alan, Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education Scotland, corp creator. (2009) Research-teaching linkages: enhancing graduate attributes. Overview: the aims, achievements and challenges from the Enhancement Theme. [ Enhancing practice ]

Jennings, Julie (2009) What integrated working practices support or hinder effective referral pathways from health to education services for blind and partially sighted babies and young children? (Sharing our experience, Practitioner-led research 2008-2009; PLR0809/026).

John, MacBeath, Peter, Gronn, Darleen, Opfer, Kevin, Lowden, Christine, Forde, Mike, Cowie and Jim, O’Brien, Scottish Government (Scotland), corp creator. (2009) The recruitment and retention of headteachers in Scotland: technical report.

John, MacBeath, Peter, Gronn, Darleen, Opfer, Kevin, Lowden, Forde, Christine, Mike, Cowie and Jim, O’Brien, Scottish Government (Scotland), corp creator. (2009) The recruitment and retention of headteachers in Scotland: main report:.

Johnson, Claire, Usher, Thomas and Hillage, Jim, Learning and Skills Council (Great Britain), corp creator. (2009) Evaluation of the Adult Learner Account trials : year 1 quantitative report.

Johnson, Fiona, Department for Innovation Universities and Skills (DIUS), corp creator. (2009) Raising young people's higher education aspirations: teachers' attitudes. [ DIUS research report ; 09 01 ]

Johnson, Steve, Great Britain. UK Commission for Employment and Skills, corp creator. (2009) Employee demand for skills: a review of evidence and policy. [ Evidence report ; 3 ]

Johnston, Bill and Kochanowska, Rowena, Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education Scotland, corp creator. (2009) Quality enhancement themes : the first year experience : student expectations, experiences and reflections on the first year. [ Enhancement themes ]

Jones, Alan, Department for Education (DFE), corp creator. (2009) Haringey Local Safeguarding Children Board Serious Case Review ‘Child A’.

Jones, Ian and Day, Chris, British Educational Communications and Technology Agency (BECTA), corp creator. (2009) Harnessing Technology: new modes of technology-enhanced learning: action research, March 2009.


Kay, David and Pepler, Giles, British Educational Communications and Technology Agency (BECTA), corp creator. (2009) Harnessing Technology: pilot study for aligning learner voice with the annual sector survey of FE colleges. (Unpublished)

Kazimirski, Anne, Department for Children, Schools and Families (DCSF)
National Centre for Social Research, corp creators. (2009) Forced marriage : prevalence and service response. [ Research report ]

Keating, Avril, Gardiner, Clare and Rudd, Peter, British Educational Communications and Technology Agency (BECTA)
National Foundation for Educational Research (NFER), corp creators. (2009) E-access, e-maturity, e-safety: a learner survey.

Keating, Avril, Gardiner, Clare and Rudd, Peter, National Foundation for Educational Research (NFER)
British Educational Communications and Technology Agency (BECTA), corp creators. (2009) E-access, e-maturity, e-safety: a learner survey.

Keating, Avril, Kerr, David, Lopes, Joana, Featherstone, Gill and Benton, Thomas, Department for Children, Schools and Families (DCSF), corp creator. (2009) Embedding citizenship education in secondary schools in England (2002-08) : Citizenship Education Longitudinal Study seventh annual report. [ Research report ]

Kennewell, Steve, Tanner, Howard, Jones, Sonia, Parkinson, John, Loughran, Anne, Lewis, Helen, Beauchamp, Gary, Jones, Bethan and Anthony, Cheryl, British Educational Communications and Technology Agency (BECTA), corp creator. (2009) Final report to Becta concerning the use of video-stimulated reflective dialogue for professional development in ICT.

King, Caroline F, Children’s Workforce Development Council (CWDC)
Hampshire Educational Psychology Service, corp creators. (2009) Adopted children and the transition from primary to secondary school: an examination of pupil, parent and teacher views.

Kirkup, Catherine, Department for Innovation Universities and Skills (DIUS), corp creator. (2009) Use of an aptitude test in university entrance: a validity study; 2008 Update, Further Analyses of SAT® Data. [ DIUS research report ; 09-02 ]


Lamb, Brian, Department for Children, Schools and Families (DCSF), corp creator. (2009) Lamb Inquiry : special educational needs and parental confidence : report to the Secretary of State on the Lamb Inquiry review of SEN and disability information.

