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Items where Year is 2018

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Adams, Lorna, Tindle, Angus, Basran, Sabrina, Dobie, Sarah, Thomson, Dominic, Robinson, Deborah and Codina, Geri, Department for Education (DFE)
IFF Research
University of Derby, corp creators. (2018) Education, Health and Care plans: A qualitative investigation into service user experiences of the planning process. [ Research Report ]

Agur, Maya, Hallam, Rachel, Barber, Joanne, Meagher, Jane, Roberts, Lauren, Ross, Paul, Mitchell, Deanne and King, Ewan, Welsh Government
Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE), corp creators. (2018) A Rapid Evidence Assessment of the Effectiveness of Educational Interventions to Support Children and Young People with Autistic Spectrum Disorder. [ Social Research ]

Albakri, Muslihah, Basi, Tanya, Davies, Malen, Forsyth, Emma, Hopwood, Vicky, Patel, Rakhee, Skipp, Amy and Tanner, Emily, Department for Education (DFE)
NatCen Social Research
ASK Research, corp creators. (2018) Take-up of free early education entitlements. [ Research report (Department for Education) ]

Allen, Becky, Department for Education (DFE)
Teacher Workload Advisory Group, corp creators. (2018) Making data work : report of the Teacher Workload Advisory Group. October 2018.

Allison, Richard, Department for Education (DFE), corp creator. (2018) Academic performance of disadvantaged pupils in and out of London: an analysis. [ Research Report ]

Anders, Jake, Dorsett, Richard and Stokes, Lucy, Department for Education (DFE)
National Institute of Economic and Social Research, corp creators. (2018) The relative effectiveness of blended versus face-to-face adult English and maths learning. [ Research Report ]

Andrews, Jon, Education Policy Institute, corp creator. (2018) Access to special schools in England.

Andrews, Jon, Education Policy Institute (EPI), corp creator. (2018) Does the claim of ‘1.9 million more children in good or outstanding schools’ stack up?

Andrews, Jon, Education Policy Institute (EPI), corp creator. (2018) School performance in academy chains and local authorities : 2017.

Andrews, Jon and Lawrence, Tom, Education Policy Institute, corp creator. (2018) School funding pressures in England.

Ashman, Janine and Stobart, Gordon, Department for Education (DFE)
National College for Teaching and Leadership (NCTL)
St Peter’s Church of England Primary School
Institute of Education UCL (UCL IOE), corp creators. (2018) Reducing teacher workload : research report. [ Research Report ]

Atherton, Graeme and Mazhari, Tuba, AccessHE
London Higher, corp creators. (2018) Preparing for hyper-diversity: London’s student population in 2030.

Atkins, Richard, Department for Education (DFE), corp creator. (2018) Annual report of the Further Education Commissioner : 1 September 2016 to 31 August 2017.

Atkinson, Hannah, Bardgett, Suzanne, Budd, Adam, Finn, Margot, Kissane, Christopher, Qureshi, Sadiah, Saha, Jonathan, Siblon, John and Sivasundaram, Sujit, Royal Historical Society, corp creator. (2018) Race, Ethnicity & Equality in UK History: A Report and Resource for Change.

Axford, Nick, Lowther, Keira, Timmons, Luke, Bjornstad, Gretchen, Brook, Lucy, Webb, Laura and Sonthalia, Shreya, Public Health England, corp creator. (2018) Rapid review on safeguarding to inform the Healthy Child Programme 5 to 19.


Baird, Helen, Office for Students (OfS)
Advance HE, corp creators. (2018) Evaluation of safeguarding students catalyst fund projects. Thematic analysis report 1, September 2018.

Belfield, Chris, Britton, Jack, Buscha, Franz, Dearden, Lorraine, Dickson, Matt, van der Erve, Laura, Sibieta, Luke, Vignoles, Anna, Walker, Ian and Zhu, Yu, Department for Education (DFE)
Institute for Fiscal Studies, corp creators. (2018) The relative labour market returns to different degrees: Research report: June 2018. [ Research report ]

Belfield, Chris, Britton, Jack and Hodge, Louis, Institute for Fiscal Studies
Economic & Social Research Council (ESRC)
Universities UK, corp creators. (2018) Options for reducing the interest rate on student loans and introducing maintenance grants: IFS Briefing note BN221. [ IFS Briefing note ]

Belfield, Chris, Britton, Jack and van der Erve, Laura, Institute for Fiscal Studies
Economic & Social Research Council (ESRC), corp creators. (2018) Higher Education finance reform: Raising the repayment threshold to £25,000 and freezing the fee cap at £9,250: IFS Briefing note BN217. [ IFS Briefing note ]

Belfield, Chris, Crawford, Claire and Sibieta, Luke, Institute for Fiscal Studies
Nuffield Foundation
Economic & Social Research Council (ESRC), corp creators. (2018) Long-run comparisons of spending per pupil across different stages of education.

Belfield, Chris, Goll, David and Sibieta, Luke, Institute for Fiscal Studies
Economic & Social Research Council (ESRC)
Nuffield Foundation, corp creators. (2018) Socio-economic differences in total education spending in England: middleclass welfare no more: IFS Briefing Note BN242. [ IFS Briefing Note ]

Bharkhada, Bhavina and Long, Robert, UK Parliament
House of Commons, corp creators. (2018) House of Commons Library: Briefing Paper: Number 07819, 8 March 2018: Constituency casework: schools in Scotland. [ House of Commons Library Briefing Paper ]

Boe, Leo, Universities UK, corp creator. (2018) The scale of UK higher education transnational education 2015-16: trend analysis of HESA data.

Bolton, Paul, House of Commons Library
House of Commons
UK Parliament, corp creators. (2018) Higher education finance statistics. [ Briefing paper (House of Commons Library) ]

Bolton, Paul, House of Commons Library
UK Parliament, corp creators. (2018) Higher education funding in England. [ Briefing paper (House of Commons Library) ]

Bolton, Paul, UK Parliament
House of Commons, corp creators. (2018) House of Commons Library: Briefing paper: Number 1079, 18 June 2018: Student Loan Statistics. [ House of Commons Library Briefing Paper ]

Bolton, Paul, UK Parliament
House of Commons, corp creators. (2018) House of Commons Library: Briefing paper: Number 7857, 7 February 2018: Higher education student numbers. [ House of Commons Library Briefing Paper ]

Bolton, Paul, House of Commons Library
House of Commons
UK Parliament, corp creators. (2018) The value of student maintenance support. [ Briefing paper (House of Commons Library) ]

Bolton, Paul and Hubble, Sue, UK Parliament
House of Commons Library, corp creators. (2018) House of Commons Library: Briefing paper: Number 8389, 19 September 2018: Returns to a degree. [ House of Commons Library Briefing Paper ]

Bonetti, Sara, Education Policy Institute, corp creator. (2018) The early years workforce: a fragmented picture.

Bonetti, Sara and Brown, Kristen, Education Policy Institute, corp creator. (2018) Structural elements of quality early years provision : a review of the evidence. August 2018.

Boys, Jonathan, The Careers & Enterprise Company, corp creator. (2018) Updating the careers cold spots : updating The Careers & Enterprise Company prioritisation indicators.

Brien, Philip, House of Commons Library
House of Commons
UK Parliament, corp creators. (2018) UK funding from the EU. [ Briefing paper (House of Commons Library) ]

Brown, Thomas, UK Parliament
House of Lords, corp creators. (2018) House of Lords: Library briefing: Part-time and Continuing Education. [ House of Lords Library Briefing ]

Bryer, Nia, Davies, Rhys and Ynus, Suhaer, Welsh Government
OB3 Research
Administrative Data Research Centre (ADRC) Wales
Cardiff University, corp creators. (2018) Seren Network Evaluation. [ Social Research ]

Buchanan, Emily, Sharp, Caroline, Worth, Jack, Martin, Kerry, Bamford, Susie and Des Clayes, Zoe, Department for Education (DFE), corp creator. (2018) Evaluation of the Return to Teaching pilot programme. [ Research Report ]

Bull, Anna, Chapman, Emma, Page, Tiffany and Calvert-Lee, Georgina, The 1752 Group
McAllister Olivarius, corp creators. (2018) Recommendations for Disciplinary Processes into Staff Sexual Misconduct in UK Higher Education.

Bull, Anna and Rye, Rachel, University of Portsmouth
The 1752 Group, corp creators. (2018) Silencing students : institutional responses to staff sexual misconduct in UK higher education.

Butler, Louise, Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills (OFSTED), corp creator. (2018) Initial teacher education (ITE) inspection outcomes as at 30 June 2018. [ Official statistics ]


Callander, Ruth, Gunson, Russell and Murray, Chris, Further Education Trust for Leadership (FETL)
IPPR Scotland, corp creators. (2018) The future is coming : ready or not? : delivering a successful 21st century skills system for Northern Ireland and Scotland.

