Scottish Government (Scotland), corp creator.
The 15-24 Learner Journey Review.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
16 to 18 accountability measures: technical guide: For measures in 2018.
Education and Skills Funding Agency, corp creator.
16 to 18 minimum standards for 2017: updated 15 March 2018.
Education and Skills Funding Agency, corp creator.
16 to 18 minimum standards for 2017: updated 25 May 2018.
Education and Skills Funding Agency, corp creator.
16 to 18 minimum standards for 2018: updated 8 January 2019.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
16 to 18 performance tables 2017 : discounting guidance for schools and colleges.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
16 to 18 performance tables : discounting guidance for schools and colleges 2018 : December 2018.
Education and Skills Funding Agency, corp creator.
16 to 19 Bursary Fund guide: 2018 to 2019 academic year: updated 29 June 2018.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
16 to 19 academy and free school: single funding agreement:
March 2018.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
16 to 19 academy and free school: supplemental funding agreement: March 2018.
Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA), corp creator.
16 to 19 funding : free meals in further education funded institutions for 2018 to 2019 : updated 13 September 2018.
Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA), corp creator.
16 to 19 funding allocations : 2018 to 2019 academic year : published 22 October 2018.
Education Funding Agency (EFA), corp creator.
16 to 19 funding study programmes : work experience: updated 25 May 2018.
Education and Skills Funding Agency, corp creator.
16 to 19 funding: planned hours in study programmes: updated 21 June 2018.
Education and Skills Funding Agency, corp creator.
16 to 19 further education allocation calculation toolkit: 2018 to 2019: A guide to the 16 to 19 FE allocation calculation toolkit.
Education and Skills Funding Agency, corp creator.
16 to 19 further education revenue funding allocation guide: 2018 to 2019 : explanatory note for further education institutions. February 2018.
Education and Skills Funding Agency, corp creator.
16 to 19 school and academy sixth form allocation calculation toolkit: 2018 to 2019: A guide to the 16 to 19 school and academy allocation calculation toolkit.
Education and Skills Funding Agency, corp creator.
16 to 19 school and academy sixth form revenue funding allocation guide: 2018 to 2019: Explanatory note for schools and academies.
Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills (OFSTED) (2007-), corp creator.
16 to 19 study programmes inspection data summary report.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
16 to 19 study programmes: Departmental advice for education providers on the planning and delivery of 16 to 19 study programmes: Updated March 2018.
House of Lords Science and Technology Committee
UK Parliament, corp creators.
1st Report of Session 2017–19: Life Sciences Industrial Strategy: Who’s driving the bus?
Office for Students (OfS), corp creator.
2017-18 access agreements and student premium funding :
guidance on how to complete your monitoring return.
Office for Students (OfS), corp creator.
2017-18 data checking tools.
Standards and Testing Agency, corp creator.
2018 attendance register and test script dispatch instructions: Key stage 2 tests. March 2018.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
2018 key stage 4 provisional school and college performance tables: transparency notice.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
2018 school and college performance tables : statement of intent.
Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA), corp creator.
2018 to 2019 ILR funding reports : version 1.
Standards and Testing Agency, corp creator.
2019 national curriculum assessments: Key stage 1: Assessment and Reporting Arrangements (ARA).
Standards and Testing Agency, corp creator.
2019 national curriculum assessments: Key stage 2: Assessment and Reporting Arrangements (ARA).
Standards and Testing Agency, corp creator.
2019 national curriculum assessments: early years foundation stage: Assessment and Reporting Arrangements (ARA).
Scottish Government (Scotland), corp creator.
2019 national improvement framework and improvement plan : achieving excellence and equity.
Higher Education Funding Council for Wales (HEFCW), corp creator.
2019/20 Fee and access plan guidance.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
30 hours free childcare, England, autumn term 2018
(Experimental statistics).
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
30 hours free childcare, England, spring term 2018 (Experimental Statistics).
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
30 hours free childcare, England, summer term 2018 : experimental statistics.
Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation (OFQUAL), corp creator.
AEA Qualification Level Conditions and Requirements.
Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation (OFQUAL), corp creator.
AEA Qualification Level Guidance.
Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation (OFQUAL), corp creator.
AS and A level decoupling: Implications for the maintenance of AS standards.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Absence rates by gender, age and free school meal status:
Ad-hoc notice.
Education and Skills Funding Agency, corp creator.
Academies and dedicated schools grant 2018 to 2019: calculation of recoupment: updated 28 February 2018.
Education and Skills Funding Agency, corp creator.
Academies land and buildings valuation: guide: Updated 27 November 2018.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Academy and free school: master funding agreement: March 2018.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Academy schools sector in England : consolidated annual report and accounts : for the year ended 31 August 2017.
House of Commons Committee of Public Accounts
UK Parliament, corp creators.
Academy schools’ finances: Thirtieth Report of Session 2017–19.
Department for Education (DFE)
Academies Regional Delivery Group, corp creators.
Academy transfers and funding in England.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Accelerated Degree courses: Assessment of Impact.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Accelerated degree courses : assessment of impact.
Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation (OFQUAL), corp creator.
Access Arrangements for GCSE, AS and A level: 2017 to 2018 academic years.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Access and participation : Secretary of State for Education, guidance to the Office for Students (OfS), February 2018.
Scottish Government (Scotland), corp creator.
Access to Free Sanitary Products for those at school, college or university: Child Rights and Wellbeing Impact Assessment (CRWIA).
Higher Education Funding Council for Wales (HEFCW), corp creator.
Accounts direction to higher education institutions for 2017-18.
Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA), corp creator.
Accounts return 2017/18 : information required in addition to financial statements.
Scottish Government (Scotland), corp creator.
Achievement of Curriculum for Excellence (CfE) Levels 2017/18.
Welsh Government, corp creator.
Action on disability : the right to independent living : government consultation.
Scottish Government (Scotland), corp creator.
Actions Agreed at the Cabinet Meeting with Children and Young People.
Welsh Assembly Government (Wales), corp creator.
Additional Learning Needs and Education Tribunal (Wales) Act 2018.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Addressing teacher workload in Initial Teacher Education (ITE): advice for ITE providers. November 2018.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Admissions appeals for maintained and academy primary and secondary schools in England : 2017 to 2018.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Adoption Leadership Board headline measures and business intelligence: Quarter 3 2016 to 2017 update.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Adoption Leadership Board headline measures and business intelligence: Quarter 4 2016 to 2017 update.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Adoption Scorecards: year ending March 2017: Methodology and guidance document.
Welsh Government, corp creator.
Adoption Services: Implementing a new regulatory framework. Government consultation.
Education and Skills Funding Agency, corp creator.
Adult Education Budget funding rates and formula 2018 to 2019. Version 1, March 2018.
Department for Education (DFE)
Office for National Statistics (ONS), corp creators.
Adult Education Survey 2016.
Welsh Government, corp creator.
Adult Learning in Wales. Government consultation.
Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA), corp creator.
Adult education budget : funding and performance management rules : version 2 : for the 2018 to 2019 funding year (1 August 2018 to 31 July 2019).
Education and Skills Funding Agency, corp creator.
Adult education budget : funding rules for the 2018 to 2019 funding year (1 August 2018 to 31 July 2019). Version 1, May 2018.
Education and Skills Funding Agency, corp creator.
Adult education budget : funding rules. Draft version for the 2018 to 2019 funding year (1 August 2018 to 31 July 2019).
Education and Skills Funding Agency, corp creator.
Adult education budget: funding and performance management rules. Version 2, June 2018.
Education and Skills Funding Agency, corp creator.
Adult education budget: legal entitlements and qualification eligibility principles 2018 to 2019: updated 28 March 2018.
Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA), corp creator.
Advanced Learner Loans funding and performance management rules : 2018 to 2019 funding year (1 August 2018 to 31 July 2019 : version 1, May 2018.
Education and Skills Funding Agency, corp creator.
Advanced Learner Loans: funding rules. Draft version : 2018 to 2019 funding year (1 August 2018 to 31 July 2019). March 2018.
Education and Skills Funding Agency, corp creator.
Advanced learner loans funding and performance management rules. Version 2 : 2018 to 2019 funding year (1 August 2018 to 31 July 2019).
Education and Skills Funding Agency, corp creator.
Advanced learner loans prospectus 2018 to 2019: designating qualifications: Version 1. March 2018.
Department of Education (DENI) (Northern Ireland), corp creator.
Advancing shared information : report to the Northern Ireland Assembly.
Office for Students (OfS), corp creator.
Advice on preparing your 2019-20 access and participation statement.
Promoting the rights of children and young people (NICCY), corp creator.
Advice to the Education Authority on its Consultation on a Case for Transformation Proposed Framework of Future Provision for Children in the Early Years with Special Educational Needs.
Children and Young People's Commissioner for Scotland, corp creator.
Age of Criminal Responsibility (Scotland) Bill: Evidence to the Equalities and Human Rights Committee.
Scottish Government (Scotland), corp creator.
The Age of Criminal Responsibility (Scotland) Bill: Privacy Impact Assessment.
Education Scotland, corp creator.
Agreed Draft: Empowering Learners.
Office for Students (OfS), corp creator.
Agreement on institutional designation : for the period to 31 July 2019.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Alternative provision academy and free school: single funding agreement: March 2018.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Alternative provision academy and free school: supplemental funding agreement: March 2018.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Alternative provision census 2018. Guide, version 1.4, January 2018.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Alternative provision census 2018. Guide, version 1.5, January 2018.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Alternative provision census 2018: Business and technical specification: version 1.1. January 2018.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Alternative provision census 2019 : business and technical specification : version 1.1.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Alternative provision census 2019 : guide, version 1.1.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Alternative provision census 2019. Business and technical specification, version 1.2, October 2018.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Alternative provision census 2019. Guide, version 1.2, October 2018.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Alternative provision census 2019: Business and technical specification. Version 1.0, May 2018.
Department for Education (DFE)
Isos Partnership, corp creators.
Alternative provision market analysis.
Scottish Government (Scotland), corp creator.
Amendments to the ‘Nutritional Requirements for Food and Drink in Schools (Scotland) Regulations 2008’. Government consultation.
Office for Students (OfS), corp creator.
Analysis of degree classifications over time: Changes in graduate attainment.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Analysis of teacher supply, retention and mobility : February 2018.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Analysis of teacher supply, retention and mobility. September 2018.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Analytical associate pool. Summary of projects. March 2018.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Ancient languages: GCSE subject content.
Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education (QAA), corp creator.
Annual Monitoring for Educational Oversight and Educational Oversight Exceptional Arrangements.
Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education (QAA), corp creator.
Annual Monitoring for Embedded Colleges.
Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education (QAA), corp creator.
Annual Monitoring for Foreign Providers.
Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education (QAA), corp creator.
Annual Monitoring for Short-term Study Abroad Providers.
Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education (QAA), corp creator.
Annual Monitoring for Specific Course Designation Purposes.
Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation (OFQUAL), corp creator.
Annual Qualifications Market Report: 2016 to 2017 academic year.
Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills (OFSTED) (2007-)
House of Commons
UK Parliament, corp creators.
Annual Report and Accounts 2017–18 (for the year ended 31 March 2018).
Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education (QAA), corp creator.
Annual Report for 2016-17 on QAA's engagement with the Welsh Language (Wales) Measure 2011.
Estyn (Her Majesty's Inspectorate for Education and Training in Wales), corp creator.
Annual Report of Her Majesty's Chief Inspector of Education and Training in Wales: 2016-2017.
Estyn (Her Majesty's Inspectorate for Education and Training in Wales), corp creator.
The Annual Report of Her Majesty’s Chief Inspector of Education and Training in Wales 2017-2018.
Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills (OFSTED) (2007-), corp creator.
The Annual Report of Her Majesty’s Chief Inspector of Education, Children’s Services and Skills 2017/18.
Office for Students (OfS), corp creator.
Annual TRAC 2016-17 : sector analysis.
Department for Education (DFE)
Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency
National Statistics, corp creators.
Annual enrolments at schools and in funded pre-school education in Northern Ireland, 2017/18.
Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation (OFQUAL), corp creator.
Annual qualifications market report: academic year 2016 to 2017: updated 2 March 2018.
Institute for Apprenticeships, corp creator.
Annual report and Accounts 2017-18.
Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills (OFSTED) (2007-), corp creator.
Annual report and accounts 2017-18.
Children and Family Court Advisory and Support Service (CAFCASS), corp creator.
Annual report and accounts 2017-18.
Office for Fair Access (OFFA), corp creator.
Annual report and accounts 2017-18.
General Teaching Council for Scotland (GTCS), corp creator.
Annual report and accounts : 2017-2018.
National College for Teaching and Leadership (NCTL), corp creator.
Annual report and accounts for the year ended 31 March 2018.
General Teaching Council for Scotland (GTCS), corp creator.
Annual report and accounts: 2016-2017.
Northern Ireland Commissioner for Children and Young People (NICCY), corp creator.
Anti-Social Behaviour Legislation in Northern Ireland: Review of the Current Legislative Framework.
National College for Teaching and Leadership (NCTL), corp creator.
Appeal process: system leader or teaching schools application decision: updated 21 February 2018.
Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation (OFQUAL), corp creator.
Appeals for GCSE : November 2017 exam series in England.
Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation (OFQUAL), corp creator.
Appeals for GCSE, AS and A level: summer 2017 exam series.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Applying corporate parenting principles to looked-after children and care leavers : statutory guidance for local authorities.
Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills (OFSTED) (2007-), corp creator.
Applying to waive disqualification : early years and childcare provision.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Apprenticeship Accountability Statement. December 2018.
Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA), corp creator.
Apprenticeship Service : apprentice bulk upload specification for training providers : Version 3, February 2018.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Apprenticeship and levy statistics : April 2018 (reported to date).
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Apprenticeship and levy statistics : August 2018 (reported to date).
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Apprenticeship and levy statistics : July 2018 (reported to date).
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Apprenticeship and levy statistics : June 2018 (reported to date).
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Apprenticeship and levy statistics : November 2018.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Apprenticeship and levy statistics : September 2018 (reported to date).
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Apprenticeship and levy statistics: December 2018 (reported to date).
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Apprenticeship and levy statistics: February 2018: Reported to date.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Apprenticeship and levy statistics: January 2018: Reported to date.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Apprenticeship and levy statistics: March 2018.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Apprenticeship and levy statistics: May 2018.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Apprenticeship and levy statistics: October 2018 (reported to date).
Education and Skills Funding Agency, corp creator.
Apprenticeship data: course directory provider portal user guide. Version 6, March 2018.
Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation (OFQUAL), corp creator.
Apprenticeship end-point assessments: guide for employers.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Apprenticeship funding : how it works. Updated 15 February 2018.
Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA), corp creator.
Apprenticeship funding and performance-management rules for training providers : May 2017 to March 2019 : version 5, February 2018.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Apprenticeship funding in England: From August 2018.
Education and Skills Funding Agency, corp creator.
Apprenticeship funding rules for training providers
August 2018 to July 2019. Version 1 (clarification document), June 2018.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Apprenticeship funding: how it works: updated 4 July 2018.
Education and Skills Funding Agency, corp creator.
Apprenticeship funding: rules and guidance for employer
August 2018 to July 2019. Version 1 (clarification document), June 2018.
Education and Skills Funding Agency, corp creator.
Apprenticeship funding: rules for employer-providers
August 2018 to July 2019. Version 1 (clarification document), June 2018.
Education and Skills Funding Agency, corp creator.
Apprenticeship performance-management rules for training providers: August 2018 to March 2019.
The Sutton Trust, corp creator.
Apprenticeship polling 2018.
Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA), corp creator.
Apprenticeship qualification achievement rates data extract guidance 2016 to 2017 : version 1.
Education and Skills Funding Agency, corp creator.
Apprenticeship qualification achievement rates data extract guidance 2017 to 2018. Version 1, June 2018.
Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA), corp creator.
Apprenticeship qualification achievement rates data extract guidance 2017 to 2018: version 2, November 2018.
Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA), corp creator.
Apprenticeship qualification achievement rates specification 2016 to 2017 : version 2.
Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA), corp creator.
Apprenticeship qualification achievement rates specification 2016 to 2017 : version 3, January 2018.
Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA), corp creator.
Apprenticeship qualification achievement rates specification 2017 to 2018 : version 2, November 2018.
Education and Skills Funding Agency, corp creator.
Apprenticeship qualification achievement rates specification 2017 to 2018: Version 1. May 2018.
Institute for Apprenticeships, corp creator.
Apprenticeship standard : operational delivery officer.
Department for Education (DFE)
National Statistics, corp creators.
Apprenticeships and Traineeships Release: January 2018.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Apprenticeships and traineeships release : July 2018.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Apprenticeships in England by Industry Characteristics: 2016/17 Academic Year.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Apprenticeships: off-the-job training hours estimates: Ad-hoc notice.
Children's Commissioner for England, corp creator.
“Are they shouting because of me?” Voices of children living in households with domestic abuse, parental substance misuse and mental health issues.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Areas of research interest.
Department for Education (DFE)
National College for Teaching and Leadership (NCTL), corp creators.
Assessment only route to QTS : criteria and supporting advice : updated 12 October 2018.
Scottish Government (Scotland), corp creator.
Attainment Scotland Fund Evaluation: Interim report (2015 – 2017).
Department of Education (DENI) (Northern Ireland)
Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency, corp creators.
Attendance at grant-aided primary, post-primary and special schools in Northern Ireland: 2016/17.
Higher Education Funding Council for Wales (HEFCW), corp creator.
Audit of higher education data 2018/19 to 2021/22.
Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA), corp creator.
Authority proforma tool 2019 to 2020 : instructions for local authorities.
Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA), corp creator.
Becoming an apprenticeship training provider : updated 26 November 2018.
The Sutton Trust, corp creator.
Best in class 2018: Evidence, funding and school reform in England and the United States.
Scottish Government (Scotland), corp creator.
A Blueprint for 2020 : the expansion of early learning and childcare in Scotland : delivery support plan for early learning and childcare providers.
Scottish Government (Scotland)
COSLA, corp creators.
A Blueprint for 2020: The Expansion of Early Learning and Childcare in Scotland: Early Learning and Childcare Service Model for 2020. Govenrment consultation.
Scottish Government (Scotland)
COSLA, corp creators.
A Blueprint for 2020: the expansion of early learning and childcare in Scotland: funding follows the child and the national standard for early learning and childcare providers: frequently asked questions for local authorities and providers.
Scottish Government (Scotland)
COSLA, corp creators.
A Blueprint for 2020: the expansion of early learning and childcare in Scotland: funding follows the child and the national standard for early learning and childcare providers: operating guidance.
Scottish Government (Scotland)
COSLA, corp creators.
A Blueprint for 2020: the expansion of early learning and childcare in Scotland: funding follows the child and the national standard for early learning and childcare providers: principles and practice.
UK Parliament
House of Commons. Science and Technology Committee, corp creators.
Brexit, science and innovation : Second Report of Session 2017–19 : report, together with formal minutes relating to the report, ordered by the House of Commons to be printed 19 March 2018.
House of Commons
UK Parliament
House of Commons Science and Technology Committee, corp creators.
Brexit, science and innovation: Government Response to the Committee’s Second Report: Fifth Special Report of Session 2017–19.
UK Parliament
House of Lords
EU Home Affairs sub-committee, corp creators.
Brexit: EU student exchanges and funding for university research. Consultation.
Scottish Government (Scotland), corp creator.
Budget (Scotland) Bill: Supporting Document: for the year ending 31 March 2019.
HM Treasury, corp creator.
Budget 2018.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Bullying in England, April 2013 to March 2018: Analysis on 10 to 15 year olds from the Crime Survey for England & Wales.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Bullying: Evidence from LSYPE2, wave 3.
Scottish Government (Scotland), corp creator.
Business and Regulatory Impact Assessment (BRIA): The Early Years Assistance (Best Start Grants) (Scotland) Regulations 2018.
Children's Commissioner for England, corp creator.
Business plan 2018-19.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
COLLECT Matching and reconciliation: Guidance for academies and free schools.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
COLLECT Matching and reconciliation: Guidance for local authorities.
Welsh Government, corp creator.
Calculating learners' scores: English Reading Tests years 2-6.
Office for Students (OfS), corp creator.
Calculating student numbers : consultation on the principles guiding how we will calculate student numbers for regulatory purposes.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Capital scheme to support the establishment of new voluntary aided schools: Equalities Impact Assessment.
Education and Skills Funding Agency, corp creator.
Career learning pilot technical guidance 2018 to 2019: Version 1.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Careers guidance and access for education and training providers : statutory guidance for governing bodies, school leaders and school staff. January 2018.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Careers guidance and access for education and training providers: Statutory guidance for governing bodies, school leaders and school staff.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Careers guidance: Guidance for further education colleges and sixth form colleges.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Careers guidance: Guidance for further education colleges and sixth form colleges.
Department of Health & Social Care, corp creator.
Carers Action Plan 2018 - 2020: Supporting carers today.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Centres for Excellence Programme.
UK Parliament
House of Lords, corp creators.
Challenges facing young people. Debate on 13 December 2018.
Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills (OFSTED) (2007-), corp creator.
Changes to Ofsted's statistical reporting of inspection outcomes for local authority maintained schools and academies. Consultation.
Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills (OFSTED) (2007-), corp creator.
Changes to Ofsted’s statistical reporting of inspection outcomes for state-funded schools: An analysis of the changes.
Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills (OFSTED), corp creator.
Changes to children's social care services that are registered and/or inspected by Ofsted. November 2018.
Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation (OFQUAL), corp creator.
Changes to our rules for GCSEs, AS and A levels in music and dance. Consultation on changes to the rules for Performance Assessments in GCSE, AS and A level music, and GCSE, AS and A level dance.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Changing the name of a further education institution. Published 28 September 2018.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Characteristics of children in need: 2017 to 2018.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Characteristics of children in need: 2017 to 2018: England.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Characteristics of young people who are long-term NEET.
February 2018.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Charging for school activities: Departmental advice for governing bodies, school leaders, school staff and local authorities.
Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills (OFSTED) (2007-), corp creator.
Checklist for children's social care application.
HM Revenue and Customs
KAI Benefits & Credits
Official Statistics, corp creators.
Child Benefit Statistics: Geographical analysis at Country, Region, Local Authority and Parliamentary Constituency levels: August 2017.
HM Revenue and Customs
KAI Benefits & Credits
Official Statistics, corp creators.
Child Benefit Statistics: Small Area Data at Lower Super Output Area, Scottish Data Zone and Electoral ward: August 2017.
HM Government
Cabinet Office, corp creators.
Child Death Review: Statutory and Operational Guidance (England).
Department for Work and Pensions (DWP), corp creator.
Child Maintenance Service Statistics: Background information and methodology.
Department for Work and Pensions (DWP), corp creator.
Child Maintenance Service Statistics: Data for August 2013 to September 2018.
NHS Health Scotland, corp creator.
Child Poverty (Scotland) Act 2017: an overview.
NHS Health Scotland, corp creator.
Child Poverty in Scotland: health impact and health inequalities.
NHS Health Scotland, corp creator.
Child Poverty in Scotland: the national and local drivers.
Scottish Government (Scotland), corp creator.
Child Rights and Wellbeing Impact Assessment (CRWIA): Regulations making provision in relation to Social Security Appeals.
Scottish Government (Scotland), corp creator.
Child Rights and Wellbeing Impact Assessment (CRWIA): The Early Years Assistance
(Best Start Grants) (Scotland) Regulations 2018.
Scottish Government (Scotland), corp creator.
Child Rights and Wellbeing Impact Assessment: CRWIA for the Age of Criminal Responsibility (Scotland) Bill.
Scottish Government (Scotland), corp creator.
Child Rights and Wellbeing Impact Assessment: The Police Act 1997 and the Protection of Vulnerable Groups (Scotland) Act 2007 Remedial Order 2018.
Department for Work and Pensions (DWP), corp creator.
Child Support Agency Case Closure Statistics: Data for June 2014 to December 2017.
Scottish Government (Scotland), corp creator.
Child and adolescent health and wellbeing in Scotland: evidence review.
Public Health England (PHE), corp creator.
Child development outcomes at 2 - 2½ years : 2017/18 annual data statistical commentary (October 2018 release).
Public Health England (PHE), corp creator.
Child development outcomes at 2 - 2½ years : quarter 1 2018/19 statistical commentary (October 2018 release).
Public Health England (PHE), corp creator.
Child development outcomes at 2 to 2 1/2 years : quarter 4 (January to March 2018).
Public Health England, corp creator.
Child development outcomes at 2 to 2 and a half years, quarter 1, 2017 to 2018.
Department for Work and Pensions (DWP), corp creator.
Child maintenance arrangements made after speaking to Child Maintenance Options Data up to September 2017.
Department for Work and Pensions (DWP), corp creator.
Child maintenance arrangements made after speaking to Child Maintenance Options: Data up to December 2017.
Department for Work and Pensions (DWP), corp creator.
Child maintenance service statistics : data for August 2013 to December 2017.
Public Health England, corp creator.
Child oral health: applying All Our Health: updated 28 February 2018.
Scottish Government (Scotland), corp creator.
Child sexual exploitation definition and practitioner briefing paper.
Treasury Committee
House of Commons
UK Parliament, corp creators.
Childcare : ninth report of Session 2017–19.
Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills (OFSTED) (2007-), corp creator.
Childcare providers and inspections.
Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills (OFSTED) (2007-), corp creator.
Childcare providers and inspections as at 31 December 2017.
Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills (OFSTED) (2007-), corp creator.
Childcare providers and inspections as at 31 March 2018.
Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC), corp creator.
Childhood obesity : a plan for action, chapter 2.
Health and Social Care Committee
House of Commons
UK Parliament, corp creators.
Childhood obesity : time for action : eighth report of Session 2017–19.
Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC), corp creator.
Childhood obesity: a plan for action: A consideration of interactions between modelled policies.
HM Government, corp creator.
Childhood obesity: a plan for action: Chapter 2.
Scottish Government (Scotland)
Children and Young People’s Mental Health Taskforce, corp creators.
Children & Young People’s Mental Health Task Force: Delivery Plan.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Children accommodated in secure children’s homes at 31 March 2018: England and Wales.
Scottish Government (Scotland), corp creator.
Children and Young People (Scotland) Act 2014 : analysis of consultation on The Continuing Care (Scotland) Amendment Order 2018.
Scottish Government (Scotland)
Children and Young People’s Mental Health Task Force, corp creators.
Children and Young People’s Mental Health Task Force: Preliminary View and Recommendations from the Chair.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Children in Need of help and protection: Preliminary longitudinal analysis.
Department of Health (Northern Ireland)
Information and Analysis Directorate (IAD), corp creators.