Laming, Herbert, UK Parliament
Department for Children, Schools and Families, corp creators. (2009) The protection of children in England : a progress report. [ HC ]

Laurillard, Diana and Baajour, Hassan, British Educational Communications and Technology Agency (BECTA)
London Knowledge Lab, corp creators. (2009) Digital interventions for dyscalculia and low numeracy: final report (D2): for the Becta Research Grant programme 2008-2009.

Levesley, Tom, Sissons, Paul, Francis, Ruth, Oakley, Joy, Johnson, Claire and Hillage, Jim, Department of Work and Pensions (DWP), corp creator. (2009) Qualitative evaluation of integrated employment and skills trials: implementation report.

Lindsay, Geoff, Department for Children, Schools and Families (DCSF), corp creator. (2009) Parent support advisor pilot evaluation : final report. [ Research report ]

Link, Becky, Think Global (THG)
Development Education Association, corp creators. (2009) Thinking about global learning : trusting teachers’ creativity. [ DEA Thinkpiece ]

Long, Robert, UK Parliament
House of Commons Library, corp creators. (2009) Adult education : January 2009. [ Standard note ]

Lowden, Kevin, Devlin, Alison, Hall, Stuart, Head, George and Lewin, Jon, Scottish Government (Scotland), corp creator. (2009) Production of case studies of flexible learning and support packages for young people who require more choices and more chances.

Lowden, Kevin, Devlin, Alison, Hall, Stuart, Head, George and Lewin, Jon, Scottish Government (Scotland), corp creator. (2009) Production of case studies of the delivery of skills for learning, skills for life and skills for work.


Maguire, Sue, Department for Children, Schools and Families (DCSF), corp creator. (2009) Activity agreement pilots : process evaluation. [ Research report ]

Maguire, Sue, Department for Children, Schools and Families (DCSF), corp creator. (2009) Learning agreement pilots : process evaluation. [ Research report ]

Marryat, Louise, Reid, Susan and Wasoff, Fran, Scottish Government (Scotland), corp creator. (2009) Growing up in Scotland: sweep 3 non-resident parent report.

Marryat, Louise, Skafida, Valeria and Webster, Catriona, Scottish Government (Scotland), corp creator. (2009) Growing up in Scotland: sweep 3 food and activity report.

Marshall, Helen, Teeman, David, Mundy, Ellie, Lin, Yin, Morrison, Jo, Yeshanew, Tilaye, Cardozo, Vani and Stoddart, Sue, British Educational Communications and Technology Agency (BECTA)
National Foundation for Educational Research (NFER), corp creators. (2009) Harnessing Technology Schools Survey 2009: data report - part 2, data analysis.

Marshall, Helen, Teeman, David, Mundy, Ellie, Lin, Yin, Morrison, Jo, Yeshanew, Tilaye, Cardozo, Vani, Stoddart, Sue, Brown, Maggie and Rudd, Peter, British Educational Communications and Technology Agency (BECTA)
National Foundation for Educational Research (NFER), corp creators. (2009) Harnessing Technology Schools Survey 2009: data report – part 1, descriptive analysis.

Martinez Perez, Alvaro, Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS), corp creator. (2009) Family structure and work satisfaction : can work-life balance policies foster happiness in the workplace? [ Employment relations occasional paper ]

Matthews, Peter and Lewis, Peter, National College for School Leadership (NCSL), corp creator. (2009) How do school leaders successfully lead learning?

Maxwell, Claire, Chase, Elaine, Statham, June and Jackson, Sonia, Department for Children, Schools and Families (DCSF)
University of London. Institute of Education. Thomas Coram Research Unit, corp creators. (2009) Boarding school provision for vulnerable children : pathfinder evaluation. [ Research report ]

Mayes, Terry, Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education (QAA), corp creator. (2009) Quality Enhancement Themes: the first year experience: overview of the Enhancement Theme 2006-08, the aims, achievements and challenges.

Maylor, Uvanney, Department for Children, Schools and Families (DCSF), corp creator. (2009) Black Children's Achievement Programme evaluation. [ Research report ]

McCrone, Tami, Department for Children, Schools and Families (DCSF)
National Foundation for Educational Research, corp creators. (2009) Careers coordinators in schools. [ Research report ]

McFarlane, Angela and Triggs, Pat, British Educational Communications and Technology Agency (BECTA)
University of Bristol, corp creators. (2009) Researching mobile learning: January to September 2008 (final report).

