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Items where Year is 2023

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Number of items: 143.


Adams, Lorna, Coburn-Crane, Sarah, Taylor, James and Wilkinson, Anna, Department for Education (DFE), corp creator. (2023) Pulse survey of childcare and early years providers : Research report : May 2023. [ Research and analysis ]

Aldred, Mike, School Teachers’ Review Body (STRB), corp creator. (2023) School Teachers’ Review Body : thirty-third report : 2023. [ Independent report ]

Alexander, Rosie, Hooley, Tristram and Mellors-Bourne, Robin, Office for Students (OfS)
Careers Research & Advisory Centre (CRAC), corp creators. (2023) Supporting local students and graduates : An evaluation of the Office for Students Challenge Competition : 'Industrial strategy and skills : support for local students and graduates'.

Ambrose, Anna, Dent, Anna and Maguire, Rosie, Institute for Public Policy Research (IPPS), corp creator. (2023) Join the dots : The role of apprenticeship intermediaries in England.

Andrew, Alison, Bandiera, Oriana, Costa-Dias, Monica and Landais, Camille, Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS), corp creator. (2023) Women and men at work.

Andrews, Geof, Bajjada, Tom, Bebb, Heledd, Bryer, Nia, Howells, Joseff, KilBride, Kerry, Morgan, Nick, Richardson, Maya, Roberts, Meurig and Wise, Carly, Welsh Government
Miller Research
OB3 Research, corp creators. (2023) Evaluation of Recruit, Recover, and Raise Standards & Early Years Programmes. [ Social research ]

Andrews, Jon, Hunt, Emily and Khandekar, Shruti, Education Policy Institute (EPI), corp creator. (2023) Education priorities in the next general election.

Atfield, Gaby, Baldauf, Beate, Owen, David, Davey, Claire and Monk, Lilly, Department for Education (DFE)
Warwick Institute of Employment Research
Ecorys, corp creators. (2023) Educational psychology services: workforce insights and school perspectives on impact : Research report : June 2023. [ Research and analysis ]


Bailey, Charlotte, Department for Education (DFE), corp creator. (2023) Delayed school admissions for summer-born pupils (2023) : Survey of local authorities and of parents and carers : Research report : November 2023. [ Research and analysis ]

Banks, James, Karjalainen, Heidi and Waters, Tom, Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS)
University of Manchester
University College London (UCL), corp creators. (2023) Inequalities in disability.

Barnes, Sally-Ann, Hogarth, Terence, Wright, Sally, Baldauf, Beate, Cárdenas-Rubio, Jeisson, Ragnarsdottir, Hrafnhildur and Elmezraoui, Wafaa, Department for Education (DFE), corp creator. (2023) Labour market information and an assessment of its applications: a series of international case studies : Research report : February 2023. [ Government Social Research ]

Bebb, Heledd, Bryer, Nia, Duggan, Brett and Thomas, Hefin, Welsh Government
Arad Research
OB3 Research, corp creators. (2023) Evaluation of the professional standards for teaching, leadership and assisting teaching : Final report. [ Social research ]

Bell, Steve, Welsh Government, corp creator. (2023) Towards a new vision for initial teacher education in the post compulsory education and training sectors: a review for Welsh Government : Final Report. [ Final Report ]

Bernardi, Marialivia, Fish, Laurel, van de Grint-Stoop, Jessica, Knibbs, Sarah, Goodman, Alissa, Calderwood, Lisa, Mathers, Sandra, Deepchand, Kavita, Ferguson, Chris, Borges, Tania, Ploubidis, George, Barnes, Jacqueline, Dockrell, Julie, Crawford, Claire, MacMillan, Lindsay, Pickering, Kevin and Fearon, Pasco, Department for Education (DFE)
University College London (UCL), corp creators. (2023) Children of the 2020s : first survey of families at age 9 months : Research report : November 2023. [ Research and analysis ]

Berryman, Nicola, Department for Education (DFE), corp creator. (2023) School census 2023 to 2024 : Business and technical specification, version 1.0 : February 2023. [ Form ]

Berryman, Nicola, Department for Education (DFE), corp creator. (2023) School census 2023 to 2024 : Business and technical specification, version 1.3 : July 2023. [ Guidance ]

Bierman, Raynette, Mackay, Susan and Redondo, Irene Soriano, Department for Education (DFE)
Government Social Research (GSR), corp creators. (2023) Evaluation of the 16-19 Tuition Fund : Implementation and process evaluation report : July 2023. [ Research and analysis ]

Bierman, Raynette, Mackay, Susan and Soriano Redondo, Irene, Department for Education (DFE)
Ipsos MORI, corp creators. (2023) Evaluation of the 16-19 Tuition Fund : Implementation and process evaluation report : Appendix : July 2023.

Brown, Elena Rosa, Groom, Merrilyn, Zhang, Kankan and Angell, Sarah, The Sutton Trust
RAND Europe, corp creators. (2023) World Class : What England can learn from global experience to make early years policy work for disadvantaged children.

Brown, Richard, DEMOS, corp creator. (2023) The AI Generation: How universities can prepare students for the changing world.

Bryant, Ben, Day, Simon, Eyre, Richard and Agunbiade, Kikelomo, Department for Education (DFE)
Cabinet Office
Isos Partnership, corp creators. (2023) How trusts and schools narrow attainment gaps between ethnic groups: a preliminary investigation : Research report : November 2023. [ Research and analysis ]

Butler, Annabelle and Fisher, Laura, Department for Education (DFE)
BMG Research, corp creators. (2023) Disability data collection in schools (workforce) : Research report : February 2023. [ Research and analysis ]

Butt, Sarah, Ratti, Victoria, Bennett, Monica and Paull, Gillian, Department for Education (DFE)
National Centre for Social Research
Frontier Economics, corp creators. (2023) Childcare: Regulatory Changes : Government consultation. [ Consultation outcome ]


Churches, Richard and Fitzpatrick, Rachael, Education Development Trust, corp creator. (2023) Workload reduction in schools in England. [ Independent report ]

Cribb, Jonathan, Farquharson, Christine, McKendrick, Andrew and Waters, Tom, Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS)
Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC), corp creators. (2023) The policy menu for school lunches: options and tradeoffs in expanding free school meals in England.

Crossfield, Joanna, Behailu, Adam, Stiell, Bernadette, Willis, Ben, Rutgers, Dee, Clarkson, Lisa, McCaig, Colin, Ramaiah, Baz and Hallgarten, Joe, Department for Education (DFE)
Ipsos UK
Sheffield Hallam University
Centre for Education and Youth, corp creators. (2023) School Recovery Strategies : Year 2 findings : Research report : January 2023. [ Research and analysis ]

Crossfield, Joanna, Zatterin, Gabriele and Berkley, Matthew, Department for Education (DFE)
Ipsos UK, corp creators. (2023) Childcare in England : parental motivations for use, decision-making and perceptions of quality : a qualitative study : May 2023. [ Research and analysis ]

Crowley, Joe, Khriakova, Ekaterina, Knudsen, Line and Reddin, Jessie, Department for Education (DFE), corp creator. (2023) SEND futures: lives at age 12-13 : Exploring wellbeing, peer relationships, experiences of bullying and independence among young people with SEN at age 12-13 : December 2023. [ Research and analysis ]

Cullinane, Carl and Montacute, Rebecca, The Sutton Trust, corp creator. (2023) Tutoring : the new landscape : Recent trends in private and school-based tutoring.


Davey, Claire, Elsby, Angus, Erskine, Catie, Hill-Newell, Maya, Monk, Lily, Palmer, Helen, Smith, Rebecca, Whitley, James, Williams, Maire, Stanworth, Neil and Baker, Claire (Dr), Department for Education (DFE)
Government Social Research (GSR), corp creators. (2023) Evaluation of the Care Leavers Social Impact Bond (SIB) programme : Final evaluation report : July 2023. [ Research and analysis ]

David, Hefin, Welsh Government, corp creator. (2023) Transitions to employment : a report for the Welsh Government. [ Report ]

Drayton, Elaine, Farquharson, Christine, Ogden, Kate, Sibieta, Luke, Tahir, Imran and Waltmann, Ben, Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS), corp creator. (2023) Annual report on education spending in England: 2023.

de Souza, Rachel, Children's Commissioner for England, corp creator. (2023) Children’s Mental Health Services 2021-22 : March 2023.

de Souza, Rachel, Children's Commissioner for England, corp creator. (2023) Findings from The Big Ask : Children in care : January 2023.

de Souza, Rachel, Children's Commissioner for England, corp creator. (2023) Looked after children who are not in school : May 2023.

de Souza, Rachel, Children's Commissioner for England, corp creator. (2023) Missing children, missing Grades : November 2023.

de Souza, Rachel, Children's Commissioner for England, corp creator. (2023) Siblings in Care : January 2023.

de Souza, Rachel, Children's Commissioner for England, corp creator. (2023) Strip search of children in England and Wales : analysis by the Children’s Commissioner for England : March 2023.

de Souza, Rachel, Children's Commissioner for England, corp creator. (2023) Unaccompanied children in need of care : November 2023.

de Souza, Rachel, Children's Commissioner for England, corp creator. (2023) ‘We all have a voice’ : Disabled children’s vision for change : October 2023.

de Souza, Rachel, Children's Commissioner for England, corp creator. (2023) ‘A lot of it is actually just abuse’ : Young people and pornography : January 2023.


Elias, Peter, Andy, Dick and Bachelor, Neil, Department for Education (DFE), corp creator. (2023) A Skills Classification for the UK : Plans for development and maintenance : October 2023. [ Research and analysis ]


Fairbairn, Catherine, Roberts, Nerys, Sandford, Mark and Seely, Antony, House of Commons Library
House of Commons
UK Parliament, corp creators. (2023) Charitable status and independent schools. [ Commons Library research briefing ]

Farquharson, Christine, Drayton, Elaine and Olorenshaw, Harriet, Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS), corp creator. (2023) Support for childcare and the early years : Submission to the Education Select Committee’s call for evidence. [ IFS report ]

Fearns, Josh, Harriss, Lydia and Lally, Clare, UK Parliament, corp creator. (2023) Data science skills in the UK workforce. [ Research briefing ]

Foster, David, House of Commons Library
House of Commons
UK Parliament, corp creators. (2023) Duties to report child abuse in England. [ Research briefing (House of Commons Library) ]

Foster, David, House of Commons Library
House of Commons
UK Parliament, corp creators. (2023) Early years funding in England. [ Research briefing (House of Commons Library) ]

Foster, David, House of Commons Library
House of Commons
UK Parliament, corp creators. (2023) Parental responsibility in England and Wales. [ Research briefing (House of Commons Library) ]

Foster, David, UK Parliament, corp creator. (2023) An overview of child protection legislation in England. [ Research Briefing ]

Foster, David and Foley, Niamh, House of Commons Library
House of Commons
UK Parliament, corp creators. (2023) Early years funding in England. [ Research briefing (House of Commons Library) ]

Foster, Dina, McLemore, Caitlin, Olszewski, Brandon, Chaudhry, Ali, Cooper, Ekaterina, Forcier, Laurie and Luckin, Rose, Department for Education (DFE), corp creator. (2023) EdTech quality frameworks and standards review : DfE quality characteristics project (ref: PQFFSR) : December 2023. [ Research and analysis ]

Francis, Alun, Social Mobility Commission (SMC)
Centre for Teachers & Teaching Research at IOE
University College London (UCL), corp creators. (2023) Family and parenting programmes : Rapid evidence assessment : Research report : October 2023. [ Research report (Social Mobility Commission) ]

Francis-Devine, Brigid, Malik, Xameerah and Danechi, Shadi, House of Commons Library
House of Commons
UK Parliament, corp creators. (2023) Food poverty : Households, food banks and free school meals. [ Commons Library research briefing ]

Francis-Devine, Brigid, Malik, Xameerah and Danechi, Shadi, House of Commons Library
House of Commons
UK Parliament, corp creators. (2023) Food poverty : Households, food banks and free school meals. [ Research briefing (House of Commons Library) ]

Fuller, Maria and McNally, Jenny, Department for Education (DFE), corp creator. (2023) Education, children’s social care and offending: multi-level modelling : Research report : July 2023. [ Transparency data ]


Garratt, Katherine, Abreu, Laura, Foster, David, Long, Robert, Lewis, Joseph, Powell, Andrew, Hobson, Frances, Beard, Jacqueline, Kirk-Wade, Esme and Danechi, Shadi, House of Commons Library
House of Commons
UK Parliament, corp creators. (2023) Autism : Overview of policy and services. [ Research briefing (House of Commons Library) ]

Garratt, Katherine, Kirk-Wade, Esme and Long, Robert, House of Commons Library
House of Commons
UK Parliament, corp creators. (2023) Support for children and young people’s mental health (England). [ Research briefing (House of Commons Library) ]

Garratt, Katherine and Wilson, Siobhan, House of Commons Library
House of Commons
UK Parliament, corp creators. (2023) Backbench business : Debate on a Motion on support for bereaved children. [ Commons Library debate pack ]

Gower, Melanie, Foster, David, Meade, Lulu and Lalic, Maria, UK Parliament
House of Commons
House of Commons Library, corp creators. (2023) Accommodation of asylum-seeking children in hotels. [ Commons Library debate pack ]


Harland, Jennie, Bradley, Eleanor and Worth, Jack, Education Endowment Foundation (EEF)
National Foundation for Educational Research (NFER), corp creators. (2023) Understanding the factors that support the recruitment and retention of teachers : Review of flexible working approaches : Mixed methods review : October 2023.

Hartgen-Walker, Stephanie and Lally, Clare, Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology (POST)
UK Parliament, corp creators. (2023) Child food insecurity and Free School Meals. [ POSTnote ]

He, Qingping and Cadwallader, Stuart, Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation (OFQUAL), corp creator. (2023) Inter-subject comparability in GCSEs and A levels in summer 2022. [ Research and analysis ]

Hewstone, Miles, Department for Education (DFE), corp creator. (2023) Social Integration in Schools and Colleges : Research Report : May 2023. [ Research and analysis ]

Higton, John, Spong, Sophie and Hansel, Michelle, Department for Education (DFE)
CFE Research, corp creators. (2023) The Teacher Student Loan Reimbursement Scheme : Final Evaluation Report : January 2023. [ Research and analysis ]

Hingley, Sarah, Gaskell, Emily, Morris, John, Lane, Will, Coleman, Nick, Man, Charlotte and Thornton, Alex, Department for Education (DFE), corp creator. (2023) Parent, Pupil and Learner Panel 22/23 : June wave : October 2023. [ Research and analysis ]

Hingley, Sarah, Gaskell, Emily, Morris, John, Lane, Will, Man, Charlotte and Thornton, Alex, Department for Education (DFE)
Government Social Research (GSR)
Kantar Public, corp creators. (2023) Parent, pupil and learner panel : 22/23 : February wave : July 2023. [ Research and analysis ]

Hingley, Sarah, Gaskell, Emily, Morris, John, Man, Charlotte, Coleman,, Nick and Thornton, Alex, Department for Education (DFE), corp creator. (2023) Parent, Pupil and Learner Panel 22/23 : April/May wave : October 2023. [ Research and analysis ]

Hingley, Sarah, Gaskell, Emily, Morris, John, Man, Charlotte, Simms, Sarah and Thornton, Alex, Department for Education (DFE)
Government Social Research (GSR)
Kantar Public, corp creators. (2023) Parent, pupil and learner panel : 22/23 : March/April wave : July 2023. [ Research and analysis ]

Hodge, Louis, Department for Education (DFE), corp creator. (2023) Key Stage 2 attainment and early labour market outcomes : Research report : January 2023. [ Research and analysis ]

Holt-White, Erica and Cullinane, Carl, The Sutton Trust, corp creator. (2023) Social Mobility : The Next Generation : Lost potential at age 16.

Hughes, Steve, Welsh Government, corp creator. (2023) Patterns in reading and numeracy attainment : from 2018/19 to 2022/23 : a report looking at patterns in attainment in reading and numeracy, using national-level data from the personalised assessments : last updated 23 November 2023. [ Statistics ]

Hutchinson, Jo, Education Policy Institute (EPI), corp creator. (2023) The educational outcomes of deaf children in England : Attainment at Key Stages 1, 2 and 4.


Johnson, Claire, Jouahri, Sophia, Earl, Shannon, White, Yasmin, Woods, Daisy, Sarah, Pollock (Dr), Scholar, Helen (Dr) and McCaughan, Susan, Department for Education (DFE)
Government Social Research (GSR), corp creators. (2023) Longitudinal study of local authority child and family social workers (Wave 5) : Research report : July 2023. [ Research and analysis ]

Johnson, Robert, Lee, Su-Min and Conlon, Gavan, Department for Education (DFE), corp creator. (2023) Impact of childcare provider characteristics on the cost of childcare for providers and parents : Research report : December 2023. [ Government Social Research ]

Jones, Savanna and Phillips, Amanda, Higher Education Funding Council for Wales (HEFCW), corp creator. (2023) Tackling violence against women, domestic abuse and sexual violence in higher education. [ Cylchlythyr = Circular ]

Jones, Taz, Higher Education Funding Council for Wales (HEFCW), corp creator. (2023) The National Student Survey 2024. [ Cylchlythyr = Circular ]

Joseph, Allen, Crenna-Jennings, Whitney and Marchant, Isaac, Education Policy Institute (EPI), corp creator. (2023) Children and young people's mental health services : Targets, progress and barriers to improvement.

Julings, Martha and Cowen, Georgina, Department for Education (DFE)
York Consulting, corp creators. (2023) Evaluation of the School Leader Mental Health and Wellbeing Service : Research report : October 2023. [ Research and analysis ]


Kelly, Rebecca and Mutebi, Natasha, UK Parliament, corp creator. (2023) Invisible Disabilities in Education and Employment. [ POSTNote ]

Khandker, Rushda, Phillips, Alice and Severn, Emily, Department for Education (DFE)
Government Social Research (GSR), corp creators. (2023) National Tutoring Programme satisfaction surveys, 2021 to 2022 : Research report : July 2023. [ Research and analysis ]

King, Janette, Department for Education (DFE)
School Organisation and Spending Analysis, corp creators. (2023) Trust and school improvement offer 2021/22 – participant feedback : Research report : January 2023. [ Research and analysis ]

Knox, Kirsty and Berryman, Nicky, Department for Education (DFE), corp creator. (2023) School census 2022 to 2023 : Business and technical specification, version 1.4 : March 2023. [ Guidance ]

Knudsen, Line, Spencer, Samantha, Sivathasan, Chujan, Shah, Dhru, Wood, Martin and Hussey, David, Department for Education (DFE)
National Centre for Social Research (NatCen), corp creators. (2023) SEND futures : Discovery phase wave 1 methodological report : December 2023. [ Research and analysis ]


Lee, Ming Wei, Rama, Dovile and Johnson, Kate, Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation (Ofqual), corp creator. (2023) Equalities analysis : executive summary : Published 7 December 2023. [ Research and analysis ]

Lee, Su-Min, Johnson, Robert and Conlon, Gavan, Department for Education (DFE), corp creator. (2023) Providers’ finances: Evidence from the Survey of Childcare and Early Years Providers 2022 : Research report : December 2023. [ Government Social Research ]

Legrave, Shelagh, Department for Education (DFE), corp creator. (2023) Annual report of the Further Education Commissioner : 1 August 2022 to 31 July 2023 : December 2023. [ Corporate report ]

Leonardi, Sarah, Spong, Sophie, Harding, Sarah, Milner, Chris and Merrett, David, Department for Education (DFE)
CFE Research, corp creators. (2023) Emerging findings from the NPQ evaluation : Interim report 1 : January 2023. [ Research and analysis ]

Lewis, Joe, UK Parliament, corp creator. (2023) Students and the rising cost of living. [ Research Briefing ]

Lewis, Joe, House of Commons Library
House of Commons
UK Parliament, corp creators. (2023) University strike action in the UK. [ Commons Library research briefing ]

Lewis, Joe and Bolton, Paul, House of Commons Library
House of Commons
UK Parliament, corp creators. (2023) Further education funding in England. [ Commons Library research briefing ]

Lewis, Joe and Bolton, Paul, House of Commons Library
House of Commons
UK Parliament, corp creators. (2023) Technical education in England : T Levels. [ Research briefing (House of Commons Library) ]

Lewis, Joe and Wilson, Siobhan, House of Commons Library
House of Commons
UK Parliament, corp creators. (2023) The reform of level 3 qualifications in England. [ Research briefing (House of Commons Library) ]

Little, Allan, Hodge, Louis and Tymms, Peter, Department for Education (DFE)
Durham University, corp creators. (2023) The economic benefits of effective Reception classes in England : Research report : January 2023. [ Research and analysis ]

Loft, Philip, Lewis, Joe and Bolton, Paul, UK Parliament
House of Commons
House of Commons Library, corp creators. (2023) Accessing higher education in the UK's Overseas Territories. [ Research briefing (House of Commons Library) ]

Long, Rob and Lewis, Anastasia, UK Parliament, corp creator. (2023) Specialist workforce for children with special educational needs and disabilities. [ Research Briefing ]

Long, Robert and Danechi, Shadi, UK Parliament
House of Commons
House of Commons Library, corp creators. (2023) Initial teacher training in England. [ Research briefing (House of Commons Library) ]

Long, Robert, Danechi, Shadi and Maisuria, Alpesh, UK Parliament, corp creator. (2023) Grammar schools in England. [ Research Briefing ]

Long, Robert, Roberts, Nerys and Lewis, Anastasia, UK Parliament
House of Commons
House of Commons Library, corp creators. (2023) Racial discrimination in schools. [ House of Commons Library debate pack ]

Long, Robert, House of Commons Library
House of Commons
UK Parliament, corp creators. (2023) Relationships and sex education in schools (England). [ Research briefing (House of Commons Library) ]

Long, Robert, House of Commons Library
House of Commons
UK Parliament, corp creators. (2023) The School Day and Year. [ Commons Library research briefing ]

Long, Robert, House of Commons Library
House of Commons
UK Parliament, corp creators. (2023) Sexual harassment in schools. [ Research briefing (House of Commons Library) ]

Long, Robert, UK Parliament, corp creator. (2023) Sexual harassment in schools (England). [ Research Briefing ]

Long, Robert and Danechi, Shadi, House of Commons Library
House of Commons
UK Parliament, corp creators. (2023) School attendance in England. [ Research briefing (House of Commons Library) ]

Long, Robert and Lewis, Joe, House of Commons Library
House of Commons
UK Parliament, corp creators. (2023) Careers guidance in schools, colleges and universities (England). [ Commons Library Research Briefing ]

Long, Robert, Roberts, Nerys and Danechi, Shadi, House of Commons Library
House of Commons
UK Parliament, corp creators. (2023) Physical education, physical activity and sport in English schools. [ Research briefing (House of Commons Library) ]

Lucas, Megan, Moore, Emma, Morton, Chris, Staunton, Ruth and Welbourne, Stephen, Department for Education (DFE), corp creator. (2023) Independent Evaluation of the National Tutoring Programme Year 2 : Impact Evaluation Research report : October 2023. [ Research and analysis ]

Lynch, Sarah, Aston, Katherine, Bradley, Eleanor, Morton, Chris, Smith, Andrew, Del Pozo Segura, Juan Manuel and Lord, Pippa, Department for Education (DFE)
National Foundation for Educational Research (NFER), corp creators. (2023) Evaluation of the National Tutoring Programme Year 3: Implementation and Process Evaluation : Research report : October 2023. [ Research and analysis ]


Maisuria, Alpesh, House of Commons Library
House of Commons
UK Parliament, corp creators. (2023) The school curriculum in the UK. [ Commons Library research briefing ]

Maisuria, Alpesh, Roberts, Nerys, Long, Robert and Danechi, Shadi, UK Parliament, corp creator. (2023) Teacher recruitment and retention in England. [ Research Briefing ]

Martin, Kerry, Classick, Rachel, Sharp, Caroline and Faulkner-Ellis, Henry, Education Endowment Foundation (EEF)
National Foundation for Educational Research (NFER), corp creators. (2023) Supporting the recruitment and retention of teachers in schools with high proportions of disadvantaged pupils : understanding current practice around managing teacher workload : Practice review : October 2023. [ Practice review ]

Melhuish, Edward and Gardiner, Julian, The Sutton Trust, corp creator. (2023) Equal hours? : The impact of hours spent in early years provision on children’s outcomes at age five, by socio-economic background.

Merchant, Marcia and Leyshon, Jon, Department for Education (DFE), corp creator. (2023) Key stage 1 assessments data collection 2023 : Technical specification : version 1.0 : January 2023. [ Guidance ]

Merchant, Marcia and Leyshon, Jon, Department for Education (DFE), corp creator. (2023) Phonics screening check 2023 : Technical specification : version 1.0 : January 2023. [ Guidance ]

Mon-Williams, Mark and Wood, Megan, Health Equity North
Northern NIHR Applied Research Collaborations (ARCs), corp creators. (2023) Addressing Education and Health Inequity : Perspectives from the North of England : A report prepared for the Child of the North All-Party Parliamentary Group.

Montacute, Rebecca and Cullinane, Carl, The Sutton Trust, corp creator. (2023) 25 years of universtiy access : how access to higher education has changed over time.

Morgan, Debbie, Department for Education (DFE)
Education Endowment Foundation, corp creators. (2023) National Professional Qualification (NPQ) : Leading Primary Mathematics : July 2023. [ Guidance ]


Nguyen, Dong, See, Beng Huat, Brown, Chris and Kokotsaki, Dimitra, Education Endowment Foundation (EEF)
Durham University
University of Warwick, corp creators. (2023) Reviewing the evidence base on school leadership, culture, climate and structure for teacher retention : Rapid evidence assessment : October 2023.


Ogden, Kate, Phillips, David and Sibieta, Luke, Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS), corp creator. (2023) Council and school funding. [ IFS report ]

Owen, Christopher, Hill, Georgia, Kyriacou, Jessica, Southwick, Oliver, Bermudez, Thomas and Davies, Tom, Welsh Government
Social Finance, corp creators. (2023) Developing a new data and information ecosystem that supports the reformed school system in Wales : findings from a research study. [ Government Social Research ]

Ozan, Jessica, Sayer, Ellie Mendez, Hayes, Lottie and Armstrong, Charlotte, Department for Education (DFE)
Ipsos UK, corp creators. (2023) Foster carer recruitment and conversion rates : Research report : July 2023. [ Research and analysis ]


Phillips, Andrew, Bush, Lucy and Walcott, Stephen, DEMOS, corp creator. (2023) Wall to wall support : joining up public services and housing for vulnerable children, young people and families.

Provijn, Dagmar, Medlin, Jack, Naughton, Conor, Mahbubul, Alam and Hunt, Ben, Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education (QAA), corp creator. (2023) Instilling international trust in English higher education - a quality perspective. [ Policy series ]


Ray-Chaudhuri, Sam and Xu, Xiaowei, Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS), corp creator. (2023) Are the kids alright? : The early careers of education leavers since the COVID-19 pandemic. [ IFS report ]

Roberts, Nerys, Danechi, Shadi and Lewis, Anastasia, UK Parliament
House of Commons
House of Commons Library, corp creators. (2023) Falling pupil rolls in England and school closures in London. [ Commons Library debate pack ]

Roberts, Nerys and Lewis, Anastasia, UK Parliament
House of Commons
House of Commons Library, corp creators. (2023) National Numeracy Day. [ Commons Library debate pack ]

Roberts, Nerys, UK Parliament, corp creator. (2023) Ofsted: School inspections in England. [ Research Briefing ]

Roberts, Nerys, House of Commons Library
House of Commons
UK Parliament, corp creators. (2023) School admissions in England. [ Commons Library research briefing ]

Roberts, Nerys, House of Commons Library
House of Commons
UK Parliament, corp creators. (2023) School admissions in England : 3rd November 2023. [ Research Briefing ]


Shawcross, William, House of Commons, corp creator. (2023) Independent Review of Prevent. [ Independent report ]

Sibieta, Luke, Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS)
Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC)
Nuffield Foundation, corp creators. (2023) How does school spending per pupil differ across the UK?

Sibieta, Luke, Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS)
Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC)
Nuffield Foundation, corp creators. (2023) Tax, private school fees and state school spending.

Sibieta, Luke and Tahir, Imran, Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS)
Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC)
Nuffield Foundation, corp creators. (2023) What has happened to college teacher pay in England?

Spielman, Amanda, Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills (OFSTED) (2007-)
House of Commons
UK Parliament, corp creators. (2023) The Annual Report of His Majesty’s Chief Inspector of Education, Children’s Services and Skills 2022/23. [ Corporate report ]

Stockford, Ian, Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation (OFQUAL), corp creator. (2023) Equalities analysis: what the 2023 results tell us. [ Authored article ]

Stones, Liz, Children's Commissioner for Wales (CCW), corp creator. (2023) Ambitions for Wales: The survey results and analysis of the experiences and hopes of children, young people, parents and carers and professionals in Wales, and their priorities for the Commissioner.


Tahir, Imran, Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS), corp creator. (2023) IFS Green Budget, Chapter 9 : Investment in training and skills : October 2023.

Tuffee, Ross and Little, Joe, Scottish Government (Scotland), corp creator. (2023) The Entrepreneurial Campus. [ Strategy/plan ]


Walter, Merlin and Rama, Dovile, Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation (OFQUAL), corp creator. (2023) Apprenticeship end-point assessments statistical report : March 2022 to February 2023 : Published 31 October 2023. [ Research and analysis ]

Welbourne, Stephen, Smith, Andrew, Morton, Chris, Staunton, Ruth, Lord, Pippa, Lynch, Sarah and Aston, Katherine, Department for Education (DFE)
National Foundation for Educational Research (NFER), corp creators. (2023) Evaluation of the National Tutoring Programme Year 3 Study Plan : October 2023. [ Study plan ]

West, Angela, Higher Education Funding Council for Wales (HEFCW), corp creator. (2023) Degree apprenticeships monitoring report 2023/24 and 2024/25. [ Cylchlythyr = Circular ]

Willetts, David, Resolution Foundation, corp creator. (2023) How higher education can boost people-powered growth : steering economic change. [ Economy 2030 inquiry ]

Wyman, Peter, Department for Education (DFE), corp creator. (2023) Independent review to assess the error made in the production of the schools block National Funding Formula (NFF) units of funding and indicative allocations for 2024-25. [ Independent report ]


Zuccollo, James, Dias, Joana Cardim, Jiménez, Eva and Braakmann, Nils, Education Policy Institute (EPI), corp creator. (2023) The influence of headteachers on their schools. [ Research area: Teaching and leadership: Supply and quality ]

This list was generated on Thu Mar 27 06:18:51 2025 UTC.