Callender, Claire and Thompson, John, The Sutton Trust, corp creator. (2018) The lost part-timers: The decline of part-time undergraduate higher education in England.

Carter-Davies, Lauren and Bristow, Dan, Public Policy Institute for Wales (PPIW), corp creator. (2018) Parental physical punishment : child outcomes and attitudes.

Chowdry, Haroon, Children's Commissioner for England, corp creator. (2018) Vulnerability Report 2018.

Christie, Christine, Department of Health and Social Care
Chanon Consulting, corp creators. (2018) A Trauma-informed Health and Care Approach for responding to Child Sexual Abuse and Exploitation: Current knowledge report.

Cirin, Rob and Lubwama, James, Department for Education (DFE), corp creator. (2018) Delayed school admissions for summer born pupils. [ Research Report ]

Coleman, Charley, UK Parliament
House of Lords, corp creators. (2018) House of Lords: Library Briefing: Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse: Debate on 20 December 2018. [ Library Briefing ]

Collingwood, Paul, Public Health England, corp creator. (2018) The wellbeing of 15 year-olds: further analysis of the 2014 What About YOUth? survey.

Connell-Smith, Anna and Hubble, Sue, UK Parliament
House of Commons Library, corp creators. (2018) Widening participation strategy in higher education in England. [ Briefing paper (House of Commons Library) ]

Conway, Lorraine, UK Parliament
House of Commons, corp creators. (2018) House of Commons Library: Briefing paper: Number CBP08198, 10 January 2018: Advertising to children.

Cornick, Peter, Morgan, Hannah and Howe, Shane, Department for Education (DFE)
NatCen Social Research, corp creators. (2018) Children’s Services Omnibus: Wave 4. [ Research report ]

Crenna-Jennings, Whitney, Education Policy Institute, corp creator. (2018) Vulnerable children and social care in England: a review of the evidence.

Crenna-Jennings, Whitney and Hutchinson, Jo, Education Policy Institute, corp creator. (2018) Access to children and young people’s mental health services: 2018.

Cromarty, Hannah, UK Parliament
House of Commons Library, corp creators. (2018) Childcare vouchers and tax-free childcare : frequently asked questions. [ Briefing paper (House of Commons Library) ]

Cuff, Benjamin M. P., Zanini, Nadir and Black, Beth, Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation (OFQUAL)
Strategy Risk and Research, corp creators. (2018) An exploration of grade inflation in ‘older style’ level 3 BTEC Nationals : 2006 to 2016. [ Research and analysis (Ofqual) ]

Cullinane, Carl and Montacute, Rebecca, The Sutton Trust, corp creator. (2018) Pay as you go? : internship pay, quality and access in the graduate jobs market.


Da Camara, Nishanthi Talawila, Boshnakova, Anelia, Ramsbottom, Anna and White, Alicia, Welsh Government, corp creator. (2018) A Rapid Evidence Assessment of the Effectiveness of Educational Interventions to Support Children and Young People with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. [ Social Research ]

Davies, Ruth, Lewis, Bonang, Odell, Thomas and Lewis, Melanie, Office for National Statistics (ONS), corp creator. (2018) Young people’s earnings progression and geographic mobility, England and Wales: tax year ending 2012 to tax year ending 2016.

Dawson, Anneka, Hey, Liz, Byford, Morwenna, Rickard, Catherine, Lucy, Dan and Newton, Becci, Department for Education (DFE)
Institute for Employment Studies, corp creators. (2018) Teachers’, leaders’ and governors’ views on the pay framework. [ Research report ]

Dempsey, Noel and Johnston, Neil, UK Parliament
House of Commons, corp creators. (2018) House of Commons Library: Briefing paper: Number CBP-7501, 14 September 2018: Political disengagement in the UK: who is disengaged? [ House of Commons Library Briefing Paper ]

Dickinson, Peter and Cullen, Mairi Ann, Department for Education (DFE), corp creator. (2018) Work experience and vocational/technical provision for young people on SEN support: A rapid evidence assessment. Final report, December 2018. [ Research report ]

Dominguez-Reig, Gerard and Robinson, David, Education Policy Institute, corp creator. (2018) UTCs: are they delivering for young people and the economy?

Donbavand, Steven, Sills-Jones, Polly and O’Prey, Llorenc, Welsh Government
Wavehill, corp creators. (2018) The Attitudes of Parents towards Managing Young Children’s Behaviour: Revised Report. [ Social Research ]

Donnelly, Michael and Gamsu, Sol, University of Bath
The Sutton Trust, corp creators. (2018) Home and away: Social, ethnic and spatial inequalities in student mobility.

Doughty, Trevor, Commissioner for Children’s Services in Surrey, corp creator. (2018) Report of the Non-Executive Commissioner for Children’s Services in Surrey.

Dunatchik, Allison, Wishart, Robert, Cartagena-Farias, Javiera and Smith, Neil, Department for Education (DFE)
NatCen Social Research, corp creators. (2018) Regional differences in attainment in the early years. [ Research Report ]

Dwyer, Peter, Department for Education (DFE), corp creator. (2018) Report into Children’s Services in Wakefield following inspection : report for the Secretary of State for Education.


Easton, Claire, Harland, Jennie, McCrone, Tamaris, Sims, David and Smith, Robert, Department for Education (DFE)
National Foundation for Educational Research (NFER), corp creators. (2018) Implementation of Opportunity Areas: An independent evaluation. [ Final Research report ]

Ellis, Gareth, Bell, Phil, Buckle, Linda, Sherlaw, Andy and Shenton, Andrew K., Department for Education (DFE)
National College for Teaching and Leadership (NCTL)
Whitley Bay High School, corp creators. (2018) Reducing teacher workload : research report into shared planning. [ Teacher workload challenge ]

Everitt, Julia, Neary, Siobhan, Delgardo Fuentes, Marco Antonio and Clark, Lewis, Careers & Enterprise Company, corp creator. (2018) Personal guidance: What works?


Fagence, Sam and Hansom, Josephine, Department for Education (DFE)
YouthSight, corp creators. (2018) Influence of finance on higher education decision-making. [ Research Report ]

Featherstone, Gill and Seleznyov, Sarah, Southwark Teaching School Alliance
UCL Institute of Education, corp creators. (2018) Reducing teacher workload. [ Research Report ]

Foster, David, UK Parliament
House of Commons Library, corp creators. (2018) Home education in England. [ Briefing paper (House of Commons Library) ]

Foster, David, House of Commons Library
House of Commons
UK Parliament, corp creators. (2018) House of Commons Library briefing paper : number 7951, 21 December 2018 : T Levels : reforms to technical education. [ Briefing paper (House of Commons Library) ]

Foster, David, House of Commons
UK Parliament, corp creators. (2018) House of Commons Library: Briefing paper: Number 5108, 23 May 2018: Home education in England. [ House of Commons Library Briefing Paper ]

Foster, David, UK Parliament
House of Commons Library, corp creators. (2018) House of Commons Library: Briefing paper: Number 6710, 17 October 2018: Initial teacher training in England. [ House of Commons Library Briefing Paper ]

Foster, David, UK Parliament
House of Commons Library, corp creators. (2018) House of Commons Library: Briefing paper: Number 6836, 10 October 2018: Physical education and sport in schools. [ House of Commons Library Briefing Paper ]

Foster, David, House of Commons, corp creator. (2018) House of Commons Library: Briefing paper: Number 6836, 8 June 2018: School Sport in England. [ House of Commons Library Briefing Paper ]

Foster, David, House of Commons
UK Parliament, corp creators. (2018) House of Commons Library: Briefing paper: Number 7019, 13 June 2018: 16-19 education funding in England since 2010. [ House of Commins Library Briefing Paper ]

Foster, David, UK Parliament
House of Commons, corp creators. (2018) House of Commons Library: Briefing paper: Number 7019, 7 November 2018: 16-19 education funding in England since 2010. [ House of Commons Library Briefing Paper ]

Foster, David, UK Parliament
House of Commons Library, corp creators. (2018) House of Commons Library: Briefing paper: Number 7222, 17 October 2018: Teacher recruitment and retention in England. [ House of Commons Library Briefing Paper ]

Foster, David, UK Parliament
House of Commons, corp creators. (2018) House of Commons Library: Briefing paper: Number 7222, 19 January 2018: Teacher recruitment and retention in England. [ House of Commons Library Briefing Paper ]

Foster, David, House of Commons
UK Parliament, corp creators. (2018) House of Commons Library: Briefing paper: Number 7222, 4 June 2018: Teacher recruitment and retention in England. [ House of Commons Library Briefing Paper ]

Foster, David, House of Commons
UK Parliament, corp creators. (2018) House of Commons Library: Briefing paper: Number 7357, 21 May 2018: Further Education: Post-16 Area Reviews.