McFarlane, Angela, Triggs, Pat and Ching Yee, Wan, British Educational Communications and Technology Agency (BECTA)
University of Bristol, corp creators. (2009) Researching mobile learning: overview, September 2006 to September 2008.

McIntosh, Steven and Garrett, Richard, Great Britain. UK Commission for Employment and Skills, corp creator. (2009) The economic value of intermediate vocational education and qualifications. [ Evidence report ; 11 ]

McQuaid, Ronald, Bond, Sue and Fuertes, Vanesa, Scottish Government (Scotland), corp creator. (2009) Evaluation of the working for families fund (2004 - 2008).

Metcalf, Hilary, Department for Business Innovation and Skills (BIS), corp creator. (2009) Evaluation of the impact of Skills for Life learning: longitudinal survey of adult learners on college-based literacy and numeracy courses : final report.

Miller, Kirsty, Weyers, Jonathan, Cross, Stuart, Monaghan, Eric and Walsh, Lorraine, Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education (QAA), corp creator. (2009) A toolkit for enhancing personal development planning strategy, policy and practice in higher education institutions.

Miller, Kirsty, Weyers, Jonathan, Cross, Stuart, Walsh, Lorraine and Monaghan, Eric, Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education (QAA), corp creator. (2009) A toolkit for enhancing personal development planning strategy, policy and practice in higher education institutions.

Millwood, Richard, British Educational Communications and Technology Agency (BECTA), corp creator. (2009) A short history off-line.

Mooney, Ann, Department for Children, Schools and Families (DCSF), corp creator. (2009) Promoting the health of looked after children : a study to inform revision of the 2002 guidance. [ Research report ]

Mooney, Ann, Oliver, Chris and Smith, Marjorie, Department for Children, Schools and Families (DCSF)
University of London. Institute of Education. Thomas Coram Research Unit, corp creators. (2009) Impact of family breakdown on children's well-being : evidence review. [ Research report ]

Morgan, Bryn and Smith, Louise, UK Parliament
House of Commons Library, corp creators. (2009) Apprenticeships, Skills, Children and Learning Bill : apprenticeship and training provisions : Bill 55 of 2008-09. [ Research paper ]

Morgan, Roger, Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills (OFSTED), corp creator. (2009) Keeping in touch: a report of children's experience.

Morris, Estelle, Department for Business Innovation and Skills (BIS), corp creator. (2009) Independent review of Ict user skills.

Moss, Peter, Department for Business Innovation and Skills (BIS), corp creator. (2009) International review of leave policies and related research 2009. [ Employment relations research series ; no. 102 ]

Murray, Moira and Osborne, Chris, Department for Children, Schools and Families (DCSF)
Church of England. Children's Society, corp creators. (2009) Safeguarding disabled children : practice guidance.


Newbury-Birch, Dorothy, Department for Children, Schools and Families (DCSF), corp creator. (2009) Impact of alcohol consumption on young people : a review of reviews.

Newbury-Birch, Dorothy, Department for Children, Schools and Families (DCSF)
University of Newcastle upon Tyne, corp creators. (2009) Impact of alcohol consumption on young people : a systematic review of published reviews. [ Research report ]

Newton, Becci, Department for Children, Schools and Families (DCSF), corp creator. (2009) Activity and learning agreement pilots : programme theory evaluation : working paper 5 : activity agreements and small step progression. [ Research report ]

Newton, Becci, Johnson, Claire and Fearn, Harriet, Department for Children, Schools and Families (DCSF)
Institute for Employment Studies, corp creators. (2009) Activity and Learning Agreement Pilots : programme theory evaluation : (Working Paper 3) Activity Agreement Provision. [ Research report ]

Nicol, David, Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education Scotland, corp creator. (2009) Quality enhancement themes : the first year experience : transforming assessment and feedback : enhancing integration and empowerment in the first year. [ Enhancement themes ]

Noden, Philip and West, Anne, Research and Information on State Education (RISE)
London School of Economics and Political Science. Department of Social Policy. Education Research Group
Esmée Fairbairn Foundation, corp creators. (2009) Secondary school admissions in England : Admission Forums, local authorities and schools : December 2009.