Children in care in Northern Ireland 2016/17.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Children in good or outstanding schools : ad-hoc notice. August 2018.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Children in need census 2017 to 2018 : guide for local authorities : version 1.2.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Children in need census 2018 to 2019 : COLLECT report specifications. October 2018.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Children in need census 2018 to 2019 : guide for local authorities : version 1.1.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Children in need census 2018 to 2019 : guide for local authorities. Version 1.2, September 2018.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Children in need census 2019 to 2020 : COLLECT report specifications. September 2018.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Children in need census 2019 to 2020 : guide for local authorities. Version 1.0, September 2018.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Children in need census 2019 to 2020: Business and technical specification version 1.0.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Children in need of help and protection. Government consultation.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Children in need of help and protection: Data and analysis.
Department for Work and Pensions (DWP), corp creator.
Children in out-of-work benefit households : 31 May 2017.
Office for National Statistics (ONS), corp creator.
Children living in long-term workless households in the UK, 2017.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Children looked after by local authorities in England : guide to the SSDA903 collection 1 April 2017 to 31 March 2018. March 2018, version 1.2.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Children looked after by local authorities in England : guide to the SSDA903 collection 1 April 2018 to 31 March 2019 : version 1.1, May 2018.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Children looked after by local authorities in England : guide to the SSDA903 collection 1 April 2018 to 31 March 2019 version 1.2. October 2018.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Children looked after by local authorities in England: Guide to the SSDA903 collection 1 April 2019 to 31 March 2020: October 2018 version 1.0.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Children looked after by local authorities in England: Technical specification to the 2019 to 2020 data collection: version 1.0.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Children looked after in England (including adoption), year ending 31 March 2018.
Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills (OFSTED) (2007-), corp creator.
Children's social care questionnaires 2017.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Children's social work workforce census, year ending 30 September 2018: Guide for local authorities: version 1.0. May 2018.
Public Health England, corp creator.
Children’s Public Health 0 to 5 Years: Interim National Reporting process for the universal health visiting service: full guidance for local authority members of staff 2018/19.
Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills (OFSTED) (2007-), corp creator.
Children’s Social Care in England, 2017-18.
Office for National Statistics, corp creator.
Children’s and young people’s experiences of loneliness: 2018.
Office for National Statistics, corp creator.
Children’s engagement with the outdoors and sports activities, UK: 2014 to 2015.
Children's Commissioner for Wales, corp creator.
Children’s rights in Wales.
Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills (OFSTED) (2007-), corp creator.
Children’s social care questionnaires 2018.
Scottish Government (Scotland), corp creator.
Children’s social work statistics Scotland, 2016-17.
Office for National Statistics, corp creator.
Children’s well-being and social relationships, UK: 2018.
Higher Education Funding Council for Wales (HEFCW), corp creator.
Circular W18/01HE: Interim Postgraduate Taught (PGT) Masters support package for AY 2018/19.
Higher Education Funding Council for Wales (HEFCW), corp creator.
Circular W18/02HE: Global Challenges Research Fund: Institutional three-year strategies.
Higher Education Funding Council for Wales (HEFCW), corp creator.
Circular W18/05HE: Quality Assessment Framework for Wales, March 2018.
Higher Education Funding Council for Wales (HEFCW), corp creator.
Circular W18/06HE: Enhancing HE-FE collaboration in innovation and engagement activity.
Higher Education Funding Council for Wales (HEFCW), corp creator.
Circular W18/07HE: Enhancing civic mission and community engagement.
Higher Education Funding Council for Wales (HEFCW), corp creator.
Circular W18/08HE: Consultation on specific designation guidance.
Higher Education Funding Council for Wales (HEFCW), corp creator.
Circular W18/11HE: Research Capital Funding 2018-19.
Higher Education Funding Council for Wales (HEFCW), corp creator.
Circular W18/12HE: Request for forecasts.
Higher Education Funding Council for Wales (HEFCW), corp creator.
Circular W18/14HE: Reaching Wider Programme Guidance.
Higher Education Funding Council for Wales (HEFCW), corp creator.
Circular W18/15HE: National measures for higher education performance (2).
Higher Education Funding Council for Wales (HEFCW), corp creator.
Circular W18/16HE: End of Year Monitoring of Higher Education Enrolments 2017/18.
Higher Education Funding Council for Wales (HEFCW), corp creator.
Circular W18/20HE: Higher Education Data Requirements 2018/19.
Higher Education Funding Council for Wales (HEFCW), corp creator.
Circular W18/22HE: HEFCW Strategic Change Fund: Outcomes.
Higher Education Funding Council for Wales (HEFCW), corp creator.
Circular W18/30HE : national measures for higher
education performance from 2018/19.
Higher Education Funding Council for Wales (HEFCW), corp creator.
Circular W18/31HE: Monitoring and Evaluation of 2017/18
Fee and Access Plans.
Higher Education Funding Council for Wales (HEFCW), corp creator.
Circular W18/32HE: Additional Digital Degree Apprenticeship numbers in Wales for 2018/19 and monitoring information for apprenticeships already allocated for 2018/19.
Higher Education Funding Council for Wales (HEFCW), corp creator.
Circular W18/34HE : guidance for internal auditors to use in their annual internal audit of HE data systems and processes.
Careers & Enterprise Company, corp creator.
Closing the gap: The level of employer engagement in England’s
schools and colleges.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Collection of data on pupil nationality, country of birth and proficiency in English : summary report, December 2018.
Education and Skills Funding Agency, corp creator.
College accounts direction 2017 to 2018: Updated 26 October 2018.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
College financial intervention and exceptional financial support.
Education and Skills Funding Agency, corp creator.
College financial planning handbook 2018: Financial planning requirements for sixth-form and further education colleges.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Commissioning a SEND review: published 29 March 2018.
Department of Education (DENI) (Northern Ireland), corp creator.
Common Funding Scheme 2017/18.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Common transfer file : CTF 18 specification, version 1.0. February 2018.
Universities UK, corp creator.
Compensation and refund policies: developing good practice.
Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills (OFSTED) (2007-), corp creator.
Complaints about Ofsted: Raising concerns and making a complaint about Ofsted.
Education and Skills Funding Agency, corp creator.
Complaints about post 16 education and training provision funded by ESFA: Published 22 November 2018.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Completing the alternative provision free school 2018 to 2019 financial template.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Completing the mainstream and 16 to 19 free school 2018 to 2019 financial template.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Completing the special free school 2018 to 2019 financial template.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Condition Spend Data Collection (CSDC): User guide: Guidance for multi-academy trusts and local authorities on how to submit the Condition Spend Data Collection (CSDC) return.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Condition funding methodology for financial year 2019–2020: Explanatory note for School Condition Allocations and Devolved Formula Capital.
Department for Education (DFE)
UK Parliament, corp creators.
Consolidated annual report and accounts: for the year ended 31 March 2018.
Higher Education Funding Council for Wales (HEFCW), corp creator.
Consultation on changes to funding methods for 2019/20 and future developments.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Consultation on improvement standards for child and family social workers : Government consultation response : March 2018.
Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation (OFQUAL), corp creator.
Consultation on regulating Advanced Extension Awards.
Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation (OFQUAL), corp creator.
Consultation on safeguards for the confidentiality of assessment materials.
Education Workforce Council, corp creator.
Consultation on the revised Code of Professional Conduct and Practice for Registrants with the Education Workforce Council (EWC).
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Consultation on the revised statutory guidance for local authorities on family and friends care.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Controlling access to school premises: Published 27 November 2018.
National Audit Office (NAO)
Department for Education (DFE), corp creators.
Converting maintained schools to academies.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Core maths qualifications : technical guidance, August 2018.
Education and Skills Funding Agency, corp creator.
Course directory provider portal: apprenticeship content guidance. Version 6, March 2018.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Creating opportunity for all: Our vision for alternative provision.
Estyn (Her Majesty's Inspectorate for Education and Training in Wales), corp creator.
Curriculum innovation in primary schools.
Department for International Development, corp creator.
DFID Education Policy 2018: Get Children Learning.
House of Commons International Development Committee
UK Parliament
House of Commons, corp creators.
DFID’s work on education: Leaving no one behind? First Report of Session 2017–19.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Data protection : a toolkit for schools : Open Beta : version 1.0.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Data protection: a toolkit for schools: Beta version.
Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education (QAA), corp creator.
Data-driven risk-based quality regulation.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Deals for schools: published 6 July 2018.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Deals for schools: updated 6 September 2018.
Department for Education (DFE)
Kantar Public and Learning and Work Institute, corp creators.
Decisions of adult learners.
Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA), corp creator.
Dedicated schools grant assurance : guidance for local authorities : updated 14 August 2018.
Higher Education Funding Council for Wales (HEFCW), corp creator.
Degree Apprenticeships 2019/20 :
Consultation on the Funding Methodology and Requests for Expressions of Interest.
Higher Education Funding Council for Wales (HEFCW), corp creator.
Degree Apprenticeships in Wales.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Degree Awarding Powers (DAPs) and University Title (UT) :
Secretary of State for Education, guidance to the Office for Students (OfS), February 2018.
Universities UK
Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education (QAA)
UK Standing Committee for Quality Assessment, corp creators.
Degree classification : transparent, consistent and fair academic standards : consultation.
UK Parliament
House of Commons
House of Commons Committee of Public Accounts, corp creators.
Delivering STEM skills for the economy: Forty-Seventh Report of Session 2017–19.
Department of Education (DENI) (Northern Ireland), corp creator.
Delivering the entitlement framework : guidance to schools 2018/19.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Department for Education Main Estimate 2018-19: Memorandum to the Education Select Committee.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Department for Education single departmental plan: Updated 23 May 2018.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Destinations data: Good practice guide for schools.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Destinations of key stage 4 and key stage 5 students, England, 2016/17.
Scottish Government (Scotland), corp creator.
Developing a positive whole-school ethos and culture: Relationships, Learning and Behaviour.
Scottish Government (Scotland), corp creator.
Developing the Young Workforce : Scotland’s youth employment
strategy : 3rd annual progress report, 2016-2017.
Scottish Government (Scotland), corp creator.
Developing the Young Workforce: Scotland’s Youth Employment Strategy: Fourth Annual Progress Report 2017-2018.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Devolution of adult education functions : the transition year. Memorandum of understanding, August 2018.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
DfE Statistics: Developing DfE Statistics in 2018. February 2018.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
DfE response to the MAC: Commission on EEA and non-EEA migrant workers in the UK labour market.
Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE), corp creator.
Differences in student outcomes: The effect of student characteristics.
Financial Sustainability Strategy Group (FSSG)
TRAC Development Group, corp creators.
Different by design: exploring alternative delivery of undergraduate provision; benefits and opportunities.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Discounting and early entry guidance : guide for local authorities, maintained and independent secondary schools, academies, free schools and FE colleges with 14 to 16 provision.
UK Parliament
House of Commons
Digital, Culture, Media and sport Committee, corp creators.
Disinformation and ‘fake news’: Interim Report : Fifth Report of Session 2017–19 : report, together with formal minutes relating to the report : ordered by the House of Commons to be printed 24 July 2018.
House of Lords
Uk Parliament, corp creators.
Displaced children : debate on 22 November 2018.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Disqualification under the Childcare Act 2006 : draft statutory guidance for local authorities, maintained schools, academies and free schools.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Disqualification under the Childcare Act 2006 : updated 31 August 2018.
Welsh Government, corp creator.
Draft Additional Learning Needs Code. Government consultation.
Scottish Government (Scotland), corp creator.
Draft Education (Scotland) Bill.
Welsh Government, corp creator.
Draft professional standards for assisting teaching.
Welsh Government, corp creator.
Draft statutory guidance to school governing bodies on school uniform and appearance policies. Government consultation.
Migration Advisory Committee (MAC), corp creator.
EEA migration in the UK: Final report.
Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation (OFQUAL), corp creator.
EPA qualification level conditions and requirements.
Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation (OFQUAL), corp creator.
EPA qualification level guidance.
Education and Skills Funding Agency, corp creator.
ESFA Business Update - Issue 30 (February 2018): updated 5 March 2018.
Education and Skills Funding Agency, corp creator.
ESFA Business Update - issue 33 (May 2018).
Education and Skills Funding Agency, corp creator.
ESFA Business Update: Issue 31 (March 2018): updated 5 March 2018.
Education and Skills Funding Agency, corp creator.
ESFA Inform January 2018: updated 26 January 2018.
Education and Skills Funding Agency, corp creator.
ESFA Inform: April 2018.
Education and Skills Funding Agency, corp creator.
ESFA Inform: June 2018.
Education and Skills Funding Agency, corp creator.
ESFA Inform: March 2018.
Education and Skills Funding Agency, corp creator.
ESFA Inform: May 2018. Updated 25 May 2018.
Education and Skills Funding Agency, corp creator.
ESFA Update: 6 June 2018: academies.
Education and Skills Funding Agency, corp creator.
ESFA Update: 6 June 2018: further education.
Education and Skills Funding Agency, corp creator.
ESFA Update: 6 June 2018: local authorities.
Education and Skills Funding Agency, corp creator.
ESFA Update: further education: 13 June 2018.
Education and Skills Funding Agency, corp creator.
ESFA Update: issue 393 (28 February 2018).
Education and Skills Funding Agency, corp creator.
ESFA business Update: issue 34 (June 2018).
Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA), corp creator.
ESFA business plan for the 2018 to 2019 financial year.
Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA), corp creator.
ESFA business update : issue 29 (National Apprenticeship Week special).
Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA), corp creator.
ESFA e-bulletin for academies : 1 February 2018.
Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA), corp creator.
ESFA e-bulletin for academies : 12 April 2018.
Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA), corp creator.
ESFA e-bulletin for academies : 19 April 2018.
Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA), corp creator.
ESFA e-bulletin for academies : 24 May 2018.
Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA), corp creator.
ESFA e-bulletin for academies : 25 January 2018.
Education and Skills Funding Agency, corp creator.
ESFA e-bulletin for academies : 4 January 2018.
Education and Skills Funding Agency, corp creator.
ESFA e-bulletin for academies. 1 March 2018.
Education and Skills Funding Agency, corp creator.
ESFA e-bulletin for academies. 15 February 2018.
Education and Skills Funding Agency, corp creator.
ESFA e-bulletin for academies. 22 March 2018.
Education and Skills Funding Agency, corp creator.
ESFA e-bulletin for academies: 10 May 2018.
Education and Skills Funding Agency, corp creator.
ESFA e-bulletin for academies: 11 January 2018.
Education and Skills Funding Agency, corp creator.
ESFA e-bulletin for academies: 15 March 2018.
Education and Skills Funding Agency, corp creator.
ESFA e-bulletin for academies: 17 May 2018.
Education and Skills Funding Agency, corp creator.
ESFA e-bulletin for academies: 18 January 2018.
Education and Skills Funding Agency, corp creator.
ESFA e-bulletin for academies: 22 February 2018.
Education and Skills Funding Agency, corp creator.
ESFA e-bulletin for academies: 26 April 2018.
Education and Skills Funding Agency, corp creator.
ESFA e-bulletin for academies: 3 May 2018.
Education and Skills Funding Agency, corp creator.
ESFA e-bulletin for academies: 8 February 2018.
Education and Skills Funding Agency, corp creator.
ESFA e-bulletin for academies: 8 March 2018.
Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA), corp creator.
ESFA e-bulletin for schools, colleges, local authorities and other 16 to 19 providers : 1 February 2018.
Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA), corp creator.
ESFA e-bulletin for schools, colleges, local authorities and other 16 to 19 providers : 12 April 2018.
Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA), corp creator.
ESFA e-bulletin for schools, colleges, local authorities and other 16 to 19 providers : 19 April 2018.
Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA), corp creator.
ESFA e-bulletin for schools, colleges, local authorities and other 16 to 19 providers : 24 May 2018.
Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA), corp creator.
ESFA e-bulletin for schools, colleges, local authorities and other 16 to 19 providers : 25 January 2018.
Education and Skills Funding Agency, corp creator.
ESFA e-bulletin for schools, colleges, local authorities and other 16 to 19 providers : 4 January 2018.
Education and Skills Funding Agency, corp creator.
ESFA e-bulletin for schools, colleges, local authorities and other 16 to 19 providers. 1 March 2018.
Education and Skills Funding Agency, corp creator.
ESFA e-bulletin for schools, colleges, local authorities and other 16 to 19 providers. 15 February 2018.
Education and Skills Funding Agency, corp creator.
ESFA e-bulletin for schools, colleges, local authorities and other 16 to 19 providers. 22 March 2018.
Education and Skills Funding Agency, corp creator.
ESFA e-bulletin for schools, colleges, local authorities and other 16 to 19 providers: 10 May 2018.
Education and Skills Funding Agency, corp creator.
ESFA e-bulletin for schools, colleges, local authorities and other 16 to 19 providers: 11 January 2018.
Education and Skills Funding Agency, corp creator.
ESFA e-bulletin for schools, colleges, local authorities and other 16 to 19 providers: 15 March 2018.
Education and Skills Funding Agency, corp creator.
ESFA e-bulletin for schools, colleges, local authorities and other 16 to 19 providers: 17 May 2018.
Education and Skills Funding Agency, corp creator.
ESFA e-bulletin for schools, colleges, local authorities and other 16 to 19 providers: 18 January 2018.
Education and Skills Funding Agency, corp creator.
ESFA e-bulletin for schools, colleges, local authorities and other 16 to 19 providers: 22 February 2018.
Education and Skills Funding Agency, corp creator.
ESFA e-bulletin for schools, colleges, local authorities and other 16 to 19 providers: 26 April 2018.
Education and Skills Funding Agency, corp creator.
ESFA e-bulletin for schools, colleges, local authorities and other 16 to 19 providers: 3 May 2018.
Education and Skills Funding Agency, corp creator.
ESFA e-bulletin for schools, colleges, local authorities and other 16 to 19 providers: 8 February 2018.
Education and Skills Funding Agency, corp creator.
ESFA e-bulletin for schools, colleges, local authorities and other 16 to 19 providers: 8 March 2018.
Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA), corp creator.
ESFA inform : February 2018 : updated 23 February 2018.
Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA), corp creator.
ESFA update : issue 386 (10 January 2018).
Education and Skills Funding Agency, corp creator.
ESFA update : issue 389 (31 January 2018).
Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA), corp creator.
ESFA update : issue 395, 14 March 2018.
Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA), corp creator.
ESFA update : issue 397 (28 March 2018).
Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA), corp creator.
ESFA update : issue 399 (18 April 2018).
Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA), corp creator.
ESFA update further education : 30 May 2018.
Education and Skills Funding Agency, corp creator.
ESFA update: issue 385 (3 January 2018).
Education and Skills Funding Agency, corp creator.
ESFA update: issue 387 (17 January 2018).
Education and Skills Funding Agency, corp creator.
ESFA update: issue 388 (24 January 2018).
Education and Skills Funding Agency, corp creator.
ESFA update: issue 390 (07 February 2018).
Education and Skills Funding Agency, corp creator.
ESFA update: issue 391 (14 February 2018).
Education and Skills Funding Agency, corp creator.
ESFA update: issue 392 (21 February 2018).
Education and Skills Funding Agency, corp creator.
ESFA update: issue 394 (7 March 2018).
Education and Skills Funding Agency, corp creator.
ESFA update: issue 396 (21 March 2018).
Education and Skills Funding Agency, corp creator.
ESFA update: issue 398 (11 April 2018).
Education and Skills Funding Agency, corp creator.
ESFA update: issue 400 (25 April 2018).
Education and Skills Funding Agency, corp creator.
ESFA update: issue 401 (2 May 2018).
Education and Skills Funding Agency, corp creator.
ESFA update: issue 403 ( 23 May 2018).
MillionPlus, corp creator.
EU students : securing the best opportunities for students, universities and the UK economy post-Brexit.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Early Outcomes Fund.
Scottish Government (Scotland), corp creator.
Early Years Assistance (Best Start Grants) (Scotland) Regulations 2018: Island Screening Assessment.
Scottish Government (Scotland), corp creator.
Early Years Assistance : consultation on Best Start Grant regulations.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Early Years Funding Benchmarking Tool: Technical Note and User Guide.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Early education and childcare : statutory guidance for local authorities. March 2018.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Early education and childcare: Statutory guidance for local authorities. February 2018.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Early education and childcare: Statutory guidance for local authorities. June 2018.
Education and Skills Funding Agency, corp creator.
Early intervention and prevention strategy : updated 10 August 2018.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Early years census 2018 : guide, version 1.3., January 2018.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Early years census 2018. Guide, version 1.4, January 2018.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Early years census 2019 : guide, version 1.3.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Early years census 2019. Guide, version 1.2, July 2018.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Early years census 2019: Business and technical specification. Version 1.0, May 2018.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Early years census 2019: Guide, version 1.4.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Early years census 2019: Guide. Version 1.0, May 2018.
Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills (OFSTED) (2007-), corp creator.
Early years compliance handbook.
Education and Skills Funding Agency, corp creator.
Early years entitlements: local authority funding of providers: Operational guide 2018 to 2019.
Education and Skills Funding Agency, corp creator.
Early years entitlements: local authority funding of providers: Operational guide 2019 to 2020.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Early years entitlements: operational guidance: For local authorities and providers. June 2018.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Early years foundation stage profile 2018. Technical specification : version 1.1. March 2018.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Early years foundation stage profile results in England, 2018.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Early years foundation stage profile return 2018: Guide for submitting 2018 assessments.
Standards and Testing Agency, corp creator.
Early years foundation stage profile: 2019 handbook.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Early years initial teacher training : 2019 to 2020 funding guidance : published 18 December 2018.
Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills (OFSTED) (2007-), corp creator.
Early years inspection handbook: Handbook for inspecting early years in England under sections 49 and 50 of the Childcare Act 2006: April 2018.
Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills (OFSTED) (2007-), corp creator.
Early years inspections: myths: updated 16 March 2018.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Early years practitioner (level 2) qualifications criteria.
Department for Education (DFE)
National College for Teaching and Leadership (NCTL), corp creators.
Early-career payments: guidance for teachers and schools.
Northern Ireland Audit Office (NIAO), corp creator.
Education Authority Annual Report and Accounts 2016-17.
Education Scotland, corp creator.
Education Maintenance Allowances 2016-17.
Welsh Government, corp creator.
Education Maintenance Allowances Awarded in Wales, 2017/18.
Scottish Government (Scotland), corp creator.
Education Reform: Joint Agreement.
Ministry of Justice, corp creator.
Education and Employment Strategy.
Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA), corp creator.
Education and Skills Funding Agency annual report and accounts : for the year ended 31 March 2018.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Education and Training Statistics for the United Kingdom 2018.
Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA), corp creator.
Education and training qualification achievement rates data extract guidance 2016 to 2017 : version 1.
Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA), corp creator.
Education and training qualification achievement rates data extract guidance 2017 to 2018 : version 2, November 2018.
Education and Skills Funding Agency, corp creator.
Education and training qualification achievement rates data extract guidance 2017 to 2018. Version 1, June 2018.
Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA), corp creator.
Education and training qualification achievement rates specification 2016 to 2017 : version 2.
Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA), corp creator.
Education and training qualification achievement rates specification 2016 to 2017 : version 3, January 2018.
Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA), corp creator.
Education and training qualification achievement rates specification 2017 to 2018 : version 2, November 2018.
Education and Skills Funding Agency, corp creator.
Education and training qualification achievement rates specification 2017 to 2018: Version 1. May 2018.
Scottish Government (Scotland)
Rocket Science UK Ltd, corp creators.
Education governance : fair funding to achieve excellence and equity in education : analysis of the Scottish Government’s Consultation. February 2018.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Education in inpatient children and young people’s mental health services.
Scottish Government (Scotland), corp creator.
Education outcomes for looked after children 2016/17.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Elective home education: call for evidence. Government consultation.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Eligibility for free school meals and the early years pupil premium under Universal Credit: Equality analysis.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Eligibility for the free early education entitlement for two-year-olds under Universal Credit: Equality analysis.
Education and Skills Funding Agency, corp creator.
Employer Satisfaction Survey 2018 : provider guidance. February 2018.
House of Commons Science and Technology Committee
UK Parliament, corp creators.
Energy drinks and children: Thirteenth Report of Session 2017–19.
Research England, corp creator.
Engagement Forums.
Department for the Economy (Northern Ireland)
Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency, corp creators.
Enrolments at UK Higher Education Institutions: Northern Ireland analysis 2016/17.
Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education (QAA), corp creator.
Enterprise and Entrepreneurship Education: Guidance for UK Higher Education Providers.
Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation (OFQUAL), corp creator.
Entries and late entries for GCSE, AS and A level: 2017 to 2018 academic year: Background information accompanying the
statistical release.
Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation (OFQUAL), corp creator.
Entries for GCSE, AS and A level : Summer 2018 exam series.
Scottish Government (Scotland), corp creator.
Equality Impact Assessment Results: The Early Years Assistance
(Best Start Grants) (Scotland) Regulations 2018.
Scottish Government (Scotland), corp creator.
Equality Impact Assessment Results: The Scottish
Attainment Challenge.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Equality analysis : higher education student finance for the 2018 to 2019 academic year. February 2018.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Equality analysis: higher education tuition fee limits and fee loans for the 2019 to 2020 academic year.
Office for Students (OfS), corp creator.
Equality and diversity objectives for the Office for Students (2018 to 2022).
Office for Students (OfS), corp creator.
Equality and diversity objectives for the Office for Students : action plan 2018 to 2022.
Department of Education (DENI) (Northern Ireland), corp creator.
Equality and human rights policy screening for reconstitution of school boards of governors.
Office for Students (OfS), corp creator.
Equality impact assessment : regulatory framework for higher education.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Erasmus+ in the UK if there’s no Brexit deal.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Essential Digital Skills: Framework.
Office for National Statistics, corp creator.
Estimating suicide among higher education students, England and Wales: Experimental Statistics.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Estimating the number of additional free school meal pupils under Universal Credit.
Education and Skills Funding Agency, corp creator.
Estimating your academy funding allocation for academies opening from 1 April 2018 to 31 August 2018: updated 10 May 2018.
Scottish Government (Scotland), corp creator.
Evaluability Assessment of Scotland's Baby Box : report to the Scottish Government.
IFF Research
Department for Education (DFE), corp creators.
Evaluating the extension of Advanced Learner Loans.
HM Prison & Probation Service
Ipsos MORI Social Research Institute
Sheffield Hallam University
London Economics, corp creators.
Evaluation of prisoner learning: Initial impacts and delivery.
Careers & Enterprise Company
SQW, corp creators.
Evaluation of the 2015 Careers and Enterprise Fund : a report from the Careers and Enterprise Company. June 2018.
Scottish Government (Scotland), corp creator.
Evaluation of the Attainment Scotland Fund: Analysis of the
Local Authority mini survey: Summer 2018.
Scottish Government (Scotland), corp creator.
Evaluation of the Attainment Scotland Fund: interim report
(Years 1 and 2).
Careers & Enterprise Company, corp creator.