Foster, David, House of Commons
UK Parliament, corp creators. (2018) House of Commons Library: Briefing paper: Number 7708, 13 June 2018: Adult further education funding in England since 2010. [ House of Commons Library Briefing Paper ]

Foster, David, House of Commons
UK Parliament, corp creators. (2018) House of Commons Library: Briefing paper: Number 7708, 27 March 2018: Adult further education funding in England since 2010. [ House of Commons Library Briefing Paper ]

Foster, David, UK Parliament
House of Commons Library, corp creators. (2018) House of Commons Library: Briefing paper: Number 7708, 4 December 2018: Adult further education funding in England since 2010. [ House of Commons Library Briefing Paper ]

Foster, David, House of Commons
UK Parliament, corp creators. (2018) House of Commons Library: Briefing paper: Number 8023, 5 June 2018: Safeguarding in English schools. [ House of Commons Library Briefing Paper ]

Foster, David, UK Parliament
House of Commons Library, corp creators. (2018) House of Commons Library: Briefing paper: Number 8023, 5 October 2018: Safeguarding in English schools. [ House of Commons Library Briefing Paper ]

Foster, David, House of Commons Library
House of Commons
UK Parliament, corp creators. (2018) Teacher recruitment and retention in England. [ Briefing paper (House of Commons Library) ]

Foster, David and Bolton, Paul, House of Commons
UK Parliament, corp creators. (2018) House of Commons Library: Briefing paper: Number 7905, 25 April 2018: Adult ESOL in England. [ House of Commons Library Briefing Paper ]

Foster, David and Long, Robert, House of Commons
UK Parliament, corp creators. (2018) House of Commons Library: Briefing paper: Number 6700, 17 April 2018: The Pupil Premium. [ House of Commons Library Briefing Paper ]

Foster, David and Powell, Andrew, UK Parliament
House of Commons, corp creators. (2018) House of Commons Library: Briefing paper: Number 7951, 8 January 2018: Technical education reforms. [ House of Commons Library Briefing Paper ]

Foster, David and Powell, Andrew, UK Parliament
House of Commons
House of Commons Library, corp creators. (2018) T levels : reforms to technical education. [ Briefing paper (House of Commons Library) ]

Foster, David, House of Commons
UK Parliament, corp creators. (2018) House of Commons Library: Briefing paper: Number 6710, 6 June 2018: Initial teacher training in England. [ House of Commons Library Briefing Paper ]

Fraser, Claire, Hill, Geoff, Snaith, Helen and Taffs, Jade, Research England, corp creator. (2018) Monitoring sector progress towards compliance with funder open access policies. [ Sector report ]

Fullerton, Rebecca and McGonagle, Stephen, Department for the Economy (Northern Ireland)
Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency, corp creators. (2018) Statistical Bulletin: Higher Level Apprenticeship Steady State in Northern Ireland: Academic Year 2017/18.


Gibb, Nick, Department for Education (DFE), corp creator. (2018) Nick Gibb : speech at the International Textbook Summit : 14 June 2018.

Gibb, Nick, Department for Education (DFE), corp creator. (2018) Speech : Nick Gibb : How can policy ensure education equity? : School Standards Minister addresses the Education World Forum (Tuesday 23 January).

Gibb, Nick, Department for Education (DFE), corp creator. (2018) Speech: Nick Gibb at the International Conference for the Teaching Profession: 23 March 2018.

Gibb, Nick, Department for Education (DFE), corp creator. (2018) Speech: Nick Gibb: Launch of Midland Knowledge Hub: 10 May 2018.

Gibb, Nick, Department for Education (DFE), corp creator. (2018) Speech: Nick Gibb: Teachers are taking control of their profession: 22 June 2018.

Gibson, Jennifer and Phull, Jaspal, Department for Work and Pensions (DWP), corp creator. (2018) Child Support Agency Quarterly Summary of Statistics: Data to March 2018.

Ginnis, Steven, Pestell, Emma, Mason, Emily and Knibbs, Sarah, Department for Education (DFE)
Ipsos MORI, corp creators. (2018) Newly qualified teachers : annual survey 2017. [ Research report (Department for Education) ]

Goddard, James, House of Lords
UK Parliament, corp creators. (2018) House of Lords Library: Library Briefing: World Autism Awareness Day, 2 April 2018. [ House of Lords Library Briefing ]

Goddard, James, UK Parliament
House of Lords, corp creators. (2018) House of Lords: Library briefing: Foreign Language Skills: Trends and Developments. [ House of Lords Library Briefing Paper ]

Goddard, John, Hazelkorn, Ellen, Upton, Stevie and Boland, Tom, Wales Centre for Public Policy (WCCP), corp creator. (2018) Maximising universities’ civic contribution :a policy paper.

Gorard, Stephen, Siddiqui, Nadia and See, Beng Huat, Education Endowment Foundation
Durham University, corp creators. (2018) Philosophy for children : evaluation report and executive summary.

Grainger, Paul and Spours, Ken, Think20 (T20)
Post-14 Centre for Education and Work
University College London (UCL) Institute of Education
Consejo Argentino para las relaciones internacionales (CARI)
CIPPEC, corp creators. (2018) Future of Work and Education for the Digital Age: A Social Ecosystem Model: A New Paradigm for Skills Development? [ T20 Argentina 2018 ]

Griffiths, Endaf, Bell, Mair, Parker, David and Parkinson, Andy, Welsh Government
Wavehill, corp creators. (2018) Evaluation of the Creative Learning through the Arts programme. [ Social Research ]

Gu, Qing, Heesom, Sarah, Williamson, Rebecca and Crowther, Kathryn, Department for Education (DFE)
National College for Teaching and Leadership (NCTL)
Transform Trust and Teaching School Alliance, corp creators. (2018) Reducing teachers’ unnecessary workload: the promise of collaborative planning. [ Teacher workload challenge ]

Gyimah, Sam, Department for Education (DFE)
Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS), corp creators. (2018) Speech : Sam Gyimah : The importance of international collaboration to research excellence : 28 May 2018.

Gyimah, Sam, Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS), corp creator. (2018) Speech : Sam Gyimah at Science and Technology Select Committee Summit, 22 February 2018.

Gyimah, Sam, Department for Education (DFE), corp creator. (2018) Speech: Sam Gyimah: A Revolution in Accountability: 28 February 2018.

Gyimah, Sam, Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS), corp creator. (2018) Speech: Sam Gyimah: Developing a UK-Ireland higher education and research partnership: 10 May 2018.

Gyimah, Sam, Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS), corp creator. (2018) Speech: Sam Gyimah: UKRI Research and Innovation Infrastructure Roadmap launch: 22 January 2018.


Hall, Michael, Jansson, Andrea, Thol, Carolin, Vaze, Prabhat and Owen, Robyn, Research England
Centre for Enterprise and Economic Development Research
Middlesex University, corp creators. (2018) Interim Evaluation of the UK Research Partnership Investment Fund : report to Research England by Belmana and the Centre for Enterprise and Economic Development Research, Middlesex University. July 2018.

Handscomb, Graham, Palmer, Lindsay, Couzens, Sarah and Cunningham, Rob, Department for Education (DFE)
National College for Teaching and Leadership (NCTL)
The Mead School, corp creators. (2018) Collaborate, Plan and Renew : teacher workload : reducing workload and increasing confidence through curriculum planning. [ Teacher workload challenge ]

Haves, Emily, House of Lords, corp creator. (2018) House of Lords: Library briefing: International Women’s Day: Steps Being Taken to Press for Gender Equality Globally Debate on 8 March 2018.

He, Qingping and Black, Beth, Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation (OFQUAL), corp creator. (2018) An investigation of the variability in grade outcomes in Extended Project Qualification : results from analysis of data from National Pupil Database. [ Report (Ofqual) ]

He, Qingping, Meadows, Michelle and Black, Beth, Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation (OFQUAL), corp creator. (2018) Teacher involvement in the development of confidential assessment materials. Consultation.

Herbert, Graham, Oates, Tim, Sherriff, Tim and Walker, Mick, Department for Education (DFE)
National College for Teaching and Leadership (NCTL), corp creators. (2018) Reducing teacher workload : the WOWS research project. [ Teacher workload challenge ]

Heselwood, Luke, Reform, corp creator. (2018) Gaining access : increasing the participation of disadvantaged students at elite universities.