Nunes, Terezinha, Department for Children, Schools and Families (DCSF), corp creator. (2009) Development of maths capabilities and confidence in primary school. [ Research report ]


O'Donnell, Lisa, Department for Children, Schools and Families (DCSF)
National Foundation for Educational Research, corp creators. (2009) National evaluation of Diplomas : preparation for 2008 delivery. [ Research report ]

Ohara, Dave and Steven, Anthony, British Educational Communications and Technology Agency (BECTA), corp creator. (2009) Enhancing the environmental sustainability of IT.

Oroyemi, Paul, Great Britain. Social Exclusion Task Force
National Centre for Social Research (Great Britain)
Cabinet Office, corp creators. (2009) Understanding the risks of social exclusion across the life course: families with children : a research report.

Orr, Kevin and Simmons, Robin, ESCalate (Education Subject Centre of the Higher Education Academy), corp creator. (2009) Dual identities: enhancing the in-service teacher trainee experience in further education.

Owen, Charlie and Statham, June, Department for Children, Schools and Families (DCSF)
University of London. Institute of Education. Thomas Coram Research Unit, corp creators. (2009) Disproportionality in child welfare : the prevalence of black and minority ethnic children within 'looked after' and 'children in need' populations and on child protection registers in England. [ Research report ]


Page, Rosie, Johnson, Claire and Munro, Miranda, Department for Children, Schools and Families (DCSF), corp creator. (2009) Activity and learning agreement pilots : programme theory evaluation : working paper 4 : learning agreement provision. [ Research report ]

Palmer, Helen and Kendall, Sally, York Consulting
Department for Children, Schools and Families (DCSF), corp creators. (2009) Targeted Youth Support Pathfinders evaluation : final report. [ Research report ]

Pamela, Munn, Stephen, Sharp, Gwynedd, Lloyd, Gale, Macleod, Gillean, McCluskey, Jane, Brown and Lorna, Hamilton, Scottish Government (Scotland), corp creator. (2009) Behaviour in Scottish schools 2009.

Parry, Gareth and Thompson, Anne, Higher Education Funding Council for England, corp creator. (2009) Higher education strategies from further education colleges: evaluation of the pilot exercise in 2007-08.

Pavey, Fiona and Farress, Heidi (2009) What are the important components of successful leadership teams within children centres? (Sharing our experience, Practitioner-led research 2008-2009; PLR0809/044).

Peacey, Nick, Lindsay, Geoff, Brown, Penelope and Russell, Anthony, Department of Children, Schools and Families (DCSF), corp creator. (2009) Increasing parents’ confidence in the special educational needs system: study commissioned to inform the Lamb Inquiry: interim report. (Submitted)

Peacey, Nick., Department for Children, Schools and Families (DCSF)
University of London. Institute of Education, corp creators. (2009) Increasing parents' confidence in the special educational needs system : study commissioned to inform the Lamb Inquiry : interim report.

Penfold, Clarissa, Department for Children, Schools and Families (DCSF), corp creator. (2009) Parental confidence in the special educational needs assessment, statementing and tribunal system : qualitative study. [ Research report ]

Perry, Jane, Department for Children, Schools and Families (DCSF)
National Centre for Social Research, corp creators. (2009) Learning agreement pilots : quantitative evaluation. [ Research report ]

Peters, Mark, Carpenter, Hannah and Edwards, Gareth, Department for Children, Schools and Families (DCSF)
BMRB Social Research, corp creators. (2009) Cost of schooling 2007. [ Research report ]

Peters, Mark, Carpenter, Hannah, Norden, Oliver, Todd, Liz and Cummings, Colleen, Department for Children, Schools and Families (DCSF), corp creator. (2009) Extended schools subsidy pathfinder evaluation : interim report. [ Research report ]

Phillips, Rachel, Department for Children, Schools and Families (DCSF), corp creator. (2009) Childcare and early years providers survey 2008. [ Research report ]

Philo, Dan, Maplethorpe, Natalie, Conolly, Anne and Toomse, Mari, Department for Work and Pensions (DWP)
National Centre for Social Research, corp creators. (2009) Families with children in Britain : findings from the 2007 Families and Children Study (FACS). [ Research report ; no. 578 ]

Piesse, Andrea and Kalton, Graham, Department for Children, Schools and Families (DCSF), corp creator. (2009) A strategy for handling missing data in the Longitudinal Study of Young People in England (LSYPE). [ Research report ]

Pirrie, Anne, Department for Children, Schools and Families (DCSF), corp creator. (2009) Where next for pupils excluded from Special Schools and Pupil Referral Units? [ Research report ]

Pivec, Paul, British Educational Communications and Technology Agency (BECTA), corp creator. (2009) Game-based learning or game-based teaching?