Evaluation of the Enterprise Adviser Network : School and College Survey 2018.
Department for Education (DFE)
CooperGibson Research, corp creators.
Evaluation of the Regional Academy Growth Fund (RAGF).
Scottish Government (Scotland), corp creator.
Evaluation of the early learning and childcare delivery trials.
Evaluation of the implementation of the new National Student
Survey in 2017.
Scottish Government (Scotland), corp creator.
Evaluation strategy of the Attainment Scotland Fund: Years 3 and 4.
Department of Education (DENI) (Northern Ireland), corp creator.
‘Every School a Good School’: The Governors’ Role: A Guide for Governors.
Scottish Government (Scotland), corp creator.
Every child, every chance: The Tackling Child Poverty Delivery Plan 2018-22.
UK Parliament
House of Commons Science and Technology Committee, corp creators.
Evidence-based early years intervention: Eleventh Report of Session 2017–19.
Ministry of Justice (MOJ), corp creator.
Examining the educational background of young knife possession offenders.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Expenditure by Local Authorities and Schools on Education, Children’s and Young People’s Services in England, 2017-18.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Experimental statistics : children and family social work workforce in England, year ending 30 September 2017.
Scottish Government (Scotland), corp creator.
Exploring parents' views and use of early learning and childcare in Scotland.
Department for Education (DFE)
CooperGibson Research, corp creators.
Exploring teacher workload : qualitative research.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Extending Personal Adviser support to age 25 : new burdens assessment.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Extending Personal Adviser support to all care leavers to age 25 : statutory guidance for local authorities.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
FE Choices Employer Satisfaction Survey 2017 to 2018.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
FE Choices Learner Satisfaction Survey 2017 to 2018.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Facilitating Electoral Registration : Secretary of State for Education Guidance to the Office for Students (OfS), February 2018.
Department for Education (DFE)
CooperGibson Research, corp creators.
Factors affecting teacher retention: qualitative investigation.
Education Scotland, corp creator.
Family learning framework : advice for practitioners.
Public Health England, corp creator.
Feasibility study: developing the capability for population surveillance using indicators of child development outcomes aged 2 to 2 and a half years.
Scottish Government (Scotland), corp creator.
Final Child Rights and Wellbeing Impact Assessment: Public Services Reform
(Poverty and Inequality Commission) (Scotland) Order 2018.
Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA), corp creator.
Final funding claims for 2017 to 2018 : user guide.
Education and Skills Funding Agency, corp creator.
Financial Assurance : monitoring the funding rules 2017 to 2018. Version 2, March 2018.
Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA), corp creator.
Financial assurance : monitoring the funding rules for apprenticeships and adult skills for 2018 to 2019 : version 1.
Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE), corp creator.
Financial health of the higher education sector: 2016-17 financial results.
Welsh Government, corp creator.
Food and Nutrition in Childcare settings. Government consultation.
House of Commons Education Committee
UK Parliament, corp creators.
Forgotten children: alternative provision and the scandal of ever increasing exclusions: Fifth Report of Session 2017–19.
MillionPlus, corp creator.
Forgotten learners : building a system that works for mature students.
Scottish Government (Scotland)
SQW, corp creators.
Formative Evaluation of the DYW Regional Groups.
Department for Education (DFE)
Secretary of State for Education, corp creators.
Fostering Better Outcomes : the Government response to the Education Select Committee report into fostering and Foster Care in England.
Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills (OFSTED) (2007-), corp creator.
Fostering in England, 2016–17.
Welsh Government (WG), corp creator.
Fostering services : implementing a new regulatory framework : Government consultation.
Welsh Government, corp creator.
Foundation Phase nursery : a guide for parents and carers.
Welsh Government, corp creator.
Foundation phase provision for three- and four-year-olds : guidance for local authorities in Wales.
Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills (OFSTED) (2007-), corp creator.
Framework, evaluation criteria and inspector guidance for the inspections of local authority children’s services.
Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills (OFSTED) (2007-), corp creator.
Framework, evaluation criteria and inspector guidance for the inspections of local authority children’s services: September 2018 update.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Free school meals : guidance for local authorities, maintained schools, academies and free schools. April 2018.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Free school meals : guidance for local authorities, maintained schools, academies and free schools. March 2018.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Free school meals supplementary grant : guidance for local authorities, maintained schools, academies and free schools.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Free schools: Guidance for mainstream, special, alternative provision and 16-19 free schools in the pre-opening phase.
Joint Committee on Human Rights
House of Commons
House of Lords
UK Parliament, corp creators.
Freedom of speech in universities : fourth report of Session 2017–19.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
From adoption scorecards to RAA scorecards.
Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation (OFQUAL), corp creator.
Functional Skills English Conditions and Requirements.
Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation (OFQUAL), corp creator.
Functional Skills English Guidance.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Functional Skills English and mathematics subject content: equality impact assessment.
Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation (OFQUAL), corp creator.
Functional Skills Mathematics Conditions and Requirements.
Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation (OFQUAL), corp creator.
Functional Skills Mathematics Guidance.
Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation (OFQUAL), corp creator.
Functional skills English conditions and requirements : July 2018.
Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation (OFQUAL), corp creator.
Functional skills mathematics conditions and requirements : July 2018.
Office for Students (OfS), corp creator.
Funding for academic year 2019-20 : approach and data collection.
Education and Skills Funding Agency, corp creator.
Funding guidance for young people 2018 to 2019 : Funding regulations. Version 1.0 published May 2018.
Education and Skills Funding Agency, corp creator.
Funding guidance for young people 2018 to 2019: ILR funding returns. Version 1, June 2018.
Education and Skills Funding Agency, corp creator.
Funding guidance for young people 2018 to 2019: Funding rates and formula. March 2018, Version 1.
Education and Skills Funding Agency, corp creator.
Funding guidance for young people 2018 to 2019: Funding regulations: Version 1.0 published May 2018.
Education and Skills Funding Agency, corp creator.
Funding guidance for young people 2018 to 2019: Subcontracting control regulations. June 2018.
Education and Skills Funding Agency, corp creator.
Funding monitoring reports: user guide 2017 to 2018. Version 2, March 2018.
Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC), corp creator.
Funding to provide support for children of alcohol dependent parents (CADeP): guidance for applicants. August 2018.
Department for Education (DFE)
National College for Teaching and Leadership (NCTL), corp creators.
Funding: initial teacher training (ITT), academic year 2018 to 19: updated 4 April 2018.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Funding: initial teacher training (ITT), academic year 2019 to 2020 : funding guidance for schools and ITT providers for 2019 to 2020, including bursaries, scholarships and salaried route grants. Published 27 September 2018.
Department for the Economy (Northern Ireland), corp creator.
Further Education Activity in Northern Ireland: 2013/14 to 2017/18.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Further Education Commissioner-led structure and prospects appraisals.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Further Education and Skills, England: 2017/18 academic year.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Further Education and Skills: March 2018.
Department for Education (DFE)
Department for Work and Pensions (DWP), corp creators.
Further Education for Benefit Claimants: England, 2016/17 Academic Year.
Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills (OFSTED) (2007-), corp creator.
Further education and skills inspection handbook.
Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills (OFSTED), corp creator.
Further education and skills inspection handbook : handbook for inspecting further education and skills providers under part 8 of the Education and Inspections Act 2006, for use from 12 November 2018.
Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills (OFSTED), corp creator.
Further education and skills inspection handbook : handbook for inspecting further education and skills providers under part 8 of the Education and Inspections Act 2006, for use from October 2018.
Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills (OFSTED) (2007-), corp creator.
Further education and skills inspection handbook. February 2018.
Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills (OFSTED) (2007-), corp creator.
Further education and skills inspection handbook: Handbook for inspecting further education and skills providers under part 8 of the Education and Inspections Act 2006, for use from April 2018: July 2017, updated April 2018.
Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills (OFSTED) (2007-), corp creator.
Further education and skills inspection handbook: January 2018.
Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills (OFSTED) (2007-), corp creator.
Further education and skills inspections and outcomes.
Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills (OFSTED) (2007-), corp creator.
Further education and skills inspections and outcomes as at 28 February 2018.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Further education initial teacher education: Mathematics and English programme bursary guide: academic year 2018/19.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Further education initial teacher education: Mathematics subject knowledge enhancement (SKE) course guide: academic year 2018/19.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Further education residential accommodation : national minimum standards.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Further education residential accommodation: national minimum standards: National minimum standards for the accommodation by further education colleges and 16-19 academies of students aged under 18: In force from 1 September 2018.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Further education schemes summary cost models : new build, small works and refurbishment construction. September 2018.
Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation (OFQUAL), corp creator.
Future assessment arrangements for GCSE computer science. Consultation.
Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation (OFQUAL), corp creator.
GCSE Subject Level Conditions and Requirements for Ancient Languages. March 2018.
Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation (OFQUAL), corp creator.
GCSE Subject Level Conditions and Requirements for Computer Science: January 2018.
Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation (OFQUAL), corp creator.
GCSE Subject Level Guidance for Computer Science: January 2018.
Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation (OFQUAL), corp creator.
GCSE and A level subjects accredited to be taught from 2018 : updated 23 February 2018.
Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation (OFQUAL), corp creator.
GCSE and A level subjects accredited to be taught from 2018 : updated 24 May 2018.
Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation (OFQUAL), corp creator.
GCSE and A level subjects accredited to be taught from 2018: updated 12 January 2018.
Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation (OFQUAL), corp creator.
GCSE and A level subjects accredited to be taught from 2018: updated 12 March 2018.
Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation (OFQUAL), corp creator.
GCSE and A level subjects accredited to be taught from 2018: updated 16 February 2018.
Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation (OFQUAL), corp creator.
GCSE and A level subjects accredited to be taught from 2018: updated 17 January 2018.
Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation (OFQUAL), corp creator.
GCSE and A level subjects accredited to be taught from 2018: updated 2 May 2018.
Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation (OFQUAL), corp creator.
GCSE and A level subjects accredited to be taught from 2018: updated 25 April 2018.
Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation (OFQUAL), corp creator.
GCSE and A level subjects accredited to be taught from 2018: updated 28 February 2018.
Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation (OFQUAL), corp creator.
GCSE and A level subjects accredited to be taught from 2018: updated 29 March 2018.
Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation (OFQUAL), corp creator.
GCSE and A level subjects accredited to be taught from 2018: updated 30 January 2018.
Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation (OFQUAL), corp creator.
GCSE and A level subjects accredited to be taught from 2018: updated 4 June 2018.
Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation (OFQUAL), corp creator.
GCSE and A level subjects accredited to be taught from 2018: updated 6 March 2018.
Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation (OFQUAL), corp creator.
GCSE, AS & A level summer report : 2018.
Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education (QAA)
Higher Education Funding Council for Wales (HEFCW), corp creators.
Gateway Quality Review: Wales. Handbook, July 2018.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Gender separation in mixed schools: Non-statutory guidance.
Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation (OFQUAL), corp creator.
General Conditions of Recognition: August 2018 update.
Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation (OFQUAL), corp creator.
Get the facts : AS and A level reform : updated 29 January 2018.
Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation (OFQUAL), corp creator.
Get the facts: GCSE reform: updated 26 January 2018.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Golden Hello guidance for academies (including free schools): 1 April 2018 to 30 September 2019. May 2018, Version 1.0.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Golden Hello guidance for local authorities: 1 April 2018 to 30 September 2019. May 2018, Version 1.0.
National College for Teaching and Leadership (NCTL), corp creator.
Golden Hello: Proposed end date for claims. Government consultation.
HM Government, corp creator.
Good Work Plan.
Department for Education (DFE)
Education and Skills Funding Agency, corp creators.
Good estate management for schools: tools.
Office for Students (OfS), corp creator.
Good practice advice on the preparation of access and participation plans for 2019-20.
Department for Education (DFE)
CooperGibson Research, corp creators.
Good practice in level 4 and 5 qualifications. August 2018.
HM Government
Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS), corp creators.
Good work: a response to the Taylor Review of modern working practices.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Government Response to the Education Select Committee report : Value for money in higher education.
Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC)
Department for Education (DFE), corp creators.
Government Response to the First Joint Report of the Education and Health and Social Care Committees of Session 2017-19 on 'Transforming children and young people’s mental health provision : a Green Paper'.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Government Response to the House of Lords Economic Affairs Committee Report: Treating Students Fairly: The Economics of Post-School Education.
Ministry of Justice, corp creator.
Government Response to the Justice Committee’s First Report of Session 2017–19: Disclosure of Youth Criminal Records. January 2018.
UK Parliament
Secretary of State for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy
House of Commons, corp creators.
Government response to House of Lords Artificial Intelligence Select Committee’s Report on AI in the UK: Ready, Willing and Able?
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Government response to the Education Select Committee report into the future of the Social Mobility Commission.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Government response to the Education Select Committee’s fifth report of Session 2017-19 on alternative provision.
HM Government, corp creator.
Government response to the Interim Report by the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse.
Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government
House of Commons
UK Parliament, corp creators.
Government response to the Lords Select Committee on Citizenship and Civic Engagement.
House of Commons
UK Parliament
House of Commons Education Committee
House of Commons Health and Social Care Committee, corp creators.
The Government’s Green Paper on mental health: failing a
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Graduate Labour Market Statistics 2017.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Graduate Outcomes (LEO): International graduate and postgraduate outcomes 2005/2006 to 2015/2016.
Welsh Government
Initial Teacher Education Team - Workforce Strategy Unit, corp creators.
Graduate Teacher Programme: policy and priorities statement academic year 2018/19.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Graduate outcomes (LEO) : subject by provider, 2015 to 2016.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Graduate outcomes (LEO): Employment and earnings outcomes of higher education graduates by subject studied and graduate characteristics.
Scottish Government (Scotland), corp creator.
Graduate outcomes by University and subject (LEO data) 2015/16: Scotland (Experimental Statistics: data being developed).
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Grants to fund innovation in alternative provision: Specification of requirements.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Grants to pilot curriculum programmes in science, history and geography: Specification of requirements.
Children's Commissioner for England, corp creator.
Growing up Digital in care : submission to the DfE Fostering Stocktake 2017.
Children's Commissioner for England, corp creator.
Growing up North: A generation of children await the powerhouse promise.
Scottish Government (Scotland), corp creator.
Growing up in Scotland: overweight and obesity at age 10.
Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills (OFSTED) (2007-)
Care Quality Commission (CQC)
HM Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS)
HMI Probation (HMIP), corp creators.
Growing up neglected: a multi-agency response to older children.
Universities UK, corp creator.
Growth and choice in university admissions.
Standards and Testing Agency, corp creator.
Guidance about the security of KS1 and KS2 tests and phonics screening check materials: updated 19 March 2018.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Guidance and criteria : for local authorities seeking to establish new special or alternative provision free schools. July 2018.
Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills (OFSTED) (2007-), corp creator.
Guidance for inspection data summary report. January 2018.
Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills (OFSTED) (2007-), corp creator.
Guidance for inspection data summary report: areas to investigate. January 2018.
Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills (OFSTED) (2007-), corp creator.
Guidance for joint targeted area inspection on the theme: Child sexual exploitation, children associated with gangs and at risk of exploitation and children missing from home, care or education.
Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills (OFSTED)
Care Quality Commission (CQC)
Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary, Fire and Rescue Services (HMICFRS)
Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Probation (HMI Probation), corp creators.
Guidance for joint targeted area inspections on the theme : child sexual abuse in the family environment : a deep 'dive' theme for joint targeted area inspections.
HM Inspectorate of Probation
Her Majesty's Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS)
Care Quality Commission
Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills (OFSTED) (2007-), corp creators.
Guidance for joint targeted area inspections on the theme: child sexual
abuse in the family environment: A ‘deep dive’ theme for joint targeted area inspections.
Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills (OFSTED) (2007-), corp creator.
Guidance for joint targeted area inspections on the theme: children living with domestic abuse.
Office for Students (OfS), corp creator.
Guidance for providers about condition of registration F1 : transparency information.
Office for Students (OfS), corp creator.
Guidance for providers about condition of registration F1 : transparency information : December 2018 update.
Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills (OFSTED) (2007-), corp creator.
Guidance for the 16 to 19 inspection data summary report : areas to investigate.
Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills (OFSTED) (2007-), corp creator.
Guidance for the inspection data: summary report.
Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation (OFQUAL), corp creator.
Guidance to the General Conditions of Recognition.
Education and Skills Funding Agency, corp creator.
Guide for 16 to 19 institutions completing the T level readiness data collection.
Office for Students (OfS), corp creator.
Guide to funding 2018-19: How the Office for Students
allocates money to higher education providers.
Office for Students (OfS), corp creator.
Guide to funding 2018-19: How the Office for Students allocates money to higher education providers.
Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills (OFSTED) (2007-), corp creator.
Guide to registration for children's social care services.
Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills (OFSTED) (2007-), corp creator.
Guide to registration for children's social care services. April 2018.
Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills (OFSTED) (2007-), corp creator.
Guide to registration for children's social care services. February 2018.
Research England, corp creator.
Guide to research and knowledge exchange funding 2018-19: How Research England allocates its funds.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Guide to setting up partnerships: published 6 November 2018.
Education and Skills Funding Agency, corp creator.
Guidelines on ventilation, thermal comfort and indoor air quality in schools: Version 1: August 2018.
Higher Education Funding Council for Wales (HEFCW), corp creator.
HEFCW institutional payments : academic year 2016/17.
Higher Education Funding Council for Wales (HEFCW), corp creator.
The HEFCW part-time undergraduate fee waiver scheme.
Higher Education Funding Council for Wales (HEFCW), corp creator.
HEFCW’s funding allocations 2018/19.
Office for Students (OfS), corp creator.
HEIFES18: Higher Education in Further Education: Students survey 2018-19.
Office for Students (OfS), corp creator.
HESES18: Higher Education Students Early Statistics survey 2018-19.
Office for Students (OfS), corp creator.
HESF19 : Higher education students forecast 2019-20.
Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills (OFSTED), corp creator.
Handbook for additional inspections of independent schools.
Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills (OFSTED) (2007-), corp creator.
Handbook for the inspection of education, skills and work activities in
prisons and young offender institutions: For use from December 2018.
Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills (OFSTED) (2007-), corp creator.
Handbook for the inspection of education, skills and work activities in prisons and young offender institutions : for use from April 2018.
British Academy
Royal Society, corp creators.
Harnessing educational research.
Headteacher Recruitment Working Group
Scottish Government (Scotland)
Convention of Scottish Local Authorities (COSLA), corp creators.
Headteacher Recruitment Working Group : report and next steps.
Headteacher Recruitment Working Group
Scottish Government (Scotland), corp creators.
Headteacher Recruitment Working Group : route to headship paper.
Scottish Government (Scotland), corp creator.
Health and Care (Staffing) (Scotland) Bill: Final Child Rights and Wellbeing Impact Assessment (CRWIA).
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Health and safety on educational visits: Published 26 November 2018.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Health and safety: responsibilities and duties for schools: updated 26 November 2018.
Department of Health & Social Care, corp creator.
Healthcare education funding for postgraduate, dental hygiene and dental therapy students: published 9 February 2018.
Education and Skills Funding Agency, corp creator.
High needs funding 2018 to 2019: Operational guide. January 2018.
Education and Skills Funding Agency, corp creator.
High needs funding 2019 to 2020. Operational guide, September 2018.
Education and Skills Funding Agency, corp creator.
High needs funding: due diligence process for special post-16 institutions for academic year 2019 to 2020: updated 11 October 2018.
Estyn (Her Majesty's Inspectorate for Education and Training in Wales), corp creator.
Higher Apprenticeships in work-based learning : September 2018.
House of Lords Library
House of Lords
UK Parliament, corp creators.
Higher education exports : debate on 19 July 2018.
Universities UK, corp creator.
Higher education research in facts and figures.
Higher Education Funding Council for Wales (HEFCW), corp creator.
Higher education students early statistics survey 2018/19.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Holiday Activities and Food: 2018 programme.
Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS), corp creator.
Horizon 2020 funding if there’s no Brexit deal.
Education and Skills Funding Agency, corp creator.
Hospital education: local authority baseline collection guidance.
UK Parliament
House of Commons, corp creators.
House of Commons Library: Briefing paper: Number 00916, 5 March 2018: The value of student maintenance support.
House of Commons
UK Parliament, corp creators.
House of Commons Library: Briefing paper: Number 07147, 13 April 2018: School places in England: applications, allocations and appeals.
House of Commons
UK Parliament, corp creators.
House of Commons Library: Briefing paper: Number 07272, 18 May 2018: Summer-born children: starting school.
UK Parliament
House of Commons Library, corp creators.
House of Commons Library: Debate pack: Number CDP-2018-0252, 19 November 2018: Investing in nursing higher education in England.
House of Lords
UK Parliament, corp creators.
House of Lords Library: Briefing paper: Early Intervention in Children’s Lives (Debate on 1 November 2018).
UK Parliament
Houses of Parliament
Parliamentary Office of Science & Technology, corp creators.
House of Parliament: Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology: POSTNOTE: Number 570 Feb 2018: Parental Alcohol Misuse and Children.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
How to apply to set up a mainstream free school.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
How to apply to set up a mainstream free school : updated July 2018.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
How to apply to set up a mainstream free school : updated June 2018.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
How to apply to set up a maths school for 16 to 19 year olds.
Education and Skills Funding Agency, corp creator.
How to become an approved training provider and bid for funding : 2 February 2018.
Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA), corp creator.
How to register and use the apprenticeship service as an employer : updated 5 November 2018.
Education and Skills Funding Agency, corp creator.
How to submit a funding claim: updated 24 January 2018.
Welsh Government, corp creator.
How was school today? : parents’ and carers’ guide
to primary school for children aged 7 to 11.
Intellectual Property Office, corp creator.
IP in education: updated 9 January 2018.
Education and Skills Funding Agency, corp creator.
Identity and Access Management System (IDAMS) super user guidance.
Education and Skills Funding Agency, corp creator.
Identity and Access Management System (IDAMS) user guidance.
IFF Research
Department for Education (DFE), corp creators.
Impact evaluation of 24+ Advanced Learner Loans.
Department for Education (DFE)
Kantar Public, corp creators.
Implementation evaluation of Slough Children’s Services Trust.
Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation (OFQUAL), corp creator.
Implementation of Technical Qualifications: Consultation on rules and guidance for Technical Qualifications.
Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation (OFQUAL), corp creator.
Implementing functional skills reform. Consultation.
Welsh Government, corp creator.
Implementing the Additional Learning Needs and Education Tribunal (Wales) Act 2018.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Implementing your school’s approach to pay: Advice for maintained schools and local authorities.
Government Equalities Office (GEO), corp creator.
Improving LGBT lives : government action since 2010.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Improving adult basic digital skills. Government consultation.
Scottish Government (Scotland), corp creator.
Improving educational outcomes for children and young people from
travelling cultures.
Education Endowment Foundation, corp creator.
Improving secondary Science.
Office for Students (OfS), corp creator.
Improving students’ ability to make the right choices about higher education for them.
Estyn (Her Majesty's Inspectorate for Education and Training in Wales), corp creator.
Improving teaching.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Improving the educational outcomes of Children in Need of help and protection. Interim findings, December 2018.
HM Government
National Literacy Trust, corp creators.
Improving the home learning environment: A behaviour change approach.
Department for Education (DFE)
CooperGibson Research, corp creators.
Incentive programmes for the recruitment and retention of teachers in FE. Literature review, December 2018.
Scottish Government (Scotland), corp creator.
Included Engaged and Involved Part 2: a positive approach to managing exclusion.
Home Office, corp creator.
Indecent images of children: guidance for young people: updated 15 March 2018.
Independent Higher Education (IHE), corp creator.
Independent Higher Education evidence to the Migration
Advisory Committee commission on international students.
Independent Higher Education (IHE), corp creator.
Independent Higher Education response to the government
consultation on Accelerated Degrees.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Independent Review of the Teaching Excellence and Student Outcomes Framework (TEF) : terms of reference.
Welsh Government, corp creator.
Independent review of school teachers’ pay and conditions in Wales. Government consultation.
Education and Training Inspectorate of Northern Ireland (ETINI), corp creator.
Independent schools: inspection guidance.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Induction for newly qualified teachers (England): Statutory guidance for appropriate bodies, headteachers, school staff and governing bodies.
Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA), corp creator.
Industry placement capacity and delivery fund : principles for high quality industry placements : updated 9 July 2018.
Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA), corp creator.
Industry placements : capacity and delivery fund (CDF) for 2019 to 2020 for providers not in receipt of CDF in 2018 to 2019 academic year : published 12 July 2018.
HM Government, corp creator.
Information sharing: Advice for practitioners providing safeguarding services to children, young people, parents and carers.
Scottish Government (Scotland), corp creator.
Initial Destinations of Senior Phase School Leavers.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Initial Teacher Training (ITT) Census for the academic
year 2018 to 2019, England.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Initial Teacher Training (ITT) allocations and the Teacher Supply Model (TSM), England 2019 to 2020.
Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills (OFSTED), corp creator.
Initial teacher education inspection handbook : for use from April 2018. Updated February 2018.
Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills (OFSTED) (2007-), corp creator.
Initial teacher education inspection handbook: for use from April 2018.
Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills (OFSTED), corp creator.
Initial teacher education inspection handbook: for use from September 2018.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Initial teacher training (ITT) performance profiles for the academic year 2016 to 2017, England.
Department for Education (DFE)
National College for Teaching and Leadership (NCTL), corp creators.
Initial teacher training (ITT): criteria and supporting advice: updated 28 February 2018.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Initial teacher training : self-evaluation and improvement planning for providers : published 20 April 2018.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Initial teacher training allocations methodology: Guidance for the 2019 to 2020 academic year.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Initial teacher training bursaries funding manual : 2019 to 2020 academic year : published 18 December 2018.
Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills (OFSTED) (2007-), corp creator.
Inspecting multi-agency safeguarding arrangements.
Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills (OFSTED) (2007-), corp creator.
Inspecting non-association independent schools: a leaflet for parents and carers.
Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills (OFSTED) (2007-), corp creator.
Inspecting safeguarding in early years, education and skills: Guidance for inspectors undertaking inspection under the common inspection framework.
Institute for Apprenticeships, corp creator.
Institute for Apprenticeships annual report and accounts 2017-18 : presented to Parliament pursuant to paragraph 11(2) of schedule A1 to The Apprenticeships, Skills, Children and Learning Act 2009.
Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation (OFQUAL), corp creator.
Inter-board comparability of grade standards in GCSEs, AS and A levels 2018.
Scottish Government (Scotland), corp creator.
International Council of Education Advisers Report 2016-18.
Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation (OFQUAL), corp creator.
International approaches to the moderation of non-examination assessments in secondary education.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
International comparison of courses in hairdressing and barbering. Ad-hoc notice, December 2018.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
International early learning and child well-being study (IELS) in England: Introduction to the research.