Higton, John, Archer, Rachael, Robinson, Sarah, Richards, Sally and Choudhoury, Arifa, Department for Education (DFE)
CFE Research, corp creators. (2018) Evaluation of the area review process: Birmingham & Solihull and Tees Valley. [ Research Report ]

Higton, John, Leonardi, Sarah, Howe, Peter, Dickerson, Andy, McIntosh, Steven and Roberts, Jennifer, Department for Education (DFE)
CFE Research
University of Sheffield, corp creators. (2018) Evaluation of the Employer Ownership of Skills Pilot, Round 1: final report. [ Research Report ]

Hilhorst, Sacha, Lockey, Alan and Speight, Tom, DEMOS, corp creator. (2018) A society of readers.

Hinds, Damian, Department for Education (DFE), corp creator. (2018) Damian Hinds: Speech at the Education World Forum: 22 January 2018.

Hinds, Damian, Department for Education (DFE), corp creator. (2018) Speech : Damian Hinds : There are no great schools without great teachers : 10 March 2018.

Hinds, Damian, Department for Education (DFE), corp creator. (2018) Speech: Damian Hinds at the ADCS conference: 5 July 2018.

Hinds, Damian, Department for Education (DFE), corp creator. (2018) Speech: Damian Hinds speech at National Governance Association conference: 9 June 2018.

Hinds, Damian, Department for Education (DFE), corp creator. (2018) Speech: Damian Hinds: Education Secretary sets vision for boosting social mobility: 31 July 2018.

Hinds, Damian, Department for Education (DFE), corp creator. (2018) Speech: Damian Hinds: Speech at the National Association of Headteachers conference: 4 May 2018.

Hinds, Damian, Department for Education (DFE), corp creator. (2018) Speech: Damian Hinds: Technical Education Speech: 6 December 2018.

Hooley, Tristram, Careers & Enterprise Company, corp creator. (2018) What Works in Careers and Enterprise?

Hooley, Tristram and Andrews, David, Careers & Enterprise Company
Gatsby, corp creators. (2018) Understanding the role of the careers leader : a guide for colleges.

Hoya, Carmen, McCallum, Alex, Patel, Ash and Wilson, Tony, Ministry of Housing, Communities & Local Government
National Learning and Work Institute, corp creators. (2018) Measuring the impact of Community-Based English Language Provision: Findings from a Randomised Controlled Trial.

Hubble, Sue, House of Commons Library
House of Commons
UK Parliament, corp creators. (2018) The Office for Students. [ Briefing paper (House of Commons Library) ]

Hubble, Sue, House of Commons Library
UK Parliament, corp creators. (2018) Student support for undergraduates across the UK. [ Briefing paper (House of Commons Library) ]

Hubble, Sue, House of Commons Library
House of Commons
UK Parliament, corp creators. (2018) Transport provision for post-16 students in England. [ Briefing paper (House of Commons Library) ]

Hubble, Sue, Bellis, Alex and Bolton, Paul, House of Commons Library
House of Commons
UK Parliament, corp creators. (2018) The Erasmus programme. [ Briefing paper (House of Commons Library) ]

Hubble, Sue and Bolton, Paul, House of Commons Library
UK Parliament, corp creators. (2018) Cost of university courses in England. [ Briefing paper (House of Commons Library) ]

Hubble, Sue and Bolton, Paul, UK Parliament
House of Commons, corp creators. (2018) House of Commmons Library: Briefing paper: Number 8089, 19 January 2018: Student loan interest rates FAQs. [ House of Commons Library Briefing Paper ]

Hubble, Sue and Bolton, Paul, House of Commons, corp creator. (2018) House of Commons Library: Briefing paper: 8227, 3 May 2018: Vice-chancellors' pay in higher education institutions in England. [ House of Commons Library Briefing Paper ]

Hubble, Sue and Bolton, Paul, UK Parliament
House of Commons, corp creators. (2018) House of Commons Library: Briefing paper: CBP 8097, 3 January 2018: Prime Minister’s announcement on changes to student funding. [ House of Commons Library Briefing Paper ]

Hubble, Sue and Bolton, Paul, House of Commons
UK Parliament, corp creators. (2018) House of Commons Library: Briefing paper: Number 8089, 19 January 2018: Student loan interest rates FAQs. [ House of Commons Library Briefing Paper ]

Hubble, Sue and Bolton, Paul, UK Parliament
House of Commons, corp creators. (2018) House of Commons Library: Briefing paper: Number 8151, 19 February 2018: Higher education tuition fees in England.

Hubble, Sue and Bolton, Paul, UK Parliament
House of Commons, corp creators. (2018) House of Commons Library: Briefing paper: Number 8227, 20 June 2018: Vice-chancellors' pay in higher education institutions in England. [ House of Commons Library Briefing Paper ]

Hubble, Sue and Bolton, Paul, UK Parliament
House of Commons, corp creators. (2018) House of Commons Library: Briefing paper: Number CBP 7976, 21 February 2018: International and EU students in higher education in the UK FAQs. [ House of Commons Library Briefing Paper ]

Hubble, Sue and Bolton, Paul, House of Commons Library
UK Parliament, corp creators. (2018) Part-time undergraduate students in England. [ Briefing paper (House of Commons Library) ]

Hubble, Sue and Bolton, Paul, House of Commons Library
UK Parliament, corp creators. (2018) Update on the sale of student loans. [ Briefing paper (House of Commons Library) ]

Hubble, Sue and Bolton, Paul, House of Commons Library
House of Commons
UK Parliament, corp creators. (2018) Update on the sale of student loans. [ Briefing paper (House of Commons Library) ]

Hubble, Sue, Bolton, Paul and Bellis, Alexander, UK Parliament
House of Commons, corp creators. (2018) House of Commons Library: Debate pack: Number CDP-0044, 26 February 2018: Funding higher education. [ House of Commons Library Debate Pack ]

Hubble, Sue, Foster, David and Bolton, Paul, UK Parliament
House of Commons, corp creators. (2018) House of Commons Library: Briefing paper: Number 7049, 27 February 2018: Postgraduate loans in England. [ House of Commons Library Briefing Paper ]

Hunt, Emily, Education Policy Institute (EPI), corp creator. (2018) Secondary school choice in England.

Huskinson, Tom and Lohoar Self, Olivia, Department for Education (DFE)
IPSOS MORI, corp creators. (2018) Childcare and early years survey of parents 2017: follow-up survey. [ Research Report ]

Huskinson, Tom, Lohoar-Self, Olivia and Pickering, Kevin, Department for Education (DFE)
Ipsos MORI, corp creators. (2018) Childcare and Early Years Survey of Parents in England, 2018. [ Technical Report ]

Hutchings, Merryn and Francis, Becky, The Sutton Trust, corp creator. (2018) Chain effects 2018: The impact of academy chains on low-income pupils.

Hutchinson, Jo, Education Policy Institute (EPI)
The Bell Foundation, corp creators. (2018) Educational outcomes of children with English as an additional language.

Hutchinson, Jo, Robinson, David, Carr, Daniel, Hunt, Emily, Crenna-Jennings, Whitney and Akhal, Avinash, Education Policy Institute, corp creator. (2018) Education in England: Annual Report 2018.


Ilieva, Janet B., Universities UK
Universities UK International, corp creators. (2018) Five little-known facts about international student mobility to the UK. Analytical summary for UUKI.


Jarrett, Tim, UK Parliament
House of Commons Library, corp creators. (2018) Childcare : "30 hours" of free childcare – eligibility, access codes and charges (England). [ Briefing paper (House of Commons Library) ]

Jarrett, Tim, UK Parliament
House of Commons Library, corp creators. (2018) House of Commons Library: Briefing paper: Number 7771, 19 December 2018: Child maintenance: income in the CMS formula (including why gross income is used, and annual reviews). [ House of Commons Library Briefing Paper ]

Jarrett, Tim, Roberts, Nerys, Mackley, Andrew and Harker, Rachael, House of Commons Library
House of Commons
UK Parliament, corp creators. (2018) Supporting children in need into adulthood. [ Debate pack (House of Commons Library) ]

Jay, Alexis, Evans, Malcolm, Frank, Ivor and Sharpling, Drusilla, House of Commons, corp creator. (2018) Interim Report of the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse.

Jerrim, John, Greany, Toby and Perera, Natalie, Education Policy Institute (EPI)
UCL Institute of Education (IOE)
University College London (UCL), corp creators. (2018) Educational disadvantage : how does England compare?