Platt, Lucinda, Department for Work and Pensions (DWP), corp creator. (2009) Ethnicity and child poverty.

Porritt, Jonathon, Hopkins, David, Birney, Anna and Reed, Jane, National College for Leadership of Schools and Children's services (NCSL), corp creator. (2009) Every child's future: leading the way.

Powell, Thomas, UK Parliament
House of Commons Library, corp creators. (2009) Autism Bill : Committee Stage report (Bill 98 2008-09). [ Research paper ]


Quick, Susannah, Department for Children, Schools and Families (DCSF), corp creator. (2009) PE and sport survey 2008/09. [ Research report ]


Rees, Gwyther, Franks, Myfanwy, Medforth, Ros and Wade, Jim, The Children’s Society
Social Policy Research Unit, University of York
Department for Children, Schools and Families (DCSF), corp creators. (2009) Commissioning, delivery and perceptions of emergency accommodation for young runaways.

Renfrew Knight, Helena, Bryan, Scott and Filsner, Gilly, British Educational Communications and Technology Agency (BECTA), corp creator. (2009) Harnessing Technology: business practices which support risk-taking and innovation in schools and colleges, February 2009.

Richardson, William and Haynes, Gill, Department for Children, Schools and Families (DCSF), corp creator. (2009) National evaluation of diplomas : findings from the 2008 survey of higher education institutions on their implementation and impact. [ Research report ]

Ridge, Tess, Department for Work and Pensions (DWP), corp creator. (2009) Living with poverty: a review of the literature on children's and families' experiences of poverty.

Ridge, Tess and Millar, Jane., Department for Work and Pensions (DWP), corp creator. (2009) Work and well-being over time: lone mothers and their children.

Ridgway, Jim, McCusker, Sean and Nicholson, James, British Educational Communications and Technology Agency (BECTA)
Durham University, corp creators. (2009) Alcohol and a mashup: exciting and engaging data displays - final project report.

Rose, Jim, Department for Children, Schools and Families (DCSF), corp creator. (2009) Identifying and teaching children and young people with dyslexia and literacy difficulties : an independent report.

Ross, Andy, Department for Children, Schools and Families (DCSF), corp creator. (2009) Disengagement from education among 14-16 year olds. [ Research report ]

Rudd, Peter, Teeman, David, Marshall, Helen, Mundy, Ellie, White, Karen, Lin, Yin, Morrison, Jo, Yeshanew, Tilaye and Cardozo, Vani, British Educational Communications and Technology Agency (BECTA)
National Foundation for Educational Research (NFER), corp creators. (2009) Harnessing Technology Schools Survey 2009: analysis report.

Rush, Linda, Claxton, Guy and Wilkinson, Kate, ESCalate (Education Subject Centre of the Higher Education Academy), corp creator. (2009) Making real the learning to learn (L2L) rhetoric embedded in an ITE learning and teaching strategy.


Sandford, Richard, British Educational Communications and Technology Agency (BECTA), corp creator. (2009) Robots, drugs, reality and education: how the future will change how we think.

Selwyn, Julie, Department for Children, Schools and Families (DCSF), corp creator. (2009) Adoption and the inter-agency fee. [ Research report ]

Shah, Hetan and Brown, Kate, Think Global (THG)
Development Education Association, corp creators. (2009) Critical thinking in the context of global learning. [ DEA Thinkpiece ]

Sharples, Mike, Crook, Charles, Jones, Ian, Kay, David, Chowcat, Ian, Balmer, Kim and Stokes, Eleanor, British Educational Communications and Technology Agency (BECTA), corp creator. (2009) Harnessing Technology: new modes of technology-enhanced learning: opportunities and challenges.

Shucksmith, Janet, Spratt, Jenny, Philip, Kate and McNaughton, Rebekah, NHS Health Scotland
University of Teesside
University of Aberdeen, corp creators. (2009) A critical review of the literature on children and young people’s views of the factors that influence their mental health : September 2009.

Silver, Karin, Children’s Workforce Development Council (CWDC), corp creator. (2009) ‘What is our out of school club?’ A child-centred approach to understanding the role of an OOSC and integrated working: Sharing our experience (Practitioner-led research 2008-2009 PLR0809/016).