Universities UK, corp creator.
International facts and figures 2018.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Introduction of T Levels: published 9 March 2018.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Introduction of T Levels: updated 11 October 2018.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Introduction of T levels: information for education providers: published 9 March 2018.
Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills (OFSTED) (2007-), corp creator.
Introduction to children's homes: A children’s social care guide to registration.
Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills (OFSTED) (2007-), corp creator.
Introduction to the IDSR.
National Audit Office, corp creator.
Investigation into oversight of the Student Loans Company’s governance, and management of its former chief executive.
Department of Education (DENI) (Northern Ireland)
Teachers’ Negotiating Team, corp creators.
Investing in the teaching workforce scheme.
Estyn (Her Majesty's Inspectorate for Education and Training in Wales), corp creator.
Involving parents : communication between schools and parents of school-aged children.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Join or create a network for school business professionals : 22 February 2018.
Care Quality Commission
Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills (OFSTED) (2007-), corp creators.
Joint inspections of local area special educational needs or disabilities (or both) provision: Updated 25 June 2018.
Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills (OFSTED) (2007-)
Care Quality Commission, corp creators.
Joint inspections of local area special educational needs or disabilities (or both) provision: updated 5 June 2018.
Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills (OFSTED) (2007-), corp creator.
Joint targeted area inspections: framework and guidance.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Joint understanding between DfE and Independent Schools Council (ISC): published 11 May 2018.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Keeping children safe in education
Statutory guidance for schools and colleges: Part 1: Information for all school and college staff (for informmation only, revised guidance will commence 3 September 2018).
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Keeping children safe in education. Government consultation.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Keeping children safe in education: Statutory guidance for schools and colleges.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Keeping children safe in education: Statutory guidance for schools and colleges.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Keeping children safe in education: Statutory guidance for schools and colleges (for information only, revised guidance will commence 3 September 2018).
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Keeping children safe in education: Statutory guidance for schools and colleges: Part 1: Information for all school and college staff.
Standards and Testing Agency (STA), corp creator.
Key stage 1 : modified test administration guidance :
administering modified large print versions of the 2018 national curriculum tests : March 2018.
Standards and Testing Agency (STA), corp creator.
Key stage 1 : modified test administration guidance :
administering the 2018 national curriculum tests to pupils with a hearing impairment : March 2018.
Standards and Testing Agency (STA), corp creator.
Key stage 1 : modified test administration guidance :
administering braille versions of the 2018 national curriculum tests : March 2018.
Standards and Testing Agency (STA), corp creator.
Key stage 1 : test administration guidance : 2018 national curriculum tests : March 2018.
Standards and Testing Agency, corp creator.
Key stage 1 Teacher assessment exemplification. English reading: working at the expected standard.
Standards and Testing Agency, corp creator.
Key stage 1 Teacher assessment exemplification. Science.
Standards and Testing Agency, corp creator.
Key stage 1 and key stage 2 test dates: updated 9 July 2018.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Key stage 1 return 2018 : technical specification. Version 1.0, February 2018.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Key stage 1 teacher assessment data collection guide.
Standards and Testing Agency, corp creator.
Key stage 1 teacher assessment guidance: For schools and local authorities.
Standards and Testing Agency (STA), corp creator.
Key stage 1 tests : 2018 mathematics test materials.
Standards and Testing Agency, corp creator.
Key stage 1 tests: 2018 English grammar, punctuation and spelling test materials.
Standards and Testing Agency (STA), corp creator.
Key stage 1 tests: 2018 English grammar, punctuation and spelling test modified materials.
Standards and Testing Agency, corp creator.
Key stage 1 tests: 2018 mathematics test modified materials.
Standards and Testing Agency, corp creator.
Key stage 1: 2019 access arrangements guidance.
Standards and Testing Agency, corp creator.
Key stage 1: Teacher assessment exemplification: English reading: working at greater depth.
Standards and Testing Agency, corp creator.
Key stage 1: Teacher assessment exemplification: English reading: working towards the expected standard.
Standards and Testing Agency (STA), corp creator.
Key stage 2 : modified test administration guidance :
administering modified large print versions of the 2018 national curriculum tests : March 2018.
Standards and Testing Agency (STA), corp creator.
Key stage 2 : modified test administration guidance :
administering the 2018 national curriculum tests to pupils with a hearing impairment : March 2018.
Standards and Testing Agency (STA), corp creator.
Key stage 2 : modified test administration guidance : administering braille versions of the 2018 national curriculum tests : March 2018.
Standards and Testing Agency (STA), corp creator.
Key stage 2 : preparing pupils for on-screen marking of test scripts.
Standards and Testing Agency, corp creator.
Key stage 2 teacher assessment guidance: For schools and local authorities.
Standards and Testing Agency (STA), corp creator.
Key stage 2 tests : 2018 mathematics test materials.
Standards and Testing Agency (STA), corp creator.
Key stage 2 tests : demonstrate correct test administration : updated 19 March 2018.
Standards and Testing Agency, corp creator.
Key stage 2 tests: 2018 English grammar, punctuation and spelling test materials.
Standards and Testing Agency, corp creator.
Key stage 2 tests: 2018 English grammar, punctuation and spelling test modified materials.
Standards and Testing Agency, corp creator.
Key stage 2 tests: monitoring visits guidance.
Standards and Testing Agency, corp creator.
Key stage 2 tests: special consideration guidance: published 19 March 2018.
Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation (OFQUAL), corp creator.
Key stage 2 writing moderation: Observations on the consistency of moderator judgements.
Standards and Testing Agency, corp creator.
Key stage 2: 2019 access arrangements guidance.
Standards and Testing Agency, corp creator.
Key stage 2: submitting teacher assessment data. May 2018.
Standards and Testing Agency (STA), corp creator.
Key stage 2: test administration guidance: 2018 national curriculum tests. March 2018.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Key stage 4 and 16 to 18 destination measures (revised):
Guidance and technical note for 2017 performance tables. January 2018.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Key stage 4 destination measures (provisional): Guidance and technical note for 2018 performance tables.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Key stage 4 similar schools : guide and technical note for local authorities, maintained schools, academies and free schools : March 2018.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Key stage 4 similar schools: Guide and technical note for local authorities, maintained schools, academies and free schools. January 2018.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Knowledge and skills statement for child and family practice supervisors : March 2018.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Knowledge and skills statement for child and family practitioners : March 2018.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Knowledge and skills statement for practice leaders : March 2018.
Government Equalities Office, corp creator.
LGBT action plan: improving the lives of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people.
Scottish Government (Scotland)
LGBTI Inclusive Education Working Group, corp creators.
LGBTI Inclusive Education Working Group: Report to the Scottish Ministers.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Labour market impact of progressing more learners to Level 3. Ad-hoc notice, December 2018.
Education and Skills Funding Agency, corp creator.
Land and buildings collection tool summary guidance for academies 2018 : updated 10 August 2018.
Scottish Government (Scotland), corp creator.
Learner Journey: Analysis of Scottish education and training provision for 15 to 24 year olds.
Welsh Government, corp creator.
Learner Outcome Measures for Further Education, Work-based Learning and Adult Community Learning: 2016/17.
Education and Skills Funding Agency, corp creator.
Learning aim class codes 2018 to 2019. Version 1, August 2018.
National Cyber Resilience Leaders’ Board
Scottish Government (Scotland), corp creators.
Learning and Skills Action Plan for Cyber Resilience 2018-20.
Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE), corp creator.
Learning gain in English higher education : progress report.
Scottish Government (Scotland)
COSLA, corp creators.
Learning together: Scotland’s national action plan on parental involvement, parental engagement, family learning and learning at home 2018 - 2021.
Scottish Government (Scotland), corp creator.
“Learning together” : Scotland’s national action plan on parental involvement, parental engagement, family learning and learning at home 2018-2021.
Welsh Government, corp creator.
Legislative proposal to remove the defence of reasonable Punishment : Government consultation.
Youth Justice Board (YJB)
Ministry of Justice, corp creators.
Length of time spent in Youth Custody 2016/17: England and Wales.
Department for Education (DFE)
Data Insights and Statistics Division
Post-16 Participation, NEET and Attainment, corp creators.
Level 2 and 3 attainment in England : attainment by age 19 in 2017.
Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills (OFSTED) (2007-), corp creator.
Level 2 study programmes.
Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills (OFSTED) (2007-), corp creator.
Level 2 study programmes.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Literacy and numeracy catch-up strategies. August 2018.
Education and Skills Funding Agency, corp creator.
Local Authority school places scorecard guidance: 29 May 2018.
Education and Skills Funding Agency, corp creator.
Local authorities: 16 to 19 provision and maintained institutions with sixth form funds return 2017 to 2018: updated 13 September 2018.
Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills (OFSTED) (2007-), corp creator.
Local authority and children’s homes in England inspections
and outcomes.
Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS), corp creator.
Local industrial strategies : policy prospectus. October 2018.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Local offer guidance : guidance for local authorities.
Office for National Statistics, corp creator.
Loneliness: What characteristics and circumstances are associated with feeling lonely?
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Looked after children in foster care: analysis.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Mainstream academy and free school: single funding agreement: March 2018.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Mainstream academy and free school: supplemental funding agreement: March 2018.
Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills (OFSTED) (2007-), corp creator.
Maintained schools and academies inspections and outcomes as at 31 December 2017.
Teacher Workload Advisory Group
Centre for Education Improvement Science
UCL Institute of Education, corp creators.
Making data work: Report of the Teacher Workload Advisory Group.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Making significant changes (‘prescribed alterations’) to maintained schools : statutory guidance for proposers and decision-makers.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Making significant changes to an open academy and closure by mutual agreement : departmental advice for all types of academy trust.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Making significant changes to an open academy and closure by mutual agreement: departmental advice for all types of academy trust.
Standards and Testing Agency, corp creator.
Maladministration investigation procedures: key stage 1 and key stage 2.
Standards and Testing Agency, corp creator.
Maladministration investigation visits: key stage 1 and key stage 2.
Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation (OFQUAL), corp creator.
Malpractice for GCSE, AS and A level : Summer 2017 exam series. England. 5 January 2018.
Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation (OFQUAL), corp creator.
Malpractice for GCSE, AS and A level: summer 2018 exam series.
Estyn (Her Majesty's Inspectorate for Education and Training in Wales), corp creator.
Managed moves : effective use of managed moves by local authorities and schools.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Management information on the number of 30 hours free childcare codes issued and validated for the spring term 2018.
Department for Education (DFE)
CooperGibson Research, corp creators.
Mapping the availability and use of professional development for reducing teacher workload.
Northern Ireland Commissioner for Children and Young People (NICCY), corp creator.
Marriage Equality: A Child’s Rights Issue.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Mathematics early-career payments : administration of payments : government consultation.
Department for Education (DFE)
National College for Teaching and Leadership (NCTL), corp creators.
Mathematics early-career payments : guidance for teachers and schools : terms and conditions for mathematics early-career payments. Updated 27 September 2018.
Department for Education (DFE)
National College for Teaching and Leadership (NCTL), corp creators.
Mathematics early-career payments: guidance for teachers and schools: published 30 April 2018.
Education and Skills Funding Agency, corp creator.
Maximum loan amounts for advanced learner loans designated qualifications 2018 to 2019. March 2018.
Office for Students (OfS)
Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC)
Health Education England (HEE), corp creators.
Medical and dental students survey 2018 : survey for the Office for Students, the Department of Health and Social Care, Health Education England and UK higher education funding bodies.
Office for Students (OfS), corp creator.
Medical and dental students survey 2018: Survey for the Office for Students, the Department of Health and Social Care Health Education England and UK higher education funding bodies.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Meeting the Public Sector Apprenticeship Target: Statutory guidance for bodies in scope of the Public Sector Apprenticeship Target: Revised February 2018.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Memorandum of understanding between DfE and Grammar School Heads Association: published 11 May 2018.
Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills (OFSTED) (2007-), corp creator.
Memorandum of understanding between Ofsted and DfE in respect of secure children's homes.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Mental health and behaviour in schools.
Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills (OFSTED) (2007-), corp creator.
Methodology note: the risk assessment of good and outstanding further education and skills providers.
Education and Skills Funding Agency, corp creator.
Mid-Year Funding Claims for 2017 to 2018. User Guide, January 2018.
Education Scotland, corp creator.
Milestones to support learners with complex additional support needs: Literacy and English.
Education Scotland, corp creator.
Milestones to support learners with complex additional support needs: Numeracy and Mathematics.
Universities UK, corp creator.
Minding our future: starting a conversation about the support of student mental health.
Education and Skills Funding Agency, corp creator.
Minimum standards : minimum standards for 2017 to 2018 for all age apprenticeships and adult (19+) education & training. August 2018.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Model Agreement: Early years provision free of charge and free childcare.
Office for Students (OfS), corp creator.
Monitoring of the Prevent duty : 2016-17 progress report and future development.
Office for Students (OfS), corp creator.
Monitoring outcomes: OFFA access agreements and HEFCE funding for widening access for students from disadvantaged backgrounds, improving retention and improving provision for disabled students for 2016-17.
Standards and Testing Agency, corp creator.
Multiplication tables check: development update: updated 9 July 2018.
Standards and Testing Agency, corp creator.
NCA tools : managing access and troubleshooting. Updated 29 October 2018.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
NEET statistics quarterly brief: October to December 2017, England.
Office of the Commissioner for Children and Young People (NICCY), corp creator.
NICCY Advice in response to ‘Briefing on Northern Ireland Budgetary Outlook’ 2018-20.
Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation (OFQUAL), corp creator.
NRT Annual Statement 2018. Summary.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
National Achievement Rate Tables March 2018.
Scottish Government (Scotland), corp creator.
National Action Plan to Prevent and Tackle Child Sexual Exploitation : progress report 2017/18.
Ipsos MORI, corp creator.
National Careers Service : customer satisfaction and
progression annual report : May 2017 – April 2018 fieldwork.
Public Health England, corp creator.
National Child Measurement Programme: Operational guidance 2018.
Office for Students (OfS), corp creator.
National Collaborative Outreach Programme : the first year.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
National Implementation Adviser for Care Leavers’ First Year Report: October 2017 to October 2018.
Government Equalities Office (GEO), corp creator.
National LGBT survey : summary report.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
National Leaders of Governance for further education : guidance for applicants : published 15 June 2018.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
National Leaders of Governance for further education: guidance for applicants: Updated 20 November 2018.
Scottish Government (Scotland), corp creator.
National Minimum School Clothing Grant: Equality Impact Assessment Record.
Welsh Government, corp creator.
National Reading and Numeracy Tests : test administration handbook 2018/19.
Welsh Government, corp creator.
National Reading and Numeracy Tests: Test administration handbook 2018/19.
Welsh Government, corp creator.
National Reading and Numeracy Tests: Understanding the outcomes: information for practitioners.
Welsh Government
Education Wales, corp creators.
National Reading and Numeracy tests: test administration handbook.
Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation (OFQUAL)
National Foundation for Educational Research (NFER), corp creators.
National Reference Test Information. Background report.
Scottish Government (Scotland), corp creator.
National Review of Care Allowances: Recommendations.
Welsh Government, corp creator.
National School Categorisation System: A guide for parents and carers.
Higher Education Funding Council for Wales (HEFCW), corp creator.
The National Student Survey 2019.
Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation (OFQUAL), corp creator.
National assessments regulation : annual report 2018.
Standards and Testing Agency, corp creator.
National curriculum assessments : Key stage 2 : Multiplication tables check assessment framework.
Department for Education (DFE)
Standards and Testing Agency (STA), corp creators.
National curriculum assessments : key stage 2 : 2018 interim results : published 10 July 2018.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
National curriculum assessments at key stage 2 in England, 2018 (provisional).
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
National curriculum assessments at key stage 2 in England, 2018 (revised).
Standards and Testing Agency, corp creator.
National curriculum test handbook: 2018 Key stages 1 and 2.
Ministry of Housing, Communities & Local Government, corp creator.
National evaluation of the Troubled Families Programme 2015 to 2020: interim findings.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
National funding formula illustrative allocations.
Department for Education (DFE)
Data Insight & Statistics Division, corp creators.
National pupil projections : future trends in pupil numbers : July 2018.
Welsh Government, corp creator.
National school categorisation system: guidance document for schools, local authorities and regional consortia. February 2018.
Office for National Statistics, corp creator.
New treatment of student loans in the public sector finances and national accounts.
Office for National Statistics (ONS), corp creator.
New treatment of student loans in the public sector finances and national accounts.
Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills (OFSTED) (2007-), corp creator.
Non-association independent school inspection handbook: Handbook for inspecting non-association independent schools in England under section 109(1) and (2) of the Education and Skills Act 2008.
Department for the Economy (Northern Ireland) (DENI), corp creator.
Non-continuation following year of entry : full-time 2015/16 entrants and part-time 2014/15 entrants.
Standards and Testing Agency, corp creator.
Notes for readers in the English grammar, punctuation and spelling test: questions: Key stage 1 and key stage 2.
Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation (OFQUAL), corp creator.
November 2018 data exchange procedures: GCSEs (9 to 1).
UK Parliament
House of Commons Education Committee, corp creators.
Nursing degree apprenticeships: in poor health? Eighth Report of Session 2017–19.
Education Scotland, corp creator.
Nurture, Adverse Childhood Experiences and Trauma informed practice: Making the links between these approaches.
Scotland’s Commissioner for Children and Young People (SCCYP), corp creator.
Nutritional Requirements for Food and Drink in Schools : general comments from the Children and Young People’s Commissioner Scotland.
Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills (OFSTED) (2007-), corp creator.
Obesity, healthy eating and physical activity in primary schools : a thematic review into what actions schools are taking to reduce childhood obesity.
Office for Students (OfS), corp creator.
The OfS approach to regulation.
Office for Students (OfS), corp creator.
Office for Students : approach to corporate governance.
Office for Students (OfS), corp creator.
Office for Students Business plan 2018 – 19.
Office for Students (OfS), corp creator.
Office for Students Challenge Competition: Achieving a step change in mental health outcomes for all students.
Office for Students (OfS), corp creator.
Office for Students Challenge Competition: Industrial strategy and skills: support for local students and graduates.
Office for Students (OfS), corp creator.
Office for Students Strategy 2018 to 2021.
Office for Students (OfS), corp creator.
Office for Students data strategy, 2018 to 2021.
Office for Students (OfS), corp creator.
The Office for Students’ response to the Education Committee report on value for money in higher education.
Office of the Schools Adjudicator, corp creator.
Office of the Schools Adjudicator Annual Report: September 2016 to August 2017.
Office of the Schools Adjudicator (OSA), corp creator.
Office of the Schools Adjudicator annual report : September 2017 to August 2018.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Official Statistics: Multi-academy trust performance measures: England, 2016 to 2017: 25 January 2018.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Official statistics: multi-academy trust performance measures: England, 2016 to 2017. 01 March 2018.
Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation (OFQUAL), corp creator.
Ofqual’s response to the Government’s consultation on the implementation of T level programmes.
Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills (OFSTED) (2007-), corp creator.
Ofsted Parents Panel: annual report 2017.
Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills (OFSTED) (2007-), corp creator.
Ofsted safeguarding policy: updated 8 March 2018.
Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills (OFSTED) (2007-), corp creator.
Ofsted: gender pay gap report and data 2017.
Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills (OFSTED) (2007-), corp creator.
Ofsted’s equality objectives 2017-2020.
National Audit Office
House of Commons
Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills, corp creators.
Ofsted’s inspection of schools.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Opening a 16 to 19 specialist maths school : a guide for maths school proposer groups in the pre-opening stage.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Opening and closing maintained schools: Statutory guidance for proposers and decision-makers.
Public Health England, corp creator.
Oral health survey of five-year-old children 2017: A report on the inequalities found in prevalence and severity of dental decay.
Scottish Government (Scotland)
Care Inspectorate (Scotland), corp creators.
Out to play : practical guidance for creating outdoor
play experiences in early learning and childcare.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Out-of-school settings: voluntary safeguarding code of
practice. Government consultation.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Outcomes for children looked after by local authorities in England, 31 March 2017.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Outcomes for pupils eligible for free school meals and identified with special educational needs: Ad-hoc statistics.
Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation (OFQUAL), corp creator.
Outlining our Regulatory Risk Framework.
UK Parliament
Parliamentary Office of Science & Technology, corp creators.
POST Note Number 576, June 2018: Relationships and sex education.
UK Parliament
Houses of Parliament
Parliamentary Office of Science & Technology, corp creators.
POST Note Number 577 June 2018: Age of Criminal Responsibility.
Department for Work and Pensions (DWP), corp creator.
Parental Conflict Indicator : data for 2011-12 – 2015-16.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Parental Responsibility Measures in England: 2016 to 2017.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Parental responsibility measures : attendance data collection (PRM-A) 2018 : guide to the collection of attendance penalty notices, parenting contracts, parenting orders and attendance case management.
Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS), corp creator.
Parents' guide to shared parental leave and pay.
Universities UK, corp creator.
Parliamentary briefing: Backbench business debate on Erasmus+.
Education Workforce Council (EWC), corp creator.
Partial review of the shortage occupation list : teachers : supporting evidence from the Education Workforce Council.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Participation in Education, Training and Employment by 16-18 year olds in England: End 2017.
Department for the Economy (Northern Ireland) (DENI), corp creator.
Participation of students who were in receipt of Disabled Students’ Allowance (DSA) : all undergraduate students : 2016/17.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Participation rates in higher education : academic years 2006/2007 – 2016/2017 (Provisional).
Universities UK, corp creator.
Patterns and trends in UK higher education 2018.
Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills (OFSTED) (2007-), corp creator.
People connected with Ofsted-registered childcare: published 6 September 2018.
Department for the Economy (Northern Ireland), corp creator.
Performance Indicators in Higher Education: Employment 2016/2017.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Performance points: A practical guide to key stage 4 and
16 to 18 performance points.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Performance reporting for FE college groups and multi-site colleges. Government consultation.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Permanent and fixed period exclusions in England : 2016 to 2017.
HM Revenue and Customs, corp creator.
Personal Tax Credits: Children in Low income Families: Snapshot as at 31st August 2016.
Welsh Government, corp creator.
Personalised assessment: IT guidance for schools.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Phonics screening check 2018 : technical specification, version 1.0. February 2018.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Phonics screening check 2018. Technical specification, version 1.1. March 2018.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Phonics screening check and key stage 1 assessments in England, 2018.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Phonics screening check and key stage 1 assessments in England, 2018.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Phonics screening check data collection guide.
Standards and Testing Agency, corp creator.
Phonics screening check: 2018 materials.
Standards and Testing Agency, corp creator.
Phonics screening check: administration guidance. April 2018.
Standards and Testing Agency, corp creator.
Phonics screening check: monitoring visits guidance.
Standards and Testing Agency, corp creator.
Phonics screening check: structure and content of the check: updated 23 April 2018.
Standards and Testing Agency, corp creator.
Piloting the 7 aspects of engagement for summative assessment: qualitative evaluation.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Planned expenditure on schools, education and children’s services by local authorities in England, 2018-19.
Children's Commissioner for England, corp creator.
Playing out : a Children’s Commissioner’s report on the importance to children of play and physical activity.
Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills (OFSTED) (2007-), corp creator.
Policy statement for inspecting new schools and schools that undergo a change in status.
Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills (OFSTED) (2007-), corp creator.
Positive environments where children can flourish: a guide for inspectors about physical intervention and restrictions of liberty.
Department for Education (DFE)
Education and Skills Funding Agency, corp creators.
Post 16: basic maths premium pilot.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Post-16 education: highest level of achievement by age 25.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Post-16 education: outcomes for disadvantaged students.
Independent Higher Education (IHE), corp creator.
Post-18 Education and Funding review : response to call for evidence by Independent Higher Education : May 2018.
Universities UK, corp creator.
Post-study work proposal.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Postgraduate Outcomes in 2015 to 2016.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Postgraduate teaching apprenticeship funding manual 2019 to 2020 academic year : published 18 December 2018.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Postgraduate teaching apprenticeship funding manual : 2018 to 2019 academic year : July 2018, Version 1.2.
National College for Teaching and Leadership (NCTL), corp creator.
Postgraduate teaching apprenticeships: guidance for providers and schools: updated 19 January 2018.
Scottish Government (Scotland), corp creator.
Practice Guidance: Custody of Children and Young People Convicted on Indictment Under Section 205(2) or Section 208 of the Criminal Procedure (Scotland) Act 1995.
Children's Commissioner for England, corp creator.
Pre-Budget Briefing 2018.
Standards and Testing Agency (STA), corp creator.
Pre-key stage 1 : pupils working below the national curriculum assessment standard : for use from the 2018/19 academic year onwards.
Standards and Testing Agency (STA), corp creator.
Pre-key stage 1 : pupils working below the national curriculum assessment standard : teacher assessment framework : for use from the 2018/19 academic year.
Standards and Testing Agency (STA), corp creator.
Pre-key stage 2 : pupils working below the national curriculum assessment standard : for use from the 2018/19 academic year onwards.
Standards and Testing Agency (STA), corp creator.
Pre-key stage 2 : pupils working below the national curriculum assessment standard : teacher assessment framework : for use from the 2018/19 academic year.
Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills (OFSTED), corp creator.
Pre-registration and material change inspections of independent schools : a leaflet for registered and proposed new independent schools. Updated August 2018.
Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills (OFSTED) (2007-), corp creator.
Pre-registration and material change inspections of independent schools: a leaflet for registered and proposed new independent schools.
Education Endowment Foundation (EEF), corp creator.
Preparing for literacy: Improving communication, language
and literacy in the early years.
Office for Students (OfS), corp creator.
Prevent duty: Framework for monitoring in higher education in England: 2018-19 onwards.
Education and Training Inspectorate of Northern Ireland (ETINI), corp creator.
Primary Inspection Guidance: March 2018.
Education and Training Inspectorate of Northern Ireland (ETINI), corp creator.
Primary inspection guidance. September 2018.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Primary school accountability in 2017 : a technical guide for primary maintained schools, academies and free schools. January 2018.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Primary school accountability in 2018 : a technical guide for primary maintained schools, academies and free schools.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Primary school accountability in 2018: A technical guide for primary maintained schools, academies and free schools.
Education and Skills Funding Agency, corp creator.
Professional and Career Development Loans : learning provider list : requirements for inclusion. January 2018.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Progress report on the Apprenticeships Reform Programme.
Scottish Government (Scotland), corp creator.
Progressing Children’s Rights in Scotland: An Action Plan 2018-21. Government Consultation.
Scottish Government (Scotland), corp creator.
Progressing The Human Rights of Children in Scotland : a report 2015-2018 : Report to the Scottish Parliament under Part 1 of The Children and Young People (Scotland) Act 2014.
Scottish Government (Scotland), corp creator.