Jones, Emily and Davies, Elizabeth, Department for Education (DFE)
Learning and Work Institute, corp creators. (2018) Exploring the funding and support for apprentices with additional support needs. [ Research Report ]

Joyce, Robert and Waters, Tom, Institute for Fiscal Studies
Economic & Social Research Council (ESRC)
Children's Commissioner for England
Children's Commissioner for Wales, corp creators. (2018) Free school meals under universal credit: IFS Briefing note BN232. [ IFS Briefing note ]


Keen, Richard, Honeysett, Larry, Roberts, Nerys and Foster, David, UK Parliament
House of Commons, corp creators. (2018) House of Commons Library: Debate pack: Number CDP-2018-0167, 29 June 2018: Spending of the Department for Education. [ House of Commons Library Debate Pack ]

Keep, Ewart, Further Education Trust for Leadership (FETL)
Association of Colleges (AOC)
Centre on Skills, Knowledge and Organisational Performance (SKOPE)
University of Oxford, corp creators. (2018) Scripting the future : exploring potential strategic leadership responses to the marketization of English FE and vocational provision. [ Monograph (FETL) ]

Kelly, Aine and Kelly, Caroline, Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology
UK Parliament, corp creators. (2018) Unpaid care. [ POSTnote ]

Kime, Stuart, Evidence Based Education, corp creator. (2018) Reducing teacher workload: the ‘Re-balancing Feedback’ trial. [ Research Report ]

King, Mary, Kafilat, Agboola, Perry, Tom and Bradbury, Megan, Hatcham College, Haberdasher's Aske's Federation
Centre for the Use of Research & Evidence in Education (CUREE), corp creators. (2018) Workload Challenge: KS5 Data. [ Research Report ]

Kitmitto, Sami, González, Raquel, Mezzanote, John and Chen, Yongqui, Education Endowment Foundation (EEF)
American Institute for Research (AIR), corp creators. (2018) Thinking, Doing, Talking Science.

Knibbs, Sarah, Lindley, Lucy, Swordy, David, Stevens, Jane and Clemens, Sam, Department for Education (DFE)
Ipsos MORI, corp creators. (2018) Omnibus survey of pupils and their parents/carers : research report wave 4. [ Research report (Department for Education) ]

Knibbs, Sarah and Stobart, Rowena, Department for Education (DFE)
Ipsos MORI, corp creators. (2018) NQT and provider-level response rates : exploratory research. [ Research report (Department for Education) ]

Knox, Kirsty, Department for Education (DFE), corp creator. (2018) School census 2018 to 2019 : business and technical specification, version 1.2.

Knox, Kirsty, Department for Education (DFE), corp creator. (2018) School census 2018 to 2019 : guide, version 1.3.

Krasodomski-Jones, Alex, Rudd de Oliveria, Matilda, Chauvet, Agnès and Glover, Ben, DEMOS, corp creator. (2018) Plugged in: social action on social media.


Lawlor, Sharon, Department of Education (DENI) (Northern Ireland), corp creator. (2018) Circular 2018/10 : recording children with SEN. [ Circular (DENI) ]

Lawson, Liz, Department for Education (DFE)
Ipsos MORI
Centre for Mental Health, corp creators. (2018) Community learning mental health research project : phase two evaluation report. October 2018. [ Research Report ]

Leicester, Andrew, Paull, Gillian and Wilson, Cavin, Department for Education (DFE)
Frontier Economics, corp creators. (2018) Evaluation guidance for 30 hours free childcare.

Leicester, Andrew, Paull, Gillian and Wilson, Cavin, Department for Education (DFE)
Frontier Economics, corp creators. (2018) Evaluation guidance for 30 hours free childcare.

Lennon, Martin, Children's Commissioner for England, corp creator. (2018) Children’s Mental Health briefing. [ Briefing ]

Lepanjuuri, Katriina, Cornick, Peter and Leach, Tom, Department for Education (DFE)
NatCen Social Research, corp creators. (2018) Children’s services omnibus: wave 3. [ Research Report ]

Long, Rob, Brown, Jennifer and Bellis, Alexander, UK Parliament, corp creator. (2018) House of Commons Library: Debate pack: Number CDP-0243, 13 November 2018: Anti-bullying week. [ House of Commons Library Debate Pack ]

Long, Robert, House of Commons Library
House of Commons
UK Parliament, corp creators. (2018) Counter-extremism policy in English schools. [ Briefing paper (House of Commons Library) ]

Long, Robert, House of Commons Library
House of Commons
UK Parliament, corp creators. (2018) House of Commons Library : Briefing paper : Number 04195, 7 December 2018 : School meals and nutritional standards (England). [ House of Commons Library briefing paper ]

Long, Robert, UK Parliament
House of Commons Library, corp creators. (2018) House of Commons Library: Briefing Paper: Number 06103, 11 February 2019: Relationships and Sex Education in Schools (England). [ House of Commons Library Briefing Paper ]

Long, Robert, House of Commons
UK Parliament, corp creators. (2018) House of Commons Library: Briefing Paper: Number CBP 07345, 11 April 2018: Counter-extremism policy in English schools. [ House of Commons Library Briefing Paper ]

Long, Robert, House of Commons
UK Parliament, corp creators. (2018) House of Commons Library: Briefing paper: Number 04195, 5 April 2018: Schools meals and nutritional standards (England). [ House of Commons Library Briefing Paper ]

Long, Robert, House of Commons
UK Parliament, corp creators. (2018) House of Commons Library: Briefing paper: Number 04195, 8 February 2018: School meals and nutritional standards (England). [ House of Commons Library Briefing Paper ]

Long, Robert, UK Parliament
House of Commons Library, corp creators. (2018) House of Commons Library: Briefing paper: Number 04195, 8 November 2018: School meals and nutritional standards (England). [ House of Commons Library Briefing Paper ]

Long, Robert, House of Commons
UK Parliament, corp creators. (2018) House of Commons Library: Briefing paper: Number 05396, 25 October 2018: Constituency casework: schools in England. [ House of Commons Library Briefing Paper ]

Long, Robert, UK Parliament
Houseof Commons, corp creators. (2018) House of Commons Library: Briefing paper: Number 06103, 1 August 2018: Relationships and Sex Education in Schools (England). [ House of Commons Library Briefing Paper ]

Long, Robert, House of Commons
UK Parliament, corp creators. (2018) House of Commons Library: Briefing paper: Number 06962, 31 March 2017: GCSE, AS and A level reform (England). [ House of Commons Library Briefing Paper ]

Long, Robert, House of Commons
UK Parliament, corp creators. (2018) House of Commons Library: Briefing paper: Number 07020, 20 April 2018: Special Educational Needs: support in England. [ House of Commons Library Briefing Paper ]

Long, Robert, UK Parliament
House of Commons Library, corp creators. (2018) House of Commons Library: Briefing paper: Number 07272, 2 November 2018: Summer-born children: starting school. [ House of Commons Library Briefing Paper ]

Long, Robert, House of Commons
UK Parliament, corp creators. (2018) House of Commons Library: Briefing paper: Number 07972, 30 May 2018: Independent schools (England). [ House of Commons Library Briefing Paper ]

Long, Robert, UK Parliament
House of Commons, corp creators. (2018) House of Commons Library: Briefing paper: Number 08414, 9 October 2018: School uniform costs in England. [ House of Commons Library Briefing Paper ]

Long, Robert, UK Parliament
House of Commons Library, corp creators. (2018) Personal, social, health and economic education in schools (England). [ Briefing paper (House of Commons Library) ]

Long, Robert, House of Commons Library
House of Commons
UK Parliament, corp creators. (2018) School meals and nutritional standards (England). [ Briefing paper (House of Commons Library) ]

Long, Robert, Bate, Alex and Bellis, Alexander, UK Parliament
House of Commons, corp creators. (2018) House of Commons Library: Debate pack: Number CDP-0163, 2 July 2018: Speech, language and communication support for children. [ House of Commons Library Debate Pack ]

Long, Robert and Bellis, Alexander, House of Commons Library
House of Commons
UK Parliament, corp creators. (2018) Deaf children's services. [ Debate pack (House of Commons Library) ]

Long, Robert, Bellis, Alexander and Steele, Selena, UK Parliament
House of Commons Library, corp creators. (2018) House of Commons Library: Debate pack: Number CDP-0265, 3 December 2018: Mental health and wellbeing in schools. [ House of Commons Debate Pack ]

Long, Robert and Bolton, Paul, House of Commons
UK Parliament, corp creators. (2018) House of Commons Library: Briefing paper: Number 06972, 6 June 2018: Faith Schools in England: FAQs. [ House of Commons Library Briefing Paper ]

Long, Robert and Danechi, Shadi, House of Commons Library
House of Commons
UK Parliament, corp creators. (2018) House of Commons Library briefing paper : Number 08444, 10 December 2018 : Off-rolling in English schools. [ Briefing paper (House of Commons Library) ]

Long, Robert and Danechi, Shadi, UK Parliament
House of Commons Library, corp creators. (2018) House of Commons Library: Briefing paper: Number 07388, 19 December 2018: Language teaching in schools (England). [ House of Commons Library Briefing Paper ]

Long, Robert and Danechi, Shadi, House of Commons Library
House of Commons
UK Parliament, corp creators. (2018) Off-rolling in English schools. [ Briefing paper (House of Commons Library) ]

Long, Robert, Foster, David and Roberts, Nerys, House of Commons, corp creator. (2018) House of Commons Library: Briefing paper: Number 07070, 15 May 2018: Grammar schools in England. [ House of Commons Library Briefing Paper ]

Long, Robert and Hubble, Sue, UK Parliament
House of Commons Library, corp creators. (2018) House of Commons Library: Briefing paper: Number 07236, 8 October 2018: Careers guidance in schools, colleges and universities. [ House of Commons Library Briefing Paper ]

Long, Robert and Hubble, Sue, UK Parliament
House of Commons, corp creators. (2018) House of Commons Library: Briefing paper: Number 07236, 9 January 2018: Careers guidance in schools, colleges and universities. [ House of Commons Library Briefing Paper ]

Long, Robert and Hubble, Sue, House of Commons, corp creator. (2018) House of Commons Library: Briefing paper: Number 08117, 7 June 2018: Sexual harassment in education. [ House of Commons Library Briefing Paper ]

Longfield, Anne, Children's Commissioner for England, corp creator. (2018) Kin and country : growing up as an Armed Forces child.

Longfield, Anne, Children's Commissioner for England, corp creator. (2018) Stability index 2018.

Longfield, Anne and Casey, Louise, Children's Commissioner for England, corp creator. (2018) Voices from the inside : the experiences of girls in Secure Training Centres.


Macdonald, Wendy, Beck, Sheila and Scott, Eileen, NHS Health Scotland, corp creator. (2018) Briefing on child poverty. March 2013, minor updates 2018.

Mackley, Andrew, House of Commons Library
House of Commons
UK Parliament, corp creators. (2018) Suicide prevention : policy and strategy. [ Briefing paper (House of Commons Library) ]

Magill, James, Nesbitt, Allan and French, Brian, Department for the Economy (Northern Ireland)
Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency, corp creators. (2018) Essential Skills Enrolments and Outcomes in Northern Ireland from 2002/03 to 2017/18.

Maher, Jo, Rooney, Keeva, Toomse-Smith, Mari, Kiss, Zsolt, Pollard, Emma, Williams, Matthew, Hunt, Will, Green, Martha and Huxley, Clare, Department for Education (DFE)
NatCen Social Research
Institute for Employment Studies, corp creators. (2018) Student income and expenditure survey 2014 to 2015. English report, March 2018. [ Research Report ]

Manning, Alan, Migration Advisory Committee, corp creator. (2018) Impact of international students in the UK. September 2018.

Marshall, Lydia, Lubian, Klaudia, Griggs, Julia, Chidley, Sandy, Basi, Tanya and Speight, Svetlana, Department for Education (DFE)
National Centre for Social Research (NatCen), corp creators. (2018) Survey of childcare and early years providers : 2018.

Martin, Maureen, Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education (QAA), corp creator. (2018) Trends in good practice from Higher Education Review 2013-16.

May, Theresa, Prime Minister's Office, corp creator. (2018) Speech: PM: The right education for everyone : Prime Minister, Theresa May, speaks at Derby College as she launches a review of post-18 education and funding. 19 February 2018.

May, Theresa, Prime Minister's Office, corp creator. (2018) Theresa May: Speech on science and modern Industrial Strategy: 21 May 2018.

McAdams, Rachel and Inglis, Greig, NHS Health Scotland
Scottish Collaboration for Public Health Research (SCPHRP), corp creators. (2018) Evaluability assessment of the Cost of the School Day programme: October 2018.

McAdams, Rachel, Scobie, Graeme and Tsagalidou, Melanie, NHS Health Scotland, corp creator. (2018) Case studies of local practice to reduce child poverty.

McGuinness, Feargal, UK Parliament
House of Commons, corp creators. (2018) House of Commons Library: Briefing Paper: Number 7096, 31 August 2018: Poverty in the UK: statistics. [ House of Commons Library Briefing Paper ]

McLean, Joanne, Dean, Lucy, Cheong, Chi Keng, Dougall, Isla, Hinchcliffe, Stephen, Mirani, Kasmita, Vosnaki, Konstantina and Wilson, Victoria, Scottish Government (Scotland)
ScotCen Social Research, corp creators. (2018) The Scottish Health Survey : 2018 edition : Volume 1, Main report. [ National statistics ]

Miles, Alice, Children's Commissioner for England, corp creator. (2018) A Crying Shame: A report by the Office of the Children’s Commissioner into vulnerable babies in England.

Miller, Nicola, Fincham, Kenneth, Finn, Margot, Holland, Sarah, Kissane, Christopher and Vincent, Mary, Royal Historical Society (RHS), corp creator. (2018) Promoting Gender Equality in UK History: A Second Report and Recommendations for Good Practice.

Mills, Martin and Thomson, Patricia, Department for Education (DFE)
IFF Research Ltd, corp creators. (2018) Investigative research into alternative provision. October 2018. [ Research Report ]

Milton, Anne, Department for Education (DFE), corp creator. (2018) Speech : Anne Milton at the Association of Colleges conference : 20 November 2018.

Milton, Anne, Department for Education (DFE), corp creator. (2018) Speech at Bett show 2018: Anne Milton : 24 January 2018.

Milton, Anne, Department for Education (DFE), corp creator. (2018) Speech: Anne Milton at the Association of Colleges Governance Summit: 14 March 2018.

Milton, Anne, Department for Education (DFE), corp creator. (2018) Speech: Anne Milton: at Sixth Form Colleges Association conference: 17 January 2018.

Milton, Anne, Department for Education (DFE), corp creator. (2018) Strategic guidance to the Institute for Apprenticeships, 2018-19.

Montacute, Rebecca, The Sutton Trust, corp creator. (2018) Access to advantage: The influence of schools and place on admissions to top universities.

Montacute, Rebecca, The Sutton Trust, corp creator. (2018) Internships: Unpaid, unadvertised, unfair. [ Research brief ]

Montacute, Rebecca, The Sutton Trust, corp creator. (2018) Potential for success : fulfilling the promise of highly able students in secondary schools.

Montacute, Rebecca and Cullinane, Carl, The Sutton Trust, corp creator. (2018) Parent power 2018 : how parents use financial and cultural resources to boost their children’s chances of success.

Morse, Amyas, National Audit Office (NAO)
UK Parliament
Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS)
Department for Education (DFE), corp creators. (2018) Delivering STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) skills for the economy. [ HC (Session 2017-2019) ]

Morse, Amyas, National Audit Office (NAO)
Department of Health & Social Care (DHSC)
NHS England
Health Education England, corp creators. (2018) Improving children and young people’s mental health services. [ HC (Session 2017-2019) ]


Narey, Martin and Owers, Mark, Department for Education (DFE), corp creator. (2018) Foster Care in England.

Newton, Becci, Hillage, Jim and Buzzeo, Jonathan, Department for Education (DFE)
Department for Work & Pensions, corp creators. (2018) Evaluation of the 18-21 Work Skills Pilot 1: final report. [ Research Report ]

Newton, Becci, Tamkin, Penny, Gloster, Rosie, Cox, Annette, Everett, Clare and Cotton, Jamie, Government Equalities Office
Institute for Employment Studies, corp creators. (2018) Rapid evidence assessment: parents' decisions about returning to work and child caring responsibilities. [ Research Report ]

Newton, Becci, Williams, Joy, Francis, Ruth, Gloster, Rosie, Buzzeo, Jonathan, Byford, Morwenna, Spiegelhalter, Kate and Esmond, Bill, Department for Education (DFE)
Institute for Employment Studies
International Centre for Guidance Studies (iCeGS), corp creators. (2018) Evaluation of the Industry Placements Pilot. [ Research report ]

Newton, Paul E., Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation (OFQUAL), corp creator. (2018) Grading Vocational and Technical Qualifications.

Nicholson, Wendy and Greenwood, Penny, Public Health England
Local Government Association
Association of Directors of Public Health
Department of Health
NHS England
Community Practitioners and Health Visitors Association
Institute of Health Visiting
Royal College of Nursing
School and Public Health Nurses Association
The Queen’s Nursing Institute, corp creators. (2018) Best start in life and beyond: Improving public health outcomes for children, young people and families: Guidance to support the commissioning of the Healthy Child Programme 0-19: Health visiting and school nursing services. [ Guidance ]


Panayiotou, Sally, Hingley, Sarah, Boulden, Kate, Kyriakopoulos, George, Romanou, Eleni, Dorsett, Richard, Anders, Jake, Stokes, Lucy, Weale, Martin, Smith, Jenny and Boyle, Andrew, Department for Education (DFE)
Kantar Public
Alpha Plus, corp creators. (2018) Quantitative programme of research for adult English and maths : longitudinal survey of adult learners.

Parkin, Elizabeth, Kennedy, Steven, Bate, Alex, Long, Rob, Hubble, Sue and Powell, Andrew, UK Parliament
House of Commons, corp creators. (2018) House of Commons Library: Briefing paper: Number 07058, 4 July 2018: Learning disability: overview of policy and services. [ House of Commons Library Briefing Paper ]

Parkin, Elizabeth, Kennedy, Steven, Bate, Alex, Long, Rob, Hubble, Sue and Powell, Andrew, House of Commons Library
House of Commons
UK Parliament, corp creators. (2018) Learning disability : policy and services. [ Briefing paper (House of Commons Library) ]

Parkin, Elizabeth, Long, Rob and Bate, Alex, UK Parliament
House of Commons, corp creators. (2018) House of Commons Library: Briefing paper: Number 07196, 1 August 2018: Children and young people’s mental health – policy, services, funding and education. [ House of Commons Library Briefing Paper ]

Pember, Susan, Further Education Trust for Leadership (FETL)
Association of Employment and Learning Providers (AELP), corp creators. (2018) Recognising excellence in the governance of independent training providers : research project. [ Monograph (FETL) ]

Pennacchia, Jodie, Jones, Emily and Aldridge, Fiona, Department for Education (DFE)
Learning and Work Institute, corp creators. (2018) Barriers to learning for disadvantaged groups : report of qualitative findings. [ Research report (Department for Education) ]

Poet, Helen, Sharp, Caroline, Garry, Jennifer, Harland, Jennie, Keightley, Gill, Kirkup, Catherine and Martin, Kerry, Department for Education (DFE)
National Foundation for Educational Research (NFER), corp creators. (2018) Assessment without levels : qualitative research. December 2018. [ Research report ]

Pollard, E, Gloster, R, Grigg, J and Comanaru, R, Institute for Employment Studies (IES)
National Centre for Social Research (NatCen), corp creators. (2018) Developing a Survey of PGT Students.

Powell, Andrew, House of Commons Library
UK Parliament, corp creators. (2018) Apprenticeship statistics : England. [ Briefing paper (House of Commons Library) ]

Powell, Andrew, UK Parliament
House of Commons, corp creators. (2018) House of Commons Library: Briefing paper: Number SN 06705, 28 December 2017: NEET: Young People Not in Education, Employment or Training. [ House of Commons Library Briefing Paper ]

Powell, Andrew, House of Commons Library
UK Parliament, corp creators. (2018) NEET: young people not in education, employment or training. [ Briefing paper (House of Commons Library) ]

Powell, Andrew, House of Commons Library
UK Parliament, corp creators. (2018) Student loan statistics. [ Briefing paper (House of Commons Library) ]

Powell, Andrew, House of Commons Library
House of Commons
UK Parliament, corp creators. (2018) Youth unemployment statistics. [ Briefing paper (House of Commons Library) ]

Protsiv, Ruslan, Pipola, Patricia and Welch, Graham F., St Patrick’s Catholic Primary School, Aquinas Teaching and Learning Trust
UCL Institute of Education, corp creators. (2018) Reducing teacher workload through ‘real-time’ personalised feedback. [ Research Report ]


Quigley, Alex, Muijs, Daniel and Stringer, Eleanor, Education Endowment Foundation (EEF), corp creator. (2018) Metacognition and self-regulated learning: guidance report.


Ramsden, Dragana J., Further Education Trust for Leadership (FETL), corp creator. (2018) Collaboration and leadership for improving mental health and wellbeing. [ Fellows (FETL) ]

Reed, Howard and Stark, Graham, Scottish Government (Scotland)
Virtual Worlds Research
Landman Economics, corp creators. (2018) Forecasting Child Poverty in Scotland.

Rhead, Stephen, He, Qingping, Black, Beth and Patchett, David, Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation (OFQUAL)
Ofqual's Strategy, Risk and Research Directorate, corp creators. (2018) What causes variability in centre level GCSE results year-on-year? Some further analysis. [ Research and analysis ]

Rhodes, Chris, UK Parliament
House of Commons, corp creators. (2018) House of Commons Library: Briefing paper: Number SN04223, 21 December 2018: Research & Development spending. [ House of Commons Library Briefing Paper ]

Rice, Patricia, School Teachers’ Review Body
Office of Manpower Economics (OME), corp creators. (2018) School Teachers’ Review Body : twenty-eighth report : 2018. [ Cm ]

Richardson, Rhian, Goodman, Paul, Flight, Sarah and Richards, Gill, Flying High Partnership
Hillside Primary and Nursery School, corp creators. (2018) Reducing teacher workload. [ Research Report ]

Richmond, Tom, Reform, corp creator. (2018) A degree of uncertainty: An investigation into grade inflation in universities.

Richmond, Tom, Reform, corp creator. (2018) The great training robbery: assessing the first year of the apprenticeship levy.

Roberts, Caireen, Steer, Toni, Maplethorpe, Natalie, Cox, Lorna, Meadows, Sarah, Nicholson, Sonja, Page, Polly and Swan, Gillian, Public Health England (PHE)
Food Standards Agency (FSA), corp creators. (2018) National Diet and Nutrition Survey : results from years 7 and 8 (combined) of the Rolling Programme (2014/2015 – 2015/2016).

Roberts, Nerys, House of Commons
UK Parliament, corp creators. (2018) House of Commons Library: Briefing paper: Number 06798, 16 April 2018: The school curriculum in England. [ House of Commons Library Briefing Paper ]

Roberts, Nerys, UK Parliament
House of Commons Library, corp creators. (2018) SATs and primary school assessment in England. [ Briefing paper (House of Commons Library) ]

Roberts, Nerys, House of Commons Library
House of Commons
UK Parliament, corp creators. (2018) School funding in England : FAQs. [ Briefing paper (House of Commons Library) ]

Roberts, Nerys and Abreu, Laura, House of Commons
UK Parliament, corp creators. (2018) House of Commons Library: Briefing paper: Number 07091, 18 April 2018: School inspections in England: Ofsted. [ House of Commons Library Briefing Paper ]

Roberts, Nerys and Abreu, Laura, UK Parliament
House of Commons, corp creators. (2018) House of Commons Library: Briefing paper: Number 07091, 5 November 2018: School inspections in England: Ofsted. [ House of Commons Library Briefing Paper ]

Roberts, Nerys and Foster, David, UK Parliament
House of Commons, corp creators. (2018) House of Commons Library: Briefing paper: Number 6710, 10 January 2018: Initial teacher training in England. [ House of Commons Library Briefing Paper ]

Robinson, Carol and Pedder, David, Department for Education (DFE)
National College for Teaching and Leadership (NCTL)
University of Brighton, corp creators. (2018) Workload challenge research projects : overall summary. [ Research report (Department for Education) ]

Rodgers, Heidi and Waugh, Iain, Department of Health (Northern Ireland), corp creator. (2018) Children adopted from care in Northern Ireland 2017/18. [ Statistical bulletin ]


Sadler, Katharine, Vizard, Tim, Ford, Tamsin, Marchesell, Franziska, Pearce, Nicola, Mandalia, Dhriti, Davis, Jodie, Brodie, Ellie, Forbes, Nick, Goodman, Anna, Goodman, Robert and McManus, Sally, National Health Service (NHS)
Department of Health and Social Care
NatCen Social Research
Office for National Statistics
Youth in Mind, corp creators. (2018) Mental Health of Children and Young People in England, 2017. [ Official Statistics ]

Schwan, Kaitlin, French, David, Gaetz, Stephen, Ward, Ashley, Akerman, Jennifer, Redman, Melanie and Stirling, Tamsin, Public Policy Institute for Wales (PPIW), corp creator. (2018) Preventing youth homelessness : an international review of evidence.

Scott, Edward, House of Lords Library
House of Lords
UK Parliament, corp creators. (2018) Careers Education and Advice : debate on 6 September 2018. [ Research briefing (House of Lords Library) ]

Scott, Edward, UK Parliament
House of Lords, corp creators. (2018) House of Lords: Library Briefing: Music Education in Schools: Debate on 18 October 2018. [ House of Lords Library Briefing ]

Scott, Jane and Daniel, Brigid, Scottish Government (Scotland)
Centre for Child Wellbeing and Protection, University of Stirling, corp creators. (2018) Tackling Child Neglect in Scotland: Follow-up survey 2016.

Scott, Peter, Scottish Government (Scotland)
Commissioner for Fair Access, corp creators. (2018) Discussion Paper: Retention, Outcomes and Destinations.

Secretary of State for Health and Social Care, Department of Health (DH), corp creator. (2018) Government Response to the House of Commons Health Select Committee report on Childhood obesity: Follow-up, Seventh Report of Session 2016-17. [ Command paper ]

Sellen, Peter, Huda, Naseef, Gibson, Sarah and Oliver, Lizzie, Education Policy Institute
CooperGibson Research, corp creators. (2018) Evaluation of Universal Infant Free School Meals. January 2018.

Sharples, Jonathan, Albers, Bianca and Fraser, Stephen, Education Endowment Foundation, corp creator. (2018) Putting evidence to work : a school's guide to implementation. Guidance Report.

Shepherd, Claire, Hanson, Jill and Dodd, Vanessa, University of Derby
Department for Education (DFE), corp creators. (2018) Experiences of Education, Health and Care plans: a multivariate analysis. [ Research Report ]

Sibieta, Luke, Education Policy Institute (EPI), corp creator. (2018) The teacher labour market : a perilous path ahead?

Sibieta, Luke, Education Policy Institute (EPI), corp creator. (2018) The teacher labour market in England : shortages, subject expertise and incentives.

Sibieta, Luke, Belfield, Chris and Farquharson., Christine, Institute for Fiscal Studies
Nuffield Foundation
Economic & Social Research Council (ESRC), corp creators. (2018) 2018 Annual Report on Education Spending in England.

Smith, Robert, Sharp, Caroline, Sims, David, Millar, Sarah, Nossiter, Jo, Menys, Rebecca and Rush, Chloe, Department for Education (DFE)
National Foundation for Educational Research (NFER), corp creators. (2018) Teacher Voice Omnibus Survey : March 2018. [ Research report (Department for Education) ]

Speckesser, Stefan, Runge, Johnny, Foliano, Francesca, Bursnall, Matthew, Hudson-Sharp, Nathan, Rolfe, Heather and Anders, Jake, Education Endowment Foundation (EEF)
National Institute of Economic and Social Research (NIESR), corp creators. (2018) Embedding Formative Assessment : evaluation report and executive summary.

Stanistreet, Paul, Further Education Trust for Leadership (FETL), corp creator. (2018) Reimagining lifelong learning : a brief history of an idea. [ Occasional papers (FETL) ]

Stevens, Connor, Jones, Emily, Aldridge, Fiona and Egglestone, Corin, Department for Education (DFE)
Learning and Work Institute, corp creators. (2018) Adult Participation in Learning Survey 2017. [ Research Report ]

Stokes, Lucy, Hudson-Sharp, Nathan, Dorsett, Richard, Rolfe, Heather, Anders, Jake, George, Anitha, Buzzeo, Jonathan and Munro-Lott, Naomi, Education Endowment Foundation (EEF)
National Institute of Economic and Social Research (NIESR)
National Centre for Social Research (NatCen), corp creators. (2018) Mathematical reasoning.

Summerfield, Amy, Ministry of Justice, corp creator. (2018) The representation of children in public law proceedings. [ Ministry of Justice Analytical Series ]

Sweeney, David, Research England, corp creator. (2018) Knowledge exchange : Higher Education Innovation Fund : institutional strategies and plans. [ Circular letter ]

Sykes, Robin, UK Parliament
House of Lords, corp creators. (2018) House of Lords: Library briefing: School Funding in England: Debate on 29 November 2018. [ House of Lords Library Briefing ]


Taubut, Martin, Agbato, Damilola and McCartney, Gerry, NHS Health Scotland, corp creator. (2018) Working and hurting? : monitoring the health and health inequalities impacts of the economic downturn and changes to the social security system.

Tazzyman, Sarah, Bowes, Lindsey, Moreton, Rachel, Madriaga, Manny, McCaig, Colin, Sandhu, Jatinder, Welford, Joanna, Steer, Rebecca and Birkin, Guy, Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE)
CFE Research, corp creators. (2018) National Collaborative Outreach Programme : year one report of the national formative and impact evaluation, including capacity building with NCOP consortia.

Thompson, Carol, Further Education Trust for Leadership (FETL), corp creator. (2018) Finding the glass slipper : the impact of leadership on innovation in further education. [ Fellows (FETL) ]

Thornto, Alex, Witsø, Charlotte, Menys, Rebecca and Hingley, Sarah, Department for Education (DFE)
Kantar Public
Oxford Brookes University, corp creators. (2018) Learners and Apprentices Survey 2018. [ Research report ]

Thornton, Alex, Hingley, Sarah, Edwards-Hughes, Emily, Boniface, Richard and Wilson, Gareth, Department for Education (DFE)
Kantar Public
RCU, corp creators. (2018) College staff survey 2018. [ Research report (Department for Education) ]

Thurley, Djuna, UK Parliament
House of Commons, corp creators. (2018) House of Commons Library: Briefing paper: Number CBP-8156, 20 February 2018: Universities Superannuation Scheme (USS). [ House of Commons Library Briefing Paper ]

Tripney, Janice, Gough, David, Sharples, Jonathan, Lester, Sarah and Bristow, Dan, Wales Centre for Public Policy (WCCP)
UCL Institute of Education, corp creators. (2018) Promoting teacher engagement with research evidence.


Ure, Pete, Hooley, Tristram and Danso, Olivia, Careers & Enterprise Company, corp creator. (2018) A level insight briefing : insight into the data behind the educational and career choices that young people make at 16 and 18. Full report.


Vibert, Simone, DEMOS
Shire Pharmaceuticals Limited, corp creators. (2018) Your attention please: the social and economical impact of ADHD.

Vivian, David, Skone James, Zainab Hazel, Dominic Thomson, Andrew, Hazel, Zainab, Thomson, Dominic and Whittaker, Sam, Department for Education (DFE)
IFF Research, corp creators. (2018) TEF and informing student choice: Subject-level classifications, and teaching quality and student outcome factors. [ Research Report ]


Wake, Daniel and Allinson, Katherine, Universities UK, corp creator. (2018) Gone International: Expanding Opportunities: Report on the 2015-16 graduating cohort.

Walker, Matt, Straw, Suzanne, Worth, Jack and Grayson, Hilary, Department for Education (DFE)
National foundation for Educational Research, corp creators. (2018) Early career CPD : exploratory research. November 2018. [ Research Report ]

Weldon, Matthew, Department for Education (DFE), corp creator. (2018) Secondary school choice and selection : insights from new national preferences data. [ Research Report ]

Western, Simon and Shaw, Helen, Further Education Trust for Leadership (FETL)
Analytic-Network Coaching Ltd, corp creators. (2018) Hidden leadership : exploring the assumptions that define further education leadership 2018.

White, Ben, Barwick, Tanya, Cook,, Esther, Donald, Lesley, Forde, Sarah, King, Stephen, Dann, Ruth and Sims, Sam, Ashford Teaching Alliance
University College London
Education Datalab, corp creators. (2018) Reducing teacher workload. [ Research Report ]

White, Jane, NHS Health Scotland, corp creator. (2018) Children’s social circumstances and educational outcomes.

Whitehead, Ross, Arnot, Julie, Armour, Gillian, Scott, Eileen and Reid, Garth, NHS Health Scotland, corp creator. (2018) Youth health services : reviewing the benefits of a holistic approach.

Widdowson, John and King, Madeleine, Further Education Trust for Leadership (FETL), corp creator. (2018) Higher education in further education : leading the challenge. [ Monograph ]

Williams, Joy, Buzzeo, Jonathan, Spiegelhalter, Kate and Dawson, Anneka, Careers & Enterprise Company, corp creator. (2018) Careers Provision in Colleges: What Works?

Williams, Kirsty, Welsh Government, corp creator. (2018) Written statement: Kirsty Williams: New curriculum and assessment arrangements: 26 June 2018.

Wilson, Chris and Hayes, Sarah, UK Parliament
Centre for Learning Innovation and Professional Practice
Aston University, corp creators. (2018) Engaging with UK Parliament : a guide for UK Universities.

Wybron, Ian, DEMOS, corp creator. (2018) “In a world of temptation, messages to promote healthy norms around gambling must be loud and clear…”: Reducing the odds: an education pilot to prevent gambling harms.


Zahawi, Nadhim, Department for Education (DFE), corp creator. (2018) Speech : Nadhim Zahawi : Children and Families Minister addresses NCAS conference.

Zahawi, Nadhim, Department for Education (DFE), corp creator. (2018) Speech: Nadhim Zahawi at the ADCS conference: 5 July 2018.

Zahawi, Nadhim, Department for Education (DFE), corp creator. (2018) Speech: Nadhim Zahawi: National Learning Conference: 27 February 2018.

Zaidi, Ali, Howat, Colin and Rose, Heather, Department for Education (DFE)
ICF Consulting, corp creators. (2018) FE workforce programme evaluation. [ Research report ]

Zuccollo, James, Education Policy Institute (EPI), corp creator. (2018) Winners and losers from the teachers’ pay grant.

This list was generated on Fri Mar 28 05:15:26 2025 UTC.