Sinclair, Scott, Think Global (THG), corp creator. (2009) Why ‘global learning’? : and thinking about a new DEA.

Singleton, Roger, Department for Children, Schools and Families (DCSF)
Independent Safeguarding Authority, corp creators. (2009) 'Drawing the line' : a report on the Government's Vetting and Barring Scheme.

Singleton, Roger, Department for Children, Schools and Families (DCSF), corp creator. (2009) 'Keeping our school safe' : review of safeguarding arrangements in independent schools, non- maintained special schools and boarding schools in England.

Slade, Zoe, Coulter, Alice and Joyce, Lucy, Department for Children, Schools and Families (DCSF)
BMRB Qualitative, corp creators. (2009) Parental experience of services for disabled children : qualitative research. [ Research report ]

Smith, Ben and Thompson, Gavin, UK Parliament
House of Commons Library, corp creators. (2009) Sprinkler systems in schools : May 2009. [ Standard note ]

Smith, Ruth, Purdon, Susan, Schneider, Vera, La Valle, Ivana, Wollny, Ivonne, Owen, Rachael, Bryson, Caroline, Mathers, Sandra, Sylva, Kathy and Lloyd, Eva, Department for Children, Schools and Families (DCSF)
National Centre for Social Research, corp creators. (2009) Early education pilot for two year old children : evaluation. [ Research report ]

Smith, Ruth, Speight, Svetlana and La Valle, Ivana, Department for Children, Schools and Families (DCSF)
National Centre for Social Research, corp creators. (2009) Fitting it all together : how families arrange their childcare and the influence on children's home learning. [ Research report ]

Sodha, Sonia and Guglielmi, Silvia, DEMOS, corp creator. (2009) A stitch in time : tackling educational disengagement. Interim report.

Spielhofer, Thomas, Department for Children, Schools and Families (DCSF)
National Foundation for Educational Research, corp creators. (2009) Increasing participation : understanding young people who do not participate in education or training at 16 and 17. [ Research report ]

Stafford, Anne and Smith, Connie, Scottish Government
The University of Edinburgh
Centre for UK-wide Learning in Child Protection (CLiCP), corp creators. (2009) Practical guidance on consulting, conducting research and working in participative ways with children and young people experiencing domestic abuse.

Stanfield, Carol, Sloan, James, Cox, Annette and Stone, Ian, UK Commission for Employment and Skills (UKCES), corp creator. (2009) Review of employer collective measures : final report. [ Evidence report ]

Stark, Jennifer, Scottish Government (Scotland), corp creator. (2009) Review of children missing from education (Scotland) service: September 2006-April 2007.

Steer, Alan, Department for Children, Schools and Families (DCSF), corp creator. (2009) Review of pupil behaviour. Interim report 4.

Steer, Alan, Department for Children, Schools and Families (DCSF), corp creator. (2009) Sir Alan Steer's final recommendations on pupil behaviour : implementation plan : Appendix B : responses to recommendations made in earlier stages of this review.

Stobart, Eleanor, Foreign and Commonwealth Office
Home Office
Forced Marriage Unit, corp creators. (2009) Multi-agency practice guidelines : handling cases of forced marriage.

Stott, Julie (2009) What should excellent integrated service delivery feel like and look like from a young person’s point of view? – ‘Don’t treat me like I’m a bother’ (Sharing our experience, Practitioner-led research 2008-2009; PLR0809/096).

Streeting, Wes and Wise, Graeme, Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education (QAA), corp creator. (2009) Rethinking the values of higher education - consumption, partnership, community?

Sung, Johnny, Ashton, David and Raddon, Arwen, Scottish Government (Scotland)
Futureskills Scotland, corp creators. (2009) Product market strategies and workforce skills: final report.


Tanner, Emily, Department for Children, Schools and Families (DCSF)
National Centre for Social Research, corp creators. (2009) Activity Agreement Pilots : quantitative evaluation. [ Research report ]

Tanner, Emily, Ireson, Judith M., Rushforth, Katie, Smith, Kelvin, Day, Naomi, Tennant, Rosalind and Turczuk, Ola, Department for Children, Schools and Families (DCSF)
University of London. Institute of Education, corp creators. (2009) Private tuition in England. [ Research report ]

Taylor, Paul and Wilding, Danny, Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education, corp creator. (2009) Rethinking the values of higher education - the student as collaborator and producer? Undergraduate research as a case study.

Thomas, David, National College for School Leadership, corp creator. (2009) Working together is success : how successful headteachers build and develop effective leadership teams.

Todman, Penny, Department for Children, Schools and Families (DCSF), corp creator. (2009) Better together : exploratory case studies of formal collaborations between small rural primary schools. [ Research report ]

Tuck, Amanda (2009) Small school challenges: learning lessons from small school headteachers. [ Research Associate Summary Report ]


Uffendell, Margaret and Hefferan, Mike, British Educational Communications and Technology Agency (BECTA)
Royal National Institute of Blind People (RNIB), corp creators. (2009) RNIB College learners get smart with their mobile phones.

Underwood, Jean, British Educational Communications and Technology Agency (BECTA), corp creator. (2009) The impact of digital technology: a review of the impact of digital technologies on formal education.

Underwood, Jean, Baguley, Thomas, Banyard, Phil, Dillon, Gayle, Farrington-Flint, Lee, Hayes, Mary, Hick, Peter, Le Geyt, Gabrielle, Murphy, Jamie, Selwood, Ian and Wright, Madeline, British Educational Communications and Technology Agency (BECTA)
Nottingham Trent University (NTU), corp creators. (2009) Personalising learning (theoretical perspective) - final report.

Underwood, Jean, Banyard, Phil, Betts, Lucy, Farrington-Flint, Lee, Stiller, James and Yeomans, Suzanne, British Educational Communications and Technology Agency (BECTA), corp creator. (2009) Narrowing the gap: literature review, 2009.

Underwood, Jean, Banyard, Philip, Betts, Lucy, Farrington-flint, Lee, Kerlin, Lianne, Stiller, James and Yeomans, Susanne, British Educational Communications and Technology Agency (BECTA), corp creator. (2009) Narrowing the gap: an exploration of the ways technology can support approaches to narrowing the gap for underachieving and low-achieving learners in secondary schools, December 2009.

Underwood, Jean D. M., British Educational Communications and Technology Agency, corp creator. (2009) The impact of digital technology : a review of the evidence of the impact of digital technologies on formal education.


Wade, Pauline, Marshall, Helen and O'Donnell, Sharon, Department for Children, Schools and Families (DCSF)
National Foundation for Educational Research, corp creators. (2009) Primary modern foreign languages : longitudinal survey of implementation of national entitlement to language learning at Key Stage 2 : final report. [ Research report ]

Wallace, Emma, Department for Children, Schools and Families (DCSF), corp creator. (2009) Extended schools survey of schools, pupils and parents : a quantitative study of perceptions and usage of extended services in schools. [ Research report ]

Warhurst, Christopher, Scotland. Scottish Government. Social Research, corp creator. (2009) Higher and further education students' income, expenditure and debt in Scotland 2007-08.

West, Anne, Barham, Eleanor and Hind, Audrey, Research and Information on State Education (RISE)
London School of Economics and Political Science. Department of Social Policy. Education Research Group
Esmée Fairbairn Foundation, corp creators. (2009) Secondary school admissions in England : policy and practice : March 2009.

Wheadon, Christopher, Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation (OFQUAL)
Assessment and Qualifications Alliance, corp creators. (2009) Principles and practice of on-demand testing.

Wilkin, Anne, Derrington, Chris and Foster, Brian, Department for Children, Schools and Families (DCSF)
National Foundation for Educational Research, corp creators. (2009) Improving the outcomes for Gypsy, Roma and Traveller pupils : literature review. [ Research report ]

Wilson, Sarah, Sharp, Caroline and Bergeron, Caroline, Department for Children, Schools and Families (DCSF)
National Foundation for Educational Research, corp creators. (2009) The Double Club evaluation : interim report. [ Research report ]

Winter-Scott, Rosemary and Alastair, Delaney, Scottish Government (Scotland), corp creator. (2009) Strategic review of Learning Connections: report into the findings and recommendations arising from a strategic review of Learning Connections, a division within the Lifelong Learning Directorate of Scottish Government.

Wood, Clare, Jackson, Emma, Plester, Beverly and Wilde, Lucy, British Educational Communications and Technology Agency (BECTA)
Coventry University (CU), corp creators. (2009) Children’s use of mobile phone text messaging and its impact on literacy development in primary school.

Worton, Michael, Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE), corp creator. (2009) Review of modern foreign languages provision in higher education in England.

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