Progressing the Human Rights of Children in Scotland: An Action Plan 2018-2021.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Promoting the education of looked-after children and previously looked-after children : statutory guidance for local authorities.
Public Health England, corp creator.
Proportion of children living with at least one parent reporting emotional distress: Details, methodology and supporting information.
Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC), corp creator.
Proposal to end the sale of energy drinks to children : Government consultation.
Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills (OFSTED) (2007-)
HM Inspectorate of Prisons
Care Quality Commission, corp creators.
Proposed changes to joint inspections of secure training centres. Consultation.
Welsh Government, corp creator.
Proposed changes to the student finance support package in the 2019/20 academic year. Government consultation.
Welsh Government, corp creator.
Proposed mechanism for determining teachers’ pay and conditions : consultation on the new mechanism (model process) to determine teachers’ pay and conditions of service in Wales.
Scottish Government (Scotland), corp creator.
Protecting children : review of section 12 of the Children
and Young Persons (Scotland) Act 1937 and section 42 of the Sexual Offences (Scotland) Act 2009. Government consultation.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Protection of biometric information of children in schools and colleges : advice for proprietors, governing bodies, head teachers, principals and school and college staff. March 2018.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Provision for children under 5 years of age in England, January 2018.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Provisional A level and other 16-18 results in England, 2017/2018.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Provisional GCSE and equivalent results in England, 2017 to 2018.
Welsh Government, corp creator.
Public Good and a Prosperous Wales: the next steps. Government consultation.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Public sector apprenticeships in England: 2017 to 2018.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Pupil absence in schools in England : autumn 2017 and spring 2018.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Pupil absence in schools in England, Autumn term 2017.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Pupil absence in schools in England: 2016 to 2017.
Education and Skills Funding Agency, corp creator.
Pupil premium 2018 to 2019: conditions of grant: updated 11 December 2018.
Education and Skills Funding Agency, corp creator.
Pupil premium 2018 to 2019: conditions of grant: updated 25 June 2018.
Education and Skills Funding Agency, corp creator.
Pupil premium: conditions of grant 2019 to 2020: Published 17 December 2018.
Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA), corp creator.
Qualification achievement rates business rules 2017 to 2018 : version 2, November 2018.
Education and Skills Funding Agency, corp creator.
Qualification achievement rates business rules 2017 to 2018. Version 1, March 2018.
Welsh Government, corp creator.
Qualifications Wales (Monetary Penalties) Regulations : Government consultation.
Department of Education (DENI) (Northern Ireland)
Analytical Services Unit
Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency, corp creators.
Qualifications and destinations of Northern Ireland school leavers 2016/17.
Department for the Economy (Northern Ireland), corp creator.
Qualifications gained at UK Higher Education Institutions:
Northern Ireland analysis 2016/17.
Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education (QAA), corp creator.
The Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education, UK: Self-Assessment Report for Review by ENQA.
Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education (QAA), corp creator.
Quality and Standards Review : guidance for providers. October 2018.
Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation (OFQUAL), corp creator.
Quality assurance framework for statistical publications.
Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills (OFSTED) (2007-), corp creator.
Re-visits to local areas issued with a written statement of action.
Scottish Government (Scotland), corp creator.
Read, Write, Count: November 2017 Campaign: Evaluation Report.
Estyn (Her Majesty's Inspectorate for Education and Training in Wales), corp creator.
Readiness for additional learning needs reforms : October 2018.
Welsh Government, corp creator.
Reading and numeray tests in Wales 2018: information for parents and carers of children in years 2 to 9.
Open Research Data Task Force, corp creator.
Realising the potential: Final report of the Open Research Data Task Force.
Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation (OFQUAL), corp creator.
Recognition application : guidance for the criteria : supporting information. Updated 5 September 2018.
Office for Students (OfS), corp creator.
Recurrent and formula capital funding for 2018-19.
Jurassic Coast Teaching Schools’ Alliance, corp creator.
Reducing teacher workload.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Reducing teacher workload : updated 21 July 2018.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Reducing teacher workload: updated 10 March 2018.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Reducing teacher workload: updated 17 January 2018.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Reducing workload : supporting teachers in the early stages of their career : advice for school leaders, mentors and appropriate bodies.
Northern Ireland Commissioner for Children & Young People (NICCY), corp creator.
Reflections on Government Child Sexual Exploitation
Progress Reports (Third and Fourth Composite
Reports): 14 December 2018.
Education and Skills Funding Agency, corp creator.
Register of end-point assessment organisations: pre-application guidance.
Office for Students (OfS), corp creator.
Registration of current providers for 2019-20 : guidance for providers about the application process.
Office for Students (OfS), corp creator.
Registration of new providers for 2019-20 : guidance for providers about the application process.
Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation (OFQUAL), corp creator.
Regulating Apprenticeship End Point Assessments: Consultation on Conditions, guidance and requirements for Ofqual-regulated Apprenticeship End Point Assessments (EPAs).
Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation (OFQUAL), corp creator.
Regulating Technical Qualifications: Consultation on Ofqual’s approach to regulating Technical Qualifications.
Welsh Government, corp creator.
Regulations to introduce a two-stage approval process for adopters : Government consultation.
Office for Students (OfS), corp creator.
Regulatory Advice 11: Guidance for providers about facilitating electoral registration.
Office for Students (OfS), corp creator.
Regulatory Advice 4: Transition arrangements for degree awarding powers and university title: Information for providers about the transition to the new regulatory requirements.
Office for Students (OfS), corp creator.
Regulatory Notice 2: Regulation up to 31 July 2019 of providers that were previously funded by HEFCE.
Office for Students (OfS), corp creator.
Regulatory Notice 3: Regulation up to 31 July 2019 of providers currently designated for student support by the Secretary of State.
Office for Students (OfS), corp creator.
Regulatory Notice 4: Regulation of newly registered providers up to 31 July 2019: Guidance for providers during the transition period.
Office for Students (OfS), corp creator.
Regulatory advice 10 : accountable officers : guidance for providers on the responsibilities of accountable officers.
Office for Students (OfS), corp creator.
Regulatory advice 12 : how to apply for degree awarding powers : guidance for providers about the application process.
Office for Students (OfS), corp creator.
Regulatory advice 5: Exempt charities: Guidance for higher education providers that are exempt charities.
Office for Students (OfS), corp creator.
Regulatory advice 9: Accounts direction: Guidance on preparing and publishing financial statements.
Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation (OFQUAL), corp creator.
Regulatory burden statement, 2018: updated 3 April 2018.
Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation (OFQUAL), corp creator.
Regulatory framework for national assessments: National curriculum and early years foundation stage assessments.
Office for Students (OfS), corp creator.
Regulatory notice 1 : access and participation plan guidance for 2019-20.
Scottish Government (Scotland)
ZSD Scotland
SAMH for Scotland's mental health, corp creators.
Rejected Referrals Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS).
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Relationships education, relationships and sex education, and health education in England : Government consultation (including call for evidence response).
Estyn (Her Majesty's Inspectorate for Education and Training in Wales), corp creator.
Religious education at key stage 2 and key stage 3.
Education and Skills Funding Agency, corp creator.
Removal from register of apprenticeship training providers and eligibility to receive public funding to deliver apprenticeship training: published 30 January 2018.
Standards and Testing Agency, corp creator.
Reporting to parents at the end of key stages 1 and 2: updated 10 July 2018.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Requesting initial teacher training places: Guidance for the 2019 to 2020 academic year.
Research England, corp creator.
Research Funding : Expanding Excellence in England (E3) Fund 2019-23.
Research England, corp creator.
Research and knowledge exchange funding for 2018-19 : recurrent grants and formula capital allocations.
Research England, corp creator.
Research funding : International Investment Initiative (I3).
Science and Technology Committee
House of Commons
UK Parliament, corp creators.
Research integrity : Government and UK Research and Innovation Responses to the Committee’s Sixth Report : Seventh Special Report of Session 2017–19.
UK Parliament
House of Commons Science and Technology Committee, corp creators.
Research integrity : clinical trials transparency. Tenth Report of Session 2017–19 : report, together with formal minutes relating to the report, ordered by the House of Commons to be printed 23 October 2018.
House of Lords Science and Technology Committee
UK Parliament, corp creators.
Research integrity: Sixth Report of Session 2017–19.
Scottish Government (Scotland), corp creator.
Respect for all: Supplementary Guidance on Recording and Monitoring of Bullying Incidents in Schools.
Welsh Government, corp creator.
Respecting others : inspiring rights, respect and equality, preventing and challenging bullying : Government consultation.
Welsh Government, corp creator.
Response to the Estyn thematic report on supporting more able and talented pupils: How best to challenge and nurture more able and talented pupils: Key Stages 2 to 4.
Welsh Government, corp creator.
Response to the Estyn thematic report on the impact of the Learning and Skills Measure on vulnerable learners.
Quality Assurance Agency (QAA), corp creator.
Response to the Migration Advisory Committee's consultation on the economic and social impacts of international students.
Northern Ireland Commissioner for Children and Young People (NICCY), corp creator.
Response to the Northern Ireland Office’s (NIO’s) Consultation Paper Addressing the Legacy of Northern Ireland’s Past.
Education and Skills Funding Agency
Department for Education (DFE), corp creators.
Restructuring Facility: Guidance for applications.
Education and Skills Funding Agency, corp creator.
Restructuring Facility: Guidance for applications.
Education and Skills Funding Agency, corp creator.
Restructuring Facility: Guidance for applications: September 2018.
Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA), corp creator.
Restructuring facility : guidance for applications : July 2018.
Committee of Public Accounts
House of Commons
UK Parliament, corp creators.
Retaining and developing the teaching workforce: Seventeenth Report of Session 2017–19.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Return to teaching pilot: Funding for the design and delivery of school-led programmes to support teachers returning from caring-related career breaks.
Scottish Government (Scotland), corp creator.
Review of Care Allowances Survey Key Findings: Children and Families Analytical Services.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Review of Children in Need: published 16 March 2018.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Review of GCSE, AS and A level physical education activity list. Government consultation.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Review of GCSE, AS and A level physical education activity list. Government consultation.
Scottish Government (Scotland), corp creator.
Review of Part 1 of the Children (Scotland) Act 1995 and creation of a Family
Justice Modernisation Strategy. Government Consultation.
Scotland’s Commissioner for Children and Young People (SCCYP), corp creator.
Review of Part 1 of the Children (Scotland) Act 1995 and creation of a family justice modernisation strategy : response of the Children and Young People’s Commissioner Scotland.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Review of Post-18 Education and Funding: Terms of Reference.
Northern Ireland Commissioner for Children and Young People (NICCY), corp creator.
Review of arrangements to deliver justice in serious sexual offence cases.
Education and Skills Funding Agency, corp creator.
Review of end of year 16 to 19 study programmes data for 2016 to 2017: published 18 December 2018.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Review of level 4 and 5 education : Interim Evidence Overview. August 2018.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Review of post-18 education and funding : call for evidence. Government consultation.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Review outcomes of the key stage 2 national curriculum assessments in England, 2018 (provisional).
Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation (OFQUAL), corp creator.
Reviews of marking and moderation GCSE, GCE and Project: summer 2018 series.
Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation (OFQUAL), corp creator.
Reviews of marking and moderation resulting in grade changes of 2 grades or more. Summer 2018 examination series: England.
Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation (OFQUAL), corp creator.
Reviews of marking: November 2017 GCSE exam series.
Department for Education (DFE)
National Statistics, corp creators.
Revised A level and other 16-18 results in England, 2016/2017.
Department for Education (DFE)
National Statistics, corp creators.
Revised GCSE and equivalent results in England, 2016 to 2017.
Welsh Government, corp creator.
Revised eligibility criteria for free school meals. Government consultation.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Running small rural primary schools efficiently: Research brief, March 2019.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
SEND Tribunal: single route of redress national trial: Guidance for local authorities, health commissioners, parents and young people.
Education and Skills Funding Agency, corp creator.
SPI and NMSS revenue funding allocation guide: 2018 to 2019 : explanatory note for special post-16 institutions (SPIs) and non-maintained special schools (NMSS). March 2018.
Standards and Testing Agency (STA), corp creator.
STA assessment update : 20 March 2018 : schools.
Standards and Testing Agency (STA), corp creator.
STA assessment update : 5 June 2018 : schools.
Standards and Testing Agency (STA), corp creator.
STA assessment update : 5 June 2018 : stakeholders.
Standards and Testing Agency (STA), corp creator.
STA assessment update : 9 January 2018 : schools.
Standards and Testing Agency (STA), corp creator.
STA assessment update : 9 January 2018 : stakeholders.
Standards and Testing Agency, corp creator.
STA assessment update: 13 February 2018: schools.
Standards and Testing Agency, corp creator.
STA assessment update: 13 March 2018: schools.
Standards and Testing Agency, corp creator.
STA assessment update: 15 May 2018: schools.
Standards and Testing Agency, corp creator.
STA assessment update: 16 January 2018: schools.
Standards and Testing Agency, corp creator.
STA assessment update: 16 January 2018: stakeholders.
Standards and Testing Agency, corp creator.
STA assessment update: 17 April 2018: schools.
Standards and Testing Agency, corp creator.
STA assessment update: 17 April 2018: stakeholders.
Standards and Testing Agency, corp creator.
STA assessment update: 20 February 2018: schools.
Standards and Testing Agency, corp creator.
STA assessment update: 20 February 2018: stakeholders.
Standards and Testing Agency, corp creator.
STA assessment update: 22 May 2018: schools.
Standards and Testing Agency, corp creator.
STA assessment update: 22 May 2018: stakeholders.
Standards and Testing Agency, corp creator.
STA assessment update: 23 January 2018: schools.
Standards and Testing Agency, corp creator.
STA assessment update: 23 January 2018: stakeholders.
Standards and Testing Agency, corp creator.
STA assessment update: 24 April 2018: stakeholders.
Standards and Testing Agency, corp creator.
STA assessment update: 27 February 2018: schools.
Standards and Testing Agency, corp creator.
STA assessment update: 27 February 2018: stakeholders.
Standards and Testing Agency, corp creator.
STA assessment update: 27 March 2018: schools.
Standards and Testing Agency, corp creator.
STA assessment update: 27 March 2018: stakeholders.
Standards and Testing Agency, corp creator.
STA assessment update: 29 May 2018: schools.
Standards and Testing Agency, corp creator.
STA assessment update: 29 May 2018: stakeholders.
Standards and Testing Agency, corp creator.
STA assessment update: 3 July 2018: schools.
Standards and Testing Agency, corp creator.
STA assessment update: 3 July 2018: stakeholders.
Standards and Testing Agency, corp creator.
STA assessment update: 30 January 2018: schools.
Standards and Testing Agency, corp creator.
STA assessment update: 30 January 2018: stakeholders.
Standards and Testing Agency, corp creator.
STA assessment update: 6 February 2018: schools.
Standards and Testing Agency, corp creator.
STA assessment update: 6 February 2018: stakeholders.
Standards and Testing Agency, corp creator.
STA assessment update: 8 May 2018: schools.
Scottish Government (Scotland), corp creator.
STEM Bursary Equality Impact Assessment (EQIA).
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
STEM international teacher recruitment programme: published 8 June 2018.
Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government, corp creator.
STRIVE Evaluation. Final report, August 2018.
Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills (OFSTED) (2007-), corp creator.
Safeguarding concerns: guidance for inspectors: updated 8 March 2018.
House of Commons Committee of Public Accounts
House of Commons
UK Parliament, corp creators.
Sale of student loans: Sixty-Ninth Report of Session 2017–19.
Standards and Testing Agency, corp creator.
Scaled scores at key stage 2: updated 10 July 2018.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Schemes for financing schools : statutory guidance for local authorities. March 2018.
Education and Skills Funding Agency, corp creator.
School Capacity 2017: academic year 2016/2017.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
School Direct (salaried) funding manual 2019 to 2020 academic year : published 18 December 2018.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
School Direct (salaried) funding manual : 2018 to 2019 academic year : July 2018, Version 1.2.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
School Efficiency Metric: A guide to understanding and using the School Efficiency Metric tool.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
School Nurseries Capital Fund : information for applicants.
Welsh Government, corp creator.
School Nursing Framework Part 2: Nursing in Special Schools. Government consultation.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
School Workforce 2018: Minimum notepad entries for queries on the school workforce census.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
School Workforce in England: November 2017.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
School admissions appeals data collection 2019: Information for local authorities about the submission of their 2018 to 2019 data.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
School attendance: Guidance for maintained schools, academies, independent schools and local authorities.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
School capital funding allocations.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
School census 2017 to 2018. Guide, version 1.5, January 2018.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
School census 2017 to 2018: Business and technical specification, version 2.0. January 2018.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
School census 2017 to 2018: Guide, version 1.6. January 2018.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
School census 2017 to 2018: Guide, version 1.7.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
School census 2017 to 2018: Guide, version 1.8.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
School census 2017 to 2018: spring: School summary report technical specification: Version 1.3. January 2018.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
School census 2017 to 2018: summer: School summary report technical specification: Version 1.3.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
School census 2018 to 2019 : autumn : user guide for the local authority funding report.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
School census 2018 to 2019. Business and technical specification, version 1.3, September 2018.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
School census 2018 to 2019. Business and technical specification, version 1.4, October 2018.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
School census 2018 to 2019. Guide, version 1.1, July 2018.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
School census 2018 to 2019. Guide, version 1.6, October 2018.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
School census 2018 to 2019: Business and technical specification, version 1.1.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
School census 2018 to 2019: Business and technical specification, version 1.4.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
School census 2018 to 2019: Guide, version 1.0.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
School census 2018 to 2019: Guide, version 1.2.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
School census 2018 to 2019: Guide, version 1.4.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
School census 2018 to 2019: User guide for COLLECT term-on-term queries.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
School census 2018 to 2019: User guide for COLLECT term-on-term queries: December 2018.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
School census 2018 to 2019: User guide for the duplicate report - same person different UPN.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
School census 2018 to 2019: User guide for the duplicate report: same UPN.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
School census 2018 to 2019: autumn: School summary report technical specification, version 1.0.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
School census 2018 to 2019: spring: School summary report technical
specification, version 1.1.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
School census 2018 to 2019: spring: School summary report technical
specification, version 1.2.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
School census 2018 to 2019: spring: School summary report technical specification, version 1.0.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
School census 2018 to 2019: summer: School summary report technical specification Version 1.0.
Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA), corp creator.
School census autumn 2018 : 16 to 19 reports : user guide.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
School census spring 2018 : user guide for the early years pupil premium funding report. January 2018.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
School census spring 2018 : user guide for the local authority funding report. January 2018.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
School census spring 2018 : user guide for the pupil premium funding report. January 2018.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
School census spring 2019 : user guide for the early years pupil premium funding report.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
School census spring 2019 : user guide for the local authority funding report.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
School census spring 2019 : user guide for the pupil premium funding report.
Department of Education (DENI) (Northern Ireland)
School Improvement Team, corp creators.
School development planning and target setting (primary).
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
School efficiency metric: Guide to understanding and using the school efficiency metric tool.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
School exclusions review: call for evidence.
Education and Skills Funding Agency, corp creator.
School improvement monitoring and brokering grant: Final allocations for the 2017 to 2018 academic year. April 2018.
Education and Skills Funding Agency, corp creator.
School improvement monitoring and brokering grant: Initial allocations for the 2018 to 2019 academic year.
Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills (OFSTED) (2007-), corp creator.
School inspection handbook : handbook for inspecting schools in England under section 5 of the Education Act 2005.
Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills (OFSTED) (2007-), corp creator.
School inspection handbook : handbook for inspecting schools in England under section 5 of the Education Act 2005.
Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills (OFSTED) (2007-), corp creator.
School inspection handbook : section 8 : handbook for inspecting schools in England under section 8 of the Education Act 2005.
Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills (OFSTED) (2007-), corp creator.
School inspection update: July 2018.
Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills (OFSTED) (2007-), corp creator.
School inspections : a guide for parents.
Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills (OFSTED) (2007-), corp creator.
School inspections : a guide for parents : January 2018.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
School leadership in England 2010 to 2016 : characteristics and trends.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
School leadership in England 2010 to 2016 : characteristics and trends : April 2018, revised July 2018.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
School level annual school census (SLASC) 2019 (Registered independent schools): Business and technical specification. Version 1.1, June 2018.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
School level annual school census (SLASC) : registered independent schools 2018. Guide for completing the census, version 1.0, January 2018.
Department of Education (DENI) (Northern Ireland)
Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency (NISRA), corp creators.
School meals in Northern Ireland, 2017/18 : April 2018.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
School nurseries capital fund: Application guide.
Department of Education (DENI) (Northern Ireland)
Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency, corp creators.
School omnibus survey 2018.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
School performance tables : how we report the data : updated 25 January 2018.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
School performance tables: how to interpret the data: updated 25 January 2018.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
School performance tables: how we report the data: updated 25 January 2018.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
School performance tables: how we report the data: updated 5 February 2018.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
School preference (child level) data collection 2019 : business and technical specification v1.0.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
School preference (child level) data collection 2019: Business and technical specification v1.1.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
School security. Government consultation.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
School teachers’ pay and conditions document 2018 and guidance on school teachers’ pay and conditions.
Education Endowment Foundation (EEF), corp creator.
School uniform.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
School workforce census 2018 : SWF school summary : technical specification.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
School workforce census 2018 : business and technical specification, version 1.0.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
School workforce census 2018 : guide for centrally employed staff.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
School workforce census 2018 : guide for centrally employed staff.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
School workforce census 2018 : guide for schools including academies within a multi academy trust.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
School workforce planning : guidance for schools.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
School workforce planning: Guidance for schools.
Education and Skills Funding Agency, corp creator.
Schools block funding allocations 2018 to 2019: Commentary.
Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA), corp creator.
Schools block funding formulae 2018-19 : analysis of local authorities’ schools block funding formulae.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Schools causing concern : guidance for local authorities and Regional Schools Commissioners on how to work with schools to support improvements to educational performance, and on using their intervention powers.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Schools causing concern: Guidance for local authorities and Regional Schools Commissioners on how to work with schools to support improvements to educational performance, and on using their intervention powers.
Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA), corp creator.
Schools revenue funding 2019 to 2020 : operational guide : December 2018.
Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA), corp creator.
Schools revenue funding 2019 to 2020 : operational guide : July 2018.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Schools, pupils and their characteristics: January 2018.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Schools’ costs 2018-19 to 2019-20 : February 2018.
Standards and Testing Agency, corp creator.
Science sampling arrangements: updated 23 April 2018.
Standards and Testing Agency, corp creator.
Science sampling arrangements: updated 27 March 2018.
Standards and Testing Agency, corp creator.
Science sampling tests: Mark scheme guidance for modified large print and braille.
Scottish Government (Scotland), corp creator.
Scotland's place in Europe: science and research.
Scottish Government (Scotland), corp creator.
Scotland’s Colleges: Delivering for All.
Scottish Parliament (Scotland), corp creator.
Scottish Budget: 2019-20.
Scottish Government (Scotland), corp creator.
Scottish Crown Estate Bill: Child Rights and Welfare Impact Assessment.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Searching, screening and confiscation: Advice for headteachers, school staff and governing bodies.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Second Sale of Pre2012 (Plan 1) Income Contingent Student Loans.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Secondary accountability measures: Guide for maintained secondary schools, academies and free schools. January 2018.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Secondary accountability measures: Guide for maintained secondary schools, academies and free schools. October 2018.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Secondary and primary school applications and offers : March and April 2018.
HM Government, corp creator.
Secure Schools: How to Apply Guide: Draft for comment.
Ministry of Justice
Department for Education (DFE)
Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC)
NHS England, corp creators.
Secure schools : how to apply guide. October 2018.
Office for Students (OfS), corp creator.
Securing student success : analysis of responses to consultation.
Office for Students (OfS), corp creator.
Securing student success : regulatory framework for higher education in England.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Securing student success : regulatory framework for higher education in England : impact assessment.
Education and Skills Funding Agency, corp creator.
Selective Schools Expansion Fund: Provides applicants with information on how to apply for this funding.
Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills (OFSTED) (2007-), corp creator.
Serious Incident Notifications from local authority children’s services.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Sexual violence and sexual harassment between children in schools and colleges: Advice for governing bodies, proprietors, headteachers, principals, senior leadership teams and designated safeguarding leads.
Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills (OFSTED) (2007-), corp creator.
Sharing concerns and information with Ofsted about children’s social care services : updated 7 September 2018.
Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills (OFSTED), corp creator.
Short inspections of further education and skills providers. Updated 5 November 2018.
Home Office, corp creator.
Short term students: Version 8.0.
Home Office, corp creator.
Short-term students: Version 6.0.
Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills (OFSTED) (2007-), corp creator.
Six models of lesson observation: an international perspective.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Skills Advisory Panels. December 2018.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Skills Advisory Panels. Guidance on the Role and Governance, December 2018.
Scottish Government (Scotland), corp creator.
Social Security Experience Panels: Initial findings on the development of the Young
Carer Grant.
Department for Education (DFE)
Department of Health & Social Care, corp creators.
Social Work England secondary legislation: Assessment of Impacts.
Department for Education (DFE)
Department of Health & Social Care, corp creators.
Social Work England. Consultation on secondary legislative framework.
Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills (OFSTED) (2007-), corp creator.
Social care compliance handbook.
Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills (OFSTED) (2007-), corp creator.
Social care online applications: information for applicants. February 2018.
Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills (OFSTED) (2007-), corp creator.
Social care online surveys 2018: guidance for providers.
Universities UK, corp creator.
Solving future skills challenges.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Special Provision Capital Fund Guidance.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Special academy and free school: single funding agreement:
March 2018.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Special academy and free school: supplemental funding agreement: March 2018.
Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation (OFQUAL), corp creator.
Special consideration in GCSE, AS and A level: summer 2018 exam series.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Special educational needs : an analysis and summary of data sources : May 2018.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Special educational needs in England: January 2018.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Special educational needs survey 2019 : guide to the completion of the SEN2 return, version 1.1.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Special educational needs survey 2019 : guide to the completion of the SEN2 return, version 1.2. October 2018.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Special educational needs survey 2020: Guide to the completion of the SEN2 return, version 1.0.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Special educational needs: transfer of statements of SEN to education, health and care plans: Ad hoc notice.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Special free schools: application guide and criteria.
Higher Education Funding Council for Wales (HEFCW), corp creator.
Specific designation of higher education courses in Wales.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Specification of apprenticeship standards for England. August 2018.
Education and Skills Funding Agency, corp creator.
Specification of the Individualised Learner Record for 2018 to 2019: version 1. February 2018.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Spring school census 2018: Infant class size validation, version 1.0. January 2018.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Staffing and employment advice for schools : Departmental advice for school leaders, governing bodies, academy trusts and local authorities : October 2021.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Staffing and employment advice for schools : departmental advice for school leaders, governing bodies, academy trusts and local authorities.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Staffing and employment advice for schools : departmental advice for school leaders, governing bodies, academy trusts and local authorities. October 2018.
Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills (OFSTED) (2007-), corp creator.
Standard inspections of non-association independent schools : a leaflet for non-association independent schools.
Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills (OFSTED) (2007-), corp creator.
Standard inspections of non-association independent schools: leaflet for non-association independent schools: updated August 2018.
Standards and Testing Agency (STA)
House of Commons
UK Parliament, corp creators.
Standards and Testing Agency annual report and accounts : for the year ended 31 March 2018.
Standards and Testing Agency (STA), corp creator.
Standards and Testing Agency framework.
Careers & Enterprise Company, corp creator.
State of the Nation 2018 : progress towards the Gatsby Benchmarks broken down to LEP level.
Careers & Enterprise Company, corp creator.
State of the nation 2018: Careers and enterprise provision in England’s secondary schools and colleges.
Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills (OFSTED) (2007-), corp creator.
State-funded schools inspections and outcomes as at 31 August 2018.
Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills (OFSTED) (2007-), corp creator.
State-funded schools inspections and outcomes as at 31 March 2018.
Universities UK, corp creator.
Statement of recommended practice: Accounting for further
and higher education: 2019 edition.
Department for Education (DFE)
Data Outputs Division
SEN statistics, corp creators.
Statements of SEN and EHC plans : England, 2018.
Department of Education (DENI) (Northern Ireland)
Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency, corp creators.
Statistical Bulletin 8/2018: Year 12 and Year 14 Examination Performance at PostPrimary Schools in Northern Ireland 2017-18 (29 Revised March 2019).
Public Health England, corp creator.
Statistical commentary: child development outcomes at 2 to 2 and a half years, quarter 3, 2017 to 2018.
Welsh Government, corp creator.
Statutory assessment arrangements for the Foundation Phase and end of Key Stages 2 and 3.
Welsh Government, corp creator.
Statutory assessment arrangements for the Foundation Phase and end of Key Stages 2 and 3 : October 2018.
Office for Students (OfS), corp creator.
Strategic interventions in health education disciplines 2019 challenge fund : innovations in recruitment to and delivery of healthcare courses.
Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE), corp creator.
Strategic interventions in health education disciplines:
Challenge Fund.
Northern Ireland Commissioner for Children and Young People (NICCY), corp creator.
Strategy for Looked After Children: Improving Children’s Lives.
Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation (OFQUAL), corp creator.
Strengthening vocational and technical qualifications.
Treasury Committee
House of Commons
UK Parliament, corp creators.
Student Loans : seventh report of Session 2017–19.
Welsh Government, corp creator.
Student Support Arrangements: Health Related Education and Training Programmes in Wales. Government consultation.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Student loan forecasts, England: 2017-18.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Subject content functional skills: English.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Subject content functional skills: mathematics.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Subject content functional skills: mathematics. February 2018.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Subject knowledge enhancement (SKE) funding manual: For SKE programmes starting between 2 October 2017 and 28 September 2018: Updated March 2018.
Northern Ireland Commissioner for Children and Young People (NICCY), corp creator.
Submission to Special Rapporteur on Extreme Poverty and Human Rights prior to visit to the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland in November 2018.
Northern Ireland Commissioner for Children and Young People (NICCY), corp creator.
Submission to the Northern Ireland Affairs Committee Inquiry into Education Funding in Northern Ireland.
Scotland’s Commissioner for Children and Young People (SCCYP), corp creator.
Submission to the United Nations Special Rapporteur on Extreme Poverty and Human Rights.
Education and Skills Funding Agency, corp creator.
Submitting your audited financial statements : guide for all academy trusts. October 2018.
Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills (OFSTED) (2007-), corp creator.
Summary evaluations of multi-academy trusts : operational note for inspectors.
Research England, corp creator.
Summary of KEF call for evidence responses.
Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation (OFQUAL), corp creator.
Summary of changes to AS and A levels from 2015: Updated 5 June 2018.
Estyn (Her Majesty's Inspectorate for Education and Training in Wales), corp creator.
Summary of findings from our national thematic reviews 2018.
Scottish Government (Scotland), corp creator.
Summary statistics for attainment, leaver destinations and healthy living : no. 8, 2018 edition.
Scottish Government (Scotland), corp creator.
Summary statistics for schools in Scotland: No. 9: 2018 Edition (11th December 2018).
Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation (OFQUAL), corp creator.
Summer 2018 GCSE, AS and A level exams : a summary of our monitoring.
Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills (OFSTED) (2007-), corp creator.
Support and challenge for further education and skills providers.
Scottish Government (Scotland), corp creator.
Support for nursing and midwifery students in Scotland 2018/19.
Scottish Government (Scotland)
Mark Diffley Consultancy and Research, corp creators.
Supporting disabled children, young people and their families : Government consultation.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Supporting excellent school resource management.
Estyn (Her Majesty's Inspectorate for Education and Training in Wales), corp creator.
Supporting more able and talented pupils : how best to challenge and nurture more able and talented pupils : key stages 2 to 4.
Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC)
Public Health England (PHE)
Local Government Association
Health Education England, corp creators.
Supporting public health: children, young people and families.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Surveys on childcare and early years in England. Government consultation.
Financial Sustainability Strategy Group (FSSG), corp creator.
Sustaining medium-scale research facilities in the UK higher education sector.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
T Level Action Plan 2018.
Education and Skills Funding Agency, corp creator.
T Levels: next steps for providers: Information for post-16 providers on the next steps towards delivery of T Levels: updated 27 May 2018.
National College for Teaching and Leadership (NCTL)
Department for Education (DFE), corp creators.
Teacher Recruitment Bulletin: April 2018.
National College for Teaching and Leadership (NCTL), corp creator.
Teacher Recruitment Bulletin: February 2018: Updated 5 February 2018.
National College for Teaching and Leadership (NCTL), corp creator.
Teacher Recruitment Bulletin: January 2018: updated 16 January 2018.
Department for Education (DFE)
National College for Teaching and Leadership (NCTL), corp creators.
Teacher Recruitment Bulletin: July 2018.
Department for Education (DFE)
National College for Teaching and Leadership (NCTL), corp creators.
Teacher Recruitment Bulletin: June 2018.
National College for Teaching and Leadership (NCTL), corp creator.
Teacher Recruitment Bulletin: March 2018.
Department for Education (DFE)
National College for Teaching and Leadership (NCTL), corp creators.
Teacher Recruitment Bulletin: May 2018: updated 6 June 2018.
Standards and Testing Agency, corp creator.
Teacher assessment frameworks at the end of key stage 1 : for use from the 2018/19 academic year onwards.
Standards and Testing Agency, corp creator.
Teacher assessment frameworks at the end of key stage 2 : for use from the 2018/19 academic year onwards.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Teacher recruitment bulletin : December 2018.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Teacher subject specialism training (TSST): secondary mathematics, core maths, physics and modern foreign languages (MFL).
Department of Education (DENI) (Northern Ireland)
Analytical Services Unit, corp creators.
Teacher vacancies, sickness absence and substitution statistics in grant-aided schools in Northern Ireland, 2017/18.
Department of Education (DENI) (Northern Ireland)
Analytical Services Unit, corp creators.
Teacher workforce statistics in grant-aided schools in Northern Ireland, 2017/18.
Department for Education (DFE)
Teachers Working Longer Review Steering Group, corp creators.
Teachers Working Longer Review. Final report, November 2018.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Teachers' pay grant methodology : updated 28 November 2018.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Teachers' pay grant methodology: published 14 September 2018.
Department for Education (DFE)
National College for Teaching and Leadership (NCTL), corp creators.
Teachers' student loan reimbursement : guidance for teachers and schools : eligibility criteria, payment rates and how to apply. Updated 27 September 2018.
Department for Education (DFE)
National College for Teaching and Leadership (NCTL), corp creators.
Teachers' student loan reimbursement: guidance for teachers and schools: updated 30 April 2018.
Department for Education
House of Commons
UK Parliament, corp creators.
Teachers’ Pension Scheme (England and Wales) annual report and accounts : for the year ended 31 March 2018.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Teachers’ Pension Scheme Main Estimate 2018-19: Memorandum to the Education Select Committee.
Office for Students (OfS), corp creator.
Teaching Excellence and Student Outcomes Framework : Year Four procedural guidance.
Office for Students (OfS), corp creator.
Teaching Excellence and Student Outcomes Framework : findings from the first subject pilot, 2017-18.
Office for Students (OfS), corp creator.
Teaching Excellence and Student Outcomes Framework : subject-level pilot guide.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Teaching Excellence and Student Outcomes Framework: Subject-level. Government consultation.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Teaching Regulation Agency : corporate plan, 1 April 2018 to 31 March 2021.
Teaching Regulation Agency (TRA), corp creator.
Teaching Regulation Agency : framework document, April 2018.
Education Endowment Foundation (EEF), corp creator.
Teaching and Learning Toolkit : an accessible summary of the international evidence on teaching 5-16 year-olds.
Scottish Government (Scotland), corp creator.
Teaching in a Diverse Scotland: Increasing and Retaining Minority Ethnic Teachers in Scotland’s Schools.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Teaching schools and system leadership: April 2018: Updated 10 April 2018.
Department for Education (DFE)
National College for Teaching and Leadership (NCTL), corp creators.
Teaching schools and system leadership: December 2018: updated 19 December 2018.
National College for Teaching and Leadership (NCTL), corp creator.
Teaching schools and system leadership: February 2018.
National College for Teaching and Leadership (NCTL), corp creator.
Teaching schools and system leadership: January 2018.
Department for Education (DFE)
National College for Teaching and Leadership (NCTL), corp creators.
Teaching schools and system leadership: June 2018.
National College for Teaching and Leadership (NCTL), corp creator.
Teaching schools and system leadership: March 2018: updated 8 March 2018.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Technical and applied qualifications for 14 to 19 year olds : key stage 4 and 16 to 18 performance tables : 2020, process for submitting qualifications.
Research England, corp creator.
Terms and conditions of Research England grant : terms and conditions of UK research and innovation funding administered through Research England.
Office for Students (OfS), corp creator.
Terms and conditions of funding for further education and sixth form colleges: For the period to 31 July 2019.
Office for Students (OfS), corp creator.
Terms and conditions of funding for higher education institutions: For the period to 31 July 2019.
Home Office, corp creator.
Tier 4 of the Points Based System: Guidance for Sponsors
Document: Higher Education regulatory reform.
Department for Business Innovation and Skills (BIS), corp creator.
Transfer of a further education corporation to the higher education sector : guidance for further education corporations : criteria and process for applying to transfer from the further education to the higher education sector. September 2015. Updated February 2018.
House of Lords Economic Affairs Committee, corp creator.
Treating Students Fairly: The Economics of Post-School Education: 2nd Report of Session 2017–19.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Treatment of surplus and deficit balances when maintained schools become academies : guidance note for schools, local authorities and academy trusts. March 2018.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Trends in school spending: 2002-03 to 2016-17: Ad hoc statistics compiling a time series using academy and local authority schools’ spending data.
Northern Ireland Commissioner for Children and Young People (NICCY), corp creator.
UK Withdrawal from the EU: An overview of the potential impact on Children in Northern Ireland.
Select Committee on Communications
House of Lords
UK Parliament, corp creators.
UK advertising in a digital age : 1st report of Session 2017–19.
Office for National Statistics, corp creator.
UK labour market: January 2018.
Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS), corp creator.
UK participation in Horizon 2020 : UK government overview. August 2018.
Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS), corp creator.
UK participation in Horizon 2020: UK government overview.
Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS), corp creator.
UK participation in Horizon 2020: UK government overview with Q&A.
Forum for Responsible Research Metrics (FFRRM), corp creator.
UK progress towards the use of metrics responsibly : three years on from The Metric Tide report.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
UK revenue from education related exports and transnational education activity in 2015.
Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS), corp creator.
UKRI framework document.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
UTC/Studio school: single funding agreement: March 2018.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
UTC/Studio school: supplemental funding agreement: March 2018.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Understanding and dealing with issues relating to parental responsibility: updated 3 September 2018.
Scottish Government (Scotland), corp creator.
Understanding childhood adversity, resilience and crime.
Education and Skills Funding Agency, corp creator.
Understanding your data: A guide for school governors and academy trustees.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Unregistered independent schools and out of school settings:
Departmental advice for collaborative working between the Department for Education, Ofsted and local authorities.
Scottish Government (Scotland), corp creator.
Updating of the school premises (general requirements and standards) (Scotland) regulations: analysis of responses to the public consultation exercise.
Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC), corp creator.
Using data to inform and evaluate anti-bullying strategies.
Education and Skills Funding Agency, corp creator.
Using subcontractors in the delivery of apprenticeships : policy background and examples.
Education and Skills Funding Agency, corp creator.
Using subcontractors in the delivery of apprenticeships: Policy background and examples.
UK Parliament
House of Commons Education Committee, corp creators.
Value for money in higher education. Seventh Report of Session 2017–19 : report together with formal minutes relating to the report, ordered by the House of Commons to be printed 24 October 2018.
Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation (OFQUAL), corp creator.
Variability in A level results for schools and colleges 2016-2018.
Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation (OFQUAL), corp creator.
Variability in GCSE results for schools and colleges : 2016 to 2018.
Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation (OFQUAL), corp creator.
Vocational and Other Qualifications Quarterly: October to December 2017: Background information accompanying the statistical release.
Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation (OFQUAL), corp creator.
Vocational and other qualifications quarterly : April to June 2018 : background information accompanying the statistical release.
Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation (OFQUAL), corp creator.
Vocational and other qualifications quarterly : January to March 2018 : background information accompanying the statistical release.
Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation (OFQUAL), corp creator.
Vocational and other qualifications quarterly : July to September 2018 : background information accompanying the statistical release.
Scottish Government (Scotland), corp creator.
Vulnerable Witnesses (Criminal Evidence) (Scotland) Bill : Child Rights and Wellbeing Impact Assessment.
Higher Education Funding Council for Wales (HEFCW), corp creator.
Wales studies.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Ways to reduce workload in your school(s) : tips and case studies from school leaders, teachers and sector experts.
Scottish Government (Scotland), corp creator.
Welfare Foods : a consultation on meeting the needs of children and families in Scotland.
Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills (OFSTED) (2007-), corp creator.
Welfare and duty of care in Armed Forces initial training: Ofsted’s report to the Minister for Defence People and Veterans.
Estyn (Her Majesty's Inspectorate for Education and Training in Wales), corp creator.
Welsh in key stage 2 and key stage 3 in Welsh-medium or bilingual schools.
Department for Education (DFE)
West Midlands Combined Authority, corp creators.
West Midlands skills agreement 2018.
Education and Training Inspectorate of Northern Ireland (ETINI), corp creator.
What Happens After an Inspection? Pre-school, Nursery Schools, Primary, Post-primary and Special Education.
UK Parliament
House of Commons
House of Commons Library, corp creators.
What if there's no Brexit deal?
Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation (OFQUAL), corp creator.
What schools and colleges and other centres should do if exams or other assessments are seriously disrupted: updated 23 January 2018.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
What works to improve the educational outcomes of Children in Need of help and protection: A literature review.
Children's Commissioner for England, corp creator.
Who knows what about me? A Children’s Commissioner report into the collection and sharing of children’s data.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Widening Participation in Higher Education, England,
2016/17 age cohort: Official Statistics.
Education and Skills Funding Agency, corp creator.
Withdrawal of frameworks: guidance for Issuing Authorities : updated 24 January 2018.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Work based learners and the Prevent statutory duty: Guidance for providers.
HM Government, corp creator.
Working Together to Safeguard Children: A guide to inter-agency working to safeguard and promote the welfare of children.
HM Government, corp creator.
Working Together to Safeguard Children: Statutory framework: legislation relevant to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children.
HM Government, corp creator.
Working Together: transitional guidance: Statutory guidance for Local Safeguarding Children Boards, local authorities, safeguarding partners, child death review partners, and the Child Safeguarding Practice Review Panel.
Education Endowment Foundation, corp creator.
Working with parents to support children's learning.
Department for Work and Pensions (DWP), corp creator.
Workless households and educational attainment statutory indicators.
Department for Education (DFE)
National College for Teaching and Leadership (NCTL), corp creators.
Workload Challenge Research Project posters : conference-style posters produced by the schools involved in the Workload Challenge Research Projects.
Education and Skills Funding Agency, corp creator.
Year 7 catch-up: 2017 to 2018 conditions of grant: published 19 February 2018.
Scottish Government (Scotland), corp creator.
Young Carer Grant Regulations. Government consultation.
Public Health England (PHE)
University of Manchester
National Drug Evidence Centre, corp creators.
Young People’s Statistics from the National Drug Treatment Monitoring System (NDTMS): 1 April 2017 to 31 March 2018.
Office for National Statistics (ONS), corp creator.
Young people not in education, employment or training (NEET), UK : August 2018 : Estimates of young people (aged 16 to 24 years) who are not in education, employment or training, by age and sex.
Office for National Statistics, corp creator.
Young people not in education, employment or training (NEET), UK: March 2018 : estimates of young people (aged 16 to 24 years) who are not in education, employment or training, by age and sex.
Office for National Statistics, corp creator.
Young people not in education, employment or training (NEET), UK: May 2018.
Scottish Government (Scotland)
Scottish Government Strategic Analysis Team, corp creators.
Young people's attitudes to immigration : report on findings from the Young People in Scotland Survey 2017.
Scottish Government (Scotland), corp creator.
Young people's participation in decision making in Scotland : attitudes and perceptions.
Scottish Government (Scotland), corp creator.
Young people's participation in decision making in Scotland: attitudes and perceptions : children and families analysis.
Scottish Government (Scotland), corp creator.
Young people's participation in out-of-school activities.
Youth Justice Board (YJB)
Ministry of Justice
National Statistics, corp creators.
Youth Justice Statistics 2016/17: England and Wales.
Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS), corp creator.
The allocation of funding for research and innovation. July 2018.
UK Parliament
House of Commons
House of Commons Education Committee, corp creators.
The apprenticeships ladder of opportunity: quality not quantity: Government Response to the Committee’s Sixth Report of Session 2017–19.
House of Commons Education Committee
UK Parliament, corp creators.
The apprenticeships ladder of opportunity: quality not quantity: Sixth Report of Session 2017–19.
Education Endowment Foundation (EEF)
The Sutton Trust, corp creators.
The attainment gap 2017.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
The designated teacher for looked-after and previously looked-after children: Statutory guidance on their roles and responsibilities.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
The exercise of devolved adult education functions : statutory guidance for combined authorities.
Universities UK
National Education Opportunities Network, corp creators.
The financial concerns of students.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
The free school presumption: Departmental advice for local authorities and new school proposers. May 2018.
UK Parliament
House of Commons. Education Committee, corp creators.
The future of the Social Mobility Commission : Second Report of Session 2017–19 : report, together with formal minutes relating to the report : ordered by the House of Commons to be printed 20 March 2018.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
A guide to absence statistics. March 2018.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
A guide to apprenticeships for the school workforce.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
A guide to looked after children statistics in England: March 2018 (Version 1.1).
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
A guide to new 16 to 19 free school revenue funding 2018 to 2019.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
A guide to new alternative provision free school revenue funding 2018 to 2019.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
A guide to new mainstream free school revenue funding 2018 to 2019.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
A guide to new special free school revenue funding 2018 to 2019.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
A guide to parental responsibility measures statistics.
Scottish Government (Scotland), corp creator.
A healtier future: Scotland diet and healthy weight delivery plan.
Committee of Public Accounts
House of Commons
UK Parliament, corp creators.
The higher education market : forty-fifth report of Session 2017–19.
Science and Technology Committee
House of Commons
UK Parliament, corp creators.
An immigration system that works for science and innovation : eighth report of Session 2017–19.
Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation (OFQUAL), corp creator.
The impact of qualification reform on the practical skills of A level science students: Paper 2: Pre- and post-reform evaluation of science practical skills.
Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation (OFQUAL), corp creator.
The impact of qualification reform on the practical skills of A level science students: Paper 3: Valid discrimination in the assessment of practical performance.
Estyn (Her Majesty's Inspectorate for Education and Training in Wales), corp creator.
The impact of the Learning and Skills Measure on vulnerable learners.
Universities UK, corp creator.
An improved post-study work system.
Welsh Government, corp creator.
An introduction to the professional standards for teaching and leadership.
Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills (OFSTED) (2007-), corp creator.
An investigation into how to assess the quality of education through curriculum intent, implementation and impact: Phase 3 findings of curriculum research.
Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills (OFSTED) (2007-), corp creator.
An investigation into how to assess the quality of education through curriculum intent, implementation and impact: Phase 3 findings of curriculum research.
Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation (OFQUAL), corp creator.
A level and AS mathematics : an evaluation of the expected item difficulty.
Careers & Enterprise Company, corp creator.
A level myth buster : the truth about the educational and career choices that young people make at 16 and 18.
Estyn, corp creator.
A levels in sixth forms and further education colleges : November 2018.
Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
The national funding formulae for schools and high needs : 2019 to 2020.
Department for Education (DFE)
Home Office
Ministry of Justice, corp creators.
The national protocol on reducing unnecessary criminalisation of looked-after children and care leavers.
Office for Students (OfS), corp creator.
A new approach to regulating access and participation in English higher education. Consultation.
Welsh Government, corp creator.
An overview of approaches to second language acquisition and
instructional practices.
Estyn (Her Majesty's Inspectorate for Education and Training in Wales), corp creator.
The professional learning continuum : mentoring in initial
teacher education : October 2018.
Children's Commissioner for England, corp creator.
A report on the use of segregation in youth custody in England.
National Audit Office (NAO)
Department for Education (DFE)
HM Treasury
UK Government Investments, corp creators.
The sale of student loans.
Scottish Government (Scotland)
NHS Scotland, corp creators.
The school nursing role in integrated community nursing teams : school nursing priority areas and pathways. September 2018.
Adams, Lorna, Tindle, Angus, Basran, Sabrina, Dobie, Sarah, Thomson, Dominic, Robinson, Deborah and Codina, Geri, Department for Education (DFE)
IFF Research
University of Derby, corp creators.
Education, Health and Care plans: A qualitative investigation into service user experiences of the planning process.
Agur, Maya, Hallam, Rachel, Barber, Joanne, Meagher, Jane, Roberts, Lauren, Ross, Paul, Mitchell, Deanne and King, Ewan, Welsh Government
Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE), corp creators.
A Rapid Evidence Assessment of the Effectiveness of Educational Interventions to Support Children and Young People with Autistic Spectrum Disorder.
Albakri, Muslihah, Basi, Tanya, Davies, Malen, Forsyth, Emma, Hopwood, Vicky, Patel, Rakhee, Skipp, Amy and Tanner, Emily, Department for Education (DFE)
NatCen Social Research
ASK Research, corp creators.
Take-up of free early education entitlements.
Allen, Becky, Department for Education (DFE)
Teacher Workload Advisory Group, corp creators.
Making data work : report of the Teacher Workload Advisory Group. October 2018.
Allison, Richard, Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Academic performance of disadvantaged pupils in and out of London: an analysis.
Anders, Jake, Dorsett, Richard and Stokes, Lucy, Department for Education (DFE)
National Institute of Economic and Social Research, corp creators.
The relative effectiveness of blended versus face-to-face adult English and maths learning.
Andrews, Jon, Education Policy Institute, corp creator.
Access to special schools in England.
Andrews, Jon, Education Policy Institute (EPI), corp creator.
Does the claim of ‘1.9 million more children in good or outstanding schools’ stack up?
Andrews, Jon, Education Policy Institute (EPI), corp creator.
School performance in academy chains and local authorities : 2017.
Andrews, Jon and Lawrence, Tom, Education Policy Institute, corp creator.
School funding pressures in England.
Ashman, Janine and Stobart, Gordon, Department for Education (DFE)
National College for Teaching and Leadership (NCTL)
St Peter’s Church of England Primary School
Institute of Education UCL (UCL IOE), corp creators.
Reducing teacher workload : research report.
Atherton, Graeme and Mazhari, Tuba, AccessHE
London Higher, corp creators.
Preparing for hyper-diversity: London’s student population in 2030.
Atkins, Richard, Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Annual report of the Further Education Commissioner : 1 September 2016 to 31 August 2017.
Atkinson, Hannah, Bardgett, Suzanne, Budd, Adam, Finn, Margot, Kissane, Christopher, Qureshi, Sadiah, Saha, Jonathan, Siblon, John and Sivasundaram, Sujit, Royal Historical Society, corp creator.
Race, Ethnicity & Equality in UK History: A Report and Resource for Change.
Axford, Nick, Lowther, Keira, Timmons, Luke, Bjornstad, Gretchen, Brook, Lucy, Webb, Laura and Sonthalia, Shreya, Public Health England, corp creator.
Rapid review on safeguarding to inform the Healthy Child Programme 5 to 19.
Baird, Helen, Office for Students (OfS)
Advance HE, corp creators.
Evaluation of safeguarding students catalyst fund projects. Thematic analysis report 1, September 2018.
Belfield, Chris, Britton, Jack, Buscha, Franz, Dearden, Lorraine, Dickson, Matt, van der Erve, Laura, Sibieta, Luke, Vignoles, Anna, Walker, Ian and Zhu, Yu, Department for Education (DFE)
Institute for Fiscal Studies, corp creators.
The relative labour market returns to different degrees: Research report: June 2018.
Belfield, Chris, Britton, Jack and Hodge, Louis, Institute for Fiscal Studies
Economic & Social Research Council (ESRC)
Universities UK, corp creators.
Options for reducing the interest rate on student loans and introducing maintenance grants: IFS Briefing note BN221.
Belfield, Chris, Britton, Jack and van der Erve, Laura, Institute for Fiscal Studies
Economic & Social Research Council (ESRC), corp creators.
Higher Education finance reform: Raising the repayment threshold to £25,000 and freezing the fee cap at £9,250:
IFS Briefing note BN217.
Belfield, Chris, Crawford, Claire and Sibieta, Luke, Institute for Fiscal Studies
Nuffield Foundation
Economic & Social Research Council (ESRC), corp creators.
Long-run comparisons of spending per pupil across different stages of education.
Belfield, Chris, Goll, David and Sibieta, Luke, Institute for Fiscal Studies
Economic & Social Research Council (ESRC)
Nuffield Foundation, corp creators.
Socio-economic differences in total education spending in England: middleclass welfare no more: IFS Briefing Note BN242.
Bharkhada, Bhavina and Long, Robert, UK Parliament
House of Commons, corp creators.
House of Commons Library: Briefing Paper: Number 07819, 8 March 2018: Constituency casework: schools in Scotland.
Boe, Leo, Universities UK, corp creator.
The scale of UK higher education transnational education 2015-16: trend analysis of HESA data.
Bolton, Paul, House of Commons Library
House of Commons
UK Parliament, corp creators.
Higher education finance statistics.
Bolton, Paul, House of Commons Library
UK Parliament, corp creators.
Higher education funding in England.
Bolton, Paul, UK Parliament
House of Commons, corp creators.
House of Commons Library: Briefing paper: Number 1079, 18 June 2018: Student Loan Statistics.
Bolton, Paul, UK Parliament
House of Commons, corp creators.
House of Commons Library: Briefing paper: Number 7857, 7 February 2018: Higher education student numbers.
Bolton, Paul, House of Commons Library
House of Commons
UK Parliament, corp creators.
The value of student maintenance support.
Bolton, Paul and Hubble, Sue, UK Parliament
House of Commons Library, corp creators.
House of Commons Library: Briefing paper: Number 8389, 19 September 2018: Returns to a degree.
Bonetti, Sara, Education Policy Institute, corp creator.
The early years workforce: a fragmented picture.
Bonetti, Sara and Brown, Kristen, Education Policy Institute, corp creator.
Structural elements of quality early years provision : a review of the evidence. August 2018.
Boys, Jonathan, The Careers & Enterprise Company, corp creator.
Updating the careers cold spots : updating The Careers & Enterprise Company prioritisation indicators.
Brien, Philip, House of Commons Library
House of Commons
UK Parliament, corp creators.
UK funding from the EU.
Brown, Thomas, UK Parliament
House of Lords, corp creators.
House of Lords: Library briefing: Part-time and Continuing Education.
Bryer, Nia, Davies, Rhys and Ynus, Suhaer, Welsh Government
OB3 Research
Administrative Data Research Centre (ADRC) Wales
Cardiff University, corp creators.
Seren Network Evaluation.
Buchanan, Emily, Sharp, Caroline, Worth, Jack, Martin, Kerry, Bamford, Susie and Des Clayes, Zoe, Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Evaluation of the Return to Teaching pilot programme.
Bull, Anna, Chapman, Emma, Page, Tiffany and Calvert-Lee, Georgina, The 1752 Group
McAllister Olivarius, corp creators.
Recommendations for Disciplinary Processes into Staff Sexual Misconduct in UK Higher Education.
Bull, Anna and Rye, Rachel, University of Portsmouth
The 1752 Group, corp creators.
Silencing students : institutional responses to staff sexual misconduct in UK higher education.
Butler, Louise, Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills (OFSTED), corp creator.
Initial teacher education (ITE) inspection outcomes as at 30 June 2018.
Callander, Ruth, Gunson, Russell and Murray, Chris, Further Education Trust for Leadership (FETL)
IPPR Scotland, corp creators.
The future is coming : ready or not? : delivering a successful 21st century skills system for Northern Ireland and Scotland.
Callender, Claire and Thompson, John, The Sutton Trust, corp creator.
The lost part-timers: The decline of part-time undergraduate higher education in England.
Carter-Davies, Lauren and Bristow, Dan, Public Policy Institute for Wales (PPIW), corp creator.
Parental physical punishment : child outcomes and attitudes.
Chowdry, Haroon, Children's Commissioner for England, corp creator.
Vulnerability Report 2018.
Christie, Christine, Department of Health and Social Care
Chanon Consulting, corp creators.
A Trauma-informed Health and Care Approach for responding to Child Sexual Abuse and Exploitation: Current knowledge report.
Cirin, Rob and Lubwama, James, Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Delayed school admissions for summer born pupils.
Coleman, Charley, UK Parliament
House of Lords, corp creators.
House of Lords: Library Briefing: Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse: Debate on 20 December 2018.
Collingwood, Paul, Public Health England, corp creator.
The wellbeing of 15 year-olds: further analysis of the 2014 What About YOUth? survey.
Connell-Smith, Anna and Hubble, Sue, UK Parliament
House of Commons Library, corp creators.
Widening participation strategy in higher education in England.
Conway, Lorraine, UK Parliament
House of Commons, corp creators.
House of Commons Library: Briefing paper: Number CBP08198, 10 January 2018: Advertising to children.
Cornick, Peter, Morgan, Hannah and Howe, Shane, Department for Education (DFE)
NatCen Social Research, corp creators.
Children’s Services Omnibus: Wave 4.
Crenna-Jennings, Whitney, Education Policy Institute, corp creator.
Vulnerable children and social care in England: a review of the evidence.
Crenna-Jennings, Whitney and Hutchinson, Jo, Education Policy Institute, corp creator.
Access to children and young people’s mental health services: 2018.
Cromarty, Hannah, UK Parliament
House of Commons Library, corp creators.
Childcare vouchers and tax-free childcare : frequently asked questions.
Cuff, Benjamin M. P., Zanini, Nadir and Black, Beth, Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation (OFQUAL)
Strategy Risk and Research, corp creators.
An exploration of grade inflation in ‘older style’ level 3 BTEC Nationals : 2006 to 2016.
Cullinane, Carl and Montacute, Rebecca, The Sutton Trust, corp creator.
Pay as you go? : internship pay, quality and access in the
graduate jobs market.
Da Camara, Nishanthi Talawila, Boshnakova, Anelia, Ramsbottom, Anna and White, Alicia, Welsh Government, corp creator.
A Rapid Evidence Assessment of the Effectiveness of Educational Interventions to Support Children and Young People with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder.
Davies, Ruth, Lewis, Bonang, Odell, Thomas and Lewis, Melanie, Office for National Statistics (ONS), corp creator.
Young people’s earnings progression and geographic mobility, England and Wales: tax year ending 2012 to tax year ending 2016.
Dawson, Anneka, Hey, Liz, Byford, Morwenna, Rickard, Catherine, Lucy, Dan and Newton, Becci, Department for Education (DFE)
Institute for Employment Studies, corp creators.
Teachers’, leaders’ and governors’ views on the pay framework.
Dempsey, Noel and Johnston, Neil, UK Parliament
House of Commons, corp creators.
House of Commons Library: Briefing paper: Number CBP-7501, 14 September 2018: Political disengagement in the UK: who is disengaged?
Dickinson, Peter and Cullen, Mairi Ann, Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Work experience and vocational/technical provision for young people on SEN support: A rapid evidence assessment. Final report, December 2018.
Dominguez-Reig, Gerard and Robinson, David, Education Policy Institute, corp creator.
UTCs: are they delivering for young people and the economy?
Donbavand, Steven, Sills-Jones, Polly and O’Prey, Llorenc, Welsh Government
Wavehill, corp creators.
The Attitudes of Parents towards Managing Young Children’s
Behaviour: Revised Report.
Donnelly, Michael and Gamsu, Sol, University of Bath
The Sutton Trust, corp creators.
Home and away: Social, ethnic and spatial inequalities in
student mobility.
Doughty, Trevor, Commissioner for Children’s Services in Surrey, corp creator.
Report of the Non-Executive Commissioner for Children’s Services in Surrey.
Dunatchik, Allison, Wishart, Robert, Cartagena-Farias, Javiera and Smith, Neil, Department for Education (DFE)
NatCen Social Research, corp creators.
Regional differences in attainment in the early years.
Dwyer, Peter, Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Report into Children’s Services in Wakefield following inspection : report for the Secretary of State for Education.
Easton, Claire, Harland, Jennie, McCrone, Tamaris, Sims, David and Smith, Robert, Department for Education (DFE)
National Foundation for Educational Research (NFER), corp creators.
Implementation of Opportunity Areas: An independent evaluation.
Ellis, Gareth, Bell, Phil, Buckle, Linda, Sherlaw, Andy and Shenton, Andrew K., Department for Education (DFE)
National College for Teaching and Leadership (NCTL)
Whitley Bay High School, corp creators.
Reducing teacher workload : research report into shared planning.
Everitt, Julia, Neary, Siobhan, Delgardo Fuentes, Marco Antonio and Clark, Lewis, Careers & Enterprise Company, corp creator.
Personal guidance: What works?
Fagence, Sam and Hansom, Josephine, Department for Education (DFE)
YouthSight, corp creators.
Influence of finance on higher education decision-making.
Featherstone, Gill and Seleznyov, Sarah, Southwark Teaching School Alliance
UCL Institute of Education, corp creators.
Reducing teacher workload.
Foster, David, UK Parliament
House of Commons Library, corp creators.
Home education in England.
Foster, David, House of Commons Library
House of Commons
UK Parliament, corp creators.
House of Commons Library briefing paper : number 7951, 21 December 2018 : T Levels : reforms to technical education.
Foster, David, House of Commons
UK Parliament, corp creators.
House of Commons Library: Briefing paper: Number 5108, 23 May 2018: Home education in England.
Foster, David, UK Parliament
House of Commons Library, corp creators.
House of Commons Library: Briefing paper: Number 6710, 17 October 2018: Initial teacher training in England.
Foster, David, UK Parliament
House of Commons Library, corp creators.
House of Commons Library: Briefing paper: Number 6836, 10 October 2018: Physical education and sport in schools.
Foster, David, House of Commons, corp creator.
House of Commons Library: Briefing paper: Number 6836, 8 June 2018: School Sport in England.
Foster, David, House of Commons
UK Parliament, corp creators.
House of Commons Library: Briefing paper: Number 7019, 13 June 2018: 16-19 education funding in England since 2010.
Foster, David, UK Parliament
House of Commons, corp creators.
House of Commons Library: Briefing paper: Number 7019, 7 November 2018: 16-19 education funding in England since 2010.
Foster, David, UK Parliament
House of Commons Library, corp creators.
House of Commons Library: Briefing paper: Number 7222, 17 October 2018: Teacher recruitment and retention in England.
Foster, David, UK Parliament
House of Commons, corp creators.
House of Commons Library: Briefing paper: Number 7222, 19 January 2018: Teacher recruitment and retention in England.
Foster, David, House of Commons
UK Parliament, corp creators.
House of Commons Library: Briefing paper: Number 7222, 4 June 2018: Teacher recruitment and retention in England.
Foster, David, House of Commons
UK Parliament, corp creators.
House of Commons Library: Briefing paper: Number 7357, 21 May 2018: Further Education: Post-16 Area Reviews.
Foster, David, House of Commons
UK Parliament, corp creators.
House of Commons Library: Briefing paper: Number 7708, 13 June 2018: Adult further education funding in England since 2010.
Foster, David, House of Commons
UK Parliament, corp creators.
House of Commons Library: Briefing paper: Number 7708, 27 March 2018: Adult further education funding in England since 2010.
Foster, David, UK Parliament
House of Commons Library, corp creators.
House of Commons Library: Briefing paper: Number 7708, 4 December 2018: Adult further education funding in England since
Foster, David, House of Commons
UK Parliament, corp creators.
House of Commons Library: Briefing paper: Number 8023, 5 June 2018: Safeguarding in English schools.
Foster, David, UK Parliament
House of Commons Library, corp creators.
House of Commons Library: Briefing paper: Number 8023, 5 October 2018: Safeguarding in English schools.
Foster, David, House of Commons Library
House of Commons
UK Parliament, corp creators.
Teacher recruitment and retention in England.
Foster, David and Bolton, Paul, House of Commons
UK Parliament, corp creators.
House of Commons Library: Briefing paper: Number 7905, 25 April 2018: Adult ESOL in England.
Foster, David and Long, Robert, House of Commons
UK Parliament, corp creators.
House of Commons Library: Briefing paper: Number 6700, 17 April 2018: The Pupil Premium.
Foster, David and Powell, Andrew, UK Parliament
House of Commons, corp creators.
House of Commons Library: Briefing paper: Number 7951, 8 January 2018: Technical education reforms.
Foster, David and Powell, Andrew, UK Parliament
House of Commons
House of Commons Library, corp creators.
T levels : reforms to technical education.
Foster, David, House of Commons
UK Parliament, corp creators.
House of Commons Library: Briefing paper: Number 6710, 6 June 2018: Initial teacher training in England.
Fraser, Claire, Hill, Geoff, Snaith, Helen and Taffs, Jade, Research England, corp creator.
Monitoring sector progress towards compliance with funder open access policies.
Fullerton, Rebecca and McGonagle, Stephen, Department for the Economy (Northern Ireland)
Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency, corp creators.
Statistical Bulletin: Higher Level Apprenticeship
Steady State in Northern Ireland: Academic Year 2017/18.
Gibb, Nick, Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Nick Gibb : speech at the International Textbook Summit : 14 June 2018.
Gibb, Nick, Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Speech : Nick Gibb : How can policy ensure education equity? : School Standards Minister addresses the Education World Forum (Tuesday 23 January).
Gibb, Nick, Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Speech: Nick Gibb at the International Conference for the Teaching Profession: 23 March 2018.
Gibb, Nick, Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Speech: Nick Gibb: Launch of Midland Knowledge Hub: 10 May 2018.
Gibb, Nick, Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Speech: Nick Gibb: Teachers are taking control of their profession: 22 June 2018.
Gibson, Jennifer and Phull, Jaspal, Department for Work and Pensions (DWP), corp creator.
Child Support Agency Quarterly Summary of Statistics: Data to March 2018.
Ginnis, Steven, Pestell, Emma, Mason, Emily and Knibbs, Sarah, Department for Education (DFE)
Ipsos MORI, corp creators.
Newly qualified teachers : annual survey 2017.
Goddard, James, House of Lords
UK Parliament, corp creators.
House of Lords Library: Library Briefing: World Autism Awareness Day, 2 April 2018.
Goddard, James, UK Parliament
House of Lords, corp creators.
House of Lords: Library briefing: Foreign Language Skills: Trends and Developments.
Goddard, John, Hazelkorn, Ellen, Upton, Stevie and Boland, Tom, Wales Centre for Public Policy (WCCP), corp creator.
Maximising universities’ civic contribution :a policy paper.
Gorard, Stephen, Siddiqui, Nadia and See, Beng Huat, Education Endowment Foundation
Durham University, corp creators.
Philosophy for children : evaluation report and executive summary.
Grainger, Paul and Spours, Ken, Think20 (T20)
Post-14 Centre for Education and Work
University College London (UCL) Institute of Education
Consejo Argentino para las relaciones internacionales (CARI)
CIPPEC, corp creators.
Future of Work and Education for the Digital Age: A Social Ecosystem Model: A New Paradigm for Skills Development?
Griffiths, Endaf, Bell, Mair, Parker, David and Parkinson, Andy, Welsh Government
Wavehill, corp creators.
Evaluation of the Creative Learning through the Arts programme.
Gu, Qing, Heesom, Sarah, Williamson, Rebecca and Crowther, Kathryn, Department for Education (DFE)
National College for Teaching and Leadership (NCTL)
Transform Trust and Teaching School Alliance, corp creators.
Reducing teachers’ unnecessary workload: the promise of collaborative planning.
Gyimah, Sam, Department for Education (DFE)
Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS), corp creators.
Speech : Sam Gyimah : The importance of international collaboration to research excellence : 28 May 2018.
Gyimah, Sam, Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS), corp creator.
Speech : Sam Gyimah at Science and Technology Select Committee Summit, 22 February 2018.
Gyimah, Sam, Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Speech: Sam Gyimah: A Revolution in Accountability: 28 February 2018.
Gyimah, Sam, Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS), corp creator.
Speech: Sam Gyimah: Developing a UK-Ireland higher education and research partnership: 10 May 2018.
Gyimah, Sam, Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS), corp creator.
Speech: Sam Gyimah: UKRI Research and Innovation Infrastructure Roadmap launch: 22 January 2018.
Hall, Michael, Jansson, Andrea, Thol, Carolin, Vaze, Prabhat and Owen, Robyn, Research England
Centre for Enterprise and Economic Development Research
Middlesex University, corp creators.
Interim Evaluation of the UK Research Partnership Investment Fund : report to Research England by Belmana and the Centre for Enterprise and Economic Development Research, Middlesex University. July 2018.
Handscomb, Graham, Palmer, Lindsay, Couzens, Sarah and Cunningham, Rob, Department for Education (DFE)
National College for Teaching and Leadership (NCTL)
The Mead School, corp creators.
Collaborate, Plan and Renew : teacher workload : reducing workload and increasing confidence through curriculum planning.
Haves, Emily, House of Lords, corp creator.
House of Lords: Library briefing: International Women’s Day: Steps Being Taken to Press for Gender Equality Globally Debate on 8 March 2018.
He, Qingping and Black, Beth, Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation (OFQUAL), corp creator.
An investigation of the variability in grade outcomes in Extended Project Qualification : results from analysis of data from National Pupil Database.
He, Qingping, Meadows, Michelle and Black, Beth, Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation (OFQUAL), corp creator.
Teacher involvement in the development of confidential assessment materials. Consultation.
Herbert, Graham, Oates, Tim, Sherriff, Tim and Walker, Mick, Department for Education (DFE)
National College for Teaching and Leadership (NCTL), corp creators.
Reducing teacher workload : the WOWS research project.
Heselwood, Luke, Reform, corp creator.
Gaining access : increasing the participation of disadvantaged students at elite universities.
Higton, John, Archer, Rachael, Robinson, Sarah, Richards, Sally and Choudhoury, Arifa, Department for Education (DFE)
CFE Research, corp creators.
Evaluation of the area review process: Birmingham & Solihull and Tees Valley.
Higton, John, Leonardi, Sarah, Howe, Peter, Dickerson, Andy, McIntosh, Steven and Roberts, Jennifer, Department for Education (DFE)
CFE Research
University of Sheffield, corp creators.
Evaluation of the Employer Ownership of Skills Pilot, Round 1: final report.
Hilhorst, Sacha, Lockey, Alan and Speight, Tom, DEMOS, corp creator.
A society of readers.
Hinds, Damian, Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Damian Hinds: Speech at the Education World Forum: 22 January 2018.
Hinds, Damian, Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Speech : Damian Hinds : There are no great schools without great teachers : 10 March 2018.
Hinds, Damian, Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Speech: Damian Hinds at the ADCS conference: 5 July 2018.
Hinds, Damian, Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Speech: Damian Hinds speech at National Governance Association conference: 9 June 2018.
Hinds, Damian, Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Speech: Damian Hinds: Education Secretary sets vision for boosting social mobility: 31 July 2018.
Hinds, Damian, Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Speech: Damian Hinds: Speech at the National Association of
Headteachers conference: 4 May 2018.
Hinds, Damian, Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Speech: Damian Hinds: Technical Education Speech: 6 December 2018.
Hooley, Tristram, Careers & Enterprise Company, corp creator.
What Works in Careers and Enterprise?
Hooley, Tristram and Andrews, David, Careers & Enterprise Company
Gatsby, corp creators.
Understanding the role of the careers leader : a guide for colleges.
Hoya, Carmen, McCallum, Alex, Patel, Ash and Wilson, Tony, Ministry of Housing, Communities & Local Government
National Learning and Work Institute, corp creators.
Measuring the impact of Community-Based English Language Provision: Findings from a Randomised Controlled Trial.
Hubble, Sue, House of Commons Library
House of Commons
UK Parliament, corp creators.
The Office for Students.
Hubble, Sue, House of Commons Library
UK Parliament, corp creators.
Student support for undergraduates across the UK.
Hubble, Sue, House of Commons Library
House of Commons
UK Parliament, corp creators.
Transport provision for post-16 students in England.
Hubble, Sue, Bellis, Alex and Bolton, Paul, House of Commons Library
House of Commons
UK Parliament, corp creators.
The Erasmus programme.
Hubble, Sue and Bolton, Paul, House of Commons Library
UK Parliament, corp creators.
Cost of university courses in England.
Hubble, Sue and Bolton, Paul, UK Parliament
House of Commons, corp creators.
House of Commmons Library: Briefing paper: Number 8089, 19 January 2018: Student loan interest rates FAQs.
Hubble, Sue and Bolton, Paul, House of Commons, corp creator.
House of Commons Library: Briefing paper: 8227, 3 May 2018: Vice-chancellors' pay in higher education institutions in England.
Hubble, Sue and Bolton, Paul, UK Parliament
House of Commons, corp creators.
House of Commons Library: Briefing paper: CBP 8097, 3 January 2018: Prime Minister’s announcement on changes to student funding.
Hubble, Sue and Bolton, Paul, House of Commons
UK Parliament, corp creators.
House of Commons Library: Briefing paper: Number 8089, 19 January 2018: Student loan interest rates FAQs.
Hubble, Sue and Bolton, Paul, UK Parliament
House of Commons, corp creators.
House of Commons Library: Briefing paper: Number 8151, 19 February 2018: Higher education tuition fees in England.
Hubble, Sue and Bolton, Paul, UK Parliament
House of Commons, corp creators.
House of Commons Library: Briefing paper: Number 8227, 20 June 2018: Vice-chancellors' pay in higher education institutions in England.
Hubble, Sue and Bolton, Paul, UK Parliament
House of Commons, corp creators.
House of Commons Library: Briefing paper: Number CBP 7976, 21 February 2018: International and EU students in higher education in the UK FAQs.
Hubble, Sue and Bolton, Paul, House of Commons Library
UK Parliament, corp creators.
Part-time undergraduate students in England.
Hubble, Sue and Bolton, Paul, House of Commons Library
UK Parliament, corp creators.
Update on the sale of student loans.
Hubble, Sue and Bolton, Paul, House of Commons Library
House of Commons
UK Parliament, corp creators.
Update on the sale of student loans.
Hubble, Sue, Bolton, Paul and Bellis, Alexander, UK Parliament
House of Commons, corp creators.
House of Commons Library: Debate pack: Number CDP-0044, 26 February 2018: Funding higher education.
Hubble, Sue, Foster, David and Bolton, Paul, UK Parliament
House of Commons, corp creators.
House of Commons Library: Briefing paper: Number 7049, 27 February 2018: Postgraduate loans in England.
Hunt, Emily, Education Policy Institute (EPI), corp creator.
Secondary school choice in England.
Huskinson, Tom and Lohoar Self, Olivia, Department for Education (DFE)
IPSOS MORI, corp creators.
Childcare and early years survey of parents 2017: follow-up survey.
Huskinson, Tom, Lohoar-Self, Olivia and Pickering, Kevin, Department for Education (DFE)
Ipsos MORI, corp creators.
Childcare and Early Years Survey of Parents in England, 2018.
Hutchings, Merryn and Francis, Becky, The Sutton Trust, corp creator.
Chain effects 2018: The impact of academy chains on low-income pupils.
Hutchinson, Jo, Education Policy Institute (EPI)
The Bell Foundation, corp creators.
Educational outcomes of children with English as an additional language.
Hutchinson, Jo, Robinson, David, Carr, Daniel, Hunt, Emily, Crenna-Jennings, Whitney and Akhal, Avinash, Education Policy Institute, corp creator.
Education in England: Annual Report 2018.
Ilieva, Janet B., Universities UK
Universities UK International, corp creators.
Five little-known facts about international student mobility to the UK. Analytical summary for UUKI.
Jarrett, Tim, UK Parliament
House of Commons Library, corp creators.
Childcare : "30 hours" of free childcare – eligibility, access codes and charges (England).
Jarrett, Tim, UK Parliament
House of Commons Library, corp creators.
House of Commons Library: Briefing paper: Number 7771, 19 December 2018: Child maintenance: income in the CMS formula (including why gross income is used, and annual reviews).
Jarrett, Tim, Roberts, Nerys, Mackley, Andrew and Harker, Rachael, House of Commons Library
House of Commons
UK Parliament, corp creators.
Supporting children in need into adulthood.
Jay, Alexis, Evans, Malcolm, Frank, Ivor and Sharpling, Drusilla, House of Commons, corp creator.
Interim Report of the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse.
Jerrim, John, Greany, Toby and Perera, Natalie, Education Policy Institute (EPI)
UCL Institute of Education (IOE)
University College London (UCL), corp creators.
Educational disadvantage : how does England compare?
Jones, Emily and Davies, Elizabeth, Department for Education (DFE)
Learning and Work Institute, corp creators.
Exploring the funding and support for apprentices with additional support needs.
Joyce, Robert and Waters, Tom, Institute for Fiscal Studies
Economic & Social Research Council (ESRC)
Children's Commissioner for England
Children's Commissioner for Wales, corp creators.
Free school meals under universal credit: IFS Briefing note BN232.
Keen, Richard, Honeysett, Larry, Roberts, Nerys and Foster, David, UK Parliament
House of Commons, corp creators.
House of Commons Library: Debate pack: Number CDP-2018-0167, 29 June 2018: Spending of the Department for Education.
Keep, Ewart, Further Education Trust for Leadership (FETL)
Association of Colleges (AOC)
Centre on Skills, Knowledge and Organisational Performance (SKOPE)
University of Oxford, corp creators.
Scripting the future : exploring potential strategic leadership responses to the marketization of English FE and vocational provision.
Kelly, Aine and Kelly, Caroline, Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology
UK Parliament, corp creators.
Unpaid care.
Kime, Stuart, Evidence Based Education, corp creator.
Reducing teacher workload: the ‘Re-balancing Feedback’ trial.
King, Mary, Kafilat, Agboola, Perry, Tom and Bradbury, Megan, Hatcham College, Haberdasher's Aske's Federation
Centre for the Use of Research & Evidence in Education (CUREE), corp creators.
Workload Challenge: KS5 Data.
Kitmitto, Sami, González, Raquel, Mezzanote, John and Chen, Yongqui, Education Endowment Foundation (EEF)
American Institute for Research (AIR), corp creators.
Thinking, Doing, Talking Science.
Knibbs, Sarah, Lindley, Lucy, Swordy, David, Stevens, Jane and Clemens, Sam, Department for Education (DFE)
Ipsos MORI, corp creators.
Omnibus survey of pupils and their parents/carers : research report wave 4.
Knibbs, Sarah and Stobart, Rowena, Department for Education (DFE)
Ipsos MORI, corp creators.
NQT and provider-level response rates : exploratory research.
Knox, Kirsty, Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
School census 2018 to 2019 : business and technical specification, version 1.2.
Knox, Kirsty, Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
School census 2018 to 2019 : guide, version 1.3.
Krasodomski-Jones, Alex, Rudd de Oliveria, Matilda, Chauvet, Agnès and Glover, Ben, DEMOS, corp creator.
Plugged in: social action on social media.
Lawlor, Sharon, Department of Education (DENI) (Northern Ireland), corp creator.
Circular 2018/10 : recording children with SEN.
Lawson, Liz, Department for Education (DFE)
Ipsos MORI
Centre for Mental Health, corp creators.
Community learning mental health research project : phase two evaluation report. October 2018.
Leicester, Andrew, Paull, Gillian and Wilson, Cavin, Department for Education (DFE)
Frontier Economics, corp creators.
Evaluation guidance for 30 hours free childcare.
Leicester, Andrew, Paull, Gillian and Wilson, Cavin, Department for Education (DFE)
Frontier Economics, corp creators.
Evaluation guidance for 30 hours free childcare.
Lennon, Martin, Children's Commissioner for England, corp creator.
Children’s Mental Health briefing.
Lepanjuuri, Katriina, Cornick, Peter and Leach, Tom, Department for Education (DFE)
NatCen Social Research, corp creators.
Children’s services omnibus: wave 3.
Long, Rob, Brown, Jennifer and Bellis, Alexander, UK Parliament, corp creator.
House of Commons Library: Debate pack: Number CDP-0243, 13 November 2018: Anti-bullying week.
Long, Robert, House of Commons Library
House of Commons
UK Parliament, corp creators.
Counter-extremism policy in English schools.
Long, Robert, House of Commons Library
House of Commons
UK Parliament, corp creators.
House of Commons Library : Briefing paper : Number 04195, 7 December 2018 : School meals and nutritional standards (England).
Long, Robert, UK Parliament
House of Commons Library, corp creators.
House of Commons Library: Briefing Paper: Number 06103, 11 February 2019: Relationships and Sex Education in Schools (England).
Long, Robert, House of Commons
UK Parliament, corp creators.
House of Commons Library: Briefing Paper: Number CBP 07345, 11 April 2018: Counter-extremism policy in English schools.
Long, Robert, House of Commons
UK Parliament, corp creators.
House of Commons Library: Briefing paper: Number 04195, 5 April 2018: Schools meals and nutritional standards (England).
Long, Robert, House of Commons
UK Parliament, corp creators.
House of Commons Library: Briefing paper: Number 04195, 8 February 2018: School meals and nutritional standards (England).
Long, Robert, UK Parliament
House of Commons Library, corp creators.
House of Commons Library: Briefing paper: Number 04195, 8 November 2018: School meals and nutritional standards (England).
Long, Robert, House of Commons
UK Parliament, corp creators.
House of Commons Library: Briefing paper: Number 05396, 25 October 2018: Constituency casework: schools in England.
Long, Robert, UK Parliament
Houseof Commons, corp creators.
House of Commons Library: Briefing paper: Number 06103, 1 August 2018: Relationships and Sex Education in Schools (England).
Long, Robert, House of Commons
UK Parliament, corp creators.
House of Commons Library: Briefing paper: Number 06962, 31 March 2017: GCSE, AS and A level reform (England).
Long, Robert, House of Commons
UK Parliament, corp creators.
House of Commons Library: Briefing paper: Number 07020, 20 April 2018: Special Educational Needs: support in England.
Long, Robert, UK Parliament
House of Commons Library, corp creators.
House of Commons Library: Briefing paper: Number 07272, 2 November 2018: Summer-born children: starting school.
Long, Robert, House of Commons
UK Parliament, corp creators.
House of Commons Library: Briefing paper: Number 07972, 30 May 2018: Independent schools (England).
Long, Robert, UK Parliament
House of Commons, corp creators.
House of Commons Library: Briefing paper: Number 08414, 9 October 2018: School uniform costs in England.
Long, Robert, UK Parliament
House of Commons Library, corp creators.
Personal, social, health and economic education in schools (England).
Long, Robert, House of Commons Library
House of Commons
UK Parliament, corp creators.
School meals and nutritional standards (England).
Long, Robert, Bate, Alex and Bellis, Alexander, UK Parliament
House of Commons, corp creators.
House of Commons Library: Debate pack: Number CDP-0163, 2 July 2018: Speech, language and communication support for children.
Long, Robert and Bellis, Alexander, House of Commons Library
House of Commons
UK Parliament, corp creators.
Deaf children's services.
Long, Robert, Bellis, Alexander and Steele, Selena, UK Parliament
House of Commons Library, corp creators.
House of Commons Library: Debate pack: Number CDP-0265, 3 December 2018: Mental health and wellbeing in schools.
Long, Robert and Bolton, Paul, House of Commons
UK Parliament, corp creators.
House of Commons Library: Briefing paper: Number 06972, 6 June 2018: Faith Schools in England: FAQs.
Long, Robert and Danechi, Shadi, House of Commons Library
House of Commons
UK Parliament, corp creators.
House of Commons Library briefing paper : Number 08444, 10 December 2018 : Off-rolling in English schools.
Long, Robert and Danechi, Shadi, UK Parliament
House of Commons Library, corp creators.
House of Commons Library: Briefing paper: Number 07388, 19 December 2018: Language teaching in schools (England).
Long, Robert and Danechi, Shadi, House of Commons Library
House of Commons
UK Parliament, corp creators.
Off-rolling in English schools.
Long, Robert, Foster, David and Roberts, Nerys, House of Commons, corp creator.
House of Commons Library: Briefing paper: Number 07070, 15 May 2018: Grammar schools in England.
Long, Robert and Hubble, Sue, UK Parliament
House of Commons Library, corp creators.
House of Commons Library: Briefing paper: Number 07236, 8 October 2018: Careers guidance in schools, colleges and universities.
Long, Robert and Hubble, Sue, UK Parliament
House of Commons, corp creators.
House of Commons Library: Briefing paper: Number 07236, 9 January 2018: Careers guidance in schools, colleges and universities.
Long, Robert and Hubble, Sue, House of Commons, corp creator.
House of Commons Library: Briefing paper: Number 08117, 7 June 2018: Sexual harassment in education.
Longfield, Anne, Children's Commissioner for England, corp creator.
Kin and country : growing up as an Armed Forces child.
Longfield, Anne, Children's Commissioner for England, corp creator.
Stability index 2018.
Longfield, Anne and Casey, Louise, Children's Commissioner for England, corp creator.
Voices from the inside : the experiences of girls in Secure Training Centres.
Macdonald, Wendy, Beck, Sheila and Scott, Eileen, NHS Health Scotland, corp creator.
Briefing on child poverty. March 2013, minor updates 2018.
Mackley, Andrew, House of Commons Library
House of Commons
UK Parliament, corp creators.
Suicide prevention : policy and strategy.
Magill, James, Nesbitt, Allan and French, Brian, Department for the Economy (Northern Ireland)
Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency, corp creators.
Essential Skills Enrolments and Outcomes in Northern Ireland from 2002/03 to 2017/18.
Maher, Jo, Rooney, Keeva, Toomse-Smith, Mari, Kiss, Zsolt, Pollard, Emma, Williams, Matthew, Hunt, Will, Green, Martha and Huxley, Clare, Department for Education (DFE)
NatCen Social Research
Institute for Employment Studies, corp creators.
Student income and expenditure survey 2014 to 2015. English report, March 2018.
Manning, Alan, Migration Advisory Committee, corp creator.
Impact of international students in the UK. September 2018.
Marshall, Lydia, Lubian, Klaudia, Griggs, Julia, Chidley, Sandy, Basi, Tanya and Speight, Svetlana, Department for Education (DFE)
National Centre for Social Research (NatCen), corp creators.
Survey of childcare and early years providers : 2018.
Martin, Maureen, Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education (QAA), corp creator.
Trends in good practice from Higher Education Review 2013-16.
May, Theresa, Prime Minister's Office, corp creator.
Speech: PM: The right education for everyone : Prime Minister, Theresa May, speaks at Derby College as she launches a review of post-18 education and funding. 19 February 2018.
May, Theresa, Prime Minister's Office, corp creator.
Theresa May: Speech on science and modern Industrial Strategy: 21 May 2018.
McAdams, Rachel and Inglis, Greig, NHS Health Scotland
Scottish Collaboration for Public Health Research (SCPHRP), corp creators.
Evaluability assessment of the Cost of the School Day programme: October 2018.
McAdams, Rachel, Scobie, Graeme and Tsagalidou, Melanie, NHS Health Scotland, corp creator.
Case studies of local practice to reduce child poverty.
McGuinness, Feargal, UK Parliament
House of Commons, corp creators.
House of Commons Library: Briefing Paper: Number 7096, 31 August 2018: Poverty in the UK: statistics.
McLean, Joanne, Dean, Lucy, Cheong, Chi Keng, Dougall, Isla, Hinchcliffe, Stephen, Mirani, Kasmita, Vosnaki, Konstantina and Wilson, Victoria, Scottish Government (Scotland)
ScotCen Social Research, corp creators.
The Scottish Health Survey : 2018 edition : Volume 1, Main report.
Miles, Alice, Children's Commissioner for England, corp creator.
A Crying Shame: A report by the Office of the Children’s Commissioner into vulnerable babies in England.
Miller, Nicola, Fincham, Kenneth, Finn, Margot, Holland, Sarah, Kissane, Christopher and Vincent, Mary, Royal Historical Society (RHS), corp creator.
Promoting Gender Equality in UK History: A Second Report and Recommendations for Good Practice.
Mills, Martin and Thomson, Patricia, Department for Education (DFE)
IFF Research Ltd, corp creators.
Investigative research into alternative provision. October 2018.
Milton, Anne, Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Speech : Anne Milton at the Association of Colleges conference : 20 November 2018.
Milton, Anne, Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Speech at Bett show 2018: Anne Milton : 24 January 2018.
Milton, Anne, Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Speech: Anne Milton at the Association of Colleges Governance Summit: 14 March 2018.
Milton, Anne, Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Speech: Anne Milton: at Sixth Form Colleges Association conference: 17 January 2018.
Milton, Anne, Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Strategic guidance to the Institute for Apprenticeships, 2018-19.
Montacute, Rebecca, The Sutton Trust, corp creator.
Access to advantage: The influence of schools and place on admissions to top universities.
Montacute, Rebecca, The Sutton Trust, corp creator.
Internships: Unpaid, unadvertised, unfair.
Montacute, Rebecca, The Sutton Trust, corp creator.
Potential for success : fulfilling the promise of highly able students in secondary schools.
Montacute, Rebecca and Cullinane, Carl, The Sutton Trust, corp creator.
Parent power 2018 : how parents use financial and cultural resources to boost their children’s chances of success.
Morse, Amyas, National Audit Office (NAO)
UK Parliament
Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS)
Department for Education (DFE), corp creators.
Delivering STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) skills for the economy.
Morse, Amyas, National Audit Office (NAO)
Department of Health & Social Care (DHSC)
NHS England
Health Education England, corp creators.
Improving children and young people’s mental health services.
Narey, Martin and Owers, Mark, Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Foster Care in England.
Newton, Becci, Hillage, Jim and Buzzeo, Jonathan, Department for Education (DFE)
Department for Work & Pensions, corp creators.
Evaluation of the 18-21 Work Skills Pilot 1: final report.
Newton, Becci, Tamkin, Penny, Gloster, Rosie, Cox, Annette, Everett, Clare and Cotton, Jamie, Government Equalities Office
Institute for Employment Studies, corp creators.
Rapid evidence assessment: parents' decisions about returning to work and child caring responsibilities.
Newton, Becci, Williams, Joy, Francis, Ruth, Gloster, Rosie, Buzzeo, Jonathan, Byford, Morwenna, Spiegelhalter, Kate and Esmond, Bill, Department for Education (DFE)
Institute for Employment Studies
International Centre for Guidance Studies (iCeGS), corp creators.
Evaluation of the Industry Placements Pilot.
Newton, Paul E., Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation (OFQUAL), corp creator.
Grading Vocational and Technical Qualifications.
Nicholson, Wendy and Greenwood, Penny, Public Health England
Local Government Association
Association of Directors of Public Health
Department of Health
NHS England
Community Practitioners and Health Visitors Association
Institute of Health Visiting
Royal College of Nursing
School and Public Health Nurses Association
The Queen’s Nursing Institute, corp creators.
Best start in life and beyond: Improving public health outcomes for children, young people and families: Guidance to support the commissioning of the Healthy Child Programme 0-19: Health visiting and school nursing services.
Panayiotou, Sally, Hingley, Sarah, Boulden, Kate, Kyriakopoulos, George, Romanou, Eleni, Dorsett, Richard, Anders, Jake, Stokes, Lucy, Weale, Martin, Smith, Jenny and Boyle, Andrew, Department for Education (DFE)
Kantar Public
Alpha Plus, corp creators.
Quantitative programme of research for adult English and maths : longitudinal survey of adult learners.
Parkin, Elizabeth, Kennedy, Steven, Bate, Alex, Long, Rob, Hubble, Sue and Powell, Andrew, UK Parliament
House of Commons, corp creators.
House of Commons Library: Briefing paper: Number 07058, 4 July 2018: Learning disability: overview of policy and services.
Parkin, Elizabeth, Kennedy, Steven, Bate, Alex, Long, Rob, Hubble, Sue and Powell, Andrew, House of Commons Library
House of Commons
UK Parliament, corp creators.
Learning disability : policy and services.
Parkin, Elizabeth, Long, Rob and Bate, Alex, UK Parliament
House of Commons, corp creators.
House of Commons Library: Briefing paper: Number 07196, 1 August 2018: Children and young people’s mental health – policy, services, funding and education.
Pember, Susan, Further Education Trust for Leadership (FETL)
Association of Employment and Learning Providers (AELP), corp creators.
Recognising excellence in the governance of independent training providers : research project.
Pennacchia, Jodie, Jones, Emily and Aldridge, Fiona, Department for Education (DFE)
Learning and Work Institute, corp creators.
Barriers to learning for disadvantaged groups : report of qualitative findings.
Poet, Helen, Sharp, Caroline, Garry, Jennifer, Harland, Jennie, Keightley, Gill, Kirkup, Catherine and Martin, Kerry, Department for Education (DFE)
National Foundation for Educational Research (NFER), corp creators.
Assessment without levels : qualitative research. December 2018.
Pollard, E, Gloster, R, Grigg, J and Comanaru, R, Institute for Employment Studies (IES)
National Centre for Social Research (NatCen), corp creators.
Developing a Survey of PGT Students.
Powell, Andrew, House of Commons Library
UK Parliament, corp creators.
Apprenticeship statistics : England.
Powell, Andrew, UK Parliament
House of Commons, corp creators.
House of Commons Library: Briefing paper: Number SN 06705, 28 December 2017: NEET: Young People Not in Education, Employment or Training.
Powell, Andrew, House of Commons Library
UK Parliament, corp creators.
NEET: young people not in education, employment or training.
Powell, Andrew, House of Commons Library
UK Parliament, corp creators.
Student loan statistics.
Powell, Andrew, House of Commons Library
House of Commons
UK Parliament, corp creators.
Youth unemployment statistics.
Protsiv, Ruslan, Pipola, Patricia and Welch, Graham F., St Patrick’s Catholic Primary School, Aquinas Teaching and Learning Trust
UCL Institute of Education, corp creators.
Reducing teacher workload through ‘real-time’ personalised feedback.
Quigley, Alex, Muijs, Daniel and Stringer, Eleanor, Education Endowment Foundation (EEF), corp creator.
Metacognition and self-regulated learning: guidance report.
Ramsden, Dragana J., Further Education Trust for Leadership (FETL), corp creator.
Collaboration and leadership for improving mental health and wellbeing.
Reed, Howard and Stark, Graham, Scottish Government (Scotland)
Virtual Worlds Research
Landman Economics, corp creators.
Forecasting Child Poverty in Scotland.
Rhead, Stephen, He, Qingping, Black, Beth and Patchett, David, Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation (OFQUAL)
Ofqual's Strategy, Risk and Research Directorate, corp creators.
What causes variability in centre level GCSE results year-on-year? Some further analysis.
Rhodes, Chris, UK Parliament
House of Commons, corp creators.
House of Commons Library: Briefing paper: Number SN04223, 21 December 2018: Research & Development spending.
Rice, Patricia, School Teachers’ Review Body
Office of Manpower Economics (OME), corp creators.
School Teachers’ Review Body : twenty-eighth report : 2018.
Richardson, Rhian, Goodman, Paul, Flight, Sarah and Richards, Gill, Flying High Partnership
Hillside Primary and Nursery School, corp creators.
Reducing teacher workload.
Richmond, Tom, Reform, corp creator.
A degree of uncertainty: An investigation into grade inflation in universities.
Richmond, Tom, Reform, corp creator.
The great training robbery: assessing the first year of the apprenticeship levy.
Roberts, Caireen, Steer, Toni, Maplethorpe, Natalie, Cox, Lorna, Meadows, Sarah, Nicholson, Sonja, Page, Polly and Swan, Gillian, Public Health England (PHE)
Food Standards Agency (FSA), corp creators.
National Diet and Nutrition Survey : results from years 7 and 8 (combined) of the Rolling Programme (2014/2015 – 2015/2016).
Roberts, Nerys, House of Commons
UK Parliament, corp creators.
House of Commons Library: Briefing paper: Number 06798, 16 April 2018: The school curriculum in England.
Roberts, Nerys, UK Parliament
House of Commons Library, corp creators.
SATs and primary school assessment in England.
Roberts, Nerys, House of Commons Library
House of Commons
UK Parliament, corp creators.
School funding in England : FAQs.
Roberts, Nerys and Abreu, Laura, House of Commons
UK Parliament, corp creators.
House of Commons Library: Briefing paper: Number 07091, 18 April 2018: School inspections in England: Ofsted.
Roberts, Nerys and Abreu, Laura, UK Parliament
House of Commons, corp creators.
House of Commons Library: Briefing paper: Number 07091, 5 November 2018: School inspections in England: Ofsted.
Roberts, Nerys and Foster, David, UK Parliament
House of Commons, corp creators.
House of Commons Library: Briefing paper: Number 6710, 10 January 2018: Initial teacher training in England.
Robinson, Carol and Pedder, David, Department for Education (DFE)
National College for Teaching and Leadership (NCTL)
University of Brighton, corp creators.
Workload challenge research projects : overall summary.
Rodgers, Heidi and Waugh, Iain, Department of Health (Northern Ireland), corp creator.
Children adopted from care in Northern Ireland 2017/18.
Sadler, Katharine, Vizard, Tim, Ford, Tamsin, Marchesell, Franziska, Pearce, Nicola, Mandalia, Dhriti, Davis, Jodie, Brodie, Ellie, Forbes, Nick, Goodman, Anna, Goodman, Robert and McManus, Sally, National Health Service (NHS)
Department of Health and Social Care
NatCen Social Research
Office for National Statistics
Youth in Mind, corp creators.
Mental Health of Children and Young People in England, 2017.
Schwan, Kaitlin, French, David, Gaetz, Stephen, Ward, Ashley, Akerman, Jennifer, Redman, Melanie and Stirling, Tamsin, Public Policy Institute for Wales (PPIW), corp creator.
Preventing youth homelessness : an international review of
Scott, Edward, House of Lords Library
House of Lords
UK Parliament, corp creators.
Careers Education and Advice : debate on 6 September 2018.
Scott, Edward, UK Parliament
House of Lords, corp creators.
House of Lords: Library Briefing: Music Education in Schools: Debate on 18 October 2018.
Scott, Jane and Daniel, Brigid, Scottish Government (Scotland)
Centre for Child Wellbeing and Protection, University of Stirling, corp creators.
Tackling Child Neglect in Scotland: Follow-up survey 2016.
Scott, Peter, Scottish Government (Scotland)
Commissioner for Fair Access, corp creators.
Discussion Paper: Retention, Outcomes and Destinations.
Secretary of State for Health and Social Care, Department of Health (DH), corp creator.
Government Response to the House of Commons Health Select Committee report on Childhood obesity: Follow-up, Seventh Report of Session 2016-17.
Sellen, Peter, Huda, Naseef, Gibson, Sarah and Oliver, Lizzie, Education Policy Institute
CooperGibson Research, corp creators.
Evaluation of Universal Infant Free School Meals. January 2018.
Sharples, Jonathan, Albers, Bianca and Fraser, Stephen, Education Endowment Foundation, corp creator.
Putting evidence to work : a school's guide to implementation. Guidance Report.
Shepherd, Claire, Hanson, Jill and Dodd, Vanessa, University of Derby
Department for Education (DFE), corp creators.
Experiences of Education, Health and Care plans: a multivariate analysis.
Sibieta, Luke, Education Policy Institute (EPI), corp creator.
The teacher labour market : a perilous path ahead?
Sibieta, Luke, Education Policy Institute (EPI), corp creator.
The teacher labour market in England : shortages, subject expertise and incentives.
Sibieta, Luke, Belfield, Chris and Farquharson., Christine, Institute for Fiscal Studies
Nuffield Foundation
Economic & Social Research Council (ESRC), corp creators.
2018 Annual Report on Education Spending in England.
Smith, Robert, Sharp, Caroline, Sims, David, Millar, Sarah, Nossiter, Jo, Menys, Rebecca and Rush, Chloe, Department for Education (DFE)
National Foundation for Educational Research (NFER), corp creators.
Teacher Voice Omnibus Survey : March 2018.
Speckesser, Stefan, Runge, Johnny, Foliano, Francesca, Bursnall, Matthew, Hudson-Sharp, Nathan, Rolfe, Heather and Anders, Jake, Education Endowment Foundation (EEF)
National Institute of Economic and Social Research (NIESR), corp creators.
Embedding Formative Assessment : evaluation report and executive summary.
Stanistreet, Paul, Further Education Trust for Leadership (FETL), corp creator.
Reimagining lifelong learning : a brief history of an idea.
Stevens, Connor, Jones, Emily, Aldridge, Fiona and Egglestone, Corin, Department for Education (DFE)
Learning and Work Institute, corp creators.
Adult Participation in Learning Survey 2017.
Stokes, Lucy, Hudson-Sharp, Nathan, Dorsett, Richard, Rolfe, Heather, Anders, Jake, George, Anitha, Buzzeo, Jonathan and Munro-Lott, Naomi, Education Endowment Foundation (EEF)
National Institute of Economic and Social Research (NIESR)
National Centre for Social Research (NatCen), corp creators.
Mathematical reasoning.
Summerfield, Amy, Ministry of Justice, corp creator.
The representation of children in public law proceedings.
Sweeney, David, Research England, corp creator.
Knowledge exchange : Higher Education Innovation Fund : institutional strategies and plans.
Sykes, Robin, UK Parliament
House of Lords, corp creators.
House of Lords: Library briefing: School Funding in England: Debate on 29 November 2018.
Taubut, Martin, Agbato, Damilola and McCartney, Gerry, NHS Health Scotland, corp creator.
Working and hurting? : monitoring the health and health inequalities impacts of the economic downturn and changes to the social security system.
Tazzyman, Sarah, Bowes, Lindsey, Moreton, Rachel, Madriaga, Manny, McCaig, Colin, Sandhu, Jatinder, Welford, Joanna, Steer, Rebecca and Birkin, Guy, Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE)
CFE Research, corp creators.
National Collaborative Outreach Programme : year one report of the national formative and impact evaluation, including capacity building with NCOP consortia.
Thompson, Carol, Further Education Trust for Leadership (FETL), corp creator.
Finding the glass slipper : the impact of leadership on innovation in further education.
Thornto, Alex, Witsø, Charlotte, Menys, Rebecca and Hingley, Sarah, Department for Education (DFE)
Kantar Public
Oxford Brookes University, corp creators.
Learners and Apprentices Survey 2018.
Thornton, Alex, Hingley, Sarah, Edwards-Hughes, Emily, Boniface, Richard and Wilson, Gareth, Department for Education (DFE)
Kantar Public
RCU, corp creators.
College staff survey 2018.
Thurley, Djuna, UK Parliament
House of Commons, corp creators.
House of Commons Library: Briefing paper: Number CBP-8156, 20 February 2018: Universities Superannuation Scheme (USS).
Tripney, Janice, Gough, David, Sharples, Jonathan, Lester, Sarah and Bristow, Dan, Wales Centre for Public Policy (WCCP)
UCL Institute of Education, corp creators.
Promoting teacher engagement with research evidence.
Ure, Pete, Hooley, Tristram and Danso, Olivia, Careers & Enterprise Company, corp creator.
A level insight briefing : insight into the data behind the educational and career choices that young people make at 16 and 18. Full report.
Vibert, Simone, DEMOS
Shire Pharmaceuticals Limited, corp creators.
Your attention please: the social and economical impact of ADHD.
Vivian, David, Skone James, Zainab Hazel, Dominic Thomson, Andrew, Hazel, Zainab, Thomson, Dominic and Whittaker, Sam, Department for Education (DFE)
IFF Research, corp creators.
TEF and informing student choice: Subject-level classifications, and teaching quality and student outcome factors.
Wake, Daniel and Allinson, Katherine, Universities UK, corp creator.
Gone International: Expanding Opportunities: Report on the 2015-16 graduating cohort.
Walker, Matt, Straw, Suzanne, Worth, Jack and Grayson, Hilary, Department for Education (DFE)
National foundation for Educational Research, corp creators.
Early career CPD : exploratory research. November 2018.
Weldon, Matthew, Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Secondary school choice and selection : insights from new national preferences data.
Western, Simon and Shaw, Helen, Further Education Trust for Leadership (FETL)
Analytic-Network Coaching Ltd, corp creators.
Hidden leadership : exploring the assumptions that define further education leadership 2018.
White, Ben, Barwick, Tanya, Cook,, Esther, Donald, Lesley, Forde, Sarah, King, Stephen, Dann, Ruth and Sims, Sam, Ashford Teaching Alliance
University College London
Education Datalab, corp creators.
Reducing teacher workload.
White, Jane, NHS Health Scotland, corp creator.
Children’s social circumstances and educational outcomes.
Whitehead, Ross, Arnot, Julie, Armour, Gillian, Scott, Eileen and Reid, Garth, NHS Health Scotland, corp creator.
Youth health services : reviewing the benefits of a holistic approach.
Widdowson, John and King, Madeleine, Further Education Trust for Leadership (FETL), corp creator.
Higher education in further education : leading the challenge.
Williams, Joy, Buzzeo, Jonathan, Spiegelhalter, Kate and Dawson, Anneka, Careers & Enterprise Company, corp creator.
Careers Provision in Colleges: What Works?
Williams, Kirsty, Welsh Government, corp creator.
Written statement: Kirsty Williams: New curriculum and assessment arrangements: 26 June 2018.
Wilson, Chris and Hayes, Sarah, UK Parliament
Centre for Learning Innovation and Professional Practice
Aston University, corp creators.
Engaging with UK Parliament : a guide for UK Universities.
Wybron, Ian, DEMOS, corp creator.
“In a world of temptation, messages to promote healthy norms around gambling must be loud and clear…”: Reducing the odds: an education pilot to prevent gambling harms.
Zahawi, Nadhim, Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Speech : Nadhim Zahawi : Children and Families Minister addresses NCAS conference.
Zahawi, Nadhim, Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Speech: Nadhim Zahawi at the ADCS conference: 5 July 2018.
Zahawi, Nadhim, Department for Education (DFE), corp creator.
Speech: Nadhim Zahawi: National Learning Conference: 27 February 2018.
Zaidi, Ali, Howat, Colin and Rose, Heather, Department for Education (DFE)
ICF Consulting, corp creators.
FE workforce programme evaluation.
Zuccollo, James, Education Policy Institute (EPI), corp creator.
Winners and losers from the teachers’ pay